Ethnic international criminal grouping. Part 2. 

Ethnic international criminal grouping. Part 2. 

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The Hasids - a small minority in modern Judaism (about 5 percent) are perhaps the richest and most influential part of world Jewry. Recently, they have increasingly claimed to be the spiritual and political leaders of the entire Jewish people.

The most influential Jewish organization in Russia at the time was the Russian Jewish Congress (REC), led by Gusinskiy, and the religious structure that supported it, led by chief rabbi Shaevich.

But the REAL struggle of Putin and CHBAT for REAL POWER has begun! Berezovsky was the first to fall in this fight - a reward to Abramovich! Being a cross and a personal enemy of Gusinsky, Berezovsky could not count on the support of Russian Jewry, and even more so - world. Faithful Jews treated his problems rather indifferently. Rabbi Shaevich spoke of such "traitors of the Talmud": "It is a great sin to be baptized for a Jew!"

It was much more difficult with Gusinskiy. In addition to being one of the richest oligarchs and media tycoon with enormous influence in the media, Gusinskiy was also a recognized leader of Russian Jewry, head of the REC, a member of the Presidium of the World Jewish Congress. It seemed impossible to bring such a figure without entering into an open conflict with the world Jewry. That's where Putin's Hasidic allies, Rabbi Berl Lazar, took the stage.

"Russia has two chief rabbis, and the conflict between them does not subside," Gazeta wrote. Adolf Shaevich is the head of the traditional and most mass direction in Judaism. But the president preferred the head of the Hasidic community, Rabbi Berl Lazarus."

In his interview with Gazeta, Shaevich was more outspoken than ever. "The Hasids want me to leave... They want everything to be under them and they would be TUT ONLY. It would be possible to divide spheres of influence - and work! And here we are not talking about work, but about general's uniforms and white horse."

It is worth noting here that in the person of the Hasidic rabbi Putin received a channel for informal communication with the most influential Jewish clans of the world! And Putin took advantage of it! 

In vain Shaevich lamented: "Is it really not interesting for anyone to know why Berl Lazar became the chief rabbi of Russia on the day Gusinskiy was arrested? What, tell me, is it necessary for a person who speaks poorly to speak Russian to be given Russian citizenship within two weeks? They had a conference, there was no election of the chief rabbis on the agenda. Someone came from the Kremlin, called Lazar and ten minutes later announced that now will be the election of the chief rabbi of Russia. And two dozen rabbis, 18 of whom are not even Russian citizens, chose him. And it didn't surprise anyone either! The election was at two o'clock in the afternoon, and at six were arrested By Gusinskiy..."

At the same time, Shaevich does not try to hide: the root cause of Putin's conflict with Gusinskiy is that Gusinsky claimed to consolidate Russian Jews under his own leadership...

With Khodorkovsky it turned out differently...

... As the experience of history shows, Jews are sold cheaply and with a lot of blood for them. They were sold in the late 1930s to the Nazis, sold to the vaccinators . . . 

Who's behind the 💉?

We can start talking 🗣 mouthful and loud! 

Henry Kissinger (Kisa) according to the Soviet intelligence officer Yuri Shvets - a Jew and Nobel laureate once in the autumn made a sensational statement to the New York Post that, most likely, in 10 years Israel will cease to exist as a state. Who's the 🇺🇸 in the U.S. ? Is he the real creator of modern history? Or did his senile zabes someone planned at a very high political level, higher than the level of leaders of individual countries ? 

What does Kisa's statement mean? Is the political configuration changing in the Middle East? 

Israel for lack of need, as Kissinger openly hinted 

someone is going to dismantle, and the "Promised Land" means the subsequent relocation of its people? 

The question is: where? To Russia or ...? 

"1,600,000 Israelis from the former Soviet Union will return to the countries of exodus," the CIA report said. 

The role of the aggressor in relation to Jewry is ceremonially assigned to the Islamic world, the role of the victim as usual falls once again on the Jews-ordinary . 

The Sharp Rise of the Rockefeller clan in connection with known events and past oil assets as a result of the alliance with radical Islamists and had its views not only on the future of Israel and Russia, but also their views on the geopolitics of the United States.

And the Kremlin, in the person of Putin, brilliantly took advantage of many contradictions - in THE WORLD OF THE WORLD, he made a Jewish casting. Instead of the removed Jews, the Rotenberg brothers and the new oligarchs of Putin's wave 🌊 Also inevitably there was to be a person who helped Putin to carry out all this operation to rapprochement with the Hasids, this "hero" and he was waiting for a "deserved reward." 

And the "face" showed up! Roman Abramovich received for his company "Sibneft" already mentioned by us 13 billion dollars, much higher than the market price !

Putin personally presented Lazarus with the Order of Friendship of Nations, the Order of Minin and Pozharsky "for his great personal contribution to the strengthening of the Russian state, the unity of nations and the revival of the spiritual power of the Fatherland." In 2005, the "Chief Rabbi of Russia" was awarded the Order of Peter the Great I degree. This order is "given for selfless act, courage, courage and heroism, committed in the performance of military, official and civil duty." 

Another fact related to the Russian Jewish oligarch- Friedman, is also indicative. In 2012, at a meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, he announced the establishment of a $1 million "Jewish-only" prize in Russia.

Israeli publicist I. Shamir wrote about it: "That's right ! A million dollar prize for smart Jews. He needs it on the walls of "Alpha Bank" to write: "Friedman's bank takes money from the Russians, and gives to the Jews?"

What is this the first open manifestation of Jewish Nazism?! Or was it already there? Let's remember the fourth decree of the Bolsheviks. 


During 2004, the media reported on six official meetings between Berl Lazar and Putin. In 2005, their number increased to seven and began to grow from year to year. Lazar, as part of the Russian delegation, accompanied Putin during his visit to Israel and during Putin's visit to the former Auschwitz concentration camp...

And on February 27, 2008, speaking to his like-minded people in England, Berl Lazar said: "A little over 50 years ago a boy was born in Leningrad, whose neighbors turned out to be a Jewish family. The boy-neighbor was affably accepted in the Jewish family and from a young age absorbed the respect for the Jewish world. There he was fed Jewish food, where he saw the head of the family reading Jewish books, where he appreciated the respect for each other members of the Jewish family. The man's name was Putin.

No leader of Russia or the USSR has done as much for Jews as Vladimir Putin. In every way. Unprecedentedly, right? 

The whole question for what social status of Jews and for what purposes all these dances 👯 with tambourines is conducted by Putin ! 

After several meetings with Putin, Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon repeatedly stressed that "we, the Jews, and Israel, in the KREMLIN - THE GREAT OTHER..."

Rabbi Shimon bar Yohai said: "The best of non-Jews - kill him, the best of snakes - smear her head " ...

And all this Russian-Jewish friendship is especially colorful against the background of Trump's son-in-law, Netanyahu and Putin's relationship with gifts of abation from Uncle Bibi's bar shoulder... 

Ben Schreckinger 

Putin is a Jewish puppet. So is Trump.

The Chabad Jewish Community Center of Port Washington on Long Island in Manhasset Bay is housed in a squat brick building opposite a Shell gas station and mall. This is an unremarkable house on an unremarkable street, if you do not take into account one peculiarity. The shortest paths connecting Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin run through it.

20 years ago, when the Russian president began to consolidate his power in the country, he launched a project to eradicate the structures of the Jewish civil society that existed in the country and to replace them with a parallel structure loyal to him. And on the other side of the world, a cheeky Manhattan real estate developer was trying to grab some of the huge flow of capital that poured out of the former Soviet Union in search of stable Western assets (especially real estate) and partners in New York with access to the entire region.

Such aspirations led these two people, as well as Trump's future son-in-law Jared Kushner, to form a close and overlapping relationship in a small world centered on the international Hasidic movement Chabad, completely unknown to most people.

In 1999, Putin enlisted the support of two of his confidants and the oligarchs Lev Leviev and Roman Abramovich, who later became the main patrons of Chabad around the world, and created the Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia under the leadership of Chabad Rabbi Berl Lazar, who is now called "Putin's rabbi."

Several years later, Trump began searching for Russian projects and Russian capital, joining forces with Bayrock-Sapir, which was headed by Soviet emigrants Tevfik Arif, Felix Sater and Tamir Sapir, who maintained close ties with Chabad. The company's projects have been the subject of numerous fraudulent lawsuits, and a criminal investigation has been carried out into a Manhattan residential complex.

Meanwhile, ties between Trump and Chabad have gradually strengthened and expanded. In 2007, Trump organized the wedding of Sapir's daughter and Leviev's closest aide, which took place at his posh Mar-a-Lago estate in Palm Beach. Months after the ceremony, Leviev met with Trump to discuss potential deals in Moscow, and then arranged for the couple's first son to be circumcised in the most sacred site of Chabad Judaism. Trump attended the ceremony with Kushner, who later bought a $ 300 million house from Leviev and married Ivanka Trump. She, in turn, became close friends with Abramovich's wife Daria Zhukova. Zhukova hosted the influential couple in Russia in 2014 and attended Trump's inauguration as their guest.

Thanks to this transatlantic diaspora and some global real estate tycoons, Trump Tower and Moscow's Red Square sometimes seem to be part of the same close-knit neighborhood. Now that Trump from the Oval Office has announced his desire to reorient the world order towards a better relationship with Putin, and the FBI is investigating inappropriate connections between Trump aides and the Kremlin, the small world of Chabad has suddenly taken on disproportionate importance.

Trump Jews

The Chabad-Lubavich movement was founded in 1775 in Lithuania, and today it has tens, and possibly hundreds of thousands of followers. Chabad makes up for its small size with enthusiasm. This movement is known as the most resilient form of Judaism.

The president of the Zionist Organization of America, Mort Klein, recalls the impression made on him by this feature of Chabad. It was at one wedding. Two tables were occupied by the groom's cousins, the Chabad rabbis. They outdid all the other guests. “These guys were dancing like fire. I thought they were black. But no, they only had black hats, ”Klein said, referring to traditional Hasidic headdresses.

Despite its small size, Chabad became the largest Jewish movement in the world. It is present in more than a thousand cities, including places like Kathmandu and Hanoi, where very few Jews live. The movement is known for its "Chabad houses" (Beit Chabad), which operate as community centers and are open to all Jews. “Take any godforsaken city in the world and there’s a McDonald’s restaurant and a Chabad home,” says New York-based Jewish public relations specialist Ronn Torossian.

Chabad adherents differ from other Hasidim in numerous ways in customs and traditions. Men from Chabad wear hats instead of fur hats. Many members of this movement consider the leader of this movement, Rabbi Menachem-Mendel Schneerson, who died in 1994, as their messiah, and some believe that he is still alive. According to Klein, Chabad followers are very good at organizing fundraising.

Paying serious attention to the preaching work, and attracting an increasing number of Jews around the world to Judaism, Chabad provides services to those Jews who are not fully believers.

According to the famous New Jersey rabbi and longtime friend of Democratic Senator Cory Booker, Schmuley Boteach, Chabad offers Jews a third path to religious identity. “The Jew has three choices,” he explains. - A Jew can assimilate without maintaining close ties with religion. He can be religious and orthodox. And there is also a third opportunity that Chabad gives people who do not want to follow the path of the Orthodox, but who want to stay inside the religious field. "

This third path precisely explains the closeness that Trump developed with many enthusiasts and supporters of Chabad, that is, with those Jews who shy away from liberal and reformist Judaism, preferring traditionalism, but are not too devout.

 “It is not surprising that Trump's associates are associated with Chabad,” Torossian said. - Chabad is the place where strong and stubborn Jews feel comfortable. Chabad is the place where no one judges anyone, where non-traditional people who are not used to living by the rules feel comfortable. "

Speaking about the approaches of Chabad, which are less strict than those of the orthodox, he makes his conclusion: "If you cannot fulfill all the commandments, do those that you can." Torossian, who said, among other things, that he is a friend of Sater and his public relations representative, explained that this balance is especially attractive to Jews from the former Soviet Union, who value the combination of traditional trappings and an indulgent attitude towards observance of customs and rituals. “All Russian Jews go to Chabad,” he said. "Russian Jews are uncomfortable in a reformed synagogue."

Jews of Putin

 As is often the case in Putin's Russia, the state began to support Chabad as a result of inter-factional power struggles.

After becoming prime minister in 1999, Putin enlisted the support of Leviev and Abramovich in creating the Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia. Its goal was to weaken Jewish civil society in Russia and its umbrella organization, the Russian Jewish Congress, led by oligarch Vladimir Gusinsky, who posed a potential threat to Putin and President Boris Yeltsin. A year later, Gusinsky was arrested and forced to emigrate.

At that time in Russia there was already Chief Rabbi Adolf Shaevich, who was recognized by the Russian Jewish Congress. But Abramovich and Leviev put the Chabad rabbi Berl Lazar at the head of the rival organization with the congress. The Kremlin removed Shayevich from its religious affairs council, and has since recognized Lazar as Russia's chief rabbi. As a result, two candidates for this post appeared in the country.

The Putin-Chabad alliance benefits from both sides. Under Putin, anti-Semitism is discouraged, and this is an important departure from the centuries-old tradition of discrimination and pogroms. In addition, the state supports them with a sanctioned version of Jewish identity, calling Jews an integral part of the nation.


 When Putin began to consolidate his power in Russia, Lazar was derisively called "Putin's rabbi." He accompanied the Russian leader to the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem and attended the opening ceremony of Putin's favorite project for the Sochi Olympics, which took place on Saturday, when Jews have Shabbat. As a token of gratitude, Putin ordered the security service not to search the rabbi, as this is a violation of Shabbat rules.

In 2013, under the auspices of Chabad and with Abramovich's money, a Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center was opened in Moscow. Putin donated his monthly salary to the project, and the KGB's successor, the Federal Security Service, offered the museum relevant documents from its archives.

In 2014, Berl Lazar was the only Jewish leader present at the meeting at which Putin made a triumphant declaration on the annexation of Crimea.

But the rabbi had to pay for his loyalty to Putin. After the annexation, he continues to support the Russian dictator, and because of this, he has split with the leaders of Chabad in Ukraine. In addition, the Russian state has for many years responded with a refusal to a US court order to transfer the Chabad texts, which are called the "Schneerson collection," to the headquarters of the Chabad-Lubavitch movement in Brooklyn. Soon after the opening of the center of tolerance, Putin ordered the transfer of this collection to his funds. Thus, Lazar became the custodian of the most valuable library, which his Brooklyn comrades consider to be theirs by right.

If Lazar has any remorse for participating in this internal Chabad dispute, then he does not show it. “Challenging the authorities is not Jewish,” the rabbi said in 2015.

Trump, Bayrock, Sapir

Meanwhile, on the other side of the world, Trump began to look for projects and investors from the former Soviet Union in the early years of the 21st century, and as a result established a strong relationship with Bayrock-Sapir.

One of its leaders was Felix Sater, convicted at one time for ties with the mafia.

Sater and another Bayrock employee, Daniel Ridloff, who later joined the Trump Organization, are members of the Jewish community of Chabad Port Washington. Sater told Politico that he is a board member of Beit Habada Port Washington and is a member of many of Habada's organizations in the U.S. and abroad, but not in Russia.

The extent of Sater's ties to Trump is controversial. While working at Trump Tower, Sater collaborated with the famous real estate developer on many projects and sought deals for him in the former Soviet Union. In 2006, Sater accompanied Trump's children Ivanka and Donald Jr. on a trip to Moscow in search of potential projects. He worked particularly closely with Ivanka while working on the Trump SoHo project, which includes a hotel and apartment complex in Manhattan. This project was told in 2006 in the TV program "The Apprentice".

In 2007, it became known that Sater was charged with a stock exchange scam. That didn't stop Trump, and he made Sater a "senior adviser to the Trump Organization" in 2010. In 2011, several buyers of Apartments in Trump SoHo sued Trump and his associates, accusing them of fraud, and the New York prosecutor's office opened a criminal investigation related to the sales. But the buyers settled the matter with the company and agreed not to cooperate with the investigation, which was later terminated, according to the New York Times. Two former managers have filed a lawsuit against Bayrock, accusing the firm of tax evasion, money laundering, racketeering, bribery, extortion and deception.

Sater, under oath, spoke about his close relationship with the Trumps, and Trump himself also said under oath that he barely knows Sater and will not be able to distinguish his face in the crowd. Some people who worked with Trump during the period and agreed to speak on condition of anonymity because they feared retaliatianization from both, laughed at Trump's testimony, saying he often met with Sater and called him almost constantly. One person recalled that Trump and Sater often dined together, including at the now-defunct Kiss and Fly restaurant in Manhattan.

"Trump called Felix in the office about a day later. So what he said about not knowing him is complete nonsense," said Sater's former colleague. "They were in contact all the time, that's for sure. They were on the phone all the time."

In 2014, the Chabad Port Washington Jewish Community Center named Sater "The Man of the Year." At a ceremony in his honor, Habada founder Shalom Paltiel recalled Sater talking about his whistleblower on secret national security issues.

"I recently told Felix that I didn't believe anything from his words. I thought he'd seen a James Bond movie, a Tom Clancy novel," Paltiel said at the ceremony. "Everyone who knows Felix knows that he is a master at writing stories. I just didn't really believe in them."

But then Paltiel said that a few years later he received special permission to accompany Sater to a ceremony in a federal building in Manhattan. According to Paltiel, all U.S. intelligence agencies praised Sater for his secret work and told "more fantastic, more incredible things than everything he told me." A video of the event in Sater's honor was removed from the Port Washington Beit Habad website, but it can be 

Preparing this article for publication, I called Paltiel, but he hung up as soon as I introduced myself. I had to ask him about some of the connections I learned about in the process. Not only does Paltiel maintain a relationship with Sater, he is also on a short leg with "Putin's rabbi" Lazar. In a short note about meeting him at Schneerson's grave in the city, Paltiel calls Lazar his "dear friend and mentor."

According to Boteah, this is not surprising, because Chabad is a community where everyone knows everyone. "In the world of Habada, we all went to yeshiva together, we were all ordained together," Boteah said. "I've known Berl Lazar since I was a yeshiva."

At Habad's home in Port Washington, there is another Bayrock supporter. Among the 13 main benefactors of this community is Satera's partner and founder Tevfik Arif.

Arif is a former Soviet official who became a wealthy developer. He owns a mansion in Port Washington, located in a wealthy suburb. But this is a very curious patron of the local Habada. Arif has a Muslim name, he was born in Kazakhstan, and is a Turkish citizen. Arif is not Jewish, as the people who worked with him say. In 2010, he was arrested during a police search in Turkey on a yacht that once belonged to Mustafa Kamal Ataturk, the founder of the modern Turkish state. Arif was accused of running an international criminal network employing underage prostitutes. All charges were later dropped. 

Prior to the Ataturk yacht scandal, Arif worked extensively with Trump, Ivanka Trump and Sater as part of the Trump SoHo project. He was also a partner of the Sapirov family. It's a dynasty of New York real estate dealers and the other half of Bayrock-Sapir.

Its patriarch, the late billionaire Tamir Sapir, was born in Soviet Georgia, and in 1976 came to New York, where he opened an electronics store in the Flatiron area. According to the New York Times, this store mainly served KGB agents.

Trump called Sapir his "big friend." In December 2007, he arranged the wedding of his daughter, Sapira zina, at Mar-a-Lago. Lionel Richie and the Pussycat Dolls performed there. The groom Rotem Rosen worked as the CEO of the American branch of the holding company of Putin's oligarch Levayev Africa Israel.

Five months later, in early June 2008, Sapir and Rosen performed a circumcision ceremony for their newborn son. In invitations to this ceremony, Rosen was named Levayev's "right-hand man." By then, Levayev had become the largest sponsor of Habad worldwide and personally ensured that the circumcision ceremony was held at Schneerson's tomb, which Habad's followers consider the most sacred place.

Trump was present at the ceremony. A month earlier, in May 2008, he and Levayev discussed possible real estate projects in Moscow, as Russian media were writing about at the time. Photos taken during the meeting show Trump and Levayev shaking hands and smiling.

In the same year, Sapir, who was actively involved in the financing of Khamad, visited Berlin with Levayev, where they visited the Habada centers.

Jared, Ivanka, Roman, Dasha

Kushner, who along with his wife Ivanka Trump, and his wife, Ivanka, also attended the ceremony, and his own ties to Putin's Habad allies. The Kushner family, which belongs to modern orthodoxy, has long been and has been actively involved in charitable activities throughout the Jewish world, including in The Habad institutions. During his studies at Harvard, Kushner was active in the work of The Habad University House. Three days before the presidential election, the Kushner-Trump couple visited Schneerson's grave, where they prayed for Trump. In January, they bought a house in the Washington neighborhood of Kalorama and visited the nearby Habada Synagogue, which became their prayer home.

In May 2015, a month before Trump officially entered the Republican presidential race, Kushner bought Levayev's controlling stake in the old New York Times building on West 43rd Street for $295 million.

Kushner and Ivanka Trump also have a close relationship with Abramovich's wife, Dasha Shchukova. The big businessman Abramovich, whose fortune is estimated at more than seven billion dollars, owns the British football club Chelsea, and formerly was the governor of the Russian province of Chukotka, where he is still revered as a hero. He made his fortune thanks to the victory in the post-Soviet "aluminium wars" in which more than 100 people were killed trying to seize control of aluminum plants. In 2008, Abramovich admitted to cobbling together his business empire by paying billions of dollars in bribes. His former business partner, the late oligarch Boris Berezovsky, quarreled with Putin, went to New York, where he settled in the Trump International building near Central Park. In 2011, he accused Abramovich of threats against him, blackmail and intimidation, filing a lawsuit in a British court. That process was won by Abramovich.

Abramovich was reportedly the first to recommend Yeltsin to Putin as his successor. In a 2004 biography of Abramovich, British journalists Dominic Midgley and Chris Hutchins wrote: "When Putin needed the secret power to speak out against his enemies from behind the scenes, he could always rely on Abramovich, who became a voluntary accomplice to him." Biographers write that the two men have developed a relationship between both father and son, and report that Abramovich personally interviewed candidates for positions in Putin's first cabinet. According to the available information, he gave Putin a yacht for 30 million dollars, although Putin himself denies this.

Abramovich's business interests and personal life overlapped with Trump's world many times and in many different directions.

Researchers at Cornell University in 2012 produced a report that said Evraz, partly owned by Abramovich, had entered into a series of contracts under which it would supply 40 percent of the steel needed to build the Keystone XL pipeline, a project that Trump approved after years of delay. And in 2006, Abramovich bought a large stake in the Russian oil company Rosneft, which is now being scrutinized for possible collusion between Trump and Russia. Trump and the Kremlin have snubbed the dossier, which claims that the recent sale of Rosneft shares is part of a scheme aimed at easing sanctions against Russia.

Meanwhile, Abramovich's wife, Shchukov, has long been in the same secular circles as Kushner and Ivanka Trump. She became a friend and business partner of Rupert Murdoch's ex-wife Wendy Deng, who has long been friends with Ivanka. She also befriended Kushner's longtime girlfriend Josh Karlie Kloss.

Gradually, she became close to Jared and Ivanka. In February 2014, a month before the illegal weaning of Crimea from Ukraine, Ivanka Trump posted a photo on Instagram of her sitting behind a bottle of wine with Shchukova and Wendy Deng. Underneath the photo, the caption read: "Thank you for an unforgettable four days in Russia!" Other photos make it clear that Kushner was also in Russia at the time.

Politico: A life-loving Jewish group linking Trump and Putin

14.04.2017, 12:40Dedest

How the Jewish issue could affect U.S.-Russian relations

The Chabad Port Washington Jewish Community Center on Long Island in Manhasset Bay is located in a squat brick building opposite the Shell gas station and shopping complex. This is an unremarkable house on an unremarkable street, except for one feature. It is the shortest route between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin.

20 years ago, when the Russian president began to consolidate his power in the country, he began a project to eradicate the existing structures of Jewish civil society in the country and replace them with a parallel structure loyal to him. And on the other side of the earth, a cheeky Manhattan developer was trying to get some of the huge flow of capital that flowed out of the former Soviet Union in search of stable Western assets (especially real estate) and partners in New York with access to the entire region.

Such aspirations have forced the two men, as well as Trump's future son-in-law, Jared Kushner, to forge a close and partially overlapping relationship in a small world centered on the international Hasidic movement of Chabad, completely unknown to most people.

In 1999, Putin enlisted the support of two of his confidants and oligarchs Lev Levayev and Roman Abramovich, who later became Habad's main patrons around the world, and established the Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia under the leadership of Rabbi Habad Berl Lazar, who is now called the "Putin rabbi".

A few years later, Trump began his search for Russian projects and Russian capital, joining forces with Bayrock-Sapir, led by Soviet immigrants Tevfik Arif, Felix Sater and Tamir Sapir, who had close ties to Chabad. The company's projects have been the subject of numerous fraud lawsuits, and a criminal investigation has been conducted into the Manhattan apartment complex.

Meanwhile, ties between Trump and Chabad have gradually strengthened and expanded. In 2007, Trump arranged for the wedding of his daughter, Sapir and Levayev's closest aide, at his swanky Mar-a-Lago estate in Palm Beach. A few months after the ceremony, Levayev met with Trump to discuss potential deals in Moscow, and then arranged for the first son of a new couple to be circumcised in the holiest site of Chabad Judaism. Trump attended the ceremony with Kushner, who later bought a $300 million house from Levayev and married Ivanka Trump. She, in turn, got close with Abramovich's wife Daria Shchukova. She hosted this influential couple in Russia in 2014 and attended Trump's inauguration as their guest.

Thanks to this transatlantic diaspora and some global real estate tycoons, Trump Tower and Moscow's Red Square sometimes seem to be part of the same close-knit neighborhood. Now that Trump from the Oval Office has announced his desire to reorient the world order towards a better relationship with Putin, and the FBI is investigating inappropriate connections between Trump aides and the Kremlin, the small world of Chabad has suddenly taken on disproportionate importance.

 Trump Jews

 The Chabad-Lubavich movement was founded in 1775 in Lithuania, and today it has tens, and possibly hundreds of thousands of followers. Chabad makes up for its small size with enthusiasm. This movement is known as the most resilient form of Judaism.

 Mort Klein, president of the Zionist Organization of America, recalls the impression made on him by this feature of Chabad. It was at one wedding. Two tables were occupied by the groom's cousins, the Chabad rabbis. They outdid all the other guests.

 “These guys were dancing like fire. I thought they were black. But no, they only had black hats, ”Klein said, referring to traditional Hasidic headdresses.

 Despite its small size, Chabad became the largest Jewish movement in the world. It is present in more than a thousand cities, including places like Kathmandu and Hanoi, where very few Jews live. The movement is known for its "Chabad houses" (Beit Chabad), which operate as community centers and are open to all Jews.

 “Take any God-forsaken city in the world and there’s a McDonald’s restaurant and a Chabad home,” says New York-based Jewish public relations specialist Ronn Torossian.

 Chabad adherents differ from other Hasidim in numerous ways in customs and traditions. Men from Chabad wear hats instead of fur hats. Many members of this movement consider the leader of this movement, Rabbi Menachem-Mendel Schneerson, who died in 1994, as their messiah, and some believe that he is still alive. According to Klein, Chabad followers are very good at organizing fundraising.

 Paying serious attention to the preaching work, and attracting an increasing number of Jews around the world to Judaism, Chabad provides services to those Jews who are not fully believers.

 According to the famous New Jersey rabbi and longtime friend of Democratic Senator Corey Booker Shmuel Boteach, Chabad offers Jews a third path to religious identity.

 “The Jew has three choices,” he explains. - A Jew can assimilate without maintaining close ties with religion. He can be religious and orthodox. And there is also a third opportunity that Chabad gives people who do not want to follow the path of the Orthodox, but who want to stay inside the religious field. "

 This third path precisely explains the closeness that Trump developed with many enthusiasts and supporters of Chabad, that is, with those Jews who shy away from liberal and reformist Judaism, preferring traditionalism, but are not too devout.

 “It is not surprising that Trump's associates are associated with Chabad,” Torossian said. - Chabad is the place where strong and stubborn Jews feel comfortable. Chabad is a place where no one judges anyone, where non-traditional people who are not used to living by the rules feel comfortable. "

 Speaking about the approaches of Chabad, which are less strict than those of the orthodox, he makes his conclusion: "If you cannot fulfill all the commandments, do those that you can."

 Torossian, who said, among other things, that he is a friend of Sater and his public relations representative, explained that this balance is especially attractive to Jews from the former Soviet Union, who value the combination of traditional trappings and an indulgent attitude towards observance of customs and rituals.

 “All Russian Jews go to Chabad,” he said. "Russian Jews are uncomfortable in a reformed synagogue."

 Jews of Putin

 As is often the case in Putin's Russia, the state began to support Chabad as a result of inter-factional power struggles.

 After becoming prime minister in 1999, Putin enlisted the support of Leviev and Abramovich in creating the Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia. Its goal was to weaken Jewish civil society in Russia and its umbrella organization, the Russian Jewish Congress, led by oligarch Vladimir Gusinsky, who posed a potential threat to Putin and President Boris Yeltsin. A year later, Gusinsky was arrested and forced to emigrate.

 At that time in Russia there was already Chief Rabbi Adolf Shaevich, who was recognized by the Russian Jewish Congress. But Abramovich and Leviev put the Chabad rabbi Berl Lazar at the head of the rival organization with the congress. The Kremlin removed Shayevich from its religious affairs council, and has since recognized Lazar as Russia's chief rabbi. As a result, two candidates for this post appeared in the country.

 The Putin-Chabad alliance benefits from both sides. Under Putin, anti-Semitism is discouraged, and this is an important departure from the centuries-old tradition of discrimination and pogroms. In addition, the state supports them with a sanctioned version of Jewish identity, calling Jews an integral part of the nation.

 When Putin began to consolidate his power in Russia, Lazar was derisively called "Putin's rabbi." He accompanied the Russian leader to the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem and attended the opening ceremony of Putin's favorite project for the Sochi Olympics, which took place on Saturday, when Jews have Shabbat. As a token of gratitude, Putin ordered the security service not to search the rabbi, as this is a violation of Shabbat rules.

 In 2013, under the auspices of Chabad and with Abramovich's money, a Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center was opened in Moscow. Putin donated his monthly salary to the project, and the KGB's successor, the Federal Security Service, offered the museum relevant documents from its archives.

 In 2014, Berl Lazar was the only Jewish leader present at the meeting at which Putin made a triumphant declaration on the annexation of Crimea.

 But the rabbi had to pay for his loyalty to Putin. After the annexation, he continues to support the Russian dictator, and because of this, he has split with the leaders of Chabad in Ukraine. In addition, the Russian state has for many years responded with a refusal to a US court order to transfer the Chabad texts, which are called the "Schneerson collection," to the headquarters of the Chabad-Lubavitch movement in Brooklyn. Soon after the opening of the center of tolerance, Putin ordered the transfer of this collection to his funds. Thus, Lazar became the custodian of the most valuable library, which his Brooklyn comrades consider to be theirs by right.

 If Lazar has any remorse for participating in this internal Chabad dispute, then he does not show it. “Challenging the authorities is not Jewish,” the rabbi said in 2015.

 Trump, Bayrock, Sapir

 Meanwhile, on the other side of the world, Trump began looking for projects and investors from the former Soviet Union in the early years of the 21st century, and as a result forged a strong relationship with Bayrock-Sapir.

 One of its leaders was Felix Sater, who was convicted at one time for links with the mafia.

 Sater and fellow Bayrock employee Daniel Ridloff, who later worked directly for the Trump Organization, are members of the Port Washington Chabad Jewish community. Sater told Politico magazine that he serves on the board of Beit Chabad Port Washington, and also serves on the leadership of many Chabad organizations in the United States and abroad, but not in Russia.

 The extent of Sater's and Trump's ties is controversial. While working at Trump Tower, Sater has worked with the famous developer on many projects and sought deals for him in the former Soviet Union. In 2006, Sater accompanied Trump's children Ivanka and Donald Jr. on a tour of Moscow in search of potential projects. He worked especially closely with Ivanka on the Trump SoHo project, which includes a hotel and residential complex in Manhattan. In 2006, this project was covered in the TV program "Pupil".

 In 2007, it became known that Sater was charged with a stock exchange scam. This did not stop Trump, and in 2010 he made Sater a "senior advisor to the Trump Organization." In 2011, several Trump SoHo apartment buyers sued Trump and his associates for fraud, and New York prosecutors opened a criminal investigation into the sales. But the buyers settled the issue with the company and agreed not to cooperate with the investigation, which was later dropped, according to the New York Times. The two former managers filed a lawsuit against Bayrock, accusing the firm of tax evasion, money laundering, racketeering, bribery, extortion and deception.

 Sater spoke under oath of close relations with the Trumps, and Trump himself also said under oath that he hardly knew Sater and would not be able to distinguish his face in the crowd. Some people who worked with Trump during this period and agreed to talk on condition of anonymity, as they feared revenge on the part of both, laughed at Trump's testimony, saying that he often met with Sater and called him almost constantly. One person recalled that Trump and Sater often dined together, including at the now defunct Kiss & Fly restaurant in Manhattan.

 “Trump called Felix in his office about a day later. So his words that he does not know him are complete nonsense, - said a former colleague of Sater. - They were constantly in contact, that's for sure. They talked on the phone all the time. "

 In 2014, the Chabad center of the Jewish community, Port Washington, named Satera "Person of the Year." At a ceremony in his honor, the founder of Chabad, Shalom Paltiel, recalled how Sater spilled out, revealing that he was an informant on secret national security issues.

 “I recently told Felix that I hardly believed anything of his words. It seemed to me that he had seen enough of James Bond films, read the novels of Tom Clancy, - said Paltiel at the ceremony. - All of Felix's acquaintances know that he is a master of storytelling. I just didn't really believe in them. "

 But then Paltiel said that several years later he received special permission to accompany Sater to a ceremony at a federal building in Manhattan. There, according to Paltiel, representatives of all American intelligence agencies praised Sater for his secret work and told "more fantastic, more incredible things than anything he told me." Video footage of that event in honor of Sater has been removed from the Beit Chabad Port Washington website, but can be viewed on YouTube.

 While preparing this article for publication, I called Paltiel, but he hung up as soon as I introduced myself. I had to ask him about some of the connections that I learned about in the process. Paltiel not only maintains a relationship with Sater, he is also on a short leg with "Putin's rabbi" Lazar. In a short note about meeting him at Schneerson's grave in Queens, Paltiel calls Lazar his "dear friend and mentor."

 According to Boteach, this is not surprising, because Chabad is such a community where everyone knows everyone. “In the world of Chabad, we all went to yeshiva together, we were all ordained together,” Boteach said. “I knew Berl Lazar from the days of my studies at the yeshiva.”

 The Chabad home in Port Washington has another Bayrock devotee. Among the 13 main benefactors of this community are Satera's partner and founder Tevfik Arif.

 Arif is a former Soviet official turned wealthy property developer. He owns a mansion in Port Washington, located in a wealthy suburb. But this is a very curious patron of the local Chabad. Arif has a Muslim name, was born in Kazakhstan, and is a citizen of Turkey. Arif is not a Jew, as the people who worked with him say. In 2010, he was arrested during a police search in Turkey on a yacht that once belonged to the founder of the modern Turkish state, Mustafa Kamal Ataturk. Arif was accused of running an international criminal network that employs underage prostitutes. All charges were later dropped from him.

 Before the scandal on the yacht of Ataturk, Arif actively collaborated with Trump, Ivanka Trump and Sater in the Trump SoHo project. He was also a partner of the Sapirov family. It is a dynasty of New York real estate dealers and the second half of the Bayrock-Sapir firm.

 Its patriarch, the late billionaire Tamir Sapir, was born in Soviet Georgia and came to New York in 1976, where he opened an electronics store in the Flatiron area. According to the New York Times, this store mainly served KGB agents.

 Trump called Sapir his "great friend." In December 2007, he arranged the wedding of Sapir's daughter Zina in Mar-a-Lago. Lionel Richie and the Pussycat Dolls performed there. Fiance Rotem Rosen worked as the general director of the American branch of the holding company of Putin's oligarch Leviev's Africa Israel.

 Five months later, in early June 2008, Zina Sapir and Rosen performed a circumcision ceremony for their newborn son. In invitations to this ceremony, Rosen was called Leviev's "right hand". By that time, Leviev had become the largest sponsor of Chabad around the world and personally secured the circumcision ceremony at the grave of Schneerson, which the followers of Chabad consider the most sacred place.

 Trump attended the ceremony. And a month earlier, in May 2008, he, together with Leviev, discussed possible projects for the construction of real estate in Moscow, about which the Russian media wrote at that time. A photo taken during the meeting shows Trump and Leviev shaking hands and smiling.

 In the same year, Sapir, actively involved in the financing of Chabad, together with Leviev visited Berlin, where they visited the centers of Chabad.

 Jared, Ivanka, Roman, Dasha

 Kushner was also present at that newborn circumcision ceremony, who, along with his wife, Ivanka Trump, forged their own ties with Putin's allies in Chabad. The Kushner family, which considers themselves to be modern orthodox, has long and actively participated in charitable activities throughout the Jewish world, including in Chabad institutions. And while studying at Harvard, Kushner took an active part in the work of the university house of Chabad. Three days before the presidential election, the Kushner-Trump couple visited Schneerson's grave, where they prayed for Trump. In January, they bought a house in the Kalorama district of Washington and began visiting the nearby Chabad synagogue, which became their meetinghouse.

 In May 2015, that is, a month before Trump officially entered the presidential race in the Republican primaries, Kushner bought from Leviev for $ 295 million a controlling stake in the old New York Times building on West 43rd Street.

 Kushner and Ivanka Trump also maintain a close relationship with Abramovich's wife, Dasha Zhukova. Abramovich, an entrepreneur with an estimated fortune of more than $ 7 billion, owns the British football club Chelsea, and was formerly the governor of the Russian province of Chukotka, where he is still revered as a hero. He made his fortune thanks to the victory in the post-Soviet "aluminum wars", during which more than 100 people died trying to seize control over aluminum enterprises. In 2008, Abramovich admitted that he had amassed his business empire by handing out billions of dollars in bribes. His former business partner, the late oligarch Boris Berezovsky, after falling out with Putin, left for New York, where he settled in the Trump International building near Central Park. In 2011, he accused Abramovich of threats, blackmail and intimidation by filing a lawsuit in a British court. That trial was won by Abramovich.

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