THE TEACHINGS of 📚 MARX - LENIN IN THE LIFE OF THE CROWN 🤴 Open for publication to the world 13 Part .

THE TEACHINGS of 📚 MARX - LENIN IN THE LIFE OF THE CROWN 🤴 Open for publication to the world 13 Part .

So, in Russia then there was... and now it remains, all the same tested by time, but outwardly modified Gulago-Gestapo SIStheme of power.

Everyone in this vast world is mired in their vision of historical facts... played his "Big Game"...

- "Now the Global Mafia is trying to establish a Tough Fascist Regime on Earth... That's on this SISM, the corral of Humanity in the Hard Fascist regime, and work almost all the world's terrorist organizations! The World Backstage is an ignored and hidden Reality! All this that I am telling you here is very serious.

It was this International Inter-Nazi Mafia that transferred the country [ussr] from one to another Balancing Regime after spending 32 years... (from 1953 to 1985)". — (K.P. Petrov. KOB. General Theory of Management).

We live again at a time when Nazis and fascists of all stripes and breeds are thriving everywhere... and, to everything, they are preparing the 3rd World War... An unfortunate fact. The past hardest lesson of history has NOT been passed, and NOT learned. Toli will still be. — (M.T. 27.01.2020). 

"The mountains of today's lies, conjectures, conscientious delusions, the fruits of political illiteracy will occupy the minds of future historians, and, undoubtedly, there will be many witty and thoughtful concepts about what happened to us, Russians, Tatars, Chechens, Yakuts. [!!!] To hope that the truth will eventually be found would be naive. [!!!] Neither the authorities nor historians will allow this. [!!!] No historical event exists without its interpretation, and no event passes without a trace - it continues to play not abstract, not didactic, but practical role in the life of each subsequent generation. [!!!] History, unfortunately, always remains an instrument of the politics of today, and the one who owns the past disposes of both the present and the future. [!!!] <...>

The USSR is liquidated - there is nowhere to return loans and there is no one. Russia? But why on earth? You can demand anything you want, but where is the legal basis? Russia had to renegotiate international treaties and transfer the financial assets of the Soviet Union to itself, which it did not and did not intend to do. From a legal point of view, we ended up in complete shit.

 Strange recklessness, isn't it? People did not come to the government from the village of Sekisovka, which vegetated in the vicinity of Oymyakon, and had time. Gaidar was together with Yeltsin at the signing of the Belovezhskaya Agreements and, if desired, could still prepare the necessary documents there. Moreover, next to him were an experienced lawyer, Vice Prime Minister Sergei Shakhrai and Foreign Minister Andrei Kozyrev. I could, but I didn't want to.

 But then his team with enviable activity dragged Russia into the Paris Club, which undertook to decide the fate of those very debts to the Soviet Union - more than 120 billion dollars. Dragged it in and passed it off as my big win.

 Of course! In the Paris Club, transactions are conducted behind closed doors, as they say, with the lights off - as befits Masonic lodges. How many tens of billions went to the right, and how many to the left, including negotiators from Russia, outsiders are not supposed to know. The Paris Club immediately halved the obligations of other states to the Soviet Union (count, to Russia) - from $ 120 to $ 60 billion. And then he began to gut the remaining amount.

 <...> Where and how much money "Kroll" dug up, most members of the government did not know. Not a cent was returned to the Russian budget, and the agency's report disappeared without a trace. Forever and ever. Aven reassured that there was nothing interesting in the report - for example, data from newspaper publications. Did young revolutionaries Gaidar and Aven with pure souls, like the breath of change, run into the hack?

 The detectives in the contract were directly instructed to find out: "about monetary funds and other assets located abroad and belonging to Russian and former Soviet enterprises and individuals." The task, however, is a little strange - not to look for the money of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, but to compile a database on wealthy Russians and export earnings of enterprises. For what?

 A little later, I asked the guys from the Foreign Intelligence Service, what is "Kroll"? The guys were digging around in their memory and papers - they had enough information.

 Kroll is not the only detective firm scouring the planet. All of them were created on the initiative of the leaders of B'nai Brita, and are staffed by retired agents of the CIA and British special services. They still work for these special services and borrow secret data from them, when necessary. Hence the ease with which they uncovered the foreign accounts of Marcos and Hussein, opponents of the United States who were under the CIA's magnifying glass.

 Detective firms are especially interested in energy-rich countries and consumers of American weapons. There, including in Russia, they act without hesitation, knowing that the superpower will always cover them. (In Brazil, five agents of "Kroll" were caught and arrested at once for illegal wiretapping of members of the government of this state. After the shout of the United States State Department, the Brazilians hushed up the case. defense, state security, high-ranking military personnel who were in charge of the purchase of weapons. On unfavorable terms, the Greeks pay America three and a half billion dollars annually for guns and tanks. And the Yankees should know who is dissatisfied or offers to change suppliers. This Athenian story was also not allowed) -

 The goal of "Kroll" and other detective agencies was to collect materials for blackmail or bribery of politicians, businessmen and to provide the necessary information to the gold fund of B'nai Brita - oligarchs with pro-Washington convictions. But this superden stabbing tool sometimes falls into crooked hands. The detectives lack professionalism - they work clumsy. Apparently, with cadres of scouts in the United States and Great Britain is also not sweet.

 Already in the post-Yeltsin years, Bernard Mayer-Hausen, Chairman of the International Arbitration Court in Zurich, turned to the police with a request to find justice for the Kroll. Agents demonstratively pursued him and intimidated him, seeking a decision in favor of Kroll's client - the Alfa Group consortium on a scandalous business case (sale of shares in Megafon OJSC).

 <...> And in Tallinn, two employees of the detective agency "Diligens", the younger brother of "Kroll", were detained. The list of leaders of this firm includes the Secretary of Emergency Situations under the President of the United States George W. Bush, Joe Albau, and the members of the advisory board include FBI Director William Webster, Clinton Chief of Staff Thomas McLarty and British Home Secretary Michael Howard. All are former. The agents placed wiretapping and tracking equipment on Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Fradkov who had arrived in Estonia. In the Baltic republic, the prime minister negotiated the conditions for the transit of oil through its territory.

 The offshore company TNK - Trade Ltd, affiliated with Alfa Group, was interested in the details of the negotiations, as well as Fradkov's position and, possibly, personal interests. Since she was engaged in pumping oil. The caught Diligence agents gave the Estonian police officers the customer of the operation - this company and the one who sent them to the Baltic states - Kroll.

 The informed reader knows that the wealthy Alfabank, where oligarch Petr Aven is the president, is part of the Alfa Group consortium, where another oligarch, Fridman, is at the top of the pyramid. And that Aven (he is also a member of the supervisory board of directors of Alfa Group) and Fridman are old sidekicks.

 Back in the early 90s, Fridman's Alpha-Eco company was engaged in large supplies of sugar, carpets and tea from India. The supplies went, among other things, at the expense of the debt to the Soviet Union. And such contracts were in the competence of the Avena Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations.

 And with "Kroll" Aven is like siblings. So to speak, they pray to one god

 <...> Anatoly Chubais, who received carte blanche from Yeltsin, unceremoniously threw the best enterprises into the fire of criminal privatization, without even notifying the ministers in whose subordination they were.

 <...> “You act like purse-mongers,” Titkin made noise at Gaidar and Chubais. He appealed to the president. They also complained that they did not understand the essence of the reforms. Before Yeltsin, for the umpteenth time there was a choice. And he did it again: he took and abolished the Ministry of Industry.

 But I'm talking about alternate airfields. Which were lit up later by the warm fires of commercial banks, financial corporations, institutions of a transit economy, etc. If the Gaidar brothers robbed the property of ministries headed by strangers in a black manner, they did not allow outsiders to reach the assets of their departments - they kept them for division among themselves. This was especially true of the chicken that brought the golden testicles - the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations (MFER).

 <...> And Gaidar and Aven prepared for Yeltsin a draft decree "On the liberalization of foreign economic activity on the territory of the RSFSR." And Boris Nikolaevich signed it on November 15, 1991.

 <...> A hasty decree was needed to exclude state foreign economic enterprises from the process. They became unnecessary - you can safely privatize their foreign property. The auditors of Aven's department have already figured out how much to take from their officials, so as not to anger them, for this or that object. Foreign property of "Soyuznefteexport" was estimated at two thousand dollars, although it was worth about a billion green. The buildings and property of this association were located in Great Britain, France, Denmark and Finland. And there was also property behind the cordon owned by the associations Novoexport, Tekhmashimport, Tyazhpromexport, Prodintorg, Technopromimport, Technopromexport ...

 <...> The economic policy was dictated by Yeltsin's right-hand man, the “commissioner” assigned to him by the International Monetary Fund - Jeffrey Sachs with his group of advisers.

 <...> ... Alfa Group decided to invest billions in shares of oil refineries in four German cities - Ingolstadt, Karlsruhe, Schwedt and Gelsenkirchen. According to the pride of the Soviet era, the Druzhba pipeline, the consortium is ready to pump 12 million tons of Russian oil annually to German refineries. (Due to the lack of refining capacities in our country, some regions are already buying fuel abroad. And what will we refuel military equipment if the X-hour comes?

 <...> Usually the head of government chooses something significant to visit. And Putin chose. With a horde of cameramen, he visited the regional branch of Alfabank. All day the TV channels showed where Putin and Aven talked about the prospects of the oligarch's business.

In the unforgettable era of the presidency of Vladimir Vladimirovich, Petr Olegovich loomed next to him constantly. Aven with Putin in America. Aven with Putin in the Netherlands. Aven with Putin in Turkey. Aven with Putin in Vietnam.

 <...> The president of Russia openly lobbied the interests of Peter Aven for the show, not embarrassed by our and foreign public. During an official visit to Turkey in 2005, Putin killed its Prime Minister Erdogan to give political guarantees to the private company Avena, which decided to invest more than $ 3 billion in the country's economy. Umel - Alfa Group has invested $ 3.2 billion in the development of the communications industry of the neighboring state.

 Telecommunication business is more profitable than oil and gas business. In addition, it provides the ability to own and manage information on a global scale. The sharks of capitalism are fighting over it - everyone wants to make big profits and own the world. And for Alfa Group, it is also a Kremlin-sanctioned export of substantial capital abroad.

 <...> Putin flew across the ocean - with him, of course, Aven. In Indonesia, Petr Olegovich staked out for himself 41 percent of the shares of the mobile operator Indosat and signed an agreement on the introduction of Alfa-Bank into this country. What diplomatic subtleties did Putin manage to persuade Yudayono's colleague to contribute to Aven's business? The transcript of the conversation is the secret of the protocol. And even without it, everything is clear: Indonesia received from Russia from Putin's hands a 15-year loan of one billion dollars.

 <...> For example, President Putin awarded Avena by decree No. 416 with the Order of Honor - "for the achievements in labor."

 <...> Anti-globalization sentiments in the world are increasingly raising leaders who are disliked by America and B'nai Brita. The institutes of the power of the All-Planetary Oligarchy are zealously watching the state of mind and spirit in the high orbits of politics. A little something - at once a velvet or some kind of orange revolution. In a word, if they doubt that you are “yours”, they will shoot you down.

 <...> Offshore, offshore! There, through various manipulations, they disguised the capital in the banks so that you cannot tell whose they are. (A team of Moscow investigators opened a criminal case No. 18 / 238278–95 against the officials of the northern capital, but from the middle of 1996, a representative of the St. Petersburg clan Chubais with the oligarchs began to rule Yeltsin. employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs cleared out the criminal cases in St.

 Alfa-Bank, as well as the entire consortium, has a very confusing, specially complicated management system. Who owns what - you can find out only by going through mountains of documents in different countries. The system is built according to the canons of a secret society: to expose false targets for persecutors and verifiers, to hide funds in remote corners, away from the world's financial centers. It is not for nothing that Aven is penetrating with his banking business into the most windbreak, into the jungle of the planet - Southeast Asia.

 <...> According to indirect data, one can only suspect where and what assets are hidden abroad by top Russian officials. It becomes more difficult to find out the exact information every year. You cannot extract data from "Kroll" and other detective offices of B'nai Brit with ticks - they do not give out their own there. And, one might say, there are no Russian agents or "moles" left in the secret services of the United States and Great Britain. The "moles" were taken out by all methods.

 It somehow coincided that our agents abroad were on fire when the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service was headed by Yevgeny Maksimovich Primakov. Now this service is ruled by Mikhail Efimovich Fradkov, the former deputy of Aven and the chairman of the government under Putin the president. It is incorrect to address him - you cannot sow mistrust between superiors and subordinates.

 (Along the way, I will note: it is no coincidence that the bureaucratic thieves of Russia with malice recall the pre-Gorbachev times. And they lie to the youth, as if it was a hopeless era. Yes, it was a bit tough for thieves. Her agents could catch, report, and the owner of the stolen capital went to mine gold in the Kolyma. As can be seen from archival documents, bankers, journalists, influential US senators, members of the British House of Lords, even the heads of government of some European and Asian states. ...

 <...> At lunch the Ambassador [Robert Strauss; USA] was interested in where I came from (as if I hadn't leafed through the dossier!), Asked where and how we met Yeltsin. We talked about Chechnya.

 “In the fall of 1991, you flew to Washington,” the ambassador recalled, “and spoke to a group of our congressmen. Your speech seemed aggressive to my acquaintances. “He did,” I confirmed. - Only the word "spoke" is not entirely accurate. We were just exchanging views. And there was no aggression. I said that everyone should deal with their own country: America - Americans, Russia - Russians. And do not meddle with each other for inflammatory purposes, as your Secretary of State Baker did. Why did he secretly gather the leaders of the republics of the USSR in the American embassy in the summer of 1991 and instruct them? Show who is the boss in Moscow? ...

 <...> ... the "fifth column" is not being formed with me. And that the president has a double approach to former party functionaries: in public he fires them up, and he himself, like no one else, patronizes them. Yeltsin's first assistant, a former instructor of the ideological department of the Central Committee of the CPSU Viktor Ilyushin, together they called a former member of the Central Committee of the CPSU Viktor Chernomyrdin to the government, he called a former member of the Central Committee of the CPSU, head of the department of party construction and personnel work of the Central Committee, Vladimir Babichev, he called other comrades.

 <...> We can make at least ten more leaps into democracy, but all attempts to root democracy will end in the ascension of the dodgy usurpers on the throne. Until the inevitability of punishment for their personal bastard position looms over the thoughtless gears.

 After Stalin's death, his accomplices in wet affairs flourished. After Brezhnev's death, doctors who languished dissenters in psychiatric hospitals became academicians, and fierce jailers received general ranks. After Gorbachev, his accomplices in preparing the country for surrender into the grasping hands of the All-Planetary Oligarchy sat in the Federation Council and at the head of the Russian government. “We are a people of bondage,” they babbled if they were reminded of something.

 <...> Clinton should have a secret agreement on such a deal between the Russian Federation and the United States: he will shake them in front of the noses of the leaders of Western countries and force them to support any anti-constitutional attacks by Yeltsin in order to keep him in power. [!!!]

 Frequent telephone conversations between B. Yeltsin and B. Clinton, especially before and after the so-called "elections" in 1996, have now become known to wide strata of society after they were deciphered and published in the media. (see A.I. Fursov).

 It is worth recalling: - "Yeltsin [this also applies to all his successors] from the same MI-6 stable, SIS department." - (Dr. John Coleman - "The Committee of 300").

 In general, the conclusion suggests itself: the Deep State (in fact - the Mafia State), not only seized all power and the economy, acting through finances, both in the United States and in many countries of the rest of the world, but also in the former USSR. In fact, the USSR itself, with its Masonic signs and a truncated Egyptian pyramid - the mausoleum of Mark SIStu Lenin-Blanc-Zederbaum, was to some extent a Globalist project ... KP Petrov), when the hidden masters ("Masters of money" - see V.Yu. Katasonov; or "Global predictor" - see KP Petrov, VM Zaznobin) had other plans. These plans have been constantly changing since the time of the introduction (with the support of huge finances, for which one half was bribed, by that Ruska (noun) elite, and a huge 20 thousand troops) into the head of the Russian Civilization, a double of Peter I. (see A.I. Fursov, SA Sall, Yu.Yu. Vorobievsky: - "Each Rome has its own Carthage. The current Russian Carthage is in London."). According to some reports, the double was the son of the Prussian king Frederick I (1657-1713) and his wife of Hesse-Kassel ... (His secret correspondence, which he conducted while on the Russian throne, with his theoretical mother ... is cited as proof of their relationship ... (see "People's Slavic Radio")).

 In general, the result is not entirely comforting: even the archives of the Soviet era! remain closed to society to this day (the fruits of the Gorbachev-Yeltsin "democracy"), not to mention the documents of more ancient times. History is constantly being rewritten (as well as the results of World War II (VO) War !!!) to please political clans and clusters. And it becomes more and more difficult to keep track of all the new trends in the Methodology of Teaching and Reporting History. But, in spite of everything (English Against All Odds), the process started. And in this we need to look for inspiration. - (M. Poltoranin. - "Power in TNT equivalent." Chapter V (part 7; 8; 9; 10; 11; 12; 13; 14); Comments by M.T.).

E.T. Gaidar [Chekist and MarkSISt in the 3rd generation, an ardent builder of communism in the Soviet Union] - was closely associated with Western Freemasons. Today this is an absolutely documented fact. Like the Minister of Foreign Affairs (and other ministers) A.V. Kozyrev - who was one of those who contributed to the opening of the secret archives of the KGB and the transfer of all Masonic archives from them to the West ...

 [E. Gaidar was a secret protégé ("father") of D. Dudaev ... Hence all the terrorism ... with still NOT named customers and financiers of all the crimes of the last 30 years and with another Chekist label - "Chechen trace" ... ! Let me remind you: the head of Yeltsin's Foreign Ministry A. Kozyrev had a nickname - "Advisor to the Lazanskaya Mafia" (their joint photos are on the Internet) ... which was the Criminal "Roof" for B. Berezovsky and R. Abramovich ... and, at the same time, "External intelligence "... from the Mountain Jew D. Dudayev ... who was brought to power (British" Solomon Plan "- see A.P. Devyatov) three structures: the 3rd KGB Directorate, the Chabad sect and the British Paramasonic B'nai Brit. .. headed by the Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Putin - G.A. Kissinger ... (see A.P. Shevyakin, O.A. Platonov, E. Khodos, M. Poltoranin, O. Grechenevsky, R.I. Khasbulatov, A.A. Kelimatov, + L. LaRouche).]

 During Yeltsin's time, trucks came from Europe into which these Masonic archives were loaded, and everything was exported to the West. [Including the archives of the Rothschild mafia cluster - (see A.I. Fursov)] At the same time, our group of patriots, who pointed out to the authorities that these were trophies, obtained with great blood during World War II (V.O.) war documents should not leave the territory of Russia, was subjected to brutal persecution by both the KGB and Masonic organizations, both in Russia and in the West, but we were able to make copies of approx. 10 thousand documents ... mostly in French, English and German! At one time, all these archives were collected by [the grandson of the Austrian banker (see S. A. Sall)] Adolf Hitler (Schicklgruber), who was interested in the historical experience of secret organizations' intelligence work to seize power in Russia ...

 Many have been Masons in the corridors of Russian power since the time of the Decembrists ... The commander A.V. Suvorov himself was not a member of the Masonic lodges, this is a slander against him, but his father - yes. [A.V. Suvorov was a member of the Orthodox part of the Order of Malta, which, of course, as a Christian, was in conflict with all Freemasons, and with pro-Masonic organizations and orders too. For example, with the Knights Templar. (The famous British black magician, occultist and Satanist Aleister Crowley (Edward Alexander Crowley; 1875-1947) tried to recreate the Order of the Knights Templar called the "Order of the Temple of the East" (Latin Ordo Templi Orientis, OTO) - an international occult-religious organization created by him for political goals). Later, the honorary members (knights) of the Orthodox part of the Order of Malta were Emperor Alexander III and his son Nicholas II and his monarch's wife Empress Alexandra Feodorovna (Lady of Honor and Devotion M.O.). And Kirill Vladimirovich Romanov (b. 1876-y. 1938) (father of Vladimir Kirillovich (b. 1917-y. 1992), married to Leonida Bagration-Mukhranskaya (b. 1914-y. 2010), and, accordingly, the grandfather of Maria Vladimirovna (born 1953), mother of George (born 1981) ...) supported the Catholic part of M.O. In the early 1990s, both lines arrived in Russia and began to look for their adherents ... Avdeev (born 1946). - see O.N. Barabanov (professor of Moscow State University / MGIMO))] Many of the Russian nobility "loved to play pranks" ... and they were Masons: the same Griboyedov, Karamzin ... So the uprising of 1825 should be called a Masonic uprising, not a popular one! More precisely, a Masonic coup. In 1822, Alexander I, by his decree, banned all secret and Masonic societies in Russia ... [And after 3 years he suddenly died ...] The goals of the Decembrist Masons were; the destruction of the tsar and his family, the destruction of Russia into small parts Ermolov (was a member of the "Southern" Pestel society) ... Many people (relatives ??) with the surname Pestel participated in the so-called French "revolution" ... ordered and paid for by the British ... that is. - in the Masonic coup of 1789 - which led to the creation of the Central Bank ... under the control of the Global Predictor (see Bavarian Illuminati) ... (see NH Webster, A. Ramsey, A.I.Spiridovich, V.Yu. Katasonov, AI Fursov, KP Petrov, VM Zaznobin)], and thirdly, the destruction of Christianity ... as the main enemy of usurers.

 The fact is that the Masonic organizations presented themselves as a kind of purely charitable organization ... with which they bribed simpletons. And they well concealed their political role, and their political, far-reaching intrigues, their role in subversive activities in relation to sovereign countries and peoples. [Their main task is to destroy all altars (all religions (Judaism, Christianity, Islam)) and all thrones ... - see S.А. Sall, A.I. Fursov]

 Do not think that the Freemasons are a single structure. They are all scattered and they are all in old centuries-old conflicts with each other! Take, for example, Berezovsky and Gusinsky. After all, it is known that both are associated with Masons (from different lodges) and united only for a common goal, against Russia, but, at the same time, they hated each other to the extent that Berezovsky several times ordered the murder of Gusinsky ... and the latter also did not lagged behind ...

 Especially many Masons became in power after the coup of 1917. And Lenin was in the English Masonic lodge, and Sverdlov with Trotsky, and all the other Bolsheviks: Zinoviev, Kamenev, Skvortsov, Lunacharsky, Sereda, Malenkov, Beria, Khrushchev, ... were also Freemasons and they were all funded not only by the German authorities, but also by the European Masonic organizations. Only Stalin was not. When he made his way to power, he destroyed almost all the famous Masons in the upper ranks of the party and the Lubyanka (Cheka-KGB) .. Thus, he took the bulk of the Jews out of the state authorities (and they were all Masons) thereby Stalin stopped the transformation of the Soviet state into new Khazaria - which the West still cannot forgive him [see. City of London, + 13 banking families from Frankfurt am Main, united since 1776 + Hesse-Kassel Masonic conventions].

 The same Jacob Schiff [the then head of the B'nai Brit - the Rothschild mafia cluster (S.A. Masonic lodges ... - allocated huge money for any repression against both Russia and against the peoples inhabiting it ... the main emphasis was placed on this ... both then and today! The organization of any internal conflict in Russia was warmly welcomed and well paid ... [see. N. Kuzmin - "Retribution"] ... [they did not give a damn about the indigenous peoples of Russia themselves - the attitude is not so hateful, although this is also present - how much the attitude of absolute contempt! to all of us ... !!! What is still manifested in the modern policy of economic and political genocide of the indigenous peoples of Russia approved by the Western elites (see V.Yu. Katasonov, V.M.Simchera, K.P. Petrov, V.M. Zaznobin) - Gorbachev-Yeltsin Putin's Russia. Although outwardly, the Western elite is strenuously portraying the opposite ... !!!]

 At the same time, Academician O.A. Platonov believes that such freemasons as Lenin, Sverdlov and Trotsky, although they were financed by Western groups, were at the same time playing some kind of political game of their own, or rather games ... were not controlled entirely from the west.

 Today the policy of the Western elites is aimed not only at the destruction of Russia, and the destruction and dispersal of its peoples, but also at the destruction of the European peoples - there should be no Belgians, French, Germans, Danes, Swedes, Norwegians ... etc. And only those who have refused and welcomed others should remain, those who have refused to continue the race ... And they are basically all Masons ... with the obligatory ritual of admission to membership ...

 The idea of ​​the "Golden Billion" belongs to the representatives of the "Chosen People". And through them, this idea got into all Masonic structures and related organizations - the same Club of Rome ... [whose decisions are implemented by all Kremlin leaders of the last 50 years - since 1972. At the same time, the Club of Rome is a part of British society Mont Pelerin ... associated with the British "Society of Pilgrims" (Piligrims Society. 1902) (see V.Yu. Katasonov, A.P. Devyatov, C. Savoy) ...]

 At one time, the Freemasons wrote a letter to Stalin with the idea of ​​uniting the Bolsheviks with world Freemasonry into one indestructible force on a global scale ... But Stalin rejected their ideas ... and jailed all the authors of this letter.

 The last general secretary of the Masonic Central Committee of the CPSU M. Gorbachev (a protege of the KGB, who in the late 1960s almost became deputy chairman of the KGB of the USSR Yu.V. Andropov !! - see A.V. Ostrovsky), on the contrary, fulfills all their wishes and decrees, so his and transported to San Francisco (California - the homeland of American and British "democrats" - Deep State), one of the centers of world Freemasonry, where he lives, and where his "Gorbachev Foundation" is financing anti-Russian and anti-human actions ... money ("party gold", "party money") stolen by him, under the cover of the generals of the KGB and the GRU, and withdrawn and successfully laundered in the West ... by his own decree "On privatization" signed by him on May 28, 1990 (see S.P.Shashurin - more than 350 videos!).

 Today the situation with world Freemasonry is such that the further use of their brotherhoods by the Global predictor in their former capacity ... supranational organizational forces of influence, collection and transmission of information, control ... etc. is no longer a necessary factor ... Therefore, they will gradually be replaced by new adherents (of a new religion) ... a new digital world ... a new world order ... more obedient, more controlled, whose behavior will be more predictable ... and useful to "Masters of money".

 - “So, I think, the Russians do not know that most of the IT assets in Russia already belong to the British ... What no one says - that the British, today, not only in Europe, but throughout the entire post-Soviet space, are in Northern Eurasia, replacing the US of America. This is what is happening behind the scenes today. " - (V. Lepekhin. "The birth of a new world order is taking place before our eyes." TV Day from 02.03.2020).

 Add, to everything, annually held in Russia by its authorities, more precisely, as Professor V.Yu. Katasonov - by the colonial administration of the Russian Federation - obligatory "Gaidar readings" ... and you will immediately understand and see all the domestic and foreign policy pursued in relation to all of us - the indigenous peoples of Russia!

 - (Academician OA Platonov. "Russian meetings". Topic: "The Russian people and the forces of destruction." Perm. 12/10/2013; Comments and the algorithm of MT).

 ___ "The Tavistock Institute called for consultations with Peccei, which also involved McGeorge Bundy, Homer Perlmutter and Dr. Alexander King. From London Peccei went to the White House, where He met with the President and his cabinet, followed by a visit to the US State Department, where he conferred with the Secretary of State, State Department intelligence officials, and the State Policy Planning Council, so the United States government was fully aware of the Committee of 300's plans for this country from the outset. Here is the answer to the frequently asked question: “Why does our government allow the Club of Rome to conduct subversive activities in the United States?” [!!!]

 Volcker's economic and monetary policies were a reflection of the policies of Sir Geoffrey Howe, UK Treasury Secretary, member of the Committee of 300. This exemplifies how Britain has ruled the United States [!!!] since the war of 1812 and continues to exercise control over the country through the policies of the Committee of 300 . [Deep State]


Meet Dr. Nora Volkov. This forces us to dig into the CDC (which acts as an independent organization, like the Federal Reserve), whose actions are copied by the WHO, and to which it actually obeys. I wonder how many people died from an overdose of fentanyl while she was on duty?

After the death of his father and the arrest of his mother, the upbringing of little Yulia Sedova-Rubinstein was carried out by her grandmother and grandfather on her mother's side.

Vobla Sailed to the Island 🏝see ... and says: 

I sailed to you with greetings...

Tell me that beer is 🍻 cooling.

That it's a hot downpour. 

Foam splashes from the glass. 

Blya, wake up with your brain 🧠 bitch,

The bird quickly 💨 stirred. 

And autumn is full of thirst. 

Drink a bitch mug quickly, 

And the second drink right away. 

Like yesterday, I'm around again.

What is your soul so thirsty for, 

The island 🏝 bitch, invisible, 

The island 🏝 female, underdeveloped. 

I'm 😟 excited,

That I don't know 🤷 ♂️ will sail, 

Sing, and the song 🎶 bitch ripens,

Island 🏝 fallen, You're not okay ...

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