Well, that's all, now de facto we have sincere confessions in the organization of biological sabotage and biological state terrorism. 

The FDA document recognizes that the "covid" PCR test was developed without isolated covid samples to calibrate the test, effectively acknowledging that it is testing something else! 

The document, published by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), openly acknowledges that the infamous PCR test for Covid was not designed with real samples of the Chinese virus, but rather with what appears to be genetic material from a common cold virus, that is, a common SARS.

Because the Fauci flu in any of its "variant" forms has not yet been properly isolated, the Food and Drug Administration has instead used common cold/flu viruses to perform PCR – this means that anyone who tests "positive" for Chinese germs is actually just testing positive for seasonal flu and other SARS. 



New data shows that virus titers are higher in vaccinated victims than in unvaccinated people.

This means a dangerous beginning to increase ADE (antibody-dependent gain). 

This is the worst-case scenario of the nightmare and the fear of the doctors who talked about it, the nob of laureate Luke Montaghier, the former head of Pfizer Dr. Michael Yidon, Dr. Dolores Cahill, Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, Dr. Richard Malone, Joseph Mercol and so on.

This poses the greatest risk of genocide to humanity in human history.

If you are vaccinated, consider that you have a higher risk of dying from ADE than a 95-year-old nursing home resident.

A potential strategy for not succumbing to ADE:

- Stop injecting the vaccine with a lethal poison immediately.

Consider yourself at the greatest risk and start high-risk antiviral prevention protocols immediately.

- High-risk antiviral prophylaxis includes: zinc, vitamin C, vitamin d3, ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine.

- quercetin or EGCG is most likely not strong enough to protect you

- This means that the z-stack is insufficient for high-risk patients and should not be used separately.

Stop listening to the mainstream media and the recommendations of the CBC, NIH, FDA, WHO, and the Biden administration. They are state biological terrorists and enemies of nation-states. 

It's time for God-centered humanity, it's time to step up multidirectional, multi-vector worldwide protests against tyranny.

Our constitutional rights have been violated, especially in terms of the legality of the adopted by-laws and illegal decrees (2020-2021). 

Immediate arrest of state biological terrorists, inspirers of criminals in the commission of an anti-corruption conspiracy and an attempt to enslave humanity. All, under national and international law, are brought before an international criminal tribunal and to national courts and are held accountable in all states of the world affected by this biological attack. 

Biological terrorists on the march 🥁 

🚩Passports of false vaccines are distributed all over the world, despite the fact that all the special operation and lies are revealed and shown in the documents, there are more and more tragic cases and they show that the false vaccine and special operation corona 👑 failed and fails (booster is another crime in different countries of the world);

🚩Mass protests escalate into fighting and continue across Europe as hundreds of thousands rally against the unconstitutional actions of national administrations in mandatory health passports;

🚩Conved has turned Australia 🦘 into the most totalitarian state on the Palanet with military lockdowns with no documentary basis;

🚩The editor-in-chief of Germany's best-selling newspaper apologizes for fear-induced coverage of Covid; 

🚩Jo Rogan is sounding the alarm over breakthroughs and racist vaccine passports 💉;

🚩Fizot food and drug administration intends to give final approval to Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine by early next month. In this case, the Americans will not be envied, since it will be impossible to refuse the vaccine after the introduction of the obligation that will follow after that;

🚩Factcheckers, repeatedly caught lying, report that the deaths reported by VAERS are not real;

🚩 Former DHS assistant secretary under Obama calls for unvaccinated people to be included in the 'no-fly' list;

🚩Professor Baylor calls for prosecution of criticism of Fauci and other scholars as 'Hate Crimes'";

🚩Vaccination against the false COVID-19 cannot create herd immunity because there is no such immunity in nature; 

🚩The chief U.S. Health Official says parents should wear masks at home with their unvaccinated children; 

🚩CNN fires three employees for coming to the office unvaccinated;

🚩 Boston Mayor Kim Janie compares COVID-19 vaccine passports to slave documents;

🚩"Lockdowns Wrong": Texas Governor Confirms There Will No Longer Be State Lockdown and No Mandates During pandemic;

🚩 Nobel Prize-winning virologist is calling on world leaders to recognize that hope for herd immunity from vaccination is now "futile’’;

🚩 Biden's COVID-19 adviser Admits that most masks are "Not very effective" in preventing the spread of the virus.»;

🚩Israiltians oppose the Pfizer vaccine and their concerns turn to government deception and blocking;

🚩 U.S. authorities are lobbying BigPharma at the expense of citizens and recruiting an "Army of Influence" to combat "Misinformation" about the Covid vaccine;

🚩YouTube is suspending Sky News Australia, citing "COVID-19 Misinformation";

🚩Doctor Mercola says pressure from the U.S. government means he must remove all of his content.

In 2015, Richard Rothschild, together with a Dutch government organization, patented the "System and Method of Testing for COVID-19".

Did you catch that ? In 2015, four years before the onset of the disease, a method of testing for COVID-19 was developed. 

On the Pubchem website, search for "covid-19" and select "Patents", then we will see registered patents of the invention of testing c0vid-19... 

     Inventor - Richard Rothschild 

Pubchem is an open chemical database of the National Institutes of Health (NIH)

"Scenario of the future of technology and international development". 

That says it all: a scenario for the future. It has a chapter called "LockStep" that reports the global pandemic as if it had happened in the past, but it's a terrorist plan to rehearse the future.

"During the pandemic, national leaders around the world have exercised their power and imposed strict rules and restrictions, from requiring the wearing of face masks to checking body temperature when entering public places such as train stations and supermarkets."

Clearly, the desired answer is a display of authority. But it only gets worse, according to this "Scenario of the Future":

"Even after the pandemic subsided, this more authoritarian control and oversight of citizens and their activities has stuck and even intensified."

"In developed countries, this increased control took many forms: for example, biometric identity cards for all citizens and tighter regulation of key industries whose stability was considered vital to the national interest."

Global Control Handbook

Now that the declared pandemic has actually arrived, the same Rockefeller Foundation has taken a second step: a guide to implementing new control systems during this pandemic. Only when all the necessary control networks are in place can the world reopen.

When you combine the two Rockefeller papers, you see a plan:

1) First, they announce a global coronavirus pandemic and say what it should lead to: a whole new level of authoritarian control.

2) Secondly, they provide practical steps for the application of this management system.

These are illustrations and quotes from their guide:

"Digital apps and privacy-protected tracking software should be widely used to enable more complete contact tracing."

"To fully control the Covid-19 epidemic, we need to test the majority of the population weekly."

According to their "Future Scenario," the entire world's population must receive a digital ID that indicates who received all the vaccines. Without sufficient vaccinations, access to schools, concerts, churches, public transport, etc. will be closed.

Now, in 2020, that's what Bill Gates and many governments are calling for.

Bill Gates six months before the coronavirus pandemic struck a $100 billion contact tracing deal with the bill's sponsor, a Democratic congressman.

The shocking revelations were made public by two investigators on the Thomas Paine podcast and the Moore Paine show on Patreon.

Nine months after meeting with the Gates Foundation in Rwanda, Bobby L. Rush, an Illinois Democrat, introduced the COVID-19 Screening, Coverage, and Contact with All Act (TRACE) for 100 billion HR 6666.

All contacts must be verified

In the leaked government video (10), we see a conversation between former US President Bill Clinton and Andrew Ouomo, the governor of new York.

They are discussing how to create a large control system to test the entire population and verify all their contacts. They discuss how to build an army to implement this system of governance.

Personally for Cuomo, so that he could more accurately calculate the 🧮 of his sentence 👇

Fake: In New York, the dead from coronavirus are buried in mass graves...

The creators of this madness are almost all in venerable age and it is softly said. 

By the way, the resolution of the "Green New Deal" was introduced in February 2019 by a member of the U.S. House of Representatives Alexandria Ocacio-Cortez. Green New Deal is "a 10-year plan to mobilize all elements of the American social system on a scale not seen since World War II. Its goal is to reduce greenhouse emissions to zero and achieve economic prosperity for all," the resolution said.

Oh my God, what climatologists scientists 👩 🔬 gathered, in the eyes of ripples ...

"This means that the government will tell people where they can fly and where they can't. And I think that means our California colleagues are going to ride bikes to their constituents," said U.S. Rep. Elizabeth Cheney. 

A whole new level of global control

Bill Gates also made it clear that only people who have been vaccinated against Covid-19 should be allowed to travel, go to school, attend meetings and work.

Digital identifiers for the vaccine are already being developed (12), and Gates holds a patent for technology that can track a person's body anywhere. This technology is called WO2020-060606

And an enzyme called Luciferase is what makes Bill Gates' implantable vaccine work.

In addition, Gates wants to create a global monitoring network that will track everyone who has been in contact with his false Covid-19.

Everything, you can arrest all this gang of war criminals.

Meet Dr. Nora Volkov. This forces us to dig into the CDC (which acts as an independent organization, like the Federal Reserve), whose actions are copied by the WHO, and to which it actually obeys. I wonder how many people died from an overdose of fentanyl while she was on duty?

Leon Trotsky's great-granddaughter Nora Dolores Volkova-Bronstein, director of the U.S. National Institutes of Health.

Take a deep breath and let it sink into you a little bit. 

Millions of COVID-19 testing kits were sold in 2017 and 2018.

As we all know, the new television disease COVID-19 appeared in China by the end of 2019. Therefore, it was called COVID-19, which is an abbreviation for Corona Virus Disease 2019.

However, data from the World Integrated Trade Solution shows something surprising:

"In 2017 and 2018 – two years before COVID-19 – hundreds of millions of COVID-19 testing kits were distributed around the world."

The data was discovered on September 5, 2020 and published. The next day, it went viral all over the world.

On September 6, WITS abruptly changed the original designation "COVID-19" to the vague "Medical Test Kits."

It is forbidden in trading because you always need to be specific. There are many types of test kits for different diseases.

The fact that they removed the COVID-19 specification after this data became known around the world proves that they don't want anyone to know about it.

However, they forgot to remove one detail: the product code for these "Medical Test Kits" is 300215, which means "COVID-19 Test Kits."

Their cover-up came too late: critical information has been uncovered and revealed by millions of people around the world. PDF-file with the source data of this site you already have , Friends .

In the two years before the COVID-19 outbreak, the US, EU, China and countries around the world began exporting millions of diagnostic tools for ... COVID-19, a disease that supposedly didn't even exist then.

The COVID-19 "project" runs until 2025.

The World Bank 🏦 (🏥 Hospital) shows that COVID-19 is a project that is scheduled to continue until the end of March 2025! Thus, they intend to extend it for another FIVE YEARS.

Scam Fauci guaranteed a pandemic for the next two years.

In 2017, this false Dr. Fauci made a very specific statement with strange confidence.

With full confidence, Fauci announced that during the first term of Trump's presidency, there would necessarily be a sudden outbreak of an infectious disease.

Here's what he had to say: 

"There is NO QUESTION whether there will be a problem for the upcoming administration in the field of infectious diseases.


How could Fauci guarantee a sudden outbreak during the first term of the Trump administration? What did this biological terrorist know that we don't?

Another sweet couple of professional mass murderers Bill and Melinda Gates guaranteed an imminent global pandemic.

In 2018, Bill Gates publicly announced that a global pandemic was looming that could wipe out 30 million people. He said it would probably happen within the next decade. 

Melinda Gates added that the artificially created virus poses the greatest threat to humanity, and also assured that in the coming years it will hit humanity. 

"The global pandemic is ON ITS WAY. ENGINEERING VIRUS is the greatest threat to humanity. It's going to happen in the NEXT DECADE." - BILL GATES, 2018

Let their choice of words sound in your head for a moment...

They argue that the densely populated world guarantees this imminent global pandemic.

But let's be honest: most of the Earth is uninhabited. Just fly over America on a plane and look out the window. Most of the time you see an empty space with a few cities here and there. Much of the United States is still open and empty.

It's the same with the rest of the world.

Australia, Russia, India, China, America, Africa... for the most part, it's wildlife. Our planet is nowhere as populated as Bill Gates wants us to believe. This world map clearly shows ...

Most of our Earth is completely devoid of human presence. Thus, the terrorist idea that the world is severely overpopulated and therefore inevitably lead to an impending global pandemic is a blatant lie.

The authorities are also using this pretext to justify a reduction in the world's population, that is, depopulation.

Gates also said that air travel is sure to cause a global pandemic. But in the last century, countless people flew on airplanes.

Has this caused constant outbreaks of global pandemics? Of course there is no 👎 

Their arguments for why they guaranteed a global pandemic in the next few years are false. So what is their real basis for such guaranteed predictions?

Preparing for the pandemic.

A few months before the outbreak, Bill Gates , the world's largest vaccine dealer - organized an event in New York. Guess what it was all about? It was a "coronavirus pandemic exercise."

Yes, you read that right:

Bill Gates organized a drill on the coronavirus pandemic right before it happened!

On the big display in the audience, you see a printed text: "We need to prepare for an event that will escalate into a pandemic." This pandemic event was called Event201 and took place in October 2019, just before the outbreak.

They concluded that all of humanity should be vaccinated with their poison.

The hype about the sale of vaccines next year.

Shortly thereafter, "exercises against the coronavirus pandemic," Bill Gates tweeted:

"I'm particularly excited about what next year could mean for one of the best health shopping in the world: vaccines." - Bill Gates, December 19, 2019

Think about it: a mass murderer of children in India and the world's No. 1 vaccine dealer is guaranteeing that there will be a global pandemic in the next few years, and his wife said we should all be wary of an artificially created virus that is "on the way." They then organize exercises in the face of the looming global pandemic and say vaccines will be the only solution. Bill Gates then tweets how excited he is about selling vaccines next year. Immediately after that, the declared pandemic broke out.

Indeed, Bill immediately declares that the only solution for humanity is to buy his vaccines...

2020 coronavirus pandemic projected in 2013

Back in 2013, the musician wrote a song called PANDEMIC. In his texts, he described a global pandemic that kills millions, destroys the economy and causes unrest.

His song literally described in great detail what we see in our world today, seven years later.

He even mentioned the exact year of the pandemic: 2020, and a specific type of virus: the coronavirus. 

This is a line from his 2013 lyrics:

"2020 combined with CoronaVirus, folding bodies."

The song also predicted the riots that are now raging across America:

"The state is rebelling, using the street outside. It fits your windows."

How could this musician have known in 2013 that the coronavirus pandemic would break out in 2020 and that riots would break out during that pandemic? He explains:

I did research back in 2012 and read about so-called 'conspiracy theories'. You know, those investigations that the media don't want us to investigate. According to these theories, the pandemics should have occurred between 2020 and 2030. So I wrote a pandemic song about it."

September 2019 Global Preparedness Monitoring Council: "Be prepared for the global coronavirus pandemic."

In September 2019 – also right before the outbreak – the Global Readiness Monitoring Council published a report titled "The World in Danger."

He stressed the need to be prepared for the coronavirus outbreak!

On the cover of the report is a picture of the coronavirus and people in masks.

In the report we read the following interesting paragraph:

"The United Nations (including WHO) is conducting at least two system-wide trainings and simulation exercises, including one to highlight the deliberate release of a deadly respiratory pathogen."

Did you catch that?

They practiced the deliberate release of a deadly respiratory pathogen.

An outbreak from China has been announced.

In 2018, the Institute for Disease Modeling made a video that shows how the flu virus originates from China, from the Wuhan region and spreads around the world, killing millions of people. They called it "Modeling a Global Influenza Pandemic." That's exactly what happened two years later.

Why did they say it would be from China? Why not in Africa, where there are many more diseases? Or why not South America? Or India? How could they know that the flu virus would come from China, and even point to Wuhan as the place of origin that would infect the whole world?

We confidently say: in China, it was easier to hold a theatrical 🎭 show with the fall of Chinese actors on the street dead, allegedly from the virus. And then in Wuhan there is a laboratory 🧫, so this theatrical 🎭 action they considered logical. Plus the large population and totalitarian order of China allowed to carry out such a large-scale cinema 🎥 work to deceive the world. We do not consider other versions. Any talk of leaking the virus from the lab is false, there has been no leakage. It's a fake movie Pandemic. If there was a real threat to life, we would have corpses on top of the corpses we have every year due to deaths from different causes. In 2020-2021, the estimate in all countries of the world was within the static error. 

Despite our solid knowledge, we give other opinions. But when analyzing the data, each of our readers is likely to agree with our opinion! The thing is also that so far no laboratory in the world and not one scientist has isolated this virus, and the premium for the isolated virus has been increased to $ 10,000,000. But no one goes for the money. Agree, it's weird to say the least. 

One of the world's experts on biological weapons is Dr. Francis Boyle. He is convinced that it came from the biological weapons laboratory in Wuhan, a level 4 biosafety laboratory.

This institution specializes in the development of coronavirus.

They take existing viruses and turn them into "weapons," that is, make them much more dangerous to use as biological weapons.

Dr. Li-Meng Yan, a Chinese virologist (MD), fled the country, quit her job at a prestigious Hong Kong university and became an informant. She appeared on British television, where she stated that SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, was created by Chinese scientists in a laboratory, and she presented evidence to support her claims. 

So what? In Georgia, there is a laboratory 🧫 the Pentagon and there also worked with bat viruses.

Lugar Center . Pentagon Biolaboratory in Georgia Study coronavirus 😷 bats 🐭 😂

In 2015, Anthony Fauci donated $3.7 million to this very laboratory.

Imagine: The same person who guaranteed a sudden outbreak of the virus in the next two years gave away nearly $4 million to a coronavirus lab.

There is no virus that can move around the world at such a rate and infect people with billions. This is nonsense. You can't do that. A bomb can be made with an infection, it's true. And the virus is transmitted by airborne droplets and purely logically and technically infect the whole world in this way is impossible. If it had been something else, we would not have been shown a year and a half of this dull crime movie - gavno. 


Films 🎥 funded in order to instill in the population the idea of 💭 about the inevitability of pandemics. This is the so-called delayed action effect known factor of human psychology. In the movies, they were sophisticated and predicted the coronavirus pandemic.

Predictive programming is the process of informing the public about events that are about to happen.

In recent years, several films and television series have been made about the global coronavirus pandemic. 

The dead plague depicts the global coronavirus pandemic and even mentions hydroxychloroquine as a medicine.

Another film called Contagion shows how the coronavirus is spreading around the world as a result of social distancing, face masks, blockage, hand washing, etc.

In these films, literally everything that we see now is predicted in detail.

These films 🎥, for children or for particularly impressionable and not busy with the thought process of the body. 

Pandemic during the 2012 Summer Olympics.

Speaking of predictive programming: during the opening show of the 2012 Summer Olympics, the coronavirus pandemic played out in front of the whole world.

Dozens of hospital beds, a large number of nurses who have become actors puppets of the control system, death lurks around, a demonic giant rising above the world, and the entire theater was lit in such a way that from the sky it looked like a coronavirus.

For what purposes was the coronavirus pandemic shown at the opening of the Olympic Games?

The whole world is watching 🗺, there is no larger event and a more successful case to infect people's minds with fear. Here's the true answer.

Global isolation is projected for 2008.

Important To be continued ⬇️

ℳɼ. ᏔⅈɳᎿɛɼ 🥶 ℵ

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