Agroterrorism term . It is spelled out in Wikipedia but the concept does not absorb what is happening now. No author could have imagined even in a terrible dream what the world and the nation-states with their officials would reach state terrorists. The phenomenon is also called agricultural terrorism - a malicious attempt to disrupt / destroy the agricultural industry and / or the food supply system of the population by "malicious use of plants or animal pathogens, cause devastating diseases in the agricultural sector. 

This is due to the concept of biological warfare, chemical warfare, and entomological warfare. You see friends, the boundary between government agencies and large companies receiving budget allocations for the production of poison for the population in the form of a vaccine 💉 injection is erased. Now it is difficult to separate an official who is on the maintenance of terrorists from private structures. Everything turned into a single mafia syringe and injection for the population. 

A hostile attack on the agricultural environment, including infrastructures and other processes around the world, the synchronicity of actions can not be seen only blind and deaf. The process of causing significant damage to national territories is in full swing to fulfill the planned agenda of crazy officials of the State Bioterrorists to establish a New International Totalitarian Order.

More recently, all covid sites on the Internet bypassed a shocking video from Australia, in which the police, using manipule-built astronauts and flanks on horseback, attacked the market in Melbourne:

Perhaps many considered this action a local lawlessness of cops and blamed on excesses in the fight against the false pandemic. However, not everything is so simple, Friends.

With the beginning of the worldwide special operation, the crown 👑 many sites on the network where all this is discussed, but the public there is mostly urban. Residents of rural areas are busy, they have no time, and many generally live quite remotely from the world. As a result of the lack of reporting from farmers, the peoples had a very one-sided impression of the fight against evil microbes. Perhaps many believe that the state destroys the business of small shopkeepers and prevents the delivery of fresh seafood to Harlem. But it's much worse and not at all.

On YouTube for several years there is a channel as Ice Age Farmer Resources, specializing in agricultural problems that few people are interested in. And there came video messages from farmers in Australia, California, New Zealand and other countries, officials in which behave inadequately, these people conduct agricultural terrorism. 

In the video below, a man tells how some official wandered into his farm and began to look for tuberculosis in cows. Then the official left, and a little later the farmer received a paper ordering to destroy half of the herd. And for a person this is a disaster, because here the question is not even in money, but in the fact that he knows his animals by name and each of them has a whole family history from the age of calf:

And this man's officials turned life into a real circus: since the border between the districts is now guarded more strictly than the state one, so that it is not crossed by the virus, the farmer cannot buy his sheep food from a neighbor-supplier and he was offered to carry hay by plane:


Along the way, Videos with farmers at Ice Age Farmer Resources have accumulated and a lot of videos with reviews in the situation as a whole. Quarantine, which is designed to ruin business, including farmers, tied hand and foot due to restrictions, farmers in many states and countries plow the fields, and did not begin to harvest them. This phenomenon has a name - agro terrorism in the field of agriculture and food security of different countries of the world. And the reason is banal – the lack of access for farmers to markets, since the usual chain of supply and sale of products is broken. The farmer loses the economic and moral incentive to grow a new product.

And if after this analysis you look at the dispersal of the market in Melbourne - then you should understand, Friends, what is really happening! That is, the riders did not disperse the buyers themselves in the market - they blocked and dispersed the sellers! At the same time, if a buyer who was driven from the bazaar simply goes to the supermarket and buys food there, spending more money and getting worse products, then the farmer has nowhere to go - except to try to sell his vegetables to a neighbor who grows fruit, for example. And this is called commodity exchange, where even money 💵 💴 not present. Understand? There are no other options. 

In the spring of 2021, a video was played, in which farmers poured milk into the sewers, everything was perceived as a short flash of idiocy and a temporary phenomenon. But this phenomenon has lasted for more than six months and there is no end and edge to this. And there is also no idiocy and excesses in this, since everything is planned by Lokstep, and the closed part of the publications is a real huge terrorist plan! Everything, everything, goes according to the same scenario and happens the same everywhere. 

If some ghoul decided to treat cows for tuberculosis by the death penalty - it is unlikely that he chose one farm for bullying - just one person made a video message, and others did not do it and the reasons are also clear. People are threatened! But this ghoul who runs the district has a boss who has a couple of dozen of them in a particular area. Can the main ghoul give the order to only one ghoul? 

No, it can't. Similar documents (telephone law) with the order to kill cows / sheep / pigs were received and others were in charge of the field. Along with the order, they received payment for these actions and receive payment in various hidden forms.

The same applies to problems with crossing administrative boundaries, and the dispersal of bazaars. The fact that small businesses collapse as a result of this has been clear for a long time. The main task is to kill agriculture. 

Why? The organizers of the special operation corona 👑 virus 🦠 need a holodomor. They need hunger to bind large masses of free and independent people to state aid (rations), and for this ration, the global government will demand compliance with its requirements on a rigid list, including obtaining food stamps and receiving electronic money for good behavior tied to a QR code 🔐 passports. All this is in the plan for 100% for the organization of a totalitarian control system: if you want to eat - make an injection, live a chip, substitute your forehead under the barcode, do not want - suck your finger and chew grass with nettles.

World hunger cannot be caused at the touch of a button. A complex of terrorist actions is necessary: fires, floods, slaughter of ⛏ livestock, destruction of crops, destruction of the fields of sowing of crops, accidents and so on. 

Multi-vector, multidirectional complexes of terrorist activities and many groups are needed. Therefore, at the same time and around the world, the burning of forests and crops, drought, floods, diligent terrorist work of administrators on the ground to come up with different measures to ruin people and adopt by-laws - there is a plan of terrorists. And blocking and direct killing of animals is a frank and the most final touch and stage, after which there is practically nothing to do - the food shortage is realized by itself. Thus, the Third Seal will be removed - when the quinix of wheat will be for the denarius.

We are already seeing the rise in prices and the beginning of deficits. For example, there is now a wild rice shortage in the Asia-Pacific region. Countries rushed to buy it from each other – and there is no rice. Obviously, in the coming months, the rest of the products will begin to disappear in this way, so the national military should not follow the development of these events idly by, since before the Third Seal the Second will be removed - civil conflicts and a war is possible, which, most likely, is already on the threshold.

United States military courts are trials conducted by the U.S.

military or state military. Military field courts are most often convened to try U.S. military personnel for criminal violations of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ), which is the criminal code of the U.S. armed forces. However, they may also be convened for other purposes, including military tribunals and the observance of martial law in the occupied territory. Federal military field courts are governed by the rules of procedure and evidence set out in the Manual for Military Field Courts, which contains the Rules for Military Field Courts, the Military Rules of Evidence, and other instructions. The state military field courts shall be governed by the laws of the state concerned. The American Bar Association has issued a model of the State Code of Military Justice, which has influenced relevant laws and procedures in some states. Military field courts are adversarial trials, as are all criminal courts in the United States. That is, lawyers representing the Government and the accused present the facts, legal aspects and arguments most favorable to each party; a military judge decides questions of law, and members of the collegium (or a military judge in the case of a sole judge) decide on the fact. The State National Guard (Air Force and Army) may convene summary and special military courts to hear peacetime war crimes committed by non-federalized Guards pilots and soldiers, as well as federal military courts. The State National Guard's right to convene military tribunals is under Title 32 of the U.S. Code. In states where there is an armed force (state guard) that is not part of the National Guard, regulated by the federal government, military courts are convened on the basis of state laws. From the earliest days of the United States, military command played a central role in the administration of military justice. The American military justice system, inherited from its British predecessor, predates the Articles of Confederation and the Constitution. While military justice in the United States has undergone significant changes over the years, the convening body remains a tool for selecting a panel for military field courts. Tribunals for the trial of war criminals coexisted with the early history of armies. Modern military field courts are deeply rooted in systems that preceded written military codes and were designed to bring order and discipline to the armed, and sometimes barbaric, warring forces. Both the ancient Greeks and Romans had codes of military justice, although their written versions have not survived. Moreover, almost every form of military tribunal involved a trial before a group or members of one type or another .

              U.S. 🇺🇸 

And now David, you're going to give all the money 💰. You will give everything to the very last cent. Take off your drogo suit, put on a prison robe and go bitch to the uranium mines in Africa. There you will work with a wheelbarrow and a pickaxe ⛏. You will not be sad David in the team of comrades from the oval office you will atone for your guilt before the United States and the world for the attack on the world and conspiracy - a state crime of particular gravity and rigidity. 
The end of the project taken as the basis of this agricultural terrorist attack can be read in the second part of our material. The blood of 🩸 in the veins will be cool from the horror that the state bioterrorists have planned ⬇️

We have all seen false quarantine introduced in different countries, it is this false quarantine that allegedly paralyzed the economic life of states for the health of citizens. This has led to the fact that employees living from paycheck to paycheck, and not monthly, but weekly and even daily, or who did not have any savings and who officially do not exist for the authorities were left without means of subsistence and without food.

These people began to seize shops, ambushed the roads and looted food camioons in Italy. This is accompanied by accompanying riots, but this was not the case in the information space of the world media.

To prevent this, the authorities of some regions of Italy have introduced a system of food cards. Depending on the adequacy of power, this problem was solved in different countries in different ways. From food stamps in Italy to the refusal to prosecute food thieves to satisfy hunger in France.

Where did such a monstrous Lockstep come from David Rockefeller and his young neo friend Marx Klaus Schwab with his ''Great Reset''?

Yes, everything is very simple, Friends, they borrowed the theoretical and practical works of the Bolsheviks.

The destruction of the so-called "kulaks" (farmer 👨 🌾) after the Bolshevik coup in 1917 immediately led to a shortage of food, because their farms produced more than 9 million tons of grain per year. Already in 1929 in many cities of Russia bread rations amounted to 300-400g. per person. Almost all those who died of starvation were Soviet peasants who did not receive any rations, and emergency grain procurement commissions raked out their food supplies cleaned up. Cordons of the OGPU were put up on the roads so as not to let the peasants distraught from hunger into the cities. It came to eating the corpses of fallen animals and cannibalism.

However, Stalin and the Central Committee defined a common course: to put pressure on the peasants, to squeeze the maximum out of them, and to spit on hunger. 

In a letter to Molotov on August 6, 1930, Stalin wrote: "Force the export of grain with all your life. That's the nail now. If we take out the bread, there will be loans." 

Source: RGASPI. F. 588. Op. 1. D. 5388. L. 116ob. Manuscript. Autograph. Published: Letters of I.V. Stalin to V.M. Molotov. 1925−1936: Sat. Documents. M., 1995. p. 194. 

On August 24, 1930, Stalin continued: "It would be necessary to raise (now) the rate of daily export to 3-4 million poods at least." It was an "export on the bones", the price of death from starvation of millions of Soviet citizens. According to the calculations of Doctor of Historical Sciences V.P. Danilov, only the rejection of grain exports in 1932 would have allowed to feed about 7 million people according to the norms of prosperous years - exactly as many as they became victims of the famine in 1933 On February 1, 1931, Stalin approved the proposal of the Commissar for Grain Procurement in Siberia Y.E. Rudzutak to ensure the implementation of the grain distribution plan by confiscating insurance and consumer funds from collective farmers. "

Soviet atomic bomb RDS-2, accompanied by KGB officers, is towed to the Carrier Tu-4, 1954

Ϻɾ. 𑀝αʈʈɭε Βɾεεɗεɾ 🐄

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