Visualization 👑006/666

Visualization 👑006/666

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Ꮪᴩᴇᴄiᴀl ᴏᴩᴇrᴀᴛiᴏn ᴛhᴇ sizᴇ ᴏf ᴛhᴇ wᴏrld ᴏf 🌍

Visualization (from Latin visualis, "visual") is the general name of the techniques of representation of numerical information or physical phenomenon in a form convenient for visual observation and analysis.

SONA (from Greek zone - belt), strip, space between any borders; territory, a plot of something characterized by certain characteristics.

                Term 1:

Barak is a temporary, fast-moving, cheap residential building, a light building made of wood or stone to support troops, workers and patients.

                Term 2: 

The Gulag, GULAG or GULag (Russian: Gulag, Gulag, an acronym for the Glasnoje Upravl'nije Lager'j, "chief administration of the camps"), the Gulag was recognized as a major instrument of political repression in the Soviet Union. The Soviet system of correctional labor camps began its formation in 1923 and reached the highest prevalence in the Ussr under Stalin in the 1930s - early 1950s, when it was called gulag - a reduction from the General Administration of camps.

                 Term 3:

Concentration camps of the Third Reich (Konzentrationslager or K) are places of mass detention and destruction by the German authorities of civilians for political or racial reasons. Concentration camps in Nazi Germany were established after the Nazis came to power with the aim of isolating and repressing opponents of the Nazi regime. The first concentration camp in Germany was established near Dachau in March 1933.

                  Termin 4: 

Forced psychiatry and medical violence in Nazi Germany .

Professor Ephraim Bental of Haifa on the memories of life in Israel by an exiled psychiatrist. "The generation of immigrant psychiatrists," he said, in particular, "has played an important and honorable role in the development of modern psychiatry in Israel." Most of those who could not escape from Germany or Austria were sent to concentration camps, or death camps. Few survived. Those who remained in Germany were largely engaged by the regime. 45% of German psychiatrists were members of the National Socialist German Workers' Party NSDAP (NSDAP). There was also a professional Nazi organization - the National Socialist Union of German Physicians (German Nationalsoziali-stischer Deutscher zrztebund - NSD-zrztebund or NSDAB), a non-public organization of Germany (1935-1944), which united in its ranks of doctors - members of the NSDAP. It was created in 1929 on the initiative of doctor and publisher Ludwig Liebl. According to the statute adopted in 1929, the union, in particular, had the following tasks:

To create the service ethics of German doctors and all health care in the spirit of the National Socialist worldview and to introduce these principles also into the public consciousness;

To provide mutual support and assistance in professional affairs, to educate the National Socialist younger generation, including students, in the spirit of National Socialist Professional Ethics.

The general orientation of Nazi medicine was to implement the idea of improving the "Aryan race" through eugenics (2) and improving public health, in particular, to prepare wars.

Racial hygiene and eugenics 

In 1920, the book "Permission to destroy unworthy life of souls" was published. Its authors, Professor of Psychiatry Alfred Erich Hoche and Professor of Law Karl Lorenz Binding of the University of Freiburg, wrote that "idiots have no right to exist, their murder is a righteous and useful act."


Today it is very interesting to remember that the basis of Nazi eugenics was the eugenics movement in the United States and the so-called California program of forced sterilization (5). The Rockefeller Foundation helped to develop and finance various eugenic programs in Germany.

Sterilization program

In 1933, the Law for the Prevention of the Prevention of Hereditarily Diseased Offspring (6) was passed. A commentary on the law read: "What is the purpose of measures for genetic and racial hygiene suitable for the people of Germany? The continued existence of a sufficient number of genetically healthy large families, which are racially valuable to the Germans." One of the moral justifications for the introduction of the law was the practice of 12 countries, starting with the United States.


 Term 5:

 Forced psychiatry of the USSR.

In 1921, the Soviet authorities began to gradually use psychiatry to fight dissidents and human rights defenders. They abused their powers by falsifying diagnoses of undesirable people and sending them to hospitals indefinitely. This practice was called "punitive psychiatry", becoming one of the most famous and harsh examples of repression in the USSR. In different years its victims were Joseph Brodsky and Yegor Letov, and the practice ceased only at the end of the USSR in 1991, when up to two million people passed through it.

Dissent, own views contrary to the attitudes of the Communist Party and the State (one body), psychiatric examination, recognition of insane and further closed military hospital, injections of neuroleptics to the state of vegetables 🌽 

Citizens of Soviet Russia have gone a long way from isolated cases to the systematic hospitalization of millions of healthy people under the handle of the Communists. 

              Term 6:

FEMA - secret concentration camps in the United States

All preparatory actions are still successful, build at the expense of taxes of Americans quickly 💨 and quality . But with the ideological and practical implementation of the Project Crown 👑 19 you are complete idiots and cheap plagiarists . 

In 2008, photographer Jeffrey Greider, who was filming the neighborhood for a local newspaper, was driving north on Highway 85, two miles south of Elberton, Georgia, when he noticed a number of barrack-type buildings surrounded by barbed wire fences. Wanting to take a closer look at the previously unfamiliar place on the outskirts of his hometown, Jeffrey got out of the car and approached with his camera close to the fence.

Did you know about this Americans and citizens of the world? 

Behind the fence Jeffrey saw not only closed barracks, but also the tower of security. As well as a series of folded on another rectangular black plastic containers. His photos made a lot of noise on the Internet. Users of the network managed to find the owner of the territory and boxes - it turned out to be a government organization FEMA.

FEMA, or "Federal Emergency Management Agency," was established in 1978 on the orders of President Jimmy Carter. It was conceived as an emergency response service, such as natural disasters or man-made disasters. The main thing to start, later always come new thoughts 💭 and ideas 💡 especially gushing these ideas of the world of young man Klaus 🤶 Schwab, a slate young bull 🐂 splashing sperm on a herd of cows. The great dreamer and fantasist 😶 🌫️, revolutionary, ideologue and talking head 🗣 completely stupid and worthless first persons of different administrations of the world. It's their talking head with a population. 

Thus, FEMA is ready to take citizens and bring justice to the fences of these camps in the conditions of chaos and terror. This is confirmed by the special powers that the organization gave To succeed President Ronald Reagan: the right to detain people and use physical force against them. yes, these guys didn't mean what's going on today, we're going to break through like that. But as of 2018, there are two million inmates in U.S. prisons. Then why did the agency need so many more barracks?

On the guard of democracy? 

We are seeing action to create chaos, in which case the Constitution will be suspended.

What is the backed up of all our speculations is the conspiracy theory. By the way, this term was introduced by the U.S. CIA, also a state rescue body?

The "Emergency Management Plan" (known by the secret designation Rex 84), developed in 1984 by then-President Ronald Reagan's chief of staff, Oliver North, and John Brinkerhoff, deputy director of FEMA.

Did you know about that? 

Well very scary food

It details the schemes for suspending the Constitution, imposing martial law and interning millions of Americans in "specially equipped places of temporary residence." Where these places are today is known. The FBI then had at its disposal ADEX - a list of 150,000 "questionable personalities" who pose a threat to the national security and integrity of the country.

Both documents were revealed by correspondent Alfonso Chardy in the pages of the Miami Herald in a July 5, 1987 issue. Similar plans emerged later, the most recent of which - "Garden Plot" and "Lantern" - were revealed by journalist Ron Ridenhour.

Suspicions were also heightened by the incompetence of the organization's staff during Hurricane Katrina in 2004. Former U.S. representative and Green Party presidential candidate Cynthia McKinney told reporters immediately after the disaster that an anonymous Red Cross source had told her how 5,000 New-Orylean prisoners had been killed by FEMA.

Their bodies were dumped in the swamps of Louisiana, but the data on the victims were entered into the Pentagon computer. That same year, Cynthia was shot and killed by a Capitol Guard officer and stopped her when she refused to provide her ID.

Shop - prison

In total, enthusiasts counted eight hundred camps in the United States. Each Federal Emergency Management Agency camp is designed for about twenty thousand people, but two large ones - in Alaska and Los Angeles - can accommodate up to two million.

Our grim irony is that some of these barracks were built in the 1940s, by the hands of the very cross-ish Japanese Americans. Alex Jones of the Civil Information War, which produced aerial photography with the help of a quadcopter, managed to calculate that about fifty thousand plastic coffins were stored at the camp in Atlanta, Georgia.

Walmart's top management can quickly convert its stores 🏬 into camps because of their impressive size. Moreover, the lockdown Rockefeller 1989 -2010 suggests such events. For example, in 2015, five Walmart supermarkets located in Florida and Louisiana are closing at the same time to address "water problems"? 

The network's owners released a statement saying it would take six months to fix the problems - a ridiculously long time to fix plumbing problems. Residents of the cities where the closed shops were located have repeatedly reported on social media the appearance of people in uniform in their areas, as well as loud noises, as if from the ground at night.

Did you know about that? 

Mary Lyin, a Louisiana resident, once took a camera to film suspicious activity around one of the stores. The lens of her camera was hit by police, cars with blacked-out windows and people in military uniforms. When the police officers saw her with the camera, they demanded that she stay in place and confiscated her memory card. All five stores are still closed.

Who hasn't hidden yet...? ...

Of course, the Federal Agency called all these suspicions "absurd speculations generated by crazy paranoid people." The Government has also repeatedly denied rumours that any services may be given special powers, and has assured citizens that no one will ever agree to suspend the Constitution. 

Yes? It's not going to work? Where to? To the store 🏬😂

The barracks are designed to "house people who have lost their homes in a natural disaster", and the strange plastic boxes are "coffins for numerous victims." 

And what about the video from a young man Klaus from the Marxist MUG of the WEF and his incorruptible masterpiece 'Fourth Industrial Revolution'? This work describes in detail all the charms of the absence of any property from citizens. That polo-smart guy's so smart about standing with you Joe Biden and not being smart with you. What else are we going to think about? maestro? 

"Have a supply of food and medicine at home so as not to seek help from government forces. If you are threatened, move to a place as deserted and remote from the roads as possible. If this is not possible, draw "FEMA" on the front door of your house with white paint, which means that those living in it have been evacuated. Dig up the subfield or equip the dugout to hide there. And be sure to get a portable radio station and listen to the air to be aware of the movements of public services. While the FEMA camp is not the worst place to be in an emergency, it's not a place you want to be in the event of a war or a revolution."

In 2020-2021 we recorded and documented in our internal protocols the construction of similar institutions in many countries around the world. 

What's going on? 

No problem. Let's continue our conversation with the protocol 👇

We have been seeing locks for a long time, more than 6 years. Over the past year and a half, Democrat Barack has achieved impressive results. They need a monopoly on information, against the background of the hundred they do only limit the dissemination of information can give an opportunity to implement their agenda and that the plans will work.

The number '322' appears on the society's insignia, and is said to refer to 322 B.C., when Athens lost the Lamian War and had to dissolve its democracy. A new, plutocratic government allowed only wealthy Athenians to remain citizens. Skull and Bones owns Deer Island in the St. Lawrence River in Alexandria, N.Y. The society uses it for get ...

The gray 👨 🦳 the head of a demon in the rib. Our baby did not finish in his youth ...

Old Gobels would definitely welcome this guy's speech. 

The next crisis will be much larger than COVID. 

The illusion of freedom will exist as long as it is profitable to continue this illusion. 

At the moment when the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they remove the scenery, remove the tables and chairs, then push back the curtains, and you see the brick wall.

Frank Sappa

What does the WEF/Schwab and Biden duo promise us? It's simple: poverty, hunger and everything that accompanies the total loss of freedom. 

And while prepare for the WEF attack on the Internet and electricity networks, the Internet they are already attacking, so far to no avail. Take advantage of the moment students and watch carefully the materials opening all the links, we have no empty words and even letters empty no , download, spread the knowledge as the fire spreads. 

For more than once we have all broken their plans for the Marxist economic forum Klaus has previously warned of a new crisis "with even greater economic and social consequences than COVID19". The WEF is implementing predictive programming around an impending large-scale cyberattack on critical infrastructure that will trigger a "dark winter" and lead to a "Great Reset."

Jeremy Juergens, Managing Director of the WEF:

- I believe that there will be another crisis. It will be more significant. It will be faster than what we saw with COVID. The impact will be greater and, as a result, the economic and social impact will be even greater.

WEF founder Klaus Schwab: 

"We all know, but we still don't pay enough attention to the frightening scenario of a comprehensive cyberattack that could completely stop energy, transport, hospital services and our society as a whole. In this regard, the COVID-19 crisis could be seen as a minor breach compared to a major cyberattack. We need to use the COVID19 crisis as a timely opportunity to reflect on the lessons that the cybersecurity community can learn and improve our unpreparedness for a potential cyber pandemic.

So, we have long warned those who on duty and office should react to this terrorist viper . Didn't react, moreover, seems to be involved. Now watch closely, because it is extremely dangerous to walk behind red lines. 

Mystery : Name a human penis of three letters.

Tip number 1 - available in men and women.

Tip number 2 is not an obscene word.

Dr. Bill Gates guessed the answer. It's the nose and mouth.

Gates compared refusing to wear masks to nudists. "Are they nudists? You're being asked to wear pants. No American, well, or very few Americans say it's something terrible," Gates said. He said this in the first issue of the podcast, which is conducted with actress Rashida Jones.

And Gates himself during the podcast for some reason was without a mask. He never wore a mask at all. Look online for a photo of Dr. Gates wearing a mask. I didn't find it. 

Hence Bill Gates is an exhibitionist. 

Definition from Wikipedia : Exhibitionism is characterized by the achievement of sexual arousal by showing the genitals, usually to strangers. This also applies to a strong desire to show others their sexual activity. 

According to the existing criteria, it is assumed that a person's behavior, fantasies or intense desires should lead to clinically significant discomfort, functional impairment or harm to others (which in the case of exhibitionism involves interaction with a person against his will). This condition must also be present for ≥ 6 months.

And that's what Dr. Gates has been doing for the last few years. He is terribly afraid of viruses and wants to vaccinate everyone even against their will.

His Windows operating system was so vulnerable to viruses that Gates decided to end them once and for all on the planet and spent half his fortune fighting viruses. But for now, there will be viruses. As long as people live, they will always be surrounded by viruses. They can't be defeated.

However, Bill Gates' obsession with viruses can be described as intrusive. He'd do well to check with real doctors. The masked ones. Obsessed people with great power should be isolated from society. Prevention is always better than cure. That's with Hitler this moment was missed, and he began, just like in a Wikipedia article "to harm other people ... against their will."

Young hobbies of the young Barack. Creative. 

Inspired and excites in us the passion of ❤️ 🔥. We are sincerely jealous of Boris. 

Bill performs in his role. 

😳EU creates the Army...

Plans to create an EU army were drawn up by German politicians who called for "the ability to act independently of tedious issues of sovereignty." The SPD's Working Group on Security and Defence Policy, Germany's second-largest political party, today published a plan to create the EU's 28th Army. Instead of focusing on further developing cooperation between the 27 National Armed Forces, as it used to be, the 12-page document shows how new, separate forces will be created - in parallel with national troops such as the Bundeswehr. 

The 28th Army will report directly to the European Commission and will be administered by the newly appointed Defence Commissioner.

Political control will be carried out through the defence committee, which will also be established in the European Parliament; following the example of the German parliamentary army, MEPs will make decisions on operations by a simple majority vote at the request of the commission. 😂

🇺🇸Michael Obama👆

🇺🇸 Joan Rivers, commenting on Michelle's penis, which was noticed by reporters, treated it quite casually, as if she always knew that Michelle was a man, and sarcastically commented on the situation.

"Everyone already knows about Obama, so let's just calm down. You know Michelle (Obama) is a. She's a transvist. We all know that. It's all right," Rivers said.

By the way, Joan Rivers died just two weeks after this mini-interview, which to some extent can be regarded as an indirect confirmation of her rightness .

When your hand is back in my hand,

I'm just a guy from the street, but your requests won't fit your pocket.

You're gone, you're in S-Class, 

Now it doesn't matter, wow It's Love, You swore to me, but you swore at me, but you swore at the money, wow-eo-eo...

🌎This is less interesting and call mega-container ship, continuing to break supply chains - H3RC. 

H3RC - Hillary Rodham Clinton. 

We are aware of the creativity of both Mockingbirds and understand these arts very well and gave positively, so to speak. We are tormented by one question and does not let sleep 🛏 calmly: - whose penis was drawn by a trough - a barge before getting stuck? 

🇺🇸 Hillary Clinton drew someone's dick not only in the Suez Canal, but put a dick on masks, gloves and generally on a covid. 

She pointed to the degree of danger of the kovid👇

Fox 11 exclusive: 

"We got pictures of Governor Gavin Newsom at a dinner party in Napa, where he is staying. The photos cast doubt on how open the dinner was. The witness who took the photos tells us that his group was so noisy that they even had to close the sliding doors. We checked the metadata in the photos to confirm their legality. The picture was taken on 6.11.2020 at 6:20 p.m. with a location tag in the French laundry. We questioned the witness. We also reached out to the governor's team for an answer, and we got it."

On Monday, Newsom apologized for what he called a "serious mistake" when attending a birthday party that violated the very boiler laws he was talking about and which he himself had injected.

👉One, what you need to pay special attention to, Friends, in connection with the coe theme, is the figure in a white dress with puffins, standing in the photo next to Newsom. 

This is Hillary Clinton, known for her scrupulous attitude to her old body and health problems, and standing against the backdrop of a raging "pandemic" of a couid without a mask and without gloves.

If up to this point anyone could remain in doubt that the covid is a scam, and that it is not particularly dangerous, then obviously, be present at each of you, Friends, though a bit of common sense and critical approach to reality, after a photo of Hillary Clinton without a mask, standing at a noisy party close to the two potential carriers of the cow, they should not remain.

Hillary Clinton Email Archive. On March 16, 2016 WikiLeaks launched a searchable archive for over 30 thousand emails & email attachments sent to and from Hillary Clinton's private email server while she was Secretary of State. The 50,547 pages of documents span from 30 June 2010 to 12 August 2014. 7,570 of the documents were sent by Hillary ...

A vessel called H3RC called Evergreen blocks the entire channel and stops all traffic, breaking supply chains.Hundreds of cargo ships are trapped. Not without three sixes, which are in the coordinates of the cargo ship. 

DeepState, Clinton and Co.-Breaking Supply Chains: "Worst Scenario for World Trade"

The fact that the most expensive in the history of blocking the Suez Canal in history, which can take a week, is organized/initiated - it is an obvious fact for any person who monitors the background of what is happening in the world together, and not separately, that there is short-sightedness ...

If someone suddenly does not know, the name of the mega-container ship "EVERGREEN", which arranged all this and applied across its board, coincides with the nickname of Hillary Clinton - Evergreen ,- which uses the upped paedophiles in their correspondence.

"Thank you for coming. The disappointment is very great. Can physically delete texts, tapes, etc. ??? We have everything. The right people have the information. Reliable dudes operate on the basis of information. I think Gug. I think so. Think about many projects. Many common users are "foreign and domestic." Variable access. Codes. Fake letters. The game is a forum commi. Today there is new information. Gmail (emails) comms. Identify the Evergreen. When do you call a plumber? Ongoing investigations require this," Hillary Clinton said in a letter to DeepState operatives when it was revealed that emails from Dem's server had been leaked. Party.

Bill Clinton's code name is Eagle, Hillary Clinton is Evergreen, Chelsea Clinton is Energy. 

By the way, in the photo next to the stuck vessel is also visible another vessel and its name - "Baraka."

Barack Obama translates from Hebrew as "Lightning falling from the sky"; Up. Luke (10:18)

All preparatory actions are still successful, build at the expense of taxes of Americans quickly 💨 and quality . But with the ideological and practical implementation of the Project Crown 👑 19 you are complete idiots and cheap plagiarists . 

Marina Abramovic at a meal. David is somewhere near ... waiting for evening dances to the harmony of 🪗 

You've seen It, Epstein's island is a tiny, bald 👨 🦲. Like a rooster's knee. There's nothing to do at all, except to eat a human; Why did high-ranking guests come from all over the world? Why did they come to Epstein Island... ...

Here's who the investigative reporters were in the mansion and on Epstein Island: Donald Trump, George J. Trump. Mitchell, Bill Clinton, Prince Andrew, Katie Couric, Woody Allen, Ehud Barak, Tony Blair, Alan Dershowitz, Bill Gates, Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia...

Apparently this couple was in the mansion, too? Or did they stay at another hotel? 

Reboot from Gates: Vaccination from Covid-19 will reduce the world's population.

Is 💉 needle on a syringe 💉 that's what it looks like? We are not professional medics and we can make conclusions. But our eyes have not seen such needles. Perhaps it's Know - How 2020-2021 ? 

If we were artists 👨 🎨, we would paint pictures with these images. But the Almighty did not like us to work with a brush 🖌 in oil. But we know how to solve the mysteries and one such mystery we will tell you now 👇

WikiLeaks published 137 documents on Kamala Harris. We were interested in the girl's pedigree. Previously we knew her mother line is flowing from India, her mother migrated to the U.S. from there, we saw these sensual stories at the time of the election race 🏎 on Kamala's official Instagram account. But we learned about the father's line from Jamaica later, after Kamala Harris's oath on the Bible. Kamala had previously claimed her ancestors were slaves from Africa enslaved by Jamaican authorities.

However, in the WikiLeaks document we found her ancestor of the Irishman Hamilton Brown, one of the largest planters of Jamaica, after him named the city and he had 200 slaves. How did we go to Wikileaks and why? The day after the inauguration, someone started cleaning Wikipedia. We thought it was strange and suspicious. We don't like such cleansing since childhood.

Microsoft, Bill Gates, Patent 666, & Microchipping Humans Explained

Related: Bill Gates Coronavirus Conspiracy Claims Explained This new patent, WOWO2020060606 (published as WO/2020/060606) has conspiracy theorists buzzing. As this news makes the rounds online, people are referring to it as "Patent 666", or "World Order 2020, 666". The going argument is not only did Bill Gates and Microsoft conspire to unleash COVID-19 …

🌎Dawn of a New Day/Dawn of a New Day and Global Communism.

The creativity of personal needles vi personas fascinates us with its novelty and content.

Influenza ran 🏃 🏃 in an unknown direction from shame and shame before medicine and science of past centuries and years. 

Since we lived to those Orwellian times that is one way - to fight legally . "V.C." stands as Vi Soactus, which in Latin means "under duress," "not of its own free will."

In the world jurisprudence there are examples when someone was forced to put a signature under threat of death, he signed and put this acronym. 

Skeptics may say it doesn't affect anything. But it's not. First, the declarative right is that you wear your dissent inside exactly what will not affect anything. And if you say so, it's already a declaration and manifesto before, if you like, ecumenical jurisdiction. She needs an expression in the outside world, not just a thought.

Second, the psychological moment. Yes, you are coerced, but you remain free at heart and boldly declare the fact of coercion.

Third, imagine if everyone who has the same opinion would do so. For whom the muzzle is also a tool of coercion. Mass expression of will in any way is a powerful "weapon." Plus, we'll just find it easier to find like-minded people. 

 By - German Unter zwang 

Be happy children of America, under our sensitive guidance we will lead you to a bright future where everyone will be equal and there will be no money 💵. Money is evil 🦹

Hunger, Biden and the inability to buy, sell, receive social benefits and government assistance without a cooid vaccine. 

The last four letters were removed in 1949

The author of a book about the covid and how this globalist scam will end, "The Great Reboot", the German economist, founder and permanent president of the WEF in Davos since 1971 Klaus Schwab warned about THE FREE, said that the IEF is already working with old Biden, and explained that those who refuse their vaccine will not be able to receive government assistance: 

"The World Economic Forum is working with the Biden administration to ensure that most people will survive the coming food shortages. Citizens who have pre-pre-date documents will be vaccinated regularly with packets of plant-derived protein products."

Everything is much closer than anyone might think, Friends.

Billionaire, founder and hedge fund manager Bridgewater Associates Ray Dalio gave a great interview in which he talked about the new world order. 

In Dalio's understanding, the world is in the final stages of the debt cycle, which will mark the current financial crisis. The US Federal Reserve is no longer able to maintain monetary policy, so the process of the dollar's loss of the status of the world reserve currency began. The replacement, according to the billionaire, may be the Chinese yuan, which is now gaining strength.

However, we believe this guy does not negotiate and the replacement of the dollar will eventually be a digital yuan, transactions with which citizens will occur in conjunction with their social and vaccine status, which will be marked in the covid-ID, covid-PASS.

The stated timing of vaccine trials. You guinea pigs 🐇 Friends)

Jill Biden (far left) with her mother, Bonnie Jean Godfrey, and sisters Bonnie and Jen. 

Jill Biden (far right) with her sisters (from left) Bonnie, Kelly, Kimmy and Jen. 

Source: Jill Biden with sons Beau (left) and Hunter (right) in 1976. 

She's 15, he's in his 30s. Jill is the nanny in the Biden family and his mistress. 

Nelia Hunter, 30, was allegedly hit by a truck with a trailer at the intersection of one of the tracks on Delaware Route 7. 

Nelia and her three children - 13-month-old daughter Amy, sons Beau and the well-known Hunter, who were then 4 and 2.5 years old respectively, were pulled from the car, but Amy and her young mother did not reach the medical center. They died on the road. 

The conflicting stories Biden has put forward about how this tragedy happened and how he met his wife, Jill, are more than bizarre. When this happened, Nelly was on her way home and there is no evidence that the truck driver was drinking alcohol, as Joe has publicly stated.

In fact, Nella Biden was drunk, she put all her children in a wagon and drove off on a counter in front of a truck with a tractor trailer. Why did she take all three children with her drunk? Because their nanny with Joe's kids was Jill Biden, Joe's mistress and nanny. Nella didn't want Joe Gill's mistress looking after her children. That is, either Nelly herself committed suicide and tried to take with herself all the children, or there was a really accident, but, provoked by Biden, brought his wife to the pen. 

Joe is an ordinary liar, a liar and now he tells everyone the story that the truck driver was drunk and destroyed his family. No, Friends, Joe destroyed his family himself. He's just a sick, sadistic, bloodthirsty swamp monster in DC. Pure evil, as, indeed, his wife Jill suggesting in a duet with the conman Fauci to stab other people's children without the required clinical trials of an unknown substance called "vaccine 💉 " in a syringe

Ashley Biden diary reveals child sex abuse ordeal and resentment for father Joe Biden

FULL RELEASE: Ashley Biden Diary Reveals Child Sex Trauma, Drug Abuse, Resentment For Joe - Whistleblower.

Although the video provides official CDC data, you won't see this story on the OANN website or on their YouTube channel. Sure, Friends, you understand why:

"Only 6% of COVID deaths are actually covid deaths. The rest are deaths from OTHER FORS."

Yes, we know, Friends, that you've known all this for over a year. Together we need to be on the same page of History and finish our difficult journey here 👇

Baby Bernie is so cute and affectionate, post-gentle bumblebee 🐝 May...


Treaty of Versailles

People stand on couches, tables and chairs to see the signing of the Treaty of Versailles, which officially ended World War I. June 28, 1919.

We are lucky, many will be able to look at the monitor. After all, not everyone will get to the court 👩 ⚖️ 

Our Editorial personally promised a vip place from Marilyn Monroe, 1955. 

'And if there's a glory in war, let it belong to people like them.' 

Odie Murphy on the dead comrades.

In war often happen feats, and the history of cinema in the world was made a lot of films about the real heroes of combat battles. But few of the actors managed to star in the heroic role of himself. Such a lucky one was the American veteran of world war II Odie Murphy, and the fight, which was the basis of the events described in the film, took place on January 26, 1945. 

But that's another story...

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