๐ŒพH๐‚๐Œ๐Œฝ๐Œน๐Œพ๐ฐ๐Œด๐ƒ ๐Œ๐† ๐„H๐Œด H๐Œ๐ฐ๐ŒนD๐Œณ๐Ÿ 16/08/21

There's a virus here โ€” it kills people," Schwarzenegger said, "and the only way to prevent that is to get vaccinated, put on masks, distance yourself from society, wash your hands all the time, and not just think that, "Well, my freedom here is kind of broken." No, to hell with your freedom. Yes, you have the freedom not to wear a mask โ€” but you know what?, You're a jerk that you don't wear a mask. You have to protect your fellow Americans around you.

He also demanded that Americans respect experts like Dr. Anthony Fauci.

This is exactly the case when an apple ๐Ÿ fell not far from a tree. The gut came out and the blood of the ancestors does not let go. The grandfather of "Schwartz" - Gustav Schwarzenegger - Nazi, a member of Hitler's brownshirts.

Arithmetic against Ethiopia's terrorist WHO and BigPharma The mathematicsย

of ๐Ÿงฎ shatters all the logic of their deceitful pandemic.ย 

It's very surprising to see all this official hysteria of administrations, journalists and other cultural figures of TV monitors almost two years later, after that three men in black called the "Covid pandemic."

ISIS is a child's play compared to that, Friends.

Currently, the Taliban owns:

- 1000+ Humvee

- 40+ helicopter gunships

- 7+ Stormtroopers

- 10 Eagle scanning drones

- 300,000 American-made rifles

- Millions of rounds of ammunition

- Soviet-era tanks

- Explosives, C4.

ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ๐Ÿคก If only you knew Grandpa ๐Ÿ‘ดย

ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย how bad things really ๐Ÿ˜‚


From the analysis of the Cyber Symposium of two Dominion servers from Mesa County: They found a batch file on both servers, dated 10/19/2010 (right before the election), which REMOVES SECURITY RESTRICTIONS FROM SQL SERVER, allowing aNYONE to manipulate the voting results!

When this was found, a cyber expert on stage said, "If I were a Dominion, I'd be slumping right into my pants right now. That's why they didn't want us to see it."

The media will try their best to prevent this information from coming out. And that's why right now there's an attack on Biden to leave on impeachment initiated on health rather than "election theft" so that Harris replaces him before it is possible to review the election results.

Hitler's "New World Order" is a "world concentration camp"

Nikola Tesla had an assistant (Nazi spy) named George H. Scherf Sr. This assistant had a teenage son, George H. Scherf Jr., whom Nicola so often caught rummaging through his equipment and papers that Nicola compared him to a "mischievous little monkey" and nicknamed him "Curious George." This boy grew up, changed his name and became the head of the CIA and the 41st President of the United States, George W. Bush.

According to Otto Skorzeny, the photo shows the Scherff family and several friends (cirously 1938). By the hand of "mother" Scherff on the left holds Martin Bormann. Ahead of Reinhardt Gehlen. Behind is Joseph Mengele, and to his right is Skorzeny in his youth. In the center on the right (in german Navy uniform) George H. Scherff Jr. and his father George H. Scherff Sr. Bormann became Hitler's deputy. Reinhardt Gehlen was a senior SS officer and assassin who was smuggled out of Germany as part of Operation Paperclip. Skorzeny was Hitler's bodyguard and an SS spy/murderer who arrived in the U.S. after the war as part of Project Paperclip. Skorzeny and Bush were instrumental in merging Nazi (SS) intelligence with the OSI to form the CIA with "Wild Bill" Donovan and Allen Dulles. These guys also participated in CIA mind control experiments like the MK-ULTRA. SS officer and physician Josef Mengele, the infamous sadistic "angel of death" from Auschwitz, fled Germany for South America. George H. Scherff Jr., as described above, became the 41st President of the United States.

An article published in the Idaho Observer, which also talks about all this, has been deleted.

Hitler gives Reich Marshal Goering a painting by Hans Makart "The Lady with the Falcon" (1880). Both Hitler and Goering were passionate art collectors: by 1945, Hitler's collection numbered 6755 paintings, the Goering collection 1375.

ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย Robert W. Malone, MD

"A lot of people have asked for it. Pfizer's teen risk/benefit calculations are based on official CDC data provided to me by an actuary. Please prove that this is not the case?


Here are the links (one removed from their website and doesn't seem to have returned) to the CDC's myocarditis/pericarditis report:ย

The second one doesn't open either:ย


Page 32: The CDC predicts that full vaccination of 1 million men between the ages of 12 and 17 will prevent 5700 cases, 215 hospitalizations, and 2 deaths from Covid.

Amount needed for treatment (to prevent 1 hospitalization)= 1 million/215 = 4651

Page 8: 2% of children aged 12-15 years (and 16 to 25 years) needed hospitalization and/or treatment in the emergency room after their dose of 2+ Pfizer and 1% after a dose of 1 Pfizer.

Assuming that hospitalization/ambulance with 1* dose and 2* dose are not mutually exclusive (worst-case scenario)

Amount needed to cause harm = 1/.2% = 500

OR assuming mutually exclusive categories

Total (hospitalized/injured at a dose of 1 OR 2") = .3%.

Amount needed to cause harm = 1/3% = 333

According to VAERS, "hospitalizations" account for just over 1/3 of the total number of "hospitalizations or emergency care."

(2 July 2021 VAERS in the 6-17 age group: 718 hospitalized + only 1211 ER = 1929,718/1929 = 1/2.6 or 1/3

round numbers. Thus, a correction factor of 3 was applied to NNHs to obtain a comparable basis. Thus, the NNH is between 999 and 1500 for hospitalization.ย 

Note: There was no separate classification between men and women, so this "unisex" version is used for both men and women.

Thus, the Pfizer vaccine is 3 to 5 times more likely to result in hospitalization of men between the ages of 12 and 17 than the CDC predicts that this will prevent hospitalization due to the disease itself. (3 of 4651/1500 and 5 of 4651/999, rounded)

Page 32: The CDC predicts that full vaccination of 1 million women between the ages of 12 and 17 will prevent 8500 cases.

183 hospitalizations and 1 death from COVID.

Amount needed for treatment (to prevent 1 hospitalization with COVID infection)= 1 million/183 = 5464

Similar calculations show that in women between the ages of 12 and 17, the Pfizer vaccine is 4 to 5 times more likely to cause hospitalization than the CDC predicts it to be. (4 of 5464/1500 and 5 of 5464/999 rounded)


Using CDC data on "at least partially vaccinated" as of July 2, 2021, VAERS mortality data as of July 2:

Number needed to cause harm = 8,123,243 at least partially vaccinated/14 deaths from COVID vaccine = 580,232

Number of men needed for treatment (to save 1 life) = 500,000

Female number needed for treatment (to save 1 life) = 1,000,000

Thus, 12-17-year-old men are only 16% less likely to die from COVID than from the vaccine. Women aged 12-17 are 72% more likely to die from the vaccine than from COVID itself. (16% of 500,000/580,232 and 72% of 1,000,000/580, 232)."


"On July 12, 2021, I'm 71 years old, I'm English, living in Cape Town, on July 12, 2021, I caught the Delta-3 variant along with my whole family, 5 people.

I had chest pain in my upper lungs, so I used the veterinary drug Virbamek 1% Ivermectin, and the next day the pain went away.

Everyone else was also using ivermectin, everyone is now back to normal (including our antibodies).

A week later, on July 19, 2021, my 83-year-old mother-in-law also caught an American-sponsored virus and she developed pain in her upper chest, so I gave her Ivermectin and said don't worry, tomorrow the pain will go away, of course, the next day the pain went away and she got better and now she's back to normal.

The sad news is that now she went and got vaccinated, well, it's the free world, isn't it.

I do not and will never do a new unproven and experimental injection.

I stopped wearing a mask two weeks after that plan."

Why can't you trust what the FDA says about Ivermectin, Friends?

It's that simple. This exclusive report debunks three myths about ivermectin and shows why the FDA can't be trusted at all:

๐ŸšฉMith No 1)ย 

Ivermectin is not an antiviral agent, it is just a remedy for worms.

๐ŸšฉMith No 2)ย 

Many people get sick from using ivermectin when they try to use it for COVID-19.

๐ŸšฉMikh No 3)ย 

The Food and Drug Administration has investigated the effectiveness of ivermectin against COVID-19.

By the end of this article, you will understand the truth about the medical-industrial complex, about BigPharma, about the Ministry of Health of the National People. Countries. What can be said for sure, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has merged into a single $ monetary ecstasy, and you know ladies and gentlemen well in themselves, addicted to cash flows, in this case, BigPharma's money is already difficult to tear your mouth ๐Ÿ‘„ย 

To reduce the population of the earth, they need pidaras hammering each other into the ass, impotents and other onanists:

Scotland will allow students to change their gender at the age of FOUR without their parents' consent โ€“ and asks teachers not to question a child's request to choose a new name or use a different toilet.

Primary and secondary schools have also been ordered to include transgender books in the curriculum, allow students to choose which locker rooms or toilets to use, and consider introducing gender-neutral uniforms.

Children as young as four will now be able to change their gender at school without parental consent under the guidance introduced in Scotland.

The guidance is applied in primary schools where the youngest children are only four or five years old because "the recognition and development of gender identity can occur at a young age."

It also says that teachers should not question a child who says he wants to be a boy or girl, but instead they should simply ask for his new name and pronoun.

Scotland's Education Minister Shirley-Ann Somerville said: "This guide describes how schools can support transgender young people while ensuring that the rights of all pupils are fully respected. "ย 

Dr. Tess Lori, a world-class researcher and CONSULTANT to WHO, decided to speak out against this medical institution, which is not run by a doctor, a hamit, Ethiopian Gebreyesus, who is also waiting for ug on the rojin. accusations of genocide, and which receives the ZP from the hands of Gates, who runs the organization unchallenged, exposing himself to significant personal risk.ย 

Dr. Lori's biggest clients are those involved in the fight against repurposed drugs, she is the co-founder of the BiRD group; an international consortium of experts engaged in transparent and accurate scientific research on ivermectin, with a particular focus on the treatment and prevention of COVID19.

Disclosure of informed consent to vaccine trial subjects about the risk of exacerbation of clinical disease with COVID-19 vaccines ๐Ÿ˜ทย

International Journal of Clinical Practice (2021).

Why are there a significant number of those hospitalized with Covid who are vaccinated?ย 

Key theses of the document: Disclosure of informed consent to the subjects of vaccine trials about the risk of exacerbation of clinical disease with vaccines ๐Ÿ’‰ COVID19 | International Journal of Clinical Practice (2021)

"The published literature was analysed to identify preclinical and clinical evidence that Covid vaccines can exacerbate the disease when exposed to a causing or circulating virus."

"Covid vaccines designed to detect neutralizing antibodies may increase the sensitivity of vaccine recipients to more severe diseases than if they were not vaccinated. SARS, MERS and RSV vaccines have never been approved, and the data obtained from the development and testing of these vaccines suggest a serious mechanistic problem: vaccines developed empirically using a traditional approach (consisting of an unmodified or minimally modified viral spike in coronavirus to detect neutralizing antibodies), regardless of whether they consist of a protein, viral vector, DNA or RNA and regardless of the mode of delivery, can exacerbate COVID-19 disease with antibody-dependent amplification (ADE)."

"The specific and significant risk of ADE COVID-19 should be clearly and independently disclosed to study subjects who are currently undergoing vaccine trials ๐Ÿ’‰ ..."

We wrote about this a few months ago. The plan is as simple as the windows ๐ŸชŸ Overton: make it a legislative norm and make the population prick every month - three months. Throwing different strains in the media.ย 

Booster shots will be mandatory in the UK for those who want to use "Medical Passports" COVID19 for travel

COVID-19 enhancers may soon be needed for overseas travel as the UK government prepares for a third round of vaccinations for the vulnerable and elderly.

A government source close to discussing COVID-19 certification rules told the Mail on Sunday that "health passports" would likely need to be updated with amplification injections and boosters.

"It is assumed that you will need to have the most modern health passport," the source said. "So if the advice is to get a booster six months after your second shot, then that's what you're going to need."

While we are talking about "half a year", but they need the result of the New World Order already known to us and if this result does not satisfy them (biological state terrorists of the global kahal), there is not the slightest doubt that they will shorten the interval between injections.

Additional materials of the Editorial Board for study by all interested readers in the world around the world.ย 

And for civil servants and professionals of all levels, including military field courts and military units of different arrhythmias of the world, it is necessary to study โฌ‡๏ธ!ย

- Tell me, I am the first in this city, this transport ๐Ÿš— goes to Rockefeller Plaza?ย 

- Yes.ย 

- So I sat down correctly.ย 

- Yes.ย 

Only now it is going the other way, you at least sit there face down.ย 

51 Bush Rose ๐ŸŒนย 

ย ย ย ย ย ย  ย ย WITH BIRTH GIRL ๐ŸŽ‰๐Ÿฅ

๐Œผ๐‚. ๐Œด๐Œณ๐‚D๐‚๐Œต๐Œผ๐ƒ ๐‡

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