Global cartel . Part 1.

Global cartel . Part 1.

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⏳ƬɼⅈᎴʋℓɛ ℵ 🔬Ꮥɑℽʂ 🎙

An interesting device called Pulsoxymeter. It can be painlessly measured blood oxygen saturation. Just put your finger in the device.

Recommendation: Measure before wearing a mask and then after hours wearing a mask to compare the performance of the result. In the case of unsatisfactory data, in person in your perception, it is possible to write a statement to the police, to sue a specific number of persons who are trying to harm your health / causing harm to your health. 

Talk to a lawyer, Friends! 

Former President Trump criticized the decision of the U.S. regulator to temporarily suspend the use of the drug Johnson and Johnson for vaccinations from COVID-19 due to several cases of thrombosis in patients.

Meanwhile, while we stick our fingers into the device, R-Pharm Repik wanted to become a covid hub.

Both treat and warn

The Anglo-Swedish pharmaceutical company Astra'eneca has begun clinical trials of the drug in the UK, which so far has exclusively the technical name of the A.D.D7442.

If the tests are successful, this name will quickly change to something much more "sexy." Something like "Kovidium" - because it is a drug that can simultaneously treat and prevent Covid-19. There will be 48 volunteers, $23.7 million Astra'eneca received from the U.S. government to develop the drug. The amount is not large, but it guarantees large-scale purchases and huge profits from sales of the A.D.D.D.

The fact that the case is promising is evidenced by the participation in the project astra'eneca Alexey Repik - a man known for his ability to make contacts and build supply chains.

Back in July 2020, the pharmaceutical market learned that

Russian group of companies "R-Pharm" (the main shareholder of which is Alexey Repik) announced its readiness at its facilities to start production of a coronavirus vaccine for Astra'eneca.

"Russia will be one of the hubs for the production and supply of vaccine to international markets. Exports to more than 30 countries, including the Middle East, the Balkan region and CIS countries, are expected to be exported modestly," R-Pharm said.

But it was only the first bet. At the same time, Alexey Repik made a promise to launch the production of a vaccine developed by the Gamalei Center at his site. And even unveiled the name of the drug for foreign consumers - "Gam-Covid-Wak" and its price - at least $10.

From the word quite

Alexei Repik's bet on the Russian vaccine is much more risky. This development was met by the participants of the pharmaceutical market unkindly, and not only foreign ones. Russian colleagues from structures connected with the Novosibirsk group of scientists and pharmaceutical entrepreneurs, openly supported by Deputy Prime Minister Tanya Golikova, aka Madame Arbidol, were particularly strongly opposed by Sputnik-V.

But the center of Gamalea has a major Russian competitive advantage - access to budget money. From the newly published data it follows that the Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology N.F. Gamalei received the lion's share of all state finalization allocated in April-June for the development of vaccines - 1.8 billion out of 3.1 billion rubles.

There's a lot to bet on. If you think that Alexei Repik's stakes are limited, it means that you don't know this person.

There is also a third bet, its own. R-Pharm is conducting preclinical trials, and in the fall plans to begin clinical studies of safety and efficacy in the therapy Covid-19 of its version of the antiviral drug "Remdesivir."

"Remdesivir" is not the original drug. The American pharmaceutical company Gilead produces a "real" "Remdesivir" - Veklury, which is approved for use in the United States. A conditional permit has also been issued for its use in Europe, but it is not registered in Russia yet. Remdesvir has mixed ratings among the trade union community, but this did not prevent the U.S. authorities from purchasing 500,000 courses in July this year - a nearly three-month production volume. Following the European Commission signed a contract with Gilead for the purchase of a large batch of Remdesivir. And the bet here will be placed on the production and purchase of generics - non-original drugs. So here we see the prospects for a good Gesheft.

Alpha Pharmacist

R-Pharm is the largest participant in the Russian market for state purchases of medicines. Therefore, all sorts of combinations in the pharmaceutical market - it's a specialization of Alexey Repik.

The most high-profile of these combinations, which reached the general public, was the story that happened a few years ago, when during the inspection of "one major pharmaceutical company" the Federal Antitrust Service (FAS) found several dozen keys for its managers to participate in electronic bidding on behalf of different legal entities. These keys were not needed just to create the appearance of competition during public procurement. According to the representative of FAS, "managers of a large pharmaceutical company, using shell companies that formally meet the criteria of small business, simply swept away everything that the state puts up for auction specifically for small and medium-sized businesses." According to the FAS, the participants of the illegal cartel agreement could receive income in the amount of "hundreds of millions of rubles." The plural in this case seems an exaggeration: those present at the FAS presentation noticed a slide, from which it appeared that the "large company" could be "R-Pharm" Alexey Repik, who was accompanied by related legal entities.

It is difficult to say what can stop Alexey Repik and on the way to a new monopoly - this time on the market of the kovid. So far, everything is limited to the dissemination of information on the network of TV channels about certain problems of the R-Pharm group of companies.

There are no details on this issue, so it is most likely a deaf dissatisfaction of competitors. And that means the possibility of forming a coalition of opponents of the alpha pharmacist.

Revenue of R-Pharm from the sale of products related to COVID-19 in 2020 amounted to about 7-8 billion rubles, the main owner of the company Alexey Repik told RTVI. About 3 billion rubles were sold for 600,000 packages of Coronavir (favipiravir), 1-2 billion rubles - on the proceeds from the sale of Artlegia (olocizumab).

According to Repik's estimates, 5-6% of R-Pharma's revenue for 2020 was accounted for by COVID-19. According to SPARK-Interfax, R-Pharm's revenues grew by 46.3% compared to 2019 - to 120.5 billion rubles, net profit - by 49.4%, to 18 billion rubles.

The result in revenue was below the planned level of 160 billion rubles, Repik said. If Locoxumab entered the market at a time of demand for drugs of this class from the complication of COVID-19, the growth for other products was lower than expected: "If we talk about the main format of our daily mission - the fight against cancer, autoimmune - with them worse, they COVID-19 badly spoiled everything."

At the same time, R-Pharm still invests more in development than it earns, according to Repic. With a profit of 18 billion rubles "in the construction of vaccines and plants in 2020 alone, we have already invested 17.5 billion rubles."

In just the last four years, Repic noted, R-Pharm has invested a total of more than 40 billion rubles in new products and portfolio development: "We have to spend more than we earn in order to remain competitive."

The most tangible help from the state was the reduction of loan rates to the level of 7-8%. "In general, it is impossible to play games such as pharma without a long leverage. The same major global corporations spend a lot of money on the R'D - $5-7 billion per year. But, first, their income and profits are not comparable to ours, and secondly, they are public companies and can attract money in a completely different way," he explained.

R-Pharm organizes the capacity to produce the COVID-19 vaccine developed by NICHEM N.F. Gamalei. The company is preparing to launch a plant in Technopolis Moscow, as well as the group's facilities in Yaroslavl.

Coronavir became the second registered drug from COVID-19 with favipiravir as an active substance. Now favipiravir is present in the treatment regimens recommended by the Ministry of Health COVID-19 for all forms of the disease - mild, medium-severe and severe.

Oloxizumab refers to interleukin-6 inhibitors. Alexei Repik's company acquired the rights to the drug from the Belgian UCB in 2013 during the phase two of KI. In May 2020, the drug was registered. Olocizumab is included in the recommendations of the Ministry of Health from COVID-19 in the cytokin storm. R-Pharm spent almost the entire amount of loans of 9.4 billion rubles provided by the state corporation VEB of the Russian Federation on the development and introduction of the drug to the market.

The fake crown 👑 Putin virus, which is the name given to this project by the Editorial Board in the spring of 2020. You can check this out and ask MCNBC journalists why they didn't take the emails we receive seriously. So, this crown 👑 Putin brought a lot of money to the pre-term pharmacists. At the same time, in a hurry on the market there are drugs, not only useless, but also dangerous for health. And for the injection use the military . 

In southern Russia, 60 military teams have begun work to vaccinate against the feico virus 💉

In the North Caucasus and southern Russia, mobile vaccination teams of doctors have started work to vaccinate 19 servicemen from COVID-19. In total, there are 40 vaccination posts in the military district and 60 vaccination teams have been formed, half of which are mobile.

"This number provides daily vaccination of more than two thousand people both on the basis of military medical institutions and in the field," - said the commander of the Southern Military District, Army General Alexander Dvornikov.

Vaccination of soldiers and officers is carried out in the permanent locations of military units, as well as on ships, in military schools and at general military training grounds.

In addition, military medics have begun vaccinating spring recruits. More than 20,000 doses of covid-19 coronavirus vaccine have been reserved for this purpose. 

Conscripts arriving in the compounds and military units of the SVO are offered to be vaccinated during the planned quarantine period. This takes into account the testimony of medical professionals, as well as information about the previously suffered infectious disease.

According to the latest data, more than 80,000 military personnel "voluntarily" received two components of the Sputnik V vaccine.

At the beginning of the summer, the Ministry of Health approved new domestic drugs for the treatment of the kovid: "Aviefavir," "Areplivir" and "Coronavir." First, they entered Russian hospitals, and in the fall became available in conventional pharmacies for all comers. The retail price for the five-day course of treatment "Areplivir" was at the start of 12,320 rubles, "Coronavir" cost about 11,550 rubles. In October, "Avieavir" went on sale at a price of about eight thousand rubles. On recommendation sites there were similar to each other complimentary reviews, advertising drugs based on favipiravir as an effective panacea for the kovid. It was like a wave of paid comments. In this way, on review forums, marketers try to increase interest in promoted products. Partners in state contracts New pills began to actively purchase and state medical institutions. According to the database of State Procurement and SPARK, the main beneficiary of the sale of favipiravir was the firm "Biotek" of former senator Boris Spiegel, which concluded in the second half of 2020 more than 500 contracts worth about one billion rubles. According to the marketing agency DSM Group, which specializes in pharmaceutical market research, its revenue grew by 65.7% in the first nine months of 2020. Although Biotek itself does not produce anything, being only a distributor. 

March 21- 22, 2021 

The current governor and influential Jewish billionaire Borya Spiegel has been detained. 

Six people were detained in the corruption criminal case, including Russian-Israeli pharmaceutical magnate, billionaire Boris Spiegel and the governor of the Penza region, the venerable one-Russian Ivan Belozertsev, nicknamed Tankist. Detentions are sanctioned by Vladimir Putin before going on vacation to the taiga.

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The operation was prepared in a highly secretive environment. Belozertsev was taken directly to the office. "The door to the office of the governor of the Penza region, Ivan Belozertsev, opened without a knock. Behind the investigator in a black coat silently entered the soldiers of the special unit of the Russian Guard in full combat layout, taking positions at the windows. Belozertsev was presented with a search warrant," Komsomolskaya Pravda writes. Investigations are also being carried out against his sons Danila and Alexander (co-owners of a number of commercial companies; the latter is deputy director general for strategic planning of the "Research Institute of Physical Dimensions" in Penza as part of the Russian Space Systems, formerly deputy prime minister of the regional government and deputy minister of economy - head of the department of forecasting and strategic development). Investigators believe that the governor took bribes on a particularly large scale. Spiegel was a bribe-taker.

"A criminal case has been opened in the Main Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation on the basis of the materials of the operational and investigative activities of the Russian Interior Ministry against the governor of the Penza region, Ivan Belozertsev, Boris Spiegel, who heads a group of pharmaceutical companies "BIOTEK" and others. According to investigators, from January to September 2020, Belozertsev received bribes from Spiegel, his wife and director of "FARMATION" Anton Koloskov through intermediaries in the form of money and other valuables worth more than 31 million rubles. Bribes were paid for providing the BIOTEC group with a competitive advantage in the conclusion of government contracts related to the provision of services for the provision of services for the use, quality control and expiration date, storage, release and delivery of medicines, medical products, reagents purchased from the budget funds for the needs of health care institutions in the Penza region. In cooperation with the Russian Interior Ministry's GUEBIC and with the force support of the units of the Russian Guard, including the regional office for the Penza region, Belozertsev, Spiegel and other suspects were detained. Searches were carried out in their homes and workplaces," said Svetlana Petrenko, a spokeswoman for the SKR.

"During the operational and investigative measures carried out, it has been established that that the Governor of the Penza region, I.A., is acting in the interests of Pharmacy (part of the pharmaceutical holding BIOTEC) to ensure a competitive advantage to win the auction for the right to enter into public contracts for the provision of services for the provision of services for the provision, quality control and expiration dates, storage, vacation and delivery of medicines, medical products, reagents, reagents. Spiegel B. Spiegel B. for his assistance to Pharmacy in 2020. I. handed over to Belozertsev I.A. as an illegal reward the car Mercedes-Benz V250D, Mr. B126TA799, which is actually located on the territory of the Penza region office under the Government of the Russian Federation, located at: Moscow, Leninsky Avenue, 42, Corpus 1. Also, on 24.08.2020 Spiegel B. I. together with the Director General of Pharmacy Koloskov A.A. and Spiegel E. G. handed over as a bribe to The Governor Belozertsev I.A. money in the amount of 20 million rubles through an intermediary - deputy director of the office fedotov F. N. (native is the brother of the wife of Belozertsev I. A.A.). Spiegel B. I. 16.09.2020 acquired for the governor Belozertsev I. A. The wristwatch of the company "Breguet" worth 5.75 million rubles, on the occasion of the election for a new term as governor of the Penza region, which on 08.09.2020 handed over through an intermediary - the driver of the representative office Markov G.V.," - specified TG-channel VHK-OGPU referring to the GUEBIC of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

In the house of Belozertsev security forces found about 500 million rubles in cash, a collection of expensive watches, gold utensils, various luxury items, unregistered weapons. 

You don'👇s like it, our dear Sunday libertines 👇) 

During the search at Spiegel found a huge collection of erotic literature and related figurines, made of valuable wood; in the addition - the work of sex-waterologist Ludwig Jacobzon "Onanism in a man and a woman" (1928).

According to the good old tradition of the Editorial Board, Friends, we start with the most colorful character.

Boris Isaakovich Spiegel was born on February 18, 1953 in a Jewish religious family in the town of Khmelnitsky in western Ukraine. After the college he served in the internal troops (Lviv). At the age of 19 he joined the Cpsu, worked as a secretary of the Komsomol City Committee in Khmelnitsky, and studied at the historical faculty of the Kamenets-Podolski Teachers' Institute named after V.P. Satansky. Then for some reason he hastily moved to Moscow. According to media reports, he worked as a deputy director of Moscow's SPTU No. 80.

A few years ago, users of social networks circulated allegedly a copy of the verdict of the May Day District People's Court in Moscow, dated February 1982 and handed down by B. And Spiegel under Article 120 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (depraved acts against minors); allegedly the defendant "systematically committed depraved acts against underage students" (male) - between March and November 1981, in the dormitories of the school. Soon, however, many bloggers, journalists and political analysts declared the document unreliable. Thus, publicist Oleg Lurie wrote: "The conclusion is unequivocal. This alleged "sentence" to Spiegel is a clear fake, and made very clumsy. They saved even on minimal legal advice, and the non-existent "participants of the process" were invented, so that no one could refute." Political scientist Stanislav Eliseev accused "radical nationalists" of organizing a "well-planned and prepared action, which was clearly intended to compromise not only a particular anti-fascist activist (Spiegel - Prim.), but also the entire anti-fascist movement." And Mikhail Tulsky, the president of the Political Analyst's Research Center, called the information about the 1982 sentence "a "hoax from the arsenal of Goebbels propaganda" and compared it to "the fake Protocols of the Elders of zion."

There was no information on Mr. Spiegel's possible three-year stay in the general regime's general penal colony (according to the "court verdict"). IA "Ruspres" puts forward a version that "Spiegel agreed to become a KGB sexot and to supply his curators with information about illegal economic activity and anti-Soviet sentiments among members of the Communist Party (including Jewish origin) and representatives of the Jewish diaspora of the USSR." In any case, from 1985 to 1990 Boris Isaakovich worked as deputy director of the All-Russian Research Institute of Agricultural Biotechnology (VNIISB).

In 1991, he founded and headed Biotek, one of the largest pharmaceutical distributors. "The BIOTEC Group was founded in 1991 and today is a leading Russian pharmaceutical holding company, specializing in the development, production and sale of medicines, nutraceuticals, disinfectant products and medical products. BioTEC's drug portfolio includes a wide range of drugs, both in-house production and leading Russian and international manufacturers, in the main therapeutic areas: oncology, HIV, cardiology, diabetes, neurology, psychiatry, gastroenterology and others. Through its own distribution network, BIOTEC successfully delivers medicines and medical products to all regions of the Russian Federation. BIOTEK is traditionally one of the top 10 largest suppliers in the state segment of the Russian pharmaceutical market. The leading production company of the holding is the pharmaceutical plant "Marbiofarm" (Yoshkar-Ola), which produces more than 70 types of drugs in various medicinal forms, as well as pharmaceutical substances, nutraceutical drugs and specialized therapeutic nutrition. The plant's production lines are certified to meet GMP standards. The portfolio of medicinal developments carried out at the plant's own research base today includes about 30 candidate drugs in various therapeutic areas. The Plant "Biodes" (Lytkarino), is produced more than 30 different items of professional and household disinfectants and skin antiseptics, their own original development. BioTEC also includes several regional pharmacy chains in Penza, Rostov, Nizhny Novgorod and Kirov, comprising a total of 257 pharmacies and pharmacies. Penza operates a multidisciplinary medical center "Esculap" which provides the population with a wide range of services in the field of diagnosis, prevention and treatment of diseases," biotek says on its website.

In 1995 Spiegel ran for the State Duma of the Russian Federation. poorly. But soon he was appointed assistant for social affairs of the speaker of the DG, the communist Gennady Seleznyov, together they (Chechen authority Musa Malsagov, who later fled to the United Arab Emirates) established a social and political fund "Stability". In 1999, at a charity concert at the Theatre of the Russian Army, he met (on the recommendation of the same Seleznyov) with the twenty-two-year-old singer Nikolai Baskov, unknown to the general public. He played a decisive role in Colin's musical career, invested a lot of energy and money in the promotion of the favorite, for which he founded the production center "Music.Perfection.Beauty". When some bad rumors went, Spiegel "married" Baskov on his daughter Svetlana (marriage lasted from January 2001 to May 2008). By that time, the pharmaceutical king was the vice-chairman of the All-Russian left-democratic social movement "Russia" established by Seleznyva. In late 2002 he was elected deputy chairman of the center-left Revival Party of Russia, based on the "Russia" movement.

Perhaps this will partially clarify the concern of the Ukrainian comedian by vaccinating his herd? 

From 3.04.2003 to 27.03.2013 Spiegel was a senator, representing the Penza region in the Federation Council: First Deputy Chairman of the SF Committee on Constitutional Law, Legal and Judicial Affairs, Civil Society Development, Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Science, Culture, Education, Health and Environment, Chairman of the Subcommittee on Health, Trafficking and Use of Medicines, Member of the Information Policy Commission, Head of the Commission for the Development of Civil Society Institutions, Head of the Federation Council's Cooperation Group with Israel , a member of the Inter-Parliamentary Commission for Cooperation of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation and the Supreme Council of Ukraine. After becoming a senator, he officially rewrote the entire business for his wife. "I am a law-abiding man: when I was elected to the Federation Council, I handed over the shares to my wife. And for the public admissions office located in Biotek's office, I pay the company rent," Spiegel told Forbes. At the same time, Biotek, after Spiegel's appearance in the upper house of parliament, miraculously increased sales by 75% and won a contract worth 1.7 billion for the supply of medicines, with the certification of medicines in Roszdravnadzor was overseen by the former commercial director of the Spiegel company.

Until 2005, Spiegel served as President of the Congress of Jewish Religious Communities and Organizations of Russia (KEROOR). 5.11.2007 Elected President of the World Congress of Russian-speaking Jewry ("It is a huge responsibility and special honor given to me by colleagues and brothers by blood"). In November 2012, he was elected chairman of the Presidium of the International Human Rights Movement "Peace Without Nazism" formed on the initiative of VCRE, registered in Strasbourg, but financed from the Russian budget, including from the funds of the Russian Foreign Ministry and grants for the development of Russian civil society through the Public Chamber. He sponsored the Jewish Artek project, the Golden Hanukkah International Arts Festival. He emphasized and emphasized his commitment to Jewry and Judaism, and certainly supports the State of Israel. He met many times with Benjamin Netanyahu, Reuven Rivlin and other Israeli leaders; particularly close relations developed with the former Foreign Minister, the liberal zionist Tzipi Livni (Tziporah Malka Livni). He helped close the website of the Palestinian Hamas movement, which was posted on one of the Russian servers. Actively advocated financial, legal and public support for Israeli soldiers who would be brought to justice because of war crimes claims. He planned to organize the "Nuremberg Trial of the Ideology of Communism and Stalinism" on behalf of VCRA. In January 2011, about a million shekels (pocket money for recreation) and a watch worth 300,000 shekels were stolen from a safe in the room of the Eilat hotel Herods, which was rented by Spiegel.

And this fragment of the life of our sexual conduct with the appearance of a Play boy, for sure will interest our Israeli colleagues! 

Honorary Professor of the All-Russian Academy of Foreign Trade, member-correspondent and honorary doctor of commerce of the Academy of Economic Sciences and Entrepreneurship of Russia. He was awarded the honorary certificate of the President of the Russian Federation - "for the achievements of labor successes and many years of conscientious work." After the early resignation of a member of the Federation Council, the 160-kilogram billionaire focused entirely on the pharmaceutical business and affairs of the Jewish diaspora. KP: "Recently, Biotec has been promoting its rapid tests to identify immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibodies and immunoglobulin M (IgM) to COVID-19. The accuracy of such tests, which were advertised everywhere and recommended for use, caused criticism among citizens, as they told on social networks. Spiegel also sold drugs to treat coronavirus infection through a network of his pharmacies. He also provided these drugs to the medical institutions of Russia." RBC: "The company increased revenue by supplying DRUGS for the treatment of COVID-19 - "Aviefavir" and "Areplivir" with the active substance favipiravir. In addition, the company supplied Biozek test systems. The total amount of shipments amounted to 45 billion rubles at the end of the year, "Areplivir" became the leader in the volume of retail sales among new drugs, which entered the market in 2020, with a figure of more than 387 million rubles. The government of Moscow purchased from Biotek about 240,000 rapid tests Biozek Medical to detect antibodies to COVID-19 in the blood, which were originally called Dutch-made tests. In December 2020, the company was fined by the Dutch prosecutor's office for 30,000 euros for falsifying test reports. According to the prosecutor's office, Biozek did not develop or produce tests, but bought them from a Chinese manufacturer." Sergey Shulyak, CEO of the analytical agency DSM Group, recalled in an interview with Business FM: "At one time there was a very high-profile scandal, which was connected with the Fund of Compulsory Health Insurance, but there was not only Biotek, but also other large pharmaceutical distributors. Then Boris Isaakovich was forced to leave the Russian Federation and was in Israel for a long time for treatment."

And here, the Dutch and Germans join our group of Israeli comrades. Thus, we became not words but in practice, an international brigade on anti-biological terrorism Of the Jewish - American - English - Dutch - Russian terrorist group. 

We remind you: with large volumes of production, other supply chains, storage, including physical injection, it is impossible to control the security process 100% by any government agency. Biological terrorism is possible and the Editorial Board is confident that such a plan exists in enemy states 100%. 

Continuation follows...

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