Special Operation "Pandemic" 19.

Special Operation "Pandemic" 19.

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Covid propaganda 😷 and how it is done. 

"A doctor" from Alabama says so about his

COVID patients, some of whom are dying:Β 

"One of the last things they do before intubation is begging me for a vaccine. I hold their hands and say I'm sorry, but it's too late. "sorry, but it's too late."

Many will be frightened by such messages from the doctor. Given that this interview was broadcast by many media outlets, many could really fall into punk.Β 

However, Friends, the reality is that she was just lying. According to the NCHS False Covid19-Related Deaths Table by time period, no people have died in its state during the time it describes.

The average person living today has little understanding of how far the development of self-assembling nanotechnological bioschooms has come. The so-called "fact-checkers" (professional propagandists and liars) deliberately mislead people into thinking that there is no such thing as a self-compiled graphene-based bioscient system that could actually be introduced into people and called a "vaccine." However, the scientific literature contains an extensive, well-documented body of research that shows that this technology is very real and has been tested in biological systems for at least two decades.

A "self-assembly" system means that a person is given instructions that trigger a process in which a structure is assembled inside the body using resources available in the blood (such as iron and oxygen atoms).Β 

Global state biological terrorism for the sake of establishing a New World Order, which has been darkened in the ready of elderly Marxist marasmatics, we have been witnessing for 1.5 years of a world scam unprecedented before the village, with an exorbitant level of lies of tens of thousands of media personalities of different professions.Β 

The Great Replacement in the U.S. as part of a special operation.


More and more groups of migrants are crossing the U.S.-Mexico border in Del Rio, Texas.Β 

"It's non-stop," correspondent Bill Melugin said.

The SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus has not been isolated in any laboratory in the world. Tests to detect it were developed by fraudsters and supplied to the countries of the world by an international bank (world hospital πŸ₯) since 2017.Β 

Statistics πŸ“‰ Mortality falsification, mortality forecasts falsification and made by a charlatan who previously predicted 200 million deaths from "bird flu". We have sufficient materials and declare extremely responsibly, comparing irrefutable evidence of forgery, deception, fraud of the crown and have been doing this for 1.5 years in different formats.Β 

Who declared the pandemic and how?Β 

On January 30, 2020, the WHO, without compelling reason (by then there were allegedly 171 deaths in China, said to have died from the coronavirus), declared a public health emergency of international concern. Interesting reaction and subsequent actions of Russian catnotics the next day at a meeting of the Government of the Russian Federation equated the coronavirus with plague and other dangerous diseases, making it in the appropriate list.Β 

On March 11, WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said it "could have been described as a pandemic" (or it could have been otherwise). There was no WHO decision on this matter, but the news was launched in the media that "the WHO has declared a pandemic."Β 

🚩 And now pay attention and hold on to something solid 

Friends! What do you think the Russians were doing at that time?Β 

De facto, they repeated their supposedly first flight ✈️ into space πŸͺ with Yura Gagarin. Only this time they took off on the ground without a rocket πŸš€ πŸ›« the first πŸ”„

PCR in Russia appeared in general 5 days before the strain. Russians in the traditional manner of the Kremlin to be the first to register a PCR test 5 days before the appearance of the strain of the virus and 10 days before the appearance of the first cases!Β 

We confess to you honestly, Friends, when the Russian partisans of the resistance shared this news with us, we could not recover for a long time, because we opened urinary incontinence, and besides, urine hit the head and thanks to contact with our brain, urine boiled to a temperature of +66 *. We didn't just have urinary incontinence, we really sucked boiling water with the entire editorial staff and our girls and boys ssaled with boiling water and lay on the editor's Persian carpet with laughter πŸ”„β€΅οΈΒ 

Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β  Β Aaaaaaaaaaa ….. aaΒ 

In front of you, Friends, colleagues is a digital copy of the original document. This is the registration certificate of Russians for one of the first in the Russian Federation, PCR tests for the well-known virus. Please note that on 6.03.2020, the certificate was already received by the manufacturer, the Center for Strategic Planning and Management of Medical and Biological Health Risks of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.Β 

And if we pay close attention to the second date - the date of the registration dossier, we will see - 21.02.2020.Β 

Let's turn to the chronology of events, Friends.Β On December 24, the Central Bank of Wuhan πŸ‡¨πŸ‡³ sent a sample of fluid for bronchoalvelary Lavan (rather than purified virus) from an unauthorized clinical case to the sequencing company Vision Medicals.Β On December 27 and 28, Vision Medicals informed the Central Bank of Wuhan and the Chinese CDC about the results of a test showing the novel coronavirus.Β And on January 3, Chinese services reported 44 cases of pneumonia to the WHO (total) in the city of Wuhan, Hubei Province. The pathogen was called a new coronavirus, which had not previously been detected among the human population.Β On January 30, 2020, in connection with the outbreak of Covid-19, the WHO declared an emergency of international importance in the field of health (which is not so rare, they have long untied their hands for this gangster special operation).Β 

February 26.State Agency /TASS/, the prototype of the Chinese Xinhua / People's Daily / Washington Post / Le Monde / DW, do not want to offend anyone, but there is no difference in these lying media.Β 

So, Friends, Russian scientists received a strain of coronavirus, and were engaged in the development of an appropriate vaccine πŸ’‰. This was reported to journalists by Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Tatyana Golikova (Russian partisans passing this information to us for some reason called this aunt Madame Arbidol):Β 

"We have a strain. We got it," Madame Golikova said, adding that the strain was not obtained from China.Β 

Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β STOP πŸ›‘ MadameArbidol !Β 

On February 26, Russia received the strain, and the documents for registration of the PCR test were submitted to it five days earlier? How can it be Madame Arbidol? After all, the test should not only be done with an understanding of what exactly it is performed, but it must be tested, undergo clinical trials. But at that time there were no accelerated registration procedures. And what to register if there are tests, but there is no virus. After all, your first patient in Russia will appear only on March 2.Β Your super researchers from the Federal State Institution "CSP" managed for 21 days from the start without any virus not only to come up with your PCR test, but also to prepare a whole package of documents for a new medical device?Β 

We go further, while this Russian and all other similar national Arbidol are looking for an answer to our quite clear question πŸ™‹Β 

Emmanuel Jean-Michel FrΓ©dΓ©ric Macron (French: [emanˈΙ₯Ι›l Κ’Ι‘Μƒ miΛˆΚƒΙ›l fʁedeˈʁik makΛˆΚΙ”Μƒ]; born 21 December 1977 .Β 

1974, drama, melodrama, for adults.Β 

Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β  France πŸ‡«πŸ‡·Β 


The first film about the priestess of love Emmanuel. The plot of the sexual adventures of the heroine in Southeast Asia.

Erotica "Emmanuel" has become a classic of the genre. For all the time of the show, the film paid off more than a hundred times. The soundtrack is still loved by music lovers and today is known even more than the film. rapture. fandom. World fame. Life was a success?Β 

But was justified such a hype around the story of one exemplary wife, who went into all serious? Is it just erotica or did the director lay down meanings that not everyone will notice among the piquant scenes in the eastern entourage?

Β As it turned out, the meaning was and is.

Question to American πŸ”‚ Arbidol snot! Where did you get that 🧼 so early ‡️

Chinese pioneers held their practical "Zarnitsa". It followed the New York Theoretical Pioneer Dawn "Event 201" at Rockefeller Plaza in October 2019.Β 


Communists are well aware not only of theory, but also of practice. Difficult to exercise easily in combat. In this particular case, we are putting out a bad mark of 2 points, no longer you deserved the pioneers from Rockefeller Center for their October 201 exercises. And for the behavior we put - unsatisfactory behavior. On Monday, David will come to school with his children bullies unscholarly.Β 

Chinese preparations in the form of theatrical scenes of the fall of chinese actors on the streets of cities began also before all the official statements about the Corona πŸ‘‘ the virus 🦠 lies πŸ€₯.Β 


This Chinese 🎭 people's theater can 🎭 be watched in our telegram channel. There are a lot of entertaining videos and photos of criminal vaudeville. 

In the video, the ex-MI6 agent talks about how they have been producing and developing DISEASES like AIDS and other similar horrors for decades to destroy people, especially blacks.Β 


An incredible 2-minute video that is likely to change your attitude towards governments, given that some of them have been killing their citizens with impunity for decades, using the money of these citizens, which they give him in the form of taxes.Β 

Remove from the screen this stupid frightened idiot brother Cuomo performing theatrical 🎭 passages and sessions of fear therapy for American citizens from CNN with a Chinese spy. 

SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA: Citizens and anyone in the public from TV screens are told not to even talk to their neighbors. This can cause infection, illness and death.Β 

Australia's chief medical officer, New South Wales, Dr Kerry Chanth, says NO human interaction is permissible...


It is not enough for terrorists to deprive people of empathy, making them a herd whose members do not see each other as Humans, they want to deprive humanity of the opportunity to live.

In 2015, Richard Rothschild, together with the Dutch government organization, patented a syndten teste of 19.Β 

Known, Friends, Marx was the devil and Rothschild's cousin. With Klaus Schwab, too, everything is simple.Β 

Klaus Schwab had a mother. After she married Klaus' father, her surname became "Schwab". But before that, her name was (drum roll) Rothschild. And we're not talking about the Brooklyn Rothschilds. We're talking about the Frankfurt Rothschilds, the owners of a vast international banking empire with a global monopoly on money creation.Β 

Essentially, they print their own monopoly money and give it to their friends, leaving the rest with their ability to obey those to whom they gave the money.Β 

Now ask yourself who can benefit from the Great Reset, the Digital Dollar, or the global pandemic of cyberattacks on everything from the banking system to the power grid. That's right, Friends, only the one who has high-level access to continuous control objects and other autonomous installations has the means to go underground and wait out the disaster, but then return to crush the weakened remnants of humanity and turn them into a convenient little bunch of miserable slaves!

When you are just property, there is no one to complain about, because your owners may decide that they no longer need you.Β 

So, in this hot summer of 2021, we have fake covid, widespread unrest, chaos and violence, fires, floods, earthquakes, ocean heating and so on, etc.Β 

All of this will continue until their military forces come into play, including the UN πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡³ another conspirator gene. UN Secretary πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡³: forced evacuation, isolation and so on with all the ensuing consequences.Β 

Several UN armored trucks two days ago near the buildings of the pharma ...Β 


Location: 440 Garyray Dr North York, ON M9L 1P7 Canada πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦(440 Garyray, North York, ON M9L 1P7 Canada)

If nothing is done, then very soon many people will find themself in a position where many will lose hope. You must remember that everything that happens was not just planned, but also described, and happens for a reason, but has a specific goal 🎯 enslave the world's population.


Before you, Friends, the pedigree of the King πŸ‘‘ pandemics painted until 2028 and various other bad deeds, such as false cyber attacks and other terrorist tactical actions to organize a disruption of food supplies, organize a world food shortage, and de facto artificial hunger and the introduction of a card system for obtaining food through an injection of poison from Joe.Β 


We know that you did not expect that you will be able to decipher so specifically and substantively. After all, you have been preparing for so long and it seemed to you that you had foreseen and taken into account everything?

No not all of you took into account!Β We know that you are not ready for such a truth. But your unpreparedness is not our problem gentleman biological terrorists.Β 

The New World Order will come from below.

Amid the breakdown of supply chains, south Africa's so-called "black awakening," which has claimed thousands of white lives, is destroying food businesses and companies. Food production has already ceased in several countries in the region. It's going to go on.Β 


So, we have announced and warned you, Friends. The plan of the Marxist/Swabian WEF is that the population of nation-states should bow their heads unappealingly to the NWO,


These are your personal problems 😞 



Richard A. ROTSHIELD filed 19 patents to protect the following inventions. The list includes pending patent applications as well as patents already issued by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).



We recommend that all anthological national Arbidol when looking for an answer to this question use a handkerchief in order to wipe your green snot with saliva in time.Β 


The names of the new strain of the virus shouldn't have sex, David, you're very carried away by erotica. You should know at least from your youth that unrestrained erratic fucking does not lead to good. Especially without a condom, because there is always a high level of probability to catch a tripper on its end and drip from it. That's how it turned out this time. You recruited too many third-rate actresses into your troupe, apparently considering their abilities rather than acting.Β 

Is that possible? These have everything possible πŸ€”Β 

β™οΈβ™‹οΈπŸ’²66,666,666 multiplied by 4 = ?

But only you are the fish of my dreams!

Only you are the fish of my dreams!

But only you are the fish of my dreams!

Only you are the fish of my dreams!

I caught a lot, I caught often, I also caught piranhas.

And once with a huge mouth caught straight crocodile.

But only you are the fish of my dreams!

Only you are the fish of my dreams!

But only you are the fish of my dreams!

Only you are the fish of my dreams!

Only you...

Only you...


The history of Marxism communism Leninism David Rockefeller began in the distant 1962.

So far, the Ethiopian Statement or Decision has not been properly executed according to the organization's charter. So, with one tongue and waves of Ethiopian terrorist claws (hands), a pandemic was "declared", which the WHO itself did not declare.Β 

The pandemic that no one officially declared suddenly lit up the minds of politicians and the world media and the process of the special operation was safely launched. By the way, in 2009, the WHO lowered the criteria for the pandemic. If before that simultaneous epidemics were needed around the world with a large number of deaths, then in 2009 only the criterion of "worldwideity" was left? What is this term from rhythmic gymnastics and literature?Β 

That is, in many countries, several cases have been identified - and this is already a pandemic.Β It's just worth noting, the declaration of the COVID-19 pandemic was a precedent.

It is significant that Ghebreyesus is the first head of the WHO without a medical profile. That is, the pandemic was announced not even by doctors, but by an ordinary Marxist - a terrorist is not known as falling into this chair. Based on his impression, Ethiopia was enough.

Ghebreyesus, former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia (2012-2016), was previously minister of health. He studied in Britain and received his Ph.D.Β 

In particular, he was a member of the Global Leaders Council on Reproductive Health of the Aspen Institute (USA). By the way, reproductive health (as well as "sustainable development", which Ghebreyesus also deals with) is the sign under which in some circles, presumably, the idea of reducing the population of countries is promoted. What is absolutely certain here is that we are not talking about reproduction as a reproduction of the population. Often it comes down to abortion, contraception, sex education, but not only to them – often hand in hand with gender ideology, sexual perversions and propaganda of such things. Ghebreyesus also worked with the Clinton Foundation and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. That is, this is a person who is closely connected with the funds and global - kogal structures. Last year, Ghebreyesus was filed with the International Criminal Court for his involvement in the genocide in Ethiopia during the hostilities when he was foreign minister.Β 

We are all waiting for the court to give birth.Β 


Β Β Β Β How did coronaviruses come about?Β 

The study of coronaviruses began in 1932. They have been identified in birds but have not been classified. They were classified by British virologist David Tyrrell. In 1965, he introduced a substrate with the addition of mucus to the participants of the experiment of a boy suffering from acute rhinitis, and this caused an acute respiratory reaction in the subjects. That is, he created a coronavirus that can infect a person.Β 

Tyrrell is a virologist in the service of U.S. intelligence agencies.Β 

SARS-CoV-2 has not been seen!Β 

But with the SARS-CoV-2 virus, the pandemic of which is as if crookedly "declared" on the planet, it is very interesting.

In February-March 2021, epidemiologists and microbiologists from 13 countries inspected facilities in Wuhan, where the coronavirus allegedly appeared. So far, there is no clarity about this, but for some reason the WHO decided not to publish the report on the results of the inspection.Β Moreover, as the scientists themselves stated, they were never given sufficient access. However, on February 9, WHO experts presented the preliminary results of the investigation and said that they had no information about the presence in the wild of the coronavirus, which is a direct precursor to the SARS-CoV-2 strain. In this regard, the version that the causative agent was bats πŸ¦‡ crumbles like a leaky bag of sugar, similar to RDX, and vice versa is also possible: RDX is similar to sugar.

No one has ever received this SARS-CoV-2 from one laboratory 🧫 the world!

On January 23, 2021, Dr. Wu Zunyu of the Chinese Center for Disease Control told NBC that they had failed to isolate the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which is covid 😷 

"And he's not the only one talking about it. Dr. Sam Bailey: "So far, no one has isolated or purified the SARS-CoV-2 virus. A reward of 225 thousand euros was appointed. But no one has yet been able to provide evidence, and there are few people willing to." And then what do virologists operate on? Dr. Joe Rizoli, a doctor of virology and immunology, writes in his article "Covid-19 is a hoax":Β 


"Our laboratory tested 1,500 samples with a scanning electron microscope. We didn't find covid in any of them. The vast majority of the samples were with influenza A, some with influenza B, and no cases of COVID. We sent the remaining samples to the universities of Stanford, Cornell and California. They got the same results. We then went to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control for COVID samples. They replied that they did not have such samples."Β 

Also, the virus does not have the Robert Koch Institute - the leading scientific organization in Europe in the field of medicine.


California DOCTOR of Medicine Thomas Cowan exposes the likely deception as follows. He writes:

"Instead of isolating the virus and analyzing the genome from start to finish, doctors limited themselves to 37 base pairs from uncleaned SAMPLES of PCR probes. They looked at only 37 pairs out of 30,000 that are claimed to be the genome of the virus. They then took those 37 segments and put them in a computer program that filled the rest of the base pairs. Creating viruses on a computer is a scientific scam!"

Dr. Rizoli asks: how can it be that no one has the virus? After all, with such a prevalence of the disease, they should be everywhere, but no one has it and never has. All that is there are small fragments of RNA, the length of which is from 37 to 40 base pairs out of 30 thousand (!), which are supposedly part of the virus.

"After conducting laboratory tests, we came to the firm conclusion that COVID-19 is fiction. COVID-19 is the flu. Most of the "COVID-19 victims" died of comorbidities after the flu weakened their immune system," Risoli concludes.

We have written many times in our materials: since the fashionable political coronavirus appeared, the flu disappeared, it has escaped from shame for science, medicine and for himself. The flu, the traditional flu, could not stand such disregard for itself and disappeared in an unknown direction. And seriously, this evidence of Risoli's rightness, and in light of the transcendent deception with SARS-CoV-2, everything falls into place!Β 

And then what is detected in patients?

PCR tests are a fraudulent invention and deliveries were back in 2017.

Probably, many remember how the coronavirus panic was just beginning, and there were already tests for coronavirus. How can this be: nothing is known about the virus yet, and the tests are ready?

The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test was invented in 1983 by American biochemist Carey Mullis to detect HIV infection, which some predicted fatal consequences for humanity, but it did not meet expectations.Β 

The test is quite remarkable.

A fragment of DNA or RNA is taken from a person, they are replicated, that is, their number is increased. Each cycle doubles the amount of genetic material. And the more cycles, the greater the likelihood of positive results. That is, the test result can be made positive, increasing the number of replication cycles .

"Positive test results do not mean clinical infection. All trials must stop because these are false figures they produce and they cause public hysteria," said Roger Hodkinson, former chairman of the royal College of Physicians and Surgeons in Ottawa.

But that's not the point. A PCR test to detect the never-found SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus was allegedly developed in January 2020 by Christian Drosten. He did not have the virus itself and of course he could not test his technology. That is, the technology is obviously fake. It was necessary to somehow explain the appearance of false tests. The WHO, in violation of all possible scientific norms, has adopted this untested technology as a protocol for detecting the virus. A complete squash of the lord criminals, a full set of crimes in stock.Β 

And even this corrupt Ethiopian-Gates WHO in December 2020 was forced to admit;Β Drosten tests give false positive results. In Israel, Deputy Director of the Ministry of Health Itamar Grotto said that since 9 out of 10 tests give false positive results, it makes no sense to do them. "


The WHO then urged countries to lower cycle thresholds for PCR tests to avoid false positives. But the WHO did not recognize this of its own free will. In November 2020, a research team of 22 world-class scientists, including former Pfizer Vice President Mike Yidon, proved the Drosten protocol unsuitable for detecting the elusive SARS-CoV-2.


The "Drosten case" resonated.Β 

Dr. Markus KΓΌbacher, who specializes in scientific fraud, found out who this Drosten is. It turned out that his doctorate is a fiction, that is, it is just a scammer who created a linden tree in the footsteps of ready-made tests from 2017 from the international criminal hospital πŸ₯ (bank 🏦) to detect a virus that no one had.Β 

And WHO β€” Oh, what a miracle! - Immediately accepted it.

So still all over the world people are tested from an international criminal group under the guise of tests from Drosten and get positive results and say that people are infected with a virus that no one has ever received, but is drawn on a computer on a tiny fragment that is supposedly part of it!Β 

Predictions of an experienced charlatanΒ 

Another fraud was falsification in the form of mortality forecasts, on the basis of which quarantines were introduced in countries in March 2020. They were made by the British mathematician from Imperial College London Neil Ferguson. He estimated that within three months in the United States will die 2 million people, in Britain β€” 500 thousand Previously, he had already been creatively different more than once. In 2002, he predicted 150,000 deaths in Britain from "mad cow". Then about 200 died and it is also not known what this cause of death is. In 2005, Ferguson predicted 200 million deaths worldwide from "bird flu." Hundreds have died and the same cause is not known. In 2009, he feared that 65,000 people would die from swine flu in Britain. The death toll was also in the hundreds and the real cause of these deaths is also not known. And in 2006, after the "200 million deaths" of false deaths, it began to be financed by Bill Gates, obsessed with universal vaccination of the world's population.Β 

And he didn't stop doing it even after all the obvious failed predictions of Ferguson. Probably because they were far from the truth, but close to Gates.

Naturally, anyone can make mistakes. But this man has repeatedly established himself as a charlatan (it is significant that in the "independent" "Wikipedia" there is not a word about his "forecasts"). And on the basis of his new "prophecies" they fanned panic and imposed not at all legal severe restrictions.

But here's what else is very entertaining. As soon as the United States, France, Germany, Britain and other countries introduced quarantine, Ferguson sharply lowered his forecast: for Britain - to 20 thousand, for the United States - to 100-200 thousand.

"As soon as he was no longer needed, he was fired with ridiculous wording - a violation of the quarantine regime. And the British newspapers also kicked him for dating a married woman at the time." In short, merged the dude as having done his part. He worked like a killer and left quietly in the backyards.Β 

By a strange "coincidence" Ferguson was removed just before he had to report to the British Parliament about his false predictions!Β 

Β Another important fact:Β 

Ferguson apologized for violating the quarantine but never apologized for his false predictions. And in July, the United States cheerfully recorded all the deaths from the coronavirus in whom it was detected, and 140 thousand people died, and in Britain - 40 thousand, that is, the "mistake" of this charlatan with experience turned out to be even with the falsification of statistics more than ten times! But with his predictions and began the general quarantines.

Thus, tests for detecting the virus, which no one has, were invented a very long time ago, were supplied to the countries of the world since 2017, the author in 2020 was a charlatan. The nightmare predictions that triggered the panic are also made by a charlatan and two hopkins guys. Finally, on such a big and long end, the "pandemic" is declared based on the feelings of the third charlatan Ethiopian, who is at the head of the WHO. And all this has been going on for a year and a half. This terrorist attack has already reversed many traditional diseases.Β 

How can you ignore all these facts and continue to terrorize the population with new works of fantasy, such as Delta, Gamma and other heresy of outright biological terrorists?

So, the virus is a special operation and fraud.Β 

Predictions are fraud.Β 

The use of PCR tests is a scam.Β 

What happens? The perpetrators of the Covid scam are inveterate biological terrorists and under-trained fraudsters in the service of governments, the WHO, the Gates Foundation and Black Rock, which are funded by the WHO.Β 

In October 2019, Johns Hopkins University, with the participation of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the World Economic Forum, held the Efvent 201 pandemic exercise to work out the pandemic scenario, and they discussed, in particular, the information suppression of skeptics. Almost immediately after the onset of the "pandemic," the hellish term "Covid dissidents" was launched to marginalize all real professionals and doubters.

Special Operation 😷 Pandemic 

The conclusions of Rizoli and other experts are correct, we claim that we show a lot of documents, and after the totality of all the evidence there is no reason to doubt this. And the scheme of criminals works something like this.Β 

Β We're dealing with the common flu, but false tests from 2017 have begun to identify some New virus 🦠 or coronavirus 😷 More false tests β€” more false virus and creating panic through countless fake videos and media photos.Β Many should still remember how at the very beginning it was constantly stated: the symptoms of covid are very similar to the flu, but this is not the flu, but this is not the flu, but a new deadly disease. Although even then it was clear: most people recover safely. For some, this dangerous disease is asymptomatic. But there was hysteria in the media. Under these conditions, disastrous recommendations were developed for the hospitalization of all in a row with appropriate symptoms. Never before have all people with acute respiratory infections been hospitalized, and many doctors were indignant at this.Β 

As a result, in a short time, hospitals were overcrowded, the health care system was paralyzed, and medical care was difficult to access, which led to a sharp increase in mortality from other causes.

The paralysis of the health care system was artificially created, and all the dead who were found to have false covid (and it is not difficult to find it with such preparation) were recorded as dead from covid. As a result, in countries, the entire increase in mortality is attributed to covid, which justifies the further continuation of draconian measures.Β 

Many experts have argued that in countries all the increase in mortality is attributed to covid. But deaths beyond past years were not recorded. This argument is based entirely on the belief that statistics are true.Β Previously, there was no SARS column in the statistics of causes of death. Those dying after SARS died from specific chronic diseases. During the special operation, the doctors were given the installation and such a graph appeared. How, under these conditions, can we say that all those who died "from Covid" really died from it?Β 

There is a change in the rules of accounting, that is, the falsification of statistics.

''Data on the number of reported deaths diagnosed with coronavirus infection'.Β 

Please note: diagnosed with coronavirus infection, not "from coronavirus". And all this in the column "Main cause of death". But how can you believe that Covid is the leading cause of death when accounting rules are changed? After all, with such common symptoms for many diseases, there is no separation within Death.Β 

Sold fear, inflated fire, and now with manic persistence, breaking all conceivable laws imposed the thought of injection. No one is talking about treatment. Vaccination only. WHO has specifically changed the concept of herd immunity, completely eliminating the natural component from it.Β 

That is, if people have had it is not considered, they have no immunity. Only vaccinated people are counted.Β 

But can the WHO be trusted?Β This organization is no less corrupt than Blatter and his former IOC.

Tongue, mouth, hands, mouths inflated a soap bubble, turning the planet into a nightmare, plunged into darkness obscurantism, established a regime of communist - fascist lies. All this complex of special operations by prior agreement allowed to do to the world what recently seemed unthinkable.

And again for the hundredth time about it!Β 




The apology of socialism. Take away and divide.Β 

This is the crime of the century and it ‡️↕️ here in this fairly complete voluminous material. Much βž– collected here in order to finally begin to issue arrest warrants πŸš” obvious suspects, world-famous defendants for their personal vip detention and conduct a comprehensive and full investigation of the circumstances of this crime and a fair trial in the future. We wait too long for you to fulfill your direct duties and begin to suspect you and you gentlemen of the judge πŸ‘© βš–οΈ πŸ‘¨ βš–οΈ Quite clear and centuries-old algorithm should be applied immediately, of course, sooner or a little 🀏 later it will be applied to all. We have found too much so that any of the criminals, state biological terrorists, can try to pretend to be an innocent stupid sheep πŸ‘. And if the stupid in your company is really the majority, then there are definitely no innocent in it and we prove it with our materials.Β 

We suggest starting with persons who do not have the status of immunity.Β 


There are good reasons for issuing an arrest warrant πŸš” and investigation into the activities of well-known defendants - officials, representatives of the private sector for "genocide, crimes against humanity, mass murder, manslaughter, conspiracy to commit a coup d'Γ©tat and all of the above.Β 




Kate Moss is trying to have time to reshoot all this with us, but she lacks shots. Her camera has only 36 frames charged.Β 


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