We connect the dots without emotions 😐 

We connect the dots without emotions 😐 

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Sputnik V (Gam-Covid-Vac) is the first registered coronavirus vaccine in Russia. 

◾️ Adenovirus vaccines (vectors) can deliver genetic material from another virus to a cell. In this case, the genetic material of adenovirus, which causes infection, is removed and inserted material with a protein code from another virus, in this case from the thorn of the coronavirus.

◾️ Vaccine was developed at the National Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology named after academician N.F. Gamalei.

Here's what Professor Alexander Redko, M.D. and Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, says about the Gamalei Center: 

"In 11 years, the N.F. Gamalei Research Center has developed five vaccines, including Sputnik V. But the four previous ones were not registered. The center also had criminal cases, for example, concerning "AdeVac-Flu" - flu vaccine A and B. The case of multimillion-dollar embezzlement, I remind. The organization has been developing antiviral vaccines, each with billions. But where are these vaccines? They also worked on the MERS coronavirus vaccine, but also failed. We have a chain of defects with huge funding. Why should we be sure that everything is fine this time?"

To make it even clearer, in 2009, the Gamalei Center, with the support of Rosnano, was unable to launch the first vector vaccine. Here there is another "human lover" - Chubais, who now heads the project of the Great Reboot in Russia. By the way, do not forget that Chubais left the post of head of Rosnano after the vaccine came to market. 

◾️ The Sputnik V Vaccine Is sponsored by Sber, led by Hermann Gref. 

43.75% of Sberbank's shareholders are non-residents, namely American organizations.

Why are these organizations so generously interested in financing the creation of vaccines for 176 million rubles and "saving" people from coronavirus? 

Let's recall how Herman Gref described the MAN OF THE WORLD, speaking at the XXIII International Congress of the Highest Financial Control Bodies INTOSAI:

"We have drawn for ourselves three competencies that characterize the "man of the future." The first is a person who has a high degree of creativity. Second, this person has a well-developed systemic thinking. Agree that to find a person very creative, with system thinking is a rarity. Of the seven billion people, six billion will be weeded out. And the third component is the ability to achieve results."

The Russian Ministry of Industry and Energy offered assistance to international investigators. We have kindly accepted their wishes of remorse and are forming a request  

In Russia, everything was decided before Putin's Munich speech. That's why he was a particularly greyhound that day. You have to remember this colleagues, those who at least finished school, 14 years ago.

Order of the Ministry of Industry and Energy of the Russian Federation dated August 7, 2007 N 311 "On the approval of the Russian Electronic Industry Development Strategy for the period up to 2025"

"The introduction of nanotechnology should further expand the depth of its penetration into the daily life of the population. Each individual must be connected to global information-management networks such as the Internet.

Nanoelectronics will integrate with bio-objects and provide continuous monitoring of their livelihoods, improve the quality of life, and thus reduce the social costs of the state.

The built-in wireless nanoelectronic devices, which provide constant human contact with the environment, will be widely distributed means of direct wireless contact of the human brain with the surrounding objects, vehicles and other people. Circulations of such products will exceed billions of pieces per year because of its ubiquitous distribution.

Domestic industry must be prepared for this challenge, as the ability to produce all components of network systems would mean effective control over all of their users, which was unacceptable to many countries in terms of preserving their sovereignty. A similar view is held by EU experts in connection with the global expansion of electronics manufacturers from Southeast Asia and the intention of the United States to ensure a permanent technological leadership in this area. Therefore, in the period 2016-2025 we should expect another strengthening of the role of electronics in society and be economically ready for a new round of global competition of countries based on nanoelectronic technology.

The shape of industrial production will increasingly resemble microelectronic-pharmaceutical production, rather than the traditional instrument-engineering production that exists today."

Minister of Industry and Energy

Russian Federation

V.B. Hristenko


What emotions did you feel about the Lady and gentlemen after reading this?

We warned you not to get into a dream 🛌 and sex. We hacked Into Lubyanka 😂

Victor Borisovich Christenko is a Russian statesman and president of the Business Council of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) (may 2016).

Madame Arbidol and wife Christenko 

Golikova, Tatiana Alekseevna. Wikipedia is a free encyclopedia. Go to the search. Tatiana Golikova was born on February 9, 1966 in Mytishchi in the family of Alexey Gennadyevich and Lyubov Mikhailovna Golikov.

The sweet life of Golikova and Khristenko A million euros for air travel and a golf club in Spain is a story from the life of the family of Viktor Khristenko and Tatiana Golikova. 

 Nanolek received government contracts worth 2.64 billion rubles. Basically - from institutions subordinate to the Ministry of Health, which is supervised by Mrs. Golikova as Deputy Prime Minister. Since 2015, the president of Nanolek has been the son of Viktor Khristenko, Vladimir Khristenko. The companies of Viktor Kharitonin, a longtime friend of the Khristenko-Golikova family, only on arbidol (a drug that has no proven effectiveness), as The Insider calculated, earned 6.4 billion rubles in 10 months - thanks to the inclusion of arbidol in the recommendations of the Ministry of Health as a means of treating COVID- nineteen. In September 2020, Novaya Gazeta reported in detail about the connections of Bolshoi Pharma with Viktor Khristenko and Tatyana Golikova, as well as who earns on fuflomycins during the pandemic. But this is corny. Whether it's golf. An oasis of sweet life "The symbol of luxury in Spain", "an oasis of sweet life on the Costa del Sol", "striving for elitism and fully reaching it in all moments of life", "one of the most fashionable places in Europe" ... All this is about residential complex Sotogrande in the Andalusian municipality of San Roque. Solid luxury. It is there, according to the stories of our informed interlocutors, that the ex-minister and the deputy prime minister's spouse constantly fly, preferring a 12-seat Bombardier with tail number T7-TAV. The data on the passengers of the T7-TAV business jet registered in San Marino, which was at the disposal of Novaya Gazeta, confirmed these stories. In the estimated 2019, Viktor Khristenko, according to our data, visited Spain at least 9 times, 3 times accompanied by his wife. Such a round-trip flight, judging by the websites of companies providing business jet rental services, should cost about 50 thousand euros. This is already almost half a million. Here is a plane landing at Malaga airport on October 14, 2019. According to registration data, Viktor Khristenko is on board. Spain, while a clear priority, is no exception. According to the registration data on board, in 2019, Mr. Khristenko also visited France, the United Arab Emirates, Latvia, Turkey, Germany and the domestic Gelendzhik on an aircraft with the T7-TAV number. There are at least twenty such flights in total. Total, by modest standards, only on flights - 1 million euros. But Spain holds the record for attendance. Viktor Khristenko's interest in Andalusia is quite understandable. “A little crazy about golf” In the spring of 2018, Novaya Gazeta already talked about Viktor Khristenko’s addiction to golf and the fact that he owned golf clubs in the Moscow region and Peterhof, occupying hundreds of hectares and costing under 10 billion rubles. The serious expansion of the golf empire in Europe passed the attention of the Russian press, despite the fact that no one was hiding anything. On the website of the company "Golfestate", which is solely owned by Mr. Khristenko, in the "Golf clubs" tab, a new link has appeared - San Roque: "Two 18-hole courses. San Roque first opened in 1991 and immediately became one of the most popular clubs in Sotogrande. Along with the Valderrama and the Real Club de Sotogrande Old Course, San Roque has become known as the Golden Triangle of Golf. A golf school, restaurant, equestrian club and club house are available. " The dark side of the hole. After leaving the government, Viktor Khristenko became the owner of golf courses, only the land under which is worth billions of rubles. Publications in the Spanish press went unnoticed. Judging by them, the own funds of the company - the owner of the golf club (fondos propios), acquired by Golfestate, amount to 40 million euros. At the current exchange rate - about 3.5 billion rubles. The amount of the deal is unknown. Explaining how the Russian golf clubs ended up in his ownership (more precisely, in the ownership of the companies controlled by him), Mr. Khristenko in 2018 referred to the fact that he acquired them "at par." Viktor Khristenko: “All the shares I acquired in Russian companies, data on which, like my and my wife's income, are publicly available information, were acquired at a nominal value, which is significantly less than my personal income recently. The net assets of these companies, taking into account debts, encumbrances and operating losses, are negative, so their value is incomparably lower than the figure named in the question. " San Roque “including debts, encumbrances and operating losses” - 40 million euros. In addition, the Spanish media reported on the acquisition of a mansion by the Golikova-Khristenko couple “in the residential complex El Mirador, in the exclusive La Reserva, owned by Sotogrande SA”, worth about 10 million euros. However, according to the Spanish real estate registry, neither Khristenko nor Golikova as individuals own real estate in the kingdom. Of course, the golf club was purchased not by Mr. Khristenko, but by a legal entity. But let us recall the words of Viktor Khristenko two and a half years ago. Viktor Khristenko: “I don't know of a single golf club in the country that would be profitable. The named golf clubs are still in the operating minus. (...) I do not receive dividends from participation in golf projects ”. Financial statements, according to SPARK-Interfax, confirm the words of Viktor Khristenko. Golf Estate Management Company in 2017 showed a loss of 1.2 million rubles, in 2018 - a profit of 190 thousand rubles, in 2019 - a loss of 71 thousand rubles. The company owns stakes in Terus LLC and Medana LLC, which made a profit in 2018, but were unprofitable in 2017 and 2019. In general, over the past three years, Terus's losses are 750 million rubles, and Medana's losses are 160 million. Sport Prodzheks LLC, in which Mr. Khristenko has a 20% share (the rest is from the Cypriot offshore company), in 2017 showed a profit of 70.3 million rubles, but in 2018 and 2019 - losses of 3.3 and 7.3 million rubles, respectively. GolfState LLC, in which Mr. Khristenko is the only participant, worked profitably in 2018 and 2018 after an insignificant loss in 2017 - 1.8 and 5.9 million rubles, but on the scale of the ex-Deputy Prime Minister, this is not serious: a couple of flights to the golf club. LLC Lifeinvest: in 2017 - a profit of 4 million, but already in 2018 - a loss of 807 thousand, and in 2019 - minus 13.1 million rubles. 

OOO STK: within three years - a stable annual loss of 870–880 thousand rubles. Official data reported by Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova: in 2019, her annual income amounted to 14.9 million rubles, the income of her husband Viktor Khristenko - 51.5 million rubles. In total, at the most favorable euro exchange rate for 2019 (a little less than 63 rubles) - almost exactly one million euros (approximately the same amount should have cost only the air travel of the spouses). Perhaps personal savings were used. But this does not correspond to the official data in any way. Viktor Khristenko, according to his official biography, spent almost his entire life in the civil service. In 1979 he graduated from the Chelyabinsk Polytechnic and, as he began his labor activity as an engineer, until 2012 he worked on the state path and worked, having risen to the Minister of Industry and Trade. According to publicly available data, all the business projects of the ex-minister are big golf, which, as Mr. Khristenko himself claims, never brings any income to anyone. Tatyana Golikova was not seen in business either: Research Institute of the State Committee for Labor, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Health and Social Development, presidential aide, chairman of the Accounts Chamber, deputy prime minister. Family anti-corruption declarations are publicly available. There is no revenue to justify the emergence of a Spanish golf club from the Golden Triangle in 2019. Deputy Prime Minister versus Mayor Questions about air travel and their cost, as well as about the acquisition of a Spanish golf club were timely sent to Viktor Khristenko, until now, the editorial office has not received a response. To the inquiry sent to Tatyana Golikova, a response was received from the secretariat of the Deputy Prime Minister. It turned out that Mr. Khristenko's company did not buy the golf club, but only “manages the Spanish golf club specified in the request, and also provides it with consulting services to attract investments. However, the company has never acquired ownership of this club. ” The Spanish registry seems to agree with Tatyana Golikova. The San Roque Golf Club is owned by the Spanish company Asahi Kanko SA (previously it belonged to the Japanese), since 2019, according to official data, the only shareholder of the company is the Cypriot company Krosalter Enterpises Ltd with a Cypriot head-nominee. Ivan Ziborov (former member of the board of directors of the Pestovo golf club and Pestovo yacht club) has been appointed the sole executive body of Asahi Kanko SA. Ltd said literally: "Perhaps I find it difficult to answer." The real owner of Asahi Kanko SAU, hiding behind a Cypriot offshore, is formally unknown. El Confidencial, Spain, told that Golf Estates acquired all the shares of Asahi Kanko SAU, referred to its own sources in the San Roque golf club. We admit that Novaya Gazeta has no connections there. But we can openly refer to the mayor of San Roque and the English amateur golf champion Stephen Dundas. Judging by the report of the website andaluciagolf.com, in April 2019, representatives of the new owner spoke to the members of the San Roque club - Stephen Dundas, the appointed COO of the club, and Dmitry Kozachenko, General Director of GolfState. Gulfestate CEO Dmitry Kozachenko and San Roque Club COO Stephen Dundas. Photo: San Roque Golf Club They spoke unequivocally about the acquisition of the club by GolfState, although they bypassed the personalities. Mr. Dundas spoke about the identity of the owner of the company as follows: About the owner of GolfState “The new owner is passionate about golf, has a handicap of 12 and loves the game. He is a member of some of the local clubs and is well versed in details. Like the most successful businessmen, he values ​​confidentiality, but he is also a very nice person. " Note that, according to the Russian Golf Association, as of March 2020, Viktor Khristenko has a handicap of 13. by the GolfState company. Urgently in Alicante on the case of Flights for a Million, the secretariat of the Deputy Prime Minister explained the business interests of some companies that "organized" these flights. How Khristenko's entourage explain expensive business jet flights "The flights of Viktor Borisovich Khristenko indicated in your request were carried out for business purposes and were paid for by companies in whose business interests the relevant trips were organized." It is very interesting. It turns out that Viktor Khristenko (whose golf club management companies are unprofitable) is such a valuable specialist that his flights are organized (read - paid for) by some companies. It is not clear from the answer whether Mrs. Golikova, who has repeatedly accompanied her husband on these flights, is the same specialist. Novaya Gazeta will be grateful to Mr. Khristenko if he agrees to tell which company considers his services so significant that it is ready to spend a million euros a year on air travel alone. Considering that among fellow travelers of Mr. Khristenko there are high-ranking managers and owners of the pharmaceutical business, please clarify whether Mr. Khristenko's "business goals" are related to pharmaceuticals. Spanish idyll Only recently, experts have identified the herb for the "legendary" Old Field "of San Roque, and its renovation is nearing completion. Mayor Juan Carlos Rusi Boyce thanked the investors and expressed his hope for the development of investments in the future. The Mayor is pleased with the next investment of the Russian Golf Estate of 3 million euros in the Spanish fields. The secretariat of Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova responded to Novaya Gazeta's inquiry. We present the complete Novaya Gazeta to the Editor-in-Chief D.A. Muratov Copy: To the Editor of the Investigation Department A. Dzhordzhevich December 21, 2020 Dear Dmitry Andreevich, In response to the request of your publication dated December 15, 2020, we inform you: Answer to question 1. The flights of Viktor Borisovich Khristenko indicated in your request were carried out for business purposes and paid by companies in whose business interests the travel was organized. Answer to question 2. Tatyana Golikova's spouse really owns a stake in GolfState LLC. This information is reflected in her declarations of a civil servant. The Golf Estate Management Company also manages the Spanish golf club specified in the request, as well as provides it with investment advisory services. However, the company has never acquired ownership of this club. For more detailed and precise comments, you should contact the relevant legal entities. 

Neither Tatyana Golikova nor her husband have any real estate in Spain. 

Best regards, Secretariat of the Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Tatyana Golikova 

The married couple - Viktor Khristenko, a former minister of industry, and Tatyana Golikova, the current chairman of the Accounts Chamber - have always been considered not poor in the government. At least judging by their official declarations. For example, in 2016, Golikova and Khristenko earned 61 million rubles for two. This is more than 5 million rubles a month.

 It is hard to imagine what an average Russian family with such an income could not afford. An apartment, a dacha, a car, another dacha for your parents, another apartment for your children? All this can be easily bought with the officially declared income of Golikova and Khristenko. Therefore, you will never imagine what kind of property we found with the former Minister of Industry, for which he, even together with his wife, could hardly have saved up for a hundred years.

 ... Golf clubs. Just a few months ago, in December 2017, Viktor Khristenko became a co-owner of luxury golf clubs in the Moscow region and Peterhof. They occupy an area of ​​hundreds of hectares of land, and their cost, according to our calculations, may exceed ten billion rubles.

 Joint investigation by Novaya Gazeta and Dozhd TV channel.

 Viktor Khristenko, after leaving the government, chose a sporting hobby unusual for Russia - golf. Born as a game of commoners - shepherds in Scotland, who used their staffs instead of clubs, and rabbit holes instead of holes - this sport has become an elite sport over time.

 Today, all over the world, golf is not just a game, but also an indicator of status. They are fond of politicians (for example, Donald Trump), big businessmen.

 “I got a little more free time a few years ago,” Khristenko said in an interview with the RBK-Sport TV channel. - And I'm in search of a sports activity - adequate for age, time, including the place of residence, - I tried golf ...

 And then for four years I myself have been answering the question: why golf? Because it is the most versatile sport. The most democratic. The most environmentally friendly. Golf is a chic story for children and old people, for men and women, for tall and short, for fat and thin. Although all this, of course, influences some results, it is not decisive in order to walk 12-13 kilometers a day and get some fresh air. "

 Khristenko admits that he "went a little crazy about golf." And therefore, since 2015, he has also headed the Golf Association and is trying to develop this sport in Russia.

 Neighbors from the ministry

 Viktor Khristenko, explaining to RBC-Sport the reason for choosing golf, mentioned his place of residence. He gave this interview at the Pestovo golf club. And indeed, literally outside the gates of this club, near the village of Rumyantsevo, on the banks of the There are three large, beautiful houses in Moscow. Khristenko lives in the middle (only the cadastral value of the land on which the house stands is 57 million rubles: this is almost the annual income of a married couple). His neighbor on the right (when looking at the river) is the former deputy at the Ministry of Industry Andrei Reus, and on the left is another former deputy minister, Andrei Dementyev.

 Three former colleagues in the ministry have recently owned the Sport Projects company: Khristenko, as a former minister, has 34%, and his former deputies have 33% each. And just a few months ago, in December 2017, this company acquired 100% in another Russian company, Scortex, from a company from the British Virgin Islands (Raveborg Capital).

 Club for their

 Satellite images show that behind the houses of Khristenko, Reus and Dementyev, there are endless expanses of a golf course, with an artificial and skillful landscape of lakes, sand traps, winding paths and a smooth, trimmed lawn. Judging by the map, the area of ​​this field alone is almost 80 hectares. Its cadastral value is 2.2 billion rubles.

 And all this belongs to the very same Scortex company of former colleagues in the Ministry of Industry and Trade, headed by Viktor Khristenko.

 This is the golf course of the Pestovo club. Although it would be more correct to call this territory “Pestovo space”, because not only a golf course is located here, but also a yacht club, an equestrian center, and numerous residential cottages. The websites of real estate agencies say that the total area of ​​this territory is 180 hectares.

 This space is closed to outsiders. “This is a private indoor golf club. And this is probably good. I can say for sure that our club is almost a family one. You know everyone, and all people are comfortable for you. Here you calmly rest, and it is pleasant for you to look around ... We have created a kind of social unit in which everyone follows certain rules: everyone is polite, everyone knows that you need to be pleasant to others and not go out of your way ...

 In "Pestovo" I do not want a bunch of strangers wandering around. Because this is a club space. It is closed - for members only ”, - this is how Andrei Reus, former deputy minister and then president of Pestov, told Golf Digest magazine.

 The former director of Pestov, Oleg Kustikov, in an interview with Forbes in 2017, estimated the golf club at $ 120 million. This is almost 7 billion rubles.

 But this is not the only club owned by Viktor Khristenko and his comrades.

 Palace golf

 In 2013, a "golf resort" "Forest Hills" - a branch of "Pestov", appeared in the Dmitrovsky district of the Moscow region. “This is also our golf club. Here it is just "open", so that there is a flow of people, so that everyone can play, join ... "- said Andrei Reus. The club was designed by the Procyon company. Its website says that Forest Hills is one of the largest golf projects in Russia with a total area of ​​450 hectares!

 The land on which Forest Hills is located is divided between two companies - Medana and Terus. Both are 51% owned by Resortsinvest. One of its ultimate co-owners is Viktor Khristenko.

 What is 450 hectares of land? This is more than the whole Moscow district of Zamoskvorechye, in which almost 60 thousand people live.

 And if "Pestovo" was estimated at 7 billion rubles, then "Forest Hills", the territory of which is almost three times larger, can be assumed to be at least not cheaper.

 But this is not the last golf asset of the former Minister Viktor Khristenko.

 Last year the Peterhof golf club was opened. It is located right next to the large Peterhof Palace and the park ensemble. The architectural design company of this club defined its area as 130 hectares.

 Peterhof is owned by the St. Petersburg-based Mikhailovka Golf Club, which is owned by Nika, a Moscow-based company, which, in turn, is owned by Lifeinvest, whose director is Alexander Kotelenets, who worked as Khristenko's assistant at the Ministry of Industry and Trade. And at the end of this long chain, reminiscent of a nesting doll, there is again Viktor Khristenko, the former Minister of Industry. He owns 100% of Lifeinvest.

 All these endless golf courses and the associated infrastructure, according to Novaya Gazeta's estimates, at minimum estimates, may cost more than 10 billion rubles. There are no such incomes in the declarations of Khristenko and his wife. If our estimates are correct, then in order to acquire all these assets at market value, they would not have to spend a penny of their earnings (not on food or anything else) and save more than 300 years.

 Friendly deal

All the companies that own these assets - golf courses, land, yacht clubs, buildings - were previously run by the same person. His name is Oleg Kustikov. Today, together with Viktor Khristenko, he is a member of the executive committee of the Russian Golf Association, and besides that, he is a member of the board of directors of the Chelyabinsk Tube Rolling Plant (ChTPZ).

 Viktor Khristenko has a long-standing relationship with the ChTPZ group. Firstly, Khristenko's son Vladimir was on the board of directors of the enterprise, which then raised questions from many media outlets, because ChTPZ depended on the decisions of the Minister of Industry.

 And secondly, the main owner of ChTPZ, Andrei Komarov, is Viktor Khristenko's fellow countryman (both from Chelyabinsk) and an old acquaintance.

 “Viktor Borisovich is my elder friend, we are from the same city, we have been friends for many years, we have all kinds of connections - family, friendship, whatever,” Komarov said in an interview with Forbes.

 Could these friendships and other “all kinds of connections” affect the price of transactions for the purchase of “golf assets”?

 Ethical issues

 In addition to the main question (where did Khristenko get the funds for such assets?), There are several ethical questions in this story.

 Viktor Khristenko's companies received shares in all "golf assets" almost on the same day in December 2017. The seller in all cases was a British Virgin Islands firm, Raveborg Capital. Another British Virgin Islands firm, Aviaflow Limited, is now Khristenko's partner in the Russian company Resortsinvest.

 Her husband's business with companies from the Virgin Islands does not prevent Tatyana Golikova from sharply criticizing the offshore activities of others: “In a crisis, Western countries will use all means to strengthen their economic and political position. Here I would like to note that anti-corruption work is closely related to the deoffshorization of the economy, ”said the Chairperson of the Accounts Chamber in 2014 at the Eurasian Anti-Corruption Forum“ Modern Anti-Corruption Standards and Technologies ”.

 Recently, Tatiana Golikova has become one of the main newsmakers on poverty in Russia.

 For example, a few days ago at the board of the Ministry of Finance, the chairman of the Accounts Chamber proposed to abandon the subsistence minimum, which does not take into account the real costs of Russians. “The targeted social protection system should be based not on the indicator of the living wage, but on the indicator of the minimum consumer budget. This is a difficult transition, but it seems to us that this is a guarantee of victory over poverty in our country, ”said Golikova.

 Hopefully, these measures will work, and many new golfers will appear in the country.


 Viktor Khristenko's Answers to Novaya's Inquiry

 1. Today you are the head of the Russian Golf Association. Could you tell us how long you have been fond of this sport, how it attracts you and what, in your opinion, distinguishes it from other sports?

 Golf is the most democratic, family-friendly and environmentally friendly sport. Golf can be practiced at any age; it can unite people of different skill levels, ages and social status on the same field in the game.

 2. For the layman, golf in Russia is an exotic sport. Could you tell us how long ago this sport came to our country, how it is developing and what, in your opinion, prospects does it have?

 Of course, golf in Russia has potential. The Russian Olympic Committee actively supports the development of golf in our country. Our compatriot Maria Verchenova became one of the 60 participants in the Olympic tournament, set an Olympic record for counting in a round, and took 16th place at the end of the Olympic tournament. I am sure that new stars from Russia will appear on the Olympic podiums, the Russian Golf Association is actively working on this.

 Among the initiatives, I would like to note the project "Development of golf in the school education system" aimed at the development of sports in the school environment. It currently covers 19 regions of Russia, from the Leningrad Region to the Primorsky Territory, and has an ambitious goal of reaching over 1,000 schools across Russia by 2020.

 3. According to the state register of legal entities, you are also a co-owner of a number of companies that own golf clubs in Pestov and Peterhof. Could you clarify how successful the golf business is in Russia?

 I don't know of a single golf club in the country that is profitable. The named golf clubs are still in the operating minus.

 4. According to our calculations, only the book value of the assets of those companies, which you recently became co-owners, exceeds 5 billion rubles. According to the income statements of your wife, Tatyana Golikova, the total income of your family over the past three years (2014–2016) amounted to 105.8 million rubles. In this regard, could you please explain what funds you used to purchase shares in Sport Projext (and its subsidiary Scortex), as well as Lifeinvest (and its subsidiaries and dependent companies, Nika and "Resortinvest")?

 All the shares I acquired in Russian companies, the data on which, as well as my and my wife's income, are public information, were acquired at a nominal value, which is significantly less than my personal income lately. The net assets of these companies, taking into account debts, encumbrances and operating losses, are negative, so their value is incomparably lower than the figure named in the question. I do not receive dividends from participation in golf projects.

 5. According to the state register of legal entities, you purchased shares in companies that own golf clubs and land plots of hundreds of hectares almost at the same time (in December 2017) from a company from the British Virgin Islands, Raveborg Capital. Could you explain who was behind this offshore company, and also what was the amount of transactions for the acquisition of shares in the above companies - owners of golf clubs and land plots?

 The historical composition of the owners of the aforementioned golf clubs was formed before me. After my entry into the project, Raveborg Capital was liquidated and currently the companies participating in the project have Russian jurisdiction.

 6. Could you clarify whether the amount of the above transactions was influenced by the fact that the previous owners of golf clubs, as well as land plots, were structures of members of the board of directors of the ChTPZ group, Andrey Komarov and Oleg Kustikov? Did the fact that your son Vladimir Khristenko was a member of the board of directors of ChelPipe for a long time contributed to a decrease in the price of the above transactions?

 At the time of my acquisition of shares in golf projects, there were no mentioned persons among their owners. The shares were purchased at par, since they were not of commercial value either in terms of the structure of the balance sheet or in terms of the commercial content of the projects.

 7. The ChTPZ Group, like any other large industrial enterprise in Russia, undoubtedly depended on the decisions of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, which you headed. Could you explain whether your past activity as a minister somehow influenced the price of the above transactions?

 No, it didn't.

𝚼𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝕵𝖔𝖐𝖊𝖗 🃏

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