The USSR is the birthplace of the mobile phone and the scientific development of prototype stations that today are called HARP - 5G.

The USSR is the birthplace of the mobile phone and the scientific development of prototype stations that today are called HARP - 5G.

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There is a beautiful story and a photo of the director of the mobile communications department of Motorola Martin Cooper walking around Manhattan with a weighty oblong box similar to a brick 🧱. Then he made a call, which unspeakably surprised passers-by. It was in 1973. 

Brief information:

Engineer L. I. Kupriyanovich Moscow in 1957 created and publicly demonstrated the first experimental portable mobile phone LK-1 weighing 3 kg, a range of 20-30 km and a battery change time of 20-30 hours and a base station to it. This technical solution of the device is patented according to the author's certificate of the USSR for No. 115 494 of 01.11.1957. In 1958, simultaneously with the Americans, the Voronezh Research Institute of Communications (VNIIS) began to develop its own mobile communication system in the USSR.

And in 1957, the journal "Science and Life" published a photo of the inventor and his offspring. But to think that the phone can not only be carried with you, but also used, at that time could, perhaps, only science fiction.

That is, the world's first mobile phone was invented by a young Soviet radio engineer Leonid Kupriyanovich. It was a prototype. Carrying such a mobile phone was certainly uncomfortable. But on the contemporaries of Leonid Kupriyanovich LK-1 made a great impression.

And even then in the LK-1 was laid the principle of connection, which is used in modern mobile phones. The phone was connected to a base station (ATR), which received a signal from one mobile phone to a wired network and then transmitted that signal to another mobile phone. The frequency of transmission and reception for each tube was different. The journal 📓 "Science and Life" explained this simply: "The connection of ATP with any subscriber occurs, like a regular phone, only we control its work at a distance."

In one of the issues of the magazine "Young Technician" for 1957, Kupriyanovich wrote that the LK-1 phone can be used in cars, airplanes, ships, and passengers can call anyone with a phone. When used in cars, Kupriyanovich proposed to use a speakerphone system to free hands - a kind of "hands free".

The world's first mobile phone inventor proposed to widely distribute and make it part of everyday life. Surprisingly, Kupriyanovich described it as if he had been in our century: "Taking such a radiophone with you, you take, in fact, an ordinary telephone set, but without wires. Wherever you are, you can always be found by phone, it is only from any landline phone (even from a pay phone) to dial the known number of your radiophone. You have a phone call in your pocket and you start a conversation. If necessary, you can directly from the tram, trolleybus, bus dial any city phone number, call an ambulance, fire or emergency car, contact the house ..."

A year later, Leonid Kupriyanovich presents a new, improved model of his invention. It weighed only 500 grams. According to the author's calculations, it should have cost 300-400 rubles. However, the model was still not comfortable to carry with you on a daily basis.

In 1961, Kuprijanovic developed the world's first pocket-held mobile phone. This mobile phone weighed only 70 grams. For the first time, the device was demonstrated to apn correspondents Y. Rybchinsky and Y. Shcherbakov, who praised the invention and even mentioned that the model was prepared for serial production at one of the enterprises of the USSR. However, this did not happen, although Kupriyanovich's plans included the development of a mobile phone the size of a matchbox and a range of up to 200 km. 

Why didn't that happen?

It's one thing to be a scientist and have a head, to invent something new, and quite another thing to try to introduce it into production and life, being in the communist environment of a planned economy and surrounded by communist savage officials - degenerates. 

All-Russian Research Institute of Radio Equipment (VNIIRA). 

When created in 1946, it bore the mysterious name NII-33.

Of course, the institute did not arise from scratch - the history of the production of radio equipment in St. Petersburg - Petrograd - Leningrad and again St. Petersburg began much earlier.

Kronstadt. Radio plant named after the Comintern

On September 2, 1900, a radio workshop began to work in Kronstadt, the main task of which was the production and repair of traditional and the development of completely new wireless communication devices for the fleet.

By 1917, radio stations (including aviation), radios, radios, radio-locators, measuring instruments were invented and produced here.

In 1921, the "Radiotelegraph Plant of the Maritime Department" received a new name - "Radiotelegraph Plant named after the Comintern". The research industrial radio laboratory of the plant was engaged in research on the propagation of short waves and the development of new types of equipment - including navigation systems.

In 1924-1929, radio stations for submarines were developed.

Among other things, the plant's specialists worked on detecting aircraft using the infrared range. For air defense, these developments were not useful, but marked the beginning of the development and use in the Navy of a new means of reconnaissance and surveillance of the surface situation.

St. Academician Pavlova, 14. ROBTiT - CVL

On Lopukhinskaya Street (now Akademika Pavlova Street), in the house 14, since the beginning of the XX century, a joint-stock company worked, which became the second "parent" for VNIIRA: "Society of Wireless Telegraphs and Telephones of the S. M. Eisenstein System". This enterprise carried out orders of government departments for the manufacture, installation and commissioning of communication radio stations. One of the first developments was a field radio station installed on four two-wheelers and providing confident communication at a distance of 150 versts (about 160 km).

Since June 1910, the company was renamed the "Russian Society of Wireless Telegraphs and Telephones" (ROBTiT). In 1914-1915, for government communication with the allies, the company built powerful radio stations in Tsarskoye Selo (near Petrograd) and in Moscow (on the Khodynsky Field), as well as a reception center in Tver. The last pre-revolutionary station started working in St. Petersburg, on the island of New Holland.

After the Bolshevik coup and nationalization, in 1923, on the site and on the production base of ROBTiT, the Central Radio Laboratory (CRL) was created, which in the first years of activity developed several broadcast transmitters, pack radio stations for Persia, tube receivers and the first domestic studio microphones and loudspeakers. Here they laid the theoretical foundations of television and even put some ideas into practice.

In the CRL researched and developed systems and methods of application of radio engineering in the national economy and achieved results, mainly this dual-use technology was used by the Ministry of Defense of the USSR, comparable to the world level of that time - and in some places even surpassed.

New Holland. The last pre-revolutionary radio station ROBTiT

For the needs of the Main Naval Staff in 1915 in New Holland, the company "Russian Society of Wireless Telegraphs and Telephones" created the most powerful radio station in Russia. Suffice it to say that she from St. Petersburg maintained contact with ships not only in the Baltic, but also in the Black Sea. For this complex, a three-story brick building was specially built on the banks of the Kryukov Canal, near the channel connecting the canal with the inner pool of New Holland.

On October 25 (November 7), the day of the beginning of the October Revolution, a detachment of sailors occupied New Holland, and its radio station was used by the new authorities to transmit telegrams, decrees and appeals.

The radio station building was demolished in 2006.

Galernaya harbour. First radar prototype test

In 1934, at the experimental test site of the CRL in the Galernaya Harbor of Vasilievsky Island, the first successful test of an experimental installation for receiving radio waves reflected from aircraft took place. This was proof that radar can be used in practice. Experiments on the registration of aircraft flight helped to create the first industrial samples of radars with continuous radiation. In the Soviet Union, research and development in this direction unfolded.

Buddhist Temple, Primorsky Avenue

During the blockade, a significant part of the equipment and staff of NII-33 was evacuated to Krasnoyarsk. However, the remaining specialists in 1942 were able to build a broadcast radio station in just 57 days. Initially, it was planned to put it on the former dacha of Chernov on the right bank of the Neva - just above the Volodarsky Bridge. But the military rejected this option: too close to the front edge, to important objects that were often bombed.

The search for a secure building in a quieter area led to the then vacant Buddhist temple in the Old Village. All those who gained access here were strictly warned about the responsibility for the safety of the building and its artistic values. The mosaic floor was covered with boards, the sculptures were carefully moved to an enclosed room, electrical communications were laid so as not to damage the coating of the walls.

The radio station was reassembled from the equipment that was taken from the front edge of the defense - from Kolpino. The missing parts and assemblies were searched for in the mothballed warehouses of other enterprises. The antenna system of the radio station was raised using an air barrier balloon. The voice of besieged Leningrad became heard far beyond the city.

Interesting fact: in the memoirs of military signalmen there is a story about this radio station. With its help, a radio game was played with the enemy - also why it had to be protected from targeted bombing. And the building of the datsan then stood out very much on the ground. So a little away from the main antenna, over Elagin Island, several other balloons were raised, one of them with a false antenna. The reception was so successful that the datsan, it seems, was never even fired upon. But it is not excluded, of course, and the intervention of higher forces.

Harbor (Skipper Channel). Territory of VNIIRA

Before the war, on the outskirts of Vasilievsky Island, on the territory of the Comintern plant, the construction of the "Big Comintern" began - a joint enterprise for the development and production of radio equipment. In 1946, a small group of enthusiasts - a total of 136 people - began to restore the dilapidated bombing of the buildings and workshops. July 10, 1946 is the birthday of VNIIRA (then NII-33).

In the order of the Minister of Industry of Communications, the Institute was entrusted with the development of:

Radar equipment to ensure the navigation of aircraft and ships.

Mobile radio navigation system for the output of aircraft to the nearest targets in the presence of ground equipment located only at one point.

Long-range radar system for the output of aircraft to the target area and for long-range navigation support for the navigation of ships: ground and on-board equipment.

Integrated radar system for blind landing of aircraft: ground and on-board equipment.

In 1966, the institute was renamed the "Leningrad Research Institute of Aviation Equipment", and since 1967 it became known as the "All-Union Research Institute of Radio Equipment" - VNIIRA.

House 18 on Malaya Morskaya + Novaya Derevnya

The NII-33 employees who returned from the evacuation lived in extremely difficult conditions. First, they were accommodated in warm wagons at the Novaya Derevnya station. Later, they were sheltered in the half-flooded basement of the house 18 on Gogol Street (now Malaya Morskaya Street).


The equipment created by VNIIRA was installed in Cuba. Airport "Jose Martí" in 1969 acquired a radio-transparent sphere, under which stood the meteorological radar "Cloud" (MRL-2).

It made it possible to predict destructive hurricanes that hit the coast of the island about once every two years. As they wrote in the newspaper "Leningradskaya Pravda", quite often after a cloudless morning over the expanses of the Gulf of Mexico right in front of observers there is a formidable ridge of clouds, carrying a tropical downpour with a squall wind. The sooner the information about the movement of the giant atmospheric vortex appears and the more accurate it is, the less losses Cuba will suffer.

But what does Voeikovo, a village in the Vsevolozhsky District of the Leningrad Region, have to do with it? We answer: there "Cloud" was tested.

Siversky Flight Test Center

This center is one of the few in Russia equipped with unique radio systems and control and measuring stands. Here, VNIIRA specialists conduct research and flight tests of prototype serial samples of ground and on-board radio-electronic systems for aircraft of all types and purposes.

Here, by the way, experimental work was carried out on the complex of radio engineering systems for navigation and landing of the Buran orbiter.

To the left of Bill Gates is the former Soviet defense scientist Alexander Galitsky. 1997 year

Alexander Galitsky, a former Soviet defense engineer at ELAS, the current head of the almaz Capital Partners venture fund, says (see past materials) 

"Since the mid-1980s, I have been preparing our response to Star Wars. We developed various systems, including for the transmission and exchange of information between reconnaissance satellites. It was a working model, and back in October 1990, we showed the Americans how IP packets, in other words, blocks of data, go through space. They precipitated. Finally they were struck by a 22-layer polyamide board the size of a pack of cigarettes, which at one point I casually pulled out of my pocket. No one in the world has made such fees!"

Think about it – the vaunted Silicon Valley did not create anything like what Soviet IT specialists created by 1990. And although many of us later moved there and admired the business processes in California, but this does not negate the fact that the level of ingenuity of the Soviet Russian model of developing high scientific technologies was better.

Galitsky was one of those in the scientific Soviet elite who immediately rushed into the arms of the American market and began to cooperate with leading IT specialists, communicated with Gates and others. Then they believed in convergence (the combination of the socialist and capitalist systems), although it was already obvious that the Soviet system was collapsing in favor of the free market. Nevertheless, thanks to Soviet science, the native of Zhytomyr communicated with advanced Western IT specialists, as he had excellent knowledge and skills.

At the space communication station on the basis of a flat antenna-faroed array, through which information was transmitted through the IP-protocol, 1990. 

Alexander Afinogenovich Orlow (October 26 (November 7), 1865 – October 4 (17), 1908) was a Major General of His Majesty's Retinue (1905), commander of the Life Guards Uhlan Regiment of Her Majesty empress Alexandra Feodorovna.

When they remember the favorite of the Russian Empress Catherine the Great, Count Grigory Grigorievich Orlov, a confident, self-sufficient person appears. But not many people know that in the life of the count there were two Catherines, whom he loved madly and because of which at the end of his life he went crazy.

Count Orlov and Empress Catherine II were tightly bound by political affairs. Thanks to the count, Catherine was able to overthrow the legitimate spouse of Peter III from the throne and as a result take his place. But not only politics sealed the relationship between Catherine and Orlov - they were lovers and even had a common son Alexei Bobrinsky. The relationship was turbulent, passionate, and lasted 11 years. Over the years, the count received many awards and positions, various treasures and titles. When Catherine cooled to the favorite, she got a new one, Potemkin. By a strange coincidence, he also bore the name Gregory.

We have data from Russian partisans that the writer is below ⬇️ this is the son of Count Orlov, who went crazy from women and fucks. Doesn't that remind you of anyone? 

Alexander Orlov. "Meeting of the Plague with Cholera"

       Cholera times are submissive

"I was understood, understood that I am ... but you're still impenetrable. The most experienced doctors, the most, so to speak, geniuses of medicine, can not affirmatively say that you are. I was recognized... but they're still arguing about you... Although we were born of the same angry heavens, but you are a mystery, and a mystery is wise; tell me, perhaps, what are you, Cholera?" - says the Plague in the work of A.A. Orlov "Meeting of the plague with cholera". 

This book 📕 saw the light in the cholera epidemic of 1830 Almost two hundred years ago, the situation was very similar to the current one. 

Graphoman and cholera

Russian partisans write to us that the literary criticism of those years did not rate this writer Orlov. Talk to Sasha Pushkin and Vova Belinsky used this graphomaniac alcoholic to settle scores with Fedeya Bulgarin. However, graphomanes were used for new mass literature of the lower strata. A reader from the people so to speak. By the way, Gogol wrote about the mob in a letter from Kolya in 1831 to Sasha Pushkin: 

- '' you know that hardly anyone knows how to express themself better with her as our mutual friend Alexander Anfimovich Orlov. ‘’ 

A person who knows how to talk to the average person in his language and write "safety posters" understandable to him was needed by the Moscow authorities, who were faced with a cholera epidemic. Already on October 7, 1830, they allowed the publication of the "Meeting". The story "spread with incredible speed through Moscow and liked especially ordinary people", withstanding the second edition.''

The creator of the first vaccines against plague and cholera in Russia was not appreciated

Orlova . He came from a spiritual class, brought up by his grandfather and grandmother. The latter "in abundance" supplied the boy with information "about witches, about waterers, about foresters, about yards." Grandfather-priest tried to develop his grandson's imagination. The children's habit of "seeing nymphs and dryads in every grove" in the ardent young man was not etched out by training at the theological seminary and at the Moscow university (which Orlov did not graduate). The liveliness of his imagination contributed to sharp plot twists, various ideas of novels and novels, which Orlov began to write for the sake of earning money and which gained popularity in a semi-literate environment. 

Cholera - the scourge of the XIX century. At the beginning of the century, this old inhabitant of the Ganges Valley broke out of India and triumphantly marched around the world, reaching Russia in 1830. Epidemics of 1848, 1872, 1892 show that anti-choler agents were searched for a long time, and the disease remained a threat on a global scale.

The first encounter with her was particularly difficult. The Asian guest was initially mistaken for the plague. Pushkin admitted that in 1830 in his imagination "cholera treated the plague as an elegy to the praises." The causative agent of the disease and the fecal-oral mechanism of infection were not detected immediately. Only in 1910 microbiologist N.F. Gamaleya declares: "Cholera sphinx ... solved"."

By itself, vibrio cholera was harmless, but the toxin it secreted caused visible symptoms of the disease: diarrhea, vomiting, dehydration, convulsions and cyanosis (bluish coloration of the skin and mucous membranes). His victims in the first epidemic were the tsar's brother Konstantin Pavlovich, the commander of the active army I.I. Dibich and many other high-ranking officials, but vulnerable, basically, were socially unprotected segments of society.

Count Zakrevsky fought cholera for five months in infected provinces

The popularization of knowledge about cholera began in the conditions of its rapid spread and high mortality. The collective sense of threat led to anxiety and panic, gave rise to ridiculous rumors about poisoners, swept away quarantines, causing, as they wrote then, "sad scenes" - up to cholera riots. Doctors could not help the "well-established authorities" with explanatory work with the alarmed masses.

The first explanation for what happened was the recognition of cholera as God's punishment for sins. Orlov includes a moralizing component in the story. He declares the nature of man spoiled by debauchery to be the "mother" of cholera, and the "moral corruption of men" to be a magnet that attracts her. However, the pathos of the story was different. "Medicine with all its powders," the author reported on behalf of Cholera, "is not yet terrible for me, for I have not yet been discovered, but the extraordinary care of the government with its precautions is dangerous to me." Given the success of the story with the reader from the common people, it is important to find out in what ways the author tried to convey information about the good intentions of the authorities to the demoralized and out-of-minded layman.

In Russia, the fight against this or that epidemic was reduced to prayers, processions, cordons off foci of infection, burning of bodies and things of infected people.

In the genre of visions

The writer decided to use the well-known genre of visions in Russia. In the second half of the XVII century. increased the number of reports of people who met with altered states of consciousness (in the "subtle dream") the Virgin or just a certain "bright husband". They were saddened by the violation of the Orthodox Christian commandments and ordered to warn them about the coming punishment. God's punishments, as a rule, included pestilence. In some cases (for example, in the "Legend of the Ancient Icon of the Assumption of the Virgin in the village of Verkh-Yazvinsky, Solikamsk District"), the epidemic theme received additional development: the visionary, intimidation for the sake of it, demonstrated personifications of the terrible pestilence.

In his story, Orlov develops this direction. He has the main characters - plague and Cholera: two women "of monstrous kind and extraordinary size" had the same snake heads and gaping "on all sides" "all-devouring larynxes". Distinguished by their presence in Cholera "deadly gaze" and thousands of wings, and the Plague - thousands of legs. The monsters entered into dialogue. At first, the Plague broadcast, as if passing the baton to Cholera: "My larynx is terrible, and I devour the human race without mercy, and I in this very capital of sixty years before you exterminated thousands, but I was understood ...". Then Cholera revealed "her nature": "I am the most rotten creature, or better to say, the most rotten, the most impurity, the essence of all stench, pernicious, poisonous ...". The revelations of the giantess were accidentally heard by two travelers. To emphasize the power and power of pathogenic spirits, the writer of his heroes Kruchinin and Skudoumov made not Muscovites, but pathetic provincials - Chukhlom residents who were bored of living in their villages and they, without inventing anything better, at that terrible time decided to visit the White Stone.

Cholera prayer service in St. Petersburg.

Infection with the gift of speech

Orlov's sketch, we can say, was a replica from the mentioned "Legend", about the vision of the farmer Rodion on May 22, 1685 In the forest, he saw "terrible atrocities coming to him" and described them as follows: "two great ages and long vlasami, one black velmi, and the other - fire-like ..."5 The characters of the Moscow story fell into similar circumstances: "As soon as they began to move to Moscow as the horses began to stand on their feet, anxious and frightened... they saw an unheard of and unprecedented miracle, namely two extraordinary women."

In 1685, the farmer ventured to ask the monsters: "Where are they from and what kind of people are they and where are they coming?" Those only "animal-like roaring", and the questions were answered by the "light-shaped man in white clothes", explaining to the astonished simpleton that the first of those he met "is a black man", the second is "fierce fire".

Skudoumov and Kruchinin asked similar questions. The author of the story removed only the "light-shaped" mediator between people and monsters, giving the Plague and Cholera the gift of words. A couple of these monsters made it possible to make a figurative comparison of the two ailments (and thereby distinguish them, which at first was difficult even for Pushkin), as well as to tell about the symptoms of the new disease through comparing them with the signs of the plague that were more understandable to people of that time. Orlov reminds that the latter is "sticky and lives by touch", and it is transferred by "the people themselves from country to country". Therefore, "already for thousands of miles" prepared obstacles for her. In addition, medicine "sharpened" some tools against it. Unlike the more familiar thousand-legged plague, the writer endowed cholera with volatile nature - it was carried by "windy wings".

Images of fairy-tale monsters in the folk epic most often had a female appearance.

Parallels in lubok and folklore

The Russian lubok knew characters (even pairs) like the Plague and Cholera. This is the famous plot of "Baba Yaga goes with a crocodile to fight." In folk pictures there were also Medusa (or Melusine) - a monster with a female head, a fish body ending in a snake tail, and the Harpy - a monster with a human face, but with ox horns, donkey ears, a lion's mane, bat wings, two tails, the lower part of whose body was covered with scales, and in the upper there were two similar to women's. Obviously not with the handsome fought and favorite heroes of folk pictures: Bova Korolevich with the hero Polkan, Yeruslan Lazarevich - with the Serpent, Anika-warrior - with Death. The technique of doubling (as in lubok) Orlov uses in a different way: his characters are not antagonists to each other. The image of the Plague plays the role of the background, and the main attention is paid to Cholera. Her image orlov gave the features of an agonizing cholera patient: "sunken eyes, dead-crimson appearance, convulsive movements." His illness is expressed briefly and expressively: "My property is convulsions, writhing, vomiting, diarrhea"; "I am a child, a deadly frenzy that enters a person, shakes his entire nervous system."

In addition to the epidemic, they expected lack of money. 

In the five-volume encyclopedia "Slavic Antiquities" it is indicated that most often the people represented cholera in a female image. It is unlikely that the beginning of this was laid by the story of Orlov (for all its popularity). Just the writer Orlov fell into unison with the folk tradition, a reference example of which can serve as the naming of personified fevers as the daughters of Herod.

The collective image of cholera was drawn by the popular imagination in the form of a huge woman with loose hair and in white clothes. She waved a red or black handkerchief over her head, flew through the air, walked on water, rode around in a cart, and her howl and scream and touch a person foreshadowed his death. Like Orlov, the disease was usually ugly: it had one eye, one ear, two teeth and two tongues in the mouth, a nose with three nostrils and forked hooves. The closest thing to the image he created was one in which cholera appeared as a tall, thin scary woman in white, with a blue or yellow face, with large eyes. She was not always lonely: she was made the sister of the plague, endowed with daughters. Huge size remained a hallmark of even zoomorphic images of cholera. The personifications of the disease, created by the imagination of the people and the writer's imagination, in many ways echoed.

Around the Skudoumovs

Monstrous female figures in the story are contrasted with characters with the talking surnames Kruchinin and Skudoumov. Brave Kruchinin dominates, including in social status. He is a military man who does not succumb to dangers and, according to Orlov's definition, "counsel" the cautious and fearful Skudoumov. Friends stupidity and absurdity of their actions resemble a folklore tandem - Thomas and Erem: they incorrectly chose the time for a visit to the Mother See, and then, seeing that everyone is fleeing from Moscow, decided to go there. Skudoumov "turned back", but Kruchinin insisted: "Go to Moscow ...".

The courtesy of the secular Skudoumov helped to get permission from Cholera to go there fearlessly. But does a sane person believe a disease that has already "frightened both old and small, and poor and rich, and strong and weak"? Skudoumov was not going to rely on her "caresses", but yielded to his companion. The author made his name a household name for all who, in his opinion, misbehaved in the conditions of the epidemic: he had poor people - and the rich, "woven" in the village, and inexorable creditors, and alarmists-inhabitants who behaved like unreasonable children and exclaimed: "Oh, I'm afraid! Would not put in kolymaga", "Cholera is not necessary!". "We don't want healers!"

By and large, the readership for which the book is designed was represented by such squamous. To encourage them, Orlov introduces into the narrative a scene of a fight between two drunks. They quarreled with each other and one shouted: "I'm cholera!". Another retorted, "I'm a doctor!" and hit his drinking buddy so hard that he fell. Then he said edifyingly: "You see: and the doctor can defeat cholera."

This episode, which the author dubbed a strange anecdote, is the culmination of the story. It is strange that drunkards are heralds of truth. However, it turned out clearly: the doctor who appropriated his name belongs to the last "shock replica". The meaning of it - we will show the thousand-winged cholera! Or rather, the doctors will show.

The image of death mowing out terminally ill cholera. Cover of the magazine of the beginning of the XX century .

Finally, popular indignation took to the streets. On June 22, riots began on the streets of St. Petersburg: people walked in groups and attacked "poisoners", searched cholera carriages, tried to detect poison, got into a fight with the police. Meeting on the streets "suspicious" looking people, pounce with screams and searched. One of the victims of the search described her memories:

"Approaching the Five Corners, I was suddenly stopped by a petty shop sitter, shouting that I had thrown poison into his kvass, standing in a bucket at the door. It was about 8 p.m. Of course, passers-by ran to this scream and less than a minute later I saw myself surrounded by a crowd arriving every minute. Everyone was screaming; In vain I assured that I had no poison and did not throw: the crowd demanded to search me. I took off my tailcoat with my coat of arms buttons to show that I had nothing; – the soul was not in place, so that the crowd did not see foreign magazines and especially Polish, which were among them. The crowd was not content with the tailcoat; I was forced to take off my vest, underwear, boots, even my underwear and stayed resolutely in one shirt. When those around me, who flooded the street to the point that the message on it had stopped, saw that there was nothing suspicious with me, then someone from the crowd shouted that I was a "werewolf" and that he saw me swallow a bottle of poison. 

The most annoying to me was some gentleman with Anna around his neck - he shouted the most and molested me the most... "

The excesses and madness reached their climax when a huge excited crowd found themself on Sennaya Square, where there was a temporary cholera hospital. Breaking inside, people knocked out the windows, broke furniture, kicked out hospital servants and beat local doctors to death.

View of Hay Square in the 1840s. From the album of plans for the construction of cast-iron bridges on the Neva River. 

There is a St. Petersburg tale that Emperor Nicholas I was able, without resorting to violence, to pacify the rebellious people, who were struck by the eloquence of their tsar and fell prostrate, as soon as the autocrat began to reproach them with the words "ashamed of the Russian people, forgetting the faith of their fathers, imitate the riot of the French and Poles."

However, the facts of history are inexorable. Without bloodshed and interference of troops was not done. When the officials who remained in the city found themselves face to face with a popular revolt, the organizers of which destroyed hospitals and killed healers, city leaders gathered for a meeting with Count Peter Essen, a military general from infantry. He was appointed governor-general in early 1830. During the meeting, they decided to call for help from the military force: the Guards regiments, reinforced by artillery, surrounded the square, and the infantry, as well as the Sapper and Izmailovsky battalions, fell on the people with a massive blow.

Here is how an eyewitness who witnessed the events on Sennaya Square described his impressions: "Suddenly two Cossacks appeared from Nevsky, or one Cossack and one gendarme - I do not remember well. They boldly drove into the crowd and began to wrist disperse the people. Less than a minute later, one of them, a Cossack, ceased to be seen from this sea of heads; I don't know where it went; he was probably dragged off his horse. Another, I remember the gendarme, seeing that the case was not okay, tried to retreat and slowly went back, in the direction of Nevsky.... Less than five or many ten minutes, from Nevsky appeared a stroller pulled by a quadruple, with a foreytor. There were two soldiers in overcoats; one gray-haired old man, the Governor-General of Essen, the other young, his aide-de-camp."

Emperor Nicholas I with his presence pacified the cholera riot in St. Petersburg in 1831. Lithograph from the French periodical Album Cosmopolite. Dated 1839. Photo: reproduction

When, finally, the troops were able to restore relative order, Nicholas entered the capital, who, of the two evils, chose the least: he turned a blind eye to his fear of cholera, reasonably deciding that the raging mass of people was much more terrible.

Of course, Nicholas addressed his subjects with reproach, and finally, even, as the inhabitants said, kissed one of the people standing in the crowd, which caused the most sensitive tears and cries "we will die for the father of the tsar." It was also rumored that the king was indeed extremely convincing in his appeal, but the story remains adamant: the raging crowd was pacified by the troops, but not by the eloquence of the emperor.

However, this fact not only did not denigrate the reputation of the king, it seemed to have been forgotten about him, accepting the truth of what was not really there. Otherwise, how to explain the fact that on one of the bas-reliefs that adorn the monument to Nicholas on St. Isaac's Square, you can see a scene depicting the calming of the people by the tsar?

      Bas-relief "Cholera riot of 1831".

The cholera epidemic in St. Petersburg ended at the same time, in the fall of 1831. Allegedly 7,000 people ..? died from this Cholera then ..? 

The population of St. Petersburg in 1719 and in 1766.

Our Russian friends are partisans the best partisans. They picked up the archives and here's what they sent us. 

Book 📕 : Statistical essays of Russia: Konstantin Arsenyev.Tip. I. Academy of Sciences, 1848.

The book 📖 very interesting. We will limit ourselves only to the capital city of St. Petersburg.The book describes the statistics of the entire Russian Empire, so the figures here are enlarged to counties, provinces and provinces. 

So what do we see? In 1719, in the St. Petersburg province, in the St. Petersburg province (it is number one) in the cities of St. Petersburg, on the island of Kotlin, in the fortress of Shlisselburg, in the cities of Koporye and Yamburg (this is the current city of Kingisepp)

and in the adjacent counties there were 4119 yards.

How many people could live in one yard (house 🏡)? 

We are told by demographers and advised to multiply the number of yards by 8 people (this is to the maximum). In reality, of course, fewer people lived. St. Petersburg was the capital of Russia at that time, there lived many nobles and princes with servants. Perhaps the figure is about the right one. Somewhere around 32,000. Of 1, how many died of cholera? 7.000? It's almost 4th part of the city 🌆 died? And how many of them lived in the city itself? Let's assume 20 thousand, although in reality it will probably be much less. For comparison, just below the list there is the city of Moscow with a county. And there are 19125 yards. 

Let's move on to 1766, when St. Petersburg is next mentioned in the list of provinces. That's just the capital province itself this year is not the same. After all sorts of reforms and transformations, it has dried up to the size of the St. Petersburg province.And now in the censuses there are already souls and not yards.Souls (man) only 68,992. It's a pity that it is not specified specifically how many people lived in the St. Petersburg district, as in the rest of the clean list. The figures are not even close to those indicated in the modern official Russian history of St. Petersburg. 150 thousand people in this period did not live there .

We are once again confronted with brazen falsification and outright lies. Sucked out of my finger. How was it sucked out of your finger? Put 👄 finger in my mouth and sucked, and then said :- let's make 150,000! Will someone be able to check and find the data? 

Similar material of the false epidemic of 1830 in Sevastopol. The material was kindly provided by russian forest partisans ⬇️

Apparently, this will also be attributed to the "conspiracy theory"? Yes, we lived to see a time when mathematics 🧮 and point analysis of numbers became also conspiracy theories ⬇️

[Biden and Harris and their spouses observed a minute of silence in memory of the 500,000 Americans who died of COVID-19. The southern facade of the White House was decorated with mourning ribbons, and candles were placed on the stairs. }{]

Mathematical analysis of U.S. 🇺🇸 death statistics since 1950 shows no excess deaths in 2020. There are good reasons to believe that the statistics 📊 grossly falsified ⬇️

We continue to communicate with FBI ⬆️ investigators for "additional" deaths in the U.S. 🇺🇸 

 So Joe also died 500,001 people from COVID 19. If you believe these people in the photo and the words of Joe, who spent money from the US budget 🇺🇸 on the purchase of candles and the organization of this memorial funeral service. Then Joe did not hesitate to say that more Americans died in 2020 than in the first and second wars combined.

 You are not ashamed to weave into your wildest false speeches and actions of the American military, who really gave their lives and died at a fairly young age. They gave their lives for your crime show? They gave their lives so that you would be so foolish and lie under oath to 360,000,000 million US citizens 🇺🇸 and citizens of the world?

And harmful addictions, as you know, always end badly, or sadly, the question of the term and nothing more. Is your glass of 🥃 with whiskey 🥃 and soda half empty, or half full? That's exactly the terms we'll talk about in the second part.

In the club "Cartotagenik" there will be a lecture on the theme: "The Fruitful Debut Idea" and a session of simultaneous chess on 160 boards of grandmaster (senior master) O. Bender.


It's a shame 🙈 for you Fellow vaccinators 💉. To what baseness of knowledge and ignorance characteristic of the 18th century you lowered your population. Although you are too, it is in that century that you are, despite the presence of all the modern attributes around you. You are real medieval savages in expensive suits and ties.

Communism as a diversion against humanity. 

The reasons for things lie in the depths of ideas - this was known even by Plato.

In an attempt to explain what happened, one should not be content with superficial justifications. It is necessary to dig very deep into the beginning of the last 20th century. Understand the root causes of ideas, the most stung from the eye. The causes of historical crimes lie deeper than the existence of the criminals themselves, because behind the consciousness hides the subconscious, the human underground, and criminal communities are dangerous not even by the "great helmsmen" - the "godfathers" of the dominant mafia, but also by the people who have taken the wrong path from such godfathers.

In order to understand the causes of the intellectual and economic devastation of the countries of the world in just a year and a half, which has come in a peaceful period of its history, in order to explain the unprecedented destruction of national small and medium-sized businesses, millions of dark adherents of an unknown slurry in a syringe named by non-doctors vaccine 💉 against the disease COVID19 named by non-doctors, it is naive to refer to one Gates or the swindler Fauci. , or a specific national fool tyrant necrophile, or their entire administration, more like a royal criminal army. The reference to the demon who confused them is also not quite a complete monograph of criminals, although in principle it is true, but this does not explain anything.

Yes, the demon certainly confused them, but - what, where, when, who and how?

In fact, to a greater extent, consciousness determines being: what consciousness is, so is our being.

The U.S. flag was invented by a schoolboy

Over the sketch of the current Stars and Stripes flag of the United States worked American 17-year-old high school student Robert Heft. The flag was developed as part of a school assignment, and the grade for it was very modest - four with a minus. 

Audrey Hepburn in his kitchen cooks us fools dinner 🥘 in 1950. 

This Editorial Material was prepared in cooperation with russian forest partisans. The editorial board thanks the Russian partisans for the provided historical materials and references in the part of Cholera, the composition of the inhabitants of St. Petersburg in 1830 and the information on the writer Orlov. 

𝓜𝓻. 𝓘𝓷𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓹𝓮𝓻𝓼𝓸𝓷𝓪𝓵 𝓡𝓪𝔂 💫

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