Robert Malone, MD. Inventor of mRNA vaccines and RNA as a drug, vaccination and biologics consultancy.

Robert Malone, MD. Inventor of mRNA vaccines and RNA as a drug, vaccination and biologics consultancy.

"It's the key to understanding 'what the hell is going on'. Apparently, in Israel, as an Israeli scientist told me, the agreement between Pfizer and the government is that for at least 10 years, no side effects of vaccines should be reported."


Additions to the Editorial Board on the criminal history of Ben 🇮🇱

We appeal to you on behalf of the Association of people of Truth (אנשי האמת), an association founded by lawyers, doctors, community activists and the general public who have chosen to exercise their democratic right not to receive experimental medical care with a Vaccine against the Crown and believe that they are subjected to cruel and unlawful pressure on behalf of the Government of Israel, members of the Knesset, ministers, high-ranking elected officials, mayors and others. Let's start with a basic understanding of the subject. The Corona Vaccine is an innovative medical treatment that has only recently received FDA approval in the U.S. (emergency only), not definitively approved and detailed descriptions of the 22 side effects of the vaccine. In addition, it is clear that for all medical factors, the long-term effects of the vaccine have not been tested and researched, and the long-term effects of treatment and its safety for recipients are not yet known. It is important to note that so far worldwide no vaccine has been administered to humans with this medical technology inserting synthetic m-RNA, and all previous vaccines have worked very differently, introducing a killed or weakened virus and naturally awakening the immune system against it. The Nuremberg Code is a code of medical ethics issued under laws that tried Nazi criminals convicted of horrific medical experiments conducted during World War II in the trial of doctors known as the Nuremberg Trial. Later, the Nuremberg Code formed the basis for the adoption of the Helsinki Declaration, and also became the basis for the adoption of the Patient Rights Act in Israel. We intend to present to you and describe in detail how this year in the State of Israel the Israeli Government, its ministers, members of the Knesset, mayors and many other high-ranking officials violate the Nuremberg Code in a criminal, egregious and extreme manner, and unfortunately not only in one aspect, but in many. Very many!


1 page, the date of the initial contract has been removed. Why remove the date? Unless it's before the "pandemic." Paragraph 1.2 "Global Trade Control Laws" means the U.S. Export Administration Regulations; the U.S. International Traffic in Arms Regulations; the U.S. economic sanctions rules and regulations implemented under statutory authority and/or the President's Executive Orders and administered by the U.S.


Press Releases) in this Agreement are agreed upon and issued on time mutually agreed by the Parties, unless disclosure is required by law or is required to respond to requests by the state or federal regulators. A timely written notice should be sent to another Party if the Party is required to disclose such information. In the course of this Agreement, if any Party wishes to make a public announcement of this Agreement or programme, such a Party must notify in advance within a reasonable time, but in no case at least a day before the proposed text is notified to the other party


The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has long been a major donor to WHO's 🩸, giving it virtually a public resource to influence the international health organization. It has a huge influence on the media and the power itself around the world, being a non-governmental international empire. Bill Gates became a hero during the pandemic. The Washington Post called him a "champion of scientifically sound solutions," and the New York Times recently called him "the most interesting person in the world." Gates is also the star of Netflix's popular documentary series Pandemic: How to Prevent a Outbreak, released just weeks before the coronavirus hit the U.S., and was produced by New York Times correspondent Sheri Fink, who previously worked. three Gates-funded organizations (Pro Publica, the New America Foundation and the International Medical Corps).


Melinda Gates often refers to LARC as a way to empower women from poor countries and give them more control over their lives. However, some of these LARC have had adverse effects, and the distribution of products without informed consent does not enable women to self-determination.

One example is Norplant, a contraceptive implant manufactured by Schering (now Bayer), which can prevent pregnancy for up to five years. It was withdrawn from the U.S. market in 2002 after more than 50,000 women filed lawsuits against the company and the doctors who prescribed it. 70 of these class actions related to side effects such as depression, severe nausea, scalp hair loss, ovarian cysts, migraines and excessive bleeding.


On October 1, 1946, the International Military Tribunal in Nuremberg sentenced Nazi criminals to try those who wage war and commit war crimes in the course of them. For the first time such a process took place after the end of the First World War. On 23 May 1921, the trial of 45 German nationals accused of war crimes began in Leipzig. But the Leipzig Tribunal dealt only with the perpetrators, as the names of the German generals and admirals who gave orders for which their subordinates went to trial were removed from the list. From this point of view, the Nuremberg Trials, conducted by the International Military Tribunal from 20 November 1945 to 1 October 1946, was unprecedented. For the first time in the dock were the first persons of the whole state, accused of committing war crimes and genocide (by the way, the word itself was also openly heard for the first time in Nuremberg). All this gives the right to call the Nuremberg Tribunal the main court of the twentieth century, which put the actual point in the history of the Second World War and sent to the gallows its main culprits. We have become more humane and we are likely to live to see long sentences, possibly the death penalty, in some US states. It's probably a humane injection. What a magnificent artistic parallel comes through the oil canvas cute girl 👧 


Tedros Ghebreisus has been head of the World Health Organization since 2017, before being Ethiopia's Minister of Health from 2012 to 2016. Today I want to tell you the facts about his biography that make you think. Very seriously.


Islam, Vaccines and Health -Dr A. Majid Katme

BY فاطمة عيسى ON 19/08/2016

A. Majid Katme, MBBCh, DPM (medical doctor)

Spokesman, Islamic Medical Association (UK)

January 21, 2011

A. Majid Katme, MBBCh,DPM

We are giving our innocent children haraam (forbidden) substances and harmful chemicals that destroy their natural immune systems, causing disease, suffering and death. All Muslim doctors and parents should be aware of vaccine ingredients, and of the failed efficacy of vaccines. The harm is clearly greater than the benefit. The time has come to take a stand for truth.


Moh and PFIZER will collaborate in the analysis of the data points listed in Appendix A. MOH will provide PFIZER with the data listed in Appendix B.


Bill Gates Health Empire: Part 1.



Nuremberg and the treaty between Faiser and the State of Israel 🇮🇱 what do these geographically different locations have in common? A common history, namely, the Nuremberg Process has become a precedent for international law. The Nuremberg Process was a unique event in history. 

On the night of October 15-16, 1946, Nazi criminals were hanged in Nuremberg by a tribunal verdict.

In October 1946, the Nuremberg trials of the highest statesmen and military figures of the Third Reich were put to an end.

The rapid cooling of relations between yesterday's allies in the anti-Hitler coalition gave rise to the hope of the defendants that the process would fall apart, and they themselves would be released.

But the victorious powers, in spite of everything, had the political will to complete what they had begun.

On October 1, 1946, the operative part of the sentence was announced in the courtroom of the tribunal: the penalties for each defendant.

To announce the verdict, the defendants were brought to Chief Justice Jeffrey Lawrence one by one. Hermann Göring, Joachim von Ribbentrop, Wilhelm Keitel, Ernst Kaltenbrunner, Alfred Rosenberg, Hans Frank, Wilhelm Frick, Julius Streicher, Fritz Sauckel, Arthur Seyss-Inquart, Alfred Jodl and Martin Bormann (in absentia) were sentenced to death by hanging.

The Tribunal established a four-day period within which applications for clemency could be filed. Of the "suicide bombers", only Kaltenbrunner did not use this right, who considered this request meaningless. Even the lawyer representing Bormann (whose whereabouts remained unknown) asked for leniency.

Goering, Jodl and Keitel also accompanied their petitions with a request to replace the hanging with a shooting if pardon was denied to them.

On October 9-10, 1946, the Control Council for Germany, composed of representatives of the Allied Powers, considered the petitions of the convicts and decided to reject them.

On the evening of October 15, 8 journalists were admitted to the territory of the Nuremberg prison, two each from the four Allied powers: the Soviet Union, the United States, England and France.

Eight journalists and an official photographer were to witness the execution of the death penalty.

In addition to two correspondents, an interpreter, a doctor and a military representative were also present from each of the four countries. In addition, security officers, the executioner and his assistants, medical experts, and a priest were involved in the procedure. In total, about 40 people were recruited.

The place of execution of the sentence was the gym of the prison, which was converted in just a couple of days.

Three gallows were installed in the hall: two were to be involved in the execution, one served as a substitute. To speed up the procedure, it was supposed to use the gallows alternately: while the corpse of the executed was removed from one, another "suicide bomber" was prepared for the second.

Thirteen steps led to the scaffold. The base of the scaffold with a height of more than two meters was covered with a tarpaulin. Under each gallows there is a hatch with two flaps, which are opened by pressing the lever. The executed fell into the hole to a depth of 2 meters 65 centimeters.

Before the execution, Manila ropes were tested with the help of cast iron ingots, which were to play a major role in the execution. Experience has shown that the ropes successfully withstand a load of 200 kilograms.

The right corner of the room was fenced off with a tarpaulin. There was to lay down the bodies of the hanged.

While preparations were underway, the warden, American Colonel Burton Andrews, visited each convict and reported the rejection of petitions for clemency.

From that moment on, the guards had to observe those sentenced to death very carefully. But this did not help: at about 22:45 Hermann Goering committed suicide with an ampoule of poison. Thus, Goering confirmed the correctness of his own words: "Field marshals are not hanged." There are still several versions of who exactly helped Goering avoid the noose. Be that as it may, none of the Nazis managed to repeat such a trick.

At 11:45 p.m. on October 15, the convicts were awakened. They were offered a final dinner: sausages with potato salad or pancakes with fruit salad to choose from.

The procedure began around one o'clock in the morning on October 16. The verdict was read out again to the sentenced, after which, handcuffed, they were introduced to the gym. Here they came at the disposal of two executioners: the Americans John Woods and Joseph Malta. The eldest was Woods, a professional executioner who had carried out about 350 sentences in the United States before the war.

Before the condemned person was lifted to the scaffold, his face was illuminated to make sure of his identity.

The first 13 steps were overcome by the former Foreign Minister of the Third Reich, Joachim von Ribbentrop. The executioner threw and tightened the noose around his neck. After that, Ribbetrop was offered to say the last word. "Almighty, keep Germany! Spare my soul!" shouted the former minister. John Woods threw a cap over his head, the priest said a prayer, and after turning the lever, Ribbentrop fell down.

Executioners and guards worked quickly and confidently. The Nazis disappeared one by one into the gaping abyss of the gallows hatch.

The writer Boris Polevoy, who was present at the execution, recalled: "The hanged fell into the interior of the gallows, the bottom of which was hung with dark curtains on one side, and on three sides was forced with a tree so that no one could see the death pangs of the hanged."

The body remained hanging until medical experts pronounced death.

Most of the "suicide bombers", according to the memoirs of witnesses, retained the presence of spirit. This does not apply to one of the Nazi ideologues, Julius Streicher. He was the only one who continued to shout "Heil Hitler!" even with a bag over his head.

By the way, Streicher is also the only one for whom the nuremberg trial was already the second. Known for his promiscuous sexual relations and love of pornography, the Nazi was once accused of molesting a minor, but managed to justify himself.

"Now to God! The Bolsheviks will hang you someday. Adele, my unfortunate wife. Heil Hitler!" shouted Streicher before his execution.

Julius Streicher

The last to be hanged was Arthur Seyss-Inquart, the former head of Austria and Reich Minister of the Netherlands.

Standing on the scaffold, he said: "I hope that this execution will be the last tragedy of the Second World War and that what happened will serve as a lesson: peace and mutual understanding must exist between peoples. I believe in Germany."

Arthur Seyss-Inquart

After that, a stretcher with Goering's corpse was brought into the hall, which was symbolically placed under the gallows.

Representatives of all the Allied Powers then examined them and signed death certificates. Photographs were taken of each body, dressed and naked. Then each corpse was wrapped in a mattress along with the last clothes that it was wearing, and the rope on which it was hanged, and put in a coffin. All the coffins were sealed.

At 4 a.m. on October 16, a new phase of the operation began. The coffins were loaded into specially prepared trucks and, accompanied by an armed convoy, were sent to Munich.

At dawn, the column arrived at the crematorium located on the outskirts of the city. His leadership was warned of the planned cremation of "fourteen American soldiers." This information was reported in order to prevent the possible leakage of information about who was actually brought to burn.

The crematorium was cordoned on by the military, tanks were located nearby. Everyone who entered the building had to stay there for the rest of the day.

Each coffin was printed in the presence of four officers: one from the United States, England and France and the USSR. After making sure that the body was not replaced, the corpse was sent for cremation.

The procedure lasted all day. When it was finished, a car was driven to the building, into which ashes were loaded.

The official communiqué signed by the Allies read: "The bodies of Hermann Goering, together with the bodies of the criminals executed by the International Military Tribunal on October 16 in Nuremberg, were burned, and their ashes were secretly scattered in the wind..."

The place of the last procedure was carefully hidden, in order not to allow like-minded executed people to turn it into a "sanctuary".

According to one version, the ashes were delivered from the crematorium to a building belonging to American troops and listed in the documents under the name "Morgue No. 1".

On the evening of October 18, American soldiers cordoned off the area around the Marienklausen Bridge over the Isar River and the Isar Canal. Around midnight, a car arrived on the bridge, with which they unloaded a box of mixed ashes of the Nazis. It was slowly poured from the bridge into the canal.

However, it may have happened somewhere else. Anyway, the history of the leaders of the Third Reich was over 👇 👆 

          We like adam too. 

And our history of the Fourth Reich is in the status of expectation. 

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