You have poisoned hundreds of millions of people around the world. 

Do you have portrait specialists, including psychological portraits of the heads of sensitive departments? Or have you humiliated all the specialists of the 20th century? 

А smаrt fасe is nоt а sign оf intelligenсe, gentlemen. 

Аll the nоnsense оn eаrth is dоne with this fасiаl eхрressiоn.

We watch a lot of stories and broadcasts. All we've seen over the last year and a half has been mentally ill, professionally unfit people. Look at the pupils of this abnormal woman. Do you have 👀 eyes? Do you have ears 👂 👂? It's impossible to listen to... (((

Did you feel the imminent arrest of 🚔 and decided to make a move with a horse? Slip us this fucking woman and develop the topic of the fault of the doctors and blame the shooters from the CDC? 

You've decided to take puppies 🐶 on the gop stop 🛑. We have you from all sides and into all the holes. No one will hide anywhere, pulling everyone out of burrows and bomb shelters by the spike, as the Nazis were pulled out. Don't expect to jump off our end. If we put on the end, we will pierce through any . 

As we said a few months ago, the plan is this: put the population of the nation-state of the world on a permanent syringe needle. And improve the technology of control and enslavement through the QR code 🔐 in the phone and all modern options, including electronic money 💶 💴 💵 tied to this code and your behavior in life and the network. As well as the disposal of excess population by lists and countries, by states and provinces, by lands and regions, regions and continents, cities and rural areas. The scenario of criminals is quite clear, add a lot of other sophisticated and perverted options and fantasies associated with violence against the individual. All this is carried out by a very small group of the main defendants about (66) of the main ones, the rest are six and there are already tens of thousands and even hundreds of thousands, including the police and other performers. The cause of establishing war communism and medical fascism is gradual, long, but quite pitmous and obvious. It will take (5-7 years so that no one can find out where he lives. Many will be in concentration camps, some will be poisoned and die. Life will turn into a hellish lottery. It is even difficult to call life. 

Spanish Covid Passports already have slots for 8 booster shots💉

The huge problem and drama of the situation is that the political insects that occupied the machine of the states of the world have subjugated the main energy of life - money 💰. They don't have a state mindset, but for their current needs, they have enough access to money and power to violence through corporate monopolies. Thinking is replaced by basic instincts such as "attack or run away". They cut the budget into their minks, but no one can knock them out. We see a complete lack of work of democratic institutions, police, courts, prosecutor's office, supervisory authorities, trade unions. A lot of institutions were created precisely for this knocking out: tools, mechanisms, law, court, independent public opinion, media, opposition, fair elections, political competition. 

Citizens exist autonomously from each other, like nuts and screws of a disassembled mechanism, so they can only be helplessly amtonished by the growing degree of lawlessness.

Until there is a point of assemblage of civil unity, the scenario of a sovereign colony will work, which pumps out all the resources of the population and nation-states by pumping them into banks 🏦, suppressing and marginalizing the population. Whether this assemblage point appears or not depends on the sum of human wills that are guided by culture and history. What to do the eternal question. Look for a point around which national forces unite and civil unity will emerge. Everything else: questions of power and politics can only be the field of activity of this unity. If there is no unity, then it is pointless to ask "what to do?", because only civil society and the unity of this society can do something on the scale of the state. That critical mass of the most intelligent, conscious and active citizens.

And then there's the catastrophe scenario, after which a living hell will begin. Then the cards will be 🃏 reset, the deck will be dragged and handed over again, sweetly according to the New, unknown rules of the game.

The invention in the United States is aimed at introducing an invisible "vaccination card"

Engineers from a university in the U.S. have invented nanoparticles that, when injected under the skin, emit fluorescent light that is invisible to the human eye but visible to a smartphone that can one day confirm that a person has been vaccinated.

The idea is to register proof of the vaccine on the body itself in developing countries, where vaccination records are often incomplete or incorrectly informed, and where electronic health records do not exist.

The system, described in the journal Science Translational Medicine, has so far only been tested on rats, but researchers funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation hope to test it in humans in Africa in the next two years, he told AFP. co-author Ana Jaklenek, a biomedical engineer at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

Engineers have spent a lot of time searching for components that are safe for the body, stable and able to last for several years.

The final recipe consists of copper-based nanocrystals called quantum dots, with a diameter of 3.7 nanometers, enclosed in microparticles measuring 16 microns (1 micrometer equals one millionth of a meter, and 1 nanometer equals one billionth of a meter). A patch of microneedles with a length of 1.5 millimeters is introduced into the assembly.

Two minutes after the injection, the microneedles dissolve and leave small dots under the skin, arranged in the form of a circle or cross. 

These points are excited by an invisible part of the spectrum of light, close to infrared.

A modified smartphone aimed at the skin makes a circle or cross appear fluorescent on the screen. 

Years later, a doctor could use a smartphone to check if a person is vaccinated.

The Gates Foundation behind the project is funding opinion polls in Kenya, Malawi and Bangladesh to determine whether people will be willing to use these microscopic quantum dots or choose to stick to old vaccination charts.

To the question of Alexander the Great: "What would you want from me?", Diogenes replied: "Do not block the sun from me!". 

Rothschild in the service of the KGB ?

In his secret memoirs, General I.A. Serov revealed many secrets.

Not so long ago, the publishing house "Enlightenment" of the Russian Federation published a book 📖 in Russian language "Notes from a suitcase. We were sent a sample from this book by Russian partisans of the anti-Covid movement. We translated their text and were stinched. In the secret diaries of the first KGB chairman, found 25 years after his death." The author is General Ivan Serov, also at one time the head of the GRU of the USSR and the deputy of L.P. Beria. Records and accompanying copies of documents hidden by him before his death at the dacha in the Moscow region, were accidentally discovered by his granddaughter in 2012. The book was prepared for publication by State Duma deputy Alexander Khinshtein.

In serov's memoirs there are lines that until now almost no one paid much attention to. However, they actually confirm what has been debated for a long time - whether or not there was Victor Rothschild, a baron and member of the House of Lords of Great Britain, a member of the dynasty of a powerful financial clan, a KGB agent, a member of the so-called Cambridge Five, headed by the legendary Kim Philby.

According to Serov in his notes, which he addressed to posterity, Rothschild "knew perfectly well that these people (that is, the Cambridge Five) were connected with us, he used them to transmit information to Moscow, including false information." "Useful ties with him," Serov wrote, "ended with the formation of Israel."

What is Serov hinting at here? And that Victor Rothschild used his political influence and secret ties with the Zionist Center in Vienna to create the state of Israel. Although at that time the British Foreign Office took a pro-Arab position and resisted the pro-Israel lobby in the United States. Stalin fully supported the idea of creating an Israeli state on the territory of Palestine. It turns out that it was Victor Rothschild who in England contributed to the implementation of the plan, which was facilitated by the USSR.

There is in the "documents from the suitcase" and another entry relating to Victor Rothschild. It refers to the events of 1956 (preparation of Khrushchev's visit to England): "The use of V. Rothschild for probing reconnaissance of conversations with E. Eden," Serov writes. Thus, it can be assumed that the mention of contact with Rothschild "on the program of the visit and issues for discussion with the British" refers specifically to the preparation of Khrushchev's visit to London, the first, by the way, in the history of the USSR. It is clear from it that the Soviet intelligence of Rothschild really "used". Or Rothschild used the KGB?..

"The Fifth Man"

Of course, these words of the former head of the GRU and KGB are not documented in any way, and he did not particularly develop this topic in the notes found. In addition, it is clear that for Serov the topic of Rothschild was, of course, a third-degree. But there was no reason for Serov to invent Rothschild's ties with Soviet intelligence. He mentioned it as if in passing, as a fact well known to a narrow circle of initiates. In addition, suspicions about Viktor Rothschild's ties with the KGB appeared during his lifetime after his acquaintance from Trinity College, Soviet agent Kim Philby, fled to Moscow in 1963.

A year later, another friend of the baron's youth, another member of the Cambridge Five, Anthony Blunt, confessed to collaborating with Soviet intelligence. Victor himself came under suspicion, and from 1964 to 1968 he was interrogated 11 times by MI5, but no evidence of his involvement in the spy network was found.

But if they did not find, this does not mean that they did not exist. In 1986, a number of members of the British Parliament called for an investigation into the possible involvement of Rothschild in espionage in favor of the USSR. In response, Victor published an open letter in which he stated that he "is not and has never been a Soviet agent." And what else did he have to do? Do not admit it! But most importantly, Victor Rothschild was a member of such a powerful financial clan that the fact itself put him in the eyes of the British elite beyond suspicion. After all, Victor Rothschild came from a family that went down in the history of England, in particular, by buying the Suez Canal for the British government. Therefore, Prime Minister Thatcher briefly commented on this in the spirit: "We have no evidence that he was ever a Soviet agent."

In 1990, a defector, former KGB colonel Oleg Gordievsky, who secretly worked for British intelligence, said that the fifth member of the Cambridge Five was John Cairncross. Despite this, rumors of Rothschild's work for the Soviet Union, while he was alive, did not stop. Australian historian and writer Roland Perry in his book "The Fifth Man" confidently argued that it was Rothschild who was part of the core of Soviet agents in England and "merged" all the secrets of Foggy Albion to Moscow.


The very biography of Victor Rothschild, which is strikingly different from other members of his clan, his penchant for adventurous adventures and work in British intelligence show that this could well be. He is the scion of the most powerful financial dynasty of the rothschild world, the beginning of which was laid in the XVIII century by a native of the Jewish family AmschelMoses Bauer in Frankfurt am Main. On the gate of his jewelry workshop was an emblem with a red shield ("Rothschild" - in German), which was legalized by his son Mayer Amschel as a family name.

Victor Rothschild graduated from the privileged boarding school Harrow, among the graduates of which are seven prime ministers of Great Britain, five monarchs and many offspring of royal families. He studied physiology at Trinity College, Cambridge, where he became a first-class cricketeer, led a playboy life, drove a Bugatti and joined the closed society of socialist intellectuals "Cambridge Apostles".

There, young Victor became friends with Peter Kapitsa, who worked in Rutherford's laboratory. The latter gave him a very positive characteristic in Moscow. As a result, Rothschild soon came together with fellow student and Soviet intelligence agent Kim Philby and with future other members of the Cambridge Five Guy Burgess and Anthony Blunt. With the latter two, Rothschild even rented an apartment in London after graduating from college. In 1934, Victor Rothschild unexpectedly received a ticket to a symphony concert and a "recommendatory" note from Kim Philby. A few minutes before the start, a tall blue-eyed man took the place next to him. During intermission, they talked about music, the stranger introduced himself as Otto. In fact, it was Theodore Malley, a career employee of the foreign department of the OGPU, his best recruiter.

In 1937, 26-year-old Victor inherited the title of Baron Rothschild and began to sit in the House of Lords from Labour. After Kristallnacht in Berlin, the young peer through the Times urged the British to seriously assess the threat posed by Nazi Germany.In early 1939, he visited the White House in the United States, discussing the issue of accepting Jewish refugees from Germany.

In the same year, the baron was accepted into the service of MI5, seconded to the counterintelligence department. At the very beginning of the war, Victor served in a secret laboratory in Porton Down, where chemical and biological weapons were being developed.

Bomb in a bar of chocolate

In 1942, Victor headed the department of countering sabotage and brilliantly conducted operation "Fifth Column". As part of this operation, hundreds of Britons were identified ready to help the Nazis in the event of an invasion. In May 1943, Rothschild saved British Prime Minister Winston Churchill from death. He learned that the Nazis wanted to blow up Churchill with a bomb hidden in a bar of expensive chocolate. However, Rothschild warned the head of Britain in advance - the nazi plan was thwarted. It is also known that during the war, the young baron personally neutralized German booby traps and time bombs, for which he was awarded the King George Medal in 1944.

After the war, Rothschild suddenly changed his occupation - he worked at the Department of Zoology at the University of Cambridge, where in 1950 he received a doctorate. In 1953 he was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society for his research on sperm physiology. And in 1963, he headed the development department in the oil and gas giant Royal Dutch Shell. In 1970, Prime Minister Edward Heath appointed the Baron head of the Central Policy Review Staff, an organization known as the think tank of British politics. At this time, he often visited Chequers, the country residence of the Prime Minister.

Victor Rothschild died in 1990, and was, according to his will, buried next to the remains of Nathan Mayer Rothschild, the founder of the English branch of the family. He took all his secrets with him to the grave. However, now there is no doubt that he, even if he was not a recruited Soviet agent, then the "agent of influence" of the USSR was absolutely certain.

On the wave of sympathy for communism

Historians of special services know that the "agent of influence" is not made a recruitment offer, he does not take a subscription to his voluntary cooperation, he is not given a monthly cash reward. Sometimes the "agent of influence" may not even realize that it is used by special services in the interests of a foreign state. Some historians, who still stubbornly deny the involvement of Viktor Rothschild in cooperation with the KGB, say that this could not do the offspring of such a name.

It should be noted that in Western Europe at that time among the intelligentsia the ideas of communism were very popular. In the early 30s, leftist sentiments simply swept the same Cambridge.

Very soon, the "Society for Cultural Relations with the USSR" was created on its territory, as well as the "Cambridge Film Society", which was completely in the hands of the left, regularly showing its members free of charge films received in the Soviet trade mission.

In France and Italy after World War II, virtually all prominent cultural figures who rejected capitalism were then members of the Communist Parties. Members of the Italian Communist Party were the famous artist Renato Guttuso, the world-famous sculptor Giacomo Manzu, the film director Pier-Paolo Pasolini and other prominent artists. In France, the famous Slavic professor René Guerra said that at the Sorbonne he was literally ostracized only because he was friends with white emigrants from Russia living in Paris. In the wake of such sentiments, there were many people who wanted to help the "world's first state of workers and peasants" among cultural figures and aristocrats closely associated with them. So Baron Victor Rothschild is no exception here.

There is one well-known way to stop (interrupt) the commission of a crime - the arrest of 🚔 and the court. Sick people like Bill may need to be isolated in a psychiatric clinic for the rest of their lives without the Internet and other communication capabilities. No one has invented other methods and will never invent. There's the U.S. Constitution 🇺🇸, there's the criminal code. These are basic U.S. laws and they are boldly violated and continue to be violated. An increasing number of top managers of different companies and institutions are on the path of violating basic laws and bear the stamp of state criminals. This is a real hellish lawlessness of biological terrorists.

If the people cease to respect their own, national intelligentsia, do not cherish it, do not grow it, do not protect, but can, at someone else's call, mock it, and even become its persecutor and destroyer, then it becomes on the slippery path of Degeneration. The intelligentsia is the color of any Spiritual nation, its flower: the intellectual elite. A people without its intelligentsia, that tree without fruit, that flower without essential oils and, accordingly, without a captivating and delightful aroma, that a family without children - has no Future, and among contemporaries and descendants - Recognition and Respect.

The Franco-Prussian War was won by a German schoolteacher. - (Oscar Pechel)

The attitude of the state to the teacher is a state policy that testifies either to the strength of the state or to its weakness. Wars are not won by generals, wars are won by school teachers and parish priests. - (Otto von Bismarck).

No one and NEVER can call for the Destruction of any PEOPLE, pointing to its prominent representatives - professors, academicians, representatives of scientific circles, engineers, doctors, teachers, cultural figures, cinema, theater ... NO ONE can Justify His Hatred to others! But, at the same time, any Enemy of your people, Can easily call on others to kill all your people with carpet bombings, deportations and other mass repressions, pointing to all sorts of Political and Religious Provocateurs, representatives of the mafia and others, always drawn to Material wealth, Crime - Naturally just Chronically Hating, NOT respecting, and NOT appreciating any intelligentsia. This has happened more than once in the history of the World. And that's a fact worth pondering. 

I think there is no greater hatred in the world than the hatred of the ignorant of knowledge. - (Galileo Galilei).

Ϻɾ. 𑀝σɭσηεɭ

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