Angry tongues write (Open Sources).

Angry tongues write (Open Sources).

In 2016, Kamala Harris used her position to help Planned Parenthood emerge from a scandal involving the sale of tissues and parts of aborted babies. 

Back in 2016, David Dalyden and Sandra Merritt of the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) introduced themselves as businessmen and businesswomen who wanted to buy organs from abortion babies, and they were able to attend the National Congress on Abortion.

They recorded and published their interviews with the Director of Planned Parenthood and the National Coordinator, as well as with a doctor who confirmed that they could provide them with parts of the aborted children at their request. In 2015, when the recording/video scandal broke, current Vice President Harris held a secret face-to-face meeting with Family Planning executives to discuss the investigation; Two weeks later, the California Department of Justice raided Daleiden's home, recording and publishing the video.

Now that Kamala has lost business and turned everything upside down, using her boat, Daleiden and Merritt could end up in prison, and "paternity planning" still kills babies for spare parts.

However, revealing videos in which family planning officials sell parts of the bodies of aborted children have shocked many: 

In the first video:

Dr Deborah Nucatola of Planned Parenthood commented on abortion: "We are very good at treating the heart, lungs, liver, because we know it, so I'm not going to push that part. I'm going to crush the bottom, I'm going to crush the top, and I'm going to see if I can keep it all."

In the second video:

Dr. Mary Gutter of Planned Parenthood joked, "I want a Lamborghini" when she negotiated the best price for children's parts.

In the third video:

Holly O'Donnell, a former Stem Express employee who worked at a family planning clinic, spoke first-hand about all these atrocities and how she fainted in horror as she held the baby's legs.

In the fourth video:

Dr Savita Ginde, of Planned Parenthood, said: "We don't want to make just a flat (for a child) fee of $200. The individual thing is a little better, simply because we see how much we can get out of it." She also laughed as she looked at the fetal kidney, which "could be taken with her."

In the fifth video:

Melissa Farrell of Planned Parenthood - Gulf Coast in Houston boasted of Planned Parenthood's skills in getting "undamaged fetal corpses" and how her "research" department "contributes so much to the purity of our organization here, as you know, we are one of the largest affiliates, and our research department is the largest in the United States."

In the sixth video:

Hall O'Donnel described the technique of taking fetal parts without the consent of a woman: "There were times when they just take what they want. And these mothers don't know. And they won't know."

In the seventh and perhaps most disturbing video:

Holly O'Donnell described the removal of organs from a nearly intact late fetus interrupted at Planned Parenthood Mar Monte's Alameda clinic in San Jose, California. "You want to see something cool," O'Donnell says, "and she just knocks on the heart and it starts beating. And I'm sitting here looking at this fetus, and his heart is beating, and I don't know what to think."

In the eighth video:

StemExpress CEO Kate Dyer admits Parenthood sells "a lot" of fully intact abortion babies.

Ninth video:

The medical director of planned family is discussing how an abortion company sells completely undamaged aborted children, including a child who "just fell out" of the womb.

In the 10th video

The country's largest abortion business sells certain parts of the body, including heart, eyes and "gonadas" of unborn children. The video also shows the shocking ways in which Planned Parenthood officials admit they are violating federal law by selling body parts of aborted children for profit.

And so on, stuff, stuff, just 14 views.

In May 2015, a member of California Attorney General Kamala Harris was arrested and "accused of running a wicked police force that claimed to have been around for more than 3,000 years." Brandon Keel, deputy director of public affairs for the California Department of Justice, and two others, David Henry and Tonette Hayes, are charged in connection with their work in the Masonic Fraternal Police Department.

"Suspicions about the Masonic Fraternal Police Department, whose members are of origin from the Knights Templar, arose when, in late January, various Southern California police chiefs received a letter announcing the group's new leadership," wrote Matt Hamilton of the Times, "After an investigation, according to officials, sheriff's investigators searched two sites in Santa Clarita and found a badge, weapons, uniforms and equipment."

The Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department said in a statement that the Masonic Fraternal Police Department is not a lawful police officer and that Kiel, Henry and Hayes were arrested for allegedly impersonating police officers.

"Detectives conducted a thorough investigation in cooperation with several law enforcement agencies and determined that MFPD is not a legitimate police agency," the sheriff's department said in a statement.

"The Brother's Masonic Organization is the oldest and most respected organization in the world. The great masters of different states face serious security problems of their jurisdictions and their families. The first police department was created by the Templars as early as 1100 BC," Harris said on the Harris police website, "When asked what is the difference between the Masonic Fraternal Powers Department and other police departments, the answer is simple for us. We were the first to be here!"


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