Ethnic criminal group -Information for investigative teams. Part 1.

Ethnic criminal group -Information for investigative teams. Part 1.

24-ዘዐሀዩ ጠልፘልጓፗበይ 📓 'ናልናዘዓሀልዩ'

⏳ƬɼⅈᎴʋℓɛ ℵ 🔬Ꮥɑℽʂ 🎙

Perhaps most will agree that we are united. That the laws are the same for everyone. That rights must be respected. And other delusions of a developed society. Then confusion is already present in the very phenomenon of division of mankind into nations. We didn't choose our nationality. Only when we were born, we were forced to belong to a group of people, which we should distinguish for ourselves from the rest and give more preference.

Where is the chanting unity?

Separating from society, a man dies. But no one mentions that separating from society and living in it, a person also dies. It is not clear how the situation would have turned out, putting us in a world without people, taking away from him all the knowledge that there are creatures like him and leaving him all his experience.

The rights are about freedom of speech, choice, thinking and something else, right? That is, by taking away such freedom, or somehow restricting it, we are violating rights. We're violators. We're criminals. Therefore, people who have taken the courage to impose on others, no matter how indistinguishable from them, people, this is the most separation, separation from all, themselves are the most natural violators. And the question actually arises, can the society that governs such methods be considered free? Far from being the most decent cheating, convinced, then imposed, legalized divided subjects subgroups - vaccinated / not vaccinated . 

What is the vaccination 💉? When instead of promotional scenes photos and videos with injection we will see documents from what you prick and what do you advertise ? 

William Henry Gates III

✅Y Tedros Adamon. I'm not a doctor. I was a Marxist terrorist until I joined WHO. 

✅Y Bill Gates. I'm not a doctor. I was a botanist until I decided there were too many people on earth.

We now govern the world through pandemic health policies.👀

Twitter removed a video of the head of WHO dancing without a mask and gloves. 

Friends, you probably remember, we wrote in the past the material of a modest dance of the head of the WHO at one of the closed parties in a T-shirt- alcoholic, families and with a glass of some liquid in his hand. And while we had no doubt that the faggot-looking man in the Gebreus video, the fact that Twitter ruthlessly sawed this video off its platform, once again confirms that the video confirms that none other than gates' henchman of China and Russia is the Ethiopian terrorist head of WHO. This Marxist organization is financed by Gates and China, and Russia is overseeing the elimination of undesirable african presidents.

Twitter censored this video, the sling on this video no longer exists, but you know our special archival love for boys ... such an attractive look ...

Photo: J. D. Rockefeller Sr. with his son, Edsel Bryant Ford,

Henry Ford, J. D. Rockefeller Sr., Heinrich of Orange-Nassau.

ROCKEFELLERS: "(Rockefeller), US financial group. Formed at the end of the 19th century. Its founder - JD Rockefeller Sr. (1839-1937). Industrial core oil company" Standard Oil Company (New Jersey) "(since 1973 Exxon), financial center - Chase Manhattan Bank. Sphere of influence: industry (electrical engineering, mechanical engineering) and financial institutions, life insurance. Since the 1980s the role of the group has diminished. A significant part of the controlled property is sold. From the family The Rockefellers are best known: the son of J.D. Rockefeller Sr. John Davison Rockefeller Jr. (1874-1960; subsidized the purchase of land for the UN headquarters in New York and built the Rockefeller Center), his sons - John Davison III (1906-1978 ; helped found the Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts), Nelson Aldrich (1908-1979; US Vice President 1974-77) ".

Wikipedia: "John Davison Rockefeller; July 8, 1839, Richford, New York - May 23, 1937, Ormond Beach, Florida) American entrepreneur, philanthropist, first dollar billionaire in history He had four daughters and one son, who inherited the Rockefeller Foundation to manage.Rockefeller was the second child of six children in a family of Protestants William Avery Rockefeller (October 13, 1810 - May 11, 1906) and Louise Selanto (September 12, 1813 - March 28, 1889 Maybe this is a coincidence, but if the name Rockefeller is split into two parts and translated separately from English into Russian, you get - "rock" - a rock, stone and "felller" - a lumberjack, lumberjack. as is known from the biography of John Rockefeller, the father of the future millionaire William Avery Rockefeller was at first a lumberjack, engaged in logging. "

According to traditional history, the Rockefellers are the embodiment of the American dream: the father was a lumberjack, and the son became the richest man in the world.

Within the framework of my version of world history, everything is more prosaic and began in Russia.

At the beginning of the 19th century, the world was ruled by the Russian Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich (1761-1812). His 1st wife (marriage 1783), the Greek princess Irina Konstantinovna (1766-1789) bore him three children: Anna (1785-1804), Sophia (1787-1881) and Alexei (1789-1813). 2nd wife (marriage 1790) - the daughter of the Crimean khan gave birth to the second heir Semyon (1791-1829).

Daughter Anna was given in 18 years in marriage to the youngest son of the French king (1785-1760). As a dowry, he received the kingdom of Poland and was crowned under the name of Sigismund (1803). During the birth of her daughter (1804-1901) Anna Ivanovna died. The second daughter Sophia was married to a widower, and as a dowry he received the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (1805) under the name of Vitovt. Sofia Ivanovna gave birth to an heir to her husband (1806-1824), the date of which is the chronology (Christ (0-33) is one of his images).

Sophia hated relatives. She did not have a relationship with her stepmother. She considered her younger brother to be guilty of the death of her mother. She did not recognize children from her stepmother, because her mother was higher in social status than her stepmother. She hated her father for cheating on her mother.

 In 1812, Ivan Vasilyevich was poisoned by order of his daughter and son-in-law, and the world war began. In 1813, Alexei Ivanovich died in the battle on the Kosovo field in Serbia, in 1814 he became the Russian Tsar Semyon Ivanovich, who in 1829. As a result, power went to the Romanov clan.

The usurper had an older brother (1783-1868), he had a wife (1783-1871), his wife had an older sister (1780-1844), married to a Polish nobleman Poniatowski (1783-1834). After the death of the heir to the Usurper in 1824, Poniatowski seized power in the empire. In 1834 he was killed by a relative of the Usurper (1782-1836), who briefly outlived him. In the end, the Romanov clan divided power.

 J.D. Rockefeller Sr. (1839-1937) is one of the images of the son of the Usurper's older brother.

Images of the older brother of the usurper and his wife:


Jerome (Jerome, Girolamo) Bonaparte (fr. J; r; me Bonaparte, Italian. Girolamo Buonaparte, November 15, 1784, Ajaccio - June 24, 1860) - King of Westphalia, younger brother of Napoleon I Bonaparte; was brought up in a military college; after 18 Brumaire entered the navy as a lieutenant.

Friederike Catherine Sophia Dorothea of ​​Württemberg (German Friederike Katharina Sophie Dorothea von W; rttemberg; February 21, 1783 - November 29, 1835) - Princess of Württemberg, Queen of Westphalia, the second wife of King Jerome Bonaparte of Westphalia, the younger brother of Napoleon I.

Karl of Prussia (Friedrich Karl Alexander of Prussia, German Friedrich Carl Alexander von Preu; en; June 29, 1801 - January 21, 1883) - Prince of Prussia, Colonel General with the rank of Prussian Field Marshal (February 5, 1857).

Maria of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach (German Maria von Sachsen-Weimar-Eisenach), at birth - Maria Luise Alexandrina (German Maria Luise Alexandrina; February 3, 1808 - January 18, 1877) - Princess of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach, married - Princess of Prussia, granddaughter of Emperor Paul I.

Willem II, Wilhelm II (Dutch Willem II, German Wilhelm II., French Guillaume II), Willem Frederik Georg Lodewijk (Dutch Willem Frederik George Lodewijk; December 6, 1792 - March 17, 1849) - King of the Netherlands and Grand Duke of Luxembourg from October 7, 1840, Duke of Limburg. Eldest son and successor to King Willem I.

Anna Pavlovna (January 7 (18), 1795, St. Petersburg - March 1 (13), 1865, The Hague) - daughter of Pavel I Petrovich and Maria Fedorovna. Queen of the Netherlands and Grand Duchess of Luxembourg from 1840 to 1849.

And here are other images of John Rockefeller:

Hendrik van Oranje-Nassau at birth by Willem Frederik Hendrik van Oranje-Nassau, July 13, 1820, Sustdijk Palace, Barn, The Netherlands - January 14, 1879, Castle Walferdeng, Luxembourg) - Prince of the Netherlands and Orange-Nassau, the second son of King Willem II and Anna Pavlovna, Governor of Luxembourg.

Henry Ford (English Henry Ford; July 30, 1863 - April 7, 1947) - American industrialist, owner of automobile factories around the world, inventor, author of 161 US patents.

I think a real person lived in the years 1819-1919.

 Images of his son:

 Wikipedia: "John Davison Rockefeller, Jr .; January 29, 1874, Cleveland, Ohio - May 11, 1960, Tucson, Arizona) is a major philanthropist and one of the key members of the famous Rockefeller family. The only son of a businessman and Standard Oil owner John D. Rockefeller; and father of five famous Rockefeller brothers.

Edsel Bryant Ford (born Edsel Bryant Ford; November 6, 1893 - May 26, 1943) - the son of Henry Ford, president of the Ford Motor Company from 1919 to 1943 ".

Godfrey Lewis Rockefeller

TIME 24 Sep 1783 Albany, Albany County, New York, USA

DEAD September 28, 1857 Richford, Tioga County, New York, USA

TIME Harford Mills Cemetery, Courtland County, New York, USA


Chabad is known to be a Judeo-Nazi ultra-Orthodox sect known as the Chabad-Lubavich movement. The sect originated in the 18th century at the junction of the borders of three Slavic states - Russia, Ukraine and Belarus - in the town of Lubavici (then the territory of Ukraine, and now the Smolensk region of Russia). The appearance of Habad, according to the sect's ideologues, was a response to the persecution of Bogdan Khmelnitsky, accompanied by the mass death of Jews.

Chabad-Lubavich is the only movement in Judaism with a mandatory leader at the head - Lubavitch Rebe. For 200 years, or seven generations, this title was inherited.

(See pictures in

Chabad men are certainly bearded, wearing black paws and black hats. Women shave their heads naked and cover them with wigs.

The uninitiated often confuse Chabad with Hasidic in general. In fact, in Hasidism (Orthodox Judaism) there are a number of influential areas: Carlinstone, Braclaw, Satmar and other Hasids, which have nothing to do with Habad, are fundamentally different from him and tend to be at war with him. Nevertheless, Chabad-Lubavich unnecessarily, but deliberately identifies with all Hasids, although has long been isolated as a separate direction not only in Hasidism, but in Judaism as a whole.

In the early 1930s, Joseph Stalin, who once studied at the Tiflis Spiritual Seminary and was well versed in matters of religion, was well versed in matters of religion, while traditional Judaism continued to exist on Soviet territory. This happened during the leadership of the Movement of the Sixth Lubavitch Rebe Bye Yosef Yitzhak Schneerson.

Until the fall of 1939, the Sixth Lubavitch Rebe was in Poland, from where it was smuggled across the ocean after members of the U.S. Chabad community asked for help personally to Secretary Cordell Hall. As a result of the agreement between the U.S. State Department and the head of German military intelligence (abvera), Admiral Kanaris Yosef Yitzhak Schneerson left German-occupied Warsaw, crossed the Reich unhindered and found himself in neutral Holland, and then in the United States. This was facilitated by Lieutenant Colonel Abvera, a Jew by his father Ernst Bloch.

Since the 1940s, the Chabad-Lubavich movement has been headquartered in Brooklyn, New York. From 1950 to 1994, the sect was led by the Seventh, the last, Lubavitch Rebe Menachem Mendel Schneerson, yosef Yitzhak Schneerson, who took his surname and continued the Lubavitch Ribe dynasty.


The seventh Lubavich Rebe practiced the ritual of blessing with a dollar. He introduced it in 1986, after the Chernobyl disaster, which the Chabadniks call "PAHNALYCH.

During The Reign of Menachem Mendel Schneerson, Chabad achieved unprecedented political and financial power, and its main goal was proclaimed "world expansion."

During Gorbachev's perestroika, Chabad entered the USSR, gradually swept under the vast majority of Jewish religious and financial structures and established itself as the main force in the Jewish movement of the 20th and 19th centuries.

Today, Chabad nests are scattered throughout the former Soviet Union. The largest and most strategically significant are in Ukraine and Russia. But if in Russia the Chabad "capital" is, of course, Moscow, in Ukraine, the capital center of Khagada was Dnipropetrovsk - the hometown of the Seventh Lubavitch Rebe Menachem Mendel Schneerson.


At present, the Chabad-Lubavich movement has an unprecedented influence for a small ultra-Orthodox sect not only on the microclimate of the main-home countries, but also on the global political and economic situation.

The activities of the sect are extremely conspiratorial, at the same time Fariseiski IS THE EXCLUSIVE EXCLUSIVE, RELIGIOUS HUMILITY AND TOPEENCE.

Unlike other representatives of Orthodox Judaism, the Chabadniks not only do not recognize Jesus Christ, but hate him with fierce hatred. His worst enemy Chabad considers Orthodoxy, the corresponding attitude to the carriers of this religion.

The Chabadniks actively oppose the process of assimilation of Jews and are fanatical fighters for blood purity. The basic principle of the sect's fascist ideology is: "JEWS BEFORE ALL, and CHABAD - SUPERIOR JEWS."

The ideological concept of the Lubavitch clan (the concept of Judeo-racism) is outlined in the book "Tanya", written by the founder of the Habad-Lubavich movement, Rabbi Schneur-Salman Schneerson: God created the world exclusively for Jews; Jews have a divine soul, goyi (non-Jews) have a soul of the lower order - an animal soul; JEWS ARE THE ONLY ONES TO BE APPLIED TO THE CONCEPT OF "MAN", THE REST OF THE WORLD IS COMPARED WITH VOMITING AND IMPURITIES. The book "Tanya" is the main subject of study in Chabad schools on a par with the Torah and Talmud.

Until now, Chabad, despite its power and super-influence, remains a very small sect. However, the number of Chabadniks is growing day by day: if by the early 1990s there were only 20,000 representatives of Chabad-Lubavich in the world, this figure has increased several times to date.

Members of the Chabad sect are adherents of Kabbalah (mystical teachings in Judaism) and possess its secrets at a professional level. In the Christian sense of Kabbalah, there is nothing but witchcraft and enchantion.

In December 2004, Chabad ANNOUNCED the COMING of the Antichrist. (Eduard Hodos

The chief specialist on Habada is Eduard Hodos.

There were three statesmen in Russia: 

first Russian Tsar John IV of the Terrible, 

First Russian Emperor Peter I Alexeyevich the Great, 

first Emperor of Red (Soviet) Russia - USSR, Joseph Stalin (Dzhugashvili) 

Contemporary of post-Soviet Russia Putin. 

Ivan the Terrible had Russian-Tatar-Greek blood in his veins, Peter Alekseevich had a mixture of Tatar blood, Comrade Dzhugashvili-Stalin, Ossetian, who considered himself Russian of Georgian origin. There are experts on Putin, suspecting his Jewish-Italian roots. But the main thing that makes these figures Russian - is that they ruled and still rule the terrible game in Russia now.

You know the Editorial's attitude to the national issue. It is as even as a German autobahn, we have no bias towards Ethiopians, Germans, Russians, Ukrainians, Jews and any other nationalities at all. Confess to you in the most intimate, Friends, our editor-in-chief and teacher had relationships with almost all major ethnic groups and nationalities among his former girlfriends and companions in work, life and love. You know, he's omnisible, except for one thing: he doesn't digest just one national quota, crime. 

Based on this editorial material we continue our narrative. 

We don't need to prove now that the first Soviet government was indeed Jewish by at least 80%. To do this, it is enough for us to make public the personal affairs (the pedigree) of the members of the first Soviet government, or even just publish a list of the first leaders of the RFSR, compiled in 1919 by the English journalist of the newspaper "Morning Post" Victor Marsden. Victor Marsden visited Russia more than once at that tragic time. The truth he obtained once made such a strong impression on Henry Ford, the father of conveyor car manufacturing, that he hired journalists, lawyers, other specialists, who began to supply him with information proving the participation of specific individuals of Jewish nationality in the Bolshevik coup of 1917 and subsequent fateful events in the Russian Empire. The result of these studies was the appearance of the book "International Jewry", which was published by Henry Ford in 1920-1922. The book "World Jewry" was not a short success, it was published in half a million copies in the United States, and later it was translated into 16 languages, including Russian. 

Studying the life of the great Lee Iacocca Editorial itself is not a very good opinion of Henry Ford, moreover consider him a scoundrel . However, nothing should prevent us, including personality assessments for our research. Here's Henry's quote in full.

Ford's conclusions: 

"If those Jews who dominate the world wished to liberate the Russian people and extinguish the corrosive flame of Bolshevism, putting an end to the participation of Jews in all revolutionary movements, they could do it in a week's time. What is currently happening is done with the knowledge and consent of the Jewish world forces. Obviously, they do not want to cause a reverse movement. This view has largely taken root among American Jewry and concludes in its program a plan to "prove our power in one of the existing states." This program is strictly guided by Jews. But do not forget that this program has the opposite side: the truth, it proves the power, but at the same time it outlines the people who use it. And maybe, at the end of the day, there will come a time when these people will bitterly regret that they have molested this power and enjoyed it..."

Putin's Hasidic Hazara. 

The material is not aimed at inciting ethnic strife or propaganda.

In a democratic country, every citizen has the right to have his own opinion on any issue. The most obscure or confusing issues are resolved only through arguments and counter-arguments. 

In Russia, Putin has many topics that are not discussed publicly, and which should even be mentioned with caution - THE REALLY QUESTION! In Russia - it's TABOO!


The second period of Jewish rule in Russia conditionally begins in 1941, when there was a need to stop the world's most powerful army of anti-Semites Hitler. 

By the way, one point about Hitler's anti-Semitism. Scientists have discovered in Eva Brown (the friend of the Fuhrer) Jewish roots. This fact was discovered by analyzing her DNA, in which scientists have identified a specific combination of genes - a mutation characteristic of Ashkenazi Jews. 

And also about Hitler, anti-Semitism and Jews. In the largest Israeli Russian-language newspaper "Vesti" published sensational material about 150,000 Jewish soldiers and officers "mishling" who fought in Hitler's army. The term "mishlinge" in the Reich called people born from mixed marriages of Aryans with non-Aryans. Despite everything, tens of thousands of "mishlinge" quietly lived under the Nazis. They were usually conscripted into the Wehrmacht, becoming not only soldiers, but also part of the general.

Hundreds of "mishlinge" were awarded for bravery with Iron Crosses. Twenty soldiers and officers of Jewish origin were awarded the highest military award of the Third Reich - Knight's Cross. 

Colonel Walter Hollander, whose mother was Jewish, received Hitler's personal certificate, in which the Fuhrer certified the aryuris of this halachian Jew. The same certificates of "German blood" were signed by Hitler for dozens of high-ranking officers of Jewish origin. During the war, Hollander was awarded the Iron Cross of both degrees and a rare badge of distinction - the Golden German Cross. In 1943, he received the Knight's Cross when his anti-tank brigade destroyed 21 Soviet tanks on the Kursk arc in one battle.

This list could be supplemented by one of the sinister figures of the Nazi regime - Reinhard Heydrich, a favorite of the Fuhrer and the head of the RSHA, who controlled the Gestapo, criminal police, intelligence and counterintelligence. All his life he struggled with rumors about his Jewish origin.

It was Heydrich who held the Wanzei Conference in January 1942 to discuss the "final solution to the Jewish issue." His report stated that the grandsons of a Jew (such as him) were regarded as Germans and were not subject to repression. It is said that one day, returning home at night, he turned on the light, saw his image in the mirror and shot him twice with a gun with the words: "A vile Jew!"

Only in the face of the threat of their personal destruction, the Dodo-Bolshevik authorities were able to squeeze out of themselves: "Brothers and sisters," addressing the Russian people!

Then, apparently, there was a change in the consciousness of Stalin and some Bolshevik leaders. "Bolsheviks" gradually transformed into "communists", and power from Jewish leaders gradually passed to Jewish wives - almost all the leaders of the Soviet Union were married to Jews. 

It should be noted that in the conditions of the FINAL REALLY OFES IN THE RUSSIAN, in power (except the Jews themselves) REALLY either LOVE CARNIVALS OF THE TYPE Kalinin or Malenkov, to give a known share of Russianness, or to infiltrate the power vertical used marriage to Jews. As an example - the names of the most famous Kremlin leaders, whose wives were Jewish: Bukharin, Voroshilov, Kirov, Molotov, etc. From times closer to us can be added - Brezhnev, Suslov and the first president of Russia - Yeltsin, and Also. This list can be continued, but I think it is not necessary, because the clanism implicated in Jewish blood is already obvious. It seems that Gorbachev falls out of this row, but his daughter married a Jew. Everything is repeated from time to time...

We can mention Khrushchev, who was married to a Jewish woman in Gorskaya. And all the children of Khrushchev from this marriage are considered To be Jews. And all of them subsequently married persons of Jewish nationality. 

TIME of the '90s. 

According to Galah, Jews should not (if they have such an opportunity) allow a non-Jew to occupy any post that gives him even the most insignificant power over the Jews.

The Jewish dominance in the "elite" of post-Soviet Russia is obvious. The list of high-ranking Jews of the Yeltsin era can be continued indefinitely.

President - Yeltsin (married to a Jewish woman) 

Heads of the Presidential Administration: Filatov, Chubais, Voloshin - Jews. 


Gaidar, Kirienko - Jews 

Economy Minister - Yasin is a Jew 

Finance Minister - Panskov is Jewish 

deputy. Finance Minister - Vavilov is a Jew 

Chairman of the Central Bank - Paramonova - Jewish 

Energy Minister - Saffron - Jew 

Minister of Communications - Bulgak is a Jew 

Minister for Natural Resources - Danilov-Danillian - Jew 

Transport Minister - Efimov - Jew 

Minister of Health - Nechaev is a Jew... 


It is pointless to cite data about the government, because they did not rule. Perhaps, we will mention only Primakov (Mason and Jew). The country was ruled by seven bankers - Aven, Berezovsky, Gusinsky, Potanin, Smolensky, Friedman, Khodorkovsky (six - Jews, data on Potanin vary). 

The president and the President's Daughter (a new position in the Jewish government) Tatiana Diachenko (according to Jewish law - as the daughter of a Jewish woman, a Jew) ruled with them. 


The main features pointing to the preservation of Jewish power during Putin's time.


Presidents of the Government: Fradkov is a Jew, Medvedev (he inadvertently mentioned his right to Israeli citizenship). 

It is worth mentioning that Putin was brought to power by Jews: Chubais, Berezovsky and Abramovich. The first of this trio (Chubais) and plays the role of a shadow leader. 

Chubais Anatoly Borisovich, a Jew, supposedly the only representative from Russia in the Bilderberg Club. "Thanks" to his activities as Chairman of the State Property Committee of Russia and the Head of the Presidential Administration, most of the National STATE of Russia came under the control of the Jews. It was he who invited Putin to work in the Kremlin... 

"By the fruits of recognize them"!

"If those Jews who dominate the world wished to liberate the Russian people and extinguish the corrosive flame of Bolshevism, putting an end to the participation of Jews in all revolutionary movements, they could do it in a week's time. What is currently happening is done with the knowledge and consent of the Jewish world forces..." 

From the book "International Jewry", which was published by Henry Ford in 1920-1922.

"The collapse of the USSR and the subsequent redistribution of its huge resources can be called without exaggeration the Second Great Jewish Revolution of the twentieth century. The influence of Russian Jewry on the post-Soviet reality grew so rapidly that in 1998 the well-known Jewish publicist E. Topol had every reason to state publicly: "We have gained real power in this country..."

The idea that it was jews who held ideological and economic, and therefore political power in post-Soviet Russia sounded repeatedly. Former Russian State Duma deputy Jew L. Radzikhovsky entitled one of his articles on the subject as: "Jewish Revolution." He said without a doubt that it was the Jews who became the main ideologues of the collapse of the USSR, as once the Russian Empire. Then the Jewish clans carried out "privatization" and eventually took full political power in the country into their Jewish hands.

"Jews are 100% Jewish: the head of the Presidential Administration, the secretary of the Security Council, five ministers, the leaders of the three Duma factions... No other nationality is so abundantly represented in power... There's probably no such thing anywhere else in the world. And this is despite the fact that in Russia there are fewer than 300,000 Jews..."

This idea of Jewish domination in Russia was unequivocally confirmed by Rabbi Berl Lazar at the world Congress of Hasids: "Many revolutions knew Russia, but the quietest and most effective is the revolution that our envoys have made, despite the often hostile attitude of others..."

Israeli President Moshe Katsav, during a visit to Moscow in January 2001, called Putin "a great friend of the Jewish people." Even the American press was shocked by the Kremlin's attention to the slightest whims of a Jewish guest: "The Kremlin has a kosher kitchen, for which an entire army of rabbis was invited... The kitchen was arranged in the building where Ivan the Terrible lived... President Putin has in fact proclaimed since his election that the heritage of the Jews, Judaism... has unconditional value for Russia" TheNewYorkTimes

Could Putin come to the Kremlin without the approval of the Jewish clans that govern the country? The most influential figures among Russian Jews did not even hide that for them Putin is a "technical president", a figure of nominal, whose main task is to legalize their criminal business of the 90s.

"Private capital hires power. The form of recruitment is called democratic elections."

"The most frankly this strategy was formulated by another Jew - Oleg Deripaska. In his stunning frankness and cynicism interview with the Time of Eurasia bulletin, he said in particular: "Power is a group of people, an elite capable of making decisions and implementing them... Russian President Putin is a kind of top manager, managing the whole country. We are The Russian Real Power. The bearers of this power decide who will be at the head of the management structure, one of them, or someone hired. In Russia, for example, it is a hired manager, Putin... It is necessary to throw away all sorts of tales about democracy, supposedly someone decides something, going into the voting booth. I will clarify in order to understand the technology of managing society. A group of people exercising power decides on the form of this power. Now, for example, it is a form of democracy where the general public is convinced that they are governed by the one they chose in the voting booths."

This frank and defiant interview is indicative of the fact that Deripaska, so confident in his abilities, that he did not even consider it necessary to fear the reaction to his words.

So in the early 2000s, Putin was "just a technical president." But then he suddenly came to the aid of a very powerful ally and carried away in the game ...

Putin found an ally in the most unexpected place - in the radical Jewish sect of Hasidic "Chabad", with which by that time closely approached the "Kremlin purse" Roma Abramovich . Remember the first Russian deal? Roma sort of sold to Russia "Sibneft". And the Russian budget as if bought this "Sibneft" for space money 💰. That's you and all the richness of Roma and the great start of the Vov. 

Ethnic criminal grouping and continuation should be...

Eɗiᴛ᧐r-iᥒ-ᥴɦiᥱf ദ 🃏 รཞ୲ദບℓ౿ ℓ.

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