It's like a gestapo on the streets of India that kidnaps people. 

It's like a gestapo on the streets of India that kidnaps people. 

Ͳɦε Ɗαʝɭγ Ɠαʐεʈʈε'ʂ 'Βεɾϻμɗα Ͳɾʝαηɠɭε Ѕαγʂ'🎙

Perhaps someone needs a large number of corpses, so now someone is trying to take people straight from the streets, especially the homeless, who quickly fill in the missing boiler statistics and the causes of death which when specifying it in the documents can not bother.

We seem to be clearing up, finally - that 

And someone's going to have serious problems.

According to media reports, on 30 April 2021, 706 teachers on duty in the Panchayat state of Uttar Pradesh were killed by COVID- 19.

But the Electoral Commission of India has made vaccination against COVID-19 mandatory for anyone who is at the polling station or has something else to do with the elections before the elections. So everyone on duty and holding elections got a kovid vaccine before the election and died 🪦? 

The media are catching up with the horrors of the whole world, taking for visual material India, which broadcast bonfires and burned on them corpses, accompanied by a verbal row that the corpses littered the whole of India, that there is no place to bury people and many other such nonsense, do not speak about the obvious connection between vaccination and the death of so many teachers in just one month.

And the Editorial with an experienced eye fixes a real large-scale fake torch with bags of garbage and fires, bags are not forgotten corpses, because the corpse is not easy to burn in a package. And we see that gasoline ⛽️ not used for arson. We're being shown a movie 🍿 

Why do deaths occur only in the state of Uttar Pradesh? Why are there no death data in the media in the five other states where the assembly elections are held (Assam, West Bengal, Tamil Nadu, Puducherry and Kerala) in the media? The media prefer to avoid coverage of the death of vaccinated, so that the plebs do not add to the two two and would not find the answer to the question of where suddenly such a surge in India ? 

The U.S. takes India under its toxic plume ? 

What do officers from the specialized verticals of the Epidemic Intelligence Service (EIS) do? 

Why did the U.S. CDC 🇺🇸 arrive in India? 

The main task of EIS officers, also called disease detectives, is to oversee COVID-19 in India and advise the government on what to do next? 

They don't have enough of their own? Or are they being beaten by Hindus? 👇

"The main goal of the government is to reduce the number of new infections. For this to happen, we need to understand where and how infections spread and why they do not spread elsewhere. So far, the NCDC and other central health agencies have collected huge amounts of data from across the country. We are using this data to stifle the spread of the virus, and the U.S. CDC team with a good track record in this area will be very helpful," said a senior Indian health official.

Is that the 👆? 

According to the CDC Foundation, EIS employees, often referred to as "operational disease detectives," are investigating public health issues at home and around the world. And will visit the COVID-19 hotspots and study weather, demographic and environmental data to see how the covid spreads. EIS will work with Indian experts who are related to surveillance and epidemiology, laboratories ? 

Unapproved U.S. vaccines will be dropped by Indians EIS ? 

Is this part of American aid to India? Throw off India 60 million doses of the vaccine of the infamous Astra'eneca, the use of which in the U.S. is prohibited 🚫 But which is purchased to "help" India in the fight against the non-existent disease of the 😷 which no one singled out ! 

If you don't know what it's called, we'll kindly tell you, it's a theft of the U.S. budget 🇺🇸 

All this cynicism and lies on this scale is also that the "60 million doses of Astrazeneca" are being "dropped" at a time when many European countries have stopped, suspended or abandoned the use of the Astra'eneca vaccine altogether.

The U.S. crime and cynicism about health care is also the case after the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) last year exposed Friend Gates Fauci with his CDC pocket in an editorial on "Prejudice and Disturbing Conflicts of Interest": "In 2016, a group of more than a dozen senior CDC scientists filed an ethics complaint. claiming that the CDC was influenced by "corporate and political interests."

The AAPS article noted "the ubiquity of unethical practices at all levels of the CDC." The author of the editorial, the editor-in-chief of the journal, Lawrence R. Huntun, M.D., wrote, "The Center for Disease Control has (CDC) a long history of bias and disturbing conflicts of interest. This story calls into question the scientific validity of the CDC's recommendations."

Huntun also noted that "in 1983, the CDC was granted the right to accept "gifts" from industry and other individuals" and that the creation of the CDC Foundation, a nonprofit organization, in 1992 "significantly expanded the CDC's ability to accept private funding."

"When donations to the CDC began to arrive, the doors for conflict of interest and corruption were wide opened. The CDC accepts millions of dollars in "conditional funding" from entities including pharmaceutical corporations. This funding is "designed for specific projects," Huntun wrote, saying that in any normal country would create a scan of incredible scale, bring to the dock more than a dozen high-ranking politicians, medics and officials, and generally abolish the agency he describes.

As an example of this conflict of interest, Huntun described how the CDC "accepted conditional funding" from pharmaceutical and diagnostic company Roche "for the Take 3 flu campaign."

The CDC subsequently cited a Roche-sponsored study to support its recommendation for antiviral influenza drugs (e.g. oseltamivir), arguing that the study was independent. However, "All four authors had financial ties to Roche, Genentech or Gilead (the first two sell oseltamivir and Gilead owns the patent)." 

Robert Kennedy Jr., whose account was blocked by BigTech, many believe, at BigPharm's request, also accused the CDC of corruption. 

"CDC is actually a vaccine manufacturer," he told RT America in 2020, "The CDC's total budget is about $11 billion a year, of which $5 billion is spent on purchasing vaccines from the four companies that make profitable deals. And then they distribute these vaccines to the American population. The CDC also holds patents for many vaccines. In fact, throughout HHS, which is the parent agency (FDA), CDC and NIH, and all of which regulate vaccines, various parts of the vaccine industry are part of the HHS, and these agencies are allowed to own patents for vaccines that their scientists make and then collect fees. In fact, officials of these agencies who have worked on vaccines can also own part of the patent and receive royalties of up to $150,000 per year. Thus, HHS earns money on every bottle Gardasil sold. They make tens of millions of dollars a year. And these are zero-responsibility products. No matter how toxic the ingredient is, no matter how serious your injury is, no matter how careless the company is, you can't sue them. They can do whatever they want with the vaccine, and there's nothing you can do about it."

The CDC was also banned by the Indian government in late 2019 for secretly funding biological weapons research in India, when the CDC was found to be funding the Manipal Center for Virus Research (MCVR) in Karnataka to secretly investigate the deadly Nipah virus, a pathogen considered a potential biological weapon.

An unskilled private laboratory secretly developed a dangerous virus under the noses of the Indian government at the behest of a foreign agency, sparking serious concerns in the Indian Ministry of Health.

Also in February last year, the Indian government launched an investigation into another secret study of bat hunters in the eastern Indian state of Nagaland, funded by the U.S. Department of Defense in collaboration with the Wuhan Institute of Virology and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. India's defense ministry says the CDC was involved in a plague outbreak in the western Indian city of Surat in 1994, which they consider a case of bioterrorism.

The CDC is also involved in suppressing independent voices critical of the findings and the facts surrounding vaccines. Recently, the so-called independent fact-checking website received $1.9 billion in funding from the same vaccine lobbying group. The site is a partner of Facebook and in a clear conflict of interest the site is headed by a former director of the CDC.

Not long India held on. It hasn't been long since Gates became a non-grant persona when he disabled more than 400,000 children with a polio vaccine that even THE WHO recognized as a poison. Now it's run there again. Is it very entertaining who put him in there? 

We see you, fix you and get everyone in the whole pointer. 

1984, George Orwell: "The party seeks power solely for the sake of it. We are not occupied by someone else's good, we are occupied only by the authorities. No wealth, no luxury, no long life, no happiness - only power, pure power. We know what we are doing, and this is our difference from all the oligarchs of the past. Everyone else, even those who reminded us, were cowards and hypocrites. The German Nazis and the Russian Communists were already very close to us in their methods, but they did not have the courage to understand their own motives. They pretended and probably even believed that they had seized power forcibly, for a limited time, and in front of the hand, a paradise is already visible, where people will be free and equal. We're not like that. We know that power is never seized in order to give it up. Power is not a means; it is the goal. Dictatorship is not set up to protect the revolution; revolution is being carried out in order to establish a dictatorship. The purpose of repression is repression. Torture is aimed at torture. The purpose of power is power."

Reality: "A lot of people think about it too selfishly. We can tell people who would otherwise not be vaccinated: "The moment of freedom for you will come when you get vaccinated." These are people who would otherwise not get vaccinated, so let's give them that incentive."

The 🎤 made in the studio of CNN USA 🇺🇸 

Military aircraft ✈️ used for commercial purposes to save the potion manufacturer, he has nowhere to put this shit 💩, there is just a bunch of criminal offenses and violation of all conceivable U.S. laws 🇺🇸 coercion of foreign citizens with the help of military force, already undisguised social special operation and engineering with pseudo-collectivism. And ahead is a totalitarian biomedical fascist state.

Leon County School Board Meeting 27.04.21 

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