Red-Brown façade and criminal roof of the house 🏡 

Red-Brown façade and criminal roof of the house 🏡 

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In the United States, FEMA training is being prepared to isolate farmers in quarantine camps

The Department of Homeland Security has a training course available to law enforcement, health care workers, and other government employees that details how to prepare and conduct a mass public quarantine of the unvaccinated in rural areas of the United States.

This training is a terrifying look at the dystopian future ahead if people are unable to open their eyes to reality.

This 8-hour instructor-led course is designed to provide the knowledge needed to begin planning situations that require isolation and quarantine of a large portion of the local rural population. 

This training will provide public and private sector emergency managers, community policymakers, public health and staff. 

General knowledge needed to begin planning situations that require isolation and quarantine of a large part of the local rural population.

For true connoisseurs of architectural delights.

Obviously, everyone needs to continue to use discernment and critical thinking, but some things are becoming too obvious to ignore, and they need to be talked about if there is a desire to have a chance for any life in the future.

Be prepared and make a plan. This may not happen this year or even next year, but no one makes plans for no reason, especially since such plans are aimed at forcing people to quarantine camps, and de facto to concentration camps.

In Canada, and perhaps elsewhere, the UN is preparing a free "distribution of medicines" in the form of military treatment and forced potion drills?!

Or did these guys gather to visit Joe, a LOVER of the UN 🇺🇳 since 1992 on the lawn?!

Between July 18 and 20, 2021, several alarming reports from Canada appeared, where queues of UN cars parked near pharmaceutical factories were seen. 

UN cars, armored cars near medical warehouses what do they do? Load vaccines into cars and rush across Canada to inject everyone who is being aught? Or are they preparing for autumn? 

Or are they not loading vaccines, but receiving ammunition and biological ammunition to spray over cities?! 

     Countless crimes of big pharma

Pharma fined $ 14 billion for 5 years

"From 1991 to 2015, 373 agreements totaling $35.7 billion were concluded between the federal and state governments and pharmaceutical manufacturers. Of those, 140 were $31.9 billion worth of federal settlements and 233 were $3.8 billion worth of state settlements."

The Purdue OxyContin fine will be one of the largest in the history of pharmaceuticals

Opioid scandal haunts pharmaceutical companies responding to pandemic

Victims of the Iraq War claim that the bribery of pharmaceutical companies led to the death of US servicemen 🇺🇸


Drug giant AstraZeneca will pay $ 520 million to settle the fraud case

AstraZeneca receives $ 6 million after "fake conferences" to bribe doctors

Johnson and Johnson

Court documents: Johnson & Johnson has been in the spotlight in the fight against the opioid epidemic and the target group of children and seniors with marketing

Johnson & Johnson will pay $2.2 billion to end drug investigations in the U.S. 🇺🇸

«... The company (J&J) knew that asbestos was present in products intended for mothers and babies, was aware of the potential harm and "for decades distorted the safety of these products."

$750 million: Johnson & Johnson ordered to pay a box of baby powder

Johnson & Johnson will pay $ 572 million to fuel the opioid crisis in Oklahoma, judged by the rules

Johnson & Johnson settles Ohio's lawsuits to avoid federal court

J&J to Pay $360 Million to U.S. To Address Philanthropy


Pfizer accuses Johnson & Johnson of 'anti-competitive practices' in lawsuit

Pfizer will pay $ 2.3 billion, agrees to criminal prosecution

Nigeria sues Pfizer for $7 billion for 'illegal' child tests

Pfizer expected profits to increase at all costs, even when sales meant a threat to life.

Pfizer settles overseas bribery case with U.S. government 🇺🇸

Pfizer in Celebrex and Bextra trial for $486 million

Pfizer has a policy against ghost writers, but when it acquired Parke and its blockbuster Neurontin, it obviously acquired an enthusiastic writers store inside itself."

Pfizer will pay a fine of $ 430 million for illegal marketing

The Pfizer "bribe" scandal in the Philippines is heating up; The company offered the president posters 🪧


GlaxoSmithKline settles $3 billion healthcare fraud case

Glaxo receives 'serious' warning about false information about vaccines

Glaxo will pay $ 750 million in the case of falsified drugs

Growing evidence linking narcolepsy to the GSK swine flu shot

Uk study strengthens link between GSK flu shot and narcolepsy

Chinese police accuse former head of Britain's GSK in China of bribery

A New Twist in Sex Video in the GSK Bribery Scandal in China h


Merck settles Vioxx's $4.85 billion claims

Merck accused of obstructing antitrust lawsuit over mumps vaccine

Former Merck scientists sue Merck, claiming fraud with MMR vaccine efficacy

Merck created a Hit List to "destroy," "neutralize," or "discredit" dissenting physicians.

Merck's new claims: fake magazine; Ghost Studies; Vioxx pop songs; Public Relations Executives Harass Reporters

Says researcher Gardasila 

Says researcher Gardasila

New concerns about the safety of Gardasil

HPV vaccine is neither safe nor effective

U.S. Court Pays Gardasil Victims $6 Million

Merck to pay $688 million to settle enhance lawsuits

Merck has intentionally engaged in unfair and fraudulent conduct in its statements and representations with the PTO.

U.S. Court Upholds Merck's Verdict Against Gilead For $200 Million In Rejecting a Sentence.

Rampant crime of other companies

Authorities say drugmakers paid doctors to lie to insurance companies to sell potentially lethal fentanyl-based drugs.

Teva settles multibillion-dollar drug kickback case before trial

Abbott to pay $1.6 billion for Marketing Depakote

Eli Lilly will pay $ 1.42 billion to fix problems with Zyprexa

The probe with drugs for cancer received compensation in the amount of 875 million dollars

Court approves Amgen's $762 million payment in drug case

Allergan signs $750 million deal with buyers of Namenda for Alzheimer's disease

The manufacturer of aids drugs paid compensation for $ 704 million

California lawsuit accuses Bristol-Myers Squibb of fraud, kickbacks

Ex-CEO of a pharmaceutical company pleaded guilty to kickbacks to doctors for prescriptions for opioids

U.S. Sues Novartis, Claiming Pharmacies Received Kickbacks

Baxter admits that the flu product contained a live avian influenza virus

Dengue vaccine fiasco leads to criminal prosecution of researcher in Philippines

The charity will pay $4 million to address the problem of rollback of pharmaceutical products in the United States 🇺🇸

Doctor from New York convicted of receiving kickbacks from opioid manufacturer Insys

Ex-CEO of a pharmaceutical company pleaded guilty to kickbacks to doctors for prescriptions for opioids

Earnings on patients with dementia: drug manufacturer must pay $ 116 million as part of fraud settlement

fraud-settlement /

Sanofi pays $25 million to settle bribery charges

Wyeth loses the Prempro test to pay $1.5 million

Zartak and other heartburn medications respond at a link to possible cancer.

🇵🇹In protests against medical tyranny and coercion to medical experiments came out and Portugal - the most advanced country in terms of court decisions:

1. Fictitious PCR tests.

November 2020

A Portuguese court has found PCR tests unreliable and illegal to quarantine people.

"If someone gets a positive result with PCR while using a threshold of 35 cycles or higher (usually in most laboratories in Europe and the US), the probability that this person is infected is less than 3%, and the probability that this result is a false positive is 97%."

The court's summary of the case regarding the Regional Health Authority's appeal rule reads as follows:

"Given how much scientific doubt there is – as many experts say – about the reliability of PCR tests, given the lack of information about the analytical parameters of the tests and the lack of a doctor's diagnosis confirming the existence of infection or risk, the court will not be able to determine whether the identity of C was really a carrier of the SARS-CoV-2 virus or A, B and D were at high risk of infection. "

2. Confirmation that during the so-called pandemic (from March 2020 to April 2021) died 152 people with a hyped diagnosis, instead of 17,000 

In Portugal, 152 people died during the planning from March 2020 to April 2021 from c0vid-19

Officially recognized by the court 

Quote again 

 German media news.

"This was reported in the Ministry of Health of Portugal after being summoned to court on the claim. The court confirmed this figure.

I.e. they were forced to do so. The Portuguese ministry did not voluntarily publish the true death toll.

Before that, they showed a figure of 17,000!

According to the court, the number of confirmed deaths with COVID-19 is 152. This corresponds to less than 0.9 percent of official data.

The 152 deaths from Pharaoh in Rusa -19 also means that up to and including April 2021, an average of 11 people per month died from COVID-19. And this is with the flu disappearing in an unknown direction from shame for medicine and science. reports: The civil movement has forced the release in court of confirmed deaths from COVID-19. Then the court was forced to officially summon the ministry.

"If these numbers," adds America's First Line Physicians, "are of the same order of magnitude in other countries - and there is no reason to assume otherwise - then this is a fraud of unimaginable proportions. Then crimes against humanity were committed here on an especially large scale."

We will only correct our Western colleagues in the resistance. This is not a scam. This is a coup d'état as part of a special operation on bioterrorism.

There are good reasons for issuing an arrest warrant 🚔 and investigation into the activities of well-known defendants - officials, representatives of the private sector for "genocide, crimes against humanity, mass murder, manslaughter, conspiracy to commit a coup d'état and all of the above. 

ℳɼ. Ƭɼɛɑʂʋɼɛɼ ℳɑℵ

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