Evenings in the hills.Page 📄 2. 

Evenings in the hills.Page 📄 2. 

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Hillary Clinton's death list: Stories of 81 corpses framing her way up.

The case of Mena Airport (Clinton's connection, which was then governor of Arkansas, with the drug mafia), the Whitewater scam (the machinations of the Clinton spouses in the trade of plots) and the suicide of Hillary Clinton's lover Vince Foster were given much publicity. And although all the evidence led to influential spouses, and the dead were, as on the battlefield, all the investigations ended in nothing.

Seth Rich v kosili usite z vlajky USA

Seth Rich in a shirt sewn from the U.S. flag

"Clinton signed a pact with the devil. Clinton is the devil," Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton's rival in the presidential race, said a few days ago at a campaign rally. This statement seems like a common rhetorical exaggeration, but is it really an exaggeration?

Execution in the morning haze

Seth Rich's murder occurred Sunday morning at 4:19 a.m. It is not known where he went and why he was standing at such an early hour on a deserted street. Not far from the crime scene, he was renting an apartment. He was wearing a suit with a tie. When someone attacked him, he was on the phone with his girlfriend. She heard gunshots, but Seth still managed to reassure her that everything was fine. Then all that was heard was the noise of the fight and the new shots.


Seth Rich was killed here.

The body was discovered by a police patrol after reports that gunfire was heard. Seth had two bullet holes in his back, and his face, arms and knees were shattered. He was left with a mobile phone, an expensive watch and a purse. So the murder wasn't related to the robbery. Either Seth accidentally got involved in a gang war, or it was a cold-blooded murder.

An all-time high in compensation was announced for assistance in the investigation, which gradually grew to 50,000 dollars (more than a million kronor). However, so far no one has said anything. It's very strange, because if it was a random street shooting, $50,000 for someone in the criminal world would be a strong argument to make contact with the police.

Hillary Clinton mentioned Seth Rich's death in a speech at the party's campaign convention. She described Rich as a humble and hard-working young man loyal to the Democratic Party, whose death, sadly, did not make the front pages of newspapers and remains as if hushed. Clinton mentioned that this is another reason for tightening the firearms law.

In the speech, Clinton incorrectly named the slain person, saying he worked in the "voter rights" department. That's not true: Seth Rich was director of voter data collection and analysis. Did Clinton do this to hide the victim's connection to the stolen data? The media did not pay attention to this detail.

Murder at the right time?

The context and the back of this case are literally striking. It's a very suspicious time. Seth Rich's death came just days after WikiLeaks founder Julian Ossange obtained compromising documents from a Democratic Party server.

This coincidence in time clearly follows from an interview that Assange gave to CNN: "We received the documents three weeks before they were published." That is, in early July, a couple of days before Seth Rich died.

The documents contained information so important and threatening that, for example, the Watergate scandal that cost President Nixon the chair was just nonsense.

The documents clearly proved that in the primaries, the Democratic leadership cheated, conspired against Bernie Sanders (Clinton's opposite), had ties to the media (Washington Post, CNN, etc.), and that it promised its donors advantages after the election (i.e. ordinary political corruption).

If someone wanted to do "everything in his power" to block Clinton's nomination, or at least compromise her, that's the point. The victim of the scandal was "only" the party chairman Deborah Wasserman-Schultz, who resigned on July 25, shortly before the congress.

The whole story, with the support of the media, is hushed up, and the investigative journalists went on a very clear false trail: they say, "the Russians are to blame." This is further proof that the mainstream media in the United States are, in fact, partisan and in the hands of the Democratic Party.

Clothing from the flag with stars and stripes

Hacker Julian Assange, who has been holed up in the Ecuadorian embassy in London for five years, told CNN reporters how he obtained the documents evasively. Among the sources, he did not exclude staff and members of the Democratic Committee. "Many people would certainly be surprised how close my source can be," Assange said.

Until now, it was believed that Assange had received electronic correspondence with compromising documents and audio recordings from a party server. But it could have been different. What if someone just gave them to him? What if it was Seth Rich?

According to colleagues, Seth was a loyal member of the Democratic Party who firmly believed in the principles of democracy and in his homeland. Sometimes he used to wear clothes made of the united States flag, and in that form he is in many of the photos. His friends and family said Seth was the type of person who "wanted to make the world a better place."

If this young democrat decided to betray his party, something obviously happened that led him to do so. Was it the reason for the mere content of the documents, which were a mockery of everything he believed in? Aversion to order within the party? Or was there someone who forced him to go to the theft, who told him that he was "doing the right thing"?

Seth worked at the Democratic Party headquarters for two years. Before that, back in Nebraska, he became close to the Clibe's spouses, loyal and influential Democrats, who willingly gave him jobs at his agency, defended him and supported him.

Revenge for crime

The Clibes have known Clinton's spouses since 2008, when they collaborated with them on the Voter Expansion project, which was supposed to ensure that Hillary Clinton would not do the same thing in 2016 (when she lost the primaries to Obama).

Jane Klieb, 42, an activist, conservationist and unapologetic campaigner for the Keystone Pipeline project, of which Clinton is a propagandist, has never hidden the fact that her favorite and role model is Clinton's rival Bernie Sanders (75). The machinations that the Democratic Party and Hillary Clinton went to against Sanders, thereby betraying him, are clearly very subdued by The Clibe.

Seth Rich was a direct participant in the party's intrigue war against Sanders. A strong Democratic core under Clinton and her feminists has prevented Sanders from accessing voter data, though that's the basis of any campaign. So from the start, Sanders was in a losing position, and the fact that he lost by only a small margin suggests that he had something to offer voters.

And the circle closes: what if it was Jane Klieb, a devoted Bernie Sanders fan, who persuaded her ward and student Seth Rich to take out compromising material from the headquarters?

Before the convention, there was still little chance that Clinton would fail. But if there was any chance at all, it was that the scandal with exposing the shenanigans will complicate her situation. If we add to this the possible accusations of disregard for national security, which threaten her since the beginning of the primaries, the chances would be, of course, more than zero.

If Clinton were to leave as a presidential candidate at the convention, it would likely be Sanders who would be confirmed. But that didn't happen - even the other way around: circumstances forced Sanders, who was harassed by Clinton and her people throughout the primaries, to support her loyally at the convention. It's a very bitter point in the story of an aging revolutionary.

Seth Rich's death is thus still shrouded in mystery, although the above facts cling to each other like gears in a clockwork. But it is very likely today that Seth Rich's case will never be fully disclosed and will add to the list of the previous 81 mysterious (self)murders and strange "accidents" that are related to the career of the Clinton spouses.

We have compiled the "death list" of the Clintons chronologically- from the most recent to the oldest. Thus, they perfectly characterize the way up the most influential couple in the world. On alternative sites, the list is called "Clinton Body-Count." The editorial board of the Opposite has updated this list, supplemented it and is the first to represent the Czech public.

Clinton's wife or "Counting Bodies: A List of Death"


 Seth Conrad Rich, director of data collection and analysis for the Democratic Party. He was shot dead on July 10 with two shots in the back. He probably took out the internal documentation and handed it over to the WikiLeaks portal.

 John Ash, former President of the UN General Assembly. On the morning of June 22, that is, the same day he was supposed to appear before the jury, a dumbbell fell on his throat while playing sports and strangled him. He was a key witness to the worst corruption scandal in American history known as the Chinegate scandal, when Clinton handed over nearly all of America's most secret technology (including nuclear missiles) in exchange for millions of dollars in campaign contributions in 1996 (Clinton-Gore ) and the Democratic National Committee.


 John Ash was killed by a dumbbell

 Bertha Keizers, a human rights activist, was killed on March 3 in her sleep at her home in Honduras. Shortly before her death, she blamed Clinton for the coup d'état in Honduras that overthrew democratically elected President Manuel Zelaya. After that, Honduras turned into a hell on earth. Keyser's testimony could have been dangerous for Hillary Clinton's primaries at the time.


 Berta Keysers, activist. Killed in a dream.


 Walter Schieb, head chef at the White House under Bill Clinton. In connection with the planned campaign of Hillary Clinton, he allegedly wanted to cooperate with the media and tell about the facts hidden during the Clinton rule and the role of Hillary Clinton in her husband's decisions. On June 13, Sheeb went to climb the mountains. He was found at the bottom of the river a kilometer away.

 H. Clinton announces his nomination for the presidency of the United States.


 Michael Hastings is a Rolling Stone reporter. He died under suspicious circumstances on July 18 in a car accident. He wrote critical investigative articles about Hillary Clinton. Before his death, he told his friends that he was afraid for his life. According to e-mails that were subsequently stolen from the Democratic Party, Clinton received a message from Hastings shortly before his death that he would publish new information about her role in the terrorist attacks on the US consulate in Libya (Benghazi).

 Tom Schweich, public auditor, Republican, diplomat who investigated the Waco massacre case and Missouri governor nominee. On February 26, Schweikh was found with a shot to the left temple, although he was reportedly right-handed. A month later, his press secretary committed suicide in the same way. In an army attack on the Davidian sect, 74 Americans were killed, including 21 children and two pregnant women. The order for the attack was allegedly given by Hillary Clinton.


 Tom Schweich


 Gareth Williams, MI6 secret agent operating on both sides of the Atlantic. On August 26, he was found dead in the bathroom. Before his death, he managed to steal a secret list of contacts from Bill Clinton's server, which he wanted to transfer to his friend in the media. Agent Williams was found nude in the bathroom, housed in a zippered gym bag with a lock. The key to the lock was found inside the bag, under the body of the agent. The police had suspects, but no one was arrested.

 2008: Hillary Clinton unsuccessfully ran for US President.


 Gary Webb, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist. On December 10, he allegedly committed suicide with two shots to the head, but many facts suggest that he was executed. He has written several reports and books on cocaine smuggling through Maina Airport in Arkansas during Clinton's time as governor and attorney general. The smugglers, according to Webb, and not only him, collaborated with the CIA and with the authorities. With money from the sale of drugs, the revolution in Nicaragua was financed.


 Gary Webb, journalist

 January 20, 2001: Bill Clinton steps down as President of the United States.


 Charles Ruff, Bill Clinton's legal representative at the time of impeachment (over the sexual harassment case against Monica Lewinsky and Paula Jones). He died under mysterious circumstances on November 10. Raff was found unconscious in his bedroom and died on the way to the hospital. The rest of the details were not disclosed.

 Tony Moser, journalist, democrat, fighter against corruption. On June 10, in Arkansas, he was hit by a car while crossing the street. He was a critic of the order within the Democratic Party. Shortly before his death, his article on the fraudulent financing of the party was published.

 John Millis, investigator and former CIA agent. Allegedly committed suicide on June 4 at a hotel. He tracked down a network of cocaine and heroin smugglers in Pakistan and allegedly had evidence of the network's connection to the then CIA director, who had been brought in by Bill Clinton. John Millis's body was found with multiple gunshot wounds, including to the head.

 Carlos Guillotti, an expert, was involved in a murder investigation near Waco. His body with signs of decomposition was found on April 28 near his home. For several weeks he was put on the wanted list. Guillotti was brought in as an expert to investigate the massacre of 74 members of the Davidian sect who were killed during the FBI attack on their farm. The order for the attack was allegedly given by Hillary Clinton.


 David Dry, friend of the director of The Clinton Chronicles (1994) Patrick Matrician. Dry died in a plane crash in August. The director of the film, which chronicled the murders and mysterious deaths that accompanied Clinton's career, was scheduled to fly in the same private jet, but refused at the last minute.

 Daniel A. Datko is a senior Democratic Party official with a focus on finance. He achieved his greatest success in 1996, when the party received huge financial resources from China. Datko died on 27 July while riding a bicycle, hitting his head twice on a concrete post. The police called the incident a traffic accident.

 John F. Kennedy Jr., possible New York Senatorial nominee. He died on June 16 in a plane crash shortly after the media reported that he wanted to run for the Senate for a post that Hillary Clinton "paid" for herself. The private jet was flown by Kennedy, an experienced pilot. With him on deck was his wife (supposedly pregnant). In good weather, the plane crashed into the ocean. The wreckage was taken to a nearby military base.


 Kennedy with his wife

 Eric S. Fox, Marine One crew member of the presidential helicopters. One of 25 members of Clinton's personal guard who died in the service or under strange circumstances. On March 25, Fox was found with a bullet in the head, and the police declared suicide.

 Charles Wilborn Miller, computer expert. He co-authored the White House computer system called Big Brother. On January 12, he allegedly committed suicide by firing several shots from two types of weapons.


 Christine M. Mirzane, White House trainee. On August 1, she was killed near Georgetown University in Washington. According to White House officials and a good friend of hers, Bill Clinton had the same connection with her as with her more famous colleagues Monica Lewinsky and Mary Mahoney.


 Christine Mirzane a month before her death

 Lieutenant General David McCloud, pilot, base commander in Alaska. He died on July 26 during an acrobatic flight. It turned out that there was sabotage. McCloud was one of those officers who allegedly collected incriminating material about President Bill Clinton.

 Johnny Franklin Lohon, witness at the Watergate scandal. In March, his car crashed into a pole. Shortly before that, Lohon became a media star, talking about the accidental find, which were documents on the Watergate scandal and expired checks written in the name of Bill Clinton. Checks and documents disappeared after his death.


 Eric Batera, witness with information about Clinton Mahoney's intern. He was killed by police on December 4 after allegedly offering information about Mary Mahoney's murder to the media. His mother received compensation in the amount of one million dollars.

 Ron Miller, a witness in a financial fraud case. Own records, incriminating members of the Democratic Party of fraud. He died on October 12 after a short and strange illness.

 City Hall Katie Mahoney, a White House intern and assistant manager at Starbuck's in Washington, DC, which Monica Lewinsky and Clinton's daughter Chelsea regularly attended. Mary was probably a victim of Clinton's sexual claims. In July, an hour after closing, an assassin (or assassins) entered Starbuck's. Since it was closed, one of the three employees let them in. Two of Mary's colleagues were shot, each one shot. And Mary was killed with five bullets.

 Don Adams, an Arkansas-based legal representative, attorney for the owners of the parcels defrauded by the Clintons. Even before the Watergate scandal, the Clintons and their friends got rich on a similar plot scandal in Branson. Adams went to work, but didn't get to her. His body was never found.


 Barbara Wise is a salesperson for the Democratic Party in Washington. She was found tortured to death on the fourth floor of the building where the department is located. She was half-naked, and according to some sources, completely naked, there were many cut wounds, bruises and scratches on her body. Allegedly, she had information about the background of the scandal around John Huang, who controlled the funds of the Democratic sponsors and was associated with Bill Clinton. Shortly after the discovery of the body, Bill Clinton hastily returned from Camp David to Washington for a book of poetry, which he allegedly needed for his inaugural speech.

 Neil Moody, son of the new spouse of Clinton's lover Vince Foster. Shortly after the (self) murder of Vincent Foster, the widow Lisa Foster remarried - to a judge from Arkansas. His son Neil allegedly obtained personal documents regarding Foster's death, which, given the upcoming Democratic convention, was dangerous. The car that Neil was driving, according to eyewitnesses, suddenly accelerated and crashed into a wall.

 Aldo François, secret agent. Kevin N. Yarnest, Air Force Commander. Kimberly Joe Wilhoer, pilot. Benjamin T. Hall, navigator. Michael J. Smith Jr., expert. Aircraft technician Rick L. Meritt, aeronautical engineer. Michael R. York, expert. Aircraft technician Billy R. Ogston, crew commander. Thomas A. Stevens, expert. The plane carrying the presidential limousines crashed into the mountain. Eight crew members and one secret agent were killed. The cause of the accident is unknown.

 Terrance Iaki, police officer who investigated the Oklahoma bombing. When the bomb detonated the building and 174 people died in the rubble, it was good news for Bill Clinton's career. Republicans controlled both chambers, and Clinton was out of control. The day after the press conference at which he declared his defenselessness, there was an explosion that put Clinton back in the saddle: he was able to show that he was the leader of the "people." The police officer who analyzed the blast data was found near his car, with cuts on his arms and face and a shot in his head.

 Admiral Jeremy Burda, Commander of Naval Operations. Burda came home for dinner and decided he'd rather shoot himself twice in the chest than prepare for an interview with Newsweek scheduled for the next morning. The official version was this: suicide because of two awards, which he was not wearing by right. As it turned out after the death of the admiral, he was entitled to both awards, and if something worried him, it was the harmful influence of feminism under the slogans of Hillary Clinton on morality in the navy.

 Ron Brown, commercial secretary for the Clinton administration. On May 3, the plane with Barun on deck crashed while landing in Croatia. There were 39 people on the deck. Brown was suspected of corruption and had previously made a secret visit to Vietnam to try to "normalize" relations with the United States. According to some versions, he was killed on the plane before the accident. The day after the accident, his lawyer was shot dead. Two days later, the airport manager was shot and killed. At Brown's funeral, Clinton supposedly had fun.


 Ron Brown

 Charles Meissner, Assistant Commercial Secretary for International Economic Policy. He was appointed to the post by the head of funding for the Democratic Party, John Huang. Meissner died on May 3 in a plane crash in Croatia on the same plane as Clinton's secretary of administration Ron Brown.

 William Colby, Head of the Secret Services (retired). Has been involved with or has led many covert CIA operations since the days of President Nixon. Colby lost his job when he was about to testify about the planned assassination attempt on Fidel Castro and illegal surveillance of American citizens and human experiments (LSD). He had secret and detailed documents about Operation Phoenix, when, during the Vietnam War, US soldiers surrounded, tortured, and then executed 20,000 Vietnamese soldiers and civilians. Colby was found not far from his canoe drowned in the river on April 27 at the place where he had been searched several times before. He was not wearing a life jacket, although he always wore one. He died a few days before he was supposed to appear before a commission of inquiry and reveal his ties to Bill Clinton.

 John Hillier, cameraman for NBC. He died in the dentist's chair, allegedly from a heart attack, although before that he was completely healthy. His wife later revealed that he feared for his life. Hillier was involved in the investigation of the drug trade at the Maina Airport in Arkansas and her relationship with Bill Clinton. Hillier was involved in the creation of the incriminating Clinton Chronicle.

 Duane Garrett, radio host and fundraiser for Al Gore (Bill Clinton's vice president). He was suspected of embezzlement. On July 26, he canceled a meeting with his lawyers because he supposedly had to meet someone at the San Francisco airport. Three hours later, his body was found under the bridge.


 Alan J. Whicher, FBI agent. Killed in a bomb attack in Oklahoma, although he probably knew there would be an attack. The attack, which helped "rise from the dead" in Clinton's presidential career, killed 174 people.

 Robert Bats, aeronautical mechanic at Mena Airport. He died on April 29 from a drug overdose under strange circumstances. The airport was linked to a drug smuggling network in Arkansas.


 Cayetano Karani. A witness to the shooting near the White House. He died in December from an unknown infection shortly before he was supposed to testify. There was a lot to say about being poisoned.

 Florence Martin, who was involved with pilot Gary Seal from Mena Airport. Collaborated with the CIA. At the time of her death, she had access to the accounts of pilot Gary Sila in the Cayman Islands, where $ 1.5 million was kept. She was shot dead on October 11 with three shots to the head. After her death, the money was transferred to another account in the Virgin Islands.

 Paul Olson. Witness to the federal investigation into the corruption of politicians in Chicago with money from drug smuggling in Mena. Two days after Olson was questioned by the FBI, on September 15, his plane crashed with 130 passengers on board. A bomb was allegedly planted in the plane.

 Stanley Huggins, Hillary Clinton's law firm colleague, died from a strange virus.

 Bill Shelton, an officer in Arkansas, involved in a sexual harassment case when Bill Clinton allegedly tricked Paul into having sex with Corbin Jones. He was engaged to Katie Ferguson when she shot herself in connection with this affair. He shot himself in the head at her grave.

 Katie Ferguson, a witness in a sexual harassment case. Her ex-husband brought prostitutes to Bill Clinton's hotel. Supposedly he was supposed to look at sex. Katie allegedly committed suicide on May 10. Next to her body lay the assembled bag, as if Ferguson was about to go somewhere.

 Dr. Ronald Rogers from Arkansas. His private jet crashed en route for an interview with the London Sunday Telegraph about Bill Clinton.

 Herschell Friday, a former Supreme Court Justice and lawyer from Arkansas, helped the Clintons raise money from sponsors. Killed in a plane crash.

James A. Bunch, bureaucrat and pimp. Allegedly, he shot himself in a parking lot after it was revealed that he was using government-sponsored telephones to pimp. They found a black notebook with a list of Bill Clinton's prostitutes.

 Gandy Bauch, a lawyer representing a man named Lassater who was closely associated with the Clinton government and was later convicted of drug trafficking. Bauch committed (self) murder by (allegedly) jumping out of the window. His employee was "suicidal" a month later.

 Ed Willie, real estate trader, fundraiser for various Clinton foundations. He was shot in the head with one shot. His body was found deep in a forest in Virginia. He died on the day that Clinton was sexually harassed in the White House by his wife.

 Stanley Heard, chiropractor, adviser to Clinton and physician to his mother, father and brother. Stephen Dixon, secretary to Mr. Heard. Their private jet crashed while attempting an emergency landing when a fire broke out on the deck. They flew to meet the reporters.

 Jerry Luther Parks, head of the Clinton security team at Little Rock. He worked on documenting Clinton's illegal activities. After the (self) assassination of Clinton's adviser and alleged lover of Hillary Clinton Vincent Foster, Parks told his family: “I'm dead. I'm on their list. " Parks was killed on September 26 near Little Rock when the killer shot him through the rear window of a car and then finished him off with three shots from the front.

 John Parnell Walker, detective. Fell off a balcony under mysterious circumstances while investigating a Whitewater case involving the Clintons' plot trading fraud.

 Vincent Foster, legal and financial adviser to President Clinton, allegedly Hillary Clinton's lover, with whom he worked at a law firm in Little Rock, Arkansas. He had to testify before Congress about documents that Clinton refused to hand over. On July 21, he was found head-shot in a park in Washington DC. According to witnesses, at the time of discovery, he did not have a weapon in his hands, but then it appeared there. There was a lot of ambiguity in the case, but the police eventually closed it as a suicide.


 Hillary Clinton and Vincent Foster

 Paul Wilcher, who investigated the connection between drug trafficking at Maina Airport (Arkansas) and the "October surprise" in the 1980 elections (hostages at the American embassy in Iran). He was going to publish the results of his investigation on TV. His body was found in a toilet in his Washington apartment. The cause of death is unknown.

 Maynard Webb is a witness in a drug smuggling case at Mena Airport, Arkansas. Small plane owner. When he decided to appear to the public, his head was blown off with a screw.

 Sergeant Brian Haney, Sergeant Tim Seibel, Major William Berkeley, Captain Scott Reynolds, Bill Clinton's security guards. They all died in a helicopter accident.

 John Augustus Wilson, former Democratic committee member. He stated that he had classified information about the Whitewater scam, which concerned the machinations of the Clintons in the sale of land. On May 18, he was found hanged.

 Five members of the Clinton Guard (names not released). They died on March 26 in a plane crash in Italy after they were not allowed to land.

 Steve Willis, Robert Williams, Conway LeBlue, Todd McKean, members of the Clinton guard. They were "executed" on February 28 during an operation against the Davidian sect on a farm near Waco, Texas. Three of them worked for Clinton when he was governor of Arkansas. According to investigators, they were shot with weapons that only the FBI rapid response units had.

 January 20, 1993: Bill Clinton is the president of the United States.


 December 12, 1992: Bill Clinton steps down as Governor of Arkansas.

 Paula Grober, Clinton's sign language interpreter. This very attractive woman accompanied Bill Clinton on his travels from 1978 until her death. She died in a car accident, which was not witnessed.

 Paul Tully, director of policy for the Democratic National Committee. His body was found on September 24 in a hotel room in Little Rock, Arkansas. The cause of death is unknown. He was the party's chief strategist with virtually unlimited access to classified information.

 S. Victor Raiser II, Chairman of the Clinton Presidential Campaign Finance Committee. Montgomery Reiser, son of Wistor Reiser II. They both died in a private jet crash in Alaska the day before being interviewed by the media. Victor Reiser II was considered the number one man in the Clinton organization.


 Jordan Kettlesan is a witness in the drug trafficking case with the government at Mena Airport. He had information about the death of other witnesses. He was found head-shot in his own pickup truck. Allegedly suicide.


 Gregory Collins, a witness in the drug trafficking case with Governor Clinton at Maina Airport. He had information about the death of other witnesses. He was shot in the face. Allegedly suicide.

 James "Dewey" Mylem, a witness in the drug trafficking case with the government at Mena Airport. His headless body was found. She was accidentally found in the trash a few blocks later.

 Richard Winters, drug trafficking investigator at Maina Airport. He allegedly had evidence of a drug and dirty money connection with government officials in Arkansas when Clinton was governor. First, he was offered cooperation, and then he was shot and killed during the attack, which was subsequently not confirmed.

 Jeff Rhodes, a witness in the drug trafficking case with Governor Clinton at Maina Airport. His burnt body was found in a trash heap.


 Keith McCuscle, a witness in the drug trafficking case with Governor Clinton at Maina Airport. Shortly before his death, he said goodbye to his family. When found on his body, there were 113 stab wounds.

 Keith Cooney, a witness in the drug trafficking case with Governor Clinton at Maina Airport. Killed in a motorcycle accident while being chased by an unknown car.


 Kevin Eve and Don Henry, two guys who were key witnesses in the drug trafficking case with Governor Clinton at Maina Airport. Their bodies were found on the tracks. According to Dr. Famy Malaka, who was closely associated with Bill Clinton, smoked 20 marijuana cigarettes before their death. Subsequently, it turned out that first they were killed, and only then they were put on the track, where they were run over by a train on August 23.

 Spouse and father of Darlene Novinger, an FBI investigator. She had key information about the drug mafia's relationship with Governor Clinton. Her husband was killed after he wanted to speak to the public. Her father died in 1993, four hours after Darlene appeared on television.


 Barry Seal, a drug dealer who worked with the CIA. The Maina Airport Case (Arkansas). The dealer has been shown to have links to Governor Bill Clinton's head of security, a former rodeo clown, Raymond Young. When he fell out of favor with the CIA, he was sentenced to life in the Salvation Army. On February 19, he was shot dead at the Salvation Army compound.

 Judy Gibbs, prostitute, former star of Penthouse magazine. She worked in an elite brothel near Maina, Arkansas. According to her family, Bill Clinton was her regular client. It was subsequently revealed that the brothel owner was taking photographs of clients. Judy got mad on January 3 in her house. The cause of the fire remained unclear.


 Judy Gibbs, prostitute

 January 11, 1983: Bill Clinton takes over as Governor of Arkansas.


 Susanne Coleman, Bill Clinton's mistress when he was a prosecutor in Arkansas. She committed "suicide" on February 15, shooting in the head from behind. She was seven months pregnant and told her friend before she died that it was Bill Clinton's baby.

One network user posted bad news in 2016. Hillary Clinton admitted in the recording that she was in a hell of a deal with foreign leaders in the hope of winning. This is a real reason, along with the mysterious number of murders - "suicides" and "accidents", to qualitative investigative activities and the definition of the role 

that old lady.

July 21, 2017.

We don't just have New York with fake corpses. Today we are giving the passing prize for the best fake to Moscow.  


The latest facts of how co-news is made around the world. Media and theater groups of so-called professionals in sweat make movies for those who believe in television.

Same in Brazil, India and beyond everywhere. The three-way interesting creative thought. There are so many corpses from coronavirus that workers in protective combos do not have time to dig graves. But they have time to pose with a shovel to create another fake story on the local body 📺 anal about "tons of corpses"

Material attached to investigators and the court, as well as the memory of "The corpses from coronavirus on a smoke break": In the video, working scenes are putting "dead" bodies for use in images in the future to report more deaths from COVID. One of the "dead" bodies smokes a cigarette! 


You have to be a complete idiot to believe that all this sweet lies will go unnoticed. 

Who do you need to be to continue to deceive citizens over and over again? Well 👌 we're going to 🔜 you're going to be sure to be . . . 

If we don't understand, we'll do it again: 

Brazil. "Sea" of corpses in the Brazilian cemetery, workers sew up and do not have time to dig graves.


In general, it is very surprising and at the same time sad to see how the world media pick up the globalist agenda without any fact-checking. Journalists do not understand that they will be among the first to fall prey to medical fascists.


In New York, troupes wear one with one left hand. 

Let's lower the force of the jolt, from which even the child would not fall and touch the most visual inconsistencies on the video. In a slow-motion replay of the moment, the video from 6 seconds. 16 seconds. You can see how the fallen continues to hold the phone in his hand, looking at the fact that he is already dead, and his hand is in a particularly tense state, otherwise it could not be after a fall on his stomach. 

Further, despite the fact that he has already "died", the man, apparently assessing the unnaturalness of his game, gently lowers his hand with an expensive phone in a more appropriate position of his death (from the belly to the asphalt), after which the brush is gently pressed and the phone is also neatly placed on the asphalt.


Let's lower the force of the jolt, from which even the child would not fall and touch the most visual inconsistencies on the video. In a slow-motion replay of the moment, the video from 6 seconds. 16 seconds. You can see how the fallen continues to hold the phone in his hand, looking at the fact that he is already dead, and his hand is in a particularly tense state, otherwise it could not be after a fall on his stomach. 

Further, despite the fact that he has already "died", the man, apparently assessing the unnaturalness of his game, gently lowers his hand with an expensive phone in a more appropriate position of his death (from the belly to the asphalt), after which the brush is gently pressed and the phone is also neatly placed on the asphalt.

💉Aferists and their Scam of the Century. Or clowns 🤡 in the arena 


On camera, war criminals greet each other with their elbows. Then, not knowing what they are seen, they cuddle like two lovers pedering pervert.


The son of a Communist-made Trudeau cube in his grandfather's light suit. 

  🇺🇸I can't argue that's really true for America.

The WikiLeaks document shows the ancestor of Kamala Harris Irishman Hamilton Brown, one of Jamaica's largest planters, named after him the city and he had 200 slaves.

WikiLeaks has released 137 documents on Kamala Harris. In particular, there is a hit theme of her origin, as it is known her mother line flows from India, her mother migrated to the U.S. from there. 

But the paternal line from Jamaica, the fact that Kamala Harris claimed that her ancestors were slaves from Africa . Kamala's father, Donald Harris, said in 2018 that his grandmother was a descendant of Hamilton Brown, the namesake of the browns town of northern Jamaica.

BREAKING: Wikileaks Posts 137 Documents on Kamala Harris ...


California Senator Kamala Harris as his Vice President nominee. Politico reported: Joe Biden has selected Sen.

A Jamaican family search recorded: "Hamilton Brown owned several plantations from 1817 to 1845. According to the 1818 almanac, which can be found on this site (Jamaican Family Search), he was the owner of Minard (128 slaves), which he was to be acquired from his previous owner (John Bailey) in 1815 or later. Another register (86 slaves) cannot be attributed to any estate, although in the following years it is listed in the Almanacs as the owner of several (Antrim, Grier Park, Colliston, Little River, Pensioner and Valley of Unity).

Of course, she is not responsible for what her ancestors did; she had nothing to do with it. But she made a deception, claiming that her ancestors were slaves in Jamaica. 

Kamala Harris is not responsible for the past, but she lied by impersonating the origins of her ancestors as "slave"

Immigrant parents, a Jamaican dad, and an Indian mom , a student marriage that broke up when Kamala Harris was 7 years old.

An active supporter of BLM (Black Lives Matter), a champion of LGBT rights, and has consistently advocated the legalization of weed. Otherwise he keeps his nose in the wind and easily adapts to the current political agenda. An example of an attack on Joe, during the campaign and a confession on the air - 'I lied' 

Maachech, there are no children, but there are adult children of her husband. She married only at the age of 49 for a lawyer - a partner in a Los Angeles law firm (source).

A prosecutor with a scandalous past in which romantic and populist beliefs never prevented them from defending colleagues and superiors from the prosecution of the law, which shows in favor of its high contractual capacity.

For example, Kamala Harris sabotaged a full investigation into scandalous police abuses in Orange County, where people were charged and convicted only on the basis of testimony from informants deemed unreliable by the police: 


Launched a program of "smart approach to crime", offering a job and the opportunity to get a diploma for the first time caught on sale of drugs - exhaust 300 graduates in 8 years. It's not thick, but it sounds beautiful.

But not everything is as cute and democratic as it seems: it comes from a family of wealthy Jamaican slavers, although she does not like to talk about it. Yes, it has a rather distant relation to the famous oppressor-planter - but still a little more than any white, who is now obliged to forage in front of black.

Wasn't there someone more ideologically aged?

Her father, Donald Harris, claims to be a descendant of Jamaican slave trader of Irish descent Hamilton Brown (1776 - 1843), his paternal grandmother, the native Christine Brown: 


In the English-language wikipedia, the article about her father changes right before her eyes. 


On November 7, 2020, it was there that her father claims about the kinship of his grandmother and sugar planter. On the morning of November 8, a direct reference to an article about a slave trader was removed, and it was simply modestly mentioned that he was a descendant of the one who built the local church. Now there's not a word about the origins of Hamilton Brown. Is the moral image of a black rights activist being cleansed? 

A worthy member of the British Colonial Society, Hamilton Brown is famous for two things, in addition to the founding of his town Brown's Town in the largest county of St. Anna in Jamaica: 


At the time, he said that slaves on sugar plantations live better than the British poor, and therefore Britain should not interfere in their affairs.

Under the Abolition of Slavery Act of 1833 and the Slave Compensation Act of 1837, the British Government received the equivalent of 2.31 million pounds in recalculation for the current money.

Sugar plantation in Jamaica, St. Anne. Beautiful to live is not forbidden, a good start for the presidential dynasty, not ashamed in front of the Rothschilds and other friends (who, incidentally, and gave the English Crown a loan for compensation to Hamilton Brown)

Dry residue by Kamala Harris: says the words they want to hear from her, but he knows for good how important it is to hold on to colleagues and superiors.

Brain liberalism is superficial rather than genuine.

The ideal candidate to serve Rockefeller-Soros Club (kingdom of heaven) .

And a small lie gives rise to a great distrust, a poetic moment: 

They've been living together for a long time, 

They sleep on the same bed.

They solve cases together, 

But the souls are neither there nor here. 

They've been empty for a long time,

One day the lie came in. 

She quietly walked in with one, 

And she lived in a corner modestly.

She wasn't noticed by the second, the other, 

THE LIE has spun, it's been spun. 

The look ran, his lips trembled,

My heart started pounding furiously.

There was absurdity in words...

She'd be gone away for good.

So she wouldn't be seen again,

But she kept screaming,

Reinforcing yourself in business ...

And it made it harder, 

To understand the feelings of your own.

And believe in words again, 

THE LIE didn't leave, she crossed 

In eternity, and even outside the window of Winter ...

By Spring, opening the window

A LIE from the house came out quietly 

Taking kindness with you...

WASHINGTON, December 29 (S.C.) Vice President Kamala Harris vaccinated her for a vaccine against coronavirus live and urged all Americans to follow suit.

"I'm now vaccinated... I want to encourage everyone to get vaccinated. It's relatively painless, it's really fast, it's safe... My husband will do it today. I'm waiting to get the second part of the vaccine. It's literally about saving lives. I trust scientists," she said after the minute-long procedure.

She said she was vaccinated with Moderna.

The minute-long procedure of Kamal's injection when reviewing and analyzing the video by professionals, turned out to be a tough divorce or a banal deception of fake 👇


Call for 👇 Americans


😷Cognitive condition of young people does not need comments.

And who will be responsible for the consequences?

And don't you dare say 🗣 there will be no consequences. We will be watching them for a very long time now.

John Kennedi minutes or seconds before he was killed. United States, 1963.

If without sarcasm, Friends, we live in a year of bitterness, but its lute is in deceitfulness and only in it. There were more difficult times, but there was no more. 

Monica Bellucci: "I think it's stupid, being young and beautiful, to become a content of some fat man, to endlessly burn life in get-togethers. Beauty should help us find harmony, love and meaning in this crazy world."

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