The Lock-Step scenario of 2010 is a plan to destroy and end the global war against human civilization. 

The Lock-Step scenario of 2010 is a plan to destroy and end the global war against human civilization. 

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Lock-Step'2010 - a conscious and far-sighted scenario of the false pandemic of the Rockefeller Foundation

Event 201 is creepy - a role gathering of terrorists on the topic of the lie of the coronavirus pandemic 😷 

The Gates Foundation, Johns Hopkins University, and the World Economic Forum held the neo-Marx Shaab a few weeks before the start of the covid-19 pandemic special operation. Even more spooky is the Lock-Step fixed stage scenario proposed by the Rockefeller Foundation in 2010. It reads like a scenario of political processes during the pandemic that they are now implementing.

The "Lockdown Step" is one of four "future technology and international development scenarios" that the Rockefeller Foundation and the Global Business Network (GBN) introduced in 2010 after a year of a large team. GbN's founder, American futurist Peter Schwartz, describes GBN as "a high-level network and corporate research agency." Schwartz was already an active participant in the Pentagon and the World Economic Forum. He serves on the board of the (militaristic) Center for a New American Security (CNAS) and is a member of the 21st Century Board of the Berggruhn Institute, which "develops ideas for the formation of political and social institutions."

The Rockefeller Foundation has figured as a retired part of the power structures in the United States for 100 years. David Rockefeller's memoir is almost a document 📑 the veracity of this statement. In 1916, the Rockefeller Foundation funded the Johns Hopkins School of Hygiene and Public Health, the school was the first in the United States to have a huge impact in this area. The institution hosts Event 201, co-organized and provided media around the world with a daily dose of lies about deaths and infections during the current false pandemic. 

The Rockefeller Foundation was instrumental in the creation of the Bellagio Group and its successor, the seedy Group of Thirty (G30).

The Rockefeller report with the blocking scenario targets decision-makers in large powerful foundations such as the Rockefeller Foundation itself, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Clinton Foundation, the Obama Foundation, and so on. 

He explains the purpose of the exercise like this: 

The scenarios are designed to broaden our understanding of the opportunities and obstacles that may arise in the future. (They) are an environment by which you can not only anticipate, but also implement big changes. The more closely you read them, the more likely you are to recognize their important but less obvious impact on you, your work, and those around you. We strongly encourage you to widely disseminate and discuss this report, use it as a starting point for further creative reflection on how technology can affect development, as well as to test and adjust your strategies or personal actions accordingly.

David's impressive plan with very far-sighted lock Step parts was created in terms of patterns below ⬇️ 

🚩 A high-risk and high-mortality virus pandemic; 

🚩 the health systems of many countries are overloaded;

🚩 Who is killed, old or young? (in this case young);

🚩 The economy has fallen; 

🚩 The international mobility of people and goods is seriously hampered;

🚩Tourism is almost dead;

🚩 Global supply chains are interrupted;

🚩 Retail stores are closed;

🚩 Lack of deterrence protocols in developing countries;

🚩 A small authoritarian response from the U.S. government fails;

🚩 the authoritarian Chinese approach works much better;

🚩 Other countries emulate authoritarian Chinese practices and scrutiny them;

🚩 More authoritarian rule persists after the pandemic;

🚩 Shocked population welcomes increased surveillance

... and more authoritarian rule;

🚩 Biometric identification is gaining momentum;

🚩 Strengthening state control over industries vital to national interests;

🚩 IT monopolists keep innovation within national boundaries; 

🚩 a multipolar IT world dominated by the United States;

🚩 Charitable Foundations become part of U.S. foreign and security policy;

🚩 Outstanding Influence of Large Funds. 

   - Criminal police and investigator. Favor opening.

Sorry, but this is just a terrorist masterpiece and a few cross-references for you reader. They prove that the David Foundation has worked really hard to take advantage of the local scenario chance:

In 2017, the David Foundation provided seed funding for ID2020 targeting 2030 and for every citizen of the world a globally readable biometric personality. 

Partners: Microsoft, Impallianz GAVI and Accenture. Accenture recently appeared as the author – on behalf of the World Economic Forum – of the dystopia Known Digital Identity of the Traveler.

Statements about state control over strategic (AI) industries, a multipolar IT world, and IT monopolists keeping their innovations within national borders fit well with considerations in the latest interim report by the National Security Council on Artificial Intelligence (NSCAI), led by Google, former CEO Eric Schmidt.

The part devoted to a more successful approach to total surveillance in China, reminiscent of the presentation of the NSCAI in the spring of 2019, then it was recommended to imitate the Chinese model.

The Bill Gates Foundation dominates the global fight against pandemics thanks to its administrative, financial, perhaps another important (blackmailing the Ethiopian terrorist, head of the WHO) influence on the WHO and the media disinformation, many pseudo-scientists, media personalities, gold and silver microphones, and demonstrates the preparation and foresight of defining the "excessive influence of great charity" 🚩 in this insidious scenario.

We work on the text :

In 2012, the pandemic finally came, which the world had been waiting for years. Unlike 2009 H1N1, this new strain of influenza, which originated from wild geese, has proven to be extremely dangerous and deadly. Even the most prepared countries for the pandemic were quickly hit as the virus spread around the world, infecting nearly 20 percent of the world's population and killing 8 million people, most of them healthy young people, in just seven months. The pandemic has also had a deadly impact on the economy: the international mobility of people and goods has stalled, weakening industries such as tourism and disrupting global supply chains. Usually, noisy retail stores and office buildings stood empty for months, with no employees and no customers.

The text goes on to describe developing countries and they have been particularly hard hit by the lack of official deterrence protocols, and then the test returns to developed countries and the United States:

The original policy of the United States to "strictly dissuade citizens from flying" proved fatal because of its leniency and accelerated the spread of the virus not only within the United States but also abroad. However, several countries, especially China, were better. The rapid imposition and enforcement of mandatory quarantine for all citizens, as well as the immediate and near-hermetic closure of all borders by the Chinese government, saved millions of lives, stopped the spread of the virus much earlier than in other countries, and ensured a faster recovery from the pandemic. The Chinese government has not been the only one that has taken extreme measures to protect its citizens from risk and harm.

Although the scenario begins back in 2012, the scenario's schedule goes much further, until about 2025, like the international hospital 🏥 (bank 🏦) and can be seen on the website. The terrorist exercise focuses on long-term developments:

Even after the pandemic subsided, more authoritarian control and oversight of citizens and their activities persisted and even intensified. To protect themselves from the spread of increasingly global problems – from pandemics and transnational terrorism (the biological terrorist talks about terrorism, oh how familiar it is) to environmental crises and rising poverty – leaders around the world came to power. Initially, the idea of a more manageable world found wide acceptance and approval. Citizens voluntarily ceded some of their sovereignty – and their private lives – to more paternalistic states in exchange for greater security and stability. Citizens were more tolerant and even sought leadership and supervision from above, and national leaders were better able to enforce order. as they saw fit. 

In developed countries, this enhanced surveillance has taken various forms: for example, biometric identity cards for all citizens and stricter regulation of key industries whose stability was considered vital to the national interest.

The text goes on to describe the successes of authoritarian governments in some developing countries that have allowed their citizens to live better, and they are contrasted with the failures of irresponsible elites in other developing countries.

In [developing] countries with strong and cautious leaders, the overall economic situation and quality of life of citizens have improved. In India, for example, air quality has improved dramatically since 2016, when the government banned the use of high-emission vehicles. In Ghana, the implementation of ambitious government programmes to improve basic infrastructure and ensure access to clean water for all people has led to a dramatic reduction in water-borne diseases. But more authoritarian leadership has worked worse – and in some cases tragically – in countries led by irresponsible elites that have used their increased power to pursue their own interests at the expense of their citizens.

U.S. IT monopolists succeed in this scenario, but must commit to preventing (early) access by governments and companies in competing countries to their innovations:

Wealthy countries and monopolistic companies with large R&D budgets still made significant strides, but the intellectual property underlying their achievements was protected by strong government or corporate protection. Russia and India set strict national standards for monitoring and certifying encryption products and their suppliers – a category that has actually impacted all IT innovations. The U.S. and eu retaliated with national standards, thereby slowing the development and diffusion of technology around the world.

Basics in step 

The text shows the importance of the script for the work of funds. 

Quote from the first half: 

Given the strong role of governments, philanthropy requires enhanced diplomatic skills and the ability to work effectively in extremely diverse settings. The fund's relationship with beneficiaries and civil society will be largely controlled by the Government, and some funds may prefer to be more closely linked to national official development assistance (ODA) strategies and Government objectives. Larger charities will have a huge impact.

You know, David, it's dangerous for you ⚠️ trust, let's not let national strategies. Ruined the whole world 🗺 and still delay with payment of the bill and the appearance of guilt. 

"Technology in the step".

Technological innovation in the local step scenario is largely government-initiated and focused on national security, health, and security issues. Most of the technological improvements created by and for developed countries are shaped by the dual desire of governments to control and control their citizens.

The report provides examples of technologies that are expected to be distributed in these scenarios. These include technologies that can detect abnormal behavior or "anti-social intent" at airports and other public places, inexpensive but sophisticated tools for conducting online conferences, and a fragmented "worldwide" network where governments typically refer to regional online traffic monitoring, mimicking the Chinese approach.

Living in One Place

Finally, the chapter "Life at the Equinox" contains a very positive account of the life of Indian Manish, praising the achievements of the authoritarian government in the fight against the pandemic, and then purifying the Ganges.

Scenario context

The "lockdown step" is one of four scenarios that fill the four quadrants of the combination of high and low government control and high and low adaptability. The ideal scenario is called "Together with the Mind" and is characterized by a high level of control in a global environment with strong interaction and therefore a high level of adaptability. Lock Step, "a world with tighter government control from top to bottom and more authoritarian leadership," is the second best solution described much cheaper than Hack Attack, "an economically unstable, hit-prone world, and Smart Scramble." one world impoverished by improvised, localized survival strategies."

Sberbank is a Russian financial conglomerate, the largest transnational and universal bank in Russia, Central and Eastern Europe. 

TASS is a Russian state-run federal news agency. 

Years later, that is, now 2020-2021, having in the arsenal of all patents and technological capabilities, as well as latent idiots in the oval office planted there intentionally and by prior agreement 

the creator of this local scenario, David and company, openly promote total surveillance and generally obvious medical fascism equipped on very weak ground - total lies. 

Star historian Harari hits the totalitarian horns of the Rockefeller Foundation. 

'' The Rockefeller Foundation Wants to Implement Its Autocratic Pandemic Scenario

The Rockefeller Foundation's "castle step" scenario is being tested in West Africa.

The Rockefeller Foundation and the World Economic Forum take the passport authorities of the private world seriously

There should be no return to normal life, because the World Economic Forum, under the technical management of the elderly neo Marx, wants a big new start . 

Norbert Häring, "Geld und Mehr"

Star historian Harari Trumpets the Totalitarian Horn of the Rockefeller Foundation

In step: The Rockefeller Foundation wants to implement its autocratic pandemic scenario

Rockefeller Foundation 'castle step' scenario is being tested in West Africa

The Rockefeller Foundation and the World Economic Forum take the passport authorities of the private world seriously

There should be no return to normal life because the World Economic Forum wants a big new start 

Norbert Häring, "Geld und Mehr"


- Was it possible now in July 2021, when all the documents and fakes of this special operation corona 👑 are well known and shown, continue to blatantly lie at the global level without the support and approval of the White House administration 🏡?

 - Certainly not, twice no, no. Not possible!

  - How's that, let me?.. He served in the cleanup...

   "I didn't nominate him there," the Editor replied to the reader, "Mr. David gave him a recommendation, if I'm not mistaken.

"You can't lie, Joe!" You don't have a closed fracture there. What's up with you there?

You're not closed there... and the open brain fracture 🧠 in half!

Hopefully now you understand, Friends, why the container ship before getting stuck drew a dick.

H3RC - Hillary Rodham Clinton. 
Information on yachts and the Suez Canal will become even more interesting if you rewind the time a little and look at the previous geolocations of the Murdoch yacht Vertigo and its trail.

And the owner of this yacht 🛥 Russian billionaire Igor Kesaev. 

We always knew which cocks you like 😻, with a good, red, big ass that you can squeeze on and show it to the whole world on TV in. Oh, you're an old shalunya 😈 prankster Mrs. Pizzeria Comet Ping Pong 

Yes, grandfather, you disgraced yourself all over the world in just a few months, and the trail of history disgraced all your descendants for centuries. So, American grandfather 👴, one careless move and now you will never wash off this dirt, and under no attempts of your red-haired girl, a beast, and desperate attempts to lie to another of your trusted swindlers, Tony Faust.

- I sign with her, this is our typist, she will live with me. Joe will need to be evicted from the office. He has his own apartment, - Sharikov explained extremely hostilely and scouringly. 

Neo Marx issues documents to the Ethiopian in the name of Polygraph Poligrafovich Sharikov, arranging him to work in the service for the capture and destruction of homeless animals (in cleaning), and forces Joe to officially register Sharikov in his office.

Every day his consciousness awakens in him. Ethiopian will develop into an extremely high psychic personality.

Sharikov : Yesterday cats were strangled-strangled, strangled-strangled, strangled, strangled, strangled... 

And where are you a horse? Again on the mares of strangers jump ? 

Personally for Cuomo, so that he could more accurately calculate the 🧮 of his sentence 👇

Our guys are all the seam ends, 

Winding on knechts and prichalyat korabli. 

You're a mom, I'm a mopyak, you're a pybachka, I'm a baby, 

You're on land, I'm on the moor, we're not going to get up in any way.

What's it like to live on an island in the middle of the ocean parting with your brain? Trying to get into a position and can't get in.... 

On you grandfather soup set of capeline and potato peels, zhri 👇

Friedrich Nietzsche in a psychiatric clinic, 1899.

Anne Michael Smith and her beloved syppug magnat James Howard Mapshall II love you tenderly and give you all a warm fiery greeting, hugging and kissing 💋 you directly on the lips of 👄 

Today an injection of an unknown liquid, tomorrow a chip in the brain, the day after tomorrow a chip with a self-detonator with a remote control in the hands of Gates.

        We are left with what is left. 

And today, jorja Fox, who is not busy and free for 24 hours with us, 🦊 

An experienced forensic scientist, the Joria interrogating officer, will help us establish some details directly at the crime scene. The investigative experiment 🧪 we have already begun and hope to have time to finish everything by morning.

Pray 🙏 brothers and sisters 👯 for us 

𝕸𝖗. 𝕴𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖘𝖚𝖗𝖊𝖗 𝕮𝖗𝖎𝖒𝖎𝖓𝖔𝖑𝖔𝖌𝖎𝖘𝖙 𝕬𝖈𝖊

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