By 2025, according to Satanist plans, covid- 19 should be replaced with "St. Paul's Acute Respiratory Syndrome"

By 2025, according to Satanist plans, covid- 19 should be replaced with "St. Paul's Acute Respiratory Syndrome"

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The Lock Step script was released in May 2010 by the Rockefeller Foundation. 

The World Bank has funded this and will continue until 2025.

The next script has already been written. 

The scenario for 2025-2028 has already been published and the disease will be called, if we do not spoil their plans, "Acute Respiratory Syndrome of St. Paul."

Pfizer points out in its documents that vaccinated against couidiosis emit some crap. 

Another "conspiracy theorist" who came forward and warned about the release of particles from vaccinated against couidiosis was none other than Pfizer itself. In their own headlights. The giant openly acknowledges that people who have recently been given an injection can pass on what is contained in their syringe to others, including through contact with the skin.

Pfizer does not specify what vaccines are given out, but warns that the culprits are people who have recently been vaccinated against the couida vaccine. Such transmission can occur by simply shaking hands or hugging. This will almost certainly happen during sexual activity, which means that those who want to avoid contracting any poison inside these things should be sure that their partner has not received the injection.

The paper states that vaccinated pregnant women may suffer from spontaneous abortions and other reproductive problems, as do unvaccinated people who come into contact with them.

Pfizer also recognizes that vaccinated men can transmit viral components to women at conception, meaning that both women and their unborn children can contract poisons through external contact.

An unvaccinated pregnant woman can also receive viral components from her doctor or another family member who has been vaccinated. According to Pfizer, this can happen "with inhalation or contact with the skin." That is, while the media call it a "conspiracy theory," Pfizer warns in its news reports that being in close proximity to a vaccinated person can cause health problems.

Pfizer also wants participants in clinical trials who believe they may have been exposed to "environmental" chemicals from someone who has already been pricked to report the incident through the SAE report form and an additional form of EDP.

The good news is that many people begin to understand the horror of what is happening and soberly assess things, realizing the dangers of vaccinated.

Clinton's advocate for abortion called on people to vaccinate and censor anyone who questioned the BigPharma vaccine.

The number of votes in support of total suppression of votes and questions about BigPharma's activities is multiplied day by day. Interestingly, the bulk of those advocating censorship, when it comes to BigPharma, vaccines, vaccine deaths, foot-and-air and their multibillion-dollar profits, are people with a reputation not only in the conservative part of society; and this reputation, like that of the same friend of paedophile Epstein notorious Gates, who advocated the reduction of the population of the earth by "planning the campaign" and vaccination, which he now "rescues" the people he was going to cut, is not a plus. 

Thus, the host of voices advocating censorship and total suppression of votes, asking uncomfortable questions about the couid and vaccines/vaccines of mRNA, was joined by the famous for her strange manner of wearing the Crucifixion upside down Chelsea Clinton. Remarkably, she cast a voice in favor of this not somewhere, but in the Vatican, the possibility of a presence in which people with an upside-down crucifix I, Friends, and could not imagine. 

Speaking during an online meeting at a conference at the Vatican, Chelsea Clinton, 41, responded to a question about the so-called "indecision on the COVID-19 vaccine" and called for a global crackdown on anti-vaccination messages on social media, saying global efforts were needed to combat critically-needed messages on social media.

"I personally strongly believe that more intensive, focused and coordinated global regulation of content on social media is needed," said Hillary's daughter, No less known for her love of lies and murders that we all saw across her face, the laughter and outright pleasure on her face when watching the video of the moment Colonel Gaddafi was killed and raped, which was like ecstasy, "We know that the most popular video in all of Latin America in the last few weeks, which has now garnered tens of millions of views, is just an anti-vaccination, anti-trump, anti-trump newsletter that YouTube has refused to delete."

Clinton also added that anti-vaccine content created in the United States is "thriving" around the world through social media platforms and said she personally worked hard to get the conet removed, but her efforts were not successful. Let's omit the strangeness in this kind of behavior and perseverance of Chelsea: for what can be common in vaccines and Clinton, besides profit and money that headlights. giants could promise her for lobster.

"We know that - because I tried - that the calls for the leadership of these companies to do the right thing just didn't work, and so we need regulation," said the vice president of the Clinton Foundation, with whose help her mother, like maniac Gates, uses her money laundering and pays dirty deeds, Chelsea, who by the way, by the way, is one of the most ardent lobbyists and supporters of abortion.

Appearing in an online meeting with Dr. Paul Farmer of Harvard Medical School and Dr. Walter Riccardi, the Italian president of the World Federation of Public Health Associations, Clinton also said that the Clinton Foundation is doing everything it can to persuade "those who refuse to vaccinate" and "those who refuse the vaccine" to take doses of the COVID1-9 vaccine.

 She also said, what her foundation thinks about "how we talk to black Americans, Native Americans, Latinos who know that members of their community are often abused or even manipulated or manipulated by our health care system" and that the Clinton Foundation advises people who are trusted by these communities (negroes, Latinos, and others) to convince them to become guinea pigs.

"At the Foundation, we're really trying to help "process" trusted messengers, whether in health care or not," Clinton said, "We've worked with a number of different religious communities, including some of our Catholic partners, to really help make sure that anyone who can have a conversation can actually anticipate or answer any questions that people might have. And we will continue to communicate and try to help you get used to it. So we're just doing everything we can... and we are increasingly thinking about how we can participate in this work and globally, because unfortunately, indecision about vaccination and the rejection of the vaccine are not just America's problems."

BigPharma's experimental vaccines against kovid were central to the recorded discussions broadcast by the Vatican's Pontifical Council for Culture. 

In addition to Clinton, vaccine manufacturers, oligarchs of major technology companies (BigPharma's interests have never been more closely related to BigTech interests), abortion activists, and other well-known and not-so-named names, including gene, also spoke at the Vatican conference. Director of the infamous Pfizer and Moderna, the first of which produces pills for abortion; NIH Director Francis Collins, who advocated the so-called "anti-participation" practice of using the tissues of a slain/abortion fetus in research projects, including ecstasy. Vaccines Google Health CEO David Feinberg; and, in fact, the conman himself, a friend of Gates, the head of the CDC Fauci.

In addition to Clinton, another Salesforce CEO, Marc Benioff, distinguished himself with his history of promoting LGBT issues, whom TIME describes as "one of the most outspoken leaders" on pederasty and other perversions and sexual deviations.

Other speakers included UN representative and "conservationist" Jane Goodall, who supports population control (reduction); New Age activist Deepak Chopra; Rock guitarist Joe Perry; Mormon Elder William K. Jackson; Sheikh Asim Yusuf, Executive Chairman of the British Council of Scholars and Imams; A pro-abortion model, Cindy Crawford; and the disgraced ex-prefect of the Secretariat for Communications, Monsignor Dario Egano (not to be confused with the Orthodox informant of the Vatican, Archbishop Carlo Maria Vgano, who condemned all this coven). Despite the fact that the whole gathering was on behalf of the Vatican, among the 114 speakers there were only two Catholic clerics. 

"Nothing was yours except a few cubic centimeters inside your skull" (c)George Orwell, "1984"

Fact-checkers burn and lie a little without hesitation and not hiding: the ignorant plebs will eat and this

Fact Check: Rothschild did not patent the COVID-19 test in 2015 and 2017."

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