🏴‍☠️... South Australian authorities can use any force necessary.

🏴 ☠️ Syruzhnaya Australia also has broad powers under its main emergency declaration, which was recently extended until 19 September.

Authorized officials may:

🏴 ☠️ Return to any territory, building, structure or vehicle using any necessary force.

🏴 ☠️ Direct or prohibit the movement of people, animals or vehicles.

🏴 ☠️ A place people in quarantine.

🏴 ☠️ Re order people to undergo medical examinations, take tests, undergo treatment and so on.

🏴 ☠️ Soy people to provide whatever information they need.

🏴 ☠️ The police in uniform are not required to present their IDs before exercising all these powers.

In Germany, they decided to ban Faith in God and allow only vaccinated and with a false test for false COVID to enter temples.

New quarantine restrictions in Germany have affected believers - it is now possible to attend churches only on documents on vaccination or a test with a negative result.

From August 23 in Germany, only those who have a vaccination certificate or a fresh test for COVID-19 with a negative result will have the opportunity to visit the temple, Polonia Christiana reports.

Chancellor Anya said the government would continue to promote vaccination. 

At the same time, she confirmed the introduction of additional restrictions, which this time will affect unvaccinated people. 

The new restrictions for all unvaccinated individuals will also affect people who want to visit hotels, restaurants or those who intend to participate in concerts. 

You will also need to show a negative coronavirus test result or vaccine certificate when admitted to the hospital or visiting nursing homes.

German authorities indicate that new recommendations are needed because of the unfolding next wave of coronavirus. 

Chancellor Angela Merkel also announced the introduction of a mechanism that will allow individual federal states to decide whether to maintain the above-mentioned restriction or to lift them. 

The condition for their elimination is a false test and a false diagnosis of the incidence of less than 35 people per 100,000 inhabitants.

☠️ A meanwhile, at the moment from injections with an unknown substance in a syringe 💉 from an unknown disease we have: 

... 21,766 DEAD, more than 2 million wounded (50% SERIOUS) registered in the European Union Database on Side Effects of Drugs... 

The European Union's database of suspicious reaction reports is EudraVigilance, and they currently report 21,766 deaths and 2,074,410 side events after mRNA injections from COVID19. 

A subscriber to the health impact news from Europe reminded us that this database, maintained by EudraVigilance, is only for European countries that are part of the European Union (EU), which includes 27 countries. 

The total number of countries in Europe is much larger, almost twice as large (about 50), hence the damage to public health and the lives of people in Europe is much higher than this.

Despite a grim warning to the vaccinated and those gathered to do so from Israel, where one of the world's highest false vaccination rates, with 78% of those 12 years of age or older fully vaccinated (the vast majority with the Pfizer vaccine), that false vaccination against false COVID-19 dulls but does not defeat another super lie "Delta", the pinching of the unvaccinated continues.

Quinnipiac University (USA) distinguished itself, which will prohibit unvaccinated students from using Wi-Fi and plus will charge them an additional fee of $ 2275 per semester. 

In this way, Quinnipiac University cracks down on enrolled students who have not been vaccinated against Covid. A fine of up to $2275 per semester and restriction of wi-fi access for non-compliance with its health policy, I think not the last thing that will come up with in this institution.

In the meantime, on Monday (Aug. 16), the University has already sent an email to about 600 students who have not sent any information about vaccines and said students must upload a copy of their Covid vaccination record, which was originally scheduled to take place on August 1 — a condition in order to return to Quinnipiac this fall.

A weekly fee will be charged per semester, which can be up to $2275. The fee will start at $100 per week for the first two weeks of the semester and will increase by $25 every two weeks with a maximum of $200 per week. Fees will cease as soon as the student uploads their vaccination record. Students can avoid such obviously idiotic illegal fines if they receive one dose of the two-dose vaccine by August 25 and receive a second dose by September. Also, the institution introduces a fine of $ 100 for missing a test for a new SARS.

Another case of Nachilov unvaccinated by a so-called Alabama doctor who, after he said he refused to treat unvaccinated patients, could not be called a doctor. 

He explicitly announced that he would no longer treat patients who refused to be vaccinated against Covid.

The name of this moron guy is Jason Valentine, and he's like a doctor at the diagnostics and medical care clinic of Mobile Hospital. He posted his statement on his Facebook account, where he also posted a photo where he points to a sign stating that from October 1, 2021, he will no longer accept patients who have refused the vaccine.

"If they asked why, I would tell them that COVID is a pathetic way to die and I can't watch them die like this," pepper wrote in his post.

Sur the Covid situation also includes, Friends, that critics blame the office of Gates' friend Fauci, the CDC, for data failure (or manipulation), as seven states report a significant increase in infections among those vaccinated, which is also happening in England, Israel, Cambodia and others, where not only the increase in infections but the mortality rate correlates with vaccination. 

At least 1 in every 5 new cases in six of these states were associated with vaccinated, with hospitalizations and deaths among these people being higher than previously in all seven states. This writes The New York Times.

The seven states analyzed by the Times are California, Colorado, Massachusetts, Oregon, Utah, Vermont and Virginia. 

In Israel, the case of which was discussed above, where there is a reference to details, they already require taking the third dose of plebs, they say that the de third dose of Pfizer is effective in people aged 60+ years by 86%. This was stated by the Israeli supplier of honey. Referring to some new study 🔬

Pfizer's third dose against COVID-19 has been shown to be 86% effective in people over the age of 60, an Israeli health care provider said Wednesday (Aug. 18), citing initial findings from a new study of thousands of participants.

Israel's HMO Maccabi, which covers about a quarter of the country's 9.3 million population, compared the results of 149,144 people over the age of 60 who received a third dose at least a week ago with those of 675,630 people who received only two doses between January and February and concluded that.

"Triple dose is the solution to contain the current outbreak," said Dr Anat Ekka Zohar of Maccabi.

Now it is obvious that mRNA will do its job and sooner or later (a year or two) the deaths will begin to blame not the vaccine, but the dirty carriers of infection - unvaccinated, despite the fact that the viral load that both categories spread is the same and the only difference is that the unvaccinated knows that something is wrong with him and takes action, and the vaccinated has no symptoms and therefore will more actively spread the infection.

And the most frightening thing at the moment is that the Scottish Government is already considering making the authority to supposedly fight Covid permanent, which sooner or later will become a reality in all countries.

According to the Scottish Government, this will allow it to impose lockdowns, close schools and release prisoners early in the blink of an eye when necessary.

According to consultations published by the government, the change in the law will allow Holyrood to respond more "effectively and quickly" to any future threats to public health.

False Pandemic special operation and the main headquarters of biological state terrorists is the WEF neo Marx Klaus 🤶 Schwab 

            Mass Psychosis

Mass psychosis is an "epidemic of madness" that occurs when a large part of society loses touch with reality and falls into delusions and ignorance, which we see now, Friends.

When a society falls into mad, the results are always devastating. Carl Jung, who studied mass psychosis, wrote that the individuals who make up the affected society "become morally and spiritually inferior." They become "unreasonable, irresponsible, emotional, unpredictable and unreliable."

Worst of all, a psychotic mob will commit atrocities that any individual in a group would normally never have thought of thinking about while outside the crowd. Yet, despite all this, the victims/madmen remain in the dark about their condition and cannot recognize the error in their actions, considering themselves, if not the messiah, then the ultimate truth.

What distinguishes modern totalitarianism from previous totalitarian states is technology. The means to stir up fear and manipulate people's thinking have never been more effective or efficient than television, the Internet, smartphones, and social media are all sources of information, and controlling the flow of that information is easier than ever.

What is saddest and most terrifying, in terms of consequences, now algorithms automatically filter out the voices of reason and the truth of rational thinking, replacing them with stories of fear and provocations. 

🚩To students of universities and colleges around the world who face pressure to disclose sensitive medical information (vaccination status) or who need vaccination to start their studies again, I say this.

None of you are at serious risk of contracting this virus. In the unlikely event that you get sick, there are good early treatments available through telemedicine services.

These vaccines don't even work the way advertised. New evidence is emerging that they increase your chances of dying, presumably from this virus.

They are extremely unsafe, killing at least 29 times as many people as they die shortly after being vaccinated against the flu. I think that's a much larger number.

These hasty gene-based products (if a gene has been targeted by cancer, regulators treat it as "gene therapy." But the same product in which the gene is part of an infectious agent is classified as a "vaccine") are:

1. Unsafe.

2. Do not work as stated, properly.

3. There is no need for them.

So why does your college/university INSIST that you obey it?

That's a good question, isn't it? 

It has nothing to do with viruses or your health. This can be understood even by simply observing the lack of internal coherence.

Demand objective evidence on the basis of which their vaccine policies are determined.

There is no evidence, no correspondence.

An educational institution is not God. No one left them for the main thing.

Don't be afraid to "lag behind in your education." When you graduate, the world will be so limited and vicious that it doesn't matter if you graduate or not. Unless you actively oppose this mad Max scheme.

If you can only stay by submitting, leave. In addition, you will feel like a worthy Person. Every day I get messages from people who are horrified to realize what's going on. 

You've already had a good journey. Difficult, but honest and rational. I think most people stick to that because:

1. They tell themselves that no one can be evil enough to do it on purpose.

2. It's too complicated to be planned.

By 1p I say, are you kidding? There have always been a lot of evil people in the world. Look at the 20th century. The only thing that distinguishes this from the worst human atrocities is the most knowledgeable person in the world in the field of BigPharma and everything related to vaccines, the former head of the world's largest pharma. Pfizer Mike Yidon.

But when the "vaccine" was first released, Friends, cdC, Big Pharma and all their barkers made a bunch of promises:

- You Wouldn't Get Covid

- You wouldn't get seriously ill with Covid

You wouldn't be hospitalized with Covid

- You Wouldn't Die of Covid

- You wouldn't spread Covid

And some four months later, since the mass adoption began, all five of these things turned out to be lies. In Israel, between 75% and 90% of those with COVID in hospitals have both vaccines. In England, the quarity is about the same. 

My intuition tells me, Friends, that if they get their 80%, they will introduce vaccine passports definitively and irrevocably.

At first, the unvaccinated (~20%) will face standard problems such as not having a job, a ban on visiting certain places, but later their bank accounts will be lost and eventually hunted as terrorists and put in camps. This will be justified by stories about "new strains-killers" and typical slogans "for our safety" already painted until 2028. This is the plan of the terrorists and there is no other and there will be no other if we all together do not put enough of our personal talent, given by God, who commanded it to be used, and not buried in the ground, and the experience gained, thanks to this talent, to resist this terrorist attack on the world of 🗺.

False vaccinated will also not be free, they will be forced to make "booster injections" against "new options" more and more often, and each injection will be a gamble, similar to Russian roulette, where the main purpose of the drug is to destroy your ability to reproduce, while often giving the vaccinated the development of serious diseases. Many will die, and the government will blame it on new killer options and a new round.

If you had carefully studied all our materials, as well as the narrative of the false pandemic for a year and a half from the beginning to the present day, if you were sufficiently stingy, then not even one day (24 hours) would have passed, you would have understood how the criminals planned this and how long the criminals thought in this direction multi-vector in this direction - totalitarian tyranny and depopulation using "vaccines".

Suddenly, the pandemic that has arisen in a supposedly completely natural way requires not ordinary, but radical, unprecedented global changes that exactly coincide with the stated goals and plans of all known globalist fanatics, including the sick Schwab and the friend of the king of pedophilia Epstein Gates, raving about the golden billion and depopulation with the help of "planned parenthood" and vaccines. 

If you do not understand this, then obviously, you can not be helped by anything, and even an instant death from the vaccine in front of your loved one will not be able to convince you.

🚩Your money is digitized.

🚩Your expenses are controlled.

🚩Your movements were tracked.

🚩Your travel is limited.

🚩Your freedoms are limited.

🚩Your thoughts are tracked.

🚩Our freedom is gone.

🚩Your life is under control.

Who is the beneficiary of this AD? 

The only people who need it are those who make a career out of control. Spirits of evil of the Celestial Empire, bureaucrats, demons of politics and so on. At the same time, few of them understand how it will end for them, thinking that they will fall into the number of favorites, despite the fact that the number has already been formed and even there are lists of the right to life - a constant. 

Pay attention to the connection: they all work for the government.

If Twitter had existed in the 1930s, the Nazi Economic Forum would have shot a similar Swab video, probably only slightly editing the concentration camps. 

Did people vote for everything that happened for their good? 

What gives them the right to dictate what our lives should look like?

So, the population of all countries was trapped. And this is not at all like a "pandemic" changing the Constitution and our lives, it is the policy of the WEF, pursued as if by national governments, and de facto, by protégés of globalist Satanists, standing in the shadow of old Man Schwab with a barely moving fascist jaw of a talking head, as well as other port easily accessible girls.

Meanwhile, more and more companies are joining the WEF. 

The partner of the terrorists were the 3 largest Dutch banks ING, ABN, RABOBANK. 

Once again about who rules this world, about Evil.

As the false covid noose controlled by BigPharma and the ghouls behind it, including Gates and Soros, who joined forces with China back in 2015, tightens around the neck of the West, let's touch on their beliefs in passing. 

Why do ghouls hide all things in plain sight? 

Among the many reasons, including the fact that a person must participate in the affairs of darkness consciously and voluntarily, according to their system of values and beliefs, it is possible to influence world politics and affairs with the help of reverse psychology. Symbols are also territorial signs of property.

By controlling all the largest corporations on earth and introducing Masonic and occult references into the media, subconsciously and by other methods, secret societies demonstrate their power and power. 

The power of the image is not only visual. It is a complex tool designed to convey meaning, on the one hand, and disorientation, on the other, which is also facilitated by multidirectional statements.

It is a form of psychological attack whose number one goal is to destabilize the system of rational persuasion of victims.

According to the idea, the individual should take part in evil and his deeds "consciously and voluntarily", then the Great said this clearly and unequivocally, warning us all that it is necessary to be attentive to details and that it is necessary to have a mind: "He who has ears let him hear", "he who has eyes let him see" and "He who has a mind, let him understand". 

No one will tell you directly - "here, there is evil and do not go there." To understand what is what and who is who, you need attention and intelligence to help you see their signs, which he hides from the eyes of 👁 and understand what these signs mean.

Be careful.

Kelloggs (one of the world's largest food corporations) and all grains, for that matter. Try to check your own products before you eat them, because, as you can see in this video, it may also be that some types of food may well be contaminated with some incomprehensible magnetic substances... 🧲

Today, in general, everything needs to be on the alert, because we all walk dangerously now. 

MasterCard will abandon the magnetic stripe by 2024

Mastercard becomes the first payment network to cancel it.

The transition from the magnetic stripe indicates both a forced change in consumer habits and the development of new technologies.

Modern chip cards are powered by microprocessors that are much more workable and secure, and many of them are also equipped with tiny antennas that allow for contactless transactions. 

Biometric cards, which combine fingerprints with chips to verify the identity of the cardholder, provide another layer of security.

This is a huge and large scale of consequences, but alas, predictable and inevitable ... 🐏

When the era of full blockchain comes, Friends, you will not be only digitized and in the full power of the mountain Satanists, but you will not even be able to sell something to your acquaintances, without being asked to explain from you what you are selling and why.

🇺🇸 🇨🇳 The CCP's jingoistic rhetoric coincided with air and naval exercises launched Tuesday by the Chinese military, which sent fighter jets and warships toward (near) Taiwan in response to what they called a "repeated provocative conspiracy" between Washington and Taipei.

"As soon as war breaks out in the Taiwan Strait, the island's defenses will collapse in a few hours and the U.S. military will not come to the rescue," the Global Times said in an editorial on Monday.

Interestingly, Rothschild warned about the danger of war, and to be precise, about the plans and readiness of the United States and China to start it under certain circumstances, Rothschild warned back in May, through his The Economist, where Taiwan is called the most dangerous place on Earth.

🏴 ☠️ Baiden and his 100-day obsession with 💉 

🏴 ☠️ The True Cost of Long-Term Covid

🏴 ☠️ History of post-pandemic booms

🏴 ☠️ So to tax capital

By the way, the abrupt withdrawal of US soldiers from Afghanistan and the de facto surrender of the country to terrorists, as nothing correlates with this likely narrative.


All covered with greenery, absolutely all,

There is an island of bad luck in the ocean.

The island of bad luck in the ocean is,

All covered with greenery, absolutely everything.


There live unhappy people-savages,

On the face of the terrible, kind inside.

On the face of the terrible, kind inside,

There live unhappy people-savages.


Whatever they do, they don't go to work,

Apparently on Monday their mother gave birth.

Apparently on Monday their mother gave birth,

Whatever they do, things don't go well.


Crocodile is not caught, coconut does not grow,

They cry, they pray to God, not sparing tears.

They weep, they pray to God, not sparing tears,

Crocodile is not caught, coconut does not grow....


🇺🇸Now, goodbye island 🏝 bad luck.

The number of old people in the United States will very soon begin to decline rapidly, as dreamed not only of Gates, but also of Lagarde, who headed the IMF. 

The fact is that the administration of 👴 grandfather will require vaccination against COVID19 of all staff of all nursing homes.

On Wednesday (Aug. 18), Dr. Bidon, chief medical officer and gravedigger, simultaneously stated that his God-revealed administration of virologists — doctors — will require nursing home staff across the country to be vaccinated against Covid, and that insurance companies will deny Medicare and Medicaid funding to facilities that do not meet those requirements.

The new rules will apply to more than 15,000 nursing facilities, which employ about 1.3 million workers and serve approximately 1.6 million residents of nursing homes.

It's the U.S. budget 🇺🇸 and the lives of old people are at stake.

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