The theory of herd immunity has nothing to do with false covid 😷 and false vaccination. 

The theory of herd immunity has nothing to do with false covid 😷 and false vaccination. 

H𐌴𐍰𐍰𐌏, 𐍰𐌹𐍄𐍄𐍰𐌴 𐍆𐍂𐌹𐌴𐌽D! 𐌹'𐍰𐍰 𐍂𐌴𐌳D 𐍟𐌏𐌵 𐌳 ᖘ𐌏𐌴𐌼

Hello, little friend! I'll read you a poem 

About maniacs and murderers, executioners and bloodsuckers. 

There is a house by the road. In all rooms Sodom. 

There was a different freak, every freak. 

A vile necropedophile, the corpse of a child dismembered, 

Violent passion obsessed, abused by him. 

The coprophile in the corner chewed, warm, semi-liquid feces. 

Chavkal, splashing saliva, fresh washed down with urine. 

And behind the wall, the zoophile entered into sexual intercourse. 

With a frightened goat, and admires himself 

In the reflection of mirrors. He certainly didn't know. 

That behind him, trembling like a leaf, observes the onanist, 

Hiding by the wall, his hand running into his pants. 

Under the crucifixion in the corner, in a vein running a needle, 

The addict fell on the ble-sobbed couch. 

Shibbing to his misfortune, in narcotic delirium 

And doesn't know what's going on now, cuts out his eye. 

A distraught maniac, in a bloody fist 

Razor sharply squeezed: From all these cases tired, 

Someone gnawed through the veins and jumped down from the balcony. 

Outside the window flows the river, the river floats hand. 

Crematorium in the yard, that's the joy of the kids! 

You can have fun playing, sprinkle warm ashes 

Piles of burnt bodies. In general, there are many different things. 

A girl with a large bow, chased after the cat 

And clinging to his tail beat his head against the bridge. 

A boy with a puppy played: skin peeled alive 

Smoked anashi. I had fun from the heart! 

I was busy, and therefore, I did not see that to him 

Imperceptibly, from the back he made his way along the wall 

Old, ugly grandfather who wanted lunch 

Cook children's meat. The boy had to live 

Exactly twenty-five seconds. And then the old man to him. 

He cut the skull with a stone, sawed it through the joints 

And he went home, taking the carcass with him. 

Hidden in the ruins of the basement, there is a ritual: 

Satanists, slowly, amicably torment the homeless. 

Tying it to a pole, cut out a cross on the forehead 

And the stomach is drunk with a knife in turn. 

Having fun and laughing, the skin was cut off the shoulder 

And a rusty nail is hammered into the occipital bone. 

Here, having let out a victorious cry, the victim was torn out of the kadyk. 

And molten lead is finally poured into the trachea. 

Wax flows from the candles, the brain turns white on the wall. 

In the dark, among the rusty pipes, worms eat the corpse ...

A blatantly false interpretation of the term "herd immunity", however, like the entire special operation corona 👑 is a lie from the first letter of the alphabet to the last. The same Delta, Gamma and other terrorist nonsense of officials and authorities around the world, moving our world into the New World Order of military medical communism. 

The interpretation of herd immunity is known and this immunity is inherent in the best Aryan ethnos of the sample of Nazi Germany. We see nothing new except technology.

This technology of suggesting lies is another window 🪟 Overton to justify false doctrine using a monitor screen using manipulation and ideological methods of introduction into consciousness through the media. The method of introduction into the mass consciousness is wrapped in beautiful packaging and certainly deliciously served for good purposes: to calm and comfort public opinion. 

Don't worry, mazurica citizens, we have "herd immunity" in the vaccine warehouse. 

And this logic is imposed around the clock and again simultaneously in all countries talking about the same thing. We remember the treaties of the Pidaras Ethiopian from the WHO with every country in the world and the points of this terrorist contract we also know well. Therefore, the world synchronicity for us is not something new. 

Herd immunity from the mouths of non-medical officials is a blevotin, far beyond science and medicine. 

Honestly, we are fed up with this terrorist nonsense about "herd immunity". This fruitless occupation of national administrations can be compared to the onanism of adolescents.

There is not, and never has been, universal herd immunity that is inherited with historical "memory" in ethnic groups or races. 

Actually, coronaviruses have been known for a very long time, but it is the false Covid-19 that is the most terrible thing.

Nature, which such a human civilization has long become dangerous, was able to pick up a universal key to lies to the protective forces of the human brain 🧠. And so this false 🦠 with his 2015 Richard Rothschild false tests travels with the same address of the location of national administrations, and everything else he still instantly adapts to the different conditions of survival of these criminal terrorists from the national administrations of the world. 

The false Covid-19 doesn't just mutate through their inventions, but it mutates purposefully. There is simply no permanent vaccine for it and never will be. And there is no herd immunity either, except for the chip technology and graphene that was pumped into this slurry in a syringe. 

Do not deceive nature and science. You lied in your stupid tenacity ram 🐏 

If you ask someone at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) or the World Health Organization (WHO) or your family doctor who the people who first detected poliovirus are, and when they did, they will likely find it difficult to answer due to their low level of education and generally intellectual ability to answer directly to the question posed. Most likely, they will not be able to find the right answer. 

The answer was given by Karl Landsteiner, MD, and Erwin Popper, Doctor of Historical Sciences of Austria in 1908.

It's highly unlikely that the CdC, Faust, who, or most doctors will be able to tell you the name of the person who came up with the "herd immunity" theory, which serves as the foundation for justifying a campaign for mandatory vaccination. 

The man's name is Dr. Arthur W. Hedrich, a health care professional in Chicago, Illinois. He noted that "in the 1900s and 1930s, measles outbreaks in Boston stopped when 68 percent of children contracted the virus."

Later, in the 1930s, Hedrich noticed that after contracting measles, 55 percent of the child population in Baltimore, the rest of the city's population was immune to the disease. It was these observations that led to the development of the theory of herd immunity. But note that the theory was based on unvaccinated populations that were exposed to this disease and developed natural immunity to it. This was because each generation was exposed to the disease and a certain percentage of people received lifelong immunity. The original theory of herd immunity had nothing to do with vaccination. For example, the first mass polio and measles vaccination campaigns in the United States were not carried out until 1954-1955 and 1963. This is three decades after Hedrich put forward his theory.

The fundamental tenet of the theory was that the community as a whole develops the necessary degree of natural protection against an infectious disease, after some of its members really faced this disease, recovered from it and became immune to it.

In other words:

The more members of the collective (community) who were exposed to an infectious disease and developed natural immunity to it, the less threat that the disease posed to the entire collective (community). 

Sometime between the 1930s and 1950s.

The theory of herd immunity has been perverted as follows:

The more members of the team are vaccinated against an infectious disease and develop immunity to it, the less threat that the disease posed to the entire collective (community).

Pay attention to this next trick - lying 🤥 

Suddenly, the importance of contracting an infectious disease is removed and replaced by vaccination, and the importance of natural immunity has diminished. This is the problem, because both of these elements are key to Hedrich's theory. Hedrich didn't think about the vaccinated community or vaccine-induced —"temporary" — artificial immunity when he came up with his theory. He reflected on how the disease infiltrates a community and how that community ultimately naturally creates resistance to it.

Today, Dr. Hedrich would not have known his theory. He'd probably be the first to say, "No, that's not what I meant. You missed the point."

Almost anyone with a high education level can answer the question: Who discovered the theory of relativity? 

Of course, Einstein. This theory is central to the science of physics. Although some have tried to question this theory, no scientist or professor of physics would dare to distort or alter it.

However, ask any public health or medical professional involved in vaccination to properly explain the theory of herd immunity and who put it forward, many are likely to fail on both measures. 


Because they did not make an honest effort to study the history of the theory. For the most part, they have intentionally or mistakenly accepted as truth the lie from above in the form of a new myth. This myth is propagated by the special operation plan and all officials, as well as public health officials around the world. They broadcast the terrorist nonsense that herd immunity can only be achieved by a highly vaccinated population and that every unvaccinated individual threatens health and weakens the community.

Hedrich's theory of herd immunity has been distorted by the myth that the vaccine provides artificial immunity identical to natural immunity, which is a lie. This myth serves to promote the idea that only strict adherence to mandatory vaccination laws will protect society from disease, which is also a lie.

       Myths about herd immunity. 

Many mothers who vaccinate their children think that vaccinated mothers "live at their expense." After all, it is the vaccinated who form "herd immunity" that reduces the likelihood of getting sick for the entire population. Vaccination herd immunity is mostly a myth that intimidates doctors, health officials, other health care providers, and the whole of society into persuading everyone to get vaccinated.

And it's easy to prove:

1. According to modern ideas, we risk the return of major epidemics as soon as the percentage of vaccinated in the population falls below 95%. It is known that most vaccines form immunity only for a certain period (from 2 to 10 years), after which it is necessary to do revaccination. This means that most of the population, that is, the entire generation of the 1950s, do not have vaccination immunity against the diseases against which they were vaccinated in early childhood. In fact, for several decades, more than 50% of the population has not had protection. At the same time, the epidemics did not return.

2. The concept of "herd immunity" does not make sense in relation to tetanus and diphtheria.

3. Vaccinations against diphtheria do not create herd immunity. Moreover, a vaccinated carrier of infection is potentially more dangerous to others than an unvaccinated carrier. The latter, having picked up the infection, is more likely to get sick with characteristic symptoms and will be locked in an infectious diseases hospital. A vaccinated person can, having a "blurred" picture, and without having obvious symptoms of the disease, continue to walk free and infect people.

4. It is officially believed that oral polio vaccine is contagious. By vaccinating your children with it, you spread a dangerous virus through the world, endangering vaccine-associated polio not only your children, but also strangers and even adults, including yourself. Perhaps herd immunity is created, but at the same time new and new portions of the mutating virus are thrown in. No evidence that this ultimately increases overall security can not be found.

5. As for measles, the quite pro-vaccination author states that "measles [...] is an example of an extremely contagious disease against which herd immunity is not terribly effective" ("measles is an example of an extremely contagious disease against which herd immunity is not particularly effective"), and further: "Note that for extremely contagious diseases, e.g., measles, the fraction of a population which must be susceptible to sustain an epidemic is so small as to make herd immunity essentially impossible to attain" that for highly contagious diseases, such as measles, the proportion of the population that must be susceptible to sustain an epidemic is so small that herd immunity is essentially unattainable.")

6. As for whooping cough, an even more pro-vaccination author writes about its causative agent: "The truth is that the whooping cough bacterium is ubiquitous..." ("the truth is that pertussis bacteria are ubiquitous.") But if the pathogen is really omnipresible and, presumably, it is impossible to avoid meeting with it, then what kind of herd immunity can we talk about if the "work" of the latter is based precisely on reducing the likelihood of meeting with the pathogen?

By analogy with "herd immunity", we can say that my children relatively easily tolerate temperatures up to almost 40 and almost always do without antipyretic at the expense of those who start from 37.2 temperatures knock down. And we are freeloaders - settled down well and naturally at someone else's expense.

Think also about the fact that your children may suffer because of those who drink antibiotics for any sneeze, thus removing antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria. If they need antibiotic therapy once or twice in their lives for health reasons, it may be ineffective due to such "eaters" of antibiotics.

   Vaccinations: Is herd immunity there?

Three mumps outbreaks occurred in immunized communities, and the vast majority of cases were vaccinated, seriously compromising the idea of herd immunity.

On November 1, 2012, The New English Journal of Medicine published an article by a group of specialists from the American Center for Disease Control on the analysis of mumps outbreaks in the United States in 2006, 2009 and 2010. The last two outbreaks occurred in New York in places of compact residence of Orthodox Jews. In 2009, 3500 people fell ill, in 2010 - 1000 people. Here's a good reason to talk about the need for vaccination and the concept of herd immunity.

Herd immunity is the ability of a community to resist infectious diseases. Citizens are urged to be vaccinated not only for the sake of their own health, but also for the sake of the health of society. To achieve herd immunity, according to state medical agencies, it is necessary to fulfill some norm for vaccination coverage, which is 95% of the total number of residents.

But here's the rub: all three outbreaks occurred in immunized communities, and the vast majority of cases were vaccinated with merck MMR's trivalent vaccine (MMR for measles, mumps and rubella), which seriously compromises the idea of herd immunity. Cases of infectious disease outbreaks in immunized communities occur regularly. They are officially recorded. In the article "Arguments for the introduction of exemption from vaccinations for philosophical reasons," lawyer Alan Phillips, citing official sources, cites a number of such cases. "For example, outbreaks of measles, mumps, smallpox, whooping cough, polio and hepatitis B have occurred in immunized communities. In 1989, the Center for Disease Control reported, "Measles outbreaks among students have occurred in schools with vaccination rates above 98 percent. They occurred in all parts of the country, including areas that have not had measles cases in several years." The Control Center even reported a measles outbreak at a site where 100 percent immunization was documented."

In the article Mumps Outbreak in Orthodox Jewish Communities in the United States, experts of the official state supervisory authority are trying to find an explanation that would preserve the idea of herd immunity underlying the vaccination policy of the population. What do they explain the fact that the infection struck on a mass scale students of schools with a vaccination rate of 97% (89% received 2 doses and 8% - one dose of MMR)?

It turns out that the whole thing ... in a unique style of conducting classes in a yeshiva, a religious school for boys! Students sit in pairs at desks, each couple has one book for two, in the lessons the boys are very actively discussing with each other the educational material. During the school day, which lasts up to 3 p.m. in the yeshiva, each student changes the dialogue partner several times. Such a long and close contact of everyone with everyone and led to the rapid spread of mumps virus, transmitted by airborne droplets, and to its extremely intense effect on the body. As a result, antibodies that should have been produced in vaccinated children could not cope with the attack. But if the vaccine only protects in the case of superficial and short-term contact with those infected, why isn't the public warned? 

What is generally known about MMR and its effectiveness? 

This is worth talking about, since MMR is a PDA China 🇨🇳 registered and actively used in the world.

MMR Efficiency

In the summer of 2012, the secrecy stamp was lifted from the lawsuit of two virologists Stefan Kraling and Joanna Wlochowski against the merck pharmaceutical company, filed in 2010. Kraling and Wlochowski are former employees of the firm who were involved in the development and testing of vaccines. They argue that testing of the mumps vaccine, which is part of the trivalent MMR vaccine, was improper and the results were falsified. For many years, Merck was the sole supplier of mumps vaccine for public procurement under the children's immunization program on the grounds that the vaccine was 95% effective, according to the manufacturer. Of course, no pharmaceutical firm would undertake to cover this indicator, but if the efficiency was lower, then it is very likely that the company "Merck" would have competitors.

Kraling and Wlochowski claim that the efficiency rate of 95% was achieved through various manipulations. For example, the company's specialists tested the effect of the vaccine not against the wild mumps virus, but against its own weakened virus, the same one that was part of the vaccine! Moreover, antibodies produced by experimental animals were added to laboratory blood samples, which in no way can be called a model of the real reaction of the vaccinated person's body to the attack of the virus. Former employees of the firm claim that they witnessed these manipulations and had to perform them as part of the performance of their daily duties. According to them, such testing schemes were used with full awareness of the company's management and with its approval.

To date, the court has not made a final decision on this case, but the very fact of declassifying the claim is very eloquent.

Let's turn to meta-analysis data

A Kokhran expert group that derives data on the efficacy and safety of medical interventions from an evaluation of the materials of all available studies. The effectiveness of MMR against measles is approximately 95%. The effectiveness of mumps depends on which strain is used: the vaccine with the Jeryl Lynn strain has an effectiveness of 69 to 81%, the presence of the Urabe strain in the vaccine gives an effectiveness of 70-75%. Note in parentheses that the governments of a number of countries (for example, the UK) refused to buy a cheaper MMR containing the Urabe strain, due to the fact that it can give such an unpleasant complication as aseptic meningitis. However, some less wealthy countries still buy such a vaccine. However, the conversation about the assessment of safety is ahead, but for now let's pay attention to the fact that even the highest efficiency indicator, 81% (not to mention 69%) is far from the declared 95%.

But the most striking thing is that one of the components of the trivalent vaccine was not tested at all! According to experts of the Kokhran group, "... no studies have been found on the effectiveness of the MMR vaccine against both clinical and laboratory-confirmed rubella."

             MMR Security

In the summer of 2010, the British Jackie Fletcher won a lawsuit against the Ministry of Health of Great Britain and received compensation in the amount of 90,000 pounds (or 7.6 million rubles at the exchange rate as of November 2018 - note Her son Robert was 18 years old by then. Robert suffers from epilepsy, does not speak and cannot move independently, does not have self-care skills. The baby who developed absolutely normally up to 13 months received a complication in the form of epilepsy after vaccination against measles, mumps and rubella with the MMR vaccine.

Jackie first applied for compensation under the State Post-Vaccination Complications Compensation Program in 1997, but was denied. According to the expert council, it was impossible to prove unequivocally the causal relationship between the vaccine and Robert's disease that followed it. For many years, Jackie fought for justice, and finally, in the summer of 2010, a new board of experts came to the conclusion, based on an assessment of the balance of probabilities and in the absence of other triggers, that it was the vaccine that provoked a severe attack of epilepsy in Robert 10 days after vaccination. Officially, it is believed that clinical manifestations in a patient can be assessed as caused by vaccination if they occurred within 18 days after it. The term is very conditional, but even in it the case of Robert fits. This time, the expert council did not consider it possible to write off the boy's disease in the post-vaccination period as a coincidence.

Leading specialist in the field of post-vaccination complications neurologist Marcel Kinsborn explained what biological processes the vaccine launched in the boy's body and how they led to epilepsy. One of the members of the expert council, Professor Lingman, expressed a dissenting opinion, which was that Robert had a genetic predisposition to epilepsy, and if vaccination had not become a trigger for the disease, then sooner or later something else would have provoked him anyway.

It is difficult, however, to calculate the probabilities of what could have happened if the boy had not been vaccinated at all, or had been vaccinated against measles, mumps and rubella with monovalent vaccines and not in one day, but with significant time intervals. In contrast to the unclear probability - quite a definite fact: the boy became disabled, and his disease began as a consequence of vaccination, even against the background of a genetic predisposition. By the way, Jackie's older children, according to her, did not receive MMR, were vaccinated according to the old vaccination calendar and do not have serious medical problems.

In June 2012, the court of the Italian city of Rimini ruled to award monetary compensation to the parents of nine-year-old Valentino Bocca, who suffers from autism. Valentino developed normally until 15 months, then after the MMR vaccine came a sharp regression. Now the boy does not speak, does not communicate with other children, does not have age-appropriate skills. Dr. Antonio Barboni, a specialist in forensic medicine, concluded that in the absence of other circumstances that could cause regression in the child, from a scientific point of view, there is a fairly high probability that it was the MMR vaccine that led to the development of autism in Valentino.

The conclusion of Dr. Barboni was supported by two more experts who examined the boy and studied in detail all the medical facts related to his disease. Thus, the council of experts was unanimous, and Judge Lucio Ardigo ruled in favor of compensation to the Bocco family.

Scientists, doctors, medical activists, journalists have been arguing about the connection of MMR vaccination with autism since the late 1990s. Then hundreds of testimonies of parents appeared in the media, on Internet forums and blogs about the regression of their children after mmR vaccination, which ended with the diagnosis of autism, and in 1998 an article by Dr. Andrew Wakefield was published in the Lancet magazine, in which it was suggested that there was a possible correlation between MMR and autism.

Almost immediately after the appearance of this article against Andrew Wakefield and his colleagues, an active media campaign began, which does not stop until now, although Wakefield has already been deprived of a medical license in the UK, accused of fraud, and the article in the Lancet was withdrawn by the editors. Neither the voices of the accusers nor the voices of The Advocates of Wykefield, including doctors, scientists, thousands of parents of autistic children, are silent.

The story of the confrontation between Dr. Wakefield and his support group, on the one hand, and the medical establishment, on the other, deserves a separate detailed story that does not fit into the scope of this article. Let's just note that Andrew Wakefield, in the press conference that followed the publication of the article in the Lancet, did not call on parents to refuse vaccination, as the press often accuses him, but advised him to make a choice between MMR and monovalent measles vaccine in favor of the second.

The Kokhran Group of Experts, having analyzed the existing studies of the 🔬

To get rid of all doubts and illusions, we present you the Prison Island of the New World Order, formerly known as content Australia 🇦🇺 

About this man, the authorities were told by his wife. His crime? He believes the government is lying about covid statistics and vaccine safety. 

Two police officers and two doctors came to his home and forcibly took him away. He is in a psychiatric hospital.

Are there any questions about the existence of a real epidemic? No questions 👎 

 Additional materials of the Editorial Board on the topic of special operation corona 🤴

The Visual Structure of the Legion, Ancient Rome. 

You can safely make a projection of 🤴 

𐌼𐍂. 𐌾𐌏𐌼𐌼𐌳𐌽D𐌴𐍂

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