We change the name, add the material and within our previous statements give life to the work for large masses of people. Since in heard nothing sane and understandable for us . 

We change the name, add the material and within our previous statements give life to the work for large masses of people. Since in heard nothing sane and understandable for us . 

Ͳɦε Ɗαʝɭγ Ɠαʐεʈʈε'ʂ 'Βεɾϻμɗα Ͳɾʝαηɠɭε Ѕαγʂ'🎙

CORONAVIRUS is not a pandemic, or a medical problem. This is an information biological attack of unprecedented scale created by the world mafia, with the aim of obtaining new and permanent super-revenues from national state budgets (plundering national budgets, with the aim of reducing the population and establishing a new world order. 

The development of Covid-19 was financed by many participants of the criminal project, for example, the Bill Gates Foundation and Melinda Gates are already divorcing, apparently Melinda does not want to sit together with her husband. Bill is the main verbal diarrhoea and speaker - a maniac popularizer of vaccinations in the world. 

In 2010, Gates created "Good Club" (among the participants: George Soros, Warren Buffett, Mayor of New York Michael Bloomberg, the head of CNN Ted Turner, etc.), one of the tasks of these defendants birth control and the population of the Earth. The financial elite represented by the three-way group Rockefeller proposed to optimize the number of people on the planet.

Gates, Buffett and Turner (CNN) are sources of funding for global population reduction programs. These programmes (in Africa and elsewhere) are disguised as philanthropy and health services. In fact, they are associated with forced sterilization of the population through vaccination and other medicines that make people infertile.

False coronavirus can be "infected" directly during testing, or tests from 2017 can intentionally show infection (even healthy people) as an excuse to remove a person - first to the hospital, and then to the morgue.

In general, we have collected a wonderful documentary material with a little artistic processing in a place where it is not possible to do without it and declare directly who is who, because we do not have operational documents for agents. Otherwise, everything is documented and follows in the chronological sequence of the crime of the century. We recommend that, after reviewing the material, responsible citizens of the world, to boil this material in the police and special services with enclosing statements. Possibly at the place of residence (States, provinces, lands, as well as the central offices of the Interior Ministry, the prosecutor's office, the courts. 

Let's go 🛫 

Our Editorial for quite a long time speaks about the special operation of the crown 👑, because we stubbornly do not want to hear 🦻, we make a simple and banal conclusion: the administrations of the world are involved in illegal business activities using state resources, power structures, media and more, paying for all this criminal spectacle from national budgets of all levels. 



Tests on COVID-19 have been spreading since 2017, when no one thought about any coronavirus.

And the first time the name COVID -19 refers to 2015 and patents Richard Rockefeller (Lionheart 💔 our editorial moniker to this collective image of the villain) 


The book "The Focus of Demons: Gremlins in Work" by Georgos Ceres Hutonne

Chapter 7 page 107: "At least 4 billion "useless eaters" should be wiped out by 2050 through limited wars organized by epidemics of deadly fast-acting diseases and famine. Energy, food and water for the ineelate should be maintained at the subsistence level, starting with the white population of Western Europe and North America, and then spreading to other races. 

The population of Canada, Western Europe and the United States will shrink faster than on other continents until the world's population reaches an acceptable level of 1 billion people, of which 500 million will be made up of the Chinese and Japanese races, selected because they are people who have been ordered for centuries and who are accustomed to unquestioningly obeying the authorities." 

Marleson Ballet of unspecified parts and sold-out.


Continuation of our production of the 🎭 of the Merleson Ballet 🩰, a truly best crime ballet of the first half of the 21st century. 




The end of our Marleson World Ballet came to a logical conclusion, as well as all criminal performances in the history of the world. Such a large-scale crime cannot be hidden, in the age of modern communications. Everything has come to the end point and r…


Medical Test kits exports by country in 2017


Medical Test kits exports by country in 2018


Medical Test kits exports by country in 2019


HS Classification Reference based on Covid-19 medical supplies list 2nd edition, prepared by World Customs Organization (WCO)and World Health Organization (WHO)

In Russia, the registration of PCR test took place 5 days before the appearance of the strain of the virus and 10 days before the first cases! Is that possible? And why not, if it became possible all that is above and so possible! 

Please note that on 6.03.2020 the certificate has already been received by the manufacturer, the Center for Strategic Planning and Management of Life and Biological Health Risks of the Russian Ministry of Health. And if you pay close attention to the second date - the date of the registration file, we will see - 21.02.2020. 

On December 24, Wuhan CDC sent a sample of the liquid for the bronchoalvelar Laban (rather than the purified virus) from an unresolved clinical case to the sequencing company Vision Medicals. On December 27 and 28, Vision Medicals informed the Wuhan Central Bank and the Chinese CDC about the results of a test showing a new coronavirus. And on 3 January, Chinese services reported 44 cases of pneumonia to WHO (ALLO) in Wuhan City, Hubei Province. The pathogen turned out to be a new coronavirus, which had not previously been found in the human population. On 30 January 2020, in response to the covid-19 outbreak, WHO declared an international health emergency. 


And from ourselves we will add, thanks to the restored memory of Masha, that we do not intend to play with you Madame Arbidol (Tatiana Golikova) to play a slinky deck of cards in a fool. 


Our Editorial Gift 🎁 to you Madame Arbidol and your beloved husband Vitya Christenko for a long memory. 

Project No. The COVID-19 Strategic Training and Response Programme has been developed by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the Association for International Development. The program involves 25 projects at the 1st stage. This project is designed for the whole WORLD. The completion date of the project is set to be March 31, 2025. 


Project No. The COVID-19 Strategic Training and Response Programme has been developed by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the Association for International Development. The program involves 25 projects at the 1st stage. This p…


Kristalina Georgieva was born in Sofia, Bulgaria, in 1953. In 1976 she graduated from the Karl Marx Institute (now the University of National and World Economics), receiving a master's degree in political economy and sociology. In 1986 she completed her phD from the University of National and World Economics in Sofia on "Environmental Policy and Economic Growth in the United States."

From 1977 to 1993 he was an assistant professor at the Higher Economic Institute by Karl Marx. From 1987 to 1988 she was a research fellow at the London School of Economics. She has since taught and researched at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Yale University and Harvard Business School.

A complete collection of telegraph-style documents with a lyrical artistic part, here are just a few of the themes we announce inside the novel of our happy Marxist life 👇

Slynchev Bryag, Palma restaurant, September 1975. Christina is the first in a row of girls. The program involved a lookalike of Stalin brought from Moscow, and major, our editor now accompanied him even on the stage. Stalin wanted to escape by sea to the U.S. 🇺🇸, so he was not even allowed to go to the toilet 🚾 one . I had to sing 🎤 a duet and the girls danced 👯 

Christina worked in the night variety show after studying at the Karl Marx Institute, one night they met. Thus began the 6 year novel of the KGB major of the USSR with a simple student and cabaret dancer. 

Miss Varna's restaurant, on the second floor equipped with an underground casino 🎰 and rooms for intimate dates, the entrance is disguised from the usual garage 56 meters south of the building, September 1979, there the girls also went with Stalin's group and accompanying twin Stalin, singer and actor of the KGB officers of the USSR. Oh glorious time was ... moans with bitterness the editor and cries again 😢 

Golden Sands, 1980, Major shoots his girlfriends Christina and Lesia. 

Restaurant "Fregat", Slynchev Bryag, 1979, a significant company for a meal during the break of classes in hand-to-hand contact fight - "trio" 

This photo shows part of the group. The second part is below on a closed deck. 

Davos 1983 .

The most important female financier in the world, the newly appointed head of the International Monetary Fund Kristalina Georgieva not only agreed to give an interview to our channel, but also preferred Russian to English. Here is an excerpt from today's issue about the probability of Ukraine receiving the next tranche from the fund. 


Davos, January 2020, has already grown a young shift and now they employ young officers 👮 ♂️ 

Marxism, Leninism, Hitlerism were created rather as anti-sciences, violating all conceivable and inconceivable criteria of rationality, scientific character and even the morality developed by mankind. The ideology of Marx was aimed not at the search for truth, but at the imaginary protection of the "interests of the proletariat." No, the Marxists were not looking for truth in philosophy, N.A. Lossky wrote, but only a convenient weapon to achieve their revolutionary goals.

 Karl Popper proposed the possibility of its fundamental refutability as a criterion for the scientific nature of a theory. Contrary to this criterion (or Karl Popper's principle of falsifiability), Marxism was originally created as an impregnable fortress, did not allow verification by facts, organically did not tolerate criticism and angrily defamed the slightest attempts at objections. According to A. Burov, the style of Marx had nothing to do with the scientific style - it was a self-confident broadcast of a quasi-prophet or demagogue.

A short announcement we made, and all the charms of Marxism - Leninism, as well as the love details of the novel you can open and read in this link below 👇 also from the Editorial Board. Material with the same documents as we presented to you above. 


All for our readers and national and international investigators ! 

In general, all the main defendants in the special operation COVID -19 are exposed and we certainly consider this material a good prologue to a large criminal investigation. 

Here's another neo Marx, who heads a communist crime circle, with the sonorous name of the International Forum in Davos, and a de facto banal annual gathering of wealthy mobsters. Klaus Schwab, founder and president of the World Economic Forum, said in 2016, "People will be implanted with a microchip under their skin or brain for the next 10 years."


Get to the point.

Bill Gates: "I see that a lot of things are going very well, like increasing child mortality"


Introduce the evidence of this monkey. 

The book "The Focus of Demons: Gremlins in Work" by Georgos Ceres Hutonne

Chapter 7 page 107: "At least 4 billion "useless eaters" should be wiped out by 2050 through limited wars organized by epidemics of deadly fast-acting diseases and famine. Energy, food and water for the ineelate should be maintained at the subsistence level, starting with the white population of Western Europe and North America, and then spreading to other races. 

The population of Canada, Western Europe and the United States will shrink faster than on other continents until the world's population reaches an acceptable level of 1 billion people, of which 500 million will be made up of the Chinese and Japanese races, selected because they are people who have been ordered for centuries and who are accustomed to unquestioningly obeying the authorities." 

The new doctrine 📚 of Martian theorists and practitioners. 

The Florida administration will fine any business or school $5,000 each time they require someone to "passport a vaccine" or confirm a COVID-19 vaccination to enter or participate in an event 



The fine is too little dude for these geeks, we're starting an investigation 🕵️ ♂️ 







Protests against fraud 🖕in crown, lies and "isolation" in Bidet (Maharashtra, India)

Protests against fraud 🖕in crown, lies and "isolation" in Bidet (Maharashtra, India)

In India, citizens have piles up the dogs of the regime of sanitary dictatorship 

The country has recorded a large number of deaths from the use of the local vaccine covaxin 💉

Authorities in New Jersey, USA, decided to take extreme measures to involve the state's residents in vaccination. The state's governor said every adult New Jersey resident who gets vaccinated in May will get a glass of free beer.

"Any New Jersey resident who receives the first dose of the vaccine during May and brings a proof of this to one of the participating breweries will receive free beer," state Governor Phil Murphy wrote on his Twitter account.

To begin with, a conflict of interest, but certainly roll out the full program of complicity in the crime using elected public office . And on the drum what your party affiliation, in criminal law it is not said. 

We will sue in the courts en masse.

In Britain, a 12-year-old girl is suing the school over being forced to wear a medical mask, the Daily Star reports.

The student is dissatisfied with the rules of one of the educational institutions in the English city of Sheffield, South Yorkshire. In her opinion, wearing masks in lessons can have a bad impact on children's physical and mental health.

For his part, a school spokesman stated that the institution's policy was to recommend wearing masks, not coercion. The court will rule at a later date. But in general, there is no doubt what the solution will be. 



London doctor describes "unprecedented" incidence after COVID vaccination 💉

In a strongly worded letter to the British Medical Journal, a doctor from London pointed to an "unprecedented" rate of morbidity among staff after vaccine injections and called "vaccination coercion" a "Nazi dystopia."

The letter was published in the prestigious British Medical Journal (BMJ). The letter came from Dr. F. K. Polyakov, a London doctor, in response to a BMJ article titled "Should Doctors Receive a COVID-19 Vaccine?"

The original article strongly defended the vaccination of medical personnel, stated that it was a moral obligation to protect public health, and downplayed any objections to the effectiveness or safety of vaccination.

The tone of the BMJ article and the unequivocal opinions of the four doctors quoted gave Dr. Polyakova cause for concern. She wrote that it was "difficult" for her to understand "why there is no mention of the disease caused by the current vaccination program in the health care system and among staff."

"The incidence rate after vaccination is unprecedented, and the staff is very sick, some develop neurological symptoms, which has a huge impact on medical care. 

Even young and healthy people are absent for a few days, some weeks, and some even require treatment. Entire teams are removed from their posts because they have been vaccinated together."

Polyakova defended this view, sharing her experience in health care during the COVID period in recent months, saying she "has made more vaccines in her life than most people."

Although she is clearly not an "enemy of vaccinations," Polyakova wrote that mandatory vaccinations would be dangerous and contrary to the ethical principles of health authorities: "Mandatory vaccination in this case is stupid, unethical and irresponsible when it comes to protecting our health.

"We are in a voluntary vaccination phase and encourage employees to take an unlicensed product that will have a direct impact on their health. 

I have direct experience with the staff who contracted Covid AFTER vaccination and probably passed it on to others. 

In fact, it is clearly stated that these vaccines do not provide immunity or stop transmission. In that case, why are we doing this? »



You do this out of the oil whim of the three-party Rockefeller Group and a number of other heads of state of the world. 

We're coughing up our big block of critical material yesterday about a very high jump in post-vaccination deaths. Charts 📊 and other thrash. 

Critical information about the talentless lost time and the coming consequences. 

In 2010, Canadian scientist Derek Rossi unexpectedly made a revolutionary breakthrough: he found a way to "reprogram" molecules that carry genetic instructions for the development of cells in the human body.

The molecules in question are called "ribonuclein acid messenger" or mRNA. The newfound ability to rewrite the instructions in these molecules has radically changed the course of Western medicine and science, but the most surprising thing is that no one except DARPA (U.S. Department of Defense Advanced Research Projects) has noticed. Meanwhile, in an interview about his discovery, Mr. Rossi himself said this:


So we can have everything...

“Military guys are rarely as smart as they think they are, and they've never gotten over the fact that civilians run the military.” 

Maureen Dowd

Samples of applications to law enforcement agencies and special services from our Editorial Of Your Private Citizen Initiative: 


1) The use of information biological blackmail technology of the world's population equates to a biological attack 


2) Fraud has nothing to do with immunoprophylaxis and disease protection;

3) A means to destroy population immunity.

These criminal acts have no statute of limitations due to the mass nature of the crime and the particular severity of the crime, which caused great sacrifices among civilians in many countries of the world, as well as financial and moral damage amounting to trillions of dollars. The editorial board categorizes this attack on the world as bio- info - state terrorism of a number of criminal governments, financial, cultural, journalistic communities and other elite professional groups of criminals.

The idea of vaccination is based on the false theory of infectious diseases put forward by Louis Pasteur. This theory was completely falsified, as Louis Pasteur wrote in his diaries, which were published in 1993 by Professor Gerard Gaison. Published book "The Secret Science of Louis Pasteur", it became known from it to what extent Pasteur falsified his experiments. This idea was then picked up by David Rockefeller and made vaccination part of allopathic medicine solely for commercial gain. 

1. For the Eurasian continent. 



Common for international jurisdictions and nation states. 



"Let's drink to the fact that we have everything and us for it ... - nothing was!" - a popular toast of the unknown author of law enforcement agencies and bureaucrats of one state in 1980 - 91. It's the last years of that state of toast, there and the military and politics and the financial stratum, all were the same mafia. Having lost their sense of reality, measure and conscience for many decades, they have ravaged the country and killed millions of people. Responsibility had to last for all, just as will always be and everywhere. 

Remember it all! 

Have a good day for all our readers! 

𐌴D𐌹𐍄𐌏𐍂-𐌹𐌽-𐌾H𐌹𐌴𐍆 ദ 🃏 รཞ୲ദບℓ౿ ℓ.

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