Еdiᴛs ''Оʙviᴏus Inᴄrᴇdiʙlᴇ''

 A search in Internet archives yielded a now closed version of the Open Russia Foundation website. The composition of the board of directors makes up a very colorful company in it.

 1. Mikhail Khodorkovsky. The person who was preparing for the role of the President of the Russian Federation, controlled by the Rothschild syndicate to wreak havoc on the country's territory and further its collapse and establish the entire economy and the military-industrial complex under US control, is a clear analogue of Poroshenko in Ukraine. Khodorkovsky was stopped by Vladimir Putin when it turned out that he was preparing to transfer all of his oil fields under the control of foreign capital. 2. His "honor" Henry Kissinger. Born in Bavaria, Heinz Alfred Kissinger. US National Security Adviser 1969-1975 and US Secretary of State 1973-1977 Like his Nobel Peace Prize counterpart Obama, a desperate warmonger. Hiding from the International Military Tribunal for Operation Condor, which spawned war crimes by the juntas in Chile and Argentina, responsible for the bombing of Cambodia, for supporting the Turkish invasion and genocide in Cyprus in 1974. 3. His "honor" Arthur Hartman. US Ambassador to the USSR 1981 - 1987, under R. Reagan and M. Gorbachev. A person who took a direct part in the collapse of the USSR. 4. Lord Jacob Rothschild. President of the Institute for the Study of Jewish Politics. It was to him that Khodorkovsky was supposed to transfer the oil wealth of the Russian Federation. In November 2003, the Sunday Times reported that one of the Rothschilds became the owner of a large stake in Yukos. According to the newspaper, Khodorkovsky and Jacob Rothschild signed a guardianship agreement some time ago. It came into effect automatically after the arrest of Khodorkovsky. The internet is full of rumors that the Rothschilds belong to secret orders who believe they rule the world.

 (Masonic order "B'nai Brit", "All-Seeing Eye of Zion", or "Gnostic view of Lucifer", but for us this information is still considered unverified). 5. Mikhail Piotrovsky - Director of the State Hermitage.

 "Henry Kissinger's role in the Kampuchean genocide, Chile, and East Timor makes him a war criminal equal at least to Hitler's Foreign Minister Ribbentrop, who was hanged in 1946." Edward S. Herman, professor at one of the colleges at Pennsylvania State University

 “If killing hundreds of thousands of innocent peasants, dropping millions of tons of bombs on unprotected civilian targets is not a war crime, then there are no war crimes at all. If Kissinger is not responsible for these crimes, then there are no war criminals at all. " "Salon.com Books" www.salon.com/books/(USA)

  Henry Alfred Kissinger.

 Former US Secretary of State, diplomat, master of the behind-the-scenes game. One of the members of the organizing committee of the Bilderberg Club, which is building the future of the global world. Head of the international consulting firm Kissinger Associates Inc *

 In a number of countries in Europe and America, attempts were made to arrest Henry Kissinger for war crimes in connection with his participation in organizing coups, assassinations, occupations and executions in Indochina, Chile, Bangladesh, East Timor and Cyprus. Some of Kissinger's former colleagues describe him as "a hypocrite, a liar, an intriguer, a murderer, a pseudo-intellectual, a plunderer of government property and a speculator with plunder."


 During his career, Kissinger appeared as the author of the idea of ​​creating an anti-Soviet bloc with the PRC, support for dictatorial regimes in South America, organizer of Pinochet's coup in Chile in 1973, as well as organizer of murders and supporter of birth control. It was Kissinger who brought General Marshall into the highest political circles - they must have agreed on views. Marshal went down in history as the inspirer of the concept of a protracted nuclear war - with constant modernization of weapons, careful protection of state leaders in reliable bunkers, the withdrawal of nuclear weapons and missile defense systems into Earth's orbit. Kissinger made his main career under President Nixon, whose political career ended after the Watergate scandal.

Kissinger and Nixon.

 The Vietnam War 1968 is the height of the struggle between Vice President Humphrey and Nixon for the presidency. The main trump card of the Democrats and personally Humphrey is the negotiations in Paris, which could result in the end of the Vietnam War. In parallel with these negotiations, Kissinger is leading his own, promising the Vietnamese mountains of gold for rejecting Humphrey's peace proposals. Clark Clifford, then US Secretary of Defense, described Kissinger's actions in his memoirs as "gross, illegal private interference in national security affairs." The Vietnamese junta followed Kissinger's lead and rejected the truce. The disrupted negotiations knocked the ground out from under the feet of the Democrats, and led to the victory of Nixon. And four years later, Nixon and Kissinger signed a peace agreement on terms borrowed from Humphrey. Over four years, one and a half million people have died. 1,500,000 corpses - the first installment for the right to rule.

  US invasion of Cambodia.

 On April 30, 1970, US troops invaded Cambodia. Tens of thousands of American lives, hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese lives have come at a cost. Under Kissinger's leadership, the United States carried out 3,600 covert missions in Cambodia in 14 months, dropping 110,000 tons of bombs. Colonel Sitton recalled that Kissinger was directly involved in the leadership and timing of the bombing. Kissinger said: "I cannot believe that a fourth grade country like North Vietnam cannot be broken."

 In 11 days in December 1972, during the so-called "Christmas bombardment", 129 B-52 bombers dropped 40,000 tons of bombs on Hanoi and Haiphong, destroying hospitals and other civilian objects in the city.

 Nobel Peace Prize.

 And here comes the most amazing moment of his biography - for his tricks with Vietnam Kissinger received - attention ... - The Nobel Peace Prize! This is truly the greatest mockery! The prize was awarded to him along with the Vietnamese leader Le Duc Tho, who also signed the peace agreement. Kissinger did not even pay attention to the fact that Le Duc Tho did not come to the ceremony in Oslo. The Vietnamese side rejected the award because there was no peace in Vietnam, there was nothing to celebrate and there was nothing to receive the award for. It is a terrible paradox to be the laureate of the Peace Prize, when in fact all the merit consists only in the outbreak of war.

 Monstrous bombing of Cambodia.

 1972-74 years. It was at this time that as many bombs were dropped on Cambodia as on Japan during the entire Second World War. Why did they attack the civilian population in the villages, why are there so many civilian casualties in this war? Between 1969 and 1973, more than 50,000 Cambodians died, and by 1974 bombing raids had destroyed the country's agriculture, causing a severe famine. More than 2,000,000 refugees took refuge in already overcrowded cities. By 1979, 3,000,000 Cambodians had died.

 Watergate scandal.

 The end of Nixon's career. In 1972, in preparation for the next elections, it turned out that in Washington's Watergate hotel, where the campaign headquarters of the US Democratic Party was located, an attempt was made to install wiretaps on Nixon's personal orders. It was this spy scandal that ended Nixon's political life. He left without waiting for impeachment. In one of the counts of impeachment, he was accused of concealing the bombing of Cambodia from Congress. Nixon's men were linked as members of a bandit group. They have committed crimes inside and outside the United States. But this did not harm the immediate leader of the operation - the ubiquitous Henry Kissinger.

 Timor Leste (1975), Congressional sale of American arms to the Suharto regime.

 Knowing that the Fretilin left movement was growing in popularity in East Timor, Henry Kissinger saw the threat of communism in this small former Portuguese colony, which was about to gain independence. At a meeting with the Indonesian dictator Suharto Kissinger, in fact, gave the green light for the Indonesian invasion of Timor and guaranteed military support. Soon followed by the seizure of the territory of Vost. Timor and the subjugation of the population through genocide. What happened there became a monstrous massacre of thousands of people - the result of constant attacks by the Indonesian army from the air, sea and land. Reports said that Indonesian soldiers would force people into schools, then set buildings on fire, and shoot anyone trying to escape. Most of the people were burned alive ... people were herded into the fields and shot with machine guns. People were driven into the mountains and anyone who stopped were shot. America generously provided Suharto's regime with weapons, helicopters, ammunition, food, ammunition, whatever the Indonesians needed to wage war, and also trained Indonesian special forces. Invasion, executions, devastation of the land, severe famine. During the 27-year Indonesian occupation, from 100 to 250 thousand people were killed (with a total population during the invasion of about 600 thousand people), almost the same number became refugees. In all interviews, Kissinger has always denied that he discussed the possibility of an invasion during his meeting with Suharto.

 Henry Kissinger. Under the banner of humanism

 Flight of the Condor

 This was the name of the campaign for the persecution and destruction of the political opposition in a number of South American countries in 1970-1980 with the participation of the US special services. A system was created for the exchange of information, the physical elimination of unreliable elements and the coordination of actions in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay, Ecuador and Chile. The unwanted were kidnapped and sent to the so-called "death flights" - intoxicated with drugs, taken out on airplanes and thrown into the ocean. The number of those killed is estimated at thousands. Some details of these massacres became known from the former officer of the Argentine Navy, Adolfo Silingo, who was sentenced in Spain to 640 years in prison in 2005. Silingo participated in two "death flights", which killed 30 people. Operation Condor was overseen by the CIA and the US authorities, which brought many dictators to power, including the later convicted Pinochet.

  Coup in Chile.

 The infamous dirty US involvement in the overthrow of the democratically elected government of Allende in Chile. Salvador Allende promised to nationalize the industry, which became a threat to American transnational corporations. IT&T urged Kissinger to take action against Allende, and Pepsi President Donald Kendall made the same wish to his old friend Richard Nixon. For solving the problem with Chile, Nixon was offered economic support in the 1971-72 presidential campaign. Kissinger became the chief leader of this covert operation. He said, "I don't understand why we should allow the country to become communist because of the irresponsibility of its people," calling for drastic measures "to shock the Chileans." He was personally reported on the preparations for the coup. The CIA had warned that Salvador Allende enjoyed tremendous support and that the Chilean military would not participate in the coup. Kissinger dismissed these objections and pressed the CIA, continuing to incite the coup. The Chilean general Schneider, who enjoyed great military authority, proved to be the main obstacle to the coup. The CIA devised a plan to assassinate him. People with a criminal past were recruited, and the most modern weapons for murder were sent from the United States by diplomatic mail. Anti-Allendist groups received generous funding: the money went and controlled through the CIA channels. Schneider was shot in his own car. The CIA congratulated its agents in Chile on a great job. An internal CIA investigation determined that one of the killers was paid $ 35,000. Kissinger was at the head of this conspiracy. Perhaps only a judicial investigation could uncover the truth. After Schneider's death, Allende won the election, but the efforts of Nixon and Kissinger to overthrow him were ultimately successful.

 September 11, 1973 - military coup in Santiago and the assassination of Allende. Pinochet comes to power. Over 30,000 people were killed in the country during the month. For 17 years the country has been plunged into an atmosphere of bloody terror.

 28 years later, on September 11, 2001, the Washington Post published the news of a lawsuit filed against Henry Kissinger by Rene Schneider, the son of the assassinated Chilean General Schneider, over the death of his father. But the events that happened that morning overshadowed this news.

Henry is an investigator.

 The events of September 11th, America's deliberate horrific material and human sacrifice, caused a shock on the part of American citizens, paving the way for united UN action, using NATO to hit key targets in the Middle East, South Asia and the Balkans. The ultimate goal is the final destruction of all national sovereignty and the establishment of a world government.

 Henry Kissinger. Under the banner of humanism

 The fact that the choice fell on Henry Kissinger as head of the September 11th Commission of Inquiry, who had already had arrest warrants for war crimes and complicity in murder in two European countries, turned out to be self-exposure. As the New York Times commented, who else can better investigate a criminal attack on America than a man accustomed to preparing America's illegal attacks himself? Who better to expose the duplicity and deceit of the government than the man who himself organized secret wars and the overthrow of foreign governments, secret bombings, covert wiretapping of political opponents and secret conspiracies? Taking the position of head of the investigation, Kissinger announced that he did not intend to separate himself from the activities of his consulting firm in his new post and would decide for himself whether the interests of his clients could conflict with the interests of the investigation. The former secretary of state declined to name clients of his current company, Kissinger Associates. And since the investigation encouraged him to ask many uncomfortable questions to politicians and heads of corporations (including his clients), it is obvious that there could be no question of any objectivity, since it is clear whose interests (the investigators or their clients who pay him huge fees) would prefer watch out for such an "investigator". Under the powerful pressure of protests and objections, Bush had to remove Kissinger from the commission within 16 days and appoint former Governor of New Jersey Thomas Keane to replace him.

 Less people - more oxygen!

 A notorious globalist and supporter of the New World Order, a fighter for the reduction of the population of the land, Kissinger is behind the development of the US National Security Plan adopted in the 70s. The plan views the population of third world countries as a potential threat to the United States. This means that their population should be reduced. Countries should be offered loans - but only in exchange for their participation in a birth control program. And to make the process more fun, the Plan provides for the organization of local wars, the forced sterilization of the population and the use of food supplies as weapons. America is no stranger to this - in 1907, in the United States, by a court decision, people were subjected to forced sterilization. The sponsor of such orders was then John Rockefeller, and later the idea was adopted by the Nazis.

 Attempts to arrest Henry Kissinger In 2001, a number of human rights organizations sued the former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, accusing him of numerous war crimes. Summons were sent to him from the Spanish judge Baltazar Garzon, the Argentine judge Rodolfo Corral, the French judge Roger Loire, the Chilean judge Juan Tapia, a number of Swiss politicians and deputies sent requests to the prosecutor's office demanding the arrest of Kissinger for war crimes, the British human rights activist Peter Teretchell tried to get a warrant to arrest Kissinger. Numerous attempts to detain him were initiated in France, Great Britain, Spain, Switzerland, Ireland. Each time, Henry Kissinger managed to safely get his feet out of a dangerous place.

 A reasonable question arises: why is a subject with such a criminal reputation still at large? The answer is simple. Washington has its own ideas about justice. All attempts to involve Kissinger through diplomatic channels, even to obtain testimony, were ignored by the White House. This is an example of how the United States considers itself exceptional. The United States is not subject to the jurisdiction of the ICC. International law is a very good thing, but for other countries.

Adam Weishaupt (1748-1811), originally a Jew, converted to Catholicism and ended up creating a "new" secret society, the Illuminati. In fact, it was not a new society at all, it existed under various names for a long time, but during Weishaupt's life, the organization was publicly opened. It is unclear if he was under any influence, but most researchers agree that Weishaupt was nothing more than a puppet in the hands of the Masonic elite.

 Freemasons founded a new branch of Freemasonry - Scottish Ritual Freemasonry with 33 degrees of initiation. Today it is one of the most influential secret societies, including prominent politicians, religious leaders, businessmen and other people who are useful to them. Evidence indicates that Weishaupt was sponsored by the Rothschilds, who then and now are the heads of Masonic structures around the world.

 The Illuminati have their own hierarchy of initiations ABOVE (or rather after) the 33 degrees of Freemasonry. Even people who have reached the highest degrees of Freemasonry have no idea about the degrees of the Illuminati - this is a secret. Weishaupt dreamed of ruling the world, and he developed a clear strategy for creating a "one world government" and a "new world order." All this was recorded in the so-called "Protocols of the Elders of Zion," which made it possible to blame the Jews in the event of a failure of the plan.

 And the plan failed! The Illuminati messenger was killed by lightning as he rode across the field, and the "protocols" he was carrying were discovered and made public. This happened in the 1770s. Weishaupt and his "brothers" the Illuminati were forced to go into hiding and work underground, as the activities of their organization were banned. The Brotherhood decided never to use the term "Illuminati" again, but to keep their agents in order to achieve the goal of world domination. One such agent group was the Freemasons' Union - Freemasonry, which has earned a good reputation in society.

 It is believed that Weishaupt was killed by his own brothers, the Masons, because he could not keep his mouth shut and continued to use the name "Illuminati". There may be other reasons as well.

 The secret purpose, however, remained. Weishaupt and the Rothschilds then became the head of the Illuminati (and remain to this day). The freemason Cecil Rhodes, who in the 19th century tried to build a unified world government headed by the British Empire, helped them a lot in achieving their goal. This plan was funded by the Rothschilds. And it was Rhodes who created the secret society "Round Table", named after King Arthur and his Round Table, in which the elite of the brotherhood still sits today.

 The society, named after the legendary Round Table of King Arthur and his knights, was founded by the diamond magnate Cecil Rhodes. The Rule of Secrecy by Jim Marrs calls Rhodes "the forefather of modern secret societies." And the Round Table group in his book The Committee of 300, Dr. Coleman described as “a maze of companies, organizations, banks and educational institutions.” Who was Rhodes? Cecil Rhodes was born in 1853 to a vicar's family and studied Greek philosophy as a child. At a young age, Rhodes was already actively involved in the activities of English Freemasons, being influenced by Professor John Ruskin, a teacher of visual arts. Raskin studied secret societies and the works of Plato, and came to the conclusion that managing the world is the lot of the ruling elite and society is better not to interfere with the activities of the ruling class. Rhodes later became the owner of De Beers Consolidate Main Ltd, which was engaged in mining operations in Southern Rhodesia, and by the age of forty already controlled 90% of the world's diamond production. According to Marrs, at the first stage, the Round Table was an amalgamation of secret groups, modeled on the Illuminati and Masonic lodges with the appropriate attributes: hierarchy, "inner" and "outer" circles. The outer circle was called the "Circle of the Accepted", and the inner one was the "Union of Assistants." To give a clearer picture of the direction of this secret society, suffice it to say that its members were the British financier Lord Victor Rothschild and Lord Milner. After World War II, this group was transformed into the Royal Institute of International Affairs, becoming one of the most important structures of the "Committee of 300".

 Rhodes is called the founder of Southern Rhodesia - today's Zimbabwe.

 A chain can be traced back from the Bulwer-Lytton Rosicrucians to the present day. On the basis of the Golden Dawn, the Round Table emerged, led by the colonial tycoon Cecile Rhodes.

 More details about the formation of the project of the New World Order:

 Pompeii, Rosenkreuz, Crowley

Interesting and important facts about Kissinger are reported in their book "The Mystery of Henry Kissinger" (Moscow, 2012) by Vitaly Polikarpov and Elena Polikarpova. It should also be borne in mind the essential circumstance that the American Department of State is modeled on a secret society to exercise secret control over world processes. After all, it was to President Wilson that Colonel E. House (1858-1938) created the intelligence of the US State Department on the model of the British secret service MI6. Moreover, in 1916, he organized a special secret Analytical Center within the foreign policy intelligence of the State Department of America, which was under the operational subordination of MI6 and was financed from the secret funds of the Bank of England. "The think tank ideologically obeyed

 the London Round Table Society, and therefore the globalists. This Center, in addition to its analytical activities, was involved in organizing funding for Trotsky-Bronstein, who developed the idea of ​​a world revolution.

 It was this Center that began to develop the ideology of globalism ... It was the Analytical Center of E. House that became the basis for the formation of the Council on Foreign Relations, which was established by the American banker Morgan in 1921 with the active support of the US Secretary of State E. Ruth ... (Panarin I. Mir after the crisis.)

 The Analytical Center is closely connected with such an important instrument of world politics as the Royal Institute of International Relations (KIMO), created in 1920 ... This Royal Institute of International Relations and a number of other similar institutions and laboratories carry out large-scale operations for secret government secret organization "Committee 3000" ... Here a special role is played by the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations ... which developed the programs of the "British Bureau of Psychological Warfare." included in the plans of the "Committee-300", which has the ultimate goal - the triumph of the "New World Order" in society. The secret operations of the committee are carried out by the Anti-Defamation League, the British intelligence service MI-6, and the SIS special unit that conducts any top-secret operations.


 The most interesting thing is that opium was regularly used in the royal circles of Britain. In 1032, one of the favorites of these circles, the writer Coudenhov-Kalergi, published the work "Revolution through technology", in which he outlined a program for the return to the world of medieval society in order to reduce the population of the planet ...


 One of the influential members of the "Committee of 300" is, as already mentioned, G. Kissinger, who performs the duties of a strategic analyst and diplomat in this secret government. It uses the gigantic intellectual, informational, economic, financial, political and organizational potential of the world government, that is, in fact, it possesses colossal power.

  End of quote.

 Umberto Eco writes: “In the seventeenth century, another story arose - the story of the Rose and the Cross. The Brotherhood of the Rose and the Cross first appeared on the scene in the descriptions contained in the Manifesto of the Rose and the Cross (Fama fratemitas, 1614; Confessio Roseae Cruris, 1615). Formally the author or the authors of the manifestos are unknown, as those to whom the authorship was attributed denied it.The manifestos gave rise to a stormy activity among those who believed in the existence of the brotherhood and expressed an ardent desire to join its ranks. since it was secret and the Rosicrucian writers, as one, asserted that they were not Rosicrucian at all.


 Within this romantic framework, Freemasonry, which emerged in the eighteenth century, called itself temple or occult, was beautifully accommodated; Masons not only considered the builders of the Temple of Solomon to be their ancestors, but also argued that the builders of the Temple were related to the Templars (templars), whose secret rituals were passed on to modern Freemasonry through the Rosicrucians. These secret societies, as well as the alleged existence of the Unknown Sovereigns ruling the destinies of the world, were the subject of heated debate in the days immediately preceding the French Revolution. In 1789, the Marquis de Luchet warned that “under the cover of the deepest darkness a certain community was formed, a community of new creatures who knew each other, although they had never seen each other ... The community borrowed this blind obedience from the Jesuit system of government; took over their rituals and ceremonies from the Masons; the Templars have their underground mysteries and great audacity "(Essai sur la secte des illumines, 1789)".

 The secrets of the Bavarian Illuminati were not immediately revealed, because this secret society carefully concealed the real goals. To understand the meaning of the doctrine of Adam Weishaupt, who became the prototype of the main character of Shelley's book "Frankenstein, or the new Prometheus", and what is the ideology of the Bavarian Illuminati, you need to consider a document known as "Satan's New Testament." The Illuminati kept it in the strictest secrecy, and it became available only in 1875, when a Bavarian Illuminati courier was killed by lightning on his way from Frankfurt to Paris.

 So, here are excerpts from Satan's New Testament, vividly reflecting the "mysteries of the Illuminati":

   The first secret in managing people is mastering public opinion, and you need to sow discord, doubts and instill contradictory views for so long until people are completely lost and do not lose their orientation in confusion, and do not decide that it is better not to have at all in political issues. own opinion. Popular discontent must be aroused; to spread unspiritual, unclean literature. The task of the press is to prove the inability of anyone other than the Illuminati to do something in any area of ​​state and religious life.

   The second secret is to prioritize people's weaknesses, all their bad habits and mistakes - until people stop understanding each other.

   First of all, it is necessary to fight the strength of the individual, since there is nothing more dangerous than it. If she has creative spiritual energy, she is able to achieve more than millions of people.

   Through envy, hatred, strife and war, through deprivation, hunger and the spread of infection (for example, artificially obtained diseases like AIDS - ed.), All peoples should be brought to the point that they will no longer see any way out, besides how to completely surrender to the submission of the Illuminati.

   If any state is undermined by a revolution or, as a result of a civil war, faces the danger of an attack by an external enemy, then this is always a favorable course of events and works in our favor.

 The power of money must become the only force driving trade and production so that industrialists can gain political power through money. Along with the Illuminati, the millionaires who depend on them should fall into this category; the police and soldiers must remain indigent.

   Through all these activities, the peoples should be pushed into the idea of ​​inviting the Illuminati to the role of world rulers. The new world government must be seen as a beneficent, screen-based leadership that is resorted to completely voluntarily. If any state objects to him, his neighbors will start a war against him. The creation of such a government requires the organization of a world war.

 The content of this program is almost identical to the well-known "Protocols of the Elders of Zion," which are noisily contested by stakeholders. Adam Weishaupt organized the Order of the Illuminati, as mentioned above, on the instructions of the Rothschilds. The question arises: why did the Rothschilds, who represent the richest part of Jewish circles, take such steps? The origins of this mystery of the Illuminati must be sought in ancient times.

 However, before Adam Weishaupt, the Rothschilds and the like did not have access to Freemasonry and the then-existing Illuminati society. The Bavarian Illuminati solved this problem by gradually subjugating these secret societies. Here is what clause 11 of the “Protocols of the Elders of Zion” says about this: “The conspirators had knowledge of the strength and influence of the already existing lodges of free masons; now they began to systematically penetrate them and seize control over them ”. The Masonic Lodges, which were already under the control of the Bavarian Illuminati, were designated by the term “Lodges of the Great East”.

 It should be especially noted that in mondialism a special geopolitical role is assigned to the United States of America and the cultural and social archetype that at this stage has finally formed in this superpower. "Americanism" is the starting point of Mondialism, since it was the United States that became the strategic and ideological center of post-industrial capitalism. The United States, according to the author of The Committee of 300, John Coleman, is a proving ground for the methods needed to create a New World Order. These methods, as conceived by the strategists of mondialism, should ultimately be implemented on a worldwide scale. Anti-mondialist conspiracy theorists (Jan Moncomble, Jacques Bordier, Henri Coston, Georges Virbeau, Beau de Lomney, Pierre Fontaine, Jacques Ploncard d'Assac, from Russian authors - publicist A. Kuzmich) concentrate their attention on such secret organizations as the Trilateral Commission and the Bilderberg Group.

 Mondialism preaches a new type of world order called post-capitalism or a special New World Order (NWO). The New World Order is based on the dominance of the technocratic elite, as well as total control over every natural social process.

 At the same time, a ban will be introduced on national, state, political affiliation, up to absolute numbering, chipization, equating a person to a serial number (a start has been made - TIN). The total "electronic concentration camp" will be controlled from Brussels, where a super-powerful computer has already been built.

The ultimate goal of the mondialist conspiracy is the reign of the Antichrist or Moshiach. 

And again, if we analyze recent events, namely the emergence of the Islamic State*, the participation in the creation of which of the special services and the neo-Trotskyist bankocratic Finintern cannot be denied, in the center of the plans of the conspirators is most of the European countries in which the Antichrist should appear. The sect of the Wahhabis, these modern "Islamic Trotskyists", was organized after the recruitment of the British intelligence officer Hemper in Basra in 1713 according to the Gregorian chronology of Muhammad of Nejd, who later became known as Abdul-Wahhab.Hemper on the orders of the British Ministry of Colonial Affairs was in Egypt,Iraq, Iran, Hejaz and conducted espionage activities. Wahhabism, the appearance of which in the XVIII century was inspired by the British intelligence controlled by the Venetians, is aimed at splitting the Arab world and has obvious chimeric features. The modern religious and political extremism of the Islamic State, combining the most advanced Western technologies with the darkest and most archaic spiritual and psychotechnical practices, brings this trend to its logical conclusion. About the history of Hemper, about the role of doubles in intelligence is described in the book "Confessions of an English spy". 

About the occult and alchemical connection of one of the main theorists of the coming to world power of the British Empire or the green country of John Dee, Meyrink's book "The Angel of the Western Window" was written. Dee's work was continued in the XXI century by the magician Aleister Crowley, formed under the influence of Gurdjieff. 

According to my version supported by irrefutable facts, the parallel state, whose Russian agents are exposed on its website by the Catehon, and the Islamic State are led from one center of counterpower of the NWO, namely the Illuminati Lodge Propaganda2, which did not stop its activities after the well-known events in Italy, the murder of the Pope, the penetration into the Vatican and the exposure of the puppeteer Licho Gelli.

The neo-Trotskyist goals of the shadow parallel state and the caliphate of the Islamic State are almost identical, both of these quasi-state entities are tools for building the NWO by the Illuminati elite. 


Over the past years, an indispensable attribute of the political falsifications of history has been the resuscitation of TROTSKYISM as a current that allegedly pursues quite "noble" goals.


It is possible to enumerate a number of reasons for the stable "fashion" for Trotskyism in modern conditions. However, the main one has always been and remains the same: the Trotskyists have always considered their instrument for achieving goals that have nothing to do with the interests of peace. The world for them is "an armful of firewood to ignite the world's fire." 

A dismissive attitude to the fate of people, well characterizes those who today are trying to turn the development of the world in the opposite direction. 

The Trotskyist concept of world revolution is also relevant for another reason - in its essential features, the project of a revolutionary reorganization of the world is akin to the modern idea of world globalization. In both cases, a single, centralized policy is implemented, history turns from a natural process into an artificial and controlled process. 

Both projects have a common task and bring humanity to one denominator - the creation of a new world government, implemented on the scale of a single world state. 

For the sake of achieving this goal, national statehood, culture, tradition, identity, religion are sacrificed, peoples are brought together into a single herd. 

The Rothschilds hired their cousin Karl Marx

A 19th-century Jewish political ideologue posing as a journalist and economist, Rothschild's cousin Karl Heinrich Marx (May 5, 1818 – March 14, 1883) is best known for undermining the nascent socialist movement, probably at the behest of his mentor Moses Hess, who created a supposedly "scientific" theory known as Marxism.

Karl Heinrich Marx was born in Prussia on May 5, 1818 in Trier to Ashkenazi Jews Hirschel Mordechai and Henrietta Pressburg, who named him Chaim Hirschel Mordechai. It is known that the Marx family comes from Talmudic rabbis, and his paternal ancestors were in Trier rabbis since 1723; the last time this "position" was held by his grandfather.

During the Napoleonic War in 1883, Hirschel Mordechai became a Freemason, joining their ansatika Loge L'L'Ltoile (Hanseatic Star) in Osnabrück. After the war, in order to better penetrate Prussian society, he feigned conversion to Lutheranism and pretended to be an "assimilated" bourgeois enlightened liberal interested in "freedom of thought." One of Marx's grandmothers was Nanette Salomon Barent-Cohen, who belonged to a wealthy Amsterdam family. And her cousin married Nathan Mayer Rothschild and gave birth to Lionel Nathan Rothschild, the "Baron" and MEMBER of Parliament from the richest City of London.

Despite his wealthy ancestors, he himself lived in poverty on Dean Street in London. He visited the Red Lion pub on Great Windwill, soho, where he and his spine Friedrich Engels were once asked to write what would later become the Communist Manifesto.

In his most famous work, Das Kapital, you will find nowhere any mention that money is printed out of thin air by his rothschild cousins.

In this regard, some of his critics have suggested that Marx's mission was to drain the nascent socialist movement. The socialist movement existed in Germany, France, Great Britain and other countries even before Marx wrote his Capital after the Industrial Revolution.

 Already after the ideological base, Marx tries, as the KOB-sheep say, to take over control and the Marxists begin to cheat and usurp / monopolize socialism and insist that if you do not follow the theories of Marx, you cannot be a socialist.

 One of the adherents of the idea that Marx was an imperialist mole in the socialist environment of the international workers' international, and that his goal was to seize control of the process, is the German historian and writer Wolfgang Waldner.

 In his book Der preußische Regierungsagent Waldner suggests that Marx originally worked as a spy and agent of influence for the Prussian regime. Waldner mentions the fact that in 1843 "poor" Marx married Jenny von Westphalen, who comes from the richest Prussian family. Her brother was the Prussian Minister of the Interior (1850-1858) Ferdinand von Westfalen.

 "Ferdinand, Marx's brother-in-law, is a 'reactionary' who ran an extensive spy network that spied on dissidents ..." Waldner writes of Marx's brother-in-law.

 After moving to London in 1849, Marx began creating his Das Kapital in the reading room of the British Museum. At the same time, his famous cousin Lionel de Rothschild was already a Member of Parliament for the City of London (1847-1868 and 1869-1874).

 By the way, in 1869, Marx was very much concerned about his modern rival in the First International, Mikhail Bakunin, who did not even know that Marx and the Rothschilds were cousins, but nevertheless, with the insight of a genius, wrote about the connection between Marx and Rothschild.

 “This world is now, at least for the most part, at the disposal of Marx, on the one hand, and Rothschild, on the other. This may sound strange. What can be in common between socialism and a leading bank? The trouble is that authoritarian socialism, Marxist communism, requires a strong centralization of the state. And where there is a centralization of the state, there must be a central bank, and where such a bank exists, a parasitic Jewish nation, speculating with difficulty people will be found. "- wrote the Professor of the democratic socialist Russian organization in 1869 Mikhail Bakunin.

 Given that Bakunina was also unaware that the Bund der Gerechten (Justice League), later known as the Bund der Kommunisten (League of Communists), which paid Marx to write the Communist Manifesto and was the predecessor of the Communist Party, was actually funded Rothschilds, surprised by his insight.

 But back to the German writer. In discussing Marx and his role in Russia, Waldner suggests that perhaps the most pronounced and consistent aspect of Marx's ideology was his extreme and radical hatred of Russia, which he perceived as the last bulwark of Christian civilization. He and Engels viewed the Russians and Slavs in general as inhuman (völkerabfall) barbarians.

 “If he lived to the point where he could see firsthand his ideological heirs Vladimir Lenin, Leon Trotsky, Grigory Zinoviev, cracking down on millions, he, no doubt, would have choked with orgasmic joy from the horrors that befell them [Slavic] men, women and children. "- Waldner writes," Marx used the newspaper Neue Rheinische Zeitung to try to provoke a war against Russia. "

 Waldner also writes that "the Soviets tried to hide some facts about Marx", citing his quotes:

 “The Jew freed himself in a Jewish way, not only by gaining financial power, but also because through him and without him money became a world power, and the practical Jewish spirit became the practical spirit of the Christian nations. Jews went so far that Christians became Jews. Yes, the practical domination of Judaism over the Christian world has reached its normal, unambiguous expression in North America <....> What was the real basis of the Jewish religion? Practical need, selfishness. The God of practical need and selfishness is money. Money is Israel's jealous God, before whom no other God can resist. Money humiliates all human gods and turns them into goods. The God of the Jews became the God of the universe. The real God of the Jews is money. Their God is only an illusory bill of exchange. Therefore, we recognize in Judaism a generally recognized antisocial element that has been raised to its current peak by historical development, in which the Jews have willingly helped, and now needs to dissolve itself. <....> In its final meaning, the emancipation of the Jews is the liberation of mankind from Judaism. Classes and races too weak to master the new conditions of life must give in. They must perish in a revolutionary holocaust. "© Karl Marx, People's Newspaper Marx, April 16, 1856, History of Idea, 1981.

 “The main mission of all other races and peoples, large and small, is to perish in a revolutionary Holocaust.” © Karl Marx De Noah Rainisch Zeitung, NZR, January 1849.

 It should also be understood that the 35th British Prime Minister Henry John Temple, Lord Palmerston, who hired Marx to write his manifesto, was the main instigator of the Crimean War, the Taipei Uprising, the US Civil War and various difficulties in India / Burma. in which 35 million people died.

 Lord Palmerston hired Marx to come up with a new system of governance and economics specifically designed to respond to Lincoln National Bank. Lord Palmerston and his bankers believed that Lincoln's National Bank posed a direct threat to British hegemony and imperialist predatory banking.

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