Graphene vaccines are a weapon of genocide and grounds for an international military tribunal. 

Graphene vaccines are a weapon of genocide and grounds for an international military tribunal. 

Ⓜⓡ. Ⓒⓞⓝⓒⓛⓤⓢⓘⓞⓝ

Graphene vaccines are a weapon of genocide

        Graphene oxide and 5G

Masks on the respiratory system from the virus are football gates 🥅 for 

 green peas. 

Masks on the respiratory system from the virus are football gates 🥅 for 

 green peas. 

The Super Vaccination Program is being implemented around the world with the help of the biological weapons of genocide disguised as vaccines against false COVID-19.

Covid vaccines are not vaccines 💉; they were never intended for what the specific defendants in the project are talking about.

BigPharm injections are designed as a very sophisticated biological weapon designed to kill, weaken, disease, incapacitate and/or maim unfortunate victims.

All the scientific, professional, direct and indirect evidence clearly points to a carefully designed bioengineered "vaccine against false Covid", which was imposed on humanity with the aim of depopulating the planet. Experimental "vaccines" were created long ago and in advance, they are executed without taking into account the person's age, health condition, allergic reaction(s) or the ability to properly detoxify extremely harmful ingredients. 

No mRNA (Gene Therapy) in Pfizer's Vaccine 

Spanish researchers placed the Pfizer vaccine under an electron microscope and found that it contained 99% graphene oxide and almost nothing else.

There is virtually NO evidence that this "vaccine" is a gene therapy. It "presents" ZERO genetic material: mRNA, DNA or spike protein. This means that this "vaccine" has nothing to do with the so-called virus. This product was not designed to prevent infection caused by the virus. The true purpose of this product remains hidden. No official statements have been made by Governments or health agencies. The toxicity of graphene oxide (GO) is sufficient reason to initiate criminal proceedings in national and international jurisdictions, as well as the immediate arrest of suspects and the legal prohibition of a global false vaccination program.

Below are brief excerpts from a review of graphene toxicity studies. Review published october 31, 2016:

Due to their unique physicochemical properties, graphene family nanomaterials (GFNs) are widely used in many fields, especially in biomedical applications. Currently, many studies are examining the biocompatibility and toxicity of GFNs in vivo and intro. Typically, GFNs can exhibit varying degrees of toxicity in animals or cell models, depending on different routes of administration and penetration through physiological barriers, subsequently distributed in tissues or localized in cells, eventually excreted from the body.


We also note that the toxicity of GFNs is determined by various factors, including transverse size, surface structure, functionalization, charge, impurities, clusters and corona effect, etc. In addition, several typical mechanisms underlying GFN toxicity have been identified, such as physical destruction, oxidative stress, DNA damage, inflammatory response, apoptosis, autophagy, and necrosis. In these mechanisms (toll-like receptors-) TLR-, transforming β- growth factor (TGF-β-) and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) pathways are involved in a network of signaling pathways, and oxidative stress plays a crucial role in these pathways.


Graphene and its derivatives include single-layer graphene, multi-layer graphene (FLG), graphene oxide (GO), reduced graphene oxide (rGO), graphene nanolayers (GNS), graphene nanofibers, etc. GO is one of the most important chemical derivatives of graphene from the graphene family nanomaterials (GFNs), which is attracting increasing attention with its potential biomedical applications. Graphene-based materials typically range in size from a few to hundreds of nanometers and are 1-10 nm thick, which is also the definition of "nanoparticles" or "nanomaterials." Due to their exceptional physical and chemical properties, graphene materials are widely used in various fields, including energy storage; nanoelectronic devices; batteries; and biomedical applications such as antibacterial drugs, biosensors, cell imaging, drug delivery, and tissue engineering.


.. some studies of the effects of GFNs in occupational settings have recently been conducted, and published data have shown that occupational exposure to GFNs is potentially toxic to workers and researchers. GFNs can be delivered to the body by:

🔹tratracheal instillation;

🔹 oral administration;

🔹 intravenous injection;

🔹 intraperitoneal injection;

🔹 subcutaneous injection. 

GFNs can cause acute and chronic damage to tissues by penetrating through:

🔹 the barrier is blood - air, i.e. breathing;

🔹 blood barrier - testicles;

🔹 blood-brain barrier; 

🔹hematoplacental barrier, etc. 

and accumulate in the lungs, liver, spleen, etc. 

For example, some aerosols made of graphene nanomaterials can be inhaled and stored in the airways, and they can easily penetrate the tracheobronchial airways and then pass into the lower respiratory tract of the lungs, leading to the subsequent formation of granulomas, pulmonary fibrosis and adverse health effects for people exposed. Several reviews describe unique properties and summarize recent potential biological applications of GFNs for drug delivery, gene delivery, biosensors, tissue engineering, and neurosurgery; the biocompatibility of GFNs in cells (bacterial, mammals and plants) and animals (mice and zebra fish) was evaluated; collected information on the impact of GFNs on soil and aquatic environments.

The toxicological mechanisms of GFNs demonstrated in recent studies mainly include inflammatory response, DNA damage, apoptosis, autophagy, necrosis, etc. And these mechanisms can be assembled to further study the complex network of signaling pathways regulating GFNs toxicity. It should be noted that there are several factors that significantly affect the toxicity of GFNs, such as concentration, transverse size, surface structure. , functionalization, etc. 

Covid Vaccine Delivers Nanoparticles for Mind Control

It was never a "vaccine" against the virus. 

It is a secret nanotechnology project designed to capture and control the brains of the human population.

A biologist named Ricardo Delgado and a doctor, Dr. José Luis Sevillano, who hosts an online program called "La Quinta Columna," say that some people's hands become magnetic exactly where they were vaccinated. In these places stick not only magnets, but also scissors, metal parts, tools, even mobile phones!

This phenomenon is not exclusive to the hand. Within a few days, it moves towards the chest, neck or upper spine. 

They began their own research and found the following:

1. All vaccines are produced using the same nanotechnology. In Spain, it was even described as "secret nanoparticles." These nanoparticles become magnetic when they reach the same temperature as the human body. When they remain in an environment with temperatures below zero degrees, they remain non-magnetic. [Why are they freezing vaccines?]

2. These particles must be a nanotechnology material called GRAPHENE. which is superconducting and highly integrated with neurons of brain cells: Reference :

3. The European Union has invested one billion euros in a project called Graphene Flagship: Link :

4. GRAPHENE particles can interact with brain neurons remotely using different radio frequencies (5G can be one of them), they can display the brain and transmit and receive INSTRUCTIONS remotely: Link:

5. They were never "vaccines" against the virus, instead it was a secret nanotechnology project designed to achieve and control the brain of the human population (until now, we don't know if they can modify DNA using 5G). In la Quinta Columna, they found that people had already been magnetized with graphene present in masks, PCR tests, chemtrails, and flu and covid vaccines. 

6. Graphene icon - guess what it is? That's right - three hexagrams each of 666

7. GRAPHENE can be naturally excreted from the body because there is an enzyme called myeloperoxidase that appears to break down graphene molecules. Surprisingly, consuming alcohol or even tobacco can help increase this enzyme. That's why they want the population to be vaccinated every 6-12 months and sober.

8. The interaction between GRAPHENE in vaccinated people and 5G can be fatal when 5G is fully activated, so we would like to stop this madmen and cancel vaccination programs once and for all in a short period of time.

9. Graphene Flagship speakers take AstraZeneca's guidance into account, they are in very close contact with major pharmaceutical companies: "The University of Manchester will present an overview of graphene and its use in biomedical devices, and representatives from AstraZeneca, Glaxo Smith Kline, Pixtium Vision, Clinatec and Multichannel Systems will talk about how these cutting-edge research in the industry is being completed and how it is being promoted." reference:

10. Nanografi Company,

based in Turkey, produces a new nasal version of the covid vaccine to spray directly into the nose (and easily penetrates the brain). They are also involved in nanotechnology using graphene.

11. The EU is investing 2,000 million euros in graphene research and human brain restoration, Spain is a country with a large number of working groups.

12. Bill Gates funded Imperial College London for research on graphene in vaccine technology in the amount of 4.5 million pounds.

13. Michael L. Gordon, a national security specialist with the Wall Street Journal who publicly condemned "weapons of mass destruction" in Iraq, was the same journalist who told the story of the Chinese origin of the novel coronavirus in Wuhan.

       Graphene oxide and 5G

It is crucial to understand why such a large amount of known toxin as graphene oxide was injected into these "vaccines".

From the outset, it was rightly observed that there is a direct correlation between COVID-19 outbreaks and the spread of 5G around the world.

In fact, all of the first major CLUSTERs of SARS-CoV-2 have grown like mushrooms in major metro areas that have just undergone a military 5G deployment in 2019.

See : Study shows direct correlation between 5G networks and Coronavirus outbreaks

Thus, the established link between these outbreaks of the coronavirus epidemic and the switching to the 5G power grid is now undeniable. This critical data point informs of an emerging scientific hypothesis that is currently being studied by an experienced and qualified team of Spanish researchers. 

They introduce graphene oxide as an adjuvant in COVID-19 vaccines.

La Quinta Columna, a team of Spanish researchers, found that vaccines contain graphene oxide. It has an absorption band for 5G frequencies, which can also cause a magnetic phenomenon.

Ricardo Delgado may include: 

"Nanotechnology is being introduced into ampoules with a vaccine. Not just for COVID-19, but for the flu vaccine. And in fact, they did it with the flu vaccine, which we believe caused the COVID-19 disease itself.

There is plenty of evidence of a "magnetic" phenomenon, all over the world. They are associated not only with the phenomenon of adhesion of magnets and metal objects, but also with the phenomena of electromagnetic induction, which generates variable electromagnetic fields inside the body if you use measuring instruments such as a gaussmeter or multimeter, which also generate variable electric fields on a millivolt scale, but very unusual, on the order of 180 mV to 200-350 mV in some people, especially in the forehead.

We also found that graphene oxide nanoparticles are present in PCR tests, as well as in masks and possibly some other method of delivery to the respiratory tract, and that's why some people exhibit magnetism in the nose area.

Nanoparticles of reduced graphene oxide (rGO) inside the body, which acquire magnetic properties precisely inside the body under conditions of body temperature, in contact with hydrogen and at certain angles, which are called the "magic angle" of graphene oxide.

When we saw that it was a superconductor that behaved like an energy capacitor and at the same time, being a superconductor, it became clear why people emit and receive signals. "

Bioterrorist conspiracy to commit the Global reorganization of national sovereign states with a single emission center of electronic money, changing the economic, political, cultural, religious way of life of nation states with a single center of decision-making. State joint-stock ownership (partnership) liquidation of private property, de facto liquidation of the capitalist system of relations. De facto abolition of free democratic elections, total control through an electromagnetic vaccine with the renewal of the program through an annual injection on the principle of updating the computer program. Genocide by reducing the world's population to 1.5-2.0 billion people by 2050-2070. 

We are talking 🗣 about an extremely complex criminal world conspiracy of an international criminal group of the first persons of many countries of the world, with the technical operator of collective terrorism WHO. It was this international terrorist organization hiding under medical supervision that concluded in 2014 a contract of enslavement dictatorial medical treaty with the countries of this organization with the aim of committing mass murder in the countries of the world. 

There is not and will not be at this level of crime any form of immunity and protection for any of the malicious accomplices: The first persons issuing criminal orders and orders, including oral and telephony 📱 top management of BigPharm, the American health system, the US government's public health agencies, who, B&MGF, etc. Each of these institutions was well prepared and knew. : virus deliberate special operation, this operation is an information biological blackmail of the world's population and terrorism with great casualties and economic damage of trillions of dollars, the vaccine is 💉 is a fiction and cannot work against any virus and has never worked and will not work.

A more detailed analysis and metols of the achievement of a criminal goal we present below in our voluminous materials: 

David Rockefeller-Baroque Inauguration - Rocco Mockingbirds 

Kamala Harris covered the Bible with a handbag, de facto it is no longer an oath on the Bible. It's a fiction and most likely a deliberate fiction. 

Kamala Harris covered the Bible with a handbag, de facto it is no longer an oath on the Bible. It's a fiction and most likely a deliberate fiction. 

What's wrong with the crosses on the Bible in Joe Biden's two different sworn in? 

What's wrong with the crosses on the Bible in Joe Biden's two different sworn in? 

What's wrong with the crosses on the Bible in Joe Biden's two different sworn in? 

What's wrong with the crosses on the Bible in Joe Biden's two different sworn in? 

Mom should not teach the boy bad behavior, it will end badly for the boy and the mother will become an orphan. 

On Monday of this week, Emmanuel had the imprudence to admit the unconstitutionality of the stated measures: 

"We are introducing mandatory vaccination against televirus for medical personnel and representatives of a number of other professions. <...> 

Control and administrative penalties will be applied to verify the implementation of this order from September 15," the French president said.

He strangely without documents in his hands and mouth 👄 explained these measures by the deterioration of the epidemiological situation. "Our country is facing a strong resurgence of the epidemic." 

Focusing in his speech on the mandatory vaccination of doctors and support staff, including those working in hospitals or caring for patients at home.

He also asked a speech that from July 21, an emergency session of the parliament will be held on the territory of France to consider the complicated sanitary situation and adopt new acts to combat the epidemic. 

He threatened the French about a bill to make it mandatory to vaccinate groups and to expand the use of the health pass and hand over this madness on Tuesday next week to the Council of State for an examination of its contents. The Council of Ministers may consider this brainchild of New Goebbels on July 19.

On his own instructions, the use of sanitary passes is expanding. From July 21, they plan to allow events with the participation of more than 50 people only on a Nazi document. 

From the beginning of August, Emanuel plans to use sanitary passes even more expanded - without them, he does not want to see the French in restaurants, bars and other establishments of traditional French cuisine. 

Emanuel decided to make sanitary passes mandatory for passengers of trains and planes traveling on long routes.

Emanuel, at the insistence of his mother, also decided to introduce a state of emergency in two overseas territories of the republic - in Reunion and in Martinique. 

"The state of emergency has been in Réunion and Martinique since this Tuesday. There is a full curfew. 

Emanuel did not try hard to explain his criminal actions. Without any documentary basis, he mentioned the increased spread of televirus infection, "insufficient vaccination of the population" and "an extremely heavy burden on medical institutions" about his Fantasy. 

Emanuel threatened to formalize everything on Wednesday at a cabinet meeting.

Well, well, let's see Emanuel. 

Preparation for the International Tribunal. 

Life sentences and the death penalty are guaranteed to many. The general plan is fully disclosed and only the organizational aspects for the detention / neutralization / elimination of the criminals of bioterrorism remain.

When the Courts of 👩 ⚖️ 👨 ⚖️ Are Silent 

             Our arguments 



First count violation 

Geneva Protocol and Biological Weapons Convention

The contract with Israel 🇮🇱. It's a biological weapons test product.

The Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on Their Destruction (BTWC) was the first international disarmament treaty to prohibit the production of an entire class of weapons. Its signing was the result of many years of efforts by the international community to create a legal framework complementary to the Geneva Protocol (1925).

Convention on the Prohibition of Bacteriological Weapons

Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on Their Destruction

Date of signing

April 10, 1972

Place of signing

London, Moscow and Washington

Entry into force

March 26, 1975

 • conditions

ratification by 22 States


Chinese, English, Russian, Spanish and French

Information state biological blackmail of the population of national countries and the world.


Biological terrorism


          Unconstitutional actions

Additional charges. The articles of the accusation are with a multi-vector international group of experts in the process of formulating .

Personalization of some of the defendants.

Joe Biden's fake vaccination 💉 👇

Fake vaccination 💉 Kamala Harris 👇

The composition of the liquid called the vaccine is hidden by the manufacturer with a location in the United States and hidden by the US authorities 🇺🇸 👇

Fake vaccination 💉 all VIP vaccinated officials 

Israeli Minister of 👇

Fake syringes 💉 for VIP vaccinated officials 👇

Fake vaccine 💉 on a computer two days 👇

The first volume of the indictment in an unfolded form here 👇 photo package of illustrations.

X_T erudecorP .rM

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