Communism as a diversion against humanity. 

The reasons for things lie in the depths of ideas - this was known even by Plato. 

In an attempt to explain what happened, one should not be content with superficial justifications. It is necessary to dig very deep into the beginning of the last 20th century. Understand the root causes of ideas, the most stung from the eye. The causes of historical crimes lie deeper than the existence of the criminals themselves, because behind the consciousness hides the subconscious, the human underground, and criminal communities are dangerous not even by the "great helmsmen" - the "godfathers" of the dominant mafia, but also by the people who have taken the wrong path from such godfathers.

In order to understand the causes of the intellectual and economic devastation of the countries of the world in just a year and a half, which has come in a peaceful period of its history, in order to explain the unprecedented destruction of national small and medium-sized businesses, millions of dark adherents of an unknown slurry in a syringe named by non-doctors vaccine 💉 against the disease COVID19 named by non-doctors, it is naive to refer to one Gates or the swindler Fauci. , or a specific national fool tyrant necrophile, or their entire administration, more like a royal criminal army. The reference to the demon who confused them is also not quite a complete monograph of criminals, although in principle it is true, but this does not explain anything.

Yes, the demon certainly confused them, but - what, where, when, who and how? 

According to Capital, Karl Marx (in the modern young student boy Klaus 🤶 Schwab) :- being determines consciousness. 

In fact, to a greater extent, consciousness determines being: what consciousness is, so is our being. 

How's the poet there … ? .... ? 

There is in the military order

Such words,

On which only in heavy combat

(And even then not always)

Gets the rights

A commander raising his company.

So, the root answer is given: on the one hand - immature, undeveloped in school intellectual consciousness, on the other hand, a consumer society where there is everything. And Of course the whim, driven into this unformed consciousness, the bliss of milk rivers in the jelly banks and roasted king shrimp and hazel grouse flying into the mouth.

The new world order is a utopia, just as communism is the path to the apocalypse, the seduction of man by the devil, demonic promises, the exploitation of the underdevelopment of the human mind and base human qualities - lust, envy, laziness, the desired free payment from the State in the form of assistance. 

In the language of science, 🧬 communism is illiteracy, incompetence, ignorance of man and history, rejection of them. There is also internal unfreedom, suppression of the personality, leveling of the personality itself - people. The epidemic of communism struck backward countries because they were backward, hungry, downtrodden. 

The world is multifaceted, you should not strive for a single primitive standard in everything. It is purely Bolshevik thinking to see the world in two colors – black and white. Meanwhile, the world is plural, obal, infinitely diverse. The pictures of a utopian digital communist paradise, uneallowed in man, society, or the nature of things, initially contain a false facade of violence and lies. All these are necessary options for breaking the bones and minds of the population. That is why the population of different countries of the world did not accept this paradise lie. Better Stop the violence and further obscurantism voluntarily and surrender to the national police forces of nation-states. For, otherwise, all this will end with a lot of blood of innocent people and personally your blood - members of various administrations of the world and other Marxist foundations and circles under these administrations.

Richard A. ROTSHIELD filed 19 patents to protect the following inventions. The list includes pending patent applications as well as patents already issued by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

Joe lost the great actor of the 20th century. Ronald Reagan embodied all of Joe's talents on screen.

These two ⬆️ on video a magnificent couple for a future production of the 🎭 Prison Theater with a masterpiece production of the play of the century in three acts. 

'' The Great October Revolution '' 

We are guaranteed incredible success and now it is worth planning tours of federal prisons, as well as an international tour. 

It's great 😀 

          You lost this round. 

7/29/2021. The st. Louis County Board announced the end of the mask mandate.

As you celebrate the simple freedoms they have taken away, never forget what they have done, Friends.

 Don't be like these base qualities people! 

Thanks to the detective work of Twitter user "Ehden", secret contracts between Pfizer and the countries of Albania and Brazil became known on July 27. The content confirms the worst fears: usurious prices, immoral agreements in favor of BigPharma and to the detriment of the relevant population and provisions on long-term confidentiality. article

"Pfizer is extremely aggressive in trying to protect the details of its international agreements on vaccines against #COVID19. Thankfully, I was able to get that. Because the cost of contract development is very high and time-consuming (due diligence cycles), Pfizer, like all corporations, develops a standardized agreement template and uses these agreements with relatively small adjustments in different countries.



These agreements are confidential, but fortunately, one country did not protect the contract document well enough, so I was able to get a copy. As you'll soon see, there's a good reason why Pfizer fought to cover up the details of these contracts," begins a branch of the Pfizer investigation by a concerned citizen.

We are more modest than some unknown citizen and give you a full analysis and the contract of this organization profanity with the state of Israel 🇮🇱

Note: "Global Trade Control Laws" mean U.S. Export Regulations; these are the U.S. Rules on International Arms Trade; ...

2 page with hidden text. All Ngmer pages are just as hidden.

1 page, the date of the initial contract has been removed. Why remove the date? Unless it's before the "pandemic." Paragraph 1.2 "Global Trade Control Laws" means the U.S. Export Administration Regulations; the U.S. International Traffic in Arms Regulations; the U.S. economic sanctions rules and regulations implemented under statutory authority and/or the President's Executive Orders and administered by the U.S.

                10 page

specified in Section 2.1, to the public on a regular basis or as needed

               12 pages

From the official statistics of export-import operations on trade in goods between countries we see that tests for the definition of COVID-19 were purchased by countries from 2017 (!) year, when no one had heard about coronavirus and thought about it. Below is a table with data on these purchases. Open your eyes and look at the specialized website "Use WITS to obtain statistics on trade in goods (exports, imports) by country from THE UN COMTRADE, tariff profiles from UNCTAD TRAINS and CTS IDB WTO.

World Integrated Trade Solution (WITS) provides access to data on international trade in goods, tariffs and non-tariff measures (NTM). See the "Country Profile" section to get country statistics on exports, imports and tariffs, as well as development data."

Greek cardiologist Faydon Vovolis called vaccination sanitary apartheid

Greek cardiologist Faydon Vovolis called vaccination sanitary apartheid

Greek cardiologist Faydon Vovolis, a well-known anti-vaccinationist, leader of the movement "Again for Freedom", is not afraid to openly oppose vaccination, although he himself was previously vaccinated, which he now regrets.

Vovolis has his own clinic in Kifisia, but now he is more focused on social activities. The doctor constantly posts on Facebook, where he accuses the Greek government and the authorities of other countries of trying to "vaccinate the whole world."

Recently, the doctor organized a mass demonstration of antivakkers on Syntagma. Thousands of people did not feel the need to observe social distancing, masks were worn through one. The police tried to prevent the protest, but the protesters threw stones, flares and Molotov cocktails at the guards. 

Vovolis in his passionate speeches during the rally and in publications on social networks condemns the "throating parrots" who call for everyone to be vaccinated, indiscriminately. The doctor never tires of reminding that all vaccines, without exception, are experimental.

But the pressure that is exerted on people, he said, goes beyond reasonable. He compares measures to combat the pandemic and vaccination with Nazism, declaring a "new Reich" and "sanitary apartheid."

"Those doctors who understand pathophysiology just laugh at all this! We are not talking here about conspiracy theories, but about the fact that the real numbers are hidden!" the cardiologist exclaims.

The Medical Association of Athens adopted a statement condemning Faydon Vovolis' views on the coronavirus.

"The publication seeks to distort the scientific truth and undermine the work of the state and the special committee on infectious diseases created to limit the spread of the coronavirus. Such actions are reprehensible and disorient the masses," it said.

Chuce church in Glasgow burned to the bottom. She is one of hundreds that mysteriously "caught fire" after standing for centuries.

The destruction of traditional religion in nation-states and the transformation of the world into one false Covid religion is part of the plan to establish a New Communist-Medical-Fascist World Order.

London 2021. Nothing out of the ed.. Just Boris's New World Order.

Dr. Peter McClow: We're seeing that the vaccine just doesn't work. 

"Reports from Israel show that about 80% of adults over the age of 20 have received the Pfizer vaccine, and about 80% of cases of #COVID19 occur in vaccinated persons, and among those hospitalized in Israel, 60% of them were fully vaccinated. It's the same in the UK, where around 75% of those vaccinated and around 40% of those hospitalised in the UK have been fully vaccinated."

full video

Kelly Monaco is our Lifeguard ⛑ from Malibu is ready in oil. 

This is a very formidable weapon oil 🧈, keep everything in mind! 

leADeR oF thE sEVenTH (7) sqUAd Of THe floatiNg BOat ResCue gRouP mr. lOng eNd +

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