Our Editors decided to dilute Putin's gloomy criminals, as a light balance 🤏 a somewhat frivolous material. So that our reader is not sad with terrible faces.

Our Editors decided to dilute Putin's gloomy criminals, as a light balance 🤏 a somewhat frivolous material. So that our reader is not sad with terrible faces.

24-ዘዐሀዩ ጠልፘልጓፗበይ 📓 'ናልናዘዓሀልዩ'

⏳ƬɼⅈᎴʋℓɛ ℵ 🔬Ꮥɑℽʂ 🎙

Islamo-Jew Timati gave a good retreat to let on the show Bachelor. This is the Maybach A394AA777 by Anastasia Reshetova, Timur's ex-wife. Her firm has a new Rolls Royce. Reshetov Maybach is parked by Timati's assistant, Grigory Matveevichev. He is the son-in-law of the humorist Vladimir Vinokur. That's not what Anastasia Vinokur dreamed of. That's why Gregory scrapped it. And many girls are ready to consider a man an enviable groom. There's a fleet of cars that Grisha has accumulated:

Rolls Rolls Phantom M230MR77

bmv 735I E053OR199

Mers A200 H785AR777

Mers ML350 4matic M066MR77

Putin has a mistress and two confidants. This is the humorist Vladimir Vinokur with rapper Timati. Vinokur gave his daughter for a slave Timati, he bought just a brain-carrying fleet. The money was helped by the leader of the gang of killers Aslan Gagiev aka "Jako". And his show The Reality Academy, to which Aslan wrote 47 lamas of rubles. And now to Vinokur's cars. Hold your jaws. I'm serious.

Bentley Y sz T B100MO77

Lincoln Town K048MR77

Lincoln SARA SA P100K177

Rolls Royce B979MV199

Edger Grand Voyager O777B97

Mers S500 B177MR77

Mers E280 X202SA99 

Mers 223690 H076TE777

Toyota Land Cruiser 200 O100EM199

Pajero S737KM77

BMV X3 B100MO77 

BMV X6 Hdrive 35i E788KR777

Infiniti FH35 O222RK97

Hyunde accent R191RR77

Nissan UEST B100ES177

Suzuki Grand M686KH99

Chevrolet AWD V0009MR77

Peugeot 306 A977TKH77

Vladimir Natanovich Vinokur (born 31 March 1948 in Kursk) is a Russian actor and comedian. He was awarded the Meritorious Artist in 1984 and the People's Artist of the RSFSR in 1989. Vladimir Vinokur was born on 31 March 1948 in Kursk to Natan Vinokur (1919-1995), a builder of Jewish descent...

Timur Ildarovich Yunusov (born August 15, 1983), better known by his stage name Timati, is a Russian hip hop recording artist, record producer, actor and entrepreneur. Timur Ildarovich Yunusov (Tatar: Timur Ildar street Yunusov, Russian: Timur Ildarovich Yunusov)...

The British Prime Minister received the first component of the Oxford COVID vaccine. The politician urged Britons to follow his example. The French Prime Minister has also been vaccinated with the drug Astra'eneca.

British entrepreneur of Russian origin Evgeny Lebedev received a noble title from the queen of Great Britain Elizabeth II - now the publisher, who owns newspapers The Independent and Evening Standard, became the Baron of the Hamptons and Siberian, writes the government newspaper The Gazette.

"The queen was pleased with the high state stamp, which was given the lifetime title of Baron of the United Kingdom, Evgeny Lebedev, under the name of Baron Lebedev of the Hamptons in the London borough of Richmond-upon-Thames and Siberia in the Russian Federation," the statement said.

Evgeny Lebedev was previously included in the list of life peers - after on July 31, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson presented him to the House of Lords membership among 36 people.

In addition to the publisher, peers included Joe Johnson, the younger brother of the cabinet minister, and former finance minister Philip Hammond (both of whom opposed Boris Johnson on Brexit and advocated for Britain to remain in the EU), as well as former British cricket captain Ian Bothham, Reuters reported. Former British Prime Minister Theresa May also became a member of the House of Lords.

The agency specified that Evgeny Lebedev, "who has spent most of his life in the UK", is engaged in secular society in London, engaged in charity and patronizes artists.

In the British press, 40-year-old Evgeny Lebedev is described mainly as the son of "KGB officer Alexander Lebedev", who is among Boris Johnson's friends. In July 2019, The Guardian reported that a year earlier, in April 2018, Johnson, then foreign minister, had been seen at St Francis of Assisi airport in Italy's Perugia in a very dented and unguarded manner. It was assumed that the head of the British Foreign Ministry was returning from Evgeny Lebedev, "who is known for organizing noisy parties for the rich and famous in his restored castle in Perugia." "He looked like he was sleeping in his clothes," one passenger told the newspaper.

In October this year, The Guardian published a story detailing the history of the relationship between Evgeny Lebedev and Boris Johnson, describing one of the 2017 parties hosted by the publisher - which was also attended by the Foreign Secretary. According to the newspaper, it could be seen a portrait of Joseph Stalin in the entire wall, sickles and hammers that adorned the windows, and an ice sculpture in the form of a pistol, from which vodka was being cast.

According to The Guardian, the friendship between Boris Johnson and Evgeny Lebedev began in 2009, when the first only became mayor of London, and the second could be certified as the son of Russian businessman Alexander Lebedev, who bought The Evening Standard newspaper. In 2012, the publication provided Boris Johnson with strong support in the new elections for mayor. "However, the relationship between them was unusual for the politician and the owner of the newspaper," writes The Guardian, describing how Johnson and Lebedev walked the streets of London in 2015 with a bottle of whiskey in hand. The newspaper adds that the publisher also attended private meetings of politicians to discuss Brexit.

According to the newspaper, before Boris Johnson nominated Evgeny Lebedev to the House of Lords, her appointments committee addressed him with a letter expressing concern about the threat to national security.

Evgeny Lebedev's father caused doubts among peers - in the UK they believe that former KGB officer Alexander Lebedev, who had been working in the Soviet Embassy in London since 1987, was engaged in espionage activities.

Evgeny Lebedev himself expressed dissatisfaction with the attitude towards himself by the British press in his column written for The Daily Mail. In it, the businessman said he was outraged by the "snobbery and racism" he saw in the reaction to his appointment to the House of Lords. Evgeny Lebedev criticized The Guardian for describing him in her articles, primarily as "Russian or born in Russia."

"The newspaper could, alternatively, write about me as a first-generation immigrant who came to this country when he was eight years old, educated in the British school system, in 2010 became a citizen and also tried to make the world a better place by campaigning and raising money through his newspapers," Lebedev writes. "But this description does not correspond to their prejudice, that I am racially suspicious, perhaps corrupt and prone to corrupt, or maybe even a spy."

In 2020, the Western press reported on Russian sponsors of the British Conservative Party. Among them is the widow of the leader of the Izmaylovsk YPG, Jeanne Malevskaya. The fates of other likely former "combat girlfriends" of bandits have developed no less bizarrely. Victoria Bonya is now one of the most extraordinary and wealthy bloggers in Russia. A good friend of Roman Tsepov, "watching St. Petersburg", brings Jim Carrey to the northern capital and records music videos. Nadia Tale, allegedly a former girlfriend of the leader of the Kurgan Andrei Koligov, managed to meet with Ilya Lagutenko, star in and hang out with Nastya Rybka. And the tragic fate of Eleanor Kondratyuk can serve as an inspiring example for those who have lost faith in themselves.

Honorary donor to British Tories

In November 2001, in South Africa, during a parachute jump, the leader of the Izmaylovsk OPG Anton Malevsky got into an air pit. The parachute lost stability, Malevsky fell to the ground from a height of several meters. He died 20 minutes later.

The leader of the "Izmaylovskiy" in the late 90s was called the "aluminium king of Russia": according to the prosecutor's office in Stuttgart, it was the Group of Malevsky helped Oleg Deripaska to gain control of a number of steel mills. The leaked database "Criminal Groups of the Interior Ministry 2003" provides a brief description of Malevsky's identity: "a murderer with sadist tendencies."

A year and a half before his death, the "authoritative businessman" became interested in the most complex kind of parachuting - group acrobatics. At the same time he became the main sponsor of the Russian national team in this sport.

"In the north of South Africa, Anton rented a small plane," friends of the deceased told reporters in 2001. "His first jump (on that trip." The Daily Storm) was the last." 

Anton Malewski, 34, was in South Africa with instructors, two children and his wife, Jeanne Malewska. After the tragedy, the widow lived away from the crime, trying not to remember the past. However, in 2012, businessman Mikhail Chernoy summoned her to the High Court of London as a witness in a lawsuit against Oleg Deripaska.

"I heard her (Jeanne Malewska). I'm not going to say that. Daily Storm) relatives every morning start by looking at search pages on the Internet - do not write what about the Malevsky family in the Russian and foreign media, "- shared her observations before the trial reporter of the newspaper "Top Secret" Larisa Kislinskaya. 

In mid-December 2020, Telegram channel Infobomb published a post with a photo of British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who "pawsing the neck" of Stephanie Gorbunova, a graduate of Moscow State University and a specialist in art, jewelry and fashion.

"This is happening at a fundraiser for the Conservative Party. The company Ensemble Productions, which is run by the pianist Olga Balakleets, was assembled. In London, she founded Private Club No. 5 Limited. Daily Storm). It is owned by Johnson's sponsors - Gorbunova, Balakleets, Safina and Jeanne Malevskaya. <...> The club has a record on the British roster, with all the shareholders.

Malevskaya was mentioned as one of the shareholders of Private Club No 5 by the British edition of Byline Times. According to an extract from the UK legal register, the company existed from 2015 to 2017, and in 2016 Malevskaya was listed as a shareholder with a 20% share.

Olga Balakleets, producer, concert pianist and head of UK-registered Ensemble Productions, founded two companies: Private Club No.5 and Exclusive Club No.5. The presentation of the "exclusive club" acting as an elite concierge service took place during the Cannes Festival in the closed club Plage Royal, located on the sea shore.

In 2008, when Boris Johnson became Mayor of London, he cancelled the Russian Winter festival in the British capital. Johnson proposed replacing it with a new Russian festival, Maslenica. The proposal for a new event came from Ensemble Productions.

Jeanne Malevskaya was mentioned as the owner of the property on Rublevka in the article "Project". According to the newspaper, together with the children, she owns a plot of 20 acres (the value of the land - 52 million rubles). The alleged son of the leader of the Podolski YPG, Sergei Lalakin (Luchka) lives very close by. According to SPARK-Interfax, Jeanne together with Andrei Malevsky (brother of the deceased husband) owns several companies for renting out the premises.

Killer No.1, "House 2," 5G

Alexander Pustovalov, aka Sasha-Soldier or Sasha-Prodigi - the legendary killer of the Orekhovskaya YPG. He has 22 proven murders, including the leaders and authorities of the YPG, police officers and prosecutors. One of the most high-profile crimes of Pustovalov is the murder of another famous hitman Alexander Solonik along with his girlfriend Svetlana Kotova (finalist of the Miss Russia 1996 contest). 

Sasha-Soldier was arrested in November 1999. During the arrest he did not resist, and during interrogations he calmly confessed to committing many murders. In 2005 he was sentenced to 23 years in prison, and in 2016 he was sentenced to another nine years (but by partial addition of punishments the total term was increased to only 24 years in prison).

"I'm a soldier, that's my job," he said when asked about the motive for the killings.

The operatives noted that Pustovalov was a "very erudite man" and that the prostitutes adored him for his generosity and decency.

The leaked database "The Home Office Notebooks", based on the records of detained members of the YPG, includes the full namesake (up to the middle name) of Victoria Bony - ex-member of "Home-2", TV presenter and model. Victoria's namesake was included in the database under the category "Orekhovskaya OPG" and the reason for the introduction - "The connection of Pustovalov A.S." Her notebook was entered into the database in 2003, it is kept in one of the departments of the Criminal Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In addition, the operatives were wiretapping Bony's phone conversations. The database has information about four numbers of Victoria

Victoria Bonya was born in the Chita region, at the age of 16 she went to conquer Moscow. The starting point in her career was participation in the reality show "House-2". Now Victoria says many people who stayed in her city believe she made a living in the capital by prostitution. 

"When I returned to my hometown two or three years later, people didn't even think that I could achieve something on my own. Like, she just stood in Leningrad all day long. In such cases I said, "Well, get up, for that matter! Why are you sitting here?" the socialite told Harper's Bazaar. 

Bonya is one of the top 15 richest bloggers in Russia, her income is 410,000 dollars (according to Forbes as of November 2019). Victoria runs online courses to promote femininity and produces clothes under its own brand. In 2020, Bonya became a "conspiracy newsmaker": she supports the theory about the dangers of 5G cell towers and talks about the dangers of the coronavirus vaccine. 

"The World Health Organization is definitely one of the first to do this. And also those who rule the world - a deep state, which is subordinated to the presidents of all countries. It's not that simple. Read about it. Allegedly all decisions are made there," Victoria Bonya said in an interview with Alena Jigalova.

In "producing" footsteps

On the morning of September 27, 2004, about 200 people gathered in St. Petersburg's Prince-Vladimir Cathedral.

"The side-by-side were seemingly irreconcilable enemies - high-ranking law enforcement officials and well-known bandits, behind whom the term "authoritative entrepreneurs" had already been fixed," the newspaper "Project" wrote in a material dedicated to the president's entourage.

According to the authors of the investigation, among the parishioners it was possible to see the current head of the Russian Guard Viktor Goldov (then the head of the presidential security service), the head of the Interior Ministry's own security department Konstantin Romodanovsky, as well as the entire leadership of the St. Petersburg police.

"Next to them under the high arches of the cathedral stood surrounded by gloomy big men in leather jackets Vladimir Barsukov (Kumarin), whom in 2019 the court recognized as the leader of the Tambov YPG, and Denis Volchek, a former State Duma deputy from the LDPR and a partner of another St. Petersburg authority of the 90s - Konstantin Yakovlev (Bone Graves) - "The project continued to list the attendees." All these people were united by the death of Roman Tsepov, a St. Petersburg businessman and TV producer, who was considered to be a bandit or a member of the special services. He was called the "grey cardinal of St. Petersburg." 

In the early 90's Tsepov, who graduated from the Higher Political School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, resigned from the authorities and founded the security company "Baltic Escort." At the same time, "Project" noted, he established strong ties with the deputy mayor of St. Petersburg Vladimir Putin and the officer of the General Directorate of Security (in the future - FSO), assigned to the mayor's office, Viktor Goldov. Smolny signed a contract for the services of protection of Putin and his family with Balti Escort. Tsepov was able to influence personnel policy in law enforcement agencies, for example, to offer his people to high positions. For this, according to one version, and got the nickname Producer.

There were references in the media that Tsepov's real name was Beilenson. Allegedly, he took the surname of his wife - Irina Tsepova. Little is known about her fate: in April 2008, Irina appealed to the police with a statement about the disappearance of Daria's daughter. Six months earlier, the girl left St. Petersburg with her boyfriend - a Sudanese medical student.

However, Irina is not the only woman in the life of the Producer. It is believed that he may have had a close relationship with Irina Afanasieva, CEO of the real estate firm Domino. In the mid-90s, Afanasyeva and Tsepov allegedly established a "gentle relationship", they were seen together at St. Petersburg get-together. Probable romantic relationship did not prevent Irina "throw" Tsepov: "Domino" sold him an apartment not owned by the company. Afanasyev was later charged with fraud and forgery. In 2001, she was sentenced to five years in prison.

According to SPARK-Interfax, Afanasyeva's full namesake is now the CEO and owner of Maykers Lab LLC. The company's revenue for 2019 was 4.5 million rubles. The company is registered with the website Atelier Makers Lab - a studio for sewing theatrical costumes.

"Makers Lab has produced more than 14,000 costumes for musicals, ballets, TV series and shows since 2012," the company's website says.

In addition to tailoring costumes, Makers Lab is engaged in production activities. In early 2019, St. Petersburgers were surprised by the news: in the musical "Master and Margarita", which is on the stage of LDM, the part of Voland will be performed by the famous American comedian and actor Jim Carrey.

"The production company Makers Lab is preparing a real sensation," the fans of the musical reported. "Soon the audience will see Jim Carrey as a messier. The actor was invited not only as a guest. He is preparing for a staged period at the LDM Theatre. A new scene."

Then the correspondent of "Fontanka" was able to reach Afanasyeva's namesake. She said her firm did sign a contract with Kerry for 12 shows. At that time, however, it had not yet been concluded. It was not signed later. A few years earlier, Makers Lab appeared to be launching a duck on social media about Kevin Spacey's arrival at one of the musicals staged at St. Petersburg's Music Hall. Apparently, the actor never arrived.

Judging by Irina Afanasieva's public page in VKontakte, in addition to producing, she is a member of the movement to help orphaned children and the author of the TV show about love and sex "Basic Instinct". In March 2012, Irina released her own music video "Blue Twilight", starring Russian actor Andrey Noskov, known for his role as the housewife in the TV series "Who's the Boss?"

"Mummy Troll," performance master, MILF

The Kurgan YPG is one of the most violent and bloody Moscow groups of the 1990s. One of the leaders of the "Kurgan" is Andrei Koligov, a reserve lieutenant and a former Komsomol activist. Koligov was considered a think tank of the YPG: during a search of his apartment, operatives found a personal diary in which the bandit described a step-by-step "Napoleon" plan to seize criminal power in Moscow. 

In the early 90's "Kurgans" began to kill the leaders of the capital's YPG and take control of commercial structures. In 1997, Koligov was detained at Sheremetyevo-2 airport. He was sentenced to 24 years and eight years later committed suicide in the colony. 

Telegram channel "Infobomb" writes that the namesake of the "legend of glamorous get-together" Nadezhda Silenskaya (Nadia Tale) in 1991 allegedly gave birth to a daughter from Koligov. It is alleged that The Tale could have cohabited with him in a Moscow apartment on Tolbukhin Street. Information about this can be found in the "leaked" database of Russian passports, as well as in the database of addresses of residents of Moscow.

Nadezhda Silenskaya positioned herself as a "performance master": at glamorous awards she appeared in mini, BDSM masks or latex corsets. The rise of the public career of Tales is usually identified with the beginning of the novel with the musician of the group "Mummy Troll" Ilya Lagutenko. She had a Skazka boutique selling latex tights. According to rumors, lagutenko himself acted as an investor. The couple broke up in 2005, at the same time the business of the socialite gradually came to naught.

In 2011, Silenskaya had an affair with Lokomotiv footballer Manuel da Costa. In the 10th she started acting in movies. Nadezhda has achieved a special success in the MILF genre. She recently starred in a candid photo shoot with Nastya Rybka, known for her relationship with businessman Oleg Deripaska. 

Beauty in Sochi

Ruben Grigoryan, aka Cyclops, is a well-known Sochi authority. However, he became famous not by keeping the whole city at bay. On September 2, 1999, in the school yard, Grigoryan's friends attacked 17-year-old Eleanor Kondratyuk. The investigation later found that Cyclops asked them to "deal" with Eleanor and pour acid on her. The attack was brutal: the accomplices considered sulphuric acid too weak a means of revenge and added vegetable oil to it. Grigoryan left the city at that time to provide himself with an alibi.

After taking Up Kondratyuk, the criminals grabbed her by the hair and splashed acid. Eleanor was able to run to school and was taken to hospital. According to doctors, the injuries were incompatible with life. The girl's face, throat, neck and eyes were burned. However, she managed to survive and even restore her sight. Rehabilitation has been going on for 20 years, Kondratyuk has undergone about 200 surgeries. 

A year before the incident, Kondratyuk received the title of "Miss Charm" at a beauty contest in Sochi. After that, Grigoryan began to give her signs of attention, imposed acquaintance. Eleanor rejected his courtship. After receiving another refusal, Cyclops told her, "You will cry bloody tears."

The investigation and trials lasted about three years. The participants of the crime denied their guilt. At the trial, Grigoryan behaved audaciously. When he was taken out of the courtroom to the paddy wagon, he got into an altercation with journalists, whom he considers his main enemies. 

"Are you a rat? He shouted to one of the reporters. "Why did you call me a monster?" Because of you, everyone hates me now! If you hadn't shouted at the whole country, you don't know how it would turn out!"

Cyclops was sentenced to 11 years in prison. His accomplices were six and seven years old. In 2017, Eleanor Kondratyuk published a motivating book, Eleanor. I chose life." She studied to be a psychologist and now advises people in difficult life situations.

Margarite Simonyan Putin gave new $3 billion. 

How does Margot steal down the 👇? 

Russia Today in the U.S. was led by Alexei Yazlovsky, an American. He received a salary of $700,000 a year from Margarita. All the local RT has made a personal appearance, in the form of firms RTTV America and RTTV Studios. Infobomb publishes a file with a frank confession of Mr. Yazlovskiy 👇

RTTV has been dripping millions of dollars from Russia. This money Yazlovsky brought to the tax-company that belonged to his criminal accountant Naav Kalayu. Most of the money was stolen. The smaller went to RT's US bureau. Then there was the scandal, the investigation, the trial. And now Simonyan has a new company in America. It is also decorated on a Russian immigrant with an American passport, just another. 


The Russian part of the scheme is even easier. The state-owned bbc for RT comes to the organization TV-News. Its director is not Simonyan, but a drop. The task of a man - to go to prison instead of Margarita. Because of the voracious horde that sucks the Russia Today box office, the channel has shameful coverage. For example, about ten people a day come to the British RT. Here's the screen, here are the numbers. I look at it and feel The Spanish shame.



And that's not all. In the connections of Margarita there is an American spy James Woolsey, who came under Russian sanctions. Woolsey's grandfather started a business with KGB Major Viktor Sheimov and his wife. The couple used to steal Russian ciphers for the CIA before fleeing Moscow. Having escaped to America, the active Mrs. Olga Sheimova-Vladi-Schwartz made history with RT. 

In her youth, Simonyan also lived in the States. And then she dragged RT's money through rtTV America. But then the artist Olga Sheymov registered the American trademark "Russia Today". And she complained to Simonyan's RTTV to press the name. There's no case in the press, the docks are here. RT's Kassu was devastated by the fight against the defector Sheimova. And Olga at the end suddenly withdrew the complaints. Sources inside RT write to me that the Sheimovs and Margot were in cahoots. I don't know if they're lying or not.


Is there something wrong? 

͏͏ In photo by Robert Hanssen, a Russian spy with the U.S. FBI. On the right, the Chekist Viktor Sheimov - an American spy, stole the CIPhers of the KGB. Victor and his wife Olga Schwartz CIA evacuated to America. There Sheimov helped catch Russian agents. He got off with FBRovz Hanssen. They became friends, rested families. Victor did not know that Robert was sending reports about him to Moscow.

KGB Major Sheimov suffered mentally in America. He was promised a million dollars when he was recruited. But they cheated. Victor could not stand, sued the CIA. The lawyer hired James Woolsey, the former director of the CIA. The process was difficult. But the CIA paid extra. The money was transferred to the startup InvisiLAN. This is a technology to protect against hackers by changing IP addresses. The money was collected by Invicta Networks. It was managed by Viktor Sheimov (president), James Woolsey (board member), producer of Russia Today Olga Sheimova. And David Rolfe, head of the CIA's Moscow residency. InvisiLAN included in the insurance against hacking. Sheimov and Woolsey also wanted to protect the FBI's networks. Lobbyed by Robert Hanssen, the Bureau's computer security guard. In exchange for help with the contract, he asked Foremov to retire - a place on the board of Invicta. But while deciding, Hanssen was arrested as a Russian intelligence officer.

Then Sheimov and Woolsey ran out of money. They wrote that InvisiLAN is already buying the "Russian government" and the Russian Federation has certified Invicta products. Investors did not believe, accused of fraud. VETERAN OF the KGB-CIA Viktor Sheimov died on the eve of the wave of the covid. The joke is that about friends-checkers - the truth. InvisiLAN has actually received a FSTEK certificate. The American patent of Viktor Sheimov and James Woolsey was driven by FSB contractors. I read a Russian advertisement that is written on The Presentation of Sheimov. I'm checking who the author is. And he is the holder of the current license of the FSB of Russia to work with state secrets and secretaries.

Robert Hanssen is pathetic. An old man on a lifetime. Moscow releases in the U.S. Russian traitors, which catches the FSB. But he can't save his agents. But it's easy to sell. Hanssen SVR officer disclosed to the States for $7 million. U.S. police see it. And they don't want to enlist in our intelligence.










Is there something wrong? 

͏͏ FS monitors people on SORM. It's a system of wiretapping the Internet and phones. SORM for the FSB puts a private monopoly firm. It's called the Citadel. It belongs to Vladimir "Ivan" Streshinsky, husband of tatler diva "Auntie Mochi". Streshinsky hides, but he and the whole family - citizens of Israel. See for yourself.

Shareholder of the Citadel. Streshinsky Vladimir, 02.10.1969. The name on the Israeli passport סטרשינסקי. The name ולדימיר. Theeudat-zeut number 317902278.

son. Streshinsky Vasily, 06.06.1997. The last name סטרשינסקי. The name וסילי. Theudat-zeut 317902302.

father. Streshinsky Yakov Romanovich (Rumanovich), 31.01.1937. The last name סטרשינסקי. The name יעקב. Teudat-zeut 313678583.

mother. Streshinskaya Larissa, 29.03.1940. The last name סטרשינסקי. The previous name בלוצרקובסקי. The name לריסה. Teudat-zeut 313678575.

daughter. Streshinsky Anastasia, 03.07.1995. The last name סטרשינסקי. The name אנסטסיה. Theudat-zeut 317902294.

The children's mother. Streshinaya Varvara Yuryevna, 17.12.1967. The last name סטרשינסקי. The name ברברה. Teudat-zeut 317902286.

brother. Streshinsky Dmitry, 14.09.1962. surname. סטרשינצקי. The name דמיטרי. Teudat-zeut 303441760.

My brother's wife. Streshinsky Suzanne, 06.03.1966. The last name סטרשינצקי. The previous name קןסיצקינה. The name סוזנה. Teudat-zeut 303441778.

Niece, 10.02.2002. The country of birth is France. The last name סטרשינצקי. The name לילני גוי. Theudat-zeut 209949718.

These Israeli citizens were registered at two addresses. Tel Aviv Jaffa, הרב קוק 18-2. Kfar-Sava, פינס 6-2. The foreign citizens of Streshinsky in Europe have real estate and money, vulnerable to sanctions. The Israeli owner of the Russian SORM is the perfect recruiting facility. This should alert the deputy director of the FSB Sergei Korolev that he may soon become a director. But there is a problem. The citadel contains his son, businessman Boris Korolev. So it's a question for the general. Or continue the state with money from Israel. Or close the Citadel shop. And SORM to build without foreign citizens, "Sunshine" brother and other friends of Italian-Swiss resident Alisher Usmanov nicknamed "Uzbek".

Intelligence failures are inevitable when scouts are transparent. Electronic surveillance of people has been created in Russia. It is run by Alisher Usmanov with The Citadel, the FSB's main contractor. They buy equipment outside Russia. Bribes make someone else's iron "Russian." Anyone who controls the import servers of "Citadel" is able to open any GRUshnik. Bypassing the courts and the watchmen. You can't defend yourself. And flow from Alisher directly into the open Internet geolocation of secret people, surveillance records of them. Usmanov lives in the West. He himself personally being a giant hole for any Western secret service. The wiretap curve is beneficial to injections and profitable for contractors. The junior founder of "Citadel" Valery Bitaev bought two Bentleys, Rolls, Maybach (perhaps not one) and an antique "gully" from kickbacks of state terms. Luxury - in pictures. His son rides cayenne, rover, infinitive, Lamborghini, lexus. And a gel with an absolutely insane number U888UU8.

 The editors are sure that your mood is raised by our drogo reader, and we will continue to spoil you with a lighter genre of international vaudeville. 

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