The ceremonial introduction to the new history textbook 2021: 'The tale of that we won the Cold War of the USSR and rekinded on the laurels of bank proceeds from post-communist bandits collectively and safely drowned the entire Western world in gang shit …

The ceremonial introduction to the new history textbook 2021: 'The tale of that we won the Cold War of the USSR and rekinded on the laurels of bank proceeds from post-communist bandits collectively and safely drowned the entire Western world in gang shit …

⏳ƬɼⅈᎴʋℓɛ ℵ 🔬Ꮥɑℽʂ 🎙

      Dear Friends!!

I ask everyone to stand up and meet with loud applause, smoothly passing into a stormy ovation under the national anthem of the USSR of our dear American friends from the Washington regional committee of the CPSU!

U.S. 🇺🇸 🥳 U.S. COMMUNIST 🥳 

Bravo 👏 🙌 

Comrades from the American Party Committee 


1993 Vice-Mayor of St. Petersburg at the opening of the city's first computer hardware store

The Microsoft Store has opened in Russia. Its range is still small, and the prices are slightly higher than those of the corporation's Russian partners.

The Russian online store under the Microsoft brand is located at Purchased products can be downloaded directly from the site, and pay for purchases - with the help of Visa and MasterCard bank cards.

"This is the first official online store in Russia under the Microsoft Store brand, opened by one of the corporation's global partners and specializes exclusively in the sale of Microsoft products," CNews said in the company's Russian office.

The partner who ran the store is the German-based company Arvato. "The money from the sale comes to them, and all calculations with Microsoft are determined by the usual formula of interaction with partners," the source explained to CNews.

Online stores under the Microsoft brand operate in a number of countries around the world, including the United States, Korea, Great Britain, India. However, compared to them, the range of the Russian store is not too large. It now features Windows 7, Office 2010 and development tools, while it also offers games, game consoles and a range of other products in overseas stores.

It is noteworthy that one of the products presented in the online store was the recently released Office Mac 2011. Its sales in Russia began in November. At the same time it was reported that until December 31 this product can be exclusively bought only in the store re:Store.

Microsoft Rus is a Russian subsidiary of Microsoft. The company's main functions are to promote Microsoft software, introduce and localize products developed by the corporation, and develop a partner network for the sale of services and products.

Microsoft Rus Ltd.

Microsoft logo (2012).svg


Microsoft Corporation subsidiary




Russia Moscow, Russia

Key figures

Tomasz Bochenek (ex-president)


software, IT services and solutions

Parent company

Microsoft Corporation


About the company

About Edit

Microsoft has been operating in Russia since 1992 (before that the USSR and Russia sold their own computers 💻😂😂😂) and today operates in 70 cities of the country. The company is headquartered in Moscow. The company has more than 10,000 authorized partners. Microsoft Ireland Operations Limited is providing licenses for the use of Microsoft software in Russia.

Key Figures Edit

On March 15, 2019, Kristina Tikhonova took over as president of Microsoft. In June 2017, tomasz Bochenek, the former head of the Polish office of Microsoft, was appointed president of Microsoft Russia. On July 1, 2014, Pavel Betsis, former head of Microsoft's business strategy in Central and Eastern Europe, was appointed head of Microsoft's Russia business strategy. He succeeded Nikolai Pryanishnikov (as president on January 1, 2009), who moved to the company's Central and Eastern Europe office as vice president of business development. From 2004 to 2007, Olga Dergunova was President of Microsoft russia and CIS. In 1992, Robert Clough was appointed CEO of the Russian branch.

1. U.S. authorities are looking for a briber - a partner of Microsoft in Russia.

A CNews source familiar with the investigation confirms that it is Rostelecom, and that Microsoft's partner is envied by Envizhn Group. In 2011, Rostelecom and Microsoft signed an agreement to cooperate in the promotion of cloud technologies. In particular, Rostelecom sells Microsoft office products to government and commercial organizations through its O7 cloud platform. Until recently, Envizhn was one of Rostelecom's largest suppliers and its ... 

Date: 23.08.2013 Copy in Google

2. The European Court of Justice decided that Microsoft must pay about 800 million euros for violation of antitrust laws.

In 2004, the court also ordered Microsoft to release a special version of the Windows operating system without a built-in Windows Media Player to prevent the market from monopolizing the audio and video playback software market. In addition, Microsoft was to open the source code of its programs designed to transmit audio and video files over the Internet. Microsoft and the market Estimated by Net Applications (engaged in monitoring research of the audiences of websites), in February ... 

Date: 27.11.2006 Copy in Google

3. Microsoft financed Chechen militants.

As for the sponsorship of large companies, including Microsoft, they deny the fact that they were aware of the real activities of Benevolence International. According to Olga Dergunova, Microsoft's representative in the CIS, "this fund has always deceived its sponsors - for 5 years of cooperation the corporation has transferred only $20,000 to its accounts." In addition, Ms. Dergunova skillfully defended herself against possible accusations, explaining that Microsoft initially could not have ... 

Date: 19.02.2003 Copy in Google

4. Dodging in the American way.

The U.S. Senate Intelligence Subcommittee has in recent years examined exactly how companies avoid taxation in the United States. The result is several reports that, among other things, describe the methods used by Microsoft and Hewlett-Packard (published in September 2012), as well as Apple (introduced May 20). 

Date: May 28, 2013 Copy in Google

5. "Terrorists are often the first victims of this kind of development."

In 2004, the court also ordered Microsoft to release a special version of the Windows operating system without a built-in Windows Media Player to prevent the market from monopolizing the audio and video playback software market. In addition, Microsoft was to open the source code of its programs designed to transmit audio and video files over the Internet. Microsoft and the market Estimated by Net Applications (engaged in monitoring research of the audiences of websites), in February ... 

Date: 28.11.2006 Copy in Google

6. Homeland will hear, the Motherland will know.

Homeland will hear, the Homeland learns Skype agrees to disclose the FSB data of its users, and Microsoft - the source codes Of Skype Original of this material © Newspaper.Ru, 07.07.2011, Skype will pass Vladislav New Skype agrees to cooperate with the Federal Security Service. 

Date: 08.07.2011 Copy in Google

7. Browsers vs. Big Brother.

The Engadget portal writes that Apple, Google, Microsoft and Mozilla have made a joint decision to block the certificate in their browsers Safari, Chrome, Edge and Firefox. 

Date: 21.12.2020 Copy in Google

8. Just patriotism, nothing personal.

Microsoft cooperates with the special services in a different way - even before the official release of its software, the company informs them about errors in the programs. 

Date: 17.06.2013 Copy in Google

9. Agents hear everything.

Approved in 2007, it involves collecting data directly from the servers of Microsoft, Yahoo!, Google, Facebook, PalTalk, AOL, Skype, YouTube and Apple. 

Date: 07.06.2013 Copy in Google

10. Skype is bugged.

Microsoft allows the special services to track the conversations, messages and location of users of the once confidential communication system Original of this material © Vedomosti, 14.03.2013 Skype listens to Elizaveta Serzhina, Alexei Nikolsky, Alexander Silonov Russian special services have the opportunity to track conversations in Skype, several participants of the information security market told Vedomosti. 

Date: 14.03.2013 Copy in Google

11. "Gates is laundered for charity."

[...] [GZT. Ru, March 31, 2011, "Microsoft's co-founder threw a stone at the window of friendship with Bill Gates": The case concerns the events of 1982, when Paul Allen underwent treatment for lymph node cancer and was soon forced to leave the company, according to the official version, according to the state of the state. 

Date: 04.04.2011 Copy in Google

12. MS-Lexa.

This file is available on any Microsoft computer: /Program Files/Common Files/Microsoft Shared/Grphflt/cdrimp32.flt, line 1293. And if you open it with any text editor, you can find in the code an inscription in the form of obscene double-stitch, written in Latin and beginning with the line "Leha, Leha, you are mighty..." The message was found in all versions of "Microsoft Office" - English-language and Russified, licensed and pirated.

Date: 16.01.2004 Copy in Google

13. Power pumps movies, software and.

... AM App for PC Win7.SP1.x86-x64.Rus-Eng.18in1.Activated.v5 Dec 28, 2016 9:35:22 AM Dec 28, 2016 9:35:22 AM Film American Psycho Dec 18, 2016 2:36:14 AM Dec 28, 2016 8:15:08 AM ubuntu-14.04.3-desktop-amd64.iso Dec 19, 2016 1:34:13 AM Dec 28, 2016 4:10:52 AM Microsoft Office PC 2016 VL RUS-ENG x86-x64 Advanced (AIO) 46.2 29:152.220 Dec 20, 2016 8:41pm Dec 28, 2016 3:31:34 AM Books Kolomoets GP - The organization of computer networks ... 

Date: 11.01.2017 Copy in Google

14. Skype, Gmail and Hotmail "threaten the national security" of Russia.

"Google and Microsoft in Russia are representatives of Western companies. 

Date: 11.04.2011 Copy in Google

How the kickback system works.

It is also noteworthy that the ceos of most companies have not learned that Microsoft gives personal bonuses to their employees. So what did Microsoft offer sisadmins - rollback or participate in a marketing campaign? 

Date: 03.09.2007 Copy in Google

16. FBI hackers will take both overseas and in the "clouds".

It's about storing Microsoft customers' data on remote servers, the corporation explains, creating a loophole for the government to access their electronic data. Using the Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA), the government is increasingly turning to the request for data stored on the so-called cloud, Microsoft said in its lawsuit. 

Date: 29.04.2016 Copy in Google

17. Forbes has published a list of billionaires:

on page A3): This is Microsoft founder William Gates III (a fortune in 2007 - $56 billion, in 2006 - $50 billion), Warren Buffett ($52 billion vs. $42 billion), a shareholder of Mexican and American telecommunications companies Carlos Slim Helou ($49 billion, $30 billion). 

Date: 09.03.2007 Copy in Google

18. The Chinese version of Skype spies on users.

The letter was sent to the current owner of Skype - Microsoft. 

Date: 12.03.2013 Copy in Google

19. Yahoo! poked around in an email.

After the information that Yahoo in 2015 secretly created a program for U.S. intelligence agencies, which allows you to read the emails of users, the journalist of the portal sent several IT companies, in particular Google, Facebook, Microsoft and Yahoo, the question of whether they helped the intelligence services to read the messages of their users. Representatives of Google, Facebook and Microsoft reported that the companies never made such a deal with American intelligence. 

Date: 05.10.2016 Copy in Google

20. Arkady Rotenberg took up the textbooks.

... In November 2014, the New York Times reported that Microsoft had decided to postpone cooperation with Enlightenment, which planned to create a tablet computer for Russian schools. According to the NYT, the decision was made after Microsoft learned that Arkady Rotenberg, a member of the U.S. sanctions list, was involved in the Enlightenment. According to the representative of Enlightenment, Microsoft "has not stopped, but suspended cooperation with the publishing house ... 

Date: 06.04.2015 Copy in Google

SYSTEM Putin. "Salier Report"

Autumn 1991 and especially - the beginning of 1992 in Leningrad was marked by a huge scandal, in the epicenter of which, in addition to Anatoly Sobchak, was the chairman of the Committee on Foreign Relations of the city hall then in Leningrad - Vladimir Putin.

We are talking about a large-scale scam related to barter supplies from abroad of food for Leningrad in exchange for raw materials from state reserves. The monetary equivalent of this scam still amazes with its scope today.

In 1992, The deputy of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg, Marina Salier, published her famous report, which spoke about vladimir Putin's negative role as deputy mayor of this city Anatoly Sobchak.

In the early 1990s, with the transition to the market, Russia experienced a food crisis. St. Petersburg was no exception. Since June 12, 1991, since the election of Anatoly Sobchak as mayor, Vladimir Putin has served as chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee of the St. Petersburg City Hall. The problems of the city, the mayor's office of St. Petersburg and personally Vladimir Putin decided to conduct through the international barter program, "Resources in exchange for food."

In late 1991 - early 1992, Putin was closely engaged in bartering, he managed to get from Prime Minister Yegor Gaidar exclusive right to issue so-called export licenses, which allowed to export hundreds of thousands of tons of oil products abroad, as well as rare earth metals. Putin received this permission after the customs detained the first vessel "Cosmonaut Vladimir Komarov" with cargo and papers issued personally by Putin. It was January 15, 1992. A month later the problem was solved, Gaidar's permission was retroactively obtained.

The deputy commission of the Len Council, headed by Marina Salier, came to the conclusion that natural resources under export licenses signed by Vladimir Putin, the chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, were leaving St. Petersburg abroad. In return, food was to be delivered to St. Petersburg, but the food was NOT TO THE WORLD!

At the end of January 1992, at the 13th session of the Len Council, the deputies decided to create a commission that would clarify the situation in detail. The deputy working group was headed by Marina Salier, yuri Gladkov became deputy. The work of the group was greatly assisted by the chairman of the Len Council - Alexander Belyaev.

One of the first initiatives of the working group Salier was a "call to the rue" to the Lenin Council of Putin himself. The head of the Committee on Foreign Relations of the Mayor's Office was heard by the deputies of the Len Council at a special closed session on January 14, 1992. Vladimir Putin presented the parliamentarians with only a small certificate, the entire volume of which fit on two pages. But the figures in it were extremely curious.

Putin referred to the Russian Government's Order No. 5-00931 of January 09, 1992, according to which to provide St. Petersburg with food and conduct trade operations to the city from state reserves

Very serious discrepancies between Putin's presented data in the direction of underestimation of supplies compared to real contracts and licenses already concluded and issued by Putin's FAA were quickly discovered. There were discrepancies in the prices of raw materials exported abroad.

When Salier's group tried to get additional documents from Putin, she came across a refusal from the head of the Committee on Foreign Relations of the mayor's office. Vladimir Vladimirovich justified the inability to provide the necessary materials to the deputies by the necessity of compliance... trade secrets!

The situation turned out to be paradoxical: raw materials for export in exchange for food under the quotas defined by the Government of the RFSR were allocated by state-owned enterprises, but through which companies and on what conditions it was sent abroad was a "commercial secret" of Putin and Sobchak.

But the working group of deputies of the Len Council, despite the resistance of Vladimir Vladimirovich and Anatoly Aleksandrovich, quickly revealed the true extent of the food scam of the mayor's office. The price of the question - according to the deputies - at least 100 million dollars.

The commission headed by Marina Salier conducted an anti-corruption investigation, which recommended the mayor of the city Anatoly Sobchak to fire Vladimir Putin, and also appealed to the prosecutor's office and the administration of President Boris Yeltsin. According to her data, Putin and his deputy signed documents on which hundreds of thousands of tons of natural resources were exported abroad. The damage, according to the most modest estimates, amounted to about 100 million dollars.

With incredible efforts, Marina Salya managed to obtain an audit of Putin's activities by the Main Control Directorate under the President of Russia, but the audit was carried out behind the scenes.

 The federal and international media began to talk about the case "Salye Group against Putin and Sobchak" in January 2000 - from the moment when the main character of the St. Petersburg scandal of the early 1990s was nominated as Boris Yeltsin's successor to the post of President of Russia. Today, you can easily find a lot of materials on the nuances and details of this confrontation on the Internet, in print media, as well as in books published to date.

 Here is the report itself.

 [...] I will start from the end and emphasize: all the facts, dates, names, figures cited here have documentary evidence, since in 1992 I headed the Working Group of Deputies, formed by decision No. 22 of 01/10/92 by the 13th session St. Petersburg City Council of People's Deputies.

 Power and the dictatorship of lawlessness, not the law - the goal of V. Putin. Power, which means for him the possibility of his own enrichment, strengthening and developing his own authority in the criminal circles of the oligarchs.

 Back in 1991-1992. - at the very beginning of his career, being only the chairman of the Committee for External Relations (FAC) of the St. Petersburg City Hall, V. Putin, under the pretext of providing the townspeople with food, used the power given to him in this way.

 KBC signed contracts with intermediary firms for the export of resources (oil products, timber, metals, cotton, etc.) worth more than 92 million dollars.

 At the same time, V. Putin did not agree on the quotas allocated by the Government of the Russian Federation for the specified resources with the Ministry of Economy and Finance of the Russian Federation (ie, he violated the Government's order of 09.01.92 No. ЕГ-5-00931) and did not announce a tender. In other words, bypassing the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 90 of December 31, 1992 "On licensing and quotas for the export and import of goods (works, services) on the territory of the Russian Federation in 1992" Vladimir Putin selected companies to his liking, absolutely behind the scenes. They were not producers of exported raw materials, did not submit contracts with foreign firms for food imports, some were organizations with 100% foreign investment, etc.

 Today, in his book, V. Putin admitted that “some firms did not fulfill the main terms of the contract - they did not bring food from abroad or did not bring it in full. They violated their obligations to the city ... I believe that the city, of course, I didn’t do everything I could. It was necessary to work more closely with law enforcement agencies and knock out the promised from these firms with a stick. But it was pointless to sue them - they dissolved immediately ... "

 Such confessions are dear. They can only be afforded by a person who is confident in his absolute impunity and infallibility. Let me explain.

 All contracts concluded by the PIC were flawed from a legal point of view: there were no signatures and seals of each of the contracting parties both on the contracts themselves and on their integral annexes, some did not have the dates of their conclusion, two contracts lacked the annexes mentioned in the text , in the contract No. 12/92, the contract number was corrected (from 9 to 12), in the appendix No. 9 was preserved (they forgot to correct it), etc. But the most important thing is different. In four contracts concluded by the FAC "in the person of V. V. Putin", opposite his full name, printed in black and white, is the signature of his deputy A.G. Anikin. The total amount for which these agreements were concluded was more than 11.5 million dollars.

 Vladimir Putin is a lawyer by training. He could not help but know that the presentation of such agreements to the court is really pointless - the court should have refused the claim. But not because the firms chosen by Putin himself "dissolved" without a trace, but because of the absolute legal inferiority of the contracts concluded by the FAC "in the person" of the same V. Putin or A. Anikin.

 Bottom line: the city did not receive food and "lost" about 92 million dollars.

 The subject of these agreements consisted in such a strange form of barter: "The committee grants the supplier a license to export" a certain type and amount of resources, the supplier exchanges them for food products. We already know how the food business ended. What happened to the licenses?

 FAC, in violation of the aforementioned Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 90 of December 31, 1991, according to which the right to issue licenses for the import and export of goods was given only to the Committee for Foreign Economic Relations of the RSFSR (subsequently transformed into a ministry) and its authorized representatives on the ground (and to no one else) issued licenses for more than 95 million dollars.

 The licenses were mainly signed by A. Anikin. V. Putin signed only two - on December 20, 1991 for the export by the company "Nevsky House" of 150,000 tons of oil products worth more than 32 million dollars, and on December 26, 1991 for the export of CJSC "Fivekor" 50,000 m3 of timber worth about 3 million .dollars. Surprisingly, both of these licenses were issued to these firms even before the Government allocated quotas (01/09/1992), and before the signing of contracts with them: the contract with Nevsky House was signed in January 1992 (the date is not specified more precisely) , with "Fivekor" - 01/11/92. Another thing is striking: an agreement for $ 32 million was signed with JSC "Nevsky House", registered at the address: St. Petersburg, Gagarina Avenue, 1, and the license was issued to the Production and Trade the company "Nevsky House", whose address is: St. Petersburg, Fontanka emb., 117. The third thing is striking: the contract is concluded "in the person" of A.G. Anikina. and Deputy Director of JSC "Nevsky House" Wittenberg VM, signed by completely different persons, we have not identified. The license bears the signatures of V. Putin and the general director of another "Nevsky House". And these are documents worth over 32 million dollars!

 The licenses themselves were also legally flawed: many of them lacked stamps, numbers, recipient country, cost of exported resources, etc.

 The dictatorship of lawlessness.

 Today V. Putin writes: "We had no right to give licenses. That's the whole point. Licenses were given by subdivisions of the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations."

 And here is what Vladimir Putin wrote in the certificate "On the state of affairs in the issuance of licenses for the provision of the city with food" dated January 14, 1992, which he presented to our Working Group: "As of January 13, 1992, the Committee on External Relations of the City Hall St. Petersburg issued licenses, the list and volumes of which are given in the table. " It is from the table that the issuance of licenses for the above amount follows. And most importantly, the subject of the agreement was precisely in the granting of a license by the V.Putin Committee to the intermediary firm. A shameless lie!

 Why, why did V. Putin do all this? Why did he choose the path not of the dictatorship of the law, but of its gross violation? Why was it necessary to issue licenses ourselves?

 For his fellow citizens to receive food as soon as possible? But, as follows from what has been said, the "contracting parties" did not pursue the supply of foodstuffs to St. Petersburg as their true goal.

The whole point of the operation was as follows: concoct a legally flawed contract with your man, issue him a license, force the customs on the basis of this license to open the border, send the goods abroad, sell it and put money in your pocket. Which is exactly what happened.

 That is why no tender was announced. They needed their own "partners", "partners" from the shadow economy, criminal and mafia structures, front companies, which alone could ensure the implementation of this grandiose scam. V. Putin had such "partners". He chose them himself and his today's complaints about "dissolving" firms are nothing more than a blatant lie. That is why it was necessary, by all means, to issue licenses ourselves and receive, in spite of everything, the "right" to do so.

 Who helped V. Putin "get the right" to issue licenses? Petr Aven is the current oligarch, president of Alfa-Bank, and at that time the chairman of the Committee for Foreign Economic Relations of the RSFSR. It was he who inscribed on V. Putin's letter dated 04.12.91 (out. No. 200245) with a request to allocate quotas and grant the right to issue licenses to the FAC to the St. Petersburg City Hall, an absolutely ambiguous resolution. Despite the fact that the order of the Government of the Russian Federation, in this case - E. Gaidar, dated January 9, 1992, this ambiguity was removed, V. Putin took advantage of the moment and before the same E. Gaidar again clarified the fact that the Government did not provide anyone the right to issue licenses, except for the KVS of the RSFSR, issued licenses. E. Gaidar sent his explanation to the chairman of the Customs Committee of the Russian Federation A.S. Kruglov on January 14, it reached our customs only on January 31. All this time, the border was not "locked", and the goods went abroad. But even after the command from above, under pressure from A. Sobchak's circulars (perhaps not only A. Sobchak, and not only his circulars), the customs office, having resisted for some time, reopened the border.

 "Encouraging" corruption and organized crime (mafia), and not at all the fight against these phenomena, which are ready to destroy Russia, is the practice of V. Putin's actions. His connections with the criminal world are confirmed by many facts.

 Fantastic, fabulous amounts of commissions, which were provided for by the same agreements - from 25 to 50%. At the same time, the sanctions for non-delivery of food were negligible.

 I must say right away that this was done in circumvention of the Government's decision, which provided for the use of all foreign exchange earnings from barter transactions to purchase food for the city's population.

 Here are some examples. In the contract dated 03/01/92 with the small enterprise "LOKK", signed personally by V. Putin, the commission was $ 540,000 (25%). In the agreement concluded on 10.01.92, "in the person of the Chairman of the Committee Putin V.V." with the International Forestry Exchange ("Interlesbirzha") "represented by Vice-President VN Krylov", the commission amounted to $ 5,983,900 (50%). Surpassed all the "agreement" with VS Khovanov. (MO "Svyatoslav"), which was due for the sale of 20 thousand tons of cotton is also half of its cost - 12 million dollars.

 V. Ivanidze, a former correspondent of the Vedomosti newspaper, found out that Unikombank was located at the Moscow address of the Svyatoslav firm. Members of the bank's board of directors were Dzhaldasbek Aidzhanov, who headed the Moscow Concern for the Production of the Textile Industry, and Yuri Lvov, the president of Bank Saint Petersburg and one of the city's most influential oligarchs. The "Cotton Business" - unprecedented in terms of the degree of criminalization of the party elite of the whole republic - is familiar to us from the investigations of T. Gdlyan and N. Ivanov. In such a situation, could D. Aidzhanov find cotton through a shell company and, with such and such a commission, send it abroad? Of course. In the bank of Yu. Lvov, accounts were opened for several firms that received licenses from V. Putin, and one of the firms was even registered at the address of this bank. Well, and, probably, in order to carry out further operations with currency, the same Yu. Lvov and V. Putin created the first currency exchange in St. Petersburg.

 The total amount of commissions for 12 contracts exceeded 34 million dollars, which is an average of 37%. That kind of money, and even in 1992, would have been enough to "buy" officials of any rank. And they "bought" it, apparently, because, I repeat, the border was opened, and the prosecutor's office of St. Petersburg, to which the results of the investigation of the deputy group were transferred, did not receive an answer at all. It was not received from the Control Directorate under the President of the Russian Federation, where these results were transferred on March 31, 1992. In the agreement between the PIC and JV Jikop, to which the same PIC was issued a license to export 13,997 kg of rare metals, the prices for most of them are understated 7, 10, 20 and even 2000 times. For example, for 1 kg of scandium, the contract established a price of 72.6 DM, while on the world market (both then and today) its price exceeds 150,000 DM.

 Only on dumping prices in one contract, and with only one firm, the city was losing, and someone pocketed more than 14 million DM, or, at the then exchange rate, more than 9 million dollars !!! Who "pocketed"?

 JV "Jikop" was "created" in St. Petersburg only on September 17, 1991 with an authorized capital of 100,000 rubles. (about 16,000 DM at the black market rate of that time). The main shareholder (one third of the authorized capital) is a German citizen Peter Bachmann. The agreement was concluded for the amount of about 6 million DM (data specified by V. Ivanidze). On December 25, 1991, V. Putin personally signed an agreement with the President of the Concern "International Commercial Center" ("Interkomtsentr" - "Formula-7") G. Miroshnik for registration of a "license for the export of 150 thousand petroleum products" worth more than 32 million dollars ... These are the same 150 thousand tons of oil products, which later "migrated" into the contract with the "Nevsky House". Wonderful things were done by V. Putin, G. Miroshnik is a criminal in the literal sense of the word. According to V. Ivanidze, G. Miroshnik "by this time had served two times in prison ... It was he who, in 1991, was one of the first" robbed "the Western Group of Forces worth 18 million DM ... -90 ". But the most famous of his exploits is his escape from the Russian law enforcement agencies to Spain on A. Rutsky's plane." Later in the US, he was "arrested by FBI agents for major insurance fraud."

 The agreement with JV Interwood provided for the issuance of a license for the export of 25,500 m3 of sawn softwood in the amount of $ 2,805,000. The license was issued for 500 m3, but the price was left the same - $ 2.805 million. For the same volume of timber for the same amount, an agreement was signed with Sansud JSC. Both firms belonged to Al Sakaya Group, United Arab Emirates.

 According to A.P. Pakhomov, the authorized Committee for Foreign Economic Relations of the RSFSR, i.e. the very person who had the right to issue licenses, Sansud JSC - a company with 100% foreign capital - bought timber for foreign currency in the territory of the Russian Federation from the seller's warehouse by check, bypassing the bank. The customs did not accept the documents for registration from Sansud JSC. On February 3, 1992 (out. No. 01-19) A. Pakhomov informed his boss, P. Aven, about all this and many other things (in particular, about the division of foreign exchange earnings in half).

 Pyotr Olegovich's answer was a little delayed, but was categorical: on March 25, when he was already the Minister for Foreign Economic Relations of the Russian Federation, with his order number 172, he decided: To the Committee for External Relations of the Mayor's Office of St. Petersburg, normative, instructional and service materials concerning the foreign economic activity of St. Petersburg ".

 A. Pakhomov did not fit into the circle of persons "close" to the "benefactor" of criminal firms. But, mind you, the circle was widening, the network was spread wide, right up to the Arab Emirates.

 Today V. Putin writes that "some deputies have worked directly with those companies that wanted to earn extra money on this." Such facts are unknown to me, but that one of the firms - the MTPC "Complex" - with which the KVS concluded an agreement, was established by one of the mayor's committees and was located at the address of the Putin committee, V. Ivanidze found out for sure.

 The criminal nature of the contracts concluded by the FAC "in the person" of V. Putin and A. Anikin is beyond doubt, and V. Putin's connections with structures and people engaged in such a "business" in Germany are easily explained by his past - it was in the GDR that he graduated his service as an agent of internal (I was not mistaken - internal, not external) intelligence of the KGB.

 "Taking care" of the people and "building a great power" - V. Putin's methods.

 In October 1991, a session of the Petrograd Soviet, at my suggestion and insistence (I was the chairman of the Food Commission of the Council), decided to introduce cards. And this is in Leningrad, a city that survived the famine of 1918 and a terrible blockade. But there was no other way out, since there was no food either.

 And it was at this time that V.Putin "stole" from his townspeople the only then opportunity to get food through barter transactions. V. Putin deprived his fellow citizens not only of food, but also at least 100 million dollars.

In fact, the amount was much more significant. The Russian government has allocated quotas for resources, the total cost of which was about 1 billion dollars! Where 100 million went, I have already explained. Where's the other 900?

It is known for sure that 997 tons of special pure aluminium of the A5 brand worth more than 717 million dollars "evaporated"!!! Contracts and licenses for this type of resources were not presented to the deputy group. There is no such "flying" aluminium and among the remnants of the allocated quotas, as the KVS in the person of A. Anikin notified the chairman of the Petro Council A.Belyaev on 12.02.92 (ish.No. 7-UE). Probably, it is because of this astronomical figure - 717 million dollars - that both Vladimir Putin and P.Aven shudder only at the mention of words such as "1992" - "barter" - "metals". Similarly, 20,000 tons of cement disappeared. There are also 100,000 tons of cotton worth 120 million dollars, etc., etc.

By the efforts of the deputies of the Petro Council for some time Vladimir Putin was forbidden to issue licenses for the remainder of resources. But on March 25, 1992, the indefatigable Piotr Aven, by the same order No. 172, again granted the committee of Vladimir Putin the right to issue licenses. The "Green Corridor" of customs for new deals and the continuation of the robbery of Russia was reopened.

So, at least $850 million has died in the bowels of the Committee on Foreign Relations, led by Vladimir Putin - quite a tangible damage even for a very great power.

But not even the great, but just the power, does not give itself to plunder. Vladimir Putin, being a citizen of the Russian state, gave it to his "comrades" - G. Miroshnik, P.Bachman, D.Aydzhanov, V. Wittenberg, etc., "allowing" them, of course, "for beautiful eyes", to steal its resources from the power.

Again, this is The first case of Vladimir Putin (from the known to me) to "strengthen the power". Agree, then the opportunities were quite, quite small. But by becoming president of corrupt oligarchs, it will be possible to turn around.

Vladimir Putin is ready for this. In 1991-1992 he entered the criminal world and began to create his "great power" in it. Today he is called to lead it.

Scan of the document

Thus began to build the Corruption System in Russia on the scheme proposed by Putin not yet being president.

Witnesses remember that Putin was very nervous when Yeltsin summoned him to Moscow on the carpet, the case was handled by a commission of 30 inspectors. The then head of this department, Yuri Boldyrev, was soon dismissed. It's not hard to see why. In the course of his investigation, he probably understood what Putin was capable of. He also said that Vladimir Putin and his longtime friend Alexei Kudrin had the opportunity to destroy documents revealed during the inspections. Unsurprisingly, in the continuation of the journalistic investigation of the case of Marina Salier, received a response from the Presidential Administration that "these documents are no longer stored in the archives".

In the 1990s, the case was hushed up.

Marina Salier decided to remind the society about her St. Petersburg investigation in 2000, when Boris Yeltsin, then the then prime minister of Vladimir Putin, appointed Boris Yeltsin as his successor. She gives an interview to the press and publishes an article under the headline "Putin is the president of a corrupt oligarchy." But soon Marina Salier suddenly moved to live in the Pskov region and interrupts all communication with journalists, for ten years.

Marina Salier was a very old man. Maybe she was afraid she wouldn't have time to tell the truth. In 2012, and almost immediately after Putin's next election, Marina Salier died of a heart attack.

But after her death, the Salier Report itself was published, which had never been made public before. Export licenses, the very existence of which Putin denies, give permission to export oil to the company "Kirishineftehimexport" where Putin's friend Gennady Timchenko worked at the time. He is currently an oligarch, one of the richest men in Russia, co-owner of the largest oil trader Gunvor.

Timchenko was the main trader of the Kirish refinery. Oil was supplied to the plant by Surgutneftegaz, which in turn received oil from Kogalyma, located in the Khanty-Mansi region of Siberia. The mayor of this city was Sergei Sobyanin, who later rose rapidly to the post of mayor of Moscow in 2010.

Salier's report and information forced Timchenko to defend himself against questions - the media whether he was a participant in the corruption barter.

In today's Russia there is no state body that will ask questions of Timchenko (or Putin) on the basis of these documents.

Marina Salier's last speech, at a rally in St. Petersburg on February 4, 2012, was her testament to her descendants, where she, a 78-year-old woman, came to the rally with difficulty and said from the podium:

"I don't want our next president to greet us with the words "soak in the toilet" ...

I want Putin's case, which I have been dealing with since 1992, to be brought to trial.

I do not want our current president under the guise of his program to publish his inter-term semi-literate articles and impersonate his program.

I want Putin to be tried, and that the illegal issuance of licenses and the non-receiving of products from abroad by our city in 1992, for the export of raw materials that Putin pocketed, was considered by the court.

Our city was left without food then, and we had to introduce food cards in our former city, the former besieged Leningrad.

I want us not to have United Russia rules!

I want us to have a real multi-party system...

Marina Salier on Putin:

Translation 👇


Book publications:

Gevorgyan N., Kolesnikov A., Timakova N. First Person. Conversations with Vladimir Putin. - M.: Vagrius, 2000.

Newspaper and magazine and online publications:

Glasnost, Public Foundation, March 18, 2000: "Vladimir Putin is the "president" of a corrupt oligarchy" (author of the article - Marina Salier on the now unaffordable website of the Public Foundation "Glasnost":;

Novaya Gazeta, No. 18 of 13.03.2000: "Sausage for Peter. How Vladimir Putin tried to save his city from starvation" (author of the article - Oleg Lurie:;

Radio Liberty; "Why Marina Salier has been silent about Putin for 10 years": Marina Salier's interview with Radio Liberty (02.03.2010) and its deciphering (;

"Labor," No. 10 of 23.01.2008: "Dmitry Medvedev: Russia is a country of legal nihilism" ( 

Description of the book "Report on the activities of Vladimir Putin as head of the Foreign Relations Committee of the City Hall of St. Petersburg"

Description and summary "Report on the activities of Vladimir Putin as head of the Committee on Foreign Relations of the City Hall of St. Petersburg" read for free online.

On January 10, 1992, the Petro Council established a parliamentary working group to investigate the activities of the City Hall Committee on Foreign Relations, headed by Marina Salier and Yuri Gladkov. The scandal was related to the current program, which was carried out by the FAC under Putin's head and the contents of which Putin himself subsequently defined as: "businessmen are allowed to sell goods abroad, mainly raw materials group, and they are obliged to supply food"; this scheme was considered to be the only way out of the food crisis. Putin was accused of "issuing export licenses abroad for sale on barter of oil, forest, non-ferrous and rare earth metals to dubious and little-known firms, often established the day before. In addition, in most cases licenses were issued in advance - before signing contracts with Western partners and without the presentation of documents on the availability of goods." Putin was accused of imposing dumping prices and causing significant material damage to the city as a result 👇


Marina Salier - Report on Vladimir Putin's activities as head of the Foreign Relations Committee of the St. Petersburg City Hall

Here you can download for free "Marina Salier - Report on the activities of Vladimir Putin as head of the Foreign Relations Committee of the City Hall of St. Petersburg" in the format of fb2, epub, txt, doc, pdf. genre: 

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Report on Vladimir Putin's activities as head of the Foreign Relations Committee of the St. Petersburg City Hall


Marina Salier

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Reporting by Marina Sollier on Google's Russian-English translation (pdf)

file in my telegram channel. 

Russia language:

Vladimir Vysotsky - Criminal Code

We don't need plots and intrigues - 

We know everything you give. 

I, for example, the best book in the world 

I consider the Code Criminal ours. 


And if I don't have it and can't sleep 

Or with a hangover there is no face on me, 

I will open the code on any page - 

I can't do that! I read to the end. 


I didn't give my comrades any advice, 

But I know they're being robbed. 

Here's what I read about it: 

No less than three, not more than ten. 


You'll think about the simple lines - 

What are us novels of all times and countries! - 

They're all barracks, long as the deadlines, 

Scandals, fights, maps and deception. 


For a hundred years, I wouldn't see those lines! - 

I see someone's destiny behind everyone. 

And I rejoice when the article - not very: 

After all, someone will be lucky... 


And the heart beats the wounded bird, 

When I start reading my article. 

And the blood in the temples is so broken, knocking, 

Like garbage when they come to take. 

Vladimir Vysotsky

Victim of television

There's a TV, give me a podium,

It's going to blow up for miles!

It's not a window, I'm not going to spit.

It's like the whole world was cut through.

Rest in Crimea, Hurricane and Kobzon,

The film, part seven, you can eat here,

Because I haven't seen the previous six.

Well, that's so-so. And from the twenty-twenty-year-old

"Come on, girls!" What are you doing?

And all - in the aprons ... It's a TV - I don't have a house:

I grieve all the sorrow of the world,

I breathe my breasts with all the air of the world,

I see Nixon with his mistress.

Foreign chapter -

Right in the eye, to the head head,

I moved the stool with my foot a little bit.

And he was with the head of the tete-on-the-tete.

They give about baking up to twenty.

And my favorite is, "Come on, guys!"

They shoot, they jump... If you don't look, don't be a fool,

But at the extreme of God killed:

You don't know what talent is looking for,

After all, you do not know who is gifted!

I'm on a short leg with Mueller.

Sunerga, shock, and then the interview,

Oh, it's a good thing I don't drink with the decree!

I'm all about going there!

"Come on, girls!"

Everyone climbs in the first. How to convince me stubborn Nastya?!

Nastia wishes in the movies, as - Saturday,

Nastia says that I was imbued with passion

Well, yes, I'm getting into the apartment.

Look at the houses of Nixon and Georges Pompidou!

That's good - I took a bottle:

Georges is a sosh,

Richard didn't really.

I hacked the fourth one and onto the balcony:

"Come on, girls!" "Come on, guys!"

The awards are presented to the O-O-UN!... And then, in the closed cottage,

Where, unfortunately, obsessive service,

I've been delirious in all the shows,

I hear: don't cry- it's all right in the taiga,

The ussr-Germany match was won,

One hundred scoundrels captured,

And Magomayev sings in KVN.

Two TVs - twist-turn!

"Come on, girls!"

Don't be afraid to go crazy for them!

𝚼𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝕵𝖔𝖐𝖊𝖗 🃏

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