Before your eyes is the latest Israeli data showing almost all serious cases of COVID-19 and deaths among vaccinated people. 

Before your eyes is the latest Israeli data showing almost all serious cases of COVID-19 and deaths among vaccinated people. 

There are good reasons for issuing an arrest warrant 🚔 and investigation into the activities of well-known defendants - officials, representatives of the private sector for "genocide, crimes against humanity, mass murder, manslaughter, conspiracy to commit a coup d'état and all of the above. 

We suggest starting with persons who do not have the status of immunity. 

🚩David Rockefeller; 

🚩Klaus Schwab ; 

🚩 George Soros; 

🚩Alexander Soros ; 

🚩Tony Fauci; 

🚩Stiven Khan; 

🚩Scott Gottlieb; 

🚩Janet Woodcock; 

🚩Rick Bright and his BARDA team; 


🚩Scientists from Wuhan within range of U.S. police; 

🚩 Ralph Barik and his team; 

🚩 Bill Gates[BigPharma,BigTech] ; 

🚩 Mark Zuckerberg[facebook]; 

🚩Jack Dorsey[Twitter] ; 

🚩Exists and journalists cnn, CNN, NYT. 

Wash Post, Google, FB, Twitter ;

🚩 Aacademic scammers, including the editorial boards of the Lancet and NEJM, all the leadership of Johns Hopkins University, AMA; 

🚩 All cdc, NIH, FDA, WHO executives. 

🚩 Doctors of public hospitals involved in this crime. 

The following list is proposed with partial immunity to inviolability and it requires separate decisions of military courts of different jurisdictions: 

🚩Most past and present governments of Israel, Australia, France, Canada, Great Britain; 

🚩Boris Johnson , Justin Trudeau , Emanuel Macron, Angela Merkel, Netanyahu Benjamin; 

🚩 Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi, Schumer, Sanders, Nadler, Adam Schiff, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama. 

Blackmail of the population continues.

I don't buy, don't sell...

The Mayor of Guayaquil, Ecuador, Cynthia Viteri, discussed resolutions to encourage vaccination of all citizens of Guayaquil, increase the number of vaccination stations and restrictive measures, including the requirement of vaccination certificates. 

"The message is very clear: what we offer you through the vaccine is to live," the woman said, "Vaccine means life, the ability to live. No vaccination means some possibility of dying if you contract Covid#COVID19" 

Despite the absurdity of her statements, the aunt continued her anti-medical verbal influences on the public: "The difference between vaccination or refusing it is that you can still get infected in both cases - without it you can die, and with her you live, that's the difference. 

For the public, in a few months, the same cantonal RBCH table will make decisions, such as, for example, the requirement to certify the vaccination of two doses for entry into shopping centers and restaurants, as well as for travel by metro. Thus, the vaccination certificate will be your pass if you want to leave your home. You have a few months to get vaccinated before measures like the ones we're announcing take effect."

The sharpening of a significant part of the Planet on "Do not buy, do not sell without the mark of the beast" is well understood by us. This is one of the constituent parts of the plan of totalitarianism. This is a violation of the Constitution of almost all countries of the world. There are no such restrictions in the rules of trade in any country in the world. This is complete nonsense and fascist nonsense. 

🚩Arest of 🚔

English absurdity under the most surrealistic pretext, after the introduction of which to visit nightclubs and other places of mass gathering of people in England from the end of September will require a full vaccination, as simply negative tests for a new SARS, koef. the mortality from which is about the same as that of the common flu, which has now disappeared as a species, will not be enough.

Who is this crazy nonsense designed for?

🚩Arest of 🚔 Base

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