They need our children. 

They need our children. 

A doll with a rag on his face and a package of toilet paper behind.

The Council on Foreign Relations is the organ of the NWO clique.

David Rockefeller and Peter G. Peterson, chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations, and blackstone's senior chairman speak with Fidel Castro in Havana. February 2001.

Justin Trudeau at center, Pierre on the left, Fidel on the right.

Most shocking was the claim that Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was his half-brother and son of the late Fidel Castro. The handwritten note left by 68-year-old Fidel Castro Diaz-Balart, the eldest of Fidel Castro's children, confirms a long-running rumor in Cuba that Fidel Castro "gave birth" to Justin Trudeau after a public meeting with Margaret Trudeau in 1970

Chapter 7 page 107: "At least 4 billion "useless eaters" should be wiped out by 2050 through limited wars organized by epidemics of deadly fast-acting diseases and famine. Energy, food and water for the ineelate should be maintained at the subsistence level, starting with the white population of Western Europe and North America, and then spreading to other races.

The population of Canada, Western Europe and the United States will shrink faster than on other continents until the world's population reaches an acceptable level of 1 billion people, of which 500 million will be made up of the Chinese and Japanese races, selected because they are people who have been ordered for centuries and who are accustomed to unquestioningly obeying the authorities." 

. "Nothing was yours except a few cubic centimeters inside your skull" (c)George Orwell, "1984"

Fact Check: Rothschild did not patent the COVID-19 test in 2015 and 2017."

Indonesia, citizens rebelling against Covid restrictions are attacking the palaces

of power of the cowardly rulers who have fallen under the feet of a global clique 🏡

Spectrum introduces us to your Smart Blood.

In the story, Agent Q introduces James to what he calls "Smart Blood," a portion of nanomolecules that allow for full telemetry monitoring of James' vital signs and location from anywhere in the world. 

Haiti Receives 500,000 Vaccines Donated by the United States through COVAX

Haiti Receives 500,000 Vaccines Donated by the United States through COVAX

         Versions "E2: E4"' : 

The assassination of the Haitian president and the demands of BigPharma and the WEF. 

Almost immediately after the death of President Moise, Haiti receives 500,000 vaccines donated by the United States through COVAX.

He is the fifth president to die after speaking out against the global decrees of a global clique of neo-fascists, transhumanist Nazis.

The assassination of the Haitian president is the demand of BigPharma and the WEF.

Haitian President Moise was assassinated before he reported vaccines and covid.

Haiti is the only country in the Western Hemisphere that does not have access to covid injections. Given extreme poverty, cramped conditions, terrible health infrastructure, media reports that talk about the horrors of covid, WHO comments about the same things the media is telling, and a population that sees vaccines as a threat, one might think that the country should have become a cesspool, and that it should have been left without citizens a long time ago. However, this is not happening. In fact, we can talk about one of two things as an immutable truth - Haitian superhumans who are not taken by Covid, or Covid is just a scam. 

Compare Haiti and New Jersey, as Haiti and New Jersey have a similar population density: Haiti has 11.5 million people on an area of 10,714 square miles, and New Jersey has 9.2 million people on an area of 8,721 square miles. Haiti has reported 19,295 cases of covid. In New Jersey, 1,026,286. Perhaps someone could try to explain this by Haiti's poor medical infrastructure, which reduces the number of tests, but their shortage, if it took place, which there is doubt, cannot explain the sharp decline in mortality. Haiti had 482 deaths, compared to 26,509 Covid deaths in New Jersey.

Despite a similar population density, a higher total population, and worse health care available, Haiti accounted for 1.8% of New Jersey's COVID cases. It turns out, Friends, New Jersey residents with high vaccination rates are 53 times more likely to contract covid than Haitians who do not have access to the vaccine.

Haitian President Jovelle Moise could not have been unayed to know this, Friends. And that's one of the reasons he turned down free vaccines in May and June. But you won't hear about it anywhere, Friends. Not anymore. No media outlet will write about it. Never again. 

Of all those involved in the assassination of haiti's president in a country of more than 11 million people, among the 28 alleged accomplices in the plot were Haitians associated with both the DEA and the FBI. And it's not even weird. It's predictable and it can be considered evidence of a murder plot to hide information about Covid and the whole scam. FBI officials have arrived in Haiti to help with the investigation, making it obvious that people will never know what really happened. Anything you hear from now on will be a lie.

The official storyline about Haiti's indecision about vaccination suddenly changed after Moise's murder. Now, the country's health officials say they don't reject ALL vaccines, but only AstraZeneca vaccines because of the higher risk they allegedly have. 

Keeping our latest storyline "Snow White" and proving otherwise makes no practical sense, we move in the direction of proving the guilt of specific defendants for the special operation of the covid 19 and continue to press charges for potential defendants.

Covid-19 is a false pandemic created for political purposes to establish, by a narrow group of individuals - world domination and depopulation of the world's population.

Epstein's plane flew to Antarctica on July 23, 2020. The flight of "Lolita Express" to the area of the mysterious continent was recorded on July 23:

According to media reports, on 30 April 2021, 706 teachers on duty in the Panchayat state of Uttar Pradesh were killed by COVID- 19.

But the Electoral Commission of India has made vaccination against COVID-19 mandatory for anyone who is at the polling station or has something else to do with the elections before the elections. So everyone on duty and holding elections got a kovid vaccine before the election and died 🪦?

The U.S. takes India under its toxic plume ?

Misuse of budget funds, de facto embezzlement of the U.S. national budget 🇺🇸

Dr. Stephanie Seneff, a senior scientist at MIT, says most vaccine deaths will occur in the future, so it won't look like they're vaccine-related.

It is absolutely foolish and irresponsible to neglect so much evidence of vaccine harm among serious scientists, including Nobel laureates, whose opinion stands against the opinion of cheap commentators of propagandists, actors, sellers and other interested in the material.

And so that you are not bored in the coming weekend, Friends, our present at the end of the material . 

"The director of the CIA expressed doubts about the ability of the Russian authorities to influence hackers attacking American companies and facilities.

According to the head of the intelligence agency, Biden discussed this issue with Putin and asked him to stop the activities of hackers, even if "not connected with the state." And after the meeting in Geneva, the American company Kaseya was attacked by the hacker group REvil, which is credited with ties with the Russian Federation.’’

"This starting point casts doubt on their government's ability to take the necessary action on this issue," the CIA director said. Russia has long denied accusations of hackers.''

"Attacked by a ransomware virus, the American company Kaseya received a key to unlock the information encrypted by hackers, writes the Washington Post.

The key was obtained from a "trusted third party" and is now being distributed to the company's affected customers.

The Associated Press, citing analysts, does not exclude that the key was seized from hackers by Russian special services, who then passed it to Kaseya through intermediaries.’’

The eagle 🦅 not an eagle but a falcon, what a look 👀, just Stirlitz in Müller's office, not otherwise...

And joe 📚 homework for the weekend in Denver. Look for your hacker friends here ⤵️

       Angelica Guadalupe Celaya 

"Dallas," "Agent X," "Castle," "Criminal Minds." 

Immediately, in the first part, we present an incentive award for diligent study of the material below ⬇️ in one package in Denver. 

The Microsoft Store has opened in Russia. Its range is still small, and the prices are slightly higher than those of the corporation's Russian partners.

The deputy commission of the Len Council, headed by Marina Salier, came to the conclusion that natural resources under export licenses signed by Vladimir Putin, the chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, were leaving St. Petersburg abroad. In return, food was to be delivered to St. Petersburg, but the food was NOT TO THE WORLD!

Microsoft has been operating in Russia since 1992 (before that the USSR and Russia sold their own computers 💻) and today operates in 70 cities of the country. The company is headquartered in Moscow. The company has more than 10,000 authorized partners. Microsoft Ireland Operations Limited is providing licenses for the use of Microsoft software in Russia.

◾️ The Sputnik V Vaccine Is sponsored by Sber, led by Hermann Gref.

43.75% of Sberbank's shareholders are non-residents, namely American organizations.

The FSB and an Israeli citizen owns the Russian system of state surveillance. Below is Joe a stripped-down option just for you. And in the links below for least able to read and understand large materials. 

The FSB monitors people on SORM. This is a system of wiretapping the Internet and phones. SORM for the FSB is put by a private monopolist firm. It's called the Citadel. It belongs to Vladimir "Ivan" Streshinsky, the husband of the tatler diva "Aunt Moti". Streshinsky hides, but he and the whole family are citizens of Israel. 

Shareholder of the Citadel. Streshinsky Vladimir Yakovlevich, 02.10.1969. The surname in the Israeli passport is סטרשינסקי. Name ולדימיר. The teudat-zehut number 317902278.

son. Streshinsky Vasily Vladimirovich, 06.06.1997. The surname is סטרשינסקי. The name is וסילי. Teudat-zeut 317902302.

father. Streshinsky Yakov Romanovich (Rumanovich), 31.01.1937. The surname is סטרשינסקי. The name is יעקב. Teudat-zeuth 313678583.

mother. Streshinskaya Larisa Ivanovna, 29.03.1940. The surname is סטרשינסקי. The previous surname is בלוצרקובסקי. The name is לריסה. Teudat-zeuth 313678575.

daughter. Streshinskaya Anastasia Vladimirovna, 03.07.1995. The surname is סטרשינסקי. The name is אנסטסיה. Teudat-zeuth 317902294.

Mother of children. Streshinsaya Varvara yurievna, 17.12.1967. The surname is סטרשינסקי. The name is ברברה. Teudat-zeut 317902286.

brother. Streshinsky Dmitry Vladimirovich, 14.09.1962. surname. סטרשינצקי. The name is דמיטרי. Teudat-zehut 303441760.

Brother's wife. Streshinskaya Suzanne Viktorovna, 06.03.1966. The surname is סטרשינצקי. Previous surname קןסיצקינה. The name is סוזנה. Teudat-zeuth 303441778.

Niece, 10.02.2002. Country of birth - France. The surname is סטרשינצקי. Name לילני גוי. Teudat-zeut 209949718.

These Israeli citizens were registered at two addresses. Tel Aviv-Jaffa, הרב קוק ##-#. Kfar Sava, פינס #-2. Foreign citizens streshinsky in Europe have real estate and money vulnerable to sanctions. The Israeli owner of the Russian SORM is an ideal target for recruitment. This should alert fsb deputy director Sergei Korolev that he may soon become director. But there is a problem. The citadel contains his son, businessman Boris Korolev. 

So here's Joe at the end of all the stuff. Or continue the state with money from Klaus and Gref. Or close the citadel shop. 

SORM is the "Solntsevskaya" brotherhood and other friends of the Italo-Swiss resident Alisher Usmanov nicknamed "Uzbek".

The owner of R-Pharma, the main supplier of medicines for Russian hospitals, Alexey Repik is a neighbor and business partner of the former head of the Yaroslavl region, Sergei Akhrukov. The latter was once the head of Igor Kargamanyan, who now holds the position of first deputy minister of health.

Again our dear Vitya Christ and his Madame Arbidol on the editorial Sunday proscenium .

Rothschild Corporate Finance operates at 4 Romanov Lane in Moscow. 

The main activity is "Business Consulting". 

We recommend you to call +7 (495) 775-82-21 to clarify the schedule of work and how to get to the address of the Bus

THE company "ROTHSCHILD COORATE FINANCE, AO, consulting company" is located in the Company is located at: 123242, Moscow, Novinsky Boulevard, house 31, A sector, TDC Smolenskaya (615 m.) location_on Moscow, Novinsky Boulevard, 22, office 209.


The organization is liquidated



February 15, 2005




Registration date


Authorized capital

10 000 rub.

All requisites (FTS / FIU / FSS / ROSSTAT)

Legal address

117449, Moscow, Shvernika street, 13-1

Mass registration address 

Another 192 organizations at this address


General Director

Lyubin Arkady Valerievich

from February 15, 2005

Rockefeller Center is located in the city of Moscow at the address Shvernik Street, 13, building. 1, has a contact phone number for communication 7181711. Home ― Moscow ― Wholesale through agents (for a fee or on a contractual basis) ― Rockefeller Center.

Bloomberg News Agency. address. Moscow, Romanov lane, 4s2 ( 7th floor ) «Bloomberg» : Moscow, Romanov lane, 4s2 . For more information, please call +7 (495) 771-77-42 or +7 (495) 937-67-70.

REPRESENTATIVE OFFICE OF LLP BLOOMBERG EL-P (USA) Moscow, except for the address of the official address of registration of the company 125009, Moscow, Arbat district, Romanov lane 125009, 77, ROMANOV LANE, 4.

The Bloomberg laboratory works in RANEPA and this is the News of TASS partners

Bloomberg Lab consists of 12 terminals where students of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation (RANEPA) study various academic disciplines: 

"Asset Management" ; 

"Alternative investments"; "Pricing in the securities market"; 


 "Risk Management". 

This allows Russian students not only to gain special knowledge, but also to develop the skills of investing, financial analysis and trading in real conditions. The employer receives technically competent graduates who have the skill of working on Bloomberg terminals. The ability to access financial data online around the world contributes to any goals and objectives of Russian scientists, teachers and students of RANEPA under the President of the Russian Federation in various fields of finance.

Bloomberg LP was represented at the event by Alfredo Esposito, Head of Emerging Markets, Tori Clark, Editor-in-Chief of Bloomberg in Russia, Anna Pavlenko, Product Manager for Russia and Eastern Europe, Tatyana Pakyudova, and Application Specialist Dmitry Shemetilo.

Representatives of the largest Russian and foreign financial structures were invited to the ceremony: 

OJSC "Sberbank of Russia"; 


 Uniastrum Bank; 


Bloomberg Lab was founded thanks to the joint efforts of the international English-language program MS in Global Finance, the international institute "Moscow School of Social and Economic Sciences" and the Faculty of Economics of RANEPA.

The opening of the laboratory took place on May 20, 14.30 in 6 corp., aud. 4028, RANEPA (Moscow, Vernadskogo Ave., 84).

Media accreditation took place until May 20, 2014 by phone. +7 (499) 956-99-69

The mummy of Ramesses II, who ruled Ancient Egypt in 1279-1213 BC.

What kind of mysterious lone hackers torment you and attack you at night, Joe? 

Tony Curtis and Laurie Nelson knew them in 1953.

Since then, it is a branch of the KGB of the USSR (FSB), it is crammed with everything that can be stuffed with walls and so on, including service personnel. 

Famous plagiarism. Nothing new except the chosen technologists.

"Dark Winter": Not only was the Russian savings account spotted. 

Link between Pfizer coronavirus vaccine and paralysis proven

Two cases of facial nerve paralysis in the same patient after both doses of the Pfizer vaccine prove a link between the drug and Bell's palsy. 

British experts have described the first two episodes of unilateral facial nerve paralysis in the history of medicine, when the muscles on one side of the face become weak or paralyzed, which occurs shortly after each dose of covid-19 vaccine.

Life sentences and the death penalty are guaranteed to many. The general plan is fully disclosed and only the organizational aspects for the detention / neutralization / elimination of the criminals of bioterrorism remain.

Global state biological terrorism for the sake of establishing a New World Order, which has been darkened in the ready of elderly Marxist marasmatics, we have been witnessing for 1.5 years of a world scam unprecedented before the village, with an exorbitant level of lies of tens of thousands of media personalities of different professions.

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