Fidel Castro's son's suicide note says Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is Fidel's son

Fidel Castro's son's suicide note says Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is Fidel's son

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Justin Trudeau at center, Pierre on the left, Fidel on the right.

"Never was it that there was no way, always somehow, yes it was" 

Justin Trudeau is Fidel Castro's birth son

Justin Trudeau, Fidel Castro

The note left by Fidel Castro's eldest son before leaving the World shocked not only the Cuban nation. Dr. Fidel Angel Castro Diaz-Balar, who was treated for several months by a group of doctors because of a deep depressive condition, committed suicide on the morning of February 1, 2018.

"Castro Diaz-Balart, who had been visiting a group of doctors for several months due to deep depression, committed suicide this morning," Cubadebate reported earlier.

Most shocking was the claim that Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was his half-brother and son of the late Fidel Castro. The handwritten note left by 68-year-old Fidel Castro Diaz-Balart, the eldest of Fidel Castro's children, confirms a long-running rumor in Cuba that Fidel Castro "gave birth" to Justin Trudeau after a public meeting with Margaret Trudeau in 1970.

The death of a high-ranking government nuclear scientist, also known as "Fidelito" or Little Fidel, because he looked like his father, stunned Canadians then, and now we understand who the son went to. This is the case when the apple 🍏 fell not far from the apple tree. Explosive" suicide note silenced not only Havana, but also the world media, which somehow bypassed the event. Among other things, the note mentions that Fidelito was angry with his late father, the revolutionary Cuban dictator Fidel Castro, because Castro "always compared me to Justin" and "rejected my achievements compared to his success in Canada." 

"But what was I going to do? I'm Cuban. My brother is Canadian. If he had been born and raised in Cuba, he would always have lived in the shadow of our father, just like me," "little Fidel" wrote in the note.

At the same time, Justin Trudeau is known to us as the son of former Canadian Liberal Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau, comparative images of Pierre, Justin and Fidel suggest that there is something in the Cuban statements. Or does Justin have two dads at once? 

In addition to the physical similarity, Cuban matches are backed up by historical fact. Although Justin Trudeau's birthplace in Ottawa, Canada, is far from Havana, his mother Margaret Trudeau visited Cuba nine months before he was born, and there are photos of her with Fidel Castro.

Margaret Trudeau, Pierre Elliott Trudeau, Fidel Castro 

The Globe And Mail reported that Pierre Trudeau and his wife Margaret went to Havana and became friends with the Cuban president.

"The paths of Pierre Trudeau and Fidel Castro first crossed in 1970," the paper reported, before explaining that Trudeau had a great time on the Caribbean island, and that there was a "strong friendship between arch-liberal Pierre Trudeau and Marxist-revolutionary Fidel Castro."

Margaret Trudeau, Pierre Trudeau, Fidel Castro, Justin Trudeau

Margaret Trudeau, Pierre Elliott Trudeau, Justin Trudeau 

Justin Trudeau, Fidel Castro

Justin and Pierre Trudeau

Fidel Castro

Before shocking Canada and marrying Canada's prime minister, Justin's mother Margaret was known in the 1970s for "risky" behavior. In the early 1970s, she was known as a poster girl of the Flower Child movement and was an adept at the sexual revolution that despised traditional marriage vows as archaic. Her nudity is still widely published on the Internet.

Margaret Trudeau

Margaret Trudeau has a rich history of sexual scandals with powerful men. Describing her 1974 affair with Ted Kennedy, Margaret Trudeau wrote in her memoirs about the moment she met the U.S. senator at a state dinner in New York:

- That evening I felt such an attraction to it that we could not even stand a couple of meters apart. It didn't surprise Pierre," Trudeau's mother wrote.

Margaret Trudeau and Castro. Havana, Cuba, January 26, 1976.

Later, from U.S. Senator Margaret moved to the guitarist of the Rolling Stones Ronnie Wood, and then to Mick Jagger, who in 1977 moved to New York with the frontman of the Stones. All these scandals marked the end of her tumultuous marriage to Pierre Trudeau, who sued her for the right to raise children, won a single victory, took custody of the children and refused any spousal support margret.

Dad Fidel and his son Justin

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's words to the Cuban dictator as a "leader superior to life" when Trudeau for the first time in his life allowed himself to join a chorus of leaders from countries such as Russia, China, Syria, Vietnam, Bolivia and Venezuela, who praised Castro, proves Trudeau is indeed the illegitimate son of Fidel Castro. 

Dear, didn't you, put your hand on the eggs 🥚 🥚 and heart, you didn't tell yourself that this was going to happen sooner or later in Canada? 

Don't you remember his election as Prime Minister of Canada in October? Then Justin frolicked in the media and social networks, making some contributions around the world, participating in photo shoots with dances and gays, supporters of global warming, acting as a prince from Disneyland. The last refuge of globalization and the young overgrowth of decrepit globalists impotent, the star of parades of sexual minorities, the nail of the Paris summit on menopause, pardon, climate, the word guy with whom everyone wants to take a selfie. Trudeau has made himself synonymous with Canada as a pope synonymous with cubes. He made Canada 🇨🇦 again to the coal. So far it's been fun, Pipl's not childish.

But one beautiful Saturday morning, Havana time, our prince became an international laughing stock. 

Canada's brand, so carefully cultivated by photo shoots for "Voug" and covers of all sorts of zi iconists, covered in blue nights by bonfires of vanity, suddenly deflated and turned into a pumpkin. This was due to the pejorative headlines that poured out of most newspapers. 

From the Washington Post and the Guardian to the Huffington Post and USA Today.

The reason for this was Trudeau's tearful sentimental eulogy to Fidel Castro's death, but it is possible to trace the bizarre sequence of events that led to such a turn. 

When 16 or 19 years ago, we lost count this year, Justin made his first public appearance with the words "Je t'aime, papa!" (I love you, Dad!) at his father's funeral in Montreal, Fidel Castro himself was among the celebrities. He was even entrusted to carry the coffin of Pierre-Elliot, like Ulyanov - Lenin was allowed on Saturday in the Kremlin to carry an inflatable log.

That's when the events sent the skis in this direction that we have the opportunity to contemplate, having made during this time a full cycle and a circle. 

Times have changed, and the seeds of the Trudeau family's relationship with the Castro family, sown and gave the first shoots while Pierre Trudeau was prime minister, then carefully cultivated over the following years, now seem like something not quite hygienic, and even sat, like jokes about the airport in Dorval. And it's not boring at all.

"It is with deep sadness to learn today of the death of the longest-serving president of Cuba," Trudeau's statement begins, and continues as a praise for his personality as a servant of a nation whose meaning is "bigger than life." He was a "legendary revolutionary and orator," worked wonders for Cuban education and health care, and people loved him.

Of course, he was a "controversial figure," but: "I know that my father was very proud to be called a friend of his, and I had the opportunity to meet Fidel when my father died. friends and very numerous supporters of Mr. Castro. We join the people of Cuba mourning the loss of this remarkable leader today.'

And so, from the distant Antananarivo, from the island of Madagascar, where he attended the 80th Francophonie Festival, together with the young Trudeau's plaintive lamentation of the death of the last of the Cold War dictators, we received confirmation of every evil caricature ridiculing his own incontinence. We have gained confidence in the fairness of each pasquila on the non-seriousness of the foreign and domestic policy of this government. Including Chinese troops, stationed and why occupied the reserve in Canada.

Twitter has sparkled with hilarious bullying under the hashtag #trudeaueulogies. Florida Sen. Marco Rubio wanted to know if Justin had a humorous account. Impeccable Liberal Jeffrey Goldberg, editor-in-chief of Atlantic magazine, called Trudeau's praise of Castro "a sad statement for the democratic leader."

It is not known whether Trudeau foresaw what it was all about, but he did not seem to notice that he was giving a speech to the Frenchn brotherhood delegates in Madagascar, who emphasized in their speeches the importance of justice for lesbians, gays and transgender people.

In fact, from the point of view of the congregation, it was at least strange to praise the legacy of Caudillo, who spent the first decade of his reign, putting gay men for "re-education" in labor camps. Homosexuals were incorrigible bourgeois "maricones" and agents of imperialism, as Castro once explained.

In the speech, Justin admitted that Fidel was a "contradictory figure" and nothing in his speech was so explicitly similar to the classic genre of dictator worship composed by his brother Alexander (Sasha) for the Toronto Star 10 years ago. Sasha described Castro as "some kind of superman, ... specialist in genetics, automotive internal combustion engines, connoisseur of stock markets. As for the Cuban people: "They sometimes complain, well, just as a teenager can complain about an overly strict and demanding father."

This kind of nonsense that Castro's "disco generation" has been commonplace in the circles of the Canadian establishment of the Pierre-Eliott era, so that neither Alexander's elogs nor Justin's posture are incapable of sweetening the pills that Cubans have every reason to complain about.

As if Justin doesn't know that any political activity outside the Communist Party of Cuba is a criminal offense. That political dissent of any kind is a criminal offense. That dissidents are tracked down, harassed and beaten by neighbors who are members of the vigilant committees of amateur vigilantes. That freedom of movement does not exist. Once recently, the Cuban Commission on Human Rights and National Reconciliation (CCDHRN) documented 8,616 cases of politically motivated arbitrary arrest. For all the Prime Minister's praise of Cuba's health care system, basic medicines are either scarce or not at all. For all the praises about and in terms of the high level of literacy, Cubans are allowed to read only what the criminal Castro clan allows. 

Raul Castro's son Alejandro was the head of the regime's intelligence. His son-in-law, Luis Alberto Rodriguez Lopez-Callejas, was in the military business, which now accounts for 60 percent of the Cuban economy. The Castro regime owns and owns, and controls all media outlets with extensive experience in keeping Cubans in the dark and dark. 

And until 1999, Cubans had no need to know the details of Fidel's family life: they had never heard of his five-year-old sons. 

Independent publications are classified as "hostile propaganda." Citizen journalists are harassed and harassed like American spies. According to Reporters Without Borders, Cuba ranks 171 out of 180 countries in terms of press freedom, worse than Iran, worse than Saudi Arabia, worse than Zimbabwe.

 We will not take into account that 5,600 Cubans were shot by order of Fidel Castro, or we will not take into account the 1,200 people killed in extrajudicial killings, we will not take into account the tens of thousands sent to forced labor camps, or we will not remember a fifth. the Cuban population who left the country?

They got a bad share, not everyone swam out of that warm sea…

Fidel and Raul Castro reneged on their promises of a return to constitutional democracy and early elections following the overthrow of the tyrant Batista. Two brothers-acrobats betrayed the revolutionary democrats and patriots, who moved like clouds to Havana with them on that glorious January day in 1959. The brothers declared war on them and fought with them in Castros did not wage war on them in the Escambray mountains until their final defeat in 1965, that is, four full years ...

 After Fidel established a Stalinist-style dictatorship of the Bolshevik party, and in Cuba the party was initially allied with Batista, Castro's apologists easily forget that in the last months of 1958, Fidel surrendered Cuba to Moscow, the capital of the Soviet satrapy. He then pushed the United States to the brink of a nuclear war with the USSR during the horrific 13-day missile crisis of 1962.

 For all the provincial susceptibility of Canadians to propaganda, even the simplest of them could not believe the myth that an unkempt bearded rebel in olive camouflage waged a tireless selfless struggle against the imperialist American hegemon all his life. All this became possible because Castro became one of the richest people in Latin America. When he put his brother as president in his place, Forbes magazine calculated that Fidel's personal wealth was almost a billion dollars. And that's just what they could count 🧮

At the end of his years, Castro had fun in the tasteless mansion Punto Sero, spread over thirty hectares in the Havana suburb of Hymanitas. From time to time he sailed on his yacht either to a coastal house in Cayo Piedra, or to his home in La Caleta del Rosario, where there is a private marina for yachts, or in his hunting chalet in La Deseada, where he liked to shoot ducks. So Fidel Castro was not only a "contradictory person." First of all, he was an ordinary burner and traitor to Cuba. Castro doesn't need to mourn. His passing should be celebrated, noisy and happy, as Cubans do not only in Miami, but also in Canada.

That is why, among other things, everything that happens now and the arrest of the 🚔 pastor, as if a terrorist on the road too from this series of unlearned history lesson.

It's a disgrace to democracy and Canada 🇨🇦. 

Margaret Trudeau, Ronnie Wood and Mick Jagger

From U.S. Senator Margaret moved to Rolling Stones guitarist Ronnie Wood and then to Mick Jagger, who moved to New York in 1977 with the Stones frontman. All these scandals marked the end of her tumultuous marriage to Pierre Trudeau, who sued her for the right to raise children, won a single victory, took custody of the children and refused any spousal support margret.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's words to the Cuban dictator as a "leader superior to life", then Trudeau join the chorus of leaders of countries such as Russia, China, Syria, Vietnam, Bolivia and Venezuela, who praised Castro. This once again underlines the inner content of this boy, who is making a perfect wish in Canada today being the real son of his hurricane pope Fidel Castro.

Castro Lobelas. And this is just one careless move by Fidel from many episodes. 

How many more government leaders are born from Castro? 

"People who do not know their history are doomed to relive it" 

J. Santayana 

"People who have forgotten their past have no future"


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