Leak - American door-to-door vaccine harassment scenario "Knock on the Door." 🤡

Leak - American door-to-door vaccine harassment scenario "Knock on the Door." 🤡

Mr. Postman Death ☠️ 

Leak - American door-to-door vaccine harassment scenario "Knock on the Door." 🤡

The apology of socialism. Take away and divide. 

Public Health Ambassador Advocacy. The Knock on the Door Project to Increase #COVID19 Vaccine Intake

If you're nervous, that's okay! We're still nervous, even if we've done it before. You don't need to know all the answers. If you're not sure about the answer, be honest. Tell the person who asks that you are just a volunteer and you will write down their question so that the health department employee can give them the correct answer. Or, if they prefer to call themselves, they can always call 847-377-8130. We have special hours for seniors every week on Tuesdays and Fridays from 12 to 3pm and on Thursdays from 6 to 8pm.

Inform, not persuade. Your task is to provide the person at the door with the information/resources they need to make an informed decision about their health. You're not trying to convince someone to do something they don't want to do.

- Read the abstracts for frequently asked questions and feel free to take them with you to answer questions.

- Print and share a newsletter about the COVID-19 vaccine (in English/Spanish)

You're not harassing! You offer important information and resources. What you do is not illegal. Knock and then get up. Follow distancing protocols and speak clearly. If someone is uncomfortable that you're there in person, invite them to move a longer distance or leave them a flyer...

Leave the flyer even if they are already vaccinated. They may want to share it with a friend or neighbor. Do not leave anything in the mailbox, it is illegal if you are not a postal carrier.

If someone says they're angry or rude, try not to take it personally. Maybe they're just have a bad day. Brush it off and go to the next door! Report on your work! Be sure to fill out the "Knock on the door" table indicating the number of those who still need the vaccine, who have already been vaccinated, who needs more information, etc. 

I'd like to go to your property to see if your seniors need any information about the Covid vaccine. I would like to come on this (day) __

-We do not allow extortion on our territory.

I understand, but I'm not selling anything, we want to provide accurate information to seniors in your community. Our goal is to maximize vaccination efforts so that ALL of your seniors receive the vaccine when the clinic arrives. All I want is for your high school students to be protected from covid... 

Who's knocking on my door? The phenomenon of "death strikes"

Imagine sitting in the evening in your house, drinking tea and enjoying the warmth and warmth. But suddenly someone knocks loudly three times at your front door. You ask "Who's there?" and you don't answer, and when you open the door, there ... 

There are superstitions in different cultures all over the world, the most sinister of which are the omens of Death. And the most famous among them are the so-called "Death Strikes" or "Death Knock."

In the most common form, "Death Strikes" is called persistent knocking on the front door (often at night), and when the owner of the house opens the door, there is no one on the doorstep. It is believed that death came and that someone who heard her knocking would die in the house. 

The timing of the fulfillment of this gloomy prophecy in the people have different options, sometimes three days, sometimes three weeks or three months. Sometimes there is an explanation of the connection with the number "3", supposedly it is a mockery of Death over the divine Holy Trinity . Read paranormal news 📰 

About the death strikes know all the inhabitants of the planet : in Europe, Africa, Asia in the Indians of North America. For example, the American Indians believed that if they heard three blows on the drum or three blows with a heavy stick to the ground and did not find the source of these sounds, it means that Death itself is pounding and soon someone will die suddenly.

In Ireland and Scotland, the knocking of death was considered to be blows to the windows of the house. If there were three knocks and knocks were repeated regularly for 2-4 minutes, it was considered an omen of serious illness or death.

Similar superstitions exist in Arab traditions, jewish and culturally responsible, according to culture, considered genies, evil spirits, demons or the Devil himself.

All this may seem hopelessly outdated superstitions, but the modern stories about the blows of Death are quite a lot. One of them was, for example, published on the website LiveAbout. According to an eyewitness, it happened one cold winter evening in their house, which stood in a remote rural area. There and in the daytime that people almost do not meet, and at night and at all empty for many miles around. 

"That evening we all gathered in the living room when we suddenly heard a loud banging on the front front door. This door has long been littered with snow and therefore we did not open it, using another entrance. It was also not lit at night. So all this seemed suspicious to us, while knocking on the door continued and were persistent. 

My mother carefully came to the door and asked, "Who's there?" 

No one answered, but continued to knock. Then my mother began to tell the knocking man to go to the other door, which is on the side of the house. Again no one answered, but knocked again. Then my mother finally turned on the light bulb above the front door and looked into the side window, from where the front door threshold could be seen. It was completely empty. 

And not just empty. There were no traces of the door on the freshly fallen snow. Then my mother turned to us and said, "This means that someone in our family is going to die." My dad was a skeptic and said it was probably the wind. But the next morning we got a call saying that our uncle Charlie had passed away unexpectedly at night."

The following story implies that mysterious knocks may be associated with abnormal places. This story came from an unnamed California resident on Reddit. One day she went on vacation and stopped in a resort town on the ocean. Here in the same house lived her sister and her husband, and in the same house with her husband lived a woman named Jill. 

"This Jill used to have a friend who had been drunk a year earlier and fell in a snowdrift in the street. She was covered in snow and frozen to death. Since then, Jill flatly gave up alcohol, although she used to be a big drinker, and did not even touch beer. 

And so, for three or four weeks of my stay at my sister's house, we sat in the evening with my sister and watched the horror movie "Babaduk". It was late - about 1 or 2 a.m. when the movie ended and we went to bed. Jill and her husband were not in the house at the time, they went camping in those days. 

But as soon as we put out the light, three loud and distinct blows rang out. I asked my sister if she heard it, and she nodded and said it might be the dryer on the top. At the same time the dryer was completely new and I have never heard it rattle. We went back to bed, but after 10 minutes the same three loud knocks rang out again. Now they were like banging on the door.

I'm not going to paint much, but this house used to have a reputation as a paranormal. There things moved on their own, lamps lit up without human participation, and on some objects there were incomprehensible blood stains. So I concluded that maybe because of watching a horror movie in the house activated another incomprehensible force. 

Days passed, Jill and her husband managed to come back from the campaign, and then I packed my bags and went home. And two days after that, Jill was found dead in her room. The pathologist said she died due to alcohol intoxication because she suddenly took a large dose of alcohol. It was strange and incomprehensible, because she was so proud of her sobriety, nothing pointed to such a denouement."

The following story was told on the LiveAbout website by user Christopher. According to him, there were three cases in his family when one of his relatives died after mysterious knocks. The first occurred when Christopher was still a child and was sitting at home with his grandmother. Suddenly he and his grandmother heard three loud knocks coming out of nowhere and were heard all over the house. Soon after, his great-aunt died.

The second incident occurred when he was growing up and was sitting at home with his father. He and his father heard three knocks so strong that it seemed to them the whole house was shaking. And just hours later, Christopher's cousin died of a cocaine overdose. 

The third incident occurred when he was an adult and was sitting alone at home with his dog one evening. Someone banged on the door three times, but when Christopher opened it, it was empty on the doorstep. Just an hour after that, his dog died suddenly from unknown causes. 

     Who's knocking on my door 🚪? 


If there is a sick person in the house, then a knock on the door can portend a deterioration in his health;

For angry and envious people, such a sign is a warning that you need to change your attitude to the world;

Knocking may be accompanied by a rite of damage or throwing the tenants of the lining;

One of the most dangerous signs is a triple knock (always indicates the death of someone from the environment);

It is believed that a knock can say goodbye to the soul of a person who will soon die;

If a knock is heard at the bottom of the door, and there are animals in the house, then the bad sign concerns their state of health;

Some beliefs mention the good meaning of knocking, for example, it can foreshadow pregnancy.

If after hearing a knock the door was opened, but there was no one behind it, you must immediately protect yourself. You can sprinkle yourself and the corners of the rooms with holy water, read the prayer "Our Father". It will not be superfluous to draw a cross with chalk over the entrance to the house. In the presence of church candles, you can light them for a while.

9.01.1988 & 8.05.2021

33 years between these two covers of The Economist's Rothschild magazine

The cover on the left, pointing to the global virtual currency, was published in 1988, and the cover on the right came out just 33 years later, on May 8, 2021, citing the government's digital currency GovCoin.

These games are controlled by the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) in Basel. Back in 2018, the BIS began monitoring the activities of Central Banks in the field of national digital currencies. A survey of 66 Central Banks conducted then showed that in 2017, 2/3 of the central bank respondents had already shown interest in the topic and conducted some research in this area. In August of this year, the data of a new BIS survey covering the central banks of countries that accounted for 90% of world GDP were made public. The survey reflected the situation at the beginning of 2020. It turned out that 4/5 of the respondents of the Central Bank were already immersed in the topic of national digital currencies. The degree of immersion was different: from studying the issue to test tests of the new currency. Statements about interest in the Central Bank or the development of concepts (projects) of national digital currencies have already been made by dozens of Central Banks. 

In the list of BIS there are a lot of Central Banks of developing countries. Test sites for the Central Banks of the countries of the "golden billion" - the US Federal Reserve, the ECB, the Bank of England, the Bank of Japan, etc. 

By the middle of this year, according to the BIS, at least six Central Banks were already carrying out practical work on the creation of digital currencies (development of necessary technologies, pilot projects, etc.). Of the sandboxes of developing countries, Ecuador deserves special attention. It is said that the CVCB has yet to be created. But in Ecuador, according to the BIS, such a currency was introduced in 2014. However, the attempt was unsuccessful. Trust in the national digital currency (Ecuadorian sucre) has not arisen. The population preferred to use the US dollar (both cash and non-cash). Three years later, the digital currency project in Ecuador was closed. 

and other, other, other... 

download the scenario of the vaccine domohalov from door to door here

Leaked knock on the door of the White House 🚪 🏡 documented 👇


    The most mass murderer of all time. 

Promising to eradicate polio with $1.2 billion, Gates took control of India's National Advisory Council (NAB) and sanctioned polio vaccines for every child under the age of 5. 

Now, Indian doctors blame the Gates campaign for a devastating epidemic of a polio vaccine strain that paralyzed 496,000 children between 2000 and 2017. In 2017, the Indian government abolished Gates' vaccination regime and evicted Gates and his cronies from India's National Advisory Council (NAB), causing the rate of paralysis from polio to plummet. 

In 2017, the World Health Organization reluctantly acknowledged that the global polio explosion is primarily a vaccine strain, that is, it comes from Gates' vaccine program. 

The worst epidemics in Congo, the Philippines and Afghanistan are also linked to Gates vaccines. By 2018, 3/4 of the global polio cases were caused by Gates vaccines.

In 2014, the Gates Foundation funded trials of experimental HPV vaccines (Human Papillomaviruses, a group of viruses from the papillomavirus family, comprising 27 species), developed by GSK (British pharmaceutical company GlaxoSmithKline) and Merck, on 23,000 young girls in remote Indian provinces. As a result, approximately 1200 people suffered from severe side effects, autoimmune diseases and fertility disorders. Seven died. Investigations by the Indian government revealed that Gates-funded researchers committed widespread ethical violations: pressuring vulnerable village girls in court proceedings, intimidating parents, forging consent forms and denying medical care to affected girls. Now this case, oddly enough, is still in the Supreme Court of the country.

In 2010, the Gates Foundation funded GSK's experimental malaria vaccine, killing 151 African infants and causing serious side effects, including paralysis, seizures and febrile convulsions in 1,048 of the 5,049 children.

The authorities of many countries plan to introduce electronic money and they will be linked to the injection. The injection will become annual and possibly more frequent. Everyone plans to tie up on electronic money 💰. There is an injection there is money, there is no injection there is no money. 

Here's what else they need and why they so persistently want to prick everyone. For the ideal concentration camp, more people accept the idea of moving only with the permission of a QR code. In those countries where the majority was vaccinated, the system is already working. This is later, when it is set up, when everyone gets used to using the code for any reason, but at least in the entrance to go, then they will change the rules of life. 

Money and code 🔐, so the system plans to give numbers to every citizen, these codes are still very small numbers of people and with so many system can not force the rest of the majority to accept numbers, codes and experimental solution. 

Where is the difference between the codes that were put on hand in the Nazi concentration camps and QR?

 In the Nuremberg Code, in this conquest, it is directly and unequivocally stated about the PROHIBITION of assigning a number to a person instead of a name. Qr-code and number in the end camp, in fact, the same thing. Since when do people need codes to just go outside, go out for food, go to work and stuff? 

It's just crazy. You can't accept the madness of a small handful of psychopaths from the global mafia. And the consequences of this are even difficult to model. They are real psychopathic terrorists.

FULLY vaccinated Americans accused of helping to spread delta variant: the number of cases in Los Angeles and New York rose to 165% 

A health expert said "I have no doubt" that the HIGHLY INFECTIOUS variant of Delta is spread, at least in part, by fully vaccinated Americans.

The Delta variant is currently responsible for more than HALF of all cases in cities with high vaccine consumption:

Los Angeles: 60% of residents age 16 and older are fully vaccinated – in one week, the number of infections increased by 165%


New York: 63% of all vaccinated adults - since June 24, the number of new cases has increased by 295

CNN Doctor: Biden's administrator should tell Americans, "If you don't get an injection, you should sign these forms and get tested twice a week."

On Saturday, a medical analyst (there are, it turns out, and such) CNN said that the Biden administration should complicate the life of unvaccinated Americans to the point of impossibility.

Chinese-born Lena Wen served as president of Planned Parenthood-abortion, contraception, vaccines until July 2019 – co-founded by Gates' father complained about current policy and said life for unvaccinated Americans is too simple because they can still do what they want:

"Hey, you can opt out, but if you want to opt out, you have to sign these forms, you have to get tested twice a week."

Recall that this same Wen, like no one who understands the Gatesian narrative of "depopulation through sterilization by vaccination, also said this year that Biden's policy of resuming work should have been tied to vaccination status:

"We have a very narrow window to link the reopening policy to vaccination status, because if everything is opened again, then what will be the carrot ... How are we going to encourage people to actually get the vaccine... That's why I think the CDC and Biden should be much bolder and say, "If you're vaccinated, you can do all these things... that's all the freedoms you have, because otherwise people will still go out and enjoy those freedoms."

Frederick Brown

Knock on the door

There is one short scary story that consists of only two sentences:

"The last man on Earth sat in a room all alone. There was a knock on the door..."

Just two sentences and an ellipsis. The whole point is, of course, not in the story itself, but in the ellipsis: who knocked on the door.

The last person on Earth – or in the universe, doesn't it all matter – sat in a room all alone. It was very unusual, this room.

Walter Phelan was a professor of anthropology at Nathan University before the school ceased to exist two days ago. He had a lean physique and a soft character. His appearance did not attract attention, and he himself was well aware of it.

However, at the moment he was not worried about appearance. He knew that two days ago, in one hour, all mankind had been completely exterminated, with the exception of him and another woman. But the fact of the existence of a woman in no way interested Walter Felan.

Women in his life have not played any role since Martha died a year and a half ago. She was by no means a good wife, quite the opposite. But he loved her, even though he was under her heel. He was only forty years old now and only thirty-eight when Martha died, but since then he has never even thought about women. His life was filled with books. Some he read, others he wrote. Now, after the death of the world, it was not worth writing books, and he had to spend the rest of his life reading them.

Of course, a good company now would not hurt, but he could do without it. Maybe after a while he would not have refused to communicate with some zanom, although it was difficult to imagine this. Their way of thinking was so different from his own, human, and it was impossible to imagine that they would be able to find a topic for conversation. It seemed to Walter that the zanas were similar in intelligence to ants, although there was no external similarity. And he also guessed that the zanas themselves looked at the human race in the same way that he looked at ordinary ants. In fact, what they did on Earth resembled an anthill ravaged by people.

The Zanas gave him many books as soon as he said he couldn't live without them. In addition, he realized that he was destined to spend the rest of his life alone, in this very room. For the rest of my life, or, as the zanas unusually put it, na-vseg-da.

Even a sophisticated mind, and the zanova had just that, can have its own characteristics. The Zanas learned earthly English in a few hours, but persisted in speaking syllables. However, we strayed from the topic.

There was a knock on the door. There is no ellipsis after this phrase, and I want to fill this place and prove to you that this is not scary at all.

In 1959, when the concept of antibody-dependent increase in infection did not yet exist, the researchers noticed that the addition of a corresponding specific antigen mixture to the blood of immunized rabbits or to the blood of animals from the control group that had not been vaccinated, affects the mechanism of blood clotting, causing a noticeable reduction in the time of coagulation in vitro ." At the same time, the first assumption was made that the antigen-antibody interaction may be involved in tissue damage to animals and humans (in vivo) [1].

Antibody-dependent increase in coronavirus infections has been established in attempts to develop vaccines for veterinary use.

After the SARS-CoV outbreak in 2002, attempts were made to develop vaccines for humans.

In one of the works, 4 variants of vaccines were tested:

1) Whole-virus vaccine prepared on Vero tissue cultures, zonally centrifuged and twice inactivated with formalin and UV irradiation (with and without alum adjuvant) [2];

2) Whole-virus vaccine purified, inactivated with beta-propiolactone irradiation (with alum adjuvant) [3];

3) Vaccine based on recombinant S-protein DNA, produced in insect cells and purified by column chromatography (with and without alum adjuvant) [4];

4) Vaccine containing virus-like particles, SARS-CoV S-proteins, etc. components [5].

These vaccines have been tested on ferrets, primates and mice.

All vaccinated animals developed lung immunopathologies at subsequent infection [6].

In the photos of damaged lung tissues of immunized animals are very similar to those images that Russian and Japanese researchers received in joint work during the autopsy of patients killed by SARS-CoV-2, the work was published in July 2020. , 7].

In 2020, there was a surge in publications on the topic of antibody-dependent increase in infection in combination with SARS-CoV-2. In particular, it was noted that it was this effect that led to the complete failure of many developments of vaccines against SARS-CoV-2.

The problems associated with this effect and the new disease can be divided into two types: 

1) increased penetration of the virus into the cell and its replication; 

2) the formation of immune complexes that cause increased inflammation (cytokine storm) and immunopathology (autoimmune reactions of Th2-type).

The same lung immunopathologies that have been observed in severe and fatal cases in patients suffering from COVID-19.

It has been suggested that both of these mechanisms occur when antibodies bind to viral antigens but do not block or neutralize them [8].

This can occur both due to insufficient concentration of specific antibodies, and due to the rapid mutation of the virus. Perhaps that is why none of the types of SARS (and, the so-called, COVID-19 is exactly SARS) with the natural course of the disease does not develop stable immunity. The body produces antibodies to overcome the disease, and then strive to get rid of them so as not to face a more serious problem.

If you force the body to produce such antibodies in a deceptive and violent way, by means of vaccination, the consequences can be the most unexpected and sad.

Aluminum hydroxide is an adjuvant, which, like aluminum itself and its oxide, is able to provoke immunopathology of the lungs [12, 13].

What kind of proteins are stitched with S-proteins of the coronavirus is not specified.

The composition of the foreign vaccine Pfizer BioNTech includes mRNA, lipids ((4-hydroxybutyl) azandiyl) bis (hexane-6,1-diyl) bis (2-hexyldecanoate), 2 [(polyethylene glycol) -2000]-N, N-ditetradececylacetamide, 1,2-distearoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine and cholesterol) [14].

What kind of RNA fragments are not specified, most likely encoding S-proteins.

This is not a complete list of currently available vaccines. All of them have a different composition and, of course, differ from the drugs developed in 2002. However, they all suggest the same effect, the production of antibodies to the S-proteins of the coronavirus.

In fact, this will lead to an increase in morbidity, to severe autoimmune lung damage, as well as deaths.

These vaccines are not able to protect against infection.

There is no protective titer for them.

How long immunity lasts is not established.

There are no preclinical studies of new formulations, i.e. studies at the cellular level and on animals.

And these are the key studies, during which the pharma is proved. effect, a lethal dosage is established, the dosage is calculated for clinical trials, i.e. on humans, the features of application are clarified, etc.

This data is currently nowhere to be found. The annotation for the vaccine is 💉 a huge blank sheet of paper 📃 

How was the dosage of vaccines calculated?

Why aren't they administered at the same time?

Why do I need an interval of 3-4 weeks? And twenty-five more questions to which no one will ever be able to give an intelligible answer. 

And the main problem is that against SARS in principle can not be created a vaccine, as well as against influenza.

Such immunization shakes the human immune system and sooner or later will lead to autoimmune diseases.

And side effects, or adverse events, which are necessarily fixed in the development of any new pharma. Product. Most often displayed in the form of a table, where the percentage indicates actually the probability of an undesirable effect.

Why in stage III clinical trials and require thousands of subjects not to miss anything. If the undesirable phenomenon manifests itself with a probability of 1%, then at best only one such patient will be recorded per 100 subjects.

It should be remembered that if therapeutic drugs are prescribed to sick people, then vaccines are supposed to be injected healthy, i.e. the coverage of the population is incommensurably greater.

And this means that even if any serious complication manifests itself in only 0.1% of the case, then out of a million people we will get 1,000 victims, and out of a billion test subjects - a million victims ... And if the probability of unhappiness is higher than 0.1%?

In addition, the developers of vaccines ignored the problem of antibody-dependent amplification of infection, they did not try to circumvent it, and simply kept silent about it.


1. J ROBBINS, C A STETSON JrAn effect of antigen-antibody interaction on blood coagulation. J Exp Med. 1959 Jan 1;109(1):1-8. doi: 10.1084/jem.109.1.1. DOI: 10.1084/jem.109.1.1 [PMID: 13611160]

2. A double-inactivated whole virus candidate SARS coronavirus vaccine stimulates neutralising and protective antibody responses. Spruth M, Kistner O, Savidis-Dacho H, Hitter E, Crowe B, Gerencer M, Br;hl P, Grillberger L, Reiter M, Tauer C, Mundt W, Barrett PN Vaccine. 2006 Jan 30; 24(5):652-61. [PMID: 16214268]

3. Kusters IC, Matthews J, Saluzzo JF. Manufacturing vaccines for an emerging viral infection – Specific issues associated with the development of a prototype SARS vaccine. In: Barrett ADT, Stanberry LR, editors. Vaccines for biodefense and emerging and neglected diseases. City: Elsevier; 2009. pp. 147–156.

4. Zhou Z, Post P, Chubet R, Holtz K, McPherson C, et al. A recombinant baculovirus-expressed S glycoprotein vaccine elicits high titers of SARS-associated coronavirus (SARS-CoV) neutralizing antibodies in mice. Vaccine. 2006; 24:3624–3631. [PMID: 16497416]

5. Lokugamage KG, Yoshikawa-Iwata N, Ito N, Watts DM, Wyde PR, et al. Chimeric coronavirus-like particles carrying severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SCov) S protein protect mice against challenge with SCoV. Vaccine. 2008;26:797–808. [PMID: 18191004]

6. Chien-Te Tseng , Elena Sbrana, Naoko Iwata-Yoshikawa, Patrick C Newman, Tania Garron, Robert L Atmar, Clarence J Peters, Robert B Couch. Immunization With SARS Coronavirus Vaccines Leads to Pulmonary Immunopathology on Challenge With the SARS Virus. PLoS One. 2012;7(4):e35421. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0035421. Epub 2012 Apr 20. [PMID: 22536382]

7. Ivan Reva, Tatsuo Yamamoto, Mariya Rasskazova, Tatyana Lemeshko, Victor Usov, Yuriy Krasnikov, Anna Fisenko, Evgeniy Kotsyurbiy, Vladislav Tudakov, Ekaterina Tsegolnik, Olesya Oleksenko, Anatoly Korobkin, Ellada Slabenko, Anastasiya Shindina, Kseniya Gordzievskaya, Anna Furga, Galina Reva. ERYTHROCYTES AS A TARGET OF SARS COV-2 IN PATHOGENESIS OF COVID-19. Received 01 July 2020; Received in revised form 05 August 2020; Accepted 07 August 2020. a r c h i v e u r o m e d i c a | 2 0 2 0 | v o l . 1 0 | n u m . 3

8. Wen Shi Lee, Adam K Wheatley, Stephen J Kent, Brandon J DeKosky. Antibody-dependent enhancement and SARS-CoV-2 vaccines and therapies. Nat Microbiol. 2020 Oct;5(10):1185-1191. doi: 10.1038/s41564-020-00789-5. Epub 2020 Sep 9. DOI: 10.1038/s41564-020-00789-5 [PMID: 32908214]

9. Normative documentation LP-006395-110820

10. Wu F., Zhao S., Yu B., Yan-Mei Chen, Wang W., Zhi-Gang Song, Hu Y., Zhao-Wu Tao, Jun-Hua Tian, Yuan-Yuan Pei, Ming-Li Yuan, Yu-Ling Zhang, Fa-Hui Dai, Yi Liu, Qi-Min Wang, Jiao-Jiao Zheng, Lin Xu, Edward C Holmes, Yong-Zhen Zhang. A new coronavirus associated with human respiratory disease in China. Nature. 2020. Mar. T. 579. №7798. P. 265-269. DOI: 10.1038/s41586-020-2008-3. [PMID: 32015508]


12. Eun-Jung Park, Gwang-Hee Lee, Cheolho Yoon, Uiseok Jeong, Younghun Kim, Myung-Haing Cho, Dong-Wan Kim. Biodistribution and toxicity of spherical aluminum oxide nanoparticles. J Appl Toxicol. 2016 Mar;36(3):424-33. doi: 10.1002/jat.3233. [PMID: 26437923]

13. Daniel Krewski, Robert A Yokel, Evert Nieboer, David Borchelt, Joshua Cohen, Jean Harry, Sam Kacew, Joan Lindsay, Amal M Mahfouz, Virginie Rondeau. Human health risk assessment for aluminium, aluminium oxide, and aluminium hydroxide. J Toxicol Environ Health B Crit Rev. 2007;10 Suppl 1(Suppl 1):1-269. doi: 10.1080/10937400701597766. [PMID: 18085482]


The apology of socialism. Take away and divide. 

How did millions of ordinary people understand the Bolshevik slogans in 1917?

"The earth is the godmother!" 

The slogan was most likely understood in the sense that all agricultural land would be fairly divided between farms and transferred to private ownership.

"Factories to workers!" 

Undoubtedly, this slogan was understood in the sense that the enterprises would be transferred to the shareholders, so that the employees shared all the profits of the enterprise (and the Chinese could be hired for three pennies).

Very beautiful and attractive ideas, as well as Klaus Schwab. For such not sorry and put his head under bullets in the civil war. In our case, the knock ✊🏿 the door 🚪 so far and the injection. Imagine how these Civil War veterans felt when they realized that they had been deceived as the last suckers. 

In the blasphemy environment of the beneficiaries of the project, the crown 👑 it is called "divorce on greed."

In October 1917, the Bolsheviks selected and distributed among themselves the property earned, obtained by the work of various representatives of the territory of Rossi. They did it with the help of the most brutal terror, intimidated the everyman, set him on the supporters of private property and so on. 

This juxtaposition of bloody and hard Civil War, famine and immersion in the eerie totalitarianism of one deceitful ideology ended. What's happening today is a modern mirror 🪞 2-0 in a new, qualitatively new technological performance. 

- Informed consent? 

Whoever does this to people will not limit himself to that. Concentration camps for those who do not want to obey the NWO are ready and waiting for their prisoners. They will apply the evacuation law to send non-members of the NWO their way to concentration camps. 

The more the political criminal establishment promotes this nonsense with the vaccine against COVIDA, the more facts. All this is a monstrous deception. 


No one cares to make a lie look like the truth. Today they say one thing, and tomorrow the opposite is the opposite. They try to do everything as quickly as possible that they are just entangled in their own lies.

Imagine if there was a secret police network in a bar and it kicked out anyone who criticizes the totalitarian regime. It's Twitter.

Imagine a librarian helping you find

a book only if it corresponds to a totalitarian regime. It's Google.

Imagine if a phone company listened to all your calls and only relayed your call if you agreed to a totalitarian regime. It's Facebook.

Imagine that a school with a single teacher gave you knowledge and it turned out that the teacher is crazy and needs to be treated. 


It's a collective psycho - Klaus Schwab 

VEF Klaus Schwab: "Masks are not enough. We need vaccines to get ourselves vaccinated. The same applies to cyberattacks... We need to create an IT infrastructure where digital antibodies are inherently embedded to protect themselves."

Friends, this psycho will never shut up on his own. By the way, his WEF contains BigPharma as well. Sponsorship of the WEF - Pfizer, Novartis, Johnson and Johnson, Merck, Roche, Sanofi, Serum Institute of India, Bayer, AstraZeneca, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. 


Any more questions from the reader? Or the list of sponsors isn't enough for you again to understand that there is this and all the following pandemics to keep listening to this bald thug.

Do we have law enforcement agencies in the world left? Or are they all bandits? 

While Gates was going to make a lot of money on vaccines in 1 in a million proportions, Dr. David Martin says that the conman Anthony Fauci spent $191 billion on the biological weapons of viruses against humanity. 


At the same time, Fauci is responsible for vaccinating all of America. Poor U.S. citizens 🇺🇸 

6ill 6ack 6etter. 

With Putin ter Schwab and Biden. 

As the man in the video explains, the Bluetooth search shows "unknown devices" and he implied that it could have been vaccinated people.


"Yes, I noticed it here in Croatia when trying to connect Bluetooth headphones. It's the same thing. I was scared, but I even tried to connect to one of them. After the attempt, it was clear that "the connection cannot be established" and the connection is interrupted a few seconds after the attempt to connect," the user writes. 

The elite wants to take away from citizens all-work, family, rights, housing, material goods: PEOPLE is NEW NEFT.

Many people still can't understand and understand how global kagal acts in a perverse way. In fact, it's very simple: these entities have no empathy, they have no feelings, they don't have values -- just like they don't have the technology that fills the world.

Many, too many citizens also do not realize that a pandemic is nothing more than a projection of an emergency that exists only in the perverted minds of the psychopathic pedo-elite. In this regard, the system is preparing for another cleverly constructed "crisis." The 2030 Agenda, in particular, calls for a minimum universal income and the abolition of private property. In 2030, "you will have nothing and you will be happy." The 30th year deadline for the implementation of their agenda. 

The unfortunate girl Gretta and the Masonic clique. People in Europe have been enjoying "mk greta" for quite some time. This is the most obvious social engineering.

1) Her father's relative, chemist Svante Arrhenius, is the founder of the global warming scam.

Svante Arrhenius (1859 1927) was a Swedish physicist and physico-chemist who formulated the theory of electrolytic dissociation, for which he was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1903. One of the founding fathers of physical chemistry, Arrhenius also introduced a revolutionary model of the greenhouse effect.

2) He was a colleague of Alfred Nobel (Russian Rockefeller), and later, after his death, in 1905 he became director of the Nobel Institute and was until his death. He was also a prominent eugenicist and board member of the Swedish Society for Racial Hygiene.

3) There is also this strange magazine and article... oh, look, it's about "gender lifestyle"

4) Thunberg is a famous family of Freemasons. Her mother's ancestor was a naturalist, a social engineer from Uppsala, associated with the founder of the Bavarian Illuminati, Adam Weishaupt.

5) In the photos behind her, you can see Louise-Marie Neubauer, her curator.

Louise-Marie Neubauer," Greta Thunberg's "coach," is related to Rothschild dynasty founder Mayer Amschel Bauer, who changed his name to Rothschild after returning to Frankfurt to take over his father's business, a climate activist and volunteer for the ONE Foundation run by BONO, Bill Gates and George Soros. A Jewish rothschild paternal and her mother is part of a family of Nazi collaborators, the Rimstma family, now the largest tobacco and cigarette manufacturer in Europe.


Remember those Thunberg's "How Dare You"? That is, they act like the Chinese Cultural Revolution and want children to hate the elderly and fathers for the destruction of the Earth: "The brother will betray the brother to death, and the father will betray the son; and the children shall rise up against their parents, and they shall kill them." They forcibly set children against adults, which can be seen even in every country, insist like yeast on totalitarianism and the rhetoric of a totalitarian dictator. The Chinese Cultural Revolution led to the deaths of 100 million people. How many will die now, I do not even want to imagine.


"Fridays for futures" movement: FFF = 666; 

Also note how they "stylized" Gretta (see photo/video). Predictive/Predictive Programming: They reworked exactly the same symbolism from the Hollywood version of Orwells' novel "1984" and Pink Floyds' "The Wall" (see video)

As you may have noticed with the phony Doomsday propaganda and the end of everything and everything during the (annual) Amazon fires, the climate cult tried to "brand" itself with the slogan "OUR HOUSE IS ON FIRE/BURNING."

Climate mobilization – The term comes from 2016 from an "emergency document"/plan written by psychologist (social engineer) Margaret Klein Salamon, founder and CEO of The Climate Mobilization: "We are in a climate emergency. We need the mobilization of the whole society to prevent a climate catastrophe. Let's build a movement that will lead us to this. Join us. Our world is burning"

We are now in a war of generations already divided in every way possible, gender, race, religion, politics, age/generation, and now also by the content of the vaccine in your blood or by its absence. 

At a time when the media exercises mental control over the masses, skillfully keeping the population in the dark and ignoring events that could destroy the illusion, our duty and our sacred duty to our Children, to the coming generation to preserve this World without making it the end of the world. We must do everything possible and impossible so that our Children can become better than us, we must try to extinguish the fire of the coming troubled times in the abyss of real civil conflicts.

We do not recommend to any of the officials and "journalists" to forget: the PCR test from supplies 2017-2018 for the detection of Covid 2019 has not received FDA approval. 

Just as all anti-covid "vaccines" have not been tested on animals and are in Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) status: (last updated June 22, 2021) the U.S. Food and Drug Administration made this test available under an emergency access mechanism called the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) on April 28, 2021.


Emergency evacuation...

In Spain, a similar Russian law on emergency evacuation in emergency situations came to the parliament for discussion. The text of the law is very similar to the Russian one. 

The Spanish newspaper El País writes about him.

It refers to the abolition of the human right to one's own property, and that the State will forcibly relocate, evacuate or deport citizens if it deems that there is a threat in some uncertain emergency. They write that supposedly temporarily people are obliged to abandon all accumulated property of any type, houses, cars, personal belongings, etc. etc., and people are obliged to follow the orders of state bodies. How long this temporary emergency with the loss of everything can last is not known to anyone, but they write "temporarily", apparently to initially persuade people to agree to accept this provision. This is completely in line with the plan of the psychopath Schwab (Rothschild on his mother's side) and his Great Reset, where no one should have anything, where even his own body and mind, everything should be in the hands of these interethnic mafia satanic formations. This law in Spain was invented in a very cunning way, so that it passed as inconspicuously as possible. It was written as an integration into the already existing Spanish law on general mobilization in emergency situations. Such integrations do not require referendums or other quorums under their laws/system. 

Although this law directly violates all basic human rights, including the right to life, the right to private property, property rights, work, security of person and freedom of movement, family, dignity, fair trial and appeal to the judiciary, etc., there is no doubt that this law will be adopted. 

A new trend spread in social media, according to which, a person with a modified vaccine genome no longer belongs to himself, since he is no longer him, but a creature, GMOs, and it belongs to the one who created the GMO, that is, BigPharma. I don't know yet how to look at such conversations, but those who adhere to the fact that this is possible say that automatically all those who took the solution lose the right to everything that the person who existed before the solution had. Dave is no longer Dave, but a new creature and this creature has no rights to property, to children, to Dave's wife. He has no right to the territory in which he legitimately, sovereignly by the right of ancestral heritage lived. At the same time, when injected, people are forced to sign a pact in which in fact you agree to change the DNA, taking the vaccine voluntarily and consciously. It's like selling your soul to the devil: I read the contract, understood everything, agreed, signed, but still you were deceived. 

The challenge is to obtain new electronic Covid passports tied to electronic money. They will replace national passports, and will become a single global planetary passport of the being. 

On a grand scale, the abolition, the annulment of all nations, peoples and states for which these peoples have shed blood with rivers and centuries. 

The law on evacuation is in Russia, Spain and France, followed by other administrations of the world, including the United States and Germany.

It's not for long until we smooth out the curve...

It's just a mask.

It's only 1.5 meters.

That's only for two weeks.

It's just unnecessary companies.

They're just unnecessary workers.

They're just pubs.

It's just restaurants.

It's just a party.

This is only until the number of infected people decreases.

This is only to reduce the workload of hospitals.

That's just for a few weeks.

It's just the Church.

It's just a prayer.

That's only until vaccination occurs.

It's just a tracking bracelet.

It's just an app.

It's just a facial recognition system.

It's just so people know it's safe around you.

It's just to know who you're dating.

That's only for a few months.

It's just a video that has been deleted.

It's just a post.

It's just a letter.

It's just a little censorship.

These are just Covid deniers.

They're just Nazis.

They're just anarchists.

It's just a sensor.

It's just medical information.

It's just so you can travel.

This is only so that you can get a driver's license.

It's just so you can choose.

That's just for a few years.

It's just your freedom, which disappears day by day, and you don't even notice it.

After the cyber training conducted by Schwab on July 9, there are many Russian companies among the participants, we have reached the finish line to something big. Watch the stock market, a sharp collapse is possible. Right now we're in very dangerous territory.

They said at the time, '201 event', which happened 2 months before Wuhan and all this covid nonsense, was a teaching. These are not teachings, all participants before the special operation swore an oath to act strictly according to plan: starting with locks, travel restrictions, vaccine 💉, censorship in social networks, public-private partnership and much more. 

Now, the same people who planned Covid are planning massive cyberattacks and conducting exercises. We have no doubt that they have already started attacks on supply chains. And there are even some documents on this Damn account 🧾 Yes, things can get a lot worse, so it's better for everyone to prepare and accordingly.

If there is a massive cyberattack or internet shutdown even for a few hours, we can expect a massive economic collapse. Stock markets, bank balance sheets, crypto balances, and anything that is digital will be at risk. Having cash, silver and gold jewelry on your chest and a supply of food can provide you with some security during a massive collapse. Physical silver and gold have been used for thousands of years. However, we choose food and wine 🍷. So, stock up on popcorn 🍿 Friends before it's too late.




Viking sex

The Vikings were extraordinary people in terms of sex. For them, the main task during sexual intercourse was to show strength and rigidity to their partner. Their prelude looked like this: a man began to beat a woman in the face with his ... 

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