The most common cause of death after Pfizer injections of Covid-19 (according to MHRA-UK)


        On the rights of advertising 

You can order new top brands 2021 right now!

Barneys New York and swastika bags in the American chain of stores are already filling the fashion boutique for the sale of stylish clothes Barneys New York. Our cute 🥰 handbags Fluo Passementary Lily Hobo (price $1495) with a swastika from one of the brightest representatives of the American fashion industry Marc Jacobs) Will certainly cheer up your boring life, Friends! 

Also to your attention Mango and her SS blouse 👚 

For young people, the Forever 21 offer and its Nazi symbols are particularly lovely. 

Airwalk and swastikas after a long break (2017) again in the American clothing chain Ross Stores 🏬 for you our young Nazis! 

And of course the biggest choice in KA Designs and T-shirts LGTB with your favorite swastika American company KA Designs. The company tirelessly produces T-shirts, the company is harsh and as time has shown unjustifiably criticized for a harmless attempt to rebrand the swastika as a symbol of peace after the shelves of American stores got T-shirts that had a print of the Nazi swastika and the phrase "Hitler did nothing wrong." 

Also, on T-shirts, the swastika was painted in the colors of the flags of the LGBT community and signed as Peace, while on others you can see the words Zen and Love.

Now all misunderstandings are settled and removed. The U.S. Congress 🇺🇸 gave the go-ahead for 😻's love of Adik's works. 

A particularly thin offer for true connoisseurs of strangulation of passers-by with a shoe sole not like you and not having a green pass to life from Conal International Trading with a super sole with a swastika . This model is also represented by our beloved, native, Nazi, American shoe company Conal International Trading Inc. Yes, there was a method of misunderstanding and we had to withdraw from sale shoes that leave a mark on the face in the form of a swastika, although the company explained that the design was not intentional, but was the result of an artistic mistake made by manufacturers in China - "in a cultural environment where the swastika is perceived as a Buddhist symbol." Now all these unfortunate misunderstandings have also been eliminated by the US Congress 🇺🇸 

We also hasten to report the good news for the Nazis - motorists. This morning we started negotiations with Elon Max to introduce new 21st century symbols on Tesla car tires stylish roadster convertible + interior with Nazi crosses on a special order of the US government 🇺🇸 

   Model autumn 🍂 winter 🥶 2021-2022 

Dale of Norway and the Nazi runes on your cold-warmed Nazi body in the uniform of the Norwegian alpine skiing team for the Olympic season - 2017 / 2018 revealed images of runes of the Ancient Germanic (and Old Norse) alphabet that were used by the Nazis during the Second World War, and now we are beginning to warm from the cold and prevention of new strains to dress all US citizens 🇺🇸 and the world in this jumper. Your sweater depicts the rune Algiz (life) and the rune Tivaz (warrior, god). The last rune in the form of an upward arrow is still emblazoned on the emblem of the Northern Resistance Movement, which staged a neo-Nazis march in Gothenburg at the end of September 2017 in Gothenburg, Sweden. It's especially honorable now. We have come to the conclusion that this should not worry you and us. The Nazis always used a number of runic signs and other historical symbols, Scandinavian heroes and even flags. But they do not have ownership of historical symbols associated with Norway. We've used runes before and it's okay as you can see. Now, all U.S. 🚗 vehicles will 🇺🇸 be marked with Nazi symbols. Remind our fashionistas little nice details :- in 2018 before the Olympics, the Norwegian athletes themselves, although they said that these runes are Nazi symbols and therefore they refuse to wear these clothes to the competitions 🏟 later they repented of their mistake after the shooting. In Scandinavia, runes were used until the 15th century, and this means dear Nazis, at one time they brought up all the epic, folklore and history of the Vikings, without which the Norwegians are nobody, nothing and call them in any way. 

Well, to once again remind about your own history of the United States 🇺🇸 and cultural heritage here are your dear dear Nazis, admire the ⬇️

Zigzags Good luck Barry and prankster Hillary in the Gulf 

Training on supply chain failure and In parallel a good insured event for earning money on eating "pizza 🍕 " 

Meat has not yet become artificial, according to the plans of the neo-Marx Klaus Schwab, but large food companies are already forging fish in full. 

Alternative seafood is one of the fastest growing segments of the plant market. Investment in plant-based seafood in the U.S. reached $70 million in the first half of 2021 , the same as in the last two years combined. But it still stands at just $12 million, or 0.1% of the $15 billion U.S. seafood market. 

🚩Tyson has invested in plant-based shellfish company New Wave Foods, which this year produced seaweed-based shrimp.

🚩 Last year, Nestle launched Vuna, a plant-based alternative to tuna. Statistics were given that 90% of the world's fish stocks are now completely or almost depleted.

🚩Thai Union Group, which owns tuna legend Chicken of the Sea, already produces plant-based fish and crabs and plans to launch plant-based shrimp as early as this year.

Worms 🐛 and the purified water 💧 from gates' shit from his farmland very close. 

🇺🇸Next California, but it's nearby. We strongly doubt the natural nature of the earthworks. Very similar to an underwater controlled explosion of high power. 

Earthquake in Haiti. Magnitude 7.2. This earthquake was claimed to be stronger than the 2010 earthquake, which was 7.0

UNITED STATES. Congress passed a law banning millions of Americans from flying.

Before this pandemic, it was inconceivable that Congress would consider a law banning millions of Americans from flying. 

But now everything has changed. A new bill has been introduced that states that anyone who has not been vaccinated will never be allowed to fly again. 

The following is a description of HR 4980 published on the website of the http://congress.gov/

Instructing the Secretary of Homeland Security to ensure that everyone traveling on a flight departing from or arriving at an airport in the United States or any territory of the United States is fully vaccinated against COVID-19 and for other purposes.

The full text of the bill has not yet been received by Congress gov, so we do not know the details of the proposed bill.

However, we do know that if you are not fully vaccinated, you will be prohibited from flying on all flights departing from or arriving at any airport in the United States.

That way, if you've only received one injection, you'll also be left out.

This comes at a time when many liberal media outlets are also calling for a flight ban for unvaccinated people. 

For example, the following excerpt is taken from an article titled "Unvaccinated people are on the no-fly list." 

But at this stage of the pandemic, tighter general restrictions are not the solution to the further spread of the virus. Vaccinated people no longer have to bear the burden of the unvaccinated during the flight. 

The White House has rejected a nationwide vaccination mandate – a general proposal that the Biden administration would not have been able to easily implement even if it wanted to – but a flight ban for unvaccinated adults is an obvious step the federal government should take. 

This will help limit the risk of transfer to destinations where unvaccinated people are sent and by setting rules that limit certain privileges for vaccinated individuals, it will also help to increase the level of stagnation of vaccination.

This level of extremism deeply disturbs me. We have included terrorists in the list of prohibited flights. Now you want to treat unvaccinated people the same way? This should scare us all deeply.


The mayor of Cumberland City Council in the Australian state of New South Wales, Steve Christou, compared the new Covid measures in his region to Nazi Germany.

Kristu posted a photo of the new rules on Twitter on Friday. One of the new rules: all residents of greater Sydney now need a free pass to be allowed to leave the region.

Dictatorial madship

"Welcome to Nazi Germany," wrote the mayor, who later deleted the tweet. He has previously criticized the tightening of the isolation regime and spoke of "dictatorial mad.

New South Wales Secretary of State for Police and Emergencies David Elliott called on the mayor to resign after the tweet. He found the news "disgusting."

Since the end of June, the big cities in the country's most populous state have been strictly cordoned off. 

On Sunday, measures were tightened. New South Wales currently has a strict ban.

In Sydney, people are only allowed to be five kilometers from where they live. 

People are no longer allowed to receive visitors, they can leave the house only for a limited number of basic necessities, and all canteens are closed. 

Anyone who violates the rules of the crown risks a fine of A$5,000.


Biological state terrorists are in a hurry, Friends, a little before the autumn everything began.

Before this false pandemic, it was inconceivable that the State Congress, which seems to be the freest country, would consider a law banning millions of Americans from flying. But now everything has changed, Friends and a new bill has been introduced there, which states that anyone who has not been vaccinated will never be allowed to fly again.

"Instruct the Secretary of Homeland Security to ensure full vaccination against COVID19 and other purposes for anyone traveling on flights departing from or arriving at a United States airport or anywhere in the United States."

The full text of the bill has not yet been received by the Congressional Government, so I am not aware of its details.

However, it is already clear that if you are not fully vaccinated, you will be prohibited from flying on all flights departing from or arriving at any airport in the United States. That way, if you've only received one injection, you'll also be left out. If you have not received a booster (8 months after vaccination), you are also on the sidelines. 

Evaluate the actions of state biological terrorists idiots, Friends. 

Follow the chronology of their chaotic throws prescribed in the Plan of Lockstep Rockefeller David.

🇮🇸 June 30, Iceland lifted anti-Covid restrictions, announcing that they had "completed" their vaccination program, with 90% of the country's population over the age of 16 being vaccinated.

🇮🇸24 July, Iceland reinstated anti-covid restrictions after a sharp increase in the number of cases.

🇮🇱 June 1, Israel lifted some of its latest anti-Covid restrictions, and 80% of its adults were vaccinated.

🇮🇱3 August, Israel reinstated anti-Covid restrictions due to an increase in the number of new infections. Moreover, according to various sources, 90-7-% of hospitalized received the vaccine in full.

You have to be a complete idiot or an enemy of your own people in order to continue to do what the WHO BigPharma prescribes through the Ethiopian terrorist of Gates' private shop and his roof Bari  who is BigPharma.

After attention !!!, ONE person gave a positive false PCR on false COVID, New Zealand is introducing a nationwide lockdown.

As it became known today, New Zealand announced a sudden block after a man tested positive for SARS-CoV-2, which was the first case in six months in the country.

The case was discovered in Auckland, which will be blocked for a week, while the rest of the country will be blocked for three days.

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said the strictest "Level 4" rules were required – the closure of schools, offices and all businesses that left only basic services.

In Auckland supermarkets, there was reportedly a stampede, panic, hysteria and rush by shoppers as locals did not expect a sudden lockdown.

💉🇦🇺Australia fell under the onslaught of biological terrorists from the global kahal. Tony demands their children

The NWS health minister tells parents that 24,000 children will be herded into the stadium like cattle to receive an experimental injection, after which Israel and Iceland again went into lockdown, during which 90% to 75% of those hospitalized had the shot.

Do not be under any illusions, Friends, this will become a reality in most countries of the world in 2022. Whether this will become a reality in other countries of the world and whether the so-called media will finally work for the People of Nation-States depends only on our will, Friends! 

Be that as it may, we are now witnessing a full-length military terrorist attack on the population of Australia 🇦🇺. Explicit prohibition of the provisions of "Nuremberg" - Crimes against Humanity and Humanity.

That vaccinated did not expect exactly: the head of virology in the EU believes that the vaccinated should immediately undergo quarantine

In this shocking but not those who follow the agenda and know what follows, Professor Christian Peron, vice-president of the WHO European Advisory Group of Experts on Immunization, warns that all vaccinated people must be quarantined all winter months or they risk becoming seriously ill. I mean, basically, this guy is saying that vaccines are useless. 

Thus confirming the rapidly deteriorating situation in Israel, where almost everyone has been vaccinated, and the UK, the High Commissioner for Infectious Diseases ominously declared: "We must lock them all up. They pose a big risk to each other. Unvaccinated people should behave as usual."

It was also reported that the current working group on the pandemic in France was "in complete panic" when receiving such news, fearing pandemonium if it followed the instructions of such grief experts. 

In general, these sincere confessions of a crazy state biological terrorist should be welcomed, Friends! Because this is another argument that they really have in the syringe and what is injected into many ignorant and what is really happening in the World in fact. 


We no longer have the words to describe what we are all witnessing... Someone's ancestors definitely had to have something very terrible to cause the mutation that created these bastards now running a terrorist world attack on the population of Europe, the US 🇺🇸 the world as a whole! 

🇫🇷In addition to the protests and empty shops and the entire social structure ruining the economy in France, mass layoffs of workers also began. 


In the video, French workers at hospitals and all sorts of Covid hospitals who are being laid off because of mandatory vaccinations, apparently knowing first-time what it might mean. 

Will unvaccinated Americans be included in the list of no-flyers?

Who would have thought there? 

Of course, Mrs. Nobody for today, a former assistant, like a plug to a hole in a barrel, already very well known to us Barry. The Homeland Security Assistant is calling on the Grandfather administration to put all unvaccinated Americans on the no-fly list.

Juliet Kayem argues that people who do not want to receive an experimental mRNA injection "should bear the burden" in ending the pandemic.

According to Mrs. Kayem and her ilk, travel in general and flying in particular is not a human right, and putting unvaccinated Americans on the no-fly list is a matter of national security.

She makes no mention of the fact that none of the false injections from false COVID19 are good at preventing false infections, and that false vaccinated unfortunate people carry the most complex bouquet of poisons ☠️ from the false vaccine, that is, dangerous and contagious. 

The main difference is that vaccinated people may not realize that they are carriers, as the main effect of mRNA injections is to reduce symptoms, and vaccine risk.

Governments have neither the right nor the authority to impose or prescribe either face masks, testing, or vaccination. All 3 things MUST require individual consent in accordance with our inalienable human rights. Cm. 2005 UNESCO Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights, Article 6:


Any preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic should be carried out only with the prior, free and informed consent of the person concerned on the basis of adequate information. Consent must, where appropriate, be expressed and may be withdrawn by the person concerned at any time and for any reason without prejudice or prejudice.


Dr. Peter McCulloo - 5 facts about COVID: 

1. The virus does not spread asymptomatically.

2. We should never test asymptomatic people.

3. Natural immunity is durable and durable.

4. COVID-19 is easily treatable at home.

5. Existing vaccines are outdated, unsafe and unsuitable for humans.

Professor Peter McCulloo is a recognized authority in the field of inflammatory diseases, heart disease, kidney disease, in the treatment of diabetes. In addition, at Baylor University, he holds a position in the therapeutic department. And participates directly in the treatment of patients. 


McCullough is one of the editors-in-chief of the American journal Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine and is on the editorial board of the Journal of Interventional Cardiology, News and Views and has reviewed articles in more than 135 medical journals, author of more than 600 articles in peer-reviewed journals, and has been a guest speaker at medical conferences for many years.

A false epidemic is based on false tests from the start. This is a documented fact. The first mention of COVID-19 is in Richard Rockefeller's 19 patents from 2015. 

In 2017, PCR tests of COVID-19 begin their journey 🧳 to different countries of the world with delivery to the international Bulgarian hospital 🏥 (international bank 🏦 and chief physician of the bank Kristalina Georgieva) 

U.S. Television Reports: Infection Rates Among Fully Vaccinated People Are Skyrocketing Worldwide

It is now clear that the vaccine does not work. Since the beginning of August, 120,000 "breakthrough cases" have been reported in the U.S. That's 120,000 people who are fully vaccinated. 

In fact, the number of infections is likely to be many times higher, as the CDC announced in May that it would no longer record the number of people vaccinated.

The U.S. Health Service only accounts for breakthrough infections that lead to hospitalization or death. The service still counts all normal "corona cases." 

Doctors told One America News that up to 40% of people infected with the corona are fully vaccinated.

Israel has vaccinated the majority of the population, but 95 percent of 19 percent of 19 percent of escinated with the coronavirus are fully vaccinated. 80-90% of people admitted to Israeli hospitals with corona are fully vaccinated. 

And in the UK, 62 percent of deaths from false corona have been vaccinated twice. However, the media claims that it is the unvaccinated who go to the hospital.

Virologist Anthony Fauci, who is not afraid of terrible medical experiments, said he would like to vaccinate young children against the corona next year. 

Researchers warn that there is a link between vaccines and sudden infant mortality syndrome. 


U.S. state terrorists 🇺🇸 on the march 🥁. 

State medical boards threaten to revoke licenses from doctors who question COVID "vaccines"

The Federation of State Medical Commissions (FSMB) is threatening to suspend or revoke the medical license of any doctor who dares to tell the truth that Covid-19 "vaccines" are unsafe and ineffective.

"With a sharp increase in the spread of 'misinformation' about the COVID-19 vaccine by doctors and other health professionals on social media, online and in the media, the FSMB says it must take matters into its own hands. 

to ensure that Doctors only distribute government-approved Covid injection propaganda."

"Doctors who intentionally create and spread 'misinformation' about the COVID-19 vaccine risk disciplinary action by state medical boards, including the suspension or revocation of their medical license," the FSMB said in a statement.


Marilyn Monroe in Korea, 1954





It's time for Us To Come Out Girls! 

ᱬ𐍂. ᱙ᱛ𐌳ተ ᱞ𐍂ᱛᱚ𐌵ꤍꤕ𐍂 𐌗

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