Murzilka 34.

Murzilka 34.

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THE company "ROTHSCHILD COORATE FINANCE, AO, consulting company" is located in the Company is located at: 123242, Moscow, Novinsky Boulevard, house 31, A sector, TDC Smolenskaya (615 m.) location_on Moscow, Novinsky Boulevard, 22, office 209.

Moscow, Romanov Lane, 4. Rothschild Corporation Finance, AO, consulting company. +74957758221. 

Victor Rothschild Soviet agentThe largest Jewish families diligently and with all their strength helped first the Bolsheviks and the emergence of the Soviet power - and then also by all means helped the USSR in economic industrialization and during the 2nd World War. 

There 🖕is no answer to one interesting question - why did they need it? 

Maybe you have the answer to our children's question..? ! 
Victor Rothschild and his company NM Rothschild Asset Management founded Biotechnology Investments Limited (BIL) following the Uk Cabinet Commission, which he led to the reorganization of British research and development. This insider trading gave him the lead in building biotech research firms that were the first to use "new" products to manipulate DNA - and even patented their crazy science.

The "reforms" of the Society of Pilgrims of Victor Rothschild led to the creation of people from the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the United States and the CIA to implement the "Internet of Things" SERCO, the "Internet of Things" SERCO, the Pirbrait Institute with IBM, Lockheed, RCA, NBC, CBS, Facebook, Google. This plan was greatly facilitated by the theft of inventions on social networks of Leader Technologies, an innovator columbus-OH. SERCO and "eineti" gained control of vast swathes of America's critical civilian and military infrastructure. SERCO, the Pirbrait Institute and the Pirbright Institute are controlled by the Monarch's Golden Action (Iron Control). 

Coronavirus is just the tip of the iceberg of the "new" products of biological warfare they have created. Newly discovered informant information shows that Anthony S. Fauci of the National Institutes of Health is at the epicenter of the use of nanotubes, nanowires and nanopores delivery systems to turn all these immoral biotechnological studies into weapons. Nobel biologist Sidney Brenner was Victor Rothschild's leading scientist in the Pilgrim Society project.

Victor Rothschild initiated investments in modern biotechnology, starting in 1981, when he founded Biotechnology Investment Limited (BIL) and hired the Nobel biologist Sydney Brenner to help him in his stupid assignment on genetic manipulation.

Today, none of the Rothschild-funded biotech companies recognizes the funding of the Rothschilds.

Rothschilds and Russia - love for the ages

How the Rothschilds became the main bankers of the Russian Empire...

We offer facts - it is much more exciting, whose any fiction.

Bankers of the House of Romanov

In the Russian Empire, the Rothschilds began with the same thing that the founder of the clan, Amschel, rose to when he was founded, with the provision of delicate financial services to the ruling dynasty. Lending began in 1822. Alexander II concluded in 1876 an agreement with the Rothschilds, under which they actually became the stewards of the tsarist treasury and were given the right to conduct deals with gold on behalf of the Russian Empire.

In Spain alone, about 48,000 tons of gold were placed.

The Rothschilds became financial agents for placing Russian government bonds on the foreign market, which can be read on the bonds themselves.

In particular, it was the Rothschilds who secured the placement in France of the same bonds on which the Bolsheviks refused to pay and the debt of $400 million was repaid only during the reign of Russian President Boris Yeltsin. 

However, Vladimir Shigin in the book "The Unknown War of Emperor Nicholas I" writes that the placement of bonds through the Rothschilds was engaged in another financier, banker Stieglitz. But it was the Rothschild Bank that was the institution where it was possible to receive coupon payments or to make a deal to buy and sell bonds abroad in Russia. Is it any wonder that when the US Federal Reserve was created, it was the Rothschilds who prompted Romanov to enter the share capital of Russian gold?

Another interest of the rothschild's diversified business in Russia is oil. The most famous is their participation in the Baku oil refineries, but the Rothschilds worked and, for example, in Belarus - on the same subject. The Rothschilds brought to oil production not just the scale - new technologies used both for the development of fields, and for the transportation of oil (railroad, oil pipelines, tankers), than brought Russian oil to the world market.

We work with the USSR as well

Joseph Stalin preferred to do operations with the Rockefellers. Perhaps this is due to the fact that Lev Trotsky, who had serious connections on Wall Street, just interacted with people and companies orbiting the Rothschilds.

Anthony Sutton wrote about these connections in 1974 in the book "Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution", based on the declassified government archives of the United States, Canada and Great Britain. When Stalin was gone, the Rothschilds did not miss their chance to resume work in Russia, now called the USSR and later since 1992 again Russia .

Since the mid-fifties they actively traded gold with the State Bank of the USSR and VEB ussr. Mikhail Gorbachev in the second half of the 1980s authorized the creation of an international commercial "Bank of Public Finance and Lending of National Programs" (BNP) in Moscow. Its major shareholders included The Swiss bank Rothschild Banque Privee Edmond de Rothschild SA.

Another side of the Rothschilds' interests is connected with the USSR.

Researchers are almost certain that no one named and undisclosed member of the famous "Cambridge Five" was Baron Nathaniel Victor Rothschild, a member of the House of Lords, head of the department of MI5 anti-sabotage.

This was discussed in 2015, after the publication of his memoirs, replete with real secret documents.

To the reader the book was several decades late, at the time the attempt to publish caused a terrible scandal in the former democratic jurisdictions and Margaret Thatcher most likely on the recommendation of the royal family banned the publication of the book in Europe, and the American administration - in the United States.

Meet - Communist banker Nathaniel Victor Rothschild

... Paradoxically, the further and swiftly we move away from the events of the turbulent thirties, the hotter interest in good old England to the then work of Soviet intelligence, especially to the activities of the "Cambridge Five".

But can only five members of the group of agents who worked for Soviet intelligence be involved? No, of course not. The evidence suggests that there were immeasurably more of them - agents, adherents of Cambridge and Oxford. Optimists in MI5 (English counterintelligence) believe that there were no more than 50.

Pessimists from the same agency believe that there were at least 200 of them.

One thing is clear: it is unprofitable for the British authorities and its counterintelligence to increase the number of exposed "patriots" of Great Britain who worked for Soviet intelligence. Therefore, according to the unspoken gentleman's agreement of the KGB of the USSR and the English Secret Intelligents Service, we operate the term "Cambridge Five". But have all of these five "knights without fear and reproach" been revealed to date? not at all! And the following narrative will be able to convince you of this...

Cambridge Five

The most famous of the "Cambridge Five" - Kim Philby - at one time almost managed to take the chair of the head of MI6 (English intelligence).

A brave and courageous man who balanced on the edge of the razor ten years after interrogations and accusations of espionage in favor of the Soviets and only in 1963 left the USSR because of the betrayal of the Chekist who fled to the West.

Philby was accused of warning about the dangers of failure of his friends, Soviet intelligence agents: Guy Burgess, a diplomat and officer of the Secret Intelligence Service, and Donald McLean, the head of the U.S. Department of Foreign Affairs, who sought refuge in the USSR in 1951. Both for about 20 years provided the NKVD-KGB with valuable information of political and military character, both risked their lives, and were not at all similar to the textual images of Soviet ascetic scouts of the 30s and 50s. 

* * *

Donald McLean, an analyst and scientist who, after fleeing to Moscow, worked at the Institute of World Economics and International Relations under a foreign name, author of dozens of books and hundreds of articles, never accepted the Soviet version of socialism. Modest and even shy in everyday life, he got drunk, became violent and uncontrollable: openly criticized the activities of our government and the leadership of the KGB. All his doubts and torment took to the grave, and bequeathed the ashes to bury in England. That was executed...

... Guy Burgess, outwardly irresistibly beautiful and charming man, had a sharp mind, was the soul of any society. Drunk and mot, besides bisexual, which he never hid, in Moscow and could not find himself. He drank without a drink, he longed to return to England. He died at the time of 53, completely exhausting his physical and spiritual potential. Just like McLean, he bequeathed his ashes to the London cemetery. The KGB has fulfilled his will...

The fourth was Professor Anthony Blunt, a fellow of the Secret Intelligents Service, an art historian, a subtle aesthete, a close relative and adviser to King George VI of England and queen Elizabeth II.

Blunt was betrayed by one of his recruited Americans, so in 1964 he had to confess to the British intelligence services in his work for Soviet intelligence, but managed to imagine it as a fight against fascism.

Given Blunt's kinship, finally his huge contribution to the development of British art history, English counterintelligence officers with clues to the royal court left him alone. Blunt was given a noble title and an honorary doctorate. Until the end of his days, he was the curator of His Majesty's Art Gallery of Great Britain.

Who was the fifth? The issue has worried a small part of England so far. It was believed that it was John Cairncross, recruited by the Russians while still being an adept of the Cambridge alma mater, and later worked in the English Foreign Office (U.K. Foreign Office), then in the Treasury of Her Majesty, then in the Office of the Prime Minister, then in the Secret Intelligens Service, then in the Encryption Service ...

The possibilities for obtaining information of interest to the Soviets, according to both the English everyman and counterintelligence, were truly limitless.

Shortly after Blunt's revelation, Cairncross, like his predecessor, repented and was younted. And as soon as the lawsuit was not started, Cairncross, who left for permanent residence in France, laundered all the charges. Therefore, the question of who was the number five in the "Cambridge group" remained open. Until the memoirs of deputy chief of MI5 (English counterintelligence) Peter Wright were published.

The memoirs, which were perhaps the most sensational and scandalous revelation of the 20th century!..... Is Rothschild a member of the Cambridge Five?

Sensation number one - Margaret Thatcher banned the publication of memoirs in the Old World - All European countries no matter how much. The U.S. presidential administration has imposed a ban on the release of memoirs in his home country.

Sensation number two - memoirs, replete with references to archival documents, should be published no earlier than ten years after the death of the main figure of the story - Baron Nathaniel Victor Rothschild, simply - Victor Rothschild ... That is why they came out at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries.

Yes, reader, you are not mistaken - we are talking about the offspring of the same banking dynasty, which for three hundred years created not only the financial, but also the economic climate in Western Europe and the United States; famous for its philanthropy, large loans for Great Britain and other countries to war with Napoleon.

With their money they made great politics. They subsidised Prime Minister Disraeli when he set out to buy the Suez Canal for Her Majesty. With the help of their capital, the Rothschilds made Eugene Montijo Empress Eugenie, the wife of Napoleon III, and so on, so on, etc.

For all this, the Rothschilds, small shopkeepers, changers, the monarch decree of Elizabeth II were awarded a noble title: barons ...

* * *

"Wow baron," you say, "hit the scracy of "bounty hunters" from the NKVD!"

But, it turns out, the poll of the British shows (and Peter Wright clearly demonstrates this in his sensational opus) that the very fact of espionage of such prominent and eminent personalities in the interests of the bloody regime of Russia does not care brits. 

All English agents had impeccable origins, brilliant education in closed schools and then in Cambridge. Money in their families chickens did not peck, all amazing careers, success in society ! What else do you need?!

And suddenly - went to the trampling of English laws - tied their fate with the bloody dictator Stalin, became "moles" undermining the foundations of the very establishment, which they had been !..

A win-win recruiting approach

Cambridge University, where in 1930 the twenty-year-old Baron Victor Rothschild entered, was famous not only for the best scientific staff, but also for his amazing free-thinking. Communist ideas, which Wright claimed to be particularly attractive to Victor when Hitler came to power in Germany, were incredibly popular. At this time Victor secretly joined the Communist Party.

In Cambridge, he met Blunt, Philby, Burgess, and Peter Kapitsa, an intern from Soviet Russia who worked in Rutherford's laboratory.

Victor then had no desire to engage directly in banking - from his father he inherited 265 million pounds (today it is more than three billion. - Note. author), who invested in a promising business, and he decided to devote himself to scientific activities.

* * *

               Moses' intelligence

In 1937, Victor took the place of his deceased banker uncle in the House of Lords of the English Parliament and became Lord Nathaniel Victor Rothschild. Working in the House of Lords and close friendship with Winston Churchill opened before him the immense prospects of obtaining political and scientific information, interested in Soviet intelligence. In addition, Rothschild was closely associated with the zionist movement and willingly gave money to rescue Jewish refugees.

* * *

For a time, Rothschild worked in a secret laboratory in Porton Down, where chemical weapons were developed. With the outbreak of World War II, he joined MI5 (English counterintelligence), commercial espionage, and in 1940 headed the anti-sabotage department.

After some time Victor, thanks to his abilities as a chemist and physicist, became the number one expert on German explosive devices, which the Nazis very skillfully camouflaged.

Subsequently, data on German explosive devices, which Rothschild handed over to the Center, helped to avoid hundreds of thousands of victims during the clearance of Krakow, Prague and Berlin...

The volume of valuable information, which came to the Center from Rothschild, was increasing, so in Moscow decided to give the agent not one, but as many as three liaisons ...             

Sunset of cooperation with the KGB

After the war, having received several top military awards from the British and Americans, Rothschild retired from MI-5 (counterintelligence of England) and on the instructions of the Center again closely engaged in scientific research in Cambridge, becoming the director of the British airline "BOAC", and continued to work in the House of Lords.

In secret from his moscow operators, Rothschild used his political influence and secret ties with the zionist Center in Vienna to create the state of Israel. But he made a mistake in his predictions: while the British Foreign Ministry took a pro-Arab position and resisted the pro-Israel lobby in the United States, Stalin wholeheartedly supported the idea of creating an Israeli state in Asia Minor.

This was perhaps the only serious mistake of Victor Rothschild...

As you know, the modern world is ruled by capital. Alas, this is the real picture of yesterday, today, and perhaps tomorrow. It just so happens that as long as there is money, people (overwhelmingly, with the exception of some righteous and crazy) will strive to possess them

And for some, for various reasons, it will be more successful than others - such is the law of life. It is equally obvious that the owners of large states will seek to preserve them at least, and even better - to increase. And to achieve this goal, we need the power to solve the problems as effectively as possible. That is, real power is wielded by those who have real financial resources.

It is these people (or rather, these groups) who really manage the world economy and politics. Given that the amount of capital available is not unlimited, there is fierce competition between these groups for spheres of influence and access to sources of wealth. But for all the participants of such competition are interested in clear rules of the global game and have to negotiate to avoid senseless losses. I think few would be able to object to these allegations. But they are, in essence, a summary of the so-called "conspiracy theory", at the mention of which many people have a condescending grin: "yes, as we heard - a global conspiracy, a secret world government, a "syndicate," "committee 300," the Bilderberg Club and other Belieberd."

It just so happens that the reasoning about the "conspiracy theory" is perceived by many as paranoid nonsense, without bothering, however, at the same time at least try to think about whether there is in all this delirium of rational grain.

Perhaps it is worth starting with the definition given by George Entin, professor emeritus at the University of Pennsylvania, in the book "Conspiracy Theories and Conspiracy Mentality": "Conspiracy is an illegal act of a small, secret group of people who intended to make a turn in the development of historical events, for example, to overthrow the government. Conspiracy theory is an attempt to explain an event, or a series of events as a result of a conspiracy."

A fairly understandable definition, in which there is only one "but": why should the actions of conspirators necessarily be illegal? It is simply possible to achieve legislation that ultimately achieves the desired goal. And then we just get an ordinary situation in which a group of powerful people sets a certain whatever goal and achieves, using all available means.

Such situations exist all the time, even at the grassroots level. After all, no one is surprised that any large financial-industrial group promotes to senators or governors of the person, using all available opportunities for this. And sometimes it even turns out that people directly connected with crime are promoted to power. The same thing is happening in other countries - large companies fund the election campaigns of candidates for senators, governors and presidents, and no one even thinks that this is just a special case of the manifestation of "conspiracy theory" in action. And just as everyone quite takes for granted when the president or prime minister of the country during a foreign visit lobbies the interests of a large national corporation - it is believed that these very leaders of the countries simply promote the interests of the state. How can you not remember the catchphrase "What is good for Boeing is good for America."

And hardly anyone will be surprised by the statement that the economy of his country is controlled by a narrow group of people (or rather, several groups), because this statement is true even for totalitarian regimes.

 In the context of the internationalization of business, which is now entering the stage of globalization, the interests of industrial and financial groups of different countries intersect, and these groups themselves merge with each other or are absorbed by stronger and more experienced ones. But there are very few of these strongest and most experienced in the world arena. These include groups that have historically created powerful positions in the global economy and their names are well known. First of all, these are the Rothschilds and Rockefellers, since the vast majority of other groups are associated with these two clans and either depend on them (acting as agents), or are completely controlled by them - Morgan, Mellon, Coon, Loeb, Warburg, etc.

 It makes no sense to go into the history of these two clans (although it is so fascinating that its film adaptation can overshadow all the world cinema masterpieces so far filmed) - anyone can easily find it on the Internet.

 The history of relations between Russia and the Rothschilds began at the end of the 18th century. The Russian Empress Catherine II refused to send a punitive expeditionary corps (20 thousand Cossacks) to the English king George III to suppress the uprising in the colonies. This request was answered by Prince William I of Saxony, who provided mercenaries for; 8 million, paid in treasury securities. Its manager, A.M. Rothschild, accepted the paper at a discount, which he appropriated. Thus began the rise of the Rothschild family to the heights of financial power.

 A.M. Rothschild also helped finance the preparations for the French Revolution. The son of Catherine II, Emperor Paul I, on November 28, 1798, received the title of “Grand Master of the Sovereign Order of St. John of Jerusalem”. Napoleon Bonaparte in 1801 began negotiations with Paul on the joint withdrawal of the "pearl of the English crown" - India. On January 18, 1801, a secret order was sent to the ataman of the Don Host Vasily Petrovich Orlov: 30 thousand Cossacks with artillery to move through Kazakhstan to Indus.

 Supporters of England - the military governor of St. Petersburg Palen and Count Panin - organized a coup in favor of Alexander I. Russia was dragged into the war with Napoleon in Europe: the first war of 1805 - the defeat of the Russian-Austrian troops at Austerlitz; the second war of 1807 - the defeat of the Russian army in East Prussia. In 1807-1812, Russia, in alliance with Napoleon, carried out a continental blockade of England in naval wars. However, Napoleon did not go to England - everything ended for Russia in the war of 1812 and the capture of Moscow by the French.

 The Napoleonic Wars served as an excellent mechanism for the production of money by international bankers. The Rothschild family benefited greatly from the creation of a banking network (London - Paris - Frankfurt am Main - Vienna - Naples), which covered most of Europe, as well as information exchange systems. By the end of the era of the Napoleonic wars, only the French branch of the family was worth 600 million francs and exceeded the capital of all other French banks by 150 million. Nathan Rothschild brought the Bank of England (which had been a private bank since 1694) under family control - the bank became the main agent of their subsequent international expansion.

 The Battle of Waterloo eliminated an extraordinary threat to the future activities of international bankers. The fact is that the Emperor Napoleon at the end realized that he, the French people and the French army had acted as an expendable pawn to ensure the financial power of the Rothschild family. The following words belong to him: “Money has no homeland; financiers have neither patriotism nor honesty; their only goal is profit. " He tried to introduce his own "continental system": monetary policy was directed at the development of agriculture and industry. He strove to ensure that foreign trade did not rule the state. And he ended up with a reference to a deserted island.

 In 1816 England demonetized silver and adopted the gold standard. By this time, the Rothschilds controlled a significant part of the gold reserves and fixed its price. Bullion prices were set twice daily on the London Gold Exchange by five leading dealers. They simply agreed (the natural essence of price competition) about the price at which they were willing to trade gold that day. Therefore, the adoption by any country of the gold standard meant that their monetary system was under the control of the Bank of England (Rothschilds), i.e. simply dependent on London bullion brokers.

In 1839-1843, Russian Finance Minister E.F.Kankrin prepared a monetary reform to establish a firm course of appropriations in relation to the silver ruble. To prepare for the reform, he accelerated the accumulation of silver reserves, introduced a cost-saving regime and only reduced military spending in half, attracting public funds from winning Treasury tickets and bonds. In 1843, instead of appropriations began to produce new paper money - credit rubles, which were freely exchanged for silver in a ratio of 1:1. The ruble became a stable currency - such the Bank of England could not allow.

The paratrooper from the Anglo-French squadron took possession of the Russian fortress of Bomardzund (Baltic Sea) on August 16, 1854. In August of the same year, the Anglo-French paratrooper landed in Petropavlovsk-on-Kamchatka. Turkish-French-English 60-thousand-thousand-hour landing in September of the same year landed in Eupatoria in Crimea - began a long defense of Sevastopol. Russia's war was threatened by Austria and Sweden. In the face of the threat of Japanese aggression, Russia was forced to sign on February 7, 1855 the Russian-Japanese treaty on the partition of the Kuril Islands and joint ownership of Sakhalin Island.

Huge post-war budget deficit led to the abolition of serfdom in 1861 - the state bought land from landlords securities. The peasants became indebted to the state, were united into communities and returned under collective responsibility the debt to their own state with "living" money with installments of 49 years and payment of 6% per annum. In 1862-1863, Finance Minister M.H.Reiter made an attempt to stabilize Russia's monetary system with additional gold collateral at a firm rate. For this reform, Russia received a large external loan, provided, of course, by the English Rothschilds, and in 1864 the first commercial credit bank appeared in Russia. 

But after a few years the budget deficit only increased. To cover the debt to the Rothschilds in 1867, it was decided to sell Alaska to the United States of America for $7.3 million (admittedly, the money has not yet been received - the ship on which they were supposedly transported from the United States sank before reaching St. Petersburg). In the end, Russia gave up the gold security.

Interestingly, by the way, that the history of Russia and the United States has quite a lot of intersections, many of which are associated with the Rothschilds. Thus, being true to its tradition of earning in wars, during the Civil War in the North American continent, the Rothschilds financed both warring parties: the London bank Rothschilds financed the army of the North, and the Paris bank - the army of the South. Upon learning of this, Lincoln refused to pay huge interest to the Rothschilds in 1862 and 1863. Moreover, he instructed Congress to start printing dollars to be able to pay the North's army. In 1864, Lincoln learned that the Russian Emperor Alexander II had opposed the Rothschilds, denying their continued attempts to establish the Central Bank under their control in Russia. The same struggle against the Rothschilds, but already in America, led by Lincoln himself. He asked Alexander II to assist in the Civil War, and the Russian emperor responded by sending an Atlantic squadron under the command of Admiral Popov to the port of New York, and the Pacific Squadron of Admiral Lisovsky to San Francisco. He ordered Popov and Lisovsky to "be ready to fight any enemy forces and take command of Lincoln," thus making it clear to England, France and Spain that if they intervened, Russia would support President Lincoln. In the end, what happened - Lincoln won the Civil War, but the Rothschilds held a grudge against both him and Alexander II.

The main task of the Rothschilds in Russia in the 19th century was to establish control over oil fields in Baku. And this result was achieved, which was facilitated by the results of the Russo-Turkish war - Russia received Batum. 

However, this was preceded by a serious behind-the-scenes struggle, to which Russia itself, paradoxically, had almost nothing to do. Actually, initially England was categorically against. 

Peter Shuvalov, who on behalf of Alexander II conducted secret negotiations with the British government, reported to the emperor about the existence of a secret Anglo-Turkish treaty: "In case Batum, Ardagan, Kars or one of these places will be withheld by Russia," the document read - England is obliged by force of arms to help the sultan to protect the Asian possessions of Turkey. Actually, the Russian autocrat was quite ready to agree to leave Batum of Turkey, but suddenly, contrary to all expectations, the British still agreed to hand it over to Russia.

Only many years later it turned out that behind the scenes of these diplomatic maneuvers were really two powerful forces - the Paris banking house of the Rothschilds and the American oil company "Standard Oil" Rockefeller. The Rothschilds needed to ensure that Batum in any form would be under the jurisdiction of Russia, while Rockefeller tried to prevent the Rothschilds from infiltrating the Caucasus. But it ended with the fact that on August 25, 1878, the Russian army entered Batum under the leadership of Prince Sviatopolk-Mirsky.

And now, in 1886, the French banker house "Brothers Rothschild", which bought shares of the Caspian-Black Sea oil and trade society began to take an active part in the development of the oil industry in the Caucasus. But first he had to face serious competition, because in 1879 Baku was registered the Association of Oil Production of the Nobel brothers. However, the rivalry was not very long. Taking advantage of the fact that lending in Russia was based on 6% per annum, the Rothschilds issued loans under 2 - 3%. Thus, by 1888 this family had acquired almost half of all carriages of the Transcaucasian Railway, made a significant number of small and medium-sized enterprises dependent on itself, and concentrated large quantities of Baku oil products in their hands. Since then, the Rothschilds have begun to establish full control over the transportation of petroleum products for export.

Events developed according to a proven scenario: the Rothschilds traditionally lent "cheap" money to small Russian oil producers in exchange for guarantees of the purchase of oil they extracted at favorable prices so as to make unprofitable business Nobels, which built the Baku-Batum pipeline. It, by the way, was eventually built (including thanks to the dynamite invented by Alfred Nobel) and in 1889 was even put into operation, but it did not help to win the fight against the Rothschilds, who had huge financial resources. As a result, Baku oil almost completely came under the control of the Rothschilds, and Russia became the largest oil supplier after the United States in the world. In 1900, Baku's oil fields in Russia produced more crude oil than the entire United States, and in 1902 more than half of the world's oil was produced by Russia.

Of course, Rockefeller could not accept this state of affairs. And the way out was found - the revolution in Russia. According to the documents of the Congress of the United States, John D. Rockefeller from the early years of the twentieth century provided financial support to Lenin and Trotsky, strengthening it after the failure of the revolution of 1905. The most active work began in January 1917, when Rockefeller's partner Jacob Schiff began to finance Trotsky to make a socialist revolution in Russia. Trotsky was brought to the United States, where he lived for free in a room owned by Standard Oil in Bayonne, New Jersey.

There is evidence of jewish capital financing of the revolutions of 1905, 1917, because the Schiffs were long-time partners of the Rothschilds - still in Frankfurt living with them under the same roof.

When Nicholas II abdicated in 1917, Trotsky, with $10,000, which Rockefeller gave him for travel expenses, went with a group of 300 revolutionaries to Europe. However, on the way he was detained by the Canadian authorities at the request of the British "until further instructions are received". After catching up, the British Prime Minister Lloyd George sent an urgent order from London to the Secret Service of Canada, so that they immediately released Trotsky, but they did not treat it with due attention.

In the late 1980s, Mikhail Gorbachev, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, authorized the creation of a powerful international commercial "Bank for Public Finance and Lending of National Programs" (BNP) in Moscow. Its main shareholder was to become the Swiss bank Rothschild Banque Privee Edmond de RothschildSA. Claiming total control over the economy of the Soviet Union, the Rothschilds demanded from the Commission for the Study of Natural Forces and Resources of the USSR academy to conduct a full inventory of all continental resources of the country. But then the KGB, so hated by foreigners, intervened, saying that the heads of a number of joint ventures connected to the creation of the BNP are connected with the international mafia (including the drug mafia). At the same time, it was found that the main income stream of drug syndicates went to Switzerland, where part of it settled in the banks of the Rothschilds. Of course, the scandal was eventually extinguished, and in exchange the Rothschilds, through the firms under their control, began to finance the restructuring. The result exceeded all the wildest expectations - the USSR fell apart, and the Rothschild clan was able to win back from the Rockefellers positions lost after the revolution of 1917.

Actually, the facts of the recent history of Russia show that the Rothschilds are gradually achieving the desired result. 

Heinrich Heine (son of a banker) said, "Money is the god of our time, and Rothschild is his prophet." "Give me the right to release and control the country's money, and I don't care who makes the laws!" said Mayer Amshel Rothschild in the early 19th century. His descendants faithfully fulfilled the wish of his great-grandfather. Today, the descendants of the Rothschilds largely dictate what the US Federal Reserve will do with the finances of America and indeed the world, as the top of Great Britain and France they also control.

The organizers of the Open Russia Foundation were Lord Rothschild and Mikhail Khodorkovsky. Mikhail Khodorkovsky is the chairman of the board of Open Russia. The Board of Directors included Henry Kissinger and Jacob Rothschild. 

A search of the Archives of the Internet provided the now closed version of the website of the Open Russia Foundation. The board of directors is a very colorful company in it.

1. Mikhail Khodorkovsky. The man who was preparing for the role of the President of the Russian Federation, controlled by the Rothschild syndicate to bring chaos to the country and its further collapse and the establishment of the entire economy and military-industrial complex under U.S. control - according to Poroshenko's clear counterpart in Ukraine. Khodorkovsky was stopped by Vladimir Putin when it became clear that he was preparing to transfer all his oil fields under the control of foreign capital. 2. His "honor" Henry Kissinger. Bayern-born Heinz Alfred Kissinger. Like his Nobel Peace Adviser, from 1969 to 1975, and the U.S. Secretary of State from 1973 to 1977. He is a fugitive from the International Military Tribunal for Operation Condor, which spawned war crimes by the juntas in Chile and Argentina, and is convicted of bombing Cambodia for supporting the Turkish invasion and genocide in Cyprus in 1974. His "honor" Arthur Hartman. U.S. Ambassador to the USSR 1981 - 1987, under R. Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev. A man who took a direct part in the collapse of the SOVIET Union. 4. Lord Jacob Rothschild. President of the Institute for the Study of Jewish Politics. It was to him who was to hand Khodorkovsky the oil riches of the Russian Federation. In November 2003, the Sunday Times reported that one of the Rothschilds had become the owner of a large stake in Yukos. According to the newspaper, Khodorkovsky and Jacob Rothschild some time ago entered into a custody agreement. It automatically came into force after Khodorkovsky's arrest. The Internet is full of rumors about the Rothschilds' membership in secret orders, which believe that they rule the world.

(The Masonic Order of Bnai Brit, The All-Seeing Eye of Sion, or "The Gnostic View of Lucifer," but for us this information is still considered unverified). 5. Mikhail Piotrovsky is the director of the State Hermitage Museum.

"Henry Kissinger's role in the Kampuchea genocide, in Chile, and East Timor make him a war criminal, at least to Hitler's Minister of Foreign Affairs Ribbentrop, hanged in 1946", Edward S. Herman, a professor at a college at the University of Pennsylvania

"If the killing of hundreds of thousands of innocent peasants, dropping millions of tons of bombs on unprotected civilian objects is not a war crime, then there are no war crimes at all. If Kissinger is not responsible for these crimes, there are no war criminals at all." "Salon.comBooks" (USA)

Henry Alfred Kissinger.

 Former US Secretary of State, diplomat, master of the behind-the-scenes game. One of the members of the organizing committee of the Bilderberg Club, which is building the future of the global world. Head of the international consulting firm Kissinger Associates Inc *

 In a number of countries in Europe and America, attempts were made to arrest Henry Kissinger for war crimes in connection with his participation in organizing coups, assassinations, occupations and executions in Indochina, Chile, Bangladesh, East Timor and Cyprus. Some of Kissinger's former colleagues describe him as "a hypocrite, liar, schemer, murderer, pseudo-intellectual, plunderer of government property and speculator with plunder."


 During his career, Kissinger appeared as the author of the idea of ​​creating an anti-Soviet bloc with the PRC, supporting the dictatorial regimes in South America, organizing the Pinochet coup in Chile in 1973, as well as organizing the murders and supporter of birth control. It was Kissinger who brought General Marshall into the highest political circles - they must have agreed on views. Marshal went down in history as the inspirer of the concept of a protracted nuclear war - with constant modernization of weapons, careful protection of state leaders in reliable bunkers, the introduction of nuclear weapons and missile defense systems into Earth's orbit. Kissinger made his main career under President Nixon, whose political career ended after the Watergate scandal.

 Kissinger and Nixon.

 The Vietnam War 1968 is the height of the struggle between Vice President Humphrey and Nixon for the presidency. The main trump card of the Democrats and personally Humphrey is the negotiations in Paris, which could result in the end of the Vietnam War. In parallel with these negotiations, Kissinger is leading his own, promising the Vietnamese mountains of gold for rejecting the peace proposals made by Humphrey. Clark Clifford, then US Secretary of Defense, described Kissinger's actions in his memoirs as "gross, illegal private interference in national security affairs." The Vietnamese junta followed Kissinger's lead and rejected the truce. The disrupted negotiations knocked the ground out from under the feet of the Democrats, and led to the victory of Nixon. And four years later, Nixon and Kissinger signed a peace agreement on terms borrowed from Humphrey. Over four years, one and a half million people have died. 1,500,000 corpses - the first installment for the right to rule.

 US invasion of Cambodia.

 On April 30, 1970, US troops invaded Cambodia. Tens of thousands of American lives, hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese lives have come at a cost. Under Kissinger's leadership, the United States carried out 3,600 covert missions in Cambodia in 14 months, dropping 110,000 tons of bombs. Colonel Sitton recalled that Kissinger was directly involved in the leadership and timing of the bombing. Kissinger said: "I can't believe that a fourth grade country like North Vietnam cannot be broken."

 In 11 days in December 1972, during the so-called "Christmas bombardment", 129 B-52 bombers dropped 40,000 tons of bombs on Hanoi and Haiphong, destroying hospitals and other civilian urban facilities.

 Nobel Peace Prize.

 And here comes the most amazing moment in his biography - for his tricks with Vietnam, Kissinger received - attention ... - The Nobel Peace Prize! This is truly the greatest mockery! The prize was awarded to him along with the Vietnamese leader Le Duc Tho, who also signed the peace agreement. Kissinger didn’t even notice that Le Duc Tho didn’t attend the ceremony in Oslo. The Vietnamese side rejected the award because there was no peace in Vietnam, there was nothing to celebrate and there was nothing to receive the award for. It is a terrible paradox to be the laureate of a peace prize, when in reality all the merit consists only in unleashing a war.

 Monstrous bombing of Cambodia.

 1972-74 years. It was at this time that as many bombs were dropped on Cambodia as on Japan during the entire Second World War. Why did they attack the civilian population in the villages, why are there so many civilian casualties in this war? Between 1969 and 1973, more than 50,000 Cambodians died, and by 1974 bombing raids had destroyed the country's agriculture, causing a severe famine. More than 2,000,000 refugees took refuge in already overcrowded cities. By 1979, 3,000,000 Cambodians had died.

 Watergate scandal.

 The end of Nixon's career. In 1972, in preparation for the next elections, it turned out that in Washington's Watergate hotel, where the campaign headquarters of the US Democratic Party was located, an attempt was made to install wiretaps on Nixon's personal orders. It was this spy scandal that marked the end of Nixon's political life. He left without waiting for impeachment. In one of the counts of impeachment, he was accused of concealing the bombing of Cambodia from Congress. Nixon's men were linked as members of a bandit group. They have committed crimes inside and outside the United States. But this did not harm the immediate leader of the operation - the ubiquitous Henry Kissinger.

 Timor Leste (1975), Congressional sale of American arms to the Suharto regime.

Knowing that the left-wing Fretilin movement was growing in popularity in East Timor, Henry Kissinger saw the threat of communism in this small former Portuguese colony, which was about to gain independence. At a meeting with the Indonesian dictator Suharto Kissinger, in fact, gave the green light to the Indonesian invasion of Timor and guaranteed military support. Soon followed by the seizure of the territory of Vost. Timor and the subjugation of the population through genocide. What happened there became a monstrous massacre of thousands of people - the result of constant attacks by the Indonesian army from the air, sea and land. Reports said that Indonesian soldiers would force people into schools, then set buildings on fire, and shoot anyone who tried to escape. Most of the people were burned alive ... people were herded into the fields and shot with machine guns. People were driven into the mountains and anyone who stopped were shot. America generously provided Suharto's regime with weapons, helicopters, ammunition, food, ammunition, whatever the Indonesians needed to wage war, and also trained Indonesian special forces. Invasion, executions, devastation of the land, severe famine. During the 27-year Indonesian occupation, from 100 to 250 thousand people were killed (with a total population during the invasion of about 600 thousand people), almost the same number became refugees. In all interviews, Kissinger has always denied that he discussed the possibility of an invasion during his meeting with Suharto.

 Henry Kissinger. Under the banner of humanism

The Condor Flight

This was the name given to the campaign to persecute and destroy political opposition in several South American countries in the 1970s and 1980s with the participation of U.S. intelligence agencies. A system of information-sharing, physical removal of unreliable elements and coordination has been established in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay, Ecuador and Chile. The undesirables were kidnapped and sent to the so-called "death flights" - drug-intoxicated, taken out on planes and dumped into the ocean. The number of people killed is in the thousands. Some details of the massacres came to light from former Argentine Navy officer Adolfo Silingo, who was sentenced to 640 years in prison in Spain in 2005. Silingo participated in two "death flights" involving 30 people. Operation Condor was overseen by the CIA and U.S. authorities, which brought many dictators, including the later convicted Pinochet, to power.

A coup in Chile.

The disgraceful dirty participation of the United States in the overthrow of the democratically elected government of Allende in Chile. Salvador Allende promised to nationalize the industry, which became a threat to American trans-national corporations. It called on Kissinger to take action against Allende, and Pepsi President Donald Kendall expressed the same wish to his old friend Richard Nixon. For solving the problem with Chile, Nixon was offered economic support during the 1971-72 presidential campaign. Kissinger became the chief leader of this secret operation. He said: "I don't understand why we should allow the country to become communist because of the irresponsibility of its people," calling for drastic measures "to shock Chileans." He was personally informed about the preparation of the coup. The CIA warned that Salvador Allende enjoyed great support and that the Chilean military would not participate in the coup. Kissinger brushed aside these objections and pressed the CIA, continuing to incite a coup. Chilean General Schneider, who enjoyed great military authority, was the main obstacle to the coup. The CIA has devised a plan to kill him. People with criminal pasts were recruited, and from the U.S. they sent the most modern weapons for murder by diplomatic mail. Groups of anti-tenants received generous funding: the money went and was controlled through the CIA. Schneider was shot in his own car. The CIA congratulated its agents in Chile on their excellent work. An internal CIA investigation found that one of the killers was paid $35,000. Kissinger was at the head of this conspiracy. Perhaps only a judicial investigation could reveal the truth. After Schneider's death, Allende won the election, but the efforts of Nixon and Kissinger to overthrow him eventually succeed.

September 11, 1973 - Military coup in Santiago and the murder of Allende. Pinochet comes to power. More than 30,000 people were killed in the country during the month. For 17 years the country is immersed in a climate of bloody terror.

28 years later, on September 11, 2001, The Washington Post published news of a lawsuit against Henry Kissinger filed by Rene Schneider, the son of slain Chilean General Schneider, over his father's death. But the events that happened that morning overshadowed the news.

Henry is an investigator.

The events of 11 September, the deliberate horrific material and human sacrifices of America caused a shock from American citizens, paving the way for united UN activities, using NATO to hit key targets in the Middle East, South Asia and the Balkans. The ultimate goal is the eventual destruction of all national sovereignty and the establishment of a world government.

Henry Kissinger. Under the banner of humanism

The fact that Henry Kissinger, who already had arrest warrants for war crimes and complicity in murders, was chosen to head the commission of inquiry on September 11, which already had arrest warrants for war crimes and complicity in murders. According to a New York Times commentary, who else would be better able to investigate a criminal attack on America than a man who used to prepare America's lawless attacks? Who better to expose the duplicity and deceitfulness of the government than the man who organized the secret wars and overthrows of foreign governments, secret bombings, secret listening to political opponents and secret plots? As head of the investigation, Kissinger announced that he did not intend to separate himself from the activities of his consulting firm in his new position and would decide whether his clients' interests could conflict with the interests of the investigation. The former secretary of state declined to name clients of his current company, Kissinger Associates. And since the investigation encouraged him to ask many uncomfortable questions to politicians and heads of corporations (including his clients), it is obvious that there could be no objectivity, because clearly whose interests (investigators or their clients, paying him huge fees) would prefer to keep such an "investigator". Under the powerful pressure of protests and objections, Bush had to remove Kissinger from the commission 16 days later and appoint former New Jersey Governor Thomas Keane to his place.

Less people - more oxygen!

A staunch globalist and supporter of the New World Order, Kissinger is behind the U.S. National Security Plan adopted in the 1970s. The plan sees the population of third world countries as a potential threat to the United States. This means that their population should be reduced. Countries should be offered loans- but only in exchange for their participation in the birth control program. And to make the process more fun, the plan provides for the organization of local wars, forced sterilization of the population and the use of food supplies as weapons. America is no stranger to this - in 1907, in the United States, by a court order, people were forcibly sterilized. John Rockefeller sponsored such orders, and later the idea was adopted by the Nazis.

Attempts to arrest Henry Kissinger In 2001, a number of human rights organizations sued former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, accusing him of numerous war crimes. He was sent subpoenas from Spanish judge Baltasar Garzon, Argentine judge Rodolfo Corral, French judge Roger Loire, Chilean judge Juan Tapia, a number of Swiss politicians and deputies sent inquiries to the prosecutor's office demanding Kissinger's arrest for war crimes, British human rights defender Peter Tetchell tried to obtain a warrant for Kissinger's arrest. Numerous attempts to detain him in France, Great Britain, Spain, Switzerland and Ireland were initiated. Each time, Henry Kissinger managed to safely carry his feet out of a dangerous place.

There is a reasonable question: why is the subject with such a criminal reputation still at large? The answer is simple. Washington has its own ideas about justice. All attempts to engage Kissinger through diplomatic channels, even to obtain testimony, were ignored by the White House. This is an example of how the United States considers itself exceptional. The U.S. is not subject to the jurisdiction of the ICC. International legislation is a very good thing, but for other countries. 

Adam Weishaupt (1748-1811), originally a Jew, converted to Catholicism and ended up creating a "new" secret society of the Illuminati. In fact, it was not a new society, it existed under different names for a long time, but during the life of Weishaupt the organization was publicly opened. It is not clear whether he was under someone's influence, but most researchers agree that Weishaupt was nothing more than a doll in the hands of the Masonic elite.

The Freemasons founded a new branch of Freemasonry, the Freemasonry of the Scottish ritual with 33 degrees of initiation. Today it is one of the most influential secret societies, including prominent politicians, religious leaders, businessmen and other useful people. The facts indicate that Weishaupta was sponsored by the Rothschilds, who then and now are the heads of Masonic structures around the world.

The Illuminati have their own hierarchy of initiations ABOVE (or more precisely after) the 33 degrees of Freemasonry. Even people who have reached the highest degrees of Freemasonry have no idea about the degrees of the Illuminati - it is a secret. Weishaupt dreamed of ruling the world, and he developed a clear strategy to create a "single world government" and a "new world order." All this was recorded in the so-called "Protocols of the elders of zion," which allowed to blame the Jews in the event of failure of the plan.

And the plan failed! The Illuminati envoy was killed by lightning as he galloped across the field, and the "protocols" he carried were discovered and made public. This happened in the 1770s. The Brotherhood decided never to use the term "Illuminati" again, but to keep their agents in order to achieve the goal of world domination. One of these agent groups was the union of free masons - Freemasonry, which earned a good reputation in society.

It is believed that Weishaupt was killed by his own Freemasons brothers for not being able to keep his mouth shut and continued to use the name "Illuminati". There may be other reasons.

The secret goal, however, has survived. Weishaupt and the Rothschilds then became the head of the Illuminati (and remain to this day). They were greatly assisted in achieving the goal by Freemason Cecil Rhodes, who in the 19th century tried to build a single world government led by the British Empire. This plan was funded by the Rothschilds. And it was Rhodes who created the secret society "Round Table", named after King Arthur and his Round Table, which today sits the elite of the brotherhood.

The society, named in this way in honor of the legendary Round Table of King Arthur and his knights, was created by diamond mining magnate Cecil Rhodes. Jim Marrs' "The Rule of Secrecy" describes Rhodes as "the ancestor of modern secret societies." And Dr. Coleman described the Round Table group in his book "Committee 300" as "a labyrinth of companies, organizations, banks and educational institutions." Cecil Rhodes was born in 1853 into a vicar's family, and as a child studied Greek philosophy. At a young age, Rhodes was already actively involved in the activities of the English Frankmasons, being under the influence of Professor John Raskin, a teacher of fine arts. Raskin studied the secret societies and works of Plato, and came to the conclusion that the management of the world - the lot of the ruling elite and society is better not to interfere in the activities of the ruling class. Rhodes subsequently became the owner of De Beers Consolidated Main, Ltd., which was engaged in mining in Southern Rhodesia, and by the age of forty already controlled 90% of the world's diamond production. The outer circle was called the "Circle of The Accepted" and the inner circle was called the "Union of Helpers." To be more clear about the direction of this secret society, suffice it to say that its members were the British financier Lord Victor Rothschild and Lord Milner.

Rhodes is called the founder of Southern Rhodesia - the present zimbabwe.

You can trace the chain that leads from The Rosicrucians of Bulver-Lytton to our days. On the basis of the Golden Dawn, the Round Table was founded, led by colonial tycoon Cecile Rhodes. 

It should also be borne in mind that the essential circumstance that the American Department of State is modeled on a secret society to exercise secret control over world processes. After all, it was to President Wilson that Colonel E. House (1858-1938) created the intelligence of the US State Department on the model of the British secret service MI6. Moreover, in 1916, he organized a special secret Analytical Center within the foreign policy intelligence of the State Department of America, which was under the operational subordination of MI6 and was financed from the secret funds of the Bank of England. "The think tank ideologically obeyed

 the London Round Table Society, and therefore the globalists. This Center, in addition to its analytical activities, was involved in organizing funding for Trotsky-Bronstein, who developed the idea of ​​a world revolution.

 It was this Center that began to develop the ideology of globalism ... It was the Analytical Center of E. House that became the basis for the formation of the Council on Foreign Relations, which was established by the American banker Morgan in 1921 with the active support of the US Secretary of State E. Ruth ... (Panarin I. Mir after the crisis.)

 The Analytical Center is closely connected with such an important instrument of world politics as the Royal Institute of International Relations (KIMO), created in 1920 ... This Royal Institute of International Relations and a number of other similar institutions and laboratories carry out large-scale operations for the secret administration of states and are at the disposal of secret organization "Committee 3000" ... Here a special role is played by the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations ... which developed the programs of the British Bureau of Psychological Warfare. System confrontations, military conflicts and full-scale wars (like World War II), finally, the regulation of the world's population, all included in the plans of the "Committee-300", which has the ultimate goal - the triumph of the "New World Order" in society. The secret operations of the committee are carried out by the Anti-Defamation League, the British intelligence service MI-6, and the SIS special unit that conducts any top-secret operations.


 Continuation of this entertaining story about various fossils and fossils of Keys, the same age as Nazism in Germany and Bolshevik terror in Russia at 35 Murzilki below 🗒 ✏️

Henry Alfred Kissinger, born Heinz Alfred Kissinger, was born Heinz Alfred Kissinger.

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