Global cartel. Part 2. 

Global cartel. Part 2. 

24-ዘዐሀዩ ጠልፘልጓፗበይ 📓 'ናልናዘዓሀልዩ'

⏳ƬɼⅈᎴʋℓɛ ℵ 🔬Ꮥɑℽʂ 🎙

The biography of the Penzance governor is not so colorful.

Ivan Belozertsev was born on September 15, 1958 in the village of Baranovo in the Levensky district of Orlovsk region. Russian. He was working as an assistant harvester, a combine harvester. Then he graduated from the Ulyanovsk Guards Higher Tank Command School with a degree in tracked and wheeled vehicles. He rushed along the Komsomol-party line, and very successfully: secretary of the VLKSM committee of the battalion of cadets, assistant head of the political department for the Komsomol work of the Ulyanovsk Tank School, delegate of the All-Union Congress of VLKSM, secretary of the party committee of the regiment, delegate of the 19th All-Union Conference of the CPSU. In September 1989 he entered the Military and Political Academy of Lenin in Moscow, was elected secretary of the party committee of the command faculty; In late 1991, Boris Yeltsin ordered the abolition of military and political bodies in the army and to convert lenin's academy into the Humanitarian Academy of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Belozertsev graduated with a specialty of "social educator." He was sent to Penza as the region's deputy military commissioner for personnel. For several years, he oversaw the work of the commissary for relations with public organizations. In 1999-2004 he was the head of the human resources and accounting department of the Penza region reserve officers.

24.12.2000 elected deputy of the Penza Gordum, re-elected on 26.12.2004. Further: the head of the city is the chairman of the Penza City Duma (2005-12), the chairman of the board of the association "Council of Municipalities of the Penza region," the head of the public adopted party of the United Russia party in Penza, the chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Penza region (2012-15), the secretary of the political council of the Penza regional branch of United Russia. On September 13, 2015, he was elected governor of the Penza region with 86.04%. Re-elected on September 13, 2020, with 78.72%. Ilya Grashchenko, Director of the Center for Regional Policy Development, said: "On the eve of the elections, Belozertsev, through businessmen close to him and through his son, who heads the family's business, met with people patronizing him from the federal center and apparently promised to be useful in his post. Belozertsev, they say, could become a dollar billionaire."

Chevalier of the Medal of the Order of Merit to the Fatherland II degree (Dmitry Medvedev's decree of 11.03.2010), Order of Honour, Jubilee Medal "70 Years of the Armed Forces of the USSR," Medals "For Distinction in Military Service" I and II Degree, "For impeccable service" III degree, "For military prowess" II degree, "200 years of the Ministry of Defense" and "Mikhail Kalashnikov", was awarded with a commemorative sign "For services to the development of the city of Penza." Deputy Secretary for the treatment of citizens of the regional political council of the Penzen regional branch of the All-Russian political party United Russia.

Nothing foreshadowed. It seems to be...

Spiegel (evil languages call him not only "one of the key figures of the domestic pharmaceutical mafia" but also a member of the TOP 5 "domestic blue lobby") for many years there was a roof in the form of an influential general of one of the power structures and, of course, world Jewry. Belozertsev sought to maintain ties with all elite players, in the recent rating of stability of regional leaders from "Minchenko Consulting" got into the "medium-sustainable" group.

In addition to Boris Spiegel and Ivan Belozertsev, on March 21, the wife of pharmaceutical tycoon Evgeny Spiegel (vice-president of Biotek Group, formally the main beneficiary of the group of companies), Anton Koloskov, the head of the Penza region's representative office under the Russian government, Anton Koloskov, and the deputy director of the Russian Government, Anton Koloskov, were detained on March 21. Some resources report the detention of both sons of Belozertsev. Tankist's membership in United Russia has been suspended.

It's been a painful blow to the pro-Ural lobby. MK writes that "the detention of a well-known businessman and politician Boris Spiegel shocked members of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia." The chief rabbi of the Russian Federation Berl Lazar considers what is happening an unfortunate misunderstanding: "I heard about the detention during the day. I got a call from a member of the community, he read the news somewhere and hurried to let me know. This is a complete surprise for us... Any request from him, his lawyer and his family will be considered by us and we will do our part. We will try to help morally, and connect the department, which deals with the help of prisoners, works in all pre-trial detention centers... We don't know the details of the investigation yet, so it's hard to say how it's going to be. We hope for the best development. Boris Isaakovich is a very active member of our community, he always tries to help and be useful to people. We want him to be able to do these good things as soon as possible without any obstacles. And I really hope that we will soon find out that it was just a misunderstanding."

Remember Giuliani in the lobby of the hotel with two Ukrainian - American prisoners, who gave greetings to this guy in a hat. Video 2018-2019, laziness to look 🔦 . Some of you had this info, the clown 🤡 had too. But all this is useless to give to children. And also a photo of Trump with the same two Ukrainian women - American businessmen crime. Their main boss sits in Austria, you can not pick it up for 5 years. 

This is a order of Repic Putin: to remove competitors. The editors see this in the scale and status of the operation. 

Back in the zero years Repic met With Spiegel, who was called a pharmaceutical commissioner in the profile market. Perhaps it was under the influence of Spiegel that he decided to deal with state contracts. In 2000, at the age of 21, Repik founded R-Pharm with a starting capital of $40,000 and in the same year took part in public procurement, winning seven lots. In 2009, R-Pharm won the tender of the Ministry of Health to provide medicines to patients with rare diseases, receiving its first major contract for seven billion rubles. In the following years, the company received orders for 38 billion rubles. Liif's interlocutor believes that the success of R-Pharm is due to the fact that the company has an exclusive portfolio on HIV, oncology and hepatitis. And now Repic is actively developing the market of drugs for coronavirus. As 20 years ago, Repic continued to receive state contracts hand in hand with Boris Spiegel, who was self-isolating in Israel. In state bidding they went side by side - for nine months of last year " R-Pharm occupied the second place in the rating of trades with a share of 7.70% of the state segment, and "Biotek" LLC was in third place with 2.70% of the market. This year, in the portfolio of both companies again took a worthy place favipiravir. 

Miracle poison ☠️ 

Buying medicine from Repic and Spiegel, doctors use favipiravir in hospitals, it is given free of charge to people who are treated at home. Doctors refer to the recommendations of the Ministry of Health. Some time ago, Twitter actively discussed how the girl who became ill with the covid was given the drug "Areplivir" manufactured by Promomed Rus LLC, without warning about side effects. After studying the instructions, she realized that the consequences could be quite serious. The favipiravir molecule (based on which Avifavir, Areplivir and Coronavir are manufactured) is not protected by a patent and is therefore conditionally free. In fact, it is an inexpensive, but very toxic anti-TB drug with the addition of fluoride atom to the sixth position in the pyrazine ring. Perhaps this is what attracted domestic pharmacists - the medicine is easy to run in old Soviet factories, where for decades produced cheap "Pirazinamide." In pharmacies it costs only 180 rubles. 

Favipiravir was developed in the U.S. about twenty years ago, but it was abandoned because of its toxicity - studies have shown that the drug has a devastating effect on the reproductive health of women and men. In fact, it is chemotherapy for patients with high viral load, when the therapeutic effect occurs due to high toxicity - so the same "Pirazinamide" works. However, in 2014 the drug was registered in Japan under the brand name Avigan. The Japanese allowed it to be used only in extreme cases in the absence of alternatives. When the first wave of fake coronavirus was launched into the world, the Japanese sent avigan samples to 70 countries, when some hopes were pinned on it as a cure for the kovid. But they did not come true, confirmed the lead researcher of "Avigan" Johei Doi. And how could they justify themselves if the virus is not isolated. This is an extremely entertaining story of stupidity of officials, journalists who decided to treat people without either knowledge or license of a doctor. Such a large-scale attack of money epilepsy 💵 happened in the world in 2020-2021. 

In Russian pharmacies since the end of September there was a drug for coronavirus "Areplivir" - a domestic generic of the Japanese drug "Favipiravira." However, doctors are in no hurry to discharge him to patients. Today, the Japanese have almost given up favipiravir. Due to the risk of teratogenicity, the Drug Safety Bureau imposed strict restrictions on the use of the drug, focusing on side effects - in addition to possible deformities and fetal death, patients experienced sudden unconscious muscle activity. Marketing in Russian But in Russia, on the contrary, there is an active promotion of new drugs based on favipirvir. For example, Promomed Rus produces it under the trademark "Areplivir". 

The owner of the company Peter White on one of the federal TV channels confidently declared: "This is a revolution! Now that we have this medicine, people will stop dying from coronavirus ! The effectiveness of the drug is approaching 100% ! 

A bunch of idiots on the field of miracles. We have no other comments to these squeals. 

"Promomed" can not be called a heavyweight of Russian pharmaceuticals - in 2019, the company earned only 72 million rubles. But just before the New Year, the company for the first time placed three-year bonds with the volume of one billion rubles on the Moscow Exchange. And the demand for them exceeded the supply by one and a half times. This drug was created as a cure for allergies, but eventually declared a unique remedy against influenza viruses. He's already been called a CoViD killer. In the Russian market, Ingavirin has long been considered an effective drug, despite big questions about the evidence. 

Who earns from the immortality of the soul? 

Even the widely advertised Russian drugs "Ingavirin" of Valenta-Pharm and "Triasavirin" from "Medservice" never got into the coveted list of the Ministry of Health drugs that help with coronavirus, and "Promomed" White stood in line with such giants as "R-Pharma" and "Biotek". 

Major League But, perhaps, "Promomed" was among the chosen only to ensure that the real sellers of favipiravir did not have problems with FAS and other supervisory bodies. Media reported that Repik was previously a member of the FAS's expert board for the development of competition and, accordingly, studied the rules of the game well. Two years ago, The head of the anti-cartel department of FAS Andrey Tenishev claimed that during the inspection of one of the large pharmaceutical companies, more than twenty keys for participation in electronic bidding were found - one of them was known as "R-Pharm". A major scandal erupted, the company was accused of colluding with the Ministry of Health and had to be added to the register of unscrupulous suppliers. But in the end, the case against R-Pharm was put on the brakes, and she again began to receive state contracts. In April, Repik participated in a session on antitrust regulation in the midst of a pandemic, where he called for sanity: "It is crucial now not to succumb to panic and not to try, in the name of a big case, to forget about the rules, to forget about the need to act within the framework of evidence-based medicine and to forget that procedures should be followed. Just a couple of months later, "Koronavir" from "R-Pharm" was approved by the Ministry of Health on the procedure of accelerated registration of medicines. Under a similar scheme, other domestic drugs based on favipiravira, which Spiegel sells, have previously been issued under a similar scheme. For example, "Areplivir" produced by "Promomed Rus" and "Avifavir" is a drug of the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RFPI) and the "Chimrar" group. RFPI invested in favipiravir among the first, and it is possible that with the help of his old partner - Alexey Repik. In 2017, RFPI together with the Russian-Japanese investment fund bought a stake in R-Pharm. The amount of the transaction was not disclosed, but experts estimated it at 10% of the company's value. In the same year, the Japanese giant Mitsui corporation acquired another 10% of R-Pharm. Thus, the Russian market could get analogues limited in use Japanese drug Avigan. RFPI is little known, but plays a big role, attracting money of Western investors in the Russian economy. The management company of the fund is owned by VEB, so it is possible that budget money is invested in favipirvir. Perhaps this explains the ease with which the Ministry of Health has included all three drugs in the list of "killers" of the covid. 

Safety at issue, R-Pharm officials commented on questions about toxicity.

Experts do not report serious or other new side effects not seen before in clinical studies, which indicates a predictable safety profile, the company said. But despite the massive sales, in the Russian expert community the attitude to favipiravir is ambiguous. Nikolai Bespalov, development director of RNC Pharma, believes that if you choose between this group's drugs and the vaccine, it is better to get vaccinated. According to him, these drugs have not yet been fully investigated from the point of view of safety. "The drug can cause congenital deformities in the embryos of pregnant women and lead to the fact that the fetus will not form. This fact alone already shows that the drug is quite difficult. There are the results of intermediate studies, according to which it causes disruption of the cardiovascular system, reversible, not so critical, but nevertheless they are present. And plus disrupts the exchange of nitrogen, that is, affects in a certain way metabolic processes in the body. "Based on all these side effects, to say that this drug is safe, I think that no one will turn the tongue," Bespalov said. 

Sergey Netyesov, a member-correspondent of the Russian Academy of Sciences, head of biotechnology and virology at Novosibirsk State University's Faculty of Natural Sciences, said that favipiravir not only affects the development of the fetus in women, but also has a negative impact on the quality of the seed if the man takes it less than two months before the expected conception. "Two countries, Japan and the United States, have made very clear conclusions about the strict limitation of the applicability of this drug against influenza, and neither in Japan nor in the United States it is not approved for the treatment of CoViD-19. 

I don't understand why The Russian Federation thinks differently; because I have not seen any domestic publication that clearly demonstrates its effectiveness, - the scientist noted. Netyosov himself considers the production and sale in Russia of these drugs, especially over-the-counter, unreasonable: - On the Russian website clearly written that favipiravir at least teratogenic. It also says that six out of sixty patients had adverse reactions. And about the therapeutic effect on patients is not written at all - nothing. 

And this criminal kagal yells about the health of the nation and take care of the health of the people of the planet ? Who do you hold us for the fellow criminals from the international criminal group. 

One of the main beneficiaries of the COVID-19 epidemic in Russia, and maybe the U.S. 🇺🇸 is a Russian billionaire ($2.1 billion) and the owner of R-Pharm, a.s. resident Alexei Repik. 

Together with Farmstandard, Akrikhin and Protek, his firm is already earning an additional millions of dollars in funds from the new infection. In particular, we are talking about the drug "R-Pharm" "Kaletra" which is prescribed almost all patients with false diagnoses. The effectiveness/perniciousness of this potion is under the control of the U.S. FBI and you are our readers, as a gesture of goodwill to the Editorial Board, informed of this fact. 

At the same time, discussions continue on the possible refusal of a number of manufacturers, including R-Pharm, from the production of inexpensive, unprofitable, but vital for the mass consumer of drugs.

Pharmacists explain the rising prices of "imported substances" and the cost of transportation, and experts say that they simply do not want to work with a small "European" margin, when you can earn millions and focus on creating a new fake and further hype "coronavirus" demand, forgetting about everything else in this world of net profit. 

By the way, the same "R-Pharm" has more production in Germany and for this manufacturer the problem of imported raw materials should not be so acute.

The demand of medicines "from Repik" in domestic medicine raises fears also because "R-Pharm" periodically catch on bribes to officials from medicine, falsification of the results of tenders and other violations. A year ago, FAS suddenly, after Alexey Repik joined the expert council of the service, terminated the case of collusion between the Russian Ministry of Health and R-Pharm. But the same FAS had previously found R-Pharm guilty of participating in a cartel conspiracy in the Republic of Khakasia.

Cases of violation of antitrust laws were initiated. High-ranking employees of the firm were prosecuted for organizing the OPG, which provides victory in electronic auctions. About 70 cases related to the disruption of drug supply to budget organizations are known. Large-scale corruption scandals involving pharmaceutical companies in Yamal and Yaroslavl are known. There is also a story about the sale of all the rights to unique anticancer developments by the American organization. The company is reported to have traded counterfeit drugs and generics of dubious production under the guise of original and highly effective products, including for the treatment of HIV.

And in April 2020, at the peak of the crackdown on the virus, the chairman of Business Russia, Repik announced (and supported) the issuance of humiliating "Sobyanin" codes to working Muscovites, which later became a nightmare for the residents of the capital.

What other comments should the Editors give here? 

Musical 🎶 a pause from Vladimir Vysotsky


In the reserve (here's what - forgot)

Once upon a time there was a goat - horns long, -

Even though he lived with wolves, he didn't howl like a wolf.

I've been singing songs, all the goats.

And he pinched the weed, and forged his sides,

You won't hear a bad word from him,

It was a good thing with him, though, like a goat's milk,

But there is no harm, however.

Lived on grazing, near the lake,

Without invading other people's possessions,

But noticed the humble Kozlik

And they elected as scapegoats!

For example, a bear - a balamut and a cheat -

They're going to be a bear.-

They will find, lead and beat the Goat:

On his horns and crotch him ...

He did not resist, gray, violence with evil,

And he was taking down the beatings cheerfully and proudly.

Bear himself said, "Roby, I'm proud of Kozl.

Heroic personality, goat's face!"

Protected goat as heir, -

There was even a prohibition in the woods

From the reserve

Let go of the scapegoat.

And the goat rode himself all a goat,

But he began to stammer:

Once the beard tied a knot -

From the bushes called the Wolf a bastard.

And when I got another let go,

All for the fact that the wolves bit off, -

He seemed to be bearishly growled,

But then they didn't pay attention.

While the predators were fighting among themselves,

There was a growing opinion in the reserve,

What is more expensive than all bears and foxes -

Dear Scapegoat!

Kozel heard, and he became like this:

"Hey, you brown," shouts, "hey, you peg!

I'll take away your diet of wolves

And bearish privileges!

I'll show you the real goat's face in the woods,

I'll write it back and forth on a stencil,

I'll wrap them all on the horns and spread them on the bumps,

And I'll make it all over the world!

Not one of you will eat the earth,

You'll all die without forgiveness.

It is up to me to let go of the sins of whom:

I'm the scapegoat!"

... In the reserve (here's what I forgot)

Rules the ball Kozel is not the same:

He lived with the wolves, and he cried out like wolves,

And now he's a bear.

Eɗiᴛ᧐r-iᥒ-ᥴɦiᥱf ദ 🃏 รཞ୲ദບℓ౿ ℓ.

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