🇨🇳 ☠️ Gates Foundation partnered with a "socialist" internet group leading a Chinese propaganda operation to lie COVID19 long before the advent of false covid.

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is partnering with a self-proclaimed "socialist" internet foundation run by a branch of the CCP leading its digital campaign to censor facts and spread fraudulent information about Covid. The two foundations signed a memorandum of understanding back in 2015, promising to collaborate in areas such as "public health."

According to the memorandum of understanding on cooperation, both sides will rely on new technologies, such as the Internet, to promote pragmatic cooperation in the fields of charity, public health and international development, as well as work together to improve the quality of life of the poor and contribute to poverty reduction in developing countries.

The China Internet Development Fund (CIDF) operates under the CCP's Ministry of Civil Affairs and is managed by the Cyberspace Administration of China.

Given this kind of close ties with the Chinese Communist Party, the CIDF charter commits to "following Xi Jinping's guidance on socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era [New World Order]."

"Consciously maintain a high degree of coordination with the Central Committee of the Party with Comrade Xi Jinping at the heart of ideological and political actions, and sincerely carry out the historic mission of creating a network power to promote the great renewal of the Chinese nation. The Foundation adheres to the general leadership of the Communist Party of China and, in accordance with the provisions of the CCP, establishes the organization of the CCP, carries out party activities and provides the necessary conditions. on the activities of the party organization," the group's charter says.

The CIDF also openly admits that it "adheres to the core values of socialism," which does not bother Gates.

It should be noted separately that the CIDF's oversight body, China's Cyberspace Authority, has also played a crucial role in deploying Chinese bot armies on social media platforms to spread propaganda about the origins of covid. In addition to managing thousands of people online, this body was also responsible for a line of pro-government editorial Chinese state media regarding Covid stories. 

"All cyberspace administration bureaus should pay increased attention to online opinion and vigorously monitor anything that seriously undermines the credibility of the party and government and attacks the political system," the government memo obtained by ProPublica said.

LinkedIn is censoring a Harvard professor of medicine for misrepresenting the administration of COVID-19 vaccines to children.

As a result of his claims that health authorities are overstating the protective properties of masks, Twitter temporarily suspended Martin Kuldorff's acc in June.

After a month-de-s suspension of a Harvard Medical School professor from twitter, Martin Kuldorf reached out to LinkedIn to share news and comments about COVID-19 policy.

In a June article, Kuldorf presented a cost-benefit argument against mandatory childhood vaccination against COVID-19. He directed his Twitter followers to watch the LinkedIn article because "Twitter doesn't allow vaccine scientists to freely discuss vaccines."

The professor said he was concerned about censorship: "... so I'm self-censoring myself on Twitter."

However, LinkedIn has launched an investigation into his posts, and now two of them have been removed for violating the site's "misinformation" policy. What a disgrace the US administration has become 🇺🇸 and the country as a whole in its criminal adherence to the terrorist narrative of the global kahal.

💉🇺🇸Western Virginia College requires a fee of $750 from the unvaccinated😂



Please 👇

_Lyn Wood

Stock up on food, water and other necessities until September 11. We stop doing business with the tyrants on September 11.

This is NOT a one-day STRIKE on September 11. This is a STRIKE that we must be prepared to continue until we bring the tyrants to their knees.

It will take courage and sacrifice. But courage is contagious, and we must rely on our communities to help alleviate any suffering of others.

I believe that our STRIKE FOR FREEDOM will spread throughout our country. I believe that the courage of our nation to FIGHT FOR FREEDOM will extend to people all over the world.

We can do that, patriots.

And there's something else we can do peacefully. To be together. 


The pandemic is not a matter of medicine, health or safety, it is a matter of economics... 

GreatReset in action.

Bulgarian doctor at the world hospital 🏥 (International Bank of 🏦) Marxist, who supplied false PCR tests of COVID 19 to countries around the world back in 2017. The head of the IMF and war criminal Kristalina Georgieva: Vaccination policy is economic policy. 


Use any means of delivery of our materials to the addressees offered to you en masse: SMS (our block can be sent by SMS message), e:Mail, printing the material using a computer and then mail 🏤 usa, DHL, any post office 🏤 in the walking distance zone. 

So that everyone knew and no one had wet illusions between the legs:

We're raising U.S. military units 🇺🇸 

Our recommendations of the basic units for solving operational tasks and for sending our materials, as well as operational communication by phone 📲 with brigade commanders stationed in the United States 🇺🇸

Shame 🙈 administration sleeping right at the table of the oval office of Grandpa Joe. 

The grandfather's administration plans to start administering booster vaccines against false COVID19 to Americans as early as mid to late September before receiving approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. 

This was reported to Reuters by a source familiar with the discussion, late on Monday. 

According to the source, health officials in the Biden administration concluded that most people should be revaccinated eight months after the completion of the initial vaccination, and not a year or two, as previously stated.

What is very important to understand when making decisions is that Reuters recommends that everyone do booster shots, not because it cares so much about the plebs, but because the chairman of Reuters is the chairman of BigPharma's largest member, Pfizer. 

And Reuters itself, in turn, if anyone didn't know, is Rothschild. Had 19 COVID-19 patents back in 2015

Well, it's pretty obvious to us the composition of the criminal group: Fauci, Kamala, the Biden crime family are investing heavily in Pfizer and getting a good 0%. Therefore, to call Reuters/AP a credible source is and nonsense.

The U.S. administration 🇺🇸 and the West in general have lost all moral right to talk about freedom of speech due to the fact that a handful of Satanic pederast billionaires from Silicon Valley suppressed the votes of millions and is engaged in a biological attack on the world in the person of their official interim officials.

In 2020, bigtech [and all the world's media too] went to a bunch of criminal offenses in order to censor the world's scientists, doctors and even NOBEL laureates in the discussion around COVID19. The opinions of really real scientists have been completely blocked. Doctors and scientists have been subjected to pressure, including physical threats and even murder. We have recorded some strange deaths. On the contrary, the Ethiopian terrorists from the WHO (puppets of several people receiving A PPA from the hands of a friend of pedophile Epstein Gates, who is the largest donor to this organization, which is not led by a doctor, hamit, Ethiopian Gebreycesus, has an unlimited information resource for lying to the whole world. Ethiopian in his homeland is waiting for accusations of genocide, now it is very important and we are putting everyone in handcuffs, regardless of high positions.

The forum of medical workers, where the vaccine against COVID19 crucified completely and irrevocably:

"This site is intended for medical professionals. How concerned are you about vaccine-related adverse events? Tell us what you think – your expectations and concerns. Only medical professionals can comment. To comment, please log in. Comments are moderated. Read our Terms of Use."


🚩Sandra Lockhart may include:

I am a retired nurse practitioner from Canada. I am frankly shocked by the blind faith my colleagues apply to their views on the safety and efficacy of experimental injection.

People with master's degrees are abandoning their critical thinking and research skills in favor of "taking the word of local and national health departments."

Just imagine, these practitioners could not explain to me the ingredients of this injection and its possible side effects.

They don't even seem to turn to the VAERS database to articulate their understanding of experimental injection mRNA.

They don't seem to understand the "Experimental Phase" of the injection and many can't even articulate the use and application of the Emergency Permit applied to it.

I believe that if I was still working, I would probably have been fired as I have not yet received and will never receive this experimental injection. I cannot recommend patients to receive the injection and I could not administer it without TRUE INFORMED CONSENT, which would require full disclosure of the accumulated reports of both adverse events and accumulated reports of breakthrough SARS Cov2 infections after 2 doses of this injection[see Israel and Stuation there].

I don't understand why practitioners don't ask difficult questions and seem to abandon evidence-based practices?

Good luck to you all. Sandra Lockhart of Minnesota.".

🚩Ron Reynolds Anesthesiologist:

"I really believe that Cat has finally gotten out of the bag. No one should be shocked when I say that all this charade was/is intentional from the beginning. They had a wagon, but they needed to find a horse to drag it. We are not crazy to trust not our own immune system, but a product created by a company [BigPharma] that profits from eternal diseases and injuries, chronically and deliberately lied to the public, falsified data, bribed our medical professionals, knowingly harmed people of all ages (most importantly, our children), who still spend billions on marketing campaigns to attract people to them, but who cannot find the means to conduct autopsies, and are not responsible for injuries or deaths. 

I suggest that you please stop drinking their Cool-Aid and raise your red flag as high as you can. There is more than enough evidence to justify the immediate cessation of the injection."

🚩Doctor Jochen Ziegler:

"COVID vaccines based on the spike protein SARS-Cov-2 are immunogenic toxins. They have almost no clinical preventive effect against COVID, but their acute toxicity is 100 to 200 times higher than that of conventional vaccines, such as flu vaccines. 

I suspect their chronic toxicity will also prove high; evidence of this is already emerging (autoimmune diseases).

In addition, they may well lead to an antibody-dependent increase in infection [A phenomenon in which the binding of the virus to suboptimal neutralizing or non-neutralizing antibodies causes it to enter the immune cells of the infected organism and viral replication. ] which will be a disaster for public health and for the vaccinated. 

This is the largest experiment ever conducted in the history of Mankind, and certainly a crime against all of Humanity."

🚩David Lambert may include:

"I have a friend whose mother at a relatively young age, when she was in her early fifties, developed mild congestive heart failure. She was doing well on medication, and her cardiologist felt that given her diagnosis, she would be a reasonable candidate for the Covid mRNA vaccine. 

Shortly after she received the vaccine, her condition worsened and now she has pericarditis and possibly effusion, as far as I can tell. 

Her cardiologist states that he regrets recommending that she even get this job [where they demand covid vaccnaia]. It would seem that given the fact that proteins are cardiotoxins, and perhaps their use in this population can be revised."

🚩Lora Gile may include:

"I've been 10 weeks since the first pfizer shot and still suffer from side effects. Basically widespread muscle cramps, twitching. I was referred to neurology, but there are 22 weeks left to wait, and my anxiety is off the charts. Not to mention, my father-in-law was diagnosed with MND 8 weeks after 2nd pfizer. 

Coincidence or not, I'm not sure, but the muscle twitches and his diagnosis baffles me. I'm so afraid I have an MNP. Doctors can't help... I had clean blood and a CT scan, but no further tests at this point. Any advice, please. I have nowhere to go but to this forum, and even some of the comments here terrify me. :("

🚩Doctor Sterling Williams:

"This poison, called graphene oxide, which is an ingredient in these 'life-saving vaccines' for those who don't know, is a component of mRNA (Messenger RNA) and produces proteins and prions that 'fight' the heart, lungs, brain, and blood for oxygen."

🚩David Lambert may include:

"I haven't heard anyone report or comment on the potential cumulative toxicity of these lipid nanoemulsions to those who inject them, whether you've had the shot or not, but I'm guessing they're easily absorbed through the skin.

I think you have to be very careful not to let this product get even on your skin. Be very careful not to blow up the bottle or spray the drug at eye level. Always wear gloves. Remove the solution by turning the bottle over and directing it away from you."

🚩D-r PB:

"Dr. Sterling Williams Thank God some doctors know this. Yes, the discovery of graphene oxide is credible, and there may be other magnetized nanoparticles. Welcome to the Electroceuticals website, introduced to you and your children without informed consent! 

It seems that companies such as Galvani Bioelectronics (Google and GSK) have been overseen by key players in the field (e.g., Moncef Slauie, who was on Galvani's board of directors, as well as Moderna and he also led Operation Warp Speed). 

These are nanochips (GO is better than silicon as nanochips) for embedding AI into our bodies. Doctors, you MUST confront this crime. They did so oblivious to the toxic effects of OH, which causes severe oxidative stress and cell damage leading to apoptosis. 

Take a neodymium magnet and check the magnetic field at the injection site of mRNA injections. Some people have become very attractive."

Friends, you can get acquainted with the opinion of doctors about the mRNA vaccine, which is driven into the plebs in the west, on your own by clicking on the link - the forum of medical workers.

Another attack on terrorists who have been 🍄 in the woods with Covid forecasts in a year and a half: Lockdowns are increasing covid cases by 40%.

Last month, Professor Ferguson, a British epidemiologist and professor of mathematical biology who specializes in the patterns of the spread of infectious diseases in humans and animals, warned of the terrible consequences of the lifting of lockdown and other restrictions in the UK. He said it was "almost inevitable" that it would lead to more than 100,000 new cases of covid a day — potentially up to 200,000.

However, this guy, who tried to take the country to fright for the sake of the global kahal, which is forming hunger and civil disorder in the world, had to cancel this forecast only a few weeks later.

The data actually, Friends, the data reflects the EXACT OPPOSITE picture of what pundits and other bewildered people called "officials" have claimed will happen. Immediately after the UK lifted its lockdown, the number of cases of COVID19 decreased by 40 🤦🏻 😂 %.

The real problem, Friends, is that Neil Ferguson and other similar men who are abs. in all countries of the World, prodiving panic and fear and forming honey. fascism, which is to establish the final New World Order with its slavery and techno-eugenics, is somehow still considered a credible person.

🐏 Meanwhile, Israel, Australia and poor New Zealanders are starting their lives in isolation. After the NZ was blocked, the number of covid cases rose from one to 5, including abs. and a fully pricked, that is, vaccinated nurse, which once again tells us, Friends, that it's time to start spoiling from such scientists as Ferguson.

New Zealand's city streets are empty on Wednesday (Aug. 18) as the country returns to life in isolation for the first time in six months.

New Zealand was virus-free and lived without restrictions until Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern yesterday ordered an urgent three-day nationwide lockdown after one case of covid was discovered in Auckland's largest city. 

Ardern has already confirmed that a total of five confirmed cases have now been reported. And one of the new cases is a completely chipped nurse from an Auckland hospital.

Legalizing Child Sexual Abuse: Pedophilia is now classified by some as a sexual orientation, and a pedophile is simply "a person who is attracted to minors."

"Stigmatization and stereotyping of people who are attracted to minors fuels the fears of people who are attracted to minors, mental health professionals ...

In the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, the American Psychological Association (APA) drew a very clear line between pedophilia and pedophile disorder:

"Pedophilia refers to sexual orientation or sexual preferences devoid of completion, while pedophile disorder is defined as coercion and is used against individuals who act in accordance with their sexuality."

Link for self-study of the topic

      👆 Another terrorist with a cross 👆

We all knew that pederasty and other perversions, including genital amputation, were just a stepping stone to pedophilia and its normalization in the West was only a matter of time before they played out their pedophile pride. 

Meanwhile, the progressive Belgian poet believes that "People should accept this because pedophilia is present in each of us," that "every person is sometimes attracted to innocence and youth," and that she thinks, "I think it's very dangerous to demonize and silence pedophiles."

If someone, Friends, after the withdrawal of pederasty from the WHO register of diseases, doubts that the same WHO will sooner or later normalize pedophilia, then, I think, they will be very bitterly disappointed in the time that will come very soon, earlier than the most daring forecasts could have assumed. 

Sign a petition, Friends, for the withdrawal of our already long-suffering Motherland from this demonic organization, which is controlled by the Semite through hamite. 

After the elimination gang Ethiopian cart and a number of other international criminal communities in the hands of pedophiles and Satanists from the lawn. It's such a miserable about us. Fuck them yourself. 

Legalizing Child Sexual Abuse: Pedophilia is now classified by some as a sexual orientation, and a pedophile is simply "a person who is attracted to minors."

"Stigmatization and stereotyping of people who are attracted to minors fuels the fears of people who are attracted to minors, mental health professionals ...

In the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, the American Psychological Association (APA) drew a very clear line between pedophilia and pedophile disorder:

"Pedophilia refers to sexual orientation or sexual preferences devoid of completion, while pedophile disorder is defined as coercion and is used against individuals who act in accordance with their sexuality."

Link for self-study of the topic

People's reactions to the pedophile narrative on Dorsey's set. 

- Remembering Leo Frank, a murderous rapist who tried to hang his crime on some random black guy and then got exactly what he deserved.

ADL, your days are numbered, the level of knowledge of the goyim reaches a critical mass.

- He raped and killed a child. And then he tried to blame it on a black man.

- He was lynched by a mob of anti-pedophiles. It's weird that you called them anti-Semitic.

- If I follow your logic, is rape Semiticism? That's crazy.

Spring Louis de Funes with Us. The picture was taken in the château de Clermont. There the actor spent the last years of his life growing roses.

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