The vice president.

   The vice president.


"Profiles in Corruption. Abuse of Power by America's progressive elite", by Peter Schweizer. Harper Collins Publishers, 2020 .

The book, presented at the, states that Schweitzer offers the reader a deep investigation into the private finance activities of some top-level American political leaders. It is noted that the author will not disappoint the reader, as always - the book outlines never-before-published information, revealing abuses of power and corruption, and documented.

"Heroes" of the narrative - the Biden family, another of the presidential candidates from the Democratic Party Bernie Sanders, as well as the mayor of Los Angeles Eric Garcetti, the mayor of Atlantic City Frank Gilliam, a number of "progressive" figures of the Democratic Party, including . . . and Kamala Harris.

Entering politics through triple salary

According to Schweitzer, Kamal Harris came to politics in 1994, meeting with William Brown, the speaker of the lower house of the California Legislature, the second most important politician in the state after the governor. In his elected office, Brown had a legal business through which he received money from those who needed his help as a legislator.

Although Brown, 60, was married, he began an affair with 29-year-old Kamala. Kamala's mother did not blame her daughter for choosing a lover, who first hired her in the legal department of the state administration, where she received $114,000 a year, and then to the Health Commission, where she was paid $99,000 a year. Both positions did not require a permanent presence in the offices, so Kamala did not leave her permanent job, where she received another 100,000 per annum. Brown gave his beloved new Beamer. But the main thing he did for her was to include political activists and donors.

In 1995, Brown was elected mayor of San Francisco. When he gathered supporters to celebrate the victory, Kamala, not a legitimate wife, was next to him. But after the victory, he, surprising many, parted with her.

Corruption money for prosecutors' elections

Kamala Harris's new lover was the famous TV host Montel Williams, and at the same time she got a place in the office of the San Francisco District Attorney Tarens Khalinan.

Khalinan has previously investigated several cases of corruption in Brown's inner circle. To protect himself from the danger of new investigations, Brown snuun his former mistress to the post of Khalinan. Kamala left her job at the district attorney's office, won a seat in the city and announced that she intended to run for district attorney.

Before the campaign began, Harris and Khalinan voluntarily made a public commitment not to spend more than $211,000 on their elections. Both signed it. But when Kamala's campaign was flooded with money from Mayor Brown's friends, she forgot her commitment.

When her campaign raised $621,000, the city's electoral commission fined her $34,000 for breaching the contract. After the election, it became clear that rallies in support of Kamala Harris organized by mobilizing employees of the city's public utilities department, who were supposed to portray the mass support of the candidate.

Three candidates participated in the race for the post of district attorney. Kamala came second and, since none of the candidates received a majority, the second stage was announced, in which Kamala won.

Paedophile defender

One of the most unsightly pages of Harris's professional biography is her attitude to cases against the Catholic Church in connection with child molestation.

As district attorney for 15 years, Harris has not conducted a single case against paedophile priests. Moreover, her office withheld important information from community groups of victims of paedophile priests.

Harris' predecessor, Terence Khalinan, has established mass paedophilia cases in the San Francisco diocese. He then demanded that the diocese release documents on its internal investigations. The prosecutor's office was supported by the public, who sought to punish the guilty.

But the election of Harris made a difference. Her political committee was flooded with donations from Catholic institutions in California and lawyers who represented the church and accused priests of paedophilia.

Harris' victory over Halinan in the fight for the San Francisco district attorney's office saved the Catholic Church and strengthened Harris's financial position. She banned the publication of these diocesan investigations, giving an official explanation - the prosecutor's office did not want to reveal the names of victims of priests-molesters. The paradox of the situation was that the victims of molestation, seeking justice, had long since announced their names.

The company for the protection of paedophile priests goes against Harris's numerous public statements that she is an active advocate of children.

I wonder what happened to the documents that threatened scandalous revelations. In 2010, Harris' office refused to provide them to a California newspaper reporter, and in 2019, the San Francisco district attorney's office told the book's author, Peter Schweitzer, that the location of the documents was unknown.

Prosecutor's "roof" for brothels

Another page of the prosecutor Harris's activities is connected with the activities of two San Francisco strip clubs - Market Street Theater and New Century Theater. After dancing at the pole, visitors could invite the dancer to a separate office. Strip clubs were regular brothels.

Several police raids have confirmed that prostitution is rampant in the clubs. Nine women and their manager were arrested. The police had irrefutable evidence of the guilt of the owners of the clubs, but Kamala Haris closed the case.

Perhaps the explanation may be that both strip clubs were owned by a longtime friend and client of Mayor Bill Brown - Sam Conti.

Even while serving as District Attorney, Terence Hallinan cautioned that if Kamala Harris gets his post, it would untie Billy Brown and his corrupt friends. And so it happened.

Closing cases on corrupt real estate transactions

Hector Chinchilla, a real estate lawyer, was among the appointees to important positions in Billy Brown's administration. Brown gave him the post of head of the city planning commission and the authority to approve all city construction projects. In a few years in this position Chinchilla received from local builders more than 180,000 dollars. Hallinan indicted him on eight counts in 2002, but prosecutor Kamala Harris closed Chinchilla's case.

Among the main contractors of the Brown administration was the owner of Pacific Cement, Ricardo Ramirez, who became famous for his scandal over the use of second-rate materials in the performance of city orders. Ramirez faced jail, but Kamala Harris' office did not even initiate criminal proceedings against him, but agreed with the fraudster on a one-year house arrest and a fine. Ramirez was a generous contributor to Mayor Brown's political committee.

Bandit accomplice

One of Haris's most famous prosecutorial projects was the Back on Track program. She allowed those arrested on drug charges for the first time to close their case and eliminate the record. In 2009, when she was elected attorney general of California, Kamala Harris said the program was a huge success.

One of the participants of the program was an illegal Alexander Iaguirre. It is not clear how he got to her, as his arrest for cocaine trafficking was not the first. He had previously been arrested for street robbery. Remaining on this program, Izaguirre snatched a bag in the street from a certain Amanda Kefer, then jumped into a nearby car and in this car hit the girl and ran over her. She suffered a severe head injury and survived miraculously.

When Amanda Kefer's lawyers tried to find out in Kamala Harris's office how the perpetrator was on her program, she said it was not her job to oversee federal immigration laws.

Prosecutorial assistance to her husband's clients

In 2014, Kamala Harris married a well-known Los Angeles lawyer Douglas Emhoff.

Emhoff defended corporations accused of violating their rules of operations. The cases of some of his clients lay on his wife's prosecutor's desk. Among them were manufacturers of food additives - sationbafts. They were accused of advertising greatly exaggerating their medicinal properties and misleading the consumer.

In 2015, attorneys general in 14 states, including New York, launched a wide-ranging investigation into this type of company. The reason was that a number of ingredients advertised on the labels were not in their composition, and some drugs posed a health risk. Among these companies were General Nutrition Corporation - GNC, Herbalife, Vitamine Shoppe, Wallgreens and others.

Kamala Harris' office declined to participate in the lawsuit, though in California alone it received more than 700 complaints about Herbalife's products alone. In July, the Federal Trade Commission won a case against Herbalife, receiving $200 million in back-ups from it. California didn't get anything. But that did not upset the California lawyer of these firms - Kamala's husband - Douglas Emhoff.

For the same reason, Kamala Harris' office never sought to comply with court orders against Herbalife and her husband's other clients.

In gratitude, Herbalife began to sacrifice her political committee. In February 2015, the podesta consulting and lobbying company, which represents Herbalife, held a fundraiser for Kamala Harris in her Washington office.

In 2015, officers at Kamala Harris' san Diego attorney's office sent her a letter about the need to investigate Herbalife and made arguments. Harris declined to investigate without explaining her decision.

Shortly thereafter, the law firm Venable LLP promoted its employee Douglas Emhoff to the position of head of the department overseeing its West Coast offices.

Prosecutorial involvement in commercial wars

Another interesting story is related to the activities of the Californian charity Daughters of Charity. It was founded in Paris in 1633 to provide medical care to the poor. In California, she had six clinics for low-income Californians. Once in debt, the organization was put before the need to sell clinics, but with the condition - the new owner had to guarantee the preservation of work and pensions to their employees.

There were many buyers, but the Daughters of Charity was chosen by the non-profit Prime Healthcare Services (PHS), which agreed to pay $845 million, pay off debts and pay pensions to 17,000 former and current clinic workers. Fifteen years earlier, PHS had acquired 35 bankrupt hospitals in various states and successfully revived them. The Charity Daughters accepted the PHS proposal, and two of the state's big organizations, the California Women's Organization and the California Branch of the Association for the Advancement of Colored People, supported the deal too.

The deal required the consent of California Attorney General Kamala Harris to complete the deal. But the deal was opposed by Service Employees International UNION (SEIU), which funded Kamala Harris' company for election to the U.S. Senate. The union contributed $204,000 to her company's fund and promised multimillion-dollar support through its other organizations. The named union was at war with PHS.

There were public hearings on the sale of six clinics, where the vast majority supported the PHS deal with daughters of charity.

The union then explicitly told the prospective buyer that the deal would not take place unless the buyer allowed the union to represent all its nurses. The "Daughters of Charity" sued the union, accusing it of extortion.

Under pressure from public opinion, Harris did approve the deal, but put forward a list of 300 non-neginated conditions that were completely unacceptable to the buyer. California's attorney general has never used so much power in these kinds of transactions.

In July 2014, union leader Dive Reagan told PHS chief Dr. Prem Redy that until she agreed to work with the union, she would not be able to strike a deal in California, nor with those six clinics, nor with any other. Reagan allegedly told Redie that Harris was in their pockets and would do what she was told.

Harris then chose another company to acquire six clinics, Blue Mountain Capital, while allowing it to stop providing services that PHS was willing to keep.

Blue Mountain Capital had another important advantage: its leaders Andrew Feldstein and his wife Jane Vernon donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to the Democratic Party.

Kamala Harris buried investigation into predator priests and did 'absolutely nothing' after becoming San Francisco D.A. say victims who want their cases files released

By Emily Goodin, U.s. Political Reporter For

23:23 BST 10 Jun 2019 , updated 01:23 BST 11 Jun 2019


Survivors of sexual abuse by Catholic clergy claim Kamala Harris did not do enough to prosecute their cases when she was San Francisco district attorney 

One victim said Harris did 'absolutely nothing'

Harris was district attorney shortly after the Boston Globe revealed sexual abuse by clergy in the Boston-area, sparking world-wide outrage

Harris' campaign defended her record to 

'Kamala Harris has been a staunch advocate on behalf of sexual assault victims, especially child sexual assault victims,' the campaign said in a statement 

Survivors of sexual abuse by Catholic clergy claim Kamala Harris did not do enough to prosecute their cases when she was San Francisco district attorney.

Victims said compared to Terence Hallinan, who was DA before Harris defeated him in the 2003 election, Harris did 'absolutely nothing.' 

'It went from Terence Hallinan going hundred miles an hour, full speed ahead, after the Catholic Church to Kamala Harris doing absolutely nothing and taking it backwards hundred miles an hour,' Joey Piscitelli, a sexual assault survivor, who won a court case against his Catholic high school, told The Intercept. 

But Harris' campaign told the senator has been a 'staunch advocate' for sexual assault victims.

'Kamala Harris has been a staunch advocate on behalf of sexual assault victims, especially child sexual assault victims,' the campaign said in a statement. 'As a line prosecutor she took on notoriously difficult to prove child sexual assault cases, put predators behind bars and created a coalition to combat child exploitation. She then used her position as District Attorney to create the first unit focused on child sexual assault cases in the office's history.' 

Survivors of sexual abuse by Catholic clergy claim Kamala Harris did not do enough to prosecute their cases when she was San Francisco district attorney

Protesters stand in front of St. Mary's Cathedral in San Francisco in 2005 - when Harris was district attorney of the city

Several other victims told the news website that Harris's office refused to meet with them and declined to release files on clergy abuse.

Dominic De Lucca, a California resident who said he was raped by a local priest when he was 12 years old, claimed Harris wouldn't meet with him or release the files.

'I remember Kamala Harris,' he told The Intercept. 'She didn't want to have any meetings.' 

He added: 'She wanted the public to think this is an issue that happened years ago, that it doesn't happen anymore. Let's just move on.' 

Harris' campaign said the files weren't released because it would create a 'chilling effect' on cases being reported and threaten the privacy of victims.

'Senior attorneys in the DA's office, who were central to the prosecution of Catholic priests advised that records should not be released because it would create a chilling effect on other victims of sexual assault and to protect the privacy of victims involved. That same protocol was followed by the previous office and the decision was affirmed by an independent board that reviews sunshine requests,' the campaign told

De Lucca said he believed it was the power of the Catholic Church in San Francisco that kept the files under lock and key.

'The Roman Catholic Church is very powerful and I think they didn't want to step on any toes, especially in San Francisco,' he told The Intercept. 


As San Francisco district attorney, she distinguished herself by taking up to a year in prison or subjecting fines of up to $2,000 to parents who were determined to send their children to dangerous local schools where violence, drug addiction and crime were almost the norm. Parents also faced arrest for systematically skipping their children's lessons. 

Harris was a prosecutor in San Francisco from 2004 to 2011, and locals recall that time with horror. She later became California's attorney general, followed by the state's second-largest prison population and accelerated prison construction.

Peter Schweitzer, the author of "Corruption Profiles," writes that Biden chose Kamala because of her ability to raise money for election campaigns. That's just the way she does it, bordering on crime. Schweitzer suspects that she received some of the funds for refusing to open cases against wealthy and influential California paedophiles - from powerful families and lawyers representing the accused Catholic schools. Moreover, it destroyed the most important documents in the case.

Harris declared herself a fighter against child sexual abuse and even set up a special unit to deal with such cases, but no paedophile priest was ever sent to prison. Whereas in 50 major cities in America there were trials of clergy.

Harris is said to be smart and energetic, always ready to throw anyone off the cliff who gets in her way. Kamala easily sent innocent people to prison for 50 years to earn a reputation as a zealous lawyer. She did not admit that she had imprisoned an innocent man and refused to release him early.

Kamala appears absolutely ruthless, corrupt lawman, who fought to death in prison to continue to rot convicted on proven false accusations poor fellow. She also refused to investigate police corruption cases.

She also has a long history of relationships with the Barack Obama family - from when Barack was a senator. It is believed that it was Obama, the main face in the Democratic Party, who forced Biden to appoint Kamala as vice president. Her candidacy was supported by Wall Street bank tycoons associated with Hillary Clinton. "She knows how to work in the "system,"" they said of her, and that's the ultimate praise.

Since Harris was confirmed vice president, Biden's approval rating, even in a poll of Democrat propaganda mouthpieces, has plummeted to nearly equal Trump's. National minorities suffered the biggest losses, with Harris mostly sent to prisons. She planted about 2,000 people for marijuana alone.

Apparently, the fuels, who like to play on racial contradictions, risked the nomination of an unpopular, but devoted to their ideas, the activist in vice-presidents. 

It is always easier to seize power than to hold it. Many politicians suffered political death after the victory. In the wake of the attention to Biden and Trump, the risks for them were discussed the most. Whereas there is a major potential kamikaze. And it's not Trump or Biden. This is Kamala Harris.

It would seem that the lady entered the White House on Biden's shoulders, in the shadow of his conflict with the nation. She has a great chance of taking Biden's seat without any election, just in the event of his very likely retirement for health reasons. Although it may have nothing to do with health. It would seem a beautiful fate, lucky.

But there is no rose without thorns, and medals without the reverse side. As a result of the unique situation, the Senate is now split exactly 50 to 50. And all his decisions are possible only as a result of the vote of Kamala Harris, who had the decisive vote.

Now she will be the scapegoat for all the failures of the Senate and Biden personally. Harris gets a position where she will gather all the criticism for the rest of her tenure as vice president. With such a negative background, you won't have to hope for a career extension.

Thus, the main victims of yesterday's triumph of Democrats were not Trump and not Biden, and standing next to Harris. Its political demise is imminent, making the 2024 2024 budget completely unpredictable. In any case, if Republicans want to stay in U.S. history and beyond, they can't avoid a serious partisan purge, not because of Trump, but because of their own weakness against Democrats.

Now, with any impasse in the Senate, it is Harris who will tilt the scales in one direction or another, and the impasses will arise constantly. You can't hide behind the back of most of a party machine. The degree of electoral support for Trump is such that in the Senate literally on every issue is guaranteed war.

And for every question, Harris will be to blame. It will take responsibility for raising taxes, approving judges, medical reforms, social assistance, restricting freedom to sell guns and other decisions. Republicans will hang all dogs on it and tie up every unpopular bill. Harris's presidential prospects after 2024 are already buried.

And Trump, with his 75 million electorate and supporters in the Senate and Congress, is already designing Trumpism as the ideology of the future for the United States. It doesn't matter if he's alive by then or not. By 2022, by the next Senate election, it will be clear that Democrats have gone bankrupt, and by 2024 they will remember how they took over.

Then Trump's return to the White House will not only be an irony of fate, but also a real reason for the civil war, the rehearsal of which has already taken place in the Capitol on 6.01.21. Trump, in the form of a living president or a portrait on the wall, has become a symbol of American upheaval. 

In 2016, Kamala Harris used her position to help Planned Parenthood emerge from a scandal involving the sale of tissues and parts of aborted babies. 

Back in 2016, David Dalyden and Sandra Merritt of the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) introduced themselves as businessmen and businesswomen who wanted to buy organs from abortion babies, and they were able to attend the National Congress on Abortion.

They recorded and published their interviews with the Director of Planned Parenthood and the National Coordinator, as well as with a doctor who confirmed that they could provide them with parts of the aborted children at their request. In 2015, when the recording/video scandal broke, current Vice President Harris held a secret face-to-face meeting with Family Planning executives to discuss the investigation; Two weeks later, the California Department of Justice raided Daleiden's home, recording and publishing the video.

Now that Kamala has lost business and turned everything upside down, using her boat, Daleiden and Merritt could end up in prison, and "paternity planning" still kills babies for spare parts.

However, revealing videos in which family planning officials sell parts of the bodies of aborted children have shocked many: 

In the first video:

Dr Deborah Nucatola of Planned Parenthood commented on abortion: "We are very good at treating the heart, lungs, liver, because we know it, so I'm not going to push that part. I'm going to crush the bottom, I'm going to crush the top, and I'm going to see if I can keep it all."

In the second video:

Dr. Mary Gutter of Planned Parenthood joked, "I want a Lamborghini" when she negotiated the best price for children's parts.

In the third video:

Holly O'Donnell, a former Stem Express employee who worked at a family planning clinic, spoke first-hand about all these atrocities and how she fainted in horror as she held the baby's legs.

In the fourth video:

Dr Savita Ginde, of Planned Parenthood, said: "We don't want to make just a flat (for a child) fee of $200. The individual thing is a little better, simply because we see how much we can get out of it." She also laughed as she looked at the fetal kidney, which "could be taken with her."

In the fifth video:

Melissa Farrell of Planned Parenthood - Gulf Coast in Houston boasted of Planned Parenthood's skills in getting "undamaged fetal corpses" and how her "research" department "contributes so much to the purity of our organization here, as you know, we are one of the largest affiliates, and our research department is the largest in the United States."

In the sixth video:

Hall O'Donnel described the technique of taking fetal parts without the consent of a woman: "There were times when they just take what they want. And these mothers don't know. And they won't know."

In the seventh and perhaps most disturbing video:

Holly O'Donnell described the removal of organs from a nearly intact late fetus interrupted at Planned Parenthood Mar Monte's Alameda clinic in San Jose, California. "You want to see something cool," O'Donnell says, "and she just knocks on the heart and it starts beating. And I'm sitting here looking at this fetus, and his heart is beating, and I don't know what to think."

In the eighth video:

StemExpress CEO Kate Dyer admits Parenthood sells "a lot" of fully intact abortion babies.

Ninth video:

The medical director of planned family is discussing how an abortion company sells completely undamaged aborted children, including a child who "just fell out" of the womb.

In the 10th video

The country's largest abortion business sells certain parts of the body, including heart, eyes and "gonadas" of unborn children. The video also shows the shocking ways in which Planned Parenthood officials admit they are violating federal law by selling body parts of aborted children for profit.

And so on, stuff, stuff, just 14 views.

In May 2015, a member of California Attorney General Kamala Harris was arrested and "accused of running a wicked police force that claimed to have been around for more than 3,000 years." Brandon Keel, deputy director of public affairs for the California Department of Justice, and two others, David Henry and Tonette Hayes, are charged in connection with their work in the Masonic Fraternal Police Department. 

"Suspicions about the Masonic Fraternal Police Department, whose members are of origin from the Knights Templar, arose when, in late January, various Southern California police chiefs received a letter announcing the group's new leadership," wrote Matt Hamilton of the Times, "After an investigation, according to officials, sheriff's investigators searched two sites in Santa Clarita and found a badge, weapons, uniforms and equipment."

The Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department said in a statement that the Masonic Fraternal Police Department is not a lawful police officer and that Kiel, Henry and Hayes were arrested for allegedly impersonating police officers.

"Detectives conducted a thorough investigation in cooperation with several law enforcement agencies and determined that MFPD is not a legitimate police agency," the sheriff's department said in a statement.

"The Brother's Masonic Organization is the oldest and most respected organization in the world. The great masters of different states face serious security problems of their jurisdictions and their families. The first police department was created by the Templars as early as 1100 BC," Harris said on the Harris police website, "When asked what is the difference between the Masonic Fraternal Powers Department and other police departments, the answer is simple for us. We were the first to be here!"


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