Before you start the historical material, which in general then echoes today's day, the editorial board will decipher the essence of our euphoria and festive greeting of the White House administration 🏡 from our Editorial Board. 

Before you start the historical material, which in general then echoes today's day, the editorial board will decipher the essence of our euphoria and festive greeting of the White House administration 🏡 from our Editorial Board. 

24-ዘዐሀዩ ጠልፘልጓፗበይ 📓 'ናልናዘዓሀልዩ'

⏳ƬɼⅈᎴʋℓɛ ℵ 🔬Ꮥɑℽʂ 🎙

Did you know comrades from the White House that Putin's Russian sputnik-V vaccine is a private business?

The Sputnik vaccine is produced by the Gamalei Research Institute, Generium, Biocad, Binnofarm, R-Pharm. 

1 state and 4 private pharmaceutical companies.

Private property is a form of ownership of the company and a commercial component of the project. 

We called it succinctly:

"Focus is 💰 Money."

Not "national security," not "development of science," but we are not anyone, do not feel sorry for old people, no children. Our composition of success is profit.

Is someone willing to refute this postulate by the editorial board? 

We are ready for any form of discussion ( face-to-face/ absentee) . The main water to stock up and we too box Borjom, please put! 

R-Pharm, repic company.

The owner of R-Pharma, the main supplier of medicines for Russian hospitals, Alexey Repik is a neighbor and business partner of the former head of the Yaroslavl region, Sergei Akhrukov. The latter was once the head of Igor Kargamanyan, who now holds the position of first deputy minister of health. 

37-year-old Alexey Repik is a very successful player. He participates in European poker tournaments. 16 years ago, he founded R-Pharm. And he's playing a super-successful game on public procurement. In 2017 alone, Repik's companies won 37 out of 52 tenders for HIV-infected drugs. 

And Repik takes lots almost without competition. In 18 tenders out of 22 " R-Pharm" was the only contender for the lot, according to the ITPC (an international coalition on preparedness for treatment, engaged in monitoring state procurement of drugs for HIV). And since there was no competition, the price did not usually decrease during the bidding process. 

Photo of the hero of the day: 

In 2017, the Ministry of Health buys HIV drugs under the new rules - centrally, whereas previously they were purchased by regions and hospitals independently. At that time, the king of state contracts was also R-Pharm (its share was 46%). 

In 2016, R-Pharm received state contracts for 43 billion rubles (according to the SPARK database). The sums of R-Pharma state contracts are growing from year to year. 

The company's financial performance is also constantly growing (in 2015, revenues amounted to 62 billion rubles, net profit - 9 billion rubles). 

Obviously, Repik is a very talented entrepreneur, once in 22 years he was able to establish and by the age of 37 to build such a powerful empire. Of course, the media repeatedly asked him about the connections that allow him to build such a successful business. He was joking. He said that he liked the version of ties and that "it's nice to feel like a boot, behind which the FSB stands." Analysis of Repic's business connections shows that there is some truth in the joke. 

"Russian Forbes," March 19, 2015, "A Billion Medicine: How the Business Of The President of Business Russia works: Alexey Repik found himself in this business right after school. Unable to enter the Faculty of History of Moscow State University, Repik got a job as an economist in the hospital No.29 Bauman, on the territory of which worked the firm "Rosmedcomplet" engaged in the supply of medicines to medical institutions. One of the owners of the company, Sergey Yuludov, noticed a smart young man and invited him to work. [...] 

In 2001, after a conflict with the owner of the company, Repik resigned and immediately registered the clone, applying all the experience. Together with Repic, several employees and customers left Rosmedcomplet, in particular the Russian Children's Clinical Hospital, where Repik, working at Rosmedcomplete, arranged supplies of a rare drug for the department of hematology. [...] 

Almost half of the starting capital of $40,000 was provided by Repik's mother Valery Dayeva, a professional builder. She also helped with councils and is still in charge of the construction of new facilities at R-Pharm. Friends confirm that she is an authority for the entrepreneur, he listens to her recommendations. Forbes sources claim that someone close to Repic was connected with the FSB logistics service. Thanks to her, 22-year-old Alexey received orders for supplies to the military units (he denies communication with the military). Also, thanks to his family ties, the aspiring entrepreneur became acquainted with the "shark" of the pharmaceutical contract market - former senator from Penza region Boris Spiegel. According to Forbes sources, it was he who brought Repic with the right people in the ministries. Repik himself claims that he met Spiegel four years after the launch of R-Pharm. "' inset 

In total, Repik is listed (or listed in the past) as the owner of 14 legal entities, according to the SPARK database. Three of them are registered in the Yaroslavl region. Including this non-profit partnership "Mikhailovsky" (established in 2010). Among the founders - Repik himself, Sergei Akhrukov, who served as governor of the Yaroslavl region in 2007-2012, Mikhail Borovitsky (was Akhrukov's deputy), Grigory Bacherikov (was the director of the department of state order under Akhrukov). 

Repic also has an agreement with the Anglo-Swedish corporation Astrazeneca, which is developing the vaccine with the University of Oxford - in case of its successful clinical trials, R-Pharm will produce it in Russia and will become a hub for the supply of English vaccine to international markets with exports to more than 30 countries. Astrazeneca has received financial support from the British government and the U.S. Ministry of Health.

The non-profit partnership "Mikhailovsky" is located at: Yaroslavl region, Yaroslavl district, Mikhailovsky village, Sosnova Street, house 3. It is a picturesque place near the Volga. The owner of the house is Repik. Nearby are the houses of Akhrukov (Sosnova, 7) and Borovitsky (Sosnova, 4), according to Rosreestra. 

It is obvious that Repik and former officials of the Yaroslavl region were well acquainted and perhaps friendly, once decided to become neighbors. "I am relatively from Russia, my passport is Russian, but I live in America," Repik said. 

By the way, the construction business for Repic is not something new and unusual. His mother Valeria Dayeva was reportedly a professional builder. According to SPARK, she was previously the owner of an individual private enterprise "Construction Technology." 

R-Pharma was doing well and was doing well in the Yaroslavl region. According to the public procurement portal, in 2011 alone, the Department of Health and Hospitals of the region signed 451 contracts with R-Pharm for a total of more than 230 million rubles. 

Interestingly, under Akhrukov, Igor Kagramanyan, who is now the first deputy head of the Russian Ministry of Health, was the director of the Yaroslavl region's health department. 

It is known that now Repic and Kagramanian are cooperating. For example, they were reported to be co-leaders of the Health Net project (a system for collecting data on the health of Russians), one of the areas of the "National Technology Initiative" program created by the Agency for Strategic Initiatives on behalf of President Vladimir Putin. 

By the way, Akhrukov, after leaving the post of governor of the Yaroslavl region in 2012, did not end his career as an official. He became Deputy Minister of Regional Development of the Russian Federation, Assistant Secretary of the Security Council of Russia, Deputy Secretary of the Russian Security Council. 

Mikhail Borovitsky, a former deputy of Akhrukov, became chairman of the Yaroslavl Regional Duma. And the former head of the state order department Grigory Bacherikov is now acting as the director of the federal state enterprise "Yolkovsky Biocombination" (subject to the Ministry of Agriculture), which supplies drugs for veterinary use. 

Repic is well acquainted with other big officials. He is a member of the board of directors of the Federal Corporation for the Development of SMEs. The board of directors also includes Maxim Oreshkin (head of the Ministry of Economic Development), Oleg Fomichev (deputy head of the Ministry of Economic Development), and formerly included Alexei Ulyukayev (former head of the Ministry of Economic Development). 

In addition, Repic is the president of the NGO Business Russia. In this capacity, he communicates with Russian President Vladimir Putin and major officials. 

"Russian President Vladimir Putin discussed with the head of Business Russia the issues of improving the business climate.

Photo: Alexei Druzhinin/RIA Novosti Photo: Alexei Druzhinin/RIA Novosti

Photo: Alexei Druzhinin/RIA Novosti

This year Business Russia is 15 years old.

"A lot has been done, it must be said, over the years," the head of state said.

"Business Russia" was created as an association representing the interests of small, primarily small, business and medium-sized," Alexey Repik recalled.

R-Pharm is an absolute leader in state procurement of medicines. The company was able to get ahead of such giants as, for example, "Pharmstandard" associated with Victor Kharitonin. 

Again our dear Vitya Christ and his Madame Arbidol on the editorial Sunday proscenium .

A very strange friendship connects the married couple of Russian ministers Viktor Khristenko and Tatiana Golikova with Viktor Kharitonin - the owner of the company "Pharmstandard", a major importer of medicines. By a strange coincidence, the businessman is often among the winners of various tenders for the development of budget funds.

The Moscow Court of Arbitration made a decision back in 2009, which could not only affect the fate of thousands of cancer-sick Russians, but also raised the issue of the competence of the leadership of Roszdravnadzor and the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation. The court overturned the decision of officials to refuse registration of the Russian-made oncology drug Milanfor, which can successfully replace in the domestic drug market a similar, but much more expensive imported drug "Velkeid."

The reason for the proceedings was a conflict of interest between Golikov's tandem- Haritonin and the private Russian firm Farm-Synthesis. The latter proposed to replace the American drug "Velkeid" (importer - "Pharmstandard") for the treatment of cancers with a cheap, but no less effective "Milanfor" developed and produced by "Pharma-synthesis". The price of the issue is 2.5 billion rubles of budget funds. This is the amount allocated by the government for the purchase of drugs for the treatment of cancer.

The appearance of such an inconvenient opponent among the bidders prompted Viktor Kharitonin to put a rib question in front of Tatiana Golikova. What is more important: their friendship and well-being or respect for the public interest? The Minister's subsequent actions leave no doubt about her preferences.

On May 28, 2009, the head of the Ministry of Health and Social Development, Tatiana Golikova, sent a letter to the head of Roszdravnadzor, Nikolai Jurgel, demanding that Milanfor's registration be cancelled. The basis - the developers provide allegedly unreliable data on the effectiveness of the drug.

On May 29, that is, just the day after receiving the ministerial order, the head of Roszdravnadzor, Nikolai Jurgel hastily withdraws his own recent order to register the drug Milanfor. And on June 3, the Ministry of Health and Social Development held a meeting, after which officials failed the "scientific base" under the refusal to register a new oncology. According to ministerial calculations, at least 50 patients were required to conduct drug research to confirm Milanfor's effectiveness, and in fact only 18 were involved in the study.

Thus, thanks to one stroke of the ministerial pen in less than a week, a competitor of The Haritonin company was neutralized and a contract for 2.5 billion rubles was secured by "Friend Vita".

Meanwhile, the director of the SNC RAMN Academician A.I. Vorobyov stressed that according to international rules clinical studies of generic drugs are not provided at all, and proof of their pharmaceutical equivalence is sufficient to confirm pharmacological properties. Nevertheless, the developer and manufacturer of Milanfor - the company "Pharm-synthesis" - on its own initiative still went to full-scale clinical research of its drug. Recent results of which have clearly shown its effectiveness.

But time has passed. Russian patients in 2009 did not receive the much-needed affordable treatment drug in crisis. But the ceo of "Pharmstandard" Viktor Kharitonin has a time to be put on: after all, if it were not for the administrative efforts of Ms. Golikova, his state contract hanging in the balance would never turn into a golden rain from the state budget.

However, the head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade Viktor Hristenko is not averse to assisting a family friend in case. The minister's participation in the presentation and lobbying of pharmaceutical production in The Cover, of which Farmstandard is one of the owners, has provided the company with the attraction of large public investments. At the same time, generous officials diligently did not pay attention to such a small thing as the lack of production at the presented facility.

The business of a pharmacist close to the ministerial couple is thriving. The extent of his gratitude, which is believed to be the government's patrons, can only be estimated roughly. According to the existing concepts in the near-state business, to obtain a state contract on monopoly terms, it is necessary to roll back about 30 percent of its amount. It is possible to estimate how much the ministerial couple Golikova-Christenko could enrich only on this contract. At least 750 million rubles.

However, given the close relationship between the businessman and spouses-ministers, the form and order of their mutual settlements can have their own specifics.

Experts assess the role of connections in Repic's success in different ways. 

"R-Pharm is a winner because there are probably no other providers of this level in the system," said David Melik-Huseinov, director of the Institute of Health and Medical Management. "Plus R-Pharm specializes in a number of drugs - they have an exclusive portfolio on HIV, hepatitis, oncology. "R-Pharm" has long been in this topic and has some experience. This is also a plus for the company. This is not surprising. 

As Laifu told a source who previously worked in the Ministry of Health, among the employees of the department it is widely believed that "the appointment of Kagramanyan to such a high position was not without the participation of interested major pharmaceutical manufacturers, with whom Igor Nikolaevich established close ties at his previous place of work in the Department of Health and Pharmacy of the Yaroslavl region." 

"When we talk about such shares and such sums of contract, it is obvious that there was no collusion and affiliation," said Kirill Kabanov, head of the National Anti-Corruption Committee. - And no one complains about it, everything is discussed in advance, law enforcement officers, apparently, do not find a reason to check these purchases. 

The same Astrazeneca, which is now being renamed, so as not to be associated with deaths around the world.

The editors believe that our reader knows in what chocolate and champagne the potion manufacturers in the U.S. 🇺🇸 and Russia swim? 

Out of modesty and temporary lack of citizenship of other countries of the world, the Editorial Board reveals to our reader only the Russian veil of secrecy. And so: 

even in the event of death, a generous 30,000 rubles (such is the cost of dying from vaccination) will be paid by the State Budget of the Russian Federation 🇷🇺 (USA 🇺🇸)? not the manufacturer.

When you hear the Russian vaccine, you are snewed by commercial desires under the guise of the "state" brand.

When you are told that "you are undermining the credibility of the Russian invention," somewhere our little Repik, along with Putin and his FSB, gently hugs the waist of Astrazenek .

Declaration of Emperor Alexander I on Finland's accession to the Russian Empire

april 📸1, 1808. The Russian Empire

Finland was at first part of Sweden, but Russia took away these lands during the wars. At first the Finns had autonomy, lived well and peacefully. At the end of the 19th century Russification began - Russian was imposed, Finns were sent to serve in the army far from their native land. When the films tried to object in their own parliament-Sejm, military tribunals began. As a result, in November 1917 Finland declared independence. 

From November 30, 1939 to March 13, 1940, the RCKA conducted a military campaign to join Finland in the Soviet Union in a violent military way. The war started by the Soviet attack ended with the signing of the Moscow Peace Treaty. 

The editors strongly apologize for losing our gossip about all the details of our main gift to the White House 🏡 and especially its beautiful half of humanity - the Lady of the White House 🏡 

I order the waiters to make a gift 🎁 to the studio:

In addition to Dasha Shchukova, 37-year-old Alexey Repik and his wife Polina were admitted to Doni's body at the inauguration on January 17, 2017.

This person has many social statuses and positions. He is the President of Business Russia, a member of the Economic Council under the President of the Russian Federation, a member of the Expert Council under the Russian government, a member of the National Council under the President of the Russian Federation, the head of the Committee of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, a representative of the Commissioner to the President of the Russian Federation, a member of the expert council of the FAS. However, first of all Repic is the head of R-Pharm.

For reference: R-Pharm group is the absolute leader in the field of state procurement of medicines. In Vademecum's rating "TOP100 distributors of the budget market" in 2015, it took the first place with the volume of contracts signed 42.8 billion rubles, more than twice ahead of the nearest competitor, farmstandard. In 2017, R-Pharm has already become the leader of the state order for HIV and hepatitis drugs: the company won the competitions of the Ministry of Health worth about 10 billion rubles.

Then there is another question: what is the matter for Trump and his close entourage to Russian pharmaceuticals, to the head of a company that prides itself on its plants in Russia and is actively engaged in import substitution?

As Oleg Lurie argues and proves, Repik supplies American medicines to Russia, and "the largest American pharmaceutical companies enter the Russian market through Repik's structures, providing them with the most favorable price regime in the form of some unthinkable, giant superskids." Against this background, the presence of Russian citizen Alexei Repik at home in San Francisco, California, where his wife Polina lives permanently with children is not surprising.

However, the presence of giant supersodies on vital drugs can only please Russians, and buy homes businessmen are not forbidden in any country of the world. The problem is that for end-users in Russia (as well as for budget purchases) these medicines are seriously becoming more expensive.

The most striking example of this is the high-profile history of procurement in the Yaroslavl region. Thus, the drug Remice was supplied at the price of 33 800 rubles per package, while the retail price in pharmacies was one and a half times less - 20,500 rubles. Sprisel tablets cost the region's budget 20 percent more expensive - 124,900 rubles against 104,000 in retail...

In total, from the beginning of 2011 to May 2014, R-Pharm executed 639 contracts in the Yaroslavl region for a total of 736.7 million rubles. At the same time, in 50% of cases, R-Pharm received state contracts for the supply of medicines without any competition at all on the decision of the "Anti-Corruption Directorate of the Government of the Yaroslavl Region to agree on the possibility of concluding a state contract with a single supplier."

Where did the then governor Sergey Yastrebov have such love for the pharmaceutical company R-Pharm? The fact is that now the former governor has a daughter and her name is Elena Yastrebova. And she has been working in the company since 2013... R-Pharm in Moscow in a very modest position of "project management manager." That does not prevent her to own a luxury car, an apartment on Mosfilm Street and an elite townhouse in the suburbs.

Elena Yastrebova Sergey Yastrebov and Alexey Repik (right)

However, scandalous facts on the Yaroslavl region for the first time revealed not Oleg Lurie, and murdered politician Boris Nemtsov, who was a deputy of the Yaroslavl region. Of course, after Boris Nemtsov's death, the "pharmacist case" came to naught.

But in Khakassia, the Investigative Committee in May 2017 initiates a criminal case against members of an organized criminal group - officials and territorial manager of R-Pharm Alexander Giter. Giter himself was detained in 2016 for taking a bribe to a doctor for positive feedback and recommendations of R-Pharm products. Now members of the OPG are suspected of receiving a bribe in a particularly large amount in the purchase of medical equipment and medicines. According to the investigation, in 2016, members of the OPG received from representatives of commercial organizations participating in auctions for the purchase of goods for the budgetary health institutions and the state agency "Management of Capital Construction", a bribe - more than 79 million rubles and a car Mazda 6. For this, members of the YPG provided commercial companies with victory in electronic auctions, the investigation believes.

However, even then the question arises: how does "R-Pharm" win electronic bidding on state orders? In early January 2018, The head of the Fasi Cartel Office, Andrei Tenishev, told a press conference that a large pharmaceutical company, using front-line legal entities, was winning tenders for small and medium-sized businesses. During the inspection, her managers found several dozen keys to participate in electronic bidding on behalf of different legal entities. He then promised that the case would be "mandatory" in a month. From the slide of the presentation presented at the press conference, it appeared that it could be R-Pharm.

Pictured, the keys 🔑 for lovers. Or rather to participate in electronic auctions. 

That is, the largest company "R-Pharm" after the inauguration of President Trump began to keep the "electronic signatures" of other firms that are engaged in bidding as supposed competitors, and in fact are, based on the available information, just "pads" that ensure "R-Pharm" victory in a variety of tenders. And why such reckless love suddenly arose at the Federal Antitrust Service of the Russian Federation to the brainchild of Alexei Repik - the largest pharmaceutical company "R-Pharma"? 

And the answer is probably quite simple. It was Alexey Repik who, probably by accident, was a member of the Expert Council of the FAS of Russia on the development of competition. It turns out that the antitrust service operates on the principle of "our not beating"? 

And finally, another fascinating touch to R-Pharm's activities. In the Arbitration Courts of Russia, 67 cases were considered (sixty-seven for one 2018 👄) that R-Pharm failed to deliver the necessary medicines to the regions in time, including for patients with oncology and HIV. Of course, we are talking about budget deliveries, that is, those that Repic's firm received on all sorts of tenders. 

We are very pleased to know that our gift 🎁 you liked 🥰 and we see that you already have it in your hands not knowing how to open the contents. Friends and colleagues from the White House 🏡 do not hesitate and tear the packaging 📦 to shreds, but the gift 🎁 take out and bring to the organs of smell, before freeing them from any interference with the exact perception of the Russian - American flavor 🪔 crime. 

Happiness and good luck in the new workweek ! 

Eɗiᴛ᧐r-iᥒ-ᥴɦiᥱf ദ 🃏 รཞ୲ദບℓ౿ ℓ.

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