Fresh May issue of the magazine  'Murzilka' .

Fresh May issue of the magazine  'Murzilka' .


Keeping our latest storyline "Snow White" and proving otherwise makes no practical sense, we move in the direction of proving the guilt of specific defendants for the special operation of the covid 19 and continue to press charges for potential defendants. 

Covid-19 is a false pandemic created for political purposes to establish, by a narrow group of individuals - world domination and depopulation of the world's population.

US Patent for Coronavirus Patent (Patent # 10,130,701 issued November 20, 2018)

The present invention relates to an attenuated coronavirus comprising a variant replicase gene, which causes the virus to have reduced pathogenicity. The present invention also relates to the use of such a coronavirus in a vaccine to prevent and/or treat a disease.

US Patent for Coronavirus Patent (Patent # 10,130,701 issued November 20, 2018)


Who's willing to answer for that👇 ❓

The data clearly and unequivocally show that the blockages were not only completely illegal, but potentially ten times more deadly than the made-up coovidosis, which is a fictitious virus 🦠, and de fact it is a common seasonal disease of ARD and other standard diseases, such as seasonal influenza.

Deadly combination

exponentially increased suicides, drug overdoses

murders, alcohol use,

calorie intake, delayed screenings for cancer and other, abuse of all, tuberculosis, hepatitis, AIDS and other. The researchers concluded that this combination will repeatedly outweigh the mortality from #COVID19.

Contrary to popular belief, every RCI (randomized clinical trial) ever conducted on the use of masks and the prevention of infection in laboratory-confirmed flu, colds or other respiratory viruses, shows that abs. masks are ineffective.

And now a free ticket to the circus 🎪 with horses is kindly provided by the White House administration 🏡. The entertainer is familiar to you, witty, talented, time-tested as a good old cognac, responsive and really funny and resourceful prankster Dr. Fauci , he is listed as the main infection at home. We meet with long applause of the doctor: 

A friend of paedophile Gates, head of the CDC conman Fauci: "The fact that I wear a mask after vaccination is not a theater."

A friend of paedophile Gates, the head of the CDC conman Fauci: "Yes, it was a theater."

In the background flashes another horse, from the same circus performance of a collective of masked clowns 🤡👇

And earlier, the entertainer Fauci, who actively called on the world society to atomize, and declared the need for separation, which almost word for word repeated during what was called pademia kovida, the head of the Russian consumer watchdog Popov, and calling to wear masks everywhere and everywhere, as soon as the cameras were turned off the mask.

The show with the circus and horses is over, all the actors are free.

Transhumanism: Using human cells to power functional biocomputers with CRISPR:

The use of these natural processes to construct logical diagrams is a key goal of synthetic biology. In this case, the ETH team found a way to insert dual-core processors into human cells by pre-changing the CRISPR gene editing tool... Using the Cas9 enzyme, which can act as a processor.

"Imagine a micro-tissue with billions of cells, each equipped with its own dual-core processor," says Fussenegger. "Such computing bodies" could theoretically achieve computing power that far exceeds the computing power of digital supercomputers.'

Sooner or later, people have to come to realize that walking together and next to an ignorant plebs that have become a tool of freaks is endlessly shooting yourself in the foot until you run out of blood.

A society that says that it is above the individual, that an individual must despise his own, to save society, is selfish and doomed. 

Society must take care of the individual, while the individual must take care of society. This is the balance and success of the survival of the World and the World in the World. 

Technocratic-transhumanistic mental and sexual perverts (paedophilia) say exactly the opposite, dooming the world to destruction, and very soon death .

If someone thought that children were depraved to the impossible, and that worse can not be, then we are encouraged, worse borders have no 👎 

Visually, we see the ethnic face of the American biotech Inovio, and she reported through this person that the vaccine assigned to 40 volunteers against the movide caused a reaction of the immune system in 94 percent of "rabbits", that is, those who completed the so-called first clinical trial, that is, received two injections at intervals of four weeks.

The Inovio INO-4800 vaccine is designed to inject DNA to humans to trigger a specific immune system response against the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The drug is injected under the skin with a needle, then activated by a device resembling a toothbrush, which for a fraction of a second gives an electrical impulse, allowing DNA to penetrate the body's cells and perform its mission.

Inovio is funded by the U.S. Department of Defense and the nongovernmental organization CEPI and is included in the U.S. plan to produce hundreds of millions of doses of vaccine by January as part of Operation Warp Speed.

In fact, in simple and clear terms, this vaccine changes your DNA, that is, reprogramming it, embedding its code and doing it apparently the ethnic face of the People's Republic of China, judging by the photo suggested by the press service of the company.

How did huge numbers of covid 😷 get sick? Very simple, with the help of outright lies.

Back in early July 2020, the CDC ordered a common cold to be classified as a covid. 

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) essentially establishes policies across the states, endlessly spreading the flow of so-called facts that they then revise or repeal. Their latest update on COVID-19, published in July on Tuesday, is truly awesome. 

Here's what the CDC said in the title section: What do your results mean?

"A positive test result shows that you may have antibodies from a virus infection that causes COVID-19. However, there is a possibility that a positive result means that you have antibodies from the infection with the virus of the same family of viruses (so-called coronaviruses), such as the virus that causes the common cold. 

That is, in fact, the common cold began to be considered a positive result of COVID-19. Perhaps the same statements with the same anti-scientific nonsense should now be expected from WHO. And this despite the fact that we now know about the TESTS COVID-19 manufactured in 2016 and supplied by the international bank (the new hospital of the world) to different countries of the world from 2017. Dictatorship of idiots and obscurantists from science, so to speak, went slender rows on the march. 

The World Bank's website, after obtaining an international medical license, lists coVID-19 testing kits sold from 2017. Or information on the site someone faked ?

How will you comment on the visualizations above? 

The question is with the bankers, the Gates and Melinda foundations, the Clinton Foundation, the Clinton Foundation, the CDC, journalists and those who call themselves politicians and other covid characters of this diverse circus 🎪 with horses and Indian elephants. 

You don't have to answer, we'll formulate for you. That almost all of you finished scoundrels and idiots we know for a long time. But over time you are completely relaxed and snrous, in addition to all the other vices and professional unfitness, you have recruited in their states the same stupid staff like you, they are the same finished morons. Because it was the perpetrators who burned you like charcoal in a fireplace, leaving eloquent traces of 👣 crime on the internet everywhere. And this texture is now for international and national investigators, because to urge you to think over and stop is tantamount to asking a camel 🐫 do not spit .

How a camel spits 🐫 🖕can you see it here. 

👆Post postmodernism then and now, a hundred years later 

🇺🇸👆American Contemporary Painting 🧑 🎨

🇺🇸2011. Los Angeles 🖕The Museum of Contemporary Art took place. The annual MOCA Gala. Hand-held, court artist Hillary Clinton and a close friend of the former head of her Podesta campaign, Marina Abramovic, staged an evening of cannibals, where the heads of people imitating deadly agony were stuck on the tables mixed with food.

Investigators are 🖕ssing an electronic tracking stuffing sewn into masks 🎭 

To all the other sins add audacity. Unbridled audacity to get into the personal life and body of citizens without good reason for this criminal action 👇

Americans living in Florida may be tried for refusing to vaccinate.


RE: Extraordinary Litigation (COVID-19)

Ref: 7-2020-030

Considering that our country and the state of Florida have been affected by the COVID-19 virus, and bearing in mind that the Florida government, through executive order 20-52, has declared a state of emergency in the state, and taking into account that the Florida Supreme Court, through administrative rulings AO SC 22-12 and AO 20-13, urged to take the necessary precautions and procedures to mitigate the effects of the spread of the COVID-19 virus, and to ensure that the courts must provide a certain level of functionality for the critical functions of the mission, while listening to the advice of health officials, while bearing in mind that protecting the health and well-being of the public, court staff and judges is of paramount importance;

So, I, Raul A. zambrano, Chief Justice of the Seventh Judicial District of Florida, by virtue of the powers granted to me by Article V, Section 2 of the Florida Constitution and the administrative orders of the Florida Supreme Court, hereby order:

1. From 18 March 2020 at 5:00 pm ET to 6 April 2020 at 8:00 a.m. ET, trials will be held, limited to what is considered "critical to the mission" as defined below;





Requests for search and arrest warrants;

Violation of quarantine or isolation orders;

(R) violations of travel restriction orders;

(c) Violations of orders to close public or private buildings; removal of bodily fluids mandatory vaccinations ...

44 doctors tell the truth about the dangers of vaccines. English yaz

1. Dr. Nancy Banks -

2. Dr. Russell Blaylock -

3. Dr. Jeff Bradstreet -

4. Dr. Sherry Tenpenny -

5. Dr. Suzanne Humphries -

6. Dr. Larry Palewski -

7. Dr. Suzanne Humphries -

8. Dr. Andrew Wakefield -

9. Dr. Meryl Nass -

10. Dr. Raymond Obomsavin -

11. Dr. Ghislen Lankto -

12. Dr. Robert Rowan -

13. Dr. David Ayub -

14. Dr. Boyd Haley, Ph.D. -

15. Dr. Rashid Buttar -

16. Dr. Robbie Mitchell -

17. Dr. Ken Stoller -

18. Dr. Mayer Eisenstein -

19. Dr. Frank Ingli, Ph.D. -

20. Dr. David Davis -

21. Dr. Tatiana Obukhanych -

22. Dr. Harold E. Buttram -

23. Dr. Kelly Brogan -

24. Dr. R.K. Tent -

25. Dr. Rebecca Carley -

26. Dr. Andrew Moulden -

27. Dr. Jack Wolfson -

28. Dr. Michael Alice -

29. Dr. Terry Walsh -

30. Dr. Stephanie Seneff -

31. Dr. Paul Thomas -

32. Many doctors say at the same time -

33. Tony Burke -

34. Dr. Jane Orient -

35. Dr. Richard Det -

36. Dr. Lucia Tomlenovic -

37. Dr. Chris Shaw -

38. Dr. Susan McCready -

39. Dr. Mary Ann Block -

40. Dr. David Brownstein -

41. Dr. Jane Donegan -

Dr. Robert Mendelsohn -

43. Dr. Philip Incao -

44. Dr. Joseph Mercola -

What are you saying to Joe? 

And who taught you to say nonsense so many times in four months. However, things should be taken when changing the management of even a small plant 👇

A few exotic facts you probably didn't know about Marina Abramovic. 

When she was 14, she played Russian roulette with her mother's gun.

 In her youth, she tried to break her nose to make her parents pay for plastic surgery.

Before Abramovich learned about the art of performance, she was engaged in painting and wrote "big colliding socialist trucks" and "little innocent socialist toy trucks."

At the age of 19, in her first year at art school, she came up with a come-from-behind performance for Belgrade's Galerija Doma Omladine: the audience was asked to undress at the entrance so that the artist could wash their clothes.

After Abramovich fled Belgrade at the age of 29, she made a living knitting sweaters.

Marina Abramovic. Rhythm 0. 1974. Source:

She lived for a year with Aboriginal people in the backyards of Australia.

 At the same time she raised a baby kangaroo.

Marina Abramovic. Balkan erotic epic. 2006. Source:

She believes that the artist should not fall in love with other artists.

 In an interview with The Guardian, she said: "When people ask me where I come from, I never say I'm from Serbia. I always say I'm from a country that's gone."

 In 1997, she performed the Balkan Baroque performance, during which she brushed 1,500 cow bones for six hours a day.

Marina Abramovic. Balkan Baroque. 1997. Courtesy Marina Abramovic Archives and Sean Kelly Gallery, NY. © Marina Abramovic

For one of the works, she cut a five-pointed star on her stomach with a razor.

During another work, she masturbated under a wooden deck at the Guggenheim Museum, where visitors were walking at the time.

In 2005, Abramovich repeated a performance by Vito Akkonchi Seedbed (1972) at the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, later telling that during the performance she had experienced nine powerful orgasms. The project also included reruns of works by Bruce Nauman, Gina Pane, Vali Export, And Joseph Boyce as an ode to past performances.

From Clinton's correspondence.

There is nothing slanderous in the letters addressed to John Podesta. In one brother sends an invitation from a famous artist to come to her home for dinner, in others discussing pizza snacks and parties with hot dogs. However, suddenly it turned out that behind the innocent culinary terms are hiding with satanic rituals, child trafficking and paedophilia.

What's wrong with pizza?

The wave was raised by users of the forums-imageboards Reddit and 4chan, connoisseurs of youth and criminal slang. The fact that in the U.S., if you inadvertently admit that you love pizza and cheese, then you will at best burst of general laughter, and at worst - the attention of the special services. The expression cheese pizza or just cp is a euphemism for child porn, i.e. child pornography. And in Podesta's letters mentions of this pizza meet more than once. However, as well as just pizza, which in slang is a designation of young prostitutes for paedophiles. And some turnovers indicate that the letters really do not imply fast food. As an example, John Podesta's strange correspondence with his brother Tony (all this pornographic and food-related topics is connected with him).

Tony invites John to dinner on January 12 or 13, 2014: "Mary is busy. I'm going to get a pizza for an hour. Will you come?" to which John replies, "It could work. Somalia? Osspadi (In the original "Geez" - abbreviated-slang Jesus. - Ed." Podesta's wife Mary, however, destroys plans for the party: "On the 12th I can't, and on the 13th John has hand surgery." It is referring to Podesta's little finger, which has bothered him since December, suspected fracture. However, such an "operation" takes just a few minutes and can hardly prevent the meeting "for an hour" if, of course, really meant pizza.

Tony is generally a big pizza lover. He invites John "for lunch or pizza" in January 2015. In another letter, he himself is invited to a "Hillary party with pizza" where both John Podesta and Maya Harris (about her later) go. In March 2016 - again a strange letter, seemingly again about the food, where Tony invites his brother to sit in a cafe. "Or I can bring pizza home," he suggests. "I'll pass. There's too much to do before tomorrow's trip to Michigan. There's no need for pizza," Podesta replies.

Tony likes to have fun. In one of the letters, a concerned woman asks when to call Podesta: her brother was taken to the hospital, and, according to the letter, less than 24 hours after leaving her. He suffers from pain, and he takes the strongest narcotic painkiller percocet, causing a strong addiction. It is prescribed only in extremely rare cases, for example, cancer patients, the drug is strictly accountable, and its improper sale leads to criminal liability. The reason for Tony Podesta's admission to the hospital was the intake of alcohol, which is incompatible with painkillers. "How much did he drink? It's terrible with percocet!" worries Hillary's campaign chief.

Strange preferences

It's not just my brother who writes Podesta about pizza and other strange preferences. In one letter from the Sandler Foundation, there is a mysterious set of words. "Hi John, the realtor found a black and white handkerchief that looks associated with pizza. We can send him out, but if you're busy, you don't have to answer if it's not yours or you don't need it." The realtor is also interested in some pillows that she bought yesterday and which she can also send.

How can a handkerchief be associated with pizza (pizza related in the original) ? None, unless you consider it from the point of view of slang. "Handkerchief" is also a kind of code (handkerchief code or hanky code, if you do not believe. - Ed.), which is used mainly by male sodomites to reveal their preferences in bed joys. Usually handkerchiefs are worn in the back pocket, and the indicator for finding a partner is color. For example, the black color is used by sadomasochists. As for "cushions," this code is usually used for hotel prostitutes. If a man in a hotel is offered to "bring a pillow", it should be interpreted as a proposal of night entertainment.

Dinner with Satan

But perhaps the most interesting is the invitation to dinner with the artist Marina Abramovic, to which Tony invited John. The letter includes spiritual cooking, thanks to which in many ways the artist became famous. in a bath of pig blood, cakes with cream from male seed and severed goat's heads - just the most innocent that Abramovich offers to cook at their dinners. It was supposed to use the legacy of Satanist Alistair Crowley, but in fact Abramovich invented her own rituals, imbued with eroticism, occult and voodoo symbolism and witch witchcraft. On the web it is easy to find videos in which the "artist" shreds on the walls of pig blood "recipes" for their "spiritual cooking" - invites viewers to drink urine, cut their hands and drink their own blood.

Abramovich herself hastened to disavow (as far as satanic can do) from the occult with Podesta, although he admits that the dinner took place. "I am outraged because the message is taken out of context. It was a normal dinner. With a regular menu, which I call "spiritual cooking." No blood or anything like that. It's just that the dishes had funny names," she told Inqusitr.

Clintons and voodoo

The voodoo theme, by the way, has been haunting the Clinton family for decades. Bill Clinton has been to Haiti many times, and locals are pretty sure that he came there not only for political purposes. For example, on the web you can find many mentions of how Clinton persuaded the voodoo priest Gerard Jean-Just to conduct a ritual for... winning the election. Political magic worked, Clinton's rival George W. Bush's health deteriorated dramatically, and Bill became president. Since then, Clinton has maintained close ties with local priests, as evidenced by his many visits to Port-au-Prince.

Although, maybe it's all the fictions of conspiracy theorists again? It is quite possible, but then the truth looks even more unsightly. I wish they'd eat goat's heads.

Isle of Paedophiles

At Hillary's pizza parties at John Podesta's house, as we wrote above, there was a certain Maya Harris, whose presence is mentioned in Podesta's correspondence separately. why? The fact is that Ms. Harris was an employee of the Ford Foundation and dealt with early child marriage. Her sister, District Attorney Kamala Harris, specializes in child sexual abuse cases. Bill Clinton's visits to Haiti mentioned above were considered to be of a humanitarian nature.

Hundreds of thousands of people have been killed and many missing since the devastating voodoo earthquake in 2010. As it turns out now, taking advantage of the general devastation, traffickers from all over the world have flocked to Haiti. Children were kidnapped from makeshift tent camps, sold literally for pennies - half a pound for a baby. UNICEF estimates that even before the earthquake, traffickers had bought and abducted up to 2,000 babies each year, which were later sold for organs or child prostitution. It is impossible to establish the truth, because children simply disappear. Now, according to various organizations, the number of such missing Haitian children reaches 8,000 per year.

So maybe Bill Clinton traveled to Port-au-Prince not to perform magic rituals, but to more pragmatic and even more horrific purposes? Both Bill and Hillary Clinton have already been proven to be linked to Jeffrey Epstein, an American financier and sex offender. Epstein organized a syndicate of child and adolescent prostitution and contained an entire island to entertain rich people with child slaves, forced to perform any perverted whims of the tycoon's friends. Bill Clinton has been to this island dozens of times, Hillary has been on this island at least six times. These trips were confirmed by Clinton security officials from the private military firm Blackwater.

You know, Friends, that many knowledgeable people, including your humble servant, have reported that elites are panicking because there are more names involved in pedophilia and other perversions. Here are some names from Maxwell's files, a list of names from Epstein's flight logs.

Monica Lewinsky urges subscribers to take decisive action in connection with COVID-19 pandemic 

Probably, many remember the story with Bill and his intern Monica. The story that once again confirmed that where there is one mouth there will always be two extra ears and/or two eyes. 

So, ex-intern and ex-lover of former U.S. President Bill Clinton, whose wife, it must be said, is not the last person in DeepStat, today upstarted about COVID19 and what should be done to U.S. citizens in this regard. Monica Lewinsky didn't demand much, she just asked all her 750,000 Twitter followers to send their faeces to the White House for analysis.

"Now they have decided that they will check everyone for the covid-19 virus. Please send a sample of the chair to Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20500," Monica urged all her 75,000 followers to fill the White House with faeces.

The COVID19 outbreak is like a ritual cut down by the standing of the planets. 

In 1994, Rockefeller said at a dinner at the United Nations: "We are on the verge of global transformation. All we need is the right serious crisis, and countries will accept the new world order." And in 2002, David Rockefeller wrote in his memoir: "Some believe that we are part of a secret clique working against the interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as "internationalists" colluding with other people around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure - one world, if you will. If it's an accusation, I'm guilty and proud of it.' 

Network correspondence of people far from politics: 

"... I mean, in general they have a lot of rituals associated with the alignment of the stars and the orbit of the moon, that is, the full moon, the bloody moon with rituals, etc... These three planets are aligned once every 15-20 years, which was also observed during the Black Plague. They were aligned and as of February 28, they were in the compound and can still be seen.... I mean, you can look up at the sky, and see the connection, you can also quote Dr. Rob K. Thompson of the University of Maryland, Ph.D. in occult sciences. Between 5 and 6am they clearly line up at about 30-45 degrees from your POV on Earth. 

This is an interesting piece of information, and you can make of it what you want. I read about the Black Plague and the Pope at the time in the 1300s, who said that black death was associated with God and the connection of Saturn to Mars and Jupiter, during the last month. "They" could have known about the "connection" during the Black Plague and waited for it again to carry out their plan.'

What Vicky wrote about above: 

".... Johann de Muris was in the midst of a team of "three people who made a treatise explaining the plague of 1348 by the connections of Saturn, Jupiter and Mars in 1341." Clement VI's doctors advised him to surround himself with torches to block the plague....".

Meanwhile, these three planets really were in what was called a connection in the correspondence - in one line, you could see the vulnerable in the morning all these three planets (Saturn, Mars and Jupiter) lined up as it was under the Black Plague. April 3, 2020.

Perhaps, in this coincidence, which is that the COVID19 pandemic occurs at a line of three planets, as it was under the Black Plague, there is nothing concrete and worthy of your attention, but it must be said that the guy in the correspondence gave good food to the mind. 

As we ponder whether the occult and magic work, whether there is a Creator and other things, it must be said that what people do not understand is that it does not matter whether we believe in occult practices and demonic forces. The only thing that matters is that the world's elite believes in it, and believes with pathological passion and intensity. They believe only because they believe that it is from there that they draw their power. 

And power is their aphrodisiac and their true religion.

Pictured: Bill Gates, who was not involved in the COVID19 Pandemic, in the company of Jeffrey Epstein, who did not kill himself.

Leaked 17-page confidential document of the German government on COVID19-strategy .

"The measures taken by federal and regional governments are clearly unconstitutional and unprecedentedly violate many fundamental rights of citizens in Germany. This applies to all rules on the coronavirus of 16 federal lands. In particular, these measures are not justified by the Infection Protection Act, which was instantly revised just a few days ago. Available data and statistics show that the virus is harmless to more than 95% of the population (or has already spread), and therefore does not pose a serious danger to the general public," reads one of the lawsuits against the German government, which filed several law firms against the measures and regulations taken.

Meanwhile, the leak of a 17-page confidential German government policy document also shows that COVID19, in their view, is no more dangerous than seasonal influenza, and that it, in conjunction with the media and some scientists, despite this, follows a "shock strategy" to intimidate people with the "worst-case scenario" of COVID19, despite the fact that, as reported in the same document, the virus is largely harmless to the population. Excerpts:

For Service Use

"... We assume that only 5% of infected people should be hospitalized, and out (out of 5%) only 30% of them need intensive care, and another 20% (from 5%) need ventilation with the appropriate device. 

In addition, we assume that the time spent in the intensive care unit is ten days if patients move as soon as possible to use this extremely meagre resource for the following patients. We set nine days for ventilator ventilation, and eight days for patients who need a hospital stop without such support. The mortality rate is based on the differentiation of the manner of action. In relation to the total number of infected with good home care in the model, it is 1.2%, and with insufficient care - 2.0% - respectively in terms of the basic totality of all infected ...

... Only about 20% of the population will be infected with the virus. The number of deaths will be about 220,000. Meanwhile, the macroeconomic negative effects of stretching will have enormous proportions.

... Catch-up effects are taken into account, which compensate for a third of the economic downturn during the crisis month, and in each of these months. This scenario results in a 4 per cent decline in GDP compared to the benchmark scenario and is considered an economic best case scenario. For industry, this means minus 9 percent. By comparison, in the Great Depression of 2009, GDP fell by 6 percent, the value of industries by 19 percent.... "

The document clearly states that the coVID19 outbreak is not dangerous for the population, as evidence given to the figures known to all statistics that it will be repeated every year, so it is necessary now to think about measures to minimize the consequences for the future, and consider several scenarios of the outcome of the German economy from this panic and this hell.

Note that no doctor, no scientist, no specialist deserves respect. A bunch of fortune tellers of marasmatists. 

 It is fair that German businessmen are preparing a lawsuit against their government. 

"The measures taken by federal and regional governments are clearly unconstitutional and unprecedentedly violate many fundamental rights of citizens in Germany. This applies to all rules on the coronavirus of 16 federal lands. In particular, these measures are not justified by the Infection Protection Act, which was instantly revised just a few days ago. Available data and statistics show that the virus is harmless to more than 95% of the population (or has already spread), and therefore does not pose a serious danger to the general public ..." reads one of the lawsuits against the German government, which filed several law firms against the measures and regulations taken 👇

Ministry of Health recommends all deaths from pneumonia to be written off on COVID19

The problem with making informed quarantine decisions about coronavirus is that at the moment we don't have the exact amount of data about it. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidance, issued March 24, directs hospitals to identify COVID-19 as the cause of death, regardless of whether actual testing is performed to prove that this is the case. Instead, even if coronavirus was simply a contributing factor or if it "allegedly caused or contributed to death," it may be listed as the main cause.

The International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Health Problems, or ICD, has established the code U07.1 for death from coronavirus infection, there is a secondary code "for clinical or epidemiological diagnosis of COVID-19 where laboratory confirmation is not definitive or absent" U07.2. This is stated in the CDC manual.

"COVID-19 must be listed on the death certificate of all the deceased if the disease has caused or presumably caused or contributed to the death. Certificateors should include as many details as possible based on their knowledge of the case, medical records, laboratory studies, etc.

Already wanting to blame us for the conspiracy theory, it must be said that the American statistics, the rules of which seem to have been adopted in some other countries, where all deaths from pneumonia are written off on the covid, also wrote on Twitter Alex Bernson, author and former reporter of the New York Times, one of the few known figures who question some statistics on CDC COVID-19 :

"When you sit at home and watch the deaths from SOVIID, please know that the cdc's official guidance (the American equivalent of our FEMA Emergency Fund for Public Health and Social Services) to encode COVID-related deaths is as follows: any death, where the disease is "caused," or "presumably caused, or "contributed" to death by confirmed laboratory tests. So the new ICD rolls out on March 24... Guess when all these sudden coovid deaths in America will start to grow?"

If you look for the cause of this kind of diagnosis of the causes of death from the CDC, it is on the surface and banal to the ugliness. Money is one of the most important reasons for this kind of CDC policy. 

The $2 trillion Coronavirus Aid and Economic Security (CARES) Act contains a wide range of spending provisions, including an additional $100 billion for the Public Health and Social Services Emergency Fund. This new funding is designed to ensure that money flows to hospitals and other health facilities that respond to the coronavirus pandemic. This $100 billion averages about $108,000 per hospital bed in the United States...

Red curve drops from pneumonia deaths amid rise in COVID19 deaths as a result of CDC manipulation of causes of death

This will be the case everywhere and with everyone, no one will elude responsibility this time by hiding behind collective irresponsibility. Because in this crime you inherited like a bear 🐻 on an apiary with honey. Your signatures are everywhere. 

Roughly speaking, the CDC did not want to miss $100 billion and went to a felony, so for the panic and nightmarish statistics with millions of couid deaths, it required doctors and hospitals to officially state the false causes of death of patients, writing off everything on the kovid, under the noise of the fight with which the CDC can beg for more money in addition to the 100 billion dollars already. 

You will go not only on the articles about war crimes, but also for the theft of national and local budgets at all levels. 

Don't switch. We'll continue 🔜 soon.

ℰ𝒹𝓂ℴ𝓃𝒹 𝒟𝒶𝓃𝓉ℯ𝓈 .

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