Murzilka 62. 

Murzilka 62. 

the mAGaziNe 'ObVIoUSly increDIblE'

An epidemic of lies. The conspiracy is fully uncovered. 

💉All know, most vaccine trials take up to ten years. 

However, a friend of paedophile Epstein, whose friend the conman Fauci right now flies under the rink #FauciGate, which threatens to become one of the biggest scandals in all post-war decades. By the way, this applies to the White House administration if it gives it a full turn. The scandal threatens to bury everyone, the Ethiopian WHO primarily along with its anti-medical "recommendations". Gates believes that two years are enough: "If you want to see if there will be a side effect in two years, it will take two years." 

🐏☠️💉 "Neither sell nor buy" is already so close to us, already inside our World, that you wonder when you see people who do not understand it, call talking about the "mark of the beast" conspiracy theorists, and reveling in their ignorance and blindness.

Andrew Cuomo on "covid passport": "It opens doors and allows you to participate in life."

What else does the unfortunate ignorant part of the plebs have to say to make him understand: Cuomo 🔜 you're a criminal👇

However, it is you and your brother 👆seem the tradition of committing the crime of the century.

Personally for Cuomo, so that he could more accurately calculate the 🧮 of his sentence 👇

Fake: In New York, the dead from coronavirus are buried in mass graves...

To this news even attached a video, which captures the footage of coffins piled up with a stack and buried with shovels.

Burial of homeless people

Ordinary everyman after watching such a video begins to beat in convulsions, say here, what is happening in New York. So it's all gone. America can't handle the graves of the dead.

But we are not panickers and begin to look for who published this video and with what context. 

Ten minutes of searching google and it turns out that this horrifying news was published on the famous American sites CNN and Reuters. Apparently my brother did his best. 

We are not lazy, Friends, and most importantly smart. Here's the link👇

(CNN) New York officials say Hart Island, which for decades has been used as a last resort for those who died unclaimed, will now also be used for unclaimed coronavirus victims.

"It is likely that people who have died from (coronavirus)... will be buried on the island in the coming days," New York Mayor Freddie Goldstein's spokesman told CNN.

Hart Island has been used by the city as a public cemetery for more than 150 years and is managed by the Department of Corrections. According to Goldstein, burials on Hart Island are mostly people who were unclaimed in the city's morgue for 30 to 60 days.

More than a million people are buried here.

According to Goldstein, the city is transferring unclaimed bodies to Hart Island to make way for other coronavirus victims whose bodies will be claimed. The new rules of the medical examiner's office state that the bodies will be brought to the island if they remain unclaimed for two weeks.

Goldstein stressed that only people who do not claim to be relatives or relatives will be buried there. Despite the new medical examiner's rule, Goldstein said that as long as morgue officials contact a relative within 14 days, they will not be moved to Hart Island.

"These are people who for two weeks couldn't find anyone who would say, "I know this man, I love this man, I'm going to be in the burial,"" Goldstein said. These are the people we have made zero contact with the family."

According to Goldstein, about 25 people are buried on the island every week. 

Read the Reuters website also published this news under the headline: New York hires workers to bury the dead in the island's pottery field

Authorities in New York have hired employees to bury the dead in their pottery field on Hart Island, as the city's daily death rate from the coronavirus epidemic has reached a grim new record in each of the last three days. 

The city used Hart Island to bury New Yorkers who have no close relatives or whose family has been unable to arrange a funeral since the 19th century.

Typically, about 25 bodies are killed each week by low-wage inmates working on the island, which is located off the east coast of the Bronx and is only accessible by boat.

This number began to rise in March, when a new coronavirus quickly spread, making New York the epicenter of the pandemic. They currently bury about two dozen bodies a day, five days a week, said Jason Kersten, a spokesman for the Department of Corrections, which oversees the burials. 

For burial on the island of the dead are packed in body bags and placed in pine caskets. The name of the deceased is written in large letters on each casket, which helps to further spray any body, and they are buried in long narrow trenches dug by earthmoving machines. 

"They added two new trenches in case we needed them," Kersten said. He said contractors had been hired to help with the surge and the outbreak of coVID-19 respiratory disease caused by the virus in the city's main prison. 

"For reasons of social distance and security, detainees in the city do not assist in the graves during the pandemic," Kersten said. 

A barge can be seen arriving on the island on Thursday morning with a refrigerated truck on board containing about two dozen bodies.

The Department referred questions about the cause of death to the city's Office of the Chief Medical Examiner (OCME). A spokeswoman for AC Worthy-Davis, a spokeswoman for OCME, said it would take time to compare individual causes of death with records in the office, but probably some of the recent graves include those that were torn down by coronavirus. 

According to Kersten and Huerta-Davies, the island could also be used as a place for temporary burials if the number of deaths exceeds the capacity of the city morgue, which has not yet been achieved. 

"We all hope it doesn't come to that," Kersten said. "At the same time, we are ready if it happens." 

OCME can store 800 to 900 bodies in its buildings, and has room to store about 4,000 bodies in about 40 refrigerated trucks that it can send around the city to hospitals that typically have only small morgues, Huerta-Davis said.

As a result, mass graves on the abandoned island of Hart New Yorkers who died of coronavirus, turned into a banal weekly burial of 25 homeless people who died is not clear from what. And in the future, the authorities of New York only consider the possibility of continuing the burial of homeless people on this island. 

And what about the wagons 🚛 with the corpses of New York, you may probably ask, Friends. Cuomo won't tell you for sure, and we can easily 👇

💉Dela's vaccinated.

In February, we recorded information about the next pandemic and it is planned to start in 2025 - 2028.

Johns Hopkins" sparring is another simulation, exactly the same as "Event 201" held at New York's Rockefeller Plaza in October 2019. 

The pandemic is organized by the same World Bank 🏦, the new world hospital, on their website the pandemic will end in March 2025, after which a new deadly strain will be announced.

🇺🇸 Dr. Kizmekuia Corbett to President Biden during his visit to the NIH: "I really like to think that I am responding to a second pandemic...".

You know our comment, Friends. 

"Much of what was presented as Light was disguised by darkness and evil. It's a complete satanic inversion with their reservations. Recognize and separate yourself from these energies and eliminate its power by disconnecting yourself from their matrix. BREATHE, BREATHE, BREATHE!"

PhD candidate Toby Rogers: 

🔹"Autism Epidemic is thalidomide (a sedative sleeping pill prescribed to pregnant women and considered absolutely safe), The Big Short and Spotlight are all in one. The biggest medical error in history, caused by profit, hidden by people we trust."

🔹"In 1976, the U.S. stopped vaccinating against swine flu after six weeks due to 25 deaths and 362 cases of hyeen-Barre neurological injuries.

With coronavirus vaccines in 8 weeks we have as many as 501 deaths, 147 cases of anaphylaxis and 128 cases of Bell (c)VAERS.

💉Medisters in the Third Reich were the instruments of death, handing out lethal injections to kill a huge number of people whom Hitler's government considered "life, unworthy of life." People forget that doctors, nurses and scientists were behind atrocities and crimes against humanity. However, little has changed since then. 

The immense cruelty of the Nazis was not the preserve of men. During the Second World War, about 5,500 women served in various positions in Nazi concentration camps. 

Greta Bozel refers to those who sometimes excelled in the cynicalness and ferocity of their male colleagues. 

A professional nurse serving the Reich has long believed that nurses save lives and alleviate suffering. However, Nazism was able to put this humane profession at the service of the inhuman conveyor belt of death. Pre-war Greta Bozel (nee Mueller) was remembered as an experienced attentive nurse. Bozel was born in elberfeld, Germany, on May 9, 1908. At the time of the strengthening of Nazism in power and the expansion of the network of concentration camps, she worked more than 10 years as a nurse. According to one version, in 1939 Bozel changed her peaceful profession to the position of warden of the Ravensbruck camp. Other sources report that Greta Bozel has been a state company in Hanover since 1940. The company produced military goods - aircraft tires, gas masks, fuel tanks. 

Prisoners are a gift labor force Since most of the workers were drafted into the German army, Continental AG actively used forced labor. At the end of 1943, the number of prisoners working for the company was approximately 5,500 (4,546 abducted civilians from the occupied territories and 903 prisoners of war). As a rule, they worked shifts for 12 hours, including in underground factories. There were many women among the prisoners. Most of them were used in the production of gas masks. The Nazis, who loved perfect order in everything, put women supervisors to the prisoners. It was here that Greta Bozel acquired the skills of a warden, forcing the workers to squeeze out the remnants of forces for the benefit of the Reich.

Transferred to a new location In August 1944, the employer sends Greta Bozel to work as a warden in Ravensbruck. The camp was based in Germany near the town of Furstenberg and was a one-of-a-kind large concentration camp for women by the Nazis. Historians estimate that at least 92,000 prisoners were killed there. Among the famous prisoners of Ravensbruck - the niece of Charles de Gaulle Genevieve de Gaulle-Antonios, Polish director Wanda Jakubowska, the hero of the Soviet Union Maria Bayda. The camp also served as a training base for female SS wardens. During ravensbruck's existence from 1938 to April 1945, some 3,500 women were trained there. One of them was Greta Bozel. 

Distributing death After retraining Greta Bozel remained to work in Ravensbruck as SS Aufseherin (literally - overseer, warden). This name was developed for female SS staff. Female staff members were considered auxiliary forces, under the jurisdiction of the SS, but were not allowed to wear military uniforms. SS Aufseherin was not the rank or military rank of the SS, but was used as a functional name of female employees. Greta Bozel was appointed to Ravensbruck as Arbeitseinsatzf'hrerin (head of the working team). She personally selected prisoners who were suitable for grueling work for the benefit of the Third Reich. Beaten, maimed, wounded and sick female prisoners, Bozel was sent to the gas chamber without a shadow. There was no shadow of humanity for Greta Bozel. She considered any prisoner of the concentration camp as a function, a working unit. Even many Germans were shocked by her cynical words about prisoners: "If they can't work, let them rot." She gladly beat women who were in her full power. A few months before the fall of the Reich, Ravensbruck became a death camp. Between the end of January and early April 1945, about 6,000 prisoners of the camp were gassed or shot. The names of most of them have not yet been established - the SS destroyed almost all the documents before fleeing. At the end of April 1945, Red Army units were on their way to Ravensbruck. The Nazis began to evacuate the concentration camp - on April 27, more than 20,000 exhausted prisoners were driven west. This operation of the Nazis entered the history of the Nazis as the "March of Death." On April 30, 1945, Soviet troops entered Ravensbruck and freed about 3,000 exhausted women. 

Greta Bosel and her husband managed to escape before the Red Army captured the camp. She was subsequently detained by British forces. Greta Bozel was sentenced to hang in Hamburg from December 1946 to February 1947. 

The court found her guilty of mass murder and participation in the selection of prisoners for gas chambers. On the morning of May 3, 1947, the British executioner Elbert Pirrpoint was executed in a prison in The City of Gammelna. Greta Bozel was hanged on the same rope as the warden of the same camp, Dorothea Binz. Photos of the camp prisoners and the book of remembrance at the Ravensbruck Museum

92,000 women of 18 nationalities left their lives in Ravensbruck 

"Two Women" Monument in the Crematorium in front of the Wall of Nations

Rockefeller"Population and american future: Commission's report on population growth and thv the transition to synthetic meat and the "closed agriculture system" as a possible "solution."

🕯 🕯 

2020-2021 doctors, authorities, journalists were isolated. Truth and lies, honor and dishonor, faith and hypocrisy, loyalty and betrayal deliberately mixed and replaced for spiritual deafening and blinding of people, caused fear and confusion, confusion and helplessness, swept the lost and exhausted under the power of fear of disease and death. 2020-2021 is the era of the greatest turmoil and triumph of lies, we must keep the sense of truth as the apple of the eye and demand from ourselves and the rest of the people the right to the truth. For without a sense of truth we will not know a liar, and without the right to truth we will lose all truth, every conviction, every proof and all that is sacred in life. And woe to us if we are afraid to expose lies and do not tell 🗣 truth. There was no pandemic of the virus, a world-class special operation of lies, this led to unscrupulous manipulation on a global scale. In fact, under the pretext of fighting a new respiratory infection is reformatting people's consciousness and world order and building a new totalitarian world society.

The 1969 report discusses the elimination of livestock farming and the transition to synthetic meat and the "closed agriculture system" as a possible "solution."


We can cope with population growth for another half century if necessary; The question is whether we want that. We can cope with a lack of resources - if we can't mine a resource, we can import, design around it, find a replacement or reduce consumption. Where there is a threat of water scarcity, we can choose between increasing the cost of using it, moving people and industry to other parts of the country and building longer and larger canals. If emissions of pollutants are unacceptable, we can change production processes, improve treatment, separate pollutants from their victims, treat symptoms or simply produce less pollution-causing products.

Congestion during commuter hours can be eliminated by restricting the use of private cars, the development of public transport and staggering working hours. Congestion in recreational areas can be dealt with by building additional facilities, improving management, encouraging substitutes such as overseas travel, and, if necessary, with stunning holidays. 

Even the lack of land for agriculture can be overcome, if there is enough time, by growing in the sea, changing our diet, developing synthetic 

Nevertheless, it is this perspective that our analysis of what the rapid population growth of the United States implies points to.

This pattern emerges when we combine the feeding requirements of a rapidly growing population with sensible environmental policies that limit the use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers. There are a number of reasons to believe that the nation will wish to limit the use of these chemicals. But it will slow productivity gains per acre. This means that more acres of land must be used to produce a certain amount of food. It is likely that, under such restrictions, all high-quality land will be returned to production by the year 2000. Consequently, the task of feeding a faster-growing population will force us to produce an additional 50 million acres of relatively substandard land.

It is an expensive enterprise that requires a large investment in equipment, fertilizer and labour, for which farmers should be compensated. As a result, in 50 years, the population, with an average of 3 children, may be forced to pay about 40-50 per cent more for agricultural food than otherwise. The needs of the population at a lower rate of growth could be met with little or no price increase.

A larger population could avoid rising prices by switching from livestock consumption to vegetables and synthetic meat. Perhaps it will shift to a closed system of agriculture, food from factories. Either way, a solution can be found. The challenge for a growing population is to explore possible solutions and choose the ones they don't least like.

JOHN D. ROCKEFELLER SRD FREDERICK SEITZ FINANCE COMMITTEE LLOYD D, BRACE Chairman THOMAS J. WATSON, JR. C. DOUGLAS DILLON ahernate member ROBERT V.RoosA3 THE PRESIDENT JOHN R. KIM^ERLY alternate member 1 Retired April 5,1967. 2 Beginning April 5, 1967. » Beginning July 1,1967. < Retired June 30,1967. Vin 2003 The Rockefeller Foundation

In 2009, The Rockefeller Foundation conducted an exercise to explore the future of technology in development and identify ways to better respond to emerging challenges. The results were captured in a report that includes several plausible scenarios that could impact millions of people around the world. One such scenario, "Lockstep ...

Fact check: 'Rockefeller Playbook' and 'Operation Lockstep' are hoaxes

Chelsey Cox


The claim: COVID-19 is part of 'Operation Lockstep' from 'The Rockefeller Playbook'

Recent posts to Facebook about "Operation Lockstep," a COVID-19 conspiracy theory, have gone viral.

The posts feature a page that was allegedly scanned from "The Rockefeller Playbook" that outlines the three phases of public response to the pandemic.

Phase 1 includes "mild cold/flu" that the "media" will exaggerate to induce "mass paranoia and fear" and inflation of COVID-19 case numbers. Phases 2 and 3 are marked by weakened immune systems due to masks, social distancing, exposure to 5G radiation and the weaponization of a deadlier virus because of widespread refusal to get vaccinated against COVID-19. The latter will result in "anarchy from all sides" between the vaccinated and unvaccinated.

Photo from the Editorial's personal archive. 

Newport Beach, California: Physicians for Informed Consent publish an educational paper on the risk of aluminium in vaccines.

"it has been observed that a small amount of aluminium remaining in the human body interferes with various cellular and metabolic processes in the nervous system and in the tissues of other parts of the body. The greatest negative effects of aluminium are observed in the nervous system and range from impaired motor skills to encephalopathy (altered mental state, personality changes, difficulty thinking, memory loss, convulsions, coma, etc.). 

HHS recognizes aluminium as a known neurotoxin. FDA warns of risks of aluminium poisoning... Studies have shown that aluminium from vaccines is absorbed by immune cells that pass into distant parts of the body, including the brain. 

The extent of the negative impact of aluminium in vaccines is unknown, as safety studies comparing populations vaccinated with non-vaccinated vaccines have not been conducted."

Unhappy children : The picture is as horrible and ridiculous as it is sad and sad.


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