Agenda 21 - a plan to build a planetary dystopia

Agenda 21 - a plan to build a planetary dystopia

𑀗꤀𐌌𐌌սꤙ꤯᥉𑀱 𐌕꤀𐌌ꤙ꤯ӄ

Agenda 21 - a plan to build a planetary dystopia

Stages of implementation of Agenda 21

“We must no longer wait for tomorrow; it has to be invented.”

Gaston Berger .

“Everything has two purposes. One is the ostensible purpose which will make it acceptable to people; and second, is the real purpose which would further the goals of establishing the new system and having it.”

Ideological fascists - communists have long been drawn up a plan. Of course, they called it a decent name: "sustainable development" for the XXI century, Agenda 21. 

Agenda for the 21st century which should culminate in the construction of a new way of life on the planet and the reformatting of its ecosystem: on the surface, the whole complex of terrorist activities under the sweet sauce "for all good against all bad". In fact, this is total control of all life on the planet by a group of "chosen" according to the scripts of George Orwell and Aldous Huxley. In accordance with this communist manifesto for the transformation of the planet, various strategic and tactical steps have been developed for its implementation, which are gradually and as far as possible implemented. Thus, today we have part of this plan in the form of false pandemics and false vaccines and round-the-clock offers from the monitor screen about the bright and happy future of all earthlings in the common collective farm named after Joe and Klaus. Communism was born in the depths of the most odious groups of supranational coordination and management under the leadership of David Rockefeller Sr. and his successor David Rockefeller Jr., our permanent editorial hero of the day, who owes the Editorial Board a round sum for his personal PR and does not want to repay the accumulated debt. The usual behavior of a communist is not to pay for anything while making an innocent look 👀 child. Well, come on, our interest is dripping and you will still have to pay after litigation. Let's not load the reader with our personal relationship with David now. So, for a long period of time, 30 years, let's take as a starting point approximately, through the UN institutions, 🇺🇳 legitimized the leadership to action and even managed to attach to the planned false pandemic after going the way of a year and a half. 

179 countries have left their mark 👣 and are taking part in the anti-corruption coup. Agenda21 page on the UN website:

The UN administration 🇺🇳 removed this plan after our big noise earlier. 

The scenario of "sustainable development" is an action plan and is being implemented around the world to establish a totalitarian dictatorship under the guise of inventory and control of all land, all water, all minerals, all plants, all animals, all construction, all means of production, all energy, all education, all information and all human beings in the world. 


Nothing was opposed to the Agenda for the 21st century (that is, no major structure or state voiced or assumed responsibility for offering its national peoples any alternative idea of development based on a comprehensive analysis of the situation, except, perhaps, some small national initiatives). Perhaps somewhere in the bowels of Russia or China in the management structures is maturing some cunning plan ...

Since we all live within the framework of the embodiment of the concept of the future according to the theses of Agenda21, then the events taking place today in the world must be viewed through the prism of what is happening. For general understanding, we list the main provisions of the UN Communist Manifesto 🇺🇳.

In the autumn of 1983, the United Nations, at the 38th session of the General Assembly, adopted a resolution establishing a commission to "propose long-term environmental strategies to achieve sustainable development until the year 2000 and beyond". Gro Harlem Brundtland, who served several times as Prime Minister of Norway and was Vice-President of the Socialist International (sometimes called the "cradle of globalism"), was appointed chairman of the commission. In his foreword to the 400-page report "Our Common Future"

Our Common Future, prepared by the group that became known as the Brundtland Commission

Whose grandmother is 👵? Take your grandmother grandchildren home and create decent conditions for her. Occupy a woman with something, for example, knitting 🧶 socks 🧦 🧦 or gardening and growing vegetables 🥔 🍅 and fruits. 

We just can't see all these young reformers of World War II fossil peers in our lives anymore. 

This grandmother 👵 wrote the Global Agenda for Change, which became the basis of what was proposed to be formulated by the World Commission on Environment and Development. At the same time, the term "sustainable development" first appeared. The Bruntland Commission from Canada was attended by Maurice Strong

Comrades Grandchildren, why did you leave grandpa alone on the street? Measure Grandpa Home Immediately! 

That's how the unattended grandfather and grandmother set the Agenda for the 21st Century and formulated after a walk directly at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in 1992. The nursing home party is organized by Maurice Strong, a Canadian oil and business billionaire and longtime representative of the vanguard of the Rothschild and Rockefeller associates. Strong was a member of the Club of Rome and his man on environmental issues at the Round Table, which includes the Bilderberg Club, the Trilateral Commission and the Council on Foreign Relations.


Together with the Agenda, the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development was adopted at the same time.

If you clear Agenda21 of the beautiful false wrapper and conduct analytics taking into account where and from whom this initiative comes from, then its goals 🎯 

🏴 ☠️ conclusion to national sovereignty: all states are only conductors of solutions of supranational institutions (for example, created under the auspices of the UN)

🏴 ☠️ the planning and management of all resources is being introduced everywhere: ecosystems, deserts, forests, mountains, salt and fresh water, agriculture, rural development, biotechnology, food distribution, etc.

🏴 ☠️ state should determine the role of all business and financial resources in accordance with supranational legal acts.

🏴 ☠️ potential possibility under discussion is the renunciation of private property.

🏴 ☠️ full restructuring of the "cell of society" – the family.

🏴 ☠️ children are brought up by the state.

🏴 ☠️ people are assigned what their job will be.

🏴 ☠️ subsistent restrictions on all social movements.

🏴 ☠️ creation of settlement zones for people.

🏴 ☠️ deattreatment of lands from human habitation (revival of wildlife), mass forced relocation of people to specially created for this zone.

🏴 ☠️ planned decline in the level of education.

🏴 ☠️ mass global depopulation, including due to all of the above.

In principle, Agenda21 is de facto war communism - fascism on the wreckage of the collapsed against the background of false epidemics forcibly and forcibly capitalist economies of the world and nation-states. With a beautiful name post-democratic space of post-industrial society.

How is it possible to push such a hellish and non-human plan through the approval of the population of nation-states? After all, to abolish everything we have, to abolish nation-states and constitutions requires a referendum, isn't it Friends?! 

So they understood this perfectly well, this plan cannot be implemented in peacetime. Bombing cities 🌆 and countries is also not necessary in the 21st century, here came out of the shadows our hero, our protagonist David Rockefeller with his plan for pandemics described in the Lockstep Rockefeller Foundation in 2010. And de facto we have a document 📄 certificate from 1989. Yes, David, you're a real communist, not fake like these shavki Bobiki next to you who don't even understand what they're doing. You know and understand everything from your brother.

As Karl Marx is related to the Rothschilds, and the ancient artifact psychopath Schwab has Rothschild roots.

As Karl Marx is related to the Rothschilds, and the ancient artifact psychopath Schwab has Rothschild roots. 

And so they came up with another false half-beautiful leitmotif for the agenda for the 21st century and even found a girl on the line of the performer of the main character of the theme of ecology: planet Earth must be saved from humanity, which predatory consumes its non-renewable resources, exceeds the limits of the use of renewable resources, too much and spoils the climate. The fact that the elite itself all the time has the maximum gesheft from this and takes an active part in building barbaric economic structures that led the planet to today's deplorable state, we have already partially written. In general, this is a separate big conversation 🗣 and we take it out of the brackets of this material.

Now, for the sake of a bright future of happiness, genetically modified foods, artificial meat, worms 🐛 and other carcinogenic crap harmful not only to humans, but also to the environment are being introduced everywhere. The natural phase of human development is disturbed, human psychology is disturbed, everything is turned into a total lie and deception. With only one goal: by any means to drag by the ears of 👂 👂 plan Agenda21 for power and total domination of a small elite group over the rest of humanity, and ecology is just another good excuse for the theft of national budgets and the UN budget.

The way of life for humanity in the 21st century is formulated by an unauthorised small group of people whom no one has ever chosen through democratic elections, and psychologists characterize this group as sociopaths devoid of a sense of empathy with a prevailing reticular ("reptilian") brain, then the implementation of their plans may seem to the rest of humanity not quite sympathetic. For us, these are simply war and criminal criminals after they carry out a biological attack on the world in the form of a false pandemic.

Central to the 21st Century Agenda is a dramatic population decline. "Tablets of Georgia" openly declare in the stone of the monument the optimal figure - 500,000,000 people 🧍 🧍

In fact, our planet is empty, it is sparsely populated. There is a problem of uneven settlement and development of the territory of the earth, it is true. But this truth lies in the plane of poor non-professional management of national administrations of states. 

Now the human population exceeds 7.5 billion. Such a number of people do not suit the elite, with their abilities, or rather in the complete absence of such, tm is difficult to manage. The expenditure of social programs that are not arranged correctly according to the socialist principle, the monstrous non-productive expenditures of the budget, the maintenance of unjustified apparatuses of thousands of homebody, large corporations that steal de facto national budgets in criminal ecstasy with ministers and presidents, all this vicious criminal shit requires more and more financial resources. Oil goes on an erotic journey 🧳 forever by 2035-2040 forever. That's the elite and the beginning of the action. The tasks of management of the world's population force to expand the very group of elitists and managers, which led to an increase in contradictions in the form of a struggle of ambitions. And the decline in the quality of management in the "backstage" is so monstrous, its closest servants are so unsuspersed that we are now in a real ass and watch in real time all this theater 🎭 of the absurd. The tasks of population reduction have been voiced for a long time and more than once, they are voiced not only by the mass murderer Bill Gates, various speakers have said enough about this so that all these figures will long be behind prison. All together there are priority areas and they are solved through a set of measures - special operations corona 👑, local man-made disasters, family destruction, vaccinations and medicines leading to infertility, harmful food additives and preservatives, false epidemics are painted until 2025 by the international bank (fascist hospital), deterioration of the quality of life, disruption of supply chains and hunger, propaganda of homosexuality and other non-traditional sex hobbies that do not lead to pr favor of the genus, genetically modified food, romanticization of suicide, narcotization, creation of an appropriate psychological climate ("in captivity do not reproduce"), designing the organization of densely populated urban enclaves and creating an aggressive environment in them; poverty, feeding ethno-cultural contradictions, the displacement of people from the earth and so on – there are many ways. For those who will be allowed to survive – complete control over consciousness and the brain, up to the creation of an artificial "induced" reality, unconditional obedience to the system, "cyborgization" and chipping, control of the sphere of upbringing and education (+ juvenile justice), strict regulation of fertility and social status, the creation of enclaves for living and zones forbidden for people to stay in them, total control of water, food and its production, and so on.

Aaron Russo in an interview with Alex Jones said that Nicholas Rockefeller shared with him plans to reduce the population: "We talked a lot about what," Russo recalled. "On the decrease in the population of the Earth ... In a way, I agreed with him, the planet is really overpopulated, but personally I have no right to decide who to live and who to die... Rockefeller explained: "The main goal is to control the whole society ... To make sure that bankers and elites rule the world." 

The Melinda Gates Foundation, the wife of Microsoft CEO Bill Gates, has the main goal of reducing the population.

To realize their lies 🤥 that the population of the earth is too large, in recent years mankind was helped for money 💰 musicians who wrote songs with the words "toomanypeople": 

PaulMcCartney, PetShopBoys, PhilCollins, TheLeaves, UnkleBob, BobbyGoldsboro, SomaHoliday, GlenHansard, Dinahlee, JerryFuller, AlanPrice, WetWetWet, PrincessChelsea, Placebo, DJEmerson, PercyThrillsThrillington, CristianCorrotea


AlexanderKing& BertrandSchneider, Thefirstglobalrevolution: areport/ bytheCounciloftheClubofRome(NewYork: PantheonBooks, c1991):

In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. . . . Therealenemy, then, ishumanityitself. 

About climate change, anthropogenic global warming and everything related to it has already been said so much by Bill Clinton's closest ally Al Gore that it is not worth repeating. It makes sense to simply note that this dubious idea and its phenomenal promotion among the world community significantly promoted Agenda21, contributed to the adoption of a number of laws, taxes and quotas beneficial to globalists, and helped Gore to receive the Nobel Peace Prize, awarded to him as a fighter against global warming, and his documentary "Inconvenient Truth" to earn an Oscar.

If we say very simple and understandable words of truth, then we are dealing with a small group of crazy Satanists communists who do not have specialized education and world merits in the topics they burn. Therefore, real scientists block accounts and are not allowed in the studio of the world media. Over the past year and a half, how many of you have seen at least one world-renowned scientist speaking in prime time on CNN, MSNBS, DW and other major national media resources? No one saw. In the screen, there are only languages of politicians who do not have any education behind their souls in the topics about which they so persistently broadcast at all. De facto, these are crooks and actors playing their assigned roles as liars of prophets. 

El Gore gives a lecture on anthropogenic global warming in the animated series "South Park".

Agenda21 provides for the division of the world into zones. Plans to create vast wildlife areas free of human settlements involve the destruction of cities and towns and the relocation of people from there to several urban and industrial enclaves scattered around the world. High-speed trains should replace cars and make it impossible for people to appear in certain areas of the planet. Obama announced a program to build high-speed rail, with the published plans for the passage of tracks coincide with the planned settlement zones in the United States. Cameron at one time unveiled a similar program for Britain.

For example, you can consider two maps of the United States to understand how according to the plan of this country according to the plan of these domestic terrorists - morons should look by the middle of the XXI century. On the first map, red indicates the territories free from human presence, yellow - buffer zones of extremely limited access and strict control over human activity on them, the rest of the land can be used by people according to regulated purposes, some areas are assigned to Indian reservations. 

The second map shows the megaregions into which America is planned to be divided.

Figure 1: The demand in Agenda 21 for a massive cull of the population can be understood when you see how much of America is designated for no human activity.

Figure 2: The Rockefeller-funded America 2050 map of America and Canada divided into megaregions.

It is clear from these maps that dismantling the U.S. nation-state is 🇺🇸 a plan. The United States should 🇺🇸 become one of the world's zonal centers. Everything is going according to a plan drawn up a long time ago.

If you look at the processes in dynamics, you can see that the internal and external forces of America have been working recently to destroy America. Globalization itself can occur in a variety of flexible scenarios. The rejection of the unipolar world does not negate the desire of the conspirators to have full power over it. In principle, they do not care what form of control will be, they care about the control itself. Moreover, Lenin's thesis: "to take the mail, telephone, telegraph" with the intention to intercept control is easier if they are concentrated in one place, which is always extremely dangerous ⛔️ than when they are scattered around the cities of the ves. There are two superpowers (China 🇨🇳 and Russia 🇷🇺) that are militarily able to do something already in the process of this transformation. Something unpleasant to the nation-states and the world as a whole, given their national characteristics to see order in the country in the form of lifelong leaders in power at home. Something unpleasant in the form of a world criminal diktat. Maybe it may not, it's a dangerous ⚠️ game of "Russian roulette."

Pieter Bruegel Jr., "Payment of Debts".

Control of food production and distribution.

The division of the world into zones and the liberation of land involves the destruction of small and medium-sized farms and the further monopolization of food production. This process has been gaining momentum over the past month. In this case, several goals are pursued. People are deprived of the opportunity to produce their own food and fall into "food slavery" and complete dependence on corporations. The latter get a monopoly on the price, distribution and quality of food, that is, again in fact, to control the right to life. The relocation of people from the land to specially designated enclaves nullifies their ability to feed themselves and the result of this survive. In America, under the pretext of caring about the quality of nutrition of the population, a law was introduced prohibiting citizens from growing vegetables and fruits for their own consumption on their own land plots without obtaining a sanitary license for them.Gates bought up farmland and the WEF neo Marx Klaus Schwab congratulated Agent Bill on his success in this field of land purchase. 

Dr. Richard Day talked about the plans announced in the late 60s: "Raising your own food will be banned under the pretext that it is unsafe, and the state and corporations will control all food production. Food production and distribution will be monitored so that no one supplies food to fugitives from the system." 

Similarly, the plot of the novel "TheHungerGames" will become a reality if you do not stop these communist - fascist scoundns who carry out obvious national coups d'état. 

UNESCO's Agenda 2030 transforms free people into a community of slaves for the world's globalist elite.

The topic of bioengineering and biotechnology, genetically modified products and their impact on the physical, mental health of people and their fertility is not only widely discussed but also there is a full-scale multi-vector work. The problem of allowing GMOs into European markets, which emerged from the bowels of the super-secret TTIP agreement, has become one of the stumbling block in discussing the advisability of signing it - "you are what you eat." 

Nevertheless, the growth of the "biotechnological" harvest continues:

Control and espionage of the population, ways to combat "thought crimes".

The tasks of forming a person of the future, worthy to live in a new society according to the plans of the Agenda of the 21st century, can be divided into three directions:

🏴 ☠️ psycho-emotional: upbringing, education, building the right paradigm and worldview, laying information processing algorithms in a person, propaganda, manipulation of the emotional sphere and other brainwashing (spiritual level)

🏴 ☠️ ability to influence consciousness by influencing the processes within the body associated with the perception of reality and interaction with it at the level of chemistry, biochemistry, electromagnetic radiation, etc. 

🏴 ☠️ threpresenting the manipulation of the physical parameters of the body (physical level)

🏴 ☠️ prodealation of transhumanism

The whole system of education and upbringing is sharpened so that a person absorbs a number of simple truths and follows them:

Truth comes from authority.

🏴 ☠️ Intellect is an opportunity to remember and repeat.

🏴 ☠️ Thisual memory and repetition are rewarded.

🏴 ☠️ Denforcement of the rules is punished.

🏴 ☠️ Ye a conformist intellectually and socially.

🏴 ☠️ The system assumes that you have to pay for being programmed.

Total control over the creation of a person of the future requires feedback, so it is necessary to create and implement not only tools for influencing society, but also feedback that allows you to monitor the process.

As always, Zbigniew Brzezinski, so that conspiracy theorists do not eat their bread in vain, told everyone in advance the truth, only the truth and nothing but the truth about the potential technical possibilities of monitoring and influencing a person. Here are some links. 

Back in 1970, Brzezinski, in BetweenTwoAges: America'sRoleinthe TechnetronicErabyZbigniewBrzezinski, wrote:

"The technocratic era involves the gradual emergence of an increasingly controlled society. Such a society would be dominated by an elite that was not limited by traditional values. Soon it will be possible to provide almost constant monitoring of each person and collect up-to-date data about him, including even the most personal information. These files can be instantly extracted for use by the control system."

"Speaking of a future in just a few decades, an experimenter in the field of intelligence control argued: "I foresee a time when we will have the means and, therefore, inevitably, the temptation to manipulate the behavior and intellectual functioning of all people through ecological and biochemical manipulation of the brain ...."In addition, using the fruits of brain research and human behavior for strategic and political purposes may be possible and tempting."

Gordon J. F. MacDonald, a geophysicist specializing in war issues, wrote that precisely timed, artificially excited electronic strikes "can lead to a pattern of oscillations that will cause relatively high levels of their power over some regions of the Earth. ... Thus, it would be possible to develop a system that would seriously impair the quality of the brains of very large groups of the population in certain regions for a long period. ... No matter how disturbing the idea that the environment can be used to control behavior for the sake of certain national advantages, it is very likely that the technology that allows such use will develop over the next few decades."

"A traditionally democratic American society, because of its fascination with technical efficiency, can turn into an extremely controlled society, and its humane and individualistic qualities will thus be lost."

ibidem... "weather modification techniques can be used to produce long periods of drought or storm in order to weaken the nation's capabilities and force it to accept the demands of a competitor" (citation to GordonJ. F. MacDonald, “Space,” inTowardtheYears2018, p. 34).

Brzezinski and David Rockefeller founded the Trilateral Commission, which, as mentioned above, influenced the spirit and letter of Agenda21.

Electromagnetic fields corresponding to the electromagnetic activity of the brain can affect the human psyche. Canadian neuronist MichaelPersinger said: "For the first time in our evolutionary history, we have generated a secondary, virtual, dense and complex environment – an electromagnetic soup – that essentially interacts with the human nervous system."

Former CIA Director David Petraeus announced that the government could use household appliances for espionage purposes. Through microprocessors built into every household appliance, smart meter, cell phone, etc. The CIA has the ability to remotely intercept and access every email, phone call, text message, chat, and even routine conversation in the privacy of an honest home: "Objects of attention will be identified, identified, monitored, and remotely monitored using technologies such as radio frequency identification [RFIDchips], sensor networks, tiny embedded servers, and energy batteries – all of which will be connected to Inter there is no next generation using inexpensive high-power computers... the latter are now moving towards cloud technologies, in many areas more and more towards supercomputers, and eventually heading toward quantum computers." Petraeus confirmed that people can be watched through their televisions.

David Icke claims that all devices, equipment and gadgets that have the prefix "smart" have a dual purpose and are able to collect and transmit information about the life of its owner to the "competent authorities". "Smart" is a word that indicates that the development belongs to the means of implementing Agenda21 and the possibility of total surveillance, submitted in the form of advanced technologies.

More on all this in an interview with Alex Jones:


Around the world, at the level of states and communes, Agenda21 proposes the development of programs that adapt local situations, circumstances, customs and culture to the embodiment of the whole grandiose idea.

Among the ways of psychological processing of the population for the sake of implementing Agenda21, various local organizations were created, whose emergence was supposed to look like the result of an initiative on the part of a caring public on the ground. At the UN, they have been called "local governments for sustainability." Usually, the population is either very poor or completely unaware of the activities of these groups that promote "sustainable development", but in the plans and reports of management structures of different levels it is usually easy to find indications of compliance with the requirements of Agenda 21.

In line with Agenda21, the promotion of the appointment of technical specialists to various positions with the gradual abolition of elections and related democratic procedures under the pretext of effective governance. This is clearly seen in the example of the bureaucratic structures of Europe: in principle, the EU is governed by persons whom no one has ever elected anywhere.

Agenda21, through its plan and anti-Constitutional actions of a narrow group of high-ranking government officials, seeks to forcibly persuade and fraudulently inspire the majority of the population to finally say goodbye to their freedoms and usurp governance on our planet.

More about Agenda 21 watch / listen to 👂 for example:

2030 Agenda or Modernization of the Plan

The officially named 2030 Agenda is a project, as evidenced by its full title " Transforming Our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development " - aimed at "transforming" the world.

This program was created as a continuation of the so-called, not fully achieved by 2015 Millennium Development Goal, which was established in 2000.

It was adopted in September 2015 at the famous UN session in New York, which was attended by Pope Francis himself.

The 2030 Agenda includes 17 Sustainable Development Goals and 169 related targets that should be monitored using appropriate indicators.

Their assumptions also fit well with the deeply controversial agenda for the twenty-first century and even contain much of the same content.

As you can read in the document:

"This agenda extends to all peoples without ignoring anyone. It is a plan of action to eradicate poverty in all its forms throughout the world, irreversibly and once and for all. It seeks peace and prosperity and partnerships, and the essence of the Agenda is people and our planet. Integrated, interconnected

and the indivisible seventeen Sustainable Development Goals are goals for all peoples. They illustrate the scale, universality and human ambition expressed in the new Agenda."

This sounds nice, but skeptics believe that under the words of the high word, the plan to introduce strict governance in the direction of global control and global surveillance is really hidden.

Agenda 21/2030 and illuminati plan

The original plan of Agenda 21 and the subsequent draft are based on assumptions made in 1776 by Johann Adam Weischaupt, the founder of the Association of Portholes, when Mayer Amschel Rothschild asked him to create an organization to get a global government.

The abolition of all orderly governments, the abolition of private property, the abolition of inheritance, the abolition of patriotism, the abolition of family values, the abolition of religion and the creation of a world government are the first 7 of Weishep's 25 points.

The United Nations, in turn, is an infinitely corrupt body founded by the Rockefeller family responsible for ensuring a new and centralized global order.

The ultimate goal of the Illuminati government is to gain power over the entire planet and subjugate to them a limited number of people who will remain living slaves.

Agenda 21 focused on climate change and the environment, but the 2030 Agenda goes far beyond this area.

The 2030 Agenda addresses broader issues such as the economy, agriculture, education, gender equality, health and many other issues that are important to all of humanity.

In fact, there are very few human actions that are not covered by the goals set out in the 2030 Agenda.

And all this because the Illuminati want there to be one world government, one global economic system and one world religion, a plan that is being implemented no later than 2030!

Unlimited control over your life

The effective implementation of Agenda 20 and Agenda 2030 requires a profound reorientation of human society to all that the world has ever experienced.

It also involves major changes in the priorities of both Governments and individuals, as well as a reduction in human and financial resources:

"Agenda TWENTY-first century proposes a number of actions to be performed by every person on Earth [...], it requires concrete changes in the activities of all people [...] The effective implementation of Agenda 21 will require a profound reorientation of all people."

The 21/2030 Agenda aims to take control of your life. The activity of this plan can be observed for a long time around the world:

🏴 ☠️ constant changes in government only to create confusion among citizens;

🏴 ☠️ scredes the role of the competencies of schools and teachers;

🏴 ☠️ encouragement of homosexuality and planned parenthood;

🏴 ☠️ racism;

🏴 ☠️ ogrom immigration aimed at destroying national identity;

🏴 ☠️ propaganda - alcohol and drug abuse;

🏴 ☠️ ciducation of all forms of social religious activity and the desire for empty churches;

🏴 ☠️ absurd changes in legal systems;

🏴 ☠️ speed prices for fuel, food and other items in stores;

🏴 ☠️ media propaganda and content control;

🏴 ☠️ anthropogenic pandemics;

🏴 ☠️ campaigns for dangerous vaccinations;

🏴 ☠️ indust of toxic substances into cosmetics and food;

🏴 ☠️ encouragement of divorce, facilitation of the abolition of marriages and the breakdown of families.

And soon also:

🏴 ☠️ redication of the right to private property, e.g. "Private ownership of land is also the main instrument for the accumulation and concentration of wealth and thus contributes to social injustice";

🏴 ☠️ pronunion of entry into the forest;

🏴 ☠️ Restriction of Civil Liberties: "Individual rights must give way

common rights";

🏴 ☠️ limiting the number of children you can have;

🏴 ☠️ determining the amount of water that can be used and the amount of garbage or waste that can be disposed of;

🏴 ☠️ insopulation to participate in social projects;

🏴 ☠️ mass population movement;

🏴 ☠️ destruction of unsustainable elements of biodiversity: 

"Ski slopes, grazing, plowing, construction fences, industry, houses, sidewalks

and resinous roads, dams and reservoirs, high-voltage lines, buildings and systems that are not of the right importance to the environment."

Agenda 2030 and Agenda 2030 are nothing more than a secret plan of action for the New World Order, which is to reduce the population to a "sustainable" level, that is, in balance with "nature" through absolute control over population and reproduction.

This plan aims to implement the activities of one world government, one world religion, one world army, the world bank, the world currency and the microdistributed population.

In short, the goal is to kill 90% of the world's population, to control all aspects of human condition and activity and to control everything and everywhere from cradle to grave.

Well, what Sheep 🐑 Slaves and Nichebrods Consumers. 

Do you still consider yourself a Free Man?

 You are sure that you are not Cattle 🐷🐑. 

Man from Cattle is distinguished by the right of Choice he does not have it as he is Cattle and the main right that makes Man Man Man is the Right of Freedom of Choice. Without it, Man is just Cattle.

Morons Will be their First Prey. 

Remember - these Scum will Kill you, and quietly whisper to you in the Ear - Cattle we take care of you. 

Don't think ChewIng Your Piece of GMO Derma. That you are a free Man. They Say Reject God, take the Laws of the Antichrist and you will be a Free Man. 

The choice is not the Great Hunger Death and Resurrection in the King's God or the Vaccine and Eternal Hell. As John the Theologian writes to us in the Book of Apocalypse.

Freedom is a state of mind. That is, in the beginning the soul is primary, and if it does not exist then and the rest is not and has never been, it seems.

A twice-vaccinated online casino employee has a "cerebral event" live on a playing style

If someone still has not understood why an international criminal court will necessarily take place, and there will also be extrajudicial reprisals of diverse vectors for officials of all levels, too, then the answers are contained in our materials, but this below ⬇️ seemed to us the most convincing. 

Unprecedented mortality: Mass vaccination against coronavirus leads to high mortality

French director of research at CNRS, sociology expert Laurent Mucheli expressed his opinion on vaccination against coronavirus in his own blog. 

According to him, the mass vaccination campaign shows an unprecedented percentage of mortality in the history of modern medicine. 

"Today we are witnessing an unprecedented mortality rate, in connection with which I believe that it is necessary to introduce a moratorium on vaccination against coronavirus in the world," the expert said.

In other words, Mucheli proposes to urgently suspend the mass vaccination of mankind, and then to engage in a thorough analysis of the safety and risks of all vaccines in each individual case.

The sociologist also noted that after the announcement by French President Emmanuel Macron about the start of mandatory vaccination for medical workers in the country, the French were divided into two groups.

"These events are already having dramatic consequences for French citizens, both medically, legally and sociologically," Mucheli concluded.

The first batches of "Sputnik V" produced in Uzbekistan

The first batches of the Russian vaccine from Sputnik V-ad were produced in Uzbekistan at the facilities of Jurabek Laboratories. On Saturday, July 31, reported on the website of "Sputnik V".

"RDIF organized a process of technological transfer for the release of the vaccine in the Republic of Uzbekistan. 

Validation batches of Sputnik V were sent to nicem named after N.F. Gamaleya for quality control. 

Positive results of control will allow to proceed to the release of commercial parties", — stated in the message.

The Russian vaccine "Sputnik V-ad" is registered in 69 countries with a total population of more than 3.7 billion people. 

Earlier, on July 21, it was reported that the first batch of Sputnik V was produced in Vietnam. On July 15, Nigeria registered the Russian sputnik V vaccine, becoming the 68th country.

On the island of Reunion, the population wants to block the island 🏝 

Reunion is a French island and overseas territory located in the Indian Ocean.

Authorities announced that a lohdown would be imposed on the entire island.

Residents reacted with great anger, blocking most of the main roads on the island and besieging the prefecture, the local government.

Any sane analyst and psychologist easily simulates the time and actions of the population, considering events in different countries and when people will have tools of resistance in their hands. It's scary when in big countries in elite groups there are neither of them. Only dancers and remained. 

It is easy to understand that approximately these forces will solve issues in the near future and will sit in the chairs of many administrations of the world instead of arrested or liquidated civilian functionaries. Whether this period will be declared a temporary administration and whether early free elections will be held in the future, or whether military administration (junta) will be established will depend on the personal qualities of the highest military composition of the nation-states.

Sydney police appealed to the military for help because of the imposed lockdown

The Police Department of the Australian state of New South Wales has sought the assistance of the Australian Defence Force to tighten oversight of the lockdown imposed on the territory of Greater Sydney. This was reported on July 29 by nine News channel.

It is noted that the epidemiological situation in the largest city in Australia continues to deteriorate in recent days, despite the strict measures of isolation. 

New South Wales Police Commissioner Mick Fuller said during a press conference that law enforcement is failing to deal with "thousands of complaints" from citizens who report quarantine violations.

Fuller confirmed that he had asked Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison to move 300 troops to the city to patrol the streets and catch violators.

Sputnik-V from the creators of Kagocel! 

Before Satellite-V, the Gamaleya Institute tried 4 times to create a vector vaccine.

The first attempt to create a vector vaccine - 2009 "Rusnano" and the Gamaleya Center signed a contract for the production of influenza vaccine "AdeVac-FLU". Since 2015, AdeVac-Flu" has been undergoing clinical trials and has not yet been registered. Formally, it still has a chance to exist, clinical trials have been extended until December 31, 2020.

The second attempt to create an influenza vaccine based on the vector method, Gamaleya scientists made in mid-2010. The drug "GamFluVac" has not entered the domestic and world market. The Ministry of Health has no reason to consider it safe, it does not register the vaccine. Clinical trials last two years. They are under two contracts with the Gamaleya Institute for 45 million rubles is held by the Burdenko military hospital. The approximate completion of the research is the end of 2020.

The third attempt - 2014 and Ebola.Vaccines against Ebola the Ministry of Health registered on December 28, 2015. There were no entries in the register of permits for clinical trials, which should be carried out before the registration of the drug, the Russian Association of Clinical Research Organizations (AOCA) noted in the annual report. These permits appeared later, introduced, apparently, retroactively under the serial numbers of completely different studies. In addition, there were no decisions of the Ethics Council of the Ministry of Health in 2015, without which drugs are not allowed to research.

Alas, the world was skeptical about the Russian development. WHO has not received any documents on the clinical trials conducted. Drugs for Gamaleya were not allowed to vaccinate the population during new outbreaks in Africa. They are still undergoing international clinical trials with no apparent hope of recognition.

Gamaleya's fourth attempt not only to create something vectorial, but also to introduce it into pharmaceuticals, was to work on a vaccine against Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS-CoV, or MERS-cov). This disease is also caused by the novel coronavirus. In May 2020, in an interview with Channel One, the director of the Gamaleya Institute, Alexander Ginzburg, said that the vaccine against MERS-cov - the closest relative of COVID-19 - was created in his institution a year and a half ago. But the World Health Organization stated in 2020: "Currently, there is no specific drug or vaccine for this disease." According to the Ministry of Health, permission for a clinical trial of the MERS-CoV vaccine was issued to the Gamaleya Institute in September 2019. The institution signed a contract with the St. Petersburg company "Exellena" for 20 million rubles. The test should be completed before the end of 2020. The vaccine is not registered by the Ministry of Health, it is all the more unknown to the world scientific community.

Well, the fifth attempt - Sputnik V. A.A. "Gam-Covid-Wack" 

The Ministry of Health issued a state task for the creation of a vaccine against COVID-19 to the Gamaleya Institute on April 20, 2020. A month later, Alexander Ginzburg announced the readiness of the drug and reported that it had been tested on employees. deputy. Director Denis Logunov confirmed that the Gam-Covid-Vac vaccine was a copy-paste of the MERS-GamVac middle East respiratory syndrome vaccine. They differ only in the "load" - the type of protein of the virus. Alexander Ginzburg also tirelessly repeats that the Covid vaccine is the fruit of the institute's work on previous drugs. 

All previous attempts to develop budget funds have been unsuccessful so far and have not been registered. 

And with Covid, such luck in a month?

Perhaps Jeffrey brought the penguins a party in Lolita with the Colites 😂 

Daily Mail: If coronavirus mutations accelerate, the next variant of COVID-19 could kill one in three people.

Scientists from the UK Government's Emergency Advisory Group (SAGE) presented a report describing a number of possible scenarios for the development of coronavirus variants, one of which suggests that the new potential strain could have a mortality rate of 35%.

"There may be an option that causes severe illness in a larger proportion of the population than has happened before. For example, with a similar morbidity/mortality rate as other zoonotic coronaviruses such as SARS-CoV (mortality of about 10%) or MERS-CoV (mortality rate of about 35%)," the report said.

According to another scenario of the expert group, a coronavirus will appear on Earth, causing a more severe course of the disease. 

Scenarios in which SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus mutations would be resistant to COVID-19 drugs and vaccines were also being worked out.

- Tell us how Grandfather 👴, if in your new Orwellian world among healthy outwardly people there were "asymptomatic patients", then shouldn't we show consistency Grandfather 👴, additionally include in this exciting new discourse of insanity and their opposite? Don't look at the legs of 🦵Ded, it's not your red heifer.

- And who else should we include for credibility? 

- Yes, at least "symptoms of the healthy", which are just as "disguised" among symptomatic patients as "asymptomatic patients" - among healthy-looking people. How do you like such a move Grandfather 👴 

- Nope...? 

- And why "no", actually, if it's exactly the same thing?! 

- I don't have any covid, I'm just symptomatic healthy, what's wrong with ? 

- Those who died after "vaccination" are actually alive... just asymptomatic! How do you like this option...? 

- If you have introduced "asymptomatic patients" into the marasmatic discourse, then be kind equidly introduce everything else! 

We live in a new world of George Orwell and Grandpa 👴 Joe is our New Reality Writer.

Interesting Grandfather 👴 cognitive subject of the combination of titanium alloy insanity and dementia.

Catherine Romary Beckinsale and her first major "Ruined Palace" had no box office success. And then we decided to arrange "Pearl Harbor", which became one of the most successful that year. Later, Kate and I had "Intuition" and "Van Helsing". 

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