Here's what we have to say: «... but Russia is my romance." Armand Hammer 

Here's what we have to say: «... but Russia is my romance." Armand Hammer 

Ͳɦε Ɗαʝɭγ Ɠαʐεʈʈε'ʂ 'Βεɾϻμɗα Ͳɾʝαηɠɭε Ѕαγʂ'🎙

The need for business centers in Moscow, where foreign companies could be located, arose in the 1970s, at a time of defusing international tensions and rapid growth of contacts with the West. The initiators of such a project were the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the USSR and the American businessman Armand Hammer.

- Yes, yes, it is Armand Hammer. 

Since then, it is a branch of the KGB of the USSR (FSB), it is crammed with everything that can be stuffed with walls and so on, including service personnel. 

In the late 70's low (1.68 meters), gray-haired, immaculately smoothly coiffed old man, in glasses in a thin frame approached the Lenin mausoleum in not quite urch for inspection of the mummy of the leader time - about 23.30. The Kremlin guard was extremely astonished, so late by the visitor, and despite the persuasion of the belated visitor, he and his entourage were not allowed into the mausoleum, advising him to come to the chief tomorrow. Then the comrade took out of his pocket a paper, which in the unfolded form testified: This is the subject of this permission to enter to me at any time.

Ulyanov (Lenin)". 

The familiar autograph prompted the head of the guard and the Kremlin commandant to contact the office of Comrade Andropov, from where came a quick answer: "Let in." An old man with a small entourage entered the mausoleum and stayed there for about half an hour, which he did in the Leninist tomb at exactly midnight next to the mummy and who were his entourage is not known - and not surprisingly, since all the documents on Armand Hammer's activities in Soviet Russia - the USSR are classified to this day. It is known only that he was born on May 21, 1898 in New York in a family of Jewish immigrants from the south of Ukraine: Julius and Rosa Hammer. The family had three sons: the eldest was Harry, the youngest - Victor, and the middle father gave the name Armand (from Arm and Hammer - hand and hammer). His father, Julius Hammer, came to the United States from Odessa in 1875 after graduating from Columbia Medical College, opened five pharmacies and founded the Allied Drug and Chemical Pharmaceutical Factory in 1915, which traded in skin care products. Another family hobby of the Hammers was the communist movement, Armand's grandmother was a socialist, and his father, along with Bertram D. Wolf and Benjamin Gitlow, became one of the founders of the Communist Party of the United States at its congress in 1919. The Bolshevik wing of the Hammer party was organized with the support of aspiring Hollywood actor and countryman Leo Bronstein. As it should be changing images of the man of art, in the future, Leo will unsuccessfully try on the family-lya of the Russian nobleman Trotsky, and even make it in essence a household name. Thanks to Trotsky, there was a 10-minute meeting of the party ticket holder of the U.S. Communist Party No.1 Julius Hammer and Lenin, who will be awarded the winner of a party ticket with the same number only in 1973. The audience lasted about 10 minutes, during which Ilyich managed to call the American "the hope of the world revolution." "Hope," but did not pay off. Son Armand followed in his father's footsteps and also graduated in 1919 from Columbia College, 

L. Bronstein in the film

 "My Official Wife" 1917 

(Vitagraph Films, later Warner Bros.

having received a bachelor's degree. Either out of scientific interest, or even from what in his spare time from the main business family contract laid on illegal abortions. The fascination ended with Julius Hammer having a fatal abortion and was sentenced to 12 years in Sing Sing in 1920. According to another version, which came out after the death of the younger Hammer, and outlined in Edward Epstein's book "Dossier: The Secret History of Armand Hammer", the operation was done by Armand Hammer, and his father took the blame. After his son took over the family business, he became the first American to earn a million dollars as a student. 

On the fact, imprisonment for the device of clandestine abortion "hope of the world revolution", Vladimir Ilyich snapped: they say, Julius "is accused of illegal abortion, in fact revenge de for communism". Representatives of the young Soviet Republic in the United States made persistent but unsuccessful attempts to secure the release of Julius, and Ilyich himself became the first in the world head of state, legalized abortion law of 1920 "On abortion", in a word somehow unevenly breathed all this communist fraternity to abortion. Armand's student years ended in 1921 with a doctorate in medicine from Columbia University, and he immediately went to Moscow, though not to improve abortion practices. As a result of his meeting with hammer, Rockefeller decides to provide financial support to the Bolshevik state, which, by Trotsky's definition, can "deploy a banner with a hammer and sickle over the White House". , a Odessa tribesman and close friend of the Hummer family. So close that Ludwig Martens, who is usually called the first ambassador of the Soviet Union to the United States, lived for a long time with the Hammers before becoming vice president of the design and technology firm Weinberg and Posner. Why the "ambassador" services were in New York, not Washington, was not explained, it is assumed that his main goal was trade, not diplomacy. Why would a trading office in its staff, in addition to understandable commercial and technical department, economics and statistics, have separate structures responsible for medicine and EDUCATION (led by Columbia University graduate William Malissov) is no longer clear. Any way. The bureau quickly issued a call for U.S. trade with Russia. From the letter of the National City Bank to the U.S. Treasury Department concerning Ludwig Martens, you can see what position dr. Julius Hammer held in the Soviet Bureau: 

National City Bank Of New York, April 15, 1919 The Honourable Joel Rathbone, Deputy Secretary of the Treasury of Washington, D.C. Dear Mr. Rathbone: I dare to attach to this letter a photograph of two documents that we received this morning in a bespoke letter from Mr. L. Martens, who declares himself the representative of the Russian Socialist Federal Soviet Republic in the United States, as evidenced by Dr. Julius Hammer as acting chief of staff. ... 

With sincere respect, J. H. Carter Vice President 

But on May 7, 1919, the State Department banned business mediation in favor of the Bureau and refused to recognize Ludwig Martens, the Soviet bureau and the Bolshevik government of Russia. However, ignoring the facts of the embargo and non-recognition of the Soviet Republic by the official U.S. authorities, the Soviet bureau moved to prepare contracts with American firms, providing financial support to the nascent Communist Party of the United States. In response, on 12 June 1919, representatives of the Lasca Committee of the State of New York searched the soviet bureau and found correspondence with American businessmen representing almost a thousand firms. This captured material was based on "Special Report 5 (Secret)" dated 14 July 1919, prepared by the Intelligence Directorate of the British Ministry of the Interior (?). Ludwig Martens appeared at a congressional hearing, and by the end of 1920, Martens' bureau was closed and its head expelled from the United States, leaving unrealized contracts and debts. During the investigation, many members of the U.S. Communist Party were sentenced to prison for anti-government agitation or deported to Soviet Russia, followed by Armand Hammer. It didn't go far, perhaps because the list of Staff of the Soviet Bureau available to Scotland Yard differed from the one in the Archives of the Lasca Committee in Albany, New York, in one nuance: the British analysis included the name Julius Hammer, while the Committee's report, Laska Hammer, was not neatly absent. 

At the request of U.S. Department of Justice edgar Edgar Hoover, The gunman was arrested during a transfer in Southampton, searched and questioned. The cruelty with which he was treated showed that the path of the father chose his son thorny. Finally, Armand is released on an unexpected instruction from above (!), and he finds himself visiting Alexander Martens, who now holds a responsible position in the Supreme Council of the National Economy of the Russian Federation. 

Martens voiced Lenin's proposal: to charter several ships in Riga, to load them with black caviar, furs and other Russian goods that are in demand in the West. Funds from their implementation will have to go to the purchase of American wheat. Accepting the conditions, Hammer for three days marinated in the Kremlin's waiting room, before he was able to get to the chairman of the "sovnarcom", once he complained about the bureaucratic order of the young Soviet Country. Then angry Lenin, having made a stern reprimand to the secretaries, issued a young companion the same mandate, on which many years Hammer "with a small retinue" (?) visited the mausoleum at night. The meeting between Hammer and Lenin lasts four hours and its contents are unknown to anyone, from the features, some ..... Lenin and other Soviet leaders have been printing only retouched photos since the meeting. Anyway, on October 27, 1921, the Foreign Trade Narcotics Committee of the RFSR and the Hammer Allied Drug and Chemical Corporation signed

Translation of the inscription:

people devouring each other from hunger are not cannibals.

cannibals are those who do not want to convert church gold into bread hungry 

As a result of the signed agreement, Hammer became the exclusive representative of almost all American companies in Russia. Armand's commission, which did not invest a cent in the operation, was unnecessarily large - more than $100,000. At a total transaction price of 600,000, Hammer's contracts also include the Soviet authority's obligation to provide his firm with premises, transportation and security. Soon, on the subject of such terms of the deal, there was a conversation with Dzerzhinsky, dare I assume, it was about hammering in the use of special channels for the sale of Russian gold, icons and jewelry. At the very beginning of the Nep, the destroyed Russia was in dire need of goods, medicines and technical equipment. Since the Bolsheviks could not restore the production ruined by the revolution, they decided to buy everything they needed abroad. In return they offered gold, works of art, museum collections, up to the crown jewels of the Russian Empire. The aspect of the sale of Russia is also reflected in Lenin's letter (19.03.1922), which uses blackmail by hunger for total "removal of church values." Note, the Bolsheviks regained the gold reserve of the empire in the early 1920s, did not particularly need "church values" that amounted to only a thousandth share instead of Lenin's expected "hundreds of millions" or "billions" of gold rubles. In addition, the Bolsheviks issued decrees on the nationalization of the entire property of Russia, as well as the confiscation of property not only from the Church, the bourgeoisie, immigrants, but also on the confiscation of gold and jewelry from the entire Russian population (decree of 16.04.1920). 

Read the teachings of neo - Marx Schwab 

'The Fourth Industrial Revolution' 

"The golden rule is that whoever has gold sets the rules." 

Armand Hammer 

Gold and jewelry was practically the only means by which the Soviet Republic could pay for its foreign purchases, the problem was that since the end of 1918 the United States had a ban on the import of more than a lot of money; for there was no official recognition of the Soviet Republic, and as a consequence of the recognition of the legality of its ownership of all the seized property previously owned by legitimate owners - Russian and foreign, state, public and private organizations, individuals, and the Church. Then it came in handy, "liberated from the king's nest independent" Baltic states. In December 1918, after the Germans left the Baltics, the British appeared in their place, as always with the most noble purpose: to support the independence of the Baltic states. In August 1919, the English emissary on a pre-drawn list made the Northwest Government under the gene. Yudeniche, requiring all members to sign a sheet on which it was "illiterate Russian written... recognition of Estonian independence" otherwise the Entente would have stopped aid, as M. Margulies (who participated in compiling the list of this "government") recalled. After Yudenich's departure from Petrograd, the "Estonian people", at Trotsky's request, disarmed the White Army and put its troops behind barbed wire in the winter, thousands of White Guards and their families were killed from disease and repression. On the other hand, the Estonian state received from the Bolsheviks about 1000 sq km of Russian land under a peace treaty dated February 2, 1920, and the Bolsheviks with the beginning of the NEP were able to export gold through the camouflage Estonian "window" pierced by the Tartu peace treaty, through which at least 500 tons of gold was exported for a gigantic sum of about 700 million gold. 

"The Soviet government wants Garanty Trust to become a financial agent in the United States for all Soviet operations, and is considering the Us purchase of Estibank in order to fully link the Soviet future with American financial circles." William X. Coombs, from a message to the U.S. Embassy in London, June 1, 1920 (decimal file 861.51/752 of the U.S. Department of State). (Estybank- Estonian Bank.) 

Kun, Yu Ko, which was clearly acting in the interests of the Garanta Trust, requested the official position of the U.S. State Department regarding the receipt of Soviet gold. The answer was that if the owner did not know exactly about the incomplete right of ownership of the property, it was impossible to refuse to accept it. And of course no one knew, gold came from independent Estonia, it was reported that from Revel "Tallina" in the Baltic Sea came three ships with Soviet gold, intended for the United States. The steamer "Gautod" was carrying 216 boxes of gold under the supervision of Professor Lomonosov, who was returning to the United States. Another 216 boxes of gold under the supervision of three Russian agents were carrying the steamer "Karl Line". 108 boxes were loaded on the steamer "Rukhelev". In each box there were three puds of gold, estimated at 60,000 gold rubles per pud. After that, another batch of gold was sent on the steamer "Wilde Mould". 

It was in 1921, with the beginning of the Soviet Nep, gold poured into the United States with an unprecedented flow. American newspapers have repeatedly described the mechanism of "laundering" the stolen gold: it was melted down in Scandinavia and imported into the United States with new labels. It was later found that Soviet gold also went to the Swedish Mint, which "melts Russian gold, conducts its quantitative analysis and puts a Swedish test mark at the request of Swedish bankers or other Swedish nationals who own this gold." At the same time, Olof Ashberg, head of Svenska Economi A/B (a branch of the Garanta Trust), offered "unlimited amounts of Russian gold" through Swedish banks. In particular, "the director of the Swedish Mint stated that from 1.01.1921 to 22.04.1921. they melted 70 tons of gold worth about $42 million, and most of that gold went to the U.S. to pay for goods. The amount of Bolshevik gold held in Stockholm banks at that time is estimated at more than 120 million U.S. dollars," said the director of the Swedish Mint. The headline "Golden Flood in the Probe Chamber" is on the front page of the New York Times: "As a result of the continuous flow of gold from all parts of the earth, the safes of the government Test Chamber were filled with gold in bars, stripes and coins, ... as a result, she was forced to suspend the reception and save before the amount that the bankers were going to dump in front of her for melting and certification ...". As a result, if in 1913 the U.S. gold reserves amounted to 1.9 billion dollars, in 1927 it increased to 4 billion. [6] 

If the U.S. Chamber of Commerce did not have time to cope, it was exported to other countries: the New York Times reports on the arrival of "Soviet gold" in Paris on April 29, 1921, for 10 million dollars, "the first of several shipments under the contract signed in Moscow by the French delegation." Communist newspaper Internacional reported earlier on the delivery to France of 200 boxes of gold worth more than 50 million dollars and expressed the opinion that France has become a transit base for the supply of Soviet gold to Switzerland and England. 

After meetings with Lenin, Dzerzhinsky 23-year-old "businessman" Armand Hammer briefly returned to America, taking with him $75,000 for the needs of the U.S. Communist Party and a souvenir from Vladimir Ilyich: a 30-centimetre bronze statuette, which is a monkey squatting on the works of Charles Darwin and contemplating a human skull. In the United States, Armand liquidated his father's Allied Drug and founded a multidisciplinary concern - Allied American Corporation. Now this concern is a monopoly representative of all American companies. Henry Ford, and without any mediation, having delivered 261 cars, 56 trucks and 268 tractors to Soviet Russia in 1922 (Ford's representative and trade representative in Berlin, B. Stomonyakov even discussed the construction of a tractor plant in southern Russia), was somewhat dissatisfied with this fact. Under the editorship of Mr. Ford is the book "International Jewry": 

 "Over the past two years, intelligence officers and various secret services officers of the Entente have been reporting on the worldwide revolutionary movement outside of Bolshevism. At first, these two currents in the reports were mixed into one, but now the threads that were attacked are becoming more and more unravelling." We have already had the case to notice that our intelligence had the same information, although, it must be thought, because of the Jewish influence on the government, the intelligence was not conducted with due endurance. 

Indignation of American industrialists was so great that in the U.S. to settle the conflict sent a representative of the Soviet trade representative. At the meeting, he makes a promise that he will convince Moscow about the decision to mediate Hammer, but in the best gangster traditions he was soon found at the bottom of the Hudson. The threads "on which they managed to attack" became entangled again, and the matter was closed, and Armand and his brother Victor went to Moscow to represent the interests of 37 American corporations, banks and firms, including Henry Ford's company. 

"The presenter, Dr. Armand Gummer, is the secretary of the United American Company, the first company to receive concessions from us on asbestos mines in the Urals. The firm also has a contract to deliver a batch of bread in exchange for Russian goods, and it also has an exceptional agency for Russia for the cars, trucks and tractors of the American Ford factory, as well as on the agricultural tools firm Mollin Plow Company. I urge all representatives of Vneshtorg, the railway administration and all other representatives of the Soviet authorities in Russia and abroad to give the representatives of this company due attention and any possible assistance, eliminating unnecessary formalities, etc. Food Commissioner A. D. Tsurupe 

Harju Bank, Estonia's fourth largest bank, went bankrupt, and in February 1924, 51% of the bank's shares ended up in the hands of Hammer and the firm he created. The money for the purchase was taken from a "reserve fund" in New York. The nominal owner of the bank was Armand Hammer, and the director he took his uncle. In the hands of the revolving Hummers, the bank came in second place in the assets of Estonia. However, in May 1925, the Estonian government ordered the closure of Harju Bank due to its termination of payments and the bank's not-good image. The operations carried out by Armand Hammer later became known as "money laundering" and the Baltic countries were the ideal place to carry them out, The Hummer cargoes were going through Tallinn, and the U.S. diplomatic mission was operating in Riga, where he visited regularly. It was in hotels and boarding houses in Latvia and Estonia that Hammer received cash and transfer bills from Moscow couriers. For example, the Soviet State Trade Organization (Gostorg) issued A. Hammer a transfer bill for the purchase of goods abroad, with which A. Hammer came to the branch of the bank and Tut, in the best way, went bankrupt Harju Bank - the fourth largest bank in Estonia, and in February 1924 51% of the bank's shares ended up in the hands of Hammer and the firm he created. The money for the purchase was taken from a "reserve fund" in New York. The nominal owner of the bank was Armand Hammer, and the director he took his uncle. In the hands of the revolving Hummers, the bank came in second place in the assets of Estonia. However, in May 1925, the Estonian government ordered the closure of Harju Bank due to its termination of payments and the bank's not-good image. The operations carried out by Armand Hammer later became known as "money laundering" and the Baltic countries were the ideal place to carry them out, The Hummer cargoes were going through Tallinn, and the U.S. diplomatic mission was operating in Riga, where he visited regularly. It was in hotels and boarding houses in Latvia and Estonia that Hammer received cash and transfer bills from Moscow couriers. For example, the Soviet State Trade Organization (Gostorg) issued A. Hammer a transfer bill for the purchase of goods abroad, with which A. Hammer came to the bank branch and presented it as collateral for the loan. As the bill was guaranteed by the Soviet government, the bank accepted it and paid the Hammer firm money for the purchase of goods. Some of them Hammer spent as intended, and the rest transferred to a "reserve account" in a New York bank, which was used to finance the Bolshevik agency. This becomes clearer, for example, on whose money was printed leaflets promoting contraception and freedom of sex, distributed by the same Emma Goldman. The difference between the Hammer spent on the purchase of goods and the amount of credit received was covered from the budget of the young Soviet Country and passed on to the hands of hammer in the best then Riga hotel De Roma and private hotels in Tallinn. Another possible topic of the meeting between "Iron Felix" and Armand Hammer could be the discussion of the Kama project. In 1922, a private investment company supporting Comrad Armand Hammer from V. Ulyanov (Lenin) was established in Germany. (GEFU) with offices in Berlin and Moscow and a capital of 75 million gold brands. Moscow has allocated 100 million gold stamps for the project, and the roof of the top-secret enterprise was the Soviet foreign trade organization Vestorg and the Hammer Allied American Corporation. The mediation was overseen by the Chief of the General Staff of the Reichsweer, Colonel-General Hans von S sect, and Arkady Rosengolz was responsible on the Soviet side. Under the control of Hans von Sect and Arkady Rosenholz, later, ironically, sentenced to execution with the wording "... undermining the military might of the USSR,...) Military equipment, ammunition, chemical weapons were created, and officers were trained. The Hummer company, whose subsidiaries operated in Moscow, Berlin, New York, London, Kiev, Petrograd and the Baltic states, was actively involved in this, which were turned into important transit points. Hammer himself participated in the creation of a pencil factory. In Germany, the technology of making graphite pencils was a protected industrial secret, but the heiress of the losing Germany - Weimar Republic each of the behind-the-scenes players took what he wanted: Duponts - the technology of making dyes for leather, and the Hammers took a living in pencil technology, getting into the load for a new pencil factory in Soviet Russia German engineers and other masters of pencil. The level of German technology was so high that on May 31, 1928, The Soviet Union's S hines of resentment, wrote that Hammer pencils flooded the entire market, although they were more expensive than Mospoligraf's products, and people preferred to buy them as better. When in 1971 in Moscow held a meeting of representatives of the corporate world of America with the Minister of Foreign Trade Nikolai Patolichev, the latter concluded by saying: "I know you ask yourself: can a capitalist do business in a communist country? Think of one of the richest people in the world, Armand Hammer, who in the 1920s earned capital in pencil manufacturing in Russia." In Riga and Tallinn, A. Hammer rented warehouses near seaports and railway hubs, where they were delivered, where they were sorted and then shipped from Germany to the USSR and back for military supplies. But as is already known not only in Germany and not only the military, as described in Anthony Sutton's book "Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution" for the export of gold was looked after by Professor Lomonosov, by the way, one of the likely participants in the falsification of the third "authentic" abdication of Nicholas II. that eventually even got an Estonian passport. It is not known how much was taken out, in what proportions the participants drank gesheft from the sale of the loot. 

Did you think it all started in 1991? The editors have repeatedly stated: traces of 👣 should be found 🔦 since 1917, and all traces of 👣 from there. Realizing the futility and futility of our calls to study the origins, we began our material with what started at the top of the 👆, as if hinting about the need to combine knowledge about the device of the condom with education and history, analysis! 

Since there's one fucking thing in my head and between my legs, I've never done anyone any good. Even adults, not to mention children! 

"At that time Revel was one of the transit points in trade with Russia. But most of the goods that came there from Russia for exchange for food was contraband: works of art, diamonds, platinum and God knows what else ..." 

A. Hammer 

It is known that since the early 1920s the Baltic countries have been one of the main places where the values of Russian museums, libraries, churches and the people repressed by the revolutionary regime were sold out on the cheap. In addition to authentic products, here in large numbers sold fake icons, works of masters of Russian realistic painting (Aivazovsky, Shishkin, etc.), and the products of famous jewelry firms Sazikov, Ovchinnikov, Bolen, etc., the production of which was put on stream. The number of counterfeits in antique shops in Riga and Tallinn was so high that the embassies of Western countries warned their citizens not to shop there. All this was managed by Armand Hammer, selling seized valuables through auctions, The New York "Gallery of Hammers" and its European partners, and did not forget to collect a large personal collection of antiquities, paintings and sculptures of the Leningrad Hermitage. At first, Hammer settled in the former Faberge salon on the Kuznetska Bridge-4, and in the year of his thirtieth birthday, Hammer received a personal breakout of Faberge's personal jewelry stamps on Lubyanka. They quickly found themselves with Samuel Rubin, a member of the U.S. Communist Party, who used the trademark "Faberge" to make a fortune on behalf of a jeweler of the Russian Imperial Court. At the same time, Hammer's fascination with antiques and works of art dates back to the beginning. Leaving the mansion on Sadovaya Spasskaya, 14, to his parents (?), Armand built a luxurious house with a huge area and a garden, located, in the words of the owner, "near the sugar king's palace, opposite the Kremlin". He turned it into a real museum of art, which included paintings by outstanding artists of Russia in France, Italy, Germany, luxurious Black kuznetsov porcelain, royal furniture and utensils, unique Easter eggs of Faberge's work. Hammer even almost traded Leonardo da Vinci's painting from the Hermitage collection, but the deal did not take place. I had to settle for carpets from the Winter Palace, from which Hammer set up a mass sewing of slippers. In the West, they were in high demand at the time. Documentary cover of all the machinations Allied American Corporation was engaged accountant and lawyer of the firm in one person J. Shapiro, whose surname has already been found by Monsanto's president, Robert B. Shapiro, as the lead originated from "Rabbi Pinhas Shapiro, whose sayings are still present in various Hasidic collections." These two companies, in addition to the names of employees, have a lot of things nearby: the Hummer Allied American Corporation came from a pharmaceutical firm, as well as Monsanto. 

We promised everything, it seems: we will tie, tie, tie and hang on public display of the coe-like figures together with Aloisic and the Kremlin. As part of these promises, we move a lot of time approaching the finish line. 

But it's not evening, as the poet used to say, so we continue our poem. 

It is said that Julius chose the name of his son in honor of the emblem of the Socialist Workers' Party of America, but it should be noted that at the same time, as can be seen in the picture, the unusual name "Armand" is popular with the "major British investors" of Monsanto - Rothschild. 

Monsanto has already had its first lawsuits over a unhealthy sugar substitute, and caviar supplied by Allied American Corporation contained banned preservatives in the United States. By the way, in the early 1930s the Hasidic movement CHABAD settled in the United States, as it was forbidden within the USSR "as a fascist sect. At the same time, traditional Judaism continued to exist in Soviet territory." 

In the same years, handing the retreat for a pencil factory, later known as the Moscow Factory of Writing Accessories, they asked the country and Hammer, whose mediation did not bring anything but damage to Russia. Usually, Hammer's biographies describe how he started a business in Russia with the fact that he nobly began to supply wheat, impressed by the scenes of hunger he saw in the young Soviet republic. According to Hammer himself, the first steamer in December 1921, he brought grain and only then sent barter products to the United States. In fact, claims, based on the documents, Hammer's biographer Edward Epstein, first went to America Russian goods. The Hummer family, without a trading network and at least some sales strategy, offered them to resellers. Wheat, on the other, reached Russia only by the summer of 1922 and in quantity much less than promised. It's time to shout, "Hold the thief!" but in the Kremlin Lenin blamed the failure on the "mistakes" of the Foreign Trade Addict. The "invisible hand" of the market, the visible little finger of which Armand had its own rules. Another visible "Hand-Molot" was engaged in the extraction of asbestos in the city of Alapayevsk. It was assumed that, finally," workers "liberated" from the king's nest would extract asbestos with their bare hands, without basic clothing, in unequipped even primitive ventilation mines, raising it to the surface on their own hump. But on the October morning of 1922, the workers of the asbestos concession refused to go to the mine. Superintendent Leo Wolff, brandishing a revolver, demanded that the rebels start work, but the strike flared up.) And then Hammer asked for help in the Czech Republic. In December 1922, the Ural Chekists subdued the rebels, apparently not in vain in the contract of Hammer was prescribed armed guards. In 1923, the price of asbestos fell and did not cover even the cost of transportation to Europe, Alapayev concession began to bring in $20,000 loss per month. On this occasion, the father of Hammer pulled up from America, who by all logic should have been in prison. Having visited the Urals, Julius bluntly said: "We have got it!", in addition, had to shut the mouth of inspectors from Narkomfin, who found that the company writes off large sums for personal expenses, provides unreasonable discounts to partners and transfers to "third parties" money is unclear for what, to explain that the equipment, seemingly purchased in Germany for $164,000 is about to arrive. As a result, the contract was terminated. Armand's attempt to meet Stalin before leaving did not lead to success, he refused to meet - the country took a new course. And Armand took a new course on his historical homeland, in Russia remained his wife Olga Vadina and son Julian. 

Soon the "New Deal" will take over the entire American economy. Previously, one of the ways to sell gold jewelry were the visiting fairs of the "Gallery of Hammer" with which Hammer roamed the cities of the United States. The American people, against the backdrop of the economic dawn of the United States willingly invested in gold jewelry sold. To support the good in the hands of the naive American population will be given for a short time: due to the "Great Depression" and the lack of cash, it is expropriated back, by decree of F. Roosevelt of March 10, 1933. 

According to this decree: an individual who owned gold worth more than $100 was obliged to sell it to the treasury at a fixed rate of $22.6 per ounce (i.e. on hand can be left from 3-5 grams.) The offender could face up to 10 years in prison or a fine of up to $10,000. 

Prepare for all those who have on the hands and neck of the tzatzki 💍 gold kilograms hang, as much as bend from gravity. Our editorial lists of such gold 🎙 gold heavyweights, we send directly to the headquarters of WEF Schwab, the head of the department of disclosure and expropriation 2022. 

They say that in the 1930s, the U.S. economy experienced only one drawback: the lack of money supply for normal trade and commerce. Banks - the only source of new money and loans, refused to issue loans to industrial enterprises, shops and farms, payments on already issued loans were accepted, but the money quickly disappeared from circulation. The goods were just waiting to be bought, the work required that it be fulfilled, but the lack of money led the country to a complete halt. 

The same banks, which in the early 1930s could not lend for peaceful construction, food and clothing production, suddenly, miraculously, found billions of loans for the construction of barracks, the production of dry rations and uniforms. The country, which in 1934 could not produce food for sale, suddenly found the strength not only to master the recipe and establish the production of Russian stew for Lend-Lisa, but also bombs, which can be sent for free to Germany and Japan. [12] .

The Committee on Military Products was then in charge of Harry Hopkins, a native of the caruso singing troupe and formerly from the Jewish district of New York - the East Side. 

"No high-ranking foreigner comes to America without planning an audience with me." 

Gary Hopkins 

It was with the help of his lobby after the abolition of the dry law in 1933 That Hammer became the "alcohol king of America", establishing the production of spirits in the United States, independently developing a recipe for the signature drink Gold Coin: 50 percent. cheap whiskey, 50 per cent. alcohol, and having secured for his small firm Old Clover Distillery the exclusive right to produce it. In the historic homeland, Hammer not only used protection, but also provided the lobby to "useful people", such as schoolteaint Al Gore, who soon won a seat in the House of Representatives and subsequently introduced Hammer to several American presidents. Already in 1946, Hammer's alcohol company, transformed into the united Distillers of America holding, brings its owner more than $40 million, after which a new test for Hammer: During the "witch hunt" old friend of Hammer - John Edgar Hoover, now as the head of the FBI leads on him case No. 61 280, which leads personally. On March 6, 1952, A. Hammer was invited to the FBI's New York city office. 

We miss you very much today, old Edgar !! 

Snot and slugs alone went....

He was interrogated again and released again, after which Edgar Hoover once confessed: 

"The individual is absolutely helpless in the face of a global conspiracy that is so monstrous that he cannot and does not want to believe in him." 

He helped Hammer, now an influential Tennessee senator, Al Gore, who, after his resignation, would take a seat on the board of directors of the new Oil Company Hammer, being the head of the coal sector with a half-million-dollar annual salary. With the debunking of Stalinism and Khrushchev's occupation of the post of head of state, Hammer again finds himself in the USSR, now in his assets oil company Oxidental Petroleum with 19 billion dollars of trade turnover. In the Soviet government, his friend Anastas Mikoyan, who was now vice-president of the Council of Ministers, advocated for the resumption of contacts with Armand Hammer. In connection with the meeting of Hammer and Khrushchev, the story of how he gave Khrushchev a painting of Goya, supposedly bought by him for a million, and in fact for $60,000. 

There were persistent rumors that Goy's painting is a fake, apparently affected by the skills of the past, as innocent antics with unknown letters of Lenin : he searched for them in the USSR, then exported them to the West, bought at auction for fabulous money from himself and with great fanfare handed to the leaders of the Communist Party. Brezhnev almost cried with joy, but under Andropov Hummer, however, was taken red-handed. 

From the new visit of the Hummer begins the participation of the leadership of the USSR in the oil games, this secret of special state importance, which is stored in closed archives and hardly ever will be made public. Oxidental Petroleum has received a concession to develop wealthy Libyan fields with reserves of more than 3 billion barrels. The old King Idris of Libya stated, "I open the doors of my kingdom to all so that the big companies will not be able to dominate this country, as they have long dominated the Gulf region." Armand, an absolute amateur in the oil business, "intercepted" concessions from the "seven sisters" - the world's largest oil companies Mobil, Gulf Oil, BP, Shell and others. When, after a military coup in 1969 by a junior lieutenant in the Libyan army, Muammar Gaddafi, Moscow asked Gaddafi to help the Hummer - he further expanded his concessions in Libya. As the new relationship with the Kremlin develops, Hammer gains weight behind the scenes, the Kremlin leadership gives him a spacious apartment with windows facing Red Square. His plane, the only one of the private unmarked aircraft that is allowed to fly in the airspace of the USSR, is not allowed to be inspected by the state security service, but meets the Central Committee as if the Hammer is the head of a foreign state. On its Boeing 727, equipped with additional, sufficient for non-stop flight 9000 km tanks with fuel Hummer makes a year about two round-the-world trips, and 120 square meters of cabin turned into a cabin as comfortable as elegant, which adjoins many rooms, equipped with tape recorders and a large collection of Chaplin films. Juggling time zones, he maintains phone contacts with his companies and his employees around the world day and night and keeps them under constant stress. 

"You know, for me, a day without a contract is a sad day." A. Hammer. 

Armand Hammer's activities have always coincided with the interests of the invisible hand of the market: during the oil games, he was engaged in oil, with the beginning of the "green revolution" - in 1961, in his hands were the means to organize the production of more than 50 million tons of chemical fertilizers per year. The banking syndicate, led by Bank of America, has allocated about $200 million to the Soviet Union through the Hummer. as a loan, including the construction of a chemical fertilizer plant. As a result, the largest ammonia plant, TolyattiAzot (1979), as well as the Togliatti-Horlivka main ammonia pipeline (Donetsk region of the occupation of the Russian Federation Styrole )- Grigoryevsky Estuan (Odessa) - is quite unique even by modern standards. 

He was brought to court in 1968 because of illegal cash donations to Nixon's campaign fund, where he initially tried to deny everything, but then rushed to the hospital, saying he could not appear at the court for health reasons. When that didn't help, he drove into the courtroom in a wheelchair. The court showed leniency to the elderly businessman and sentenced him to prison on probation. 

« ... people who knew Hummer intimately, ... saw his firm conviction that he could do whatever he wanted, and would always get out of the water dry... We saw that life confirmed his conviction. We thought he was capable of any evil..." Neil Lyndon, in an interview with the Sunday Times 

In the 1980s, at the invitation of Albert Gore Jr., who appeared on the political sky, Hammer watches President Reagan's inauguration from a special lodge reserved for senators. "El" Gore Jr., partly Hammer's "colleague" since he received a Bachelor of Arts degree, he is also an Internet technology lobbyist and author of a number of books on ecology (!). As Vice President of the United States, he actively promoted environmental laws and participated in the development of the Kyoto Protocol, which regulates greenhouse gas emissions by industrialized countries. 

In 2006, his book on global warming, The Inconvenient Truth, featured an Academy Award-winning documentary. Gore Baptist is known to have returned the library of books to the recognized Chabad Messiah- Schneerson sect during his first visit to Russia in December 1993. In 1917, the participants of the pogroms in Lubavich tried to burn down the library, and then Lubavitch Rebbe Sholom-Ber sent it for storage in Moscow, where it later replenished the library named after Lenin. 

On September 7, 1991, Moscow and then all-union television reported that The Lenin Library had been seized by a group of people calling themselves Hasids and demanding that they be extradited to the so-called Lubavitch Rebe collection, accusing the library of "theft". The policeman was beaten, who was taken away by ambulance, dozens of other chabadniks at that time smashed furniture and equipment... (really: "People of the Book" 

We do not believe in the spontaneity of this action, such cases are not without the special services of the Russian Federation. 

"I learned about the connection between U.S. Vice President Al Gore and Chabad back in 1991, during a visit to the headquarters of Lubavitch Rebe in New York. My visit to the United States coincided with the presidential campaign. "Our man," shared with me ... Eduard Hodos Chairman of the Kharkiv Jewish Reformed Community

Two years later, a familiar photograph will appear on the cover of the Chabad magazine Lehaim: Russian Culture Minister E. Sidorov is handing over the book from Lenin's library to U.S. Vice President A. Gore. "In June 1985, Gorbachev spoke to Hammer for 90 minutes, after the meeting Hammer said that negotiations were underway to organize a meeting between Gorbachev and ReaganTher, at that time Hammer, who "Lenin has seen" is old enough: politics and business interest him less and less, he becomes religious: begins to observe Jewish traditions. The story of Hammer's late-night visit to the Lenin mausoleum is described as a parable, but Armand's latest project was not a business - it was the construction of his own "mausoleum" - the Armand Hammer Art Museum and Cultural Center. By the way, with the mausoleum it is compared by architectural proximity to the ziggurat. "Oxy" spent almost $100 million on this idea. The lobby is decorated with a two-meter portrait of hammer, the central courtyard - a bust of the Hummer. Similar to the Rockefeller Center, there were collected art objects, for the manuscript of Leonardo da Vinci, bought by Hammer for $5.6 million and renamed "Codex Hammer", a special hall was built. 

Two weeks after the museum's grand opening, in December 1990, an honorary doctor from 25 universities, a man named united World College in the United States: 

The Cavalier of the Soviet Order of Friendship of Nations 

French Legion of Honour 

Italian Order of Special Merit 

The Swedish Royal Order of the Polar Star 

Belgian Order of the Crown 

Austrian Knight's Cross 

Venezuelan Order of Andres Bellos 

U.S. National Medal of Arts 

Peace Prize Winner, Pakistan 

Leadership Award Winner, Israel 

Leadership Award Winner, Israel 

Dr. Hand and Hammer died. 

After Hammer's death, it turned out that rumors about his condition were more likely an element of infinite self-promotion, it was estimated at only $40 million - a palaous amount, based on how much noise there was around the untold riches of the Hammer. In addition, the money should have been deducted debts. Claims from charities alone totaled almost $2.5 million. The Hummer film studio was liquidated, Oxi's stake in Arm'Hammer and the Chinese coal mine were sold. The Hammer Museum was donated to THE UKLA, a nearby university and transformed into a multidisciplinary cultural centre. 

In Rossi, the Hammer was left with the World Trade Center or the Hammer Center, which opened in 1980. In fact, Hammer has an indirect relation to him, the center was built by a private company bearing the name of its founder - "Bechtel" (Bechtel), by the way, who died in Moscow, during negotiations with Stalin. Probably, they had something to discuss, given that one of the company's specialties was the implementation of energy projects, not coincidentally, even at the approval stage of the Manhattan project, the name "Bechtel" appeared at the top of the list of general contractors. But it did not work - the war began, and after it, as described in the article "Humanoid Bektal" S. Golubitsky became clear: "that after the dispersal of the Anti-Fascist Committee shout "Mazl toov!" ("Happiness, good luck!" (Hebrew).) and no one else will beat the glass with the Kremlin on the Bruderschaft." 

Based on this phrase, it can be decided that the company "Bechtel" which deprived Bolivians of water is another representative of the Jewish lobby, which runs through the entire biography of Armand Hammer, and which as is known to exist officially does not exist. 

The fact that there are many Jews among the Bechtel's hireds is not due to attachment to nationality, but to the quality of "Jewish brains". Oil and politics 

Dov Kontorer Israeli publicist

If we talk about the ethnic composition of the criminal group, only the blind and deaf may not see the prevailing composition of The Jewish, German, Slavic ethnicity.

All of them are citizens of different countries of the world, to a greater extent the USA and Russia.

In order to relieve the possible tension, in connection with the national issue, we do not consider it possible, due to editorial policy and natural modesty, to remind of our mind of the Editorial Board. 

Well, you get us, Koresh! 
Given the international nature of our reader, comfortably reading and considering in different countries of the world our Editorial, as well as as a sign of great respect, sincere friendship and even places of love to our readers, today we are happy to invite you to participate in the editorial tender for the construction of 🚧 four (4) mausoleums in the following cities in alphabetical order of the location from above 👆 down 👇 

1) Washington; 

2) Berlin; 

3) London;

4) Jerusalem. 

The terms of the tender of the posts - the best mausoleum of 2021 is chosen by a joint four-party commission of citizens of each country by a simple majority vote, when voting on our editorial site, located next to our helicopter parked on the green lawn of the house 🏡.

The deadline for applications is May 8 this year. The prize price of the contact to build a turnkey object according to your project is no more than $10,000,000. Reducing the price is welcomed and the working commission as well as taxpayers always vote for quality, architecture, terms of execution and cost. After all, it is citizens who pay for the mausoleum, so they treat such projects as their home, although the house 🏡 this one is not for them. 

paradox? Yes! 

Everything is complicated is simple, and everything simple is always brilliant. 

𐌴D𐌹𐍄𐌏𐍂-𐌹𐌽-𐌾H𐌹𐌴𐍆 ദ 🃏 รཞ୲ദບℓ౿ ℓ.

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