About 💵 money 

About 💵 money 


Misuse of budget funds, de facto embezzlement of the U.S. national budget 🇺🇸

1. Hospitals in the United States are paid $1,000 to report each death as a coe. Therefore, we have no idea how many people die from infectious respiratory diseases compared to natural causes.

2. Mango and goats tested positive for the covid. We have no idea what the "test" is for. Therefore, it is not possible to determine how deadly the "virus" really is.

3. No "virus" has ever passed by the Koch postulate. Therefore, there is no scientific evidence that a "virus" called covid causes disease in humans.

4. There is no increase in the overall mortality rate (i.e. mortality from all causes) from 2019 to 2020

5. Covid cannot be distinguished from the usual daily "coronavirus" that has been attributed to the common cold in all medical journals throughout modern medical history.

6. No photos or images of the cooid itself were seen.

7. When the blockade began at the end of March, the covid was attributed to 30,000 of the 3,000,000 deaths from infectious diseases. That's 1%. Why has the world economy stopped because of a possible 1% increase in deaths from infectious diseases?

8. No one insisted on blocking, social distancing or mandatory camouflage in 2019, when 17 million people died from infectious diseases? Why did grandma's life suddenly become so valuable in 2020?

9. COVID-19 should be found in abundance in unhealthy organisms, but not found in healthy organisms.

10. The cowid would have to be isolated from the sick body and grown in a clean culture. Cultivated covid should cause disease when injected into a healthy body. COVID-19, selected from a sick organism, must be identical to the cultured COVID-19- no one did. 

$100 billion in grants to hospitals treating patients 


Those who stole the U.S. national budget can be shown a covid-causing virus? Who saw it, and who can testify on this matter 🧾 above 🖕Why with such huge financial expenditures of the national budget no one bothered to photograph and report on the fact, as it was done with the bacteriophage T4?

The numbers are off. statistics for covid-idiots-panicers

United States

🔹Deciation: 330 917 584 (million), 

🔹all cases COVID-19: 3,236,130

🔹Sizing death toll: 134,572

🔹Teath survival: 99.96% of the U.S. population.


🔹Deciation: 7,800,000,000 (billion)

🔹All coVID-19 cases: 12,946,731

🔹Syal death toll: 569,375 PEOPLE

🔹 Current survival rate: 99.99% of the world's population.

Data as of July 12, 2020 (CDC).

US Patent for Coronavirus Patent (Patent # 10,130,701 issued November 20, 2018)

DISCLAIMER: Coronavirus is a broad name for a family of viruses. This patent is NOT for the new COVID-19 virus and The Pirbright Institute does not currently work with human coronaviruses. If you share this patent online, be aware you are in fact sharing a separate patent for avian infectious bronchitis virus and porcine delta-coronavirus. This is not a patent for the new COVID-19 virus.



The present invention provides a live, attenuated coronavirus comprising a variant replicase gene encoding polyproteins comprising a mutation in one or more of non-structural protein(s) (nsp)-10, nsp-14, nsp-15 or nsp-16. The coronavirus may be used as a vaccine for treating and/or preventing a disease, such as infectious bronchitis, in a subject.


Even before the outbreak of World War I, the eugenics now practiced by Gref and Gates, and previously practiced by Epstein with the active participation of Gates, who flew to him on a paedophile island, became fascinated by the politics of the New World. For example, the future 28th President of the United States Woodrow Wilson. 

In America, eugenics was not only an ideology, it was practically carried out in life. In the form of forced sterilization of people (it was subjected to several tens of thousands of people), bans on mixed marriages, bans on immigration of people with certain ethnic and genetic characteristics, etc.

🇺🇸 California is creating strike groups from 10 government agencies to enforce guidelines aimed at slowing the spread of coronavirus. Groups will close institutions that do not comply with boiler orders. 

And all this comes despite the fact that the Texas Department of Health published comparative data on the covid with the last two seasonal influenza viruses.

As you can see, coronavirus is much less deadly/dangerous than the flu. Influenza mortality rate was 0.03% and 0.04% and covid has a mortality rate of 0.01%. 

The more tests are conducted, the lower the level of fatality. It will be more dangerous to turn over pancakes soon than to get coronavirus. 

Facts about Covid-19

Updated: May 2021

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Summary of Mid-July 2020:

🔹Acces recent immunological and serological studies, the total mortality rate of COVID-19 (IFR) is about 0.1%, i.e. at the level of severe seasonal influenza.

🔹In the United States, the United Kingdom and Sweden (without quarantine), the overall mortality rate since the beginning of the year is at the level of the severe influenza season. In Germany, Austria and Switzerland - at the level of the season of moderate influenza.

🔹Risk death from COVID-19 for schoolchildren and people of working age even in global hotspots corresponds to the risk of death in daily car trips to work. Initially, the risk was overstated, as people with mild symptoms and no symptoms were taken into account.

🔹Do 80% of all people with positive test results have no symptoms. Even among 70-79-year-olds such about 60%. More than 95% of all people do not have even moderate symptoms in case of infection.

🔹Do 60% of all people may have cellular immunity to COVID-19 due to previous exposure to traditional coronaviruses (ARVs).

🔹The average age of the deceased in most European countries (including Italy) is more than 80 years, and only about 4% of the dead have not had serious prior illnesses.

🔹 Such is how the COVID-19 mortality profile is similar to natural mortality.

🔹Who in many countries, up to two-thirds of all excess deaths have occurred!!️ in nursing homes. Moreover, in many cases it is not clear whether these people actually died from COVID-19 or from weeks of extreme stress and isolation.

🔹Do 30% of excess mortality may have been caused not by COVID-19, but by isolation, panic and fear. For example, the treatment of heart attacks and strokes decreased by 60% because many patients were afraid to go to the hospital.

🔹E's case among the so-called COVID-19 victims, it is often unclear whether people died of coronavirus, or simply with it (but from other diseases), or presumably from coronavirus (generally not tested). Official data usually do not reflect this difference.

🔹The media reports about young and healthy people who died from COVID-19 turned out to be false. Many of these young people either did not die from COVID-19 or were seriously ill (such as leukemia) or were actually 109 rather than 9 years old. 

🔹 A severe increase in regional mortality can occur if infection or panic fails in care for the elderly and sick, or if additional risk factors such as severe air pollution occur. Doubtful rules for the treatment of the deceased sometimes led to additional bottlenecks in funeral or cremation services.

🔹In countries such as Italy and Spain, and to some extent the UK and the US, overloading hospitals during flu epidemics is not unusual. Moreover, up to 15% of health workers have been quarantined this year, even if they have no symptoms.

🔹Partently demonstrated exponential curves of "coronavirus infections" are misleading, as the number of tests also increases exponentially. In most countries, the ratio of positive tests to the total number of tests either remains constant at 5% to 25%, or is growing very slowly. In many countries, the peak of proliferation was reached long before quarantine.

🔹In countries without curfews and no bans on contacts such as Japan, South Korea, Belarus and Sweden, there was no more negative development of events. WHO even praised Sweden, whose population is now more immune than countries that have imposed quarantine.

🔹The lack of ventilators was unjustified. According to experts, artificial ventilation of the lungs of patients with COVID-19, partly carried out for fear of the spread of the virus, is often counterproductive and further damages the lungs.

🔹Inceses of initial assumptions, various studies have shown that there is no evidence of both airborne transmission of the virus (through airborne microparticles in the form of aerosol) and contact pathways passing through objects (door handles, smartphones or in a barbershop). Most of the infection occurs through large drops when sneezing and coughing.

🔹So there is no scientific evidence of the effectiveness of facial masks and respirators on healthy or asymptomatic people. On the contrary, experts warn that such masks interfere with normal breathing and can become "carriers of microbes" and cause skin diseases.

🔹On the peak of COVID-19, many clinics in Europe and the United States remained unfilled or almost empty, in some cases having to send staff home. Millions of operations and procedures have been cancelled, including organ transplants and cancer screenings.

🔹Some media dramatized the situation in hospitals, sometimes even with the help of fake photos and videos. Unprofessional reports of many media increased fear and panic among the population.

🔹 Tests used internationally may produce false positive and false negative results. The official viral test has not been clinically confirmed due to lack of time and may respond to other coronaviruses. Some test kits already contained coronavirus.

🔹 Many world-renowned experts in virology, immunology and epidemiology consider the measures to be counterproductive and recommend rapid natural immunization of the general population and protection of at-risk groups.

🔹Dearological reasons for closing schools were not generalized, as the risk of disease and transmission in children is extremely low. 

🔹So there is no medical reason to reduce the number of children in classrooms, wearing masks and distancing themselves in schools.

🔹Astance that only COVID-19, but not the flu, can cause venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism is not true. It has been known for 50 years that severe influenza also significantly increases the risk of thrombosis and embolism.

🔹Un some medical experts have called vaccination against coronaviruses unnecessary and even dangerous. The 2009 vaccine for so-called swine flu, for example, led to serious neurological diseases and millions of lawsuits. The testing of new coronavirus vaccines also led to serious complications and test failures.

A global influenza or coronavirus pandemic may indeed last several seasons, but many second wave studies are based on very unrealistic assumptions such as a persistent risk of disease and death in all age groups.

🔹 Few nurses, for example in New York, described the often fatal treatment of patients because of questionable financial incentives or medical protocols.

The number of people suffering from unemployment, depression and domestic violence as a result of the measures taken has reached historically record levels. Some experts predict that these measures will take far more lives than the virus itself. According to the UN, 1.6 billion people around the world are at risk of losing their livelihoods.

🔹 NSA informant Edward Snowden has warned that the coronavirus crisis is being used for massive and ever-expanding global surveillance. 

🔹I'm a well-known virologist, Pablo Goldschmidt, said there was "global media terror" and "totalitarian measures." 

🔹 Leading British virologist Professor John Oxford pointed to a "media epidemic."

🔹More than 600 scientists warn humanity against "unprecedented public observation" using questionable contact tracking apps. In some countries, this "contact tracing" is already being carried out by the secret service. In some parts of the world, the population is already controlled by drones and sometimes subjected to mass police violence.

🔹 The WHO Public Health Survey against Pandemic Influenza 2019 found that medically "contact tracing" is "not recommended under any circumstances". However, contact tracking apps have already become partially mandatory in several countries.

Who, when, on what scheme and schedule will return to the U.S. budget spent (stolen money 💰)

We offer the government to exempt us from the 50% tax rate for 6 months, as compensation for moral and material damages.

According to the website (have we not read), coronavirus has provided those promoting the New World Order with the opportunity to give people the opportunity to take up a new position of slave with occult ritual transformations. This article is long, but it details how wearing masks, hand washing, "social separation" and blocking are age-old occult rituals used to appeal to the New Global Order. Disguise has traditionally played a very important role in occult rituals.

Among other things, wearing a mask is a sign of submission ... gesture of your willingness to obey others who are not your usual sovereign.

But that's not all. According to the British Encyclopedia, wearing a mask is:

"A form of camouflage or concealment, usually worn on the face or face, to conceal the person's identity and his own features to establish another being."

Wearing a mask is simply part of the initiation ritual used to visually and psychologically confirm your agreement with this new agreement. 

Handwashing is also used to symbolize your willingness to "wash your hands" and adopt the New World Order. If you do not believe in any religion, remember that those who try to enslave you believe, and they may well use occult rituals to do so. Again, insight is more than necessary here. For the purposes of occult ritual initiation, those forces symbolically wash your hands from your duties before Christ himself. For the occultists, this forced occult ritual of hand-washing cancels the public hand-washing ritual of Pilate, who for the past 2,000 years has placed the responsibility for Christ's death on the hands of the ritualists themselves. That is, your ritual hand washing forces you symbolically (albeit unknowingly) to wash away your old position - your old Master and his prescribed ways - in anticipation of your new master. Hand washing is an occult ritual symbol of failure. 

Social distancing is also "ritual" in nature, not to mention the use of the number 6 (at a distance of 6 feet), which these psychopaths tend to use quite often, including the address of the Uhan laboratory (666), where Soros and Gates invested, and the patent for Gates chips (666). 

Symbolically speaking, the ritual of "social distancing" with "six feet" from each other is part of the initiation ritual that separates you from Christ. 

Locks are just a psychological trauma that is used to initiate people. When you obey, you signal to satanic elitists that you are ready to be enslaved by them and their religion.

The ritual of isolation consists mainly of four stages:

Stage 1 : Isolation for cleansing (you are cut off from normality and plunged into a "new normality" that is completely different from your past life)

Stage 2: Surrender to the "new normality." This often involves receiving a gift/sbuying that makes the dedicated one believe that its new overlords care well for him, so there is no need to rebel against the new order in which they are initiated.

Stage 3 : Victim. No gift can be given without anything taken. In this case your dignity ... your sovereign independence ... Your voice ... your individual strength on this earth as a representative of the Word of the Almighty God is all this and much more taken away from you in exchange for the cold of "Comfort" of a new path in the new world.

Stage 4 : Representation/Initiation/Entry to the NWO (finally): mandatory vaccines. Social tracing. Ready to adopt new rules for a new order. 

You may not believe it. You can be far from religion. But in the need to understand, the benefit of examples of darkness, those who impose a new world order on us, believe all this and act in accordance with it. They seem to be trying to introduce us to a new world religion.

The White House consider introducing, for example, every morning to start just so 🖕

👆Taor of the Fed. "... The cover reproduces the outlines of an eagle with a red shield, the coat of arms of the city of Frankfurt, Germany, adapted by Theer Amschel Bauer (1744-1812), who changed his name to Bauer-Rothschild ("Red Shield"). Rothschild added five golden arrows sandwiched in the claws of an eagle, meaning his five sons, who ran the five bank houses of the international House of Rothschild: Frankfurt, London, Paris, Vienna and Naples...."

Business on vaccines from murdered children! 

Representatives of Catholic organizations and leaders of the ProLife movement of the USA and Canada are seriously concerned about the data of the study, which appeared on the Internet, which show the use of abortion materials for the production of vaccines against COVID-19.

The Archbishop of Valencia, Cardinal Antonio Canizares, drew attention to this in his sermon: "We receive extremely painful news that one of the vaccines is made from the cells of aborted fetuses. It's inhumane and cruel. And we cannot praise or bless such work of physicians. We're for the man, not against the man. First he is killed by abortion and then manipulated to allegedly create a vaccine for life."

The cardinal's statement followed the publication on the website of the Sciencemag.org the results of the study, which indicate the presence of the human embryonic cell line HEK-293 in at least four out of ten potential coronavirus vaccines approved for human trials.

Notably, back in April, catholic bishops in the United States wrote an open letter to the Food and Drug Administration urging ethical guidelines to ensure that "no American is forced to choose between a vaccination against a potentially deadly disease and their own conscience."

Of course, such news cannot but excite the Christian community. Using abortion materials, even to save other lives, is absolutely immoral.

St. Luke's Hospital in Kansas City: Vodka is recommended for #COVID19.

-After extensive research, our findings suggest that drinking alcohol can help reduce the risk of contracting a new coronavirus; COVID-19. Most recommended for drinking, cleaning and disinfecting vodka. Kansas City7/03/20✊😂

Allow us, please, introduce your children and you to formaldehyde, aluminum, mercury, aborted embryonic cells and other, so that you and your children are not 0.2% likely to become infected and die from what you cannot see. 


Well, at least let me tell you that ass is temporary, and true beauty is forever. Choose in keeping with true normality, be good fathers and mothers for your sons and daughters.

Now all as obedient slaves wear masks, not even bothering to ask about their effectiveness, preferring TV gum. Most of the oves. people welcome it. These are the same people who don't even realize that they are also debt slaves to central banks and as a consequence the Fed. Obviously, the World and Humanity do not deserve to have the right to continue as they are now. Obviously, something can happen to your rights, which are smaller and smaller with each coe blocking, which you yourself refuse without asking questions, once again, Friends. Whether you remain at least some rights by the end of the year depends only on you together and on everyone in particular. 

They want to prepare you for the Antichrist and the new world order. God is not the author of the confusion.

As of mid-July 2020,:

Documents of hearings in the International Tribunal on the case of the organizers of quarantine and mass vaccination.


The case hrTI-2020427-00008 against Bill and Melinda Gates, Anthony Fauci, Christine Grady, Tedros Adhanom, National. Governors Association, CDC, WHO, The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.



1) A document with a list of crimes of the accused. (20200427-HRTI-CDC WHO GATES)



2) Notify the accused of the hearing.



3) Hearings in the case.



Video of the hearing.



The United States Government v. Bill Gates, Melinda Gates, Anthony Fauci, Christina Grady, Tedros Adhanom, the National Governors Association, the CDC, WHO, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

The U.S. government accuses these individuals and organizations of war crimes with the intention of committing mass genocide by weakening people's immune systems and subsequently vaccinating.

These individuals and organizations have ordered the population to stay at home, wear masks, gloves and apply social distancing, in order to create an environment in which people cannot produce antibodies that generate a collective immune system that opposes the virus.

The defendants' plan is to get people vaccinated against Covid-19, which, if the immune system is weakened, will lead to mass deaths.

The defendants are also charged with crimes against humanity for deaths related to vaccination and medical abuse against thousands of children in many countries around the world.

The defendants publicly reported on their plans to reduce the population and massacre, which relates to genocide and war crimes in total violation of both human rights and international law.

Under international law, the use of biological weapons against both the military and the civilian population is an heinous war crime.

* * *

Case: HRTI-20200416-00009 v. Rothschild family.



1) A document showing the crimes.


All members of the Rothschild family are currently accused of slavery in all its forms.


See the PDF file that has the ending of "20200413-SOS-OAR-.pdf"

2) Notify the accused of the hearing.


Notice of the hearing in the case of the United States Government against all members of the Rothschild family.


Video of the hearing.


* * *


State crimes

(Staatsverbrechen, crimes contre l'Etat) - under this term, they understand the set of criminal acts directed against the state as a political whole. All crimes, whether they are against state-protected unions or even against individuals, are a violation of the order established in the State or the interests it is protected by it; in this sense, all crimes are state-owned or public. In England, the state nature of crimes is still expressed in the formula by which in cases of crimes the plaintiff is the king or queen. In other countries, the same idea is expressed in so call. Institute of Public, Public Prosecutions. In a narrower sense, state crimes embrace all those criminal acts, the subject of which are public and state rights. In French law, this extensive category is denoted by the term "crimes et d'lits contre la chose publique", in German - "Verbrechen gegen die zffentliche Ordnung" . This category of crimes, in turn, must be distinguished from those directed against the interests and rights of the state as a legal entity - the treasury endowed with property rights. These crimes are called fiscal violations; here the state suffers damage not in its political functions, but in economic functions. In crimes against the order of management, the activities of the perpetrator are directed to the violation of the rights or functions of the state, but not to the destruction of it as a given political organism. The state is not only a collective name, a distracted designation of the totality of persons forming a hostel, but also an independent whole, an organism. State crimes are directed against its existence in the closest sense. This group of criminal acts, in relation to the importance of the interest against which they are directed, has retained in modern criminal law a special provision both in terms of punishment- the widespread use of the death penalty, and for evasion of the general beginning of non-punishment of intent and preparation. In Roman law, the idea of state crimes was expressed primarily in the concept of "Perduellio", which denoted the crime against the interests of the tribe - a violation of the security of the hostel, whether it was expressed in treason, in insulting national objects of veneration or in violation of peace (murder, etc.). Perduellis was often mixed with the concept of proditor- a traitor, i.e. a traitor to the common interest and the world. In German law, something appropriate can be seen in the concept of "breaking the peace" - Friedensbruch. With the strengthening of state power appears in Roman law (since the days of Sulla) the concept of Crimen majestatis, defined by Ulpian as an act directed against the Roman people and its security. It embraced acts against external security (proditio) and internal (perduellio), but soon expanded to insult the majesty - the Roman people, and then, in the imperial era - the emperor. In this phase of the phase, the volume of crimen majestatis increases indefinitely; under it bring not only state crimes in a close sense, but also crimes against the order of government, resistance to power, encroachment on power, etc. In German law, the concept of crimen majestatis has received a peculiar tinge thanks to the feudal, finoy system. Violation of state security, internal or external, equated to violation of the interests of the king, feudal or the feate master, to the change of his personality, and as a result, the concept of Hochverrath, which until now denotes in German criminal law a set of state crimes in a close sense (see Insult majesty). 

Execution (composed of treasury and theft) is a crime of theft of public money and/or other state property.

Modern Definition of Rule

At the moment, the treasury in jurisprudence is considered an outdated term, but is actively used in the media.

The legislative framework of most States makes no distinction between the theft of money belonging to the State and private individuals. Officially, the terms of embezzlement and embezzlement are used to refer to crimes related to theft of public funds, which are also used to refer to the theft of funds or property of individuals.

At the same time, these two terms, which are divided into the very fact of such theft, are not synonymous with:

Appropriation is the wrongful retention of property entrusted to the perpetrator in order to convert it to his property;

Embezzlement is the alienation of someone else's property, entrusted to the perpetrator, in favor of third parties by any means.

In the judicial law of many States, embezzlement and embezzlement are considered to be related crimes of the same gravity, so the punishment for them is considered by one article of the criminal code.

At the Nuremberg trials, eugenics was condemned, but its roots remained undisclosed. 

75 years ago, an international trial of the main Nazi war criminals opened in the small German town of Nuremberg. The words of prosecutors and experts often included the word "eugenics" - the doctrine of the Third Reich, which justified the destruction of people. The cornerstone of this doctrine was the thesis of dividing humanity into higher and lower races.

Hitler and his associates were classified as "lower" and Slavs, the main part of which lived in the USSR. Most of them were to be destroyed; the rest were to be converted into slaves of the German race.

In Germany, there had been perceptions that the Germans had a special spirit that other peoples did not have. The theologian Johann Herder (1744-1803), Johann Fichte (1762-1814) discussed this topic. However, they recognized the presence of the national spirit in other nations, not trying to prove that the German spirit is the highest. Later, the theme of the national spirit was continued by the French writer and sociologist Josef Gobino (1816-1882), who formulated the thesis about the superiority of the Aryan race over other races and peoples. The ideologue of the Aryan supremacy race was also Richard Wagner (1813-1883), who believed that the heroic German spirit was born of Nordic blood. Adolf Hitler in his youth was fascinated by ideas of Aryan superiority.

However, Hitler and other ideologues of racial superiority of Aryans lacked a "natural-scientific" justification. And in this they were helped by the British and Americans, who planted in Germany in the period between the two world wars eugenics, which became the "scientific" basis of the genocide carried out by the Third Reich.

In most dictionaries, eugenics is defined as a doctrine of human breeding and ways to improve its hereditary properties, designed to combat the phenomenon of degeneration in the human gene pool.

It is safe to say that the birthplace of eugenics is England. Her founding father is anthropologist Sir Francis Galton, a cousin of Charles Darwin. In 1865, he published an article, Hereditary Talent and Character, in which he outlined his basic tenets. Galton defined eugenics as a scientific and practical activity to produce improved varieties of cultural plants and breeds of pets, as well as to improve human heredity. Eugenicsa became part of genetics, the founder of which is believed to be Gregor Johann Mendel (1882-1884), An Austrian biologist and botanist, an Augustine monk. Experimenting with pea seeds of different varieties, Mendel showed that, based on certain rules and mathematically adjusted ratios, it is possible to create new varieties with predetermined properties. Other European biologists have picked up Mendel's ideas by introducing the concepts of "chromosome" and "gene."

Galton was inspired by the work of his cousin Charles Darwin, who published The Origin of Species in 1859. The full title of this book sounds eloquent: “On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favored Races in the Struggle for Life”. From this name, which implies that there are “favorable” races in the world, and there are “unfavorable” races, it already smells of eugenics. Darwin had no doubt that the most "favorable" race was the Anglo-Saxons, and, apparently, he had fears that the "favorable" Anglo-Saxon race might disappear or degrade. In his work "The Origin of Man and Sexual Selection" (1871), he noted that a person "could do something by rational selection not only for the physical constitution and appearance of his descendants, but also for the development of their mental and moral qualities" (Darwin C. The origin of man and sexual selection // Darwin Ch. Works. M .: Publishing house of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1951. T. 5, p. 655)

 Darwin's attitudes were present at a subconscious level. Charles' ancestors were ideological people, and their ideological spirit was formed in the Masonic lodges. Charles's father Robert Darwin, a wealthy physician and financier, was a high-class Freemason. Even more famous was Charles' grandfather Erasmus Darwin (1731-1802), also a Freemason, one of the most significant figures of the British Enlightenment, naturalist, writer, close friend of the founding father of the United States, Benjamin Franklin. Erasmus Darwin lived at a time when the ideology of the exclusiveness of the Anglo-Saxon race was being laid in Britain. This was largely due to the colonial policy of London, which, acting through the British East India Company, conquered the world and formed the British colonial empire.

 The main ideas of what later came to be called Darwinism were outlined by Charles Darwin's grandfather in his treatises, the most famous of which was Zoonomy, or the Laws of Organic Life (1794). The Catholic Church has put this work on the list of prohibited books.

 In the 18th century in England there was no trace of the concept of "Darwinism", but the ideology of social Darwinism existed. Its foundations were laid by Thomas Malthus (1766-1834), an English priest, demographer and economist, a member of the Royal Society of London. Malthus was best known for his book The Experience of the Population Law (1798), where he announced that mankind was in danger of a catastrophe, since the population was growing exponentially, and the production of food and other vital products - in arithmetic. Natural disasters and epidemics are “natural” mechanisms that mitigate imbalances, but they are not enough. Conscious regulation of the population is required. Even wars are suitable for this, but it would be even better if people engaged in self-regulation (limiting the number of children in a family), and the authorities would control demographic processes. During the time of Charles Darwin, neo-Malthusianism had already appeared, and eugenics became one of the instruments of his practical politics in the twentieth century.

 Charles Darwin himself doubted the success of the ideas he set out in The Origin of Species. Here is one of his confessions of this kind: “For many years I have been collecting notes on the origin of man without any intention of publishing anything on this subject, but rather with the intention of not publishing my notes, since I thought that they could only to strengthen the prejudices that existed against my views ”(Darwin Ch. op. cit., p. 133).

 Darwin called the version of the origin of man from ape a "hypothesis." However, for those who were interested in the destruction of Christianity, it was important to make the only and indisputable Darwinian version, which rejected the Christian dogma about the creation of man by God in His own image and likeness. And by the end of the 19th century, Darwin's monkey hypothesis had become a "theory." A significant role in this belonged to Thomas Huxley (1825-1895), who was called Darwin's Bulldog. Thomas Huxley, a freemason, member and then president of the Royal Society of London, being a fanatical adherent of the monkey hypothesis, led many to believe in it.

 Thomas Huxley's offspring also contributed to the advancement of Darwinism. First of all, his three grandsons: Aldous Huxley (1894-1963) - the author of the dystopian novel Brave New World (1932), one of the active participants in the CIA project "MK-Ultra" (promotion of drugs and the ideology of "free love" in America); Julian Huxley (1887-1975) - evolutionary biologist, author of a synthetic theory of evolution, a member of the Royal Society of London, the first director-general of UNESCO, initiator of the creation of the World Wildlife Fund; Andrew Huxley (1917-2012) - neurophysiologist and biophysicist, member of the Royal Society of London, Nobel Prize laureate in Physiology and Medicine (1963).

 A study of the views of representatives of the British intellectual elite on evolution, natural selection and the descent of man from ape shows that they operate in two versions. One is for the “outsiders”, the other is for the “chosen ones”. For the “outsiders,” it is roughly the version of Darwinism that was taught in Soviet schools. They say that man is a product of evolution and descended from a monkey. In the process of further "natural" selection, a person will improve; a person does not need to intervene in this process. And the version for "internal use" is completely different: there is, as eugenics teaches, the danger of human degradation. A particular threat is the loss of the attributes of the "superior race" by the Anglo-Saxon elite. It is necessary to actively intervene in the processes of the formation of human races and peoples. Eugenics is an essential tool for conscious selection.

 In the early twentieth century, eugenics captured the minds of many British intellectuals - HG Wells, Bernard Shaw, Bertrand Russell, Houston Chamberlain, and others. The 1911 Encyclopedia Britannica called eugenics "a natural means of improving the human race through the wise application of the laws of heredity." Winston Churchill enthusiastically supported Eugenics.

Even before the outbreak of world war I, politicians of the New World were interested in eugenics. For example, the future 28th President of the United States Woodrow Wilson. In America, eugenics was not only an ideology, it was practically carried out in life. In the form of forced sterilization of people (it was subjected to several tens of thousands of people), bans on mixed marriages, bans on immigration of people with certain ethnic and genetic characteristics, etc. In the 1920s and 1930s, eugenics laws were enacted at the federal level and in most U.S. states. The latter were abolished only in the mid-1960s.

And fully eugenics manifested itself in Germany during the Second World War. The Anglo-Saxon world armed Germany with ideas and practical tools of eugenics ahead of time. I will tell you about how the British and Americans passed on their experience in the field of eugenics to the Third Reich.

Now I note only that at the Nuremberg Trials Nazi criminals who carried out genocide under the flag of eugenics were convicted, but the American and British "specialists" who prepared this genocide, were behind the scenes. Eugenicsa successfully survived the Nuremberg Process, but this name disappeared, instead of it there were other names - "genetic engineering," "genetic correction," "genetic design." And the leader of this direction is still the Anglo-Saxon world.

The toxic effectiveness of the social muzzle sanctioned by the authorities is such that it is time to draw conclusions about the sanity and I.I. of the individual on the basis of his wearing a mask /muzzle. 

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