Apolloโ€“Soyuz Test Project, ASTP 2:0

Apolloโ€“Soyuz Test Project, ASTP 2:0

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Musical ๐ŸŽถ pause at noon ๐Ÿ•›ย 

I don't think they could live.

They'd have Mondays to take and cancel.

They'd have Mondays to take and cancel.

I don't think they could live.

Source teksty-pesenok.ru

How to spite the island has no calendar

Kids and adults are wasting their lives.

Kids and adults are wasting their lives.

There is no calendar on the cursed island

This is the occasion of the night before dawn.

Unlucky people-savages cry

Unlucky people-savages cry

On this occasion the night before dawn

And the poor cry and swear trouble

On the day what is unknown in no yearโ€ฆ

The end.

"The team of our foundation is scattered around the world, people sit in different places, together we gather twice a year. Then we celebrate everything that has accumulated during this time.

Where do you meet?

"It's different. For example, on the island of Olkhon on Baikal, in Las Vegas, San Francisco, London, Italy, Portugal... We choose places to spend time as a team. And communicate, and work, and relax. Or rather, they chose.

Unfortunately, travel has yet to be discussed in the past tense: the pandemic has made adjustments.

How many people are there at Almaz Capital?

Now it's 14. Not very much. The main base is California. Usually there is a so-called exit from our portfolio companies, but the main thing is not even in this. It is in Silicon Valley that there is a demand for our work. It so happened in the world that the consumption of innovation, at least in the field of information technology, is most in demand there. The U.S. share in this process is very significant. Especially in the first three years after the advent of some new technology.

In the United States, everything is built on the competition of even traditional businesses through the introduction of innovative approaches or the purchase of companies that possess them.

Europeans make decisions slowly, are afraid, do not take risks, weigh: suddenly a new project will not survive? In America, they think differently: what if he shoots and within the first three years will bring a huge advantage over the competition?

That's why our main office for supply and demand analysis is in California. And there are people in London, Berlin, Warsaw, Kiev and here in Moscow.

Before the pandemic, I spent about a third of my time in America. In Russia, I think, a quarter, the rest - in Europe and Asia. You could say, a year ago actually lived on a plane. Three or four flights a week were the norm.

So after school I went to Moscow and applied to Fiztech. However, in the questionnaire wrote that of the family of employees, although he could indicate that of the collective farmers. In the end, I was a little short of a passing point. Social origin was not counted. I remember being upset, I remember, a lot. I decided: I'll serve in the army and again I'll come to the same place.

Going to Moscow, did not take into account the important circumstance: exams were taken in Russian language, and I studied in a Ukrainian school, and at home we always communicated on the mmov. It seems that languages are close, but there are nuances, some mathematical and physical terms sound different, immediately to change and catch the meaning is difficult.

In addition, I did not specify in the documents that I was seriously engaged in swimming, fulfilled the standard of master of sports in the distance of 200 meters freestyle. I was humbled, and it was an additional trump card...

In general, flew past Fiztech. Not having got there, I wanted to return to Jitomir, but decided to visit a classmate who came to the Moscow Institute of Electronic Engineering in Greenograd. I came, and I liked it there! The city of the future. My mother of a classmate taught mathematics at the Jitomir Polytechnic Institute, knew the level of my training and began to convince not to lose years of service in the army, and to carry documents in MIET, where the points scored in Fiztech were enough. I took the advice and did not regret it in the future.

At first he continued to think in Ukrainian and even led notes on the mov. But then he adapted, although Ukraine, of course, was drawn.

"And now?"

How else? homeland!

How long have you been?

"In Jitomir more than a year ago. My sister and close family live there. I visit Kiev more often on business.

"Is it a problem?" At the border are not interested, whose Crimea?

"No one ever asked about it.

What if they ask a question?

I'll answer that. I have nothing to hide. In tsarist times, Crimea belonged to the Russian state. But he was part of the Ottoman Empire even longer. What's the point of remembering the past? We need to focus on the international obligations that have been signed and are currently in force. They need to be implemented.

We've sorted it out. We return to the theme of turning the Soviet man into a businessman.

"After graduating from MIATE, I came to work at the Micro appliance research institute, which was part of the ELAS scientific and production association. Behind this unsizing name was the stern defense. In fact, I'm on the cutting edge of an arms race. We were engaged in space systems and complexes, built them on the basis of the latest advances in microelectronics.

The NGO "ELAS" was led by the legendary general designer Gennady Guskov, who in 1951 received the Stalin Prize for the creation of the first ground-based radar, and after Gagarin's flight became the Hero of Social Work for the space communication system. All telemetry was on it. Ahead of the Americans.

He also came up with a mobile-pack communication using his own space relays based on AAFR (active antenna-phased grids), with which it was possible to talk to anyone from anywhere on the planet. When Nixon flew to Moscow in 1972, he bragged to Brezhnev of such an option, and a couple of years later Brezhnev showed Nixon a similar connection of Soviet production.

Then Gennady Yakovlevich created the first satellite of optical-electronic reconnaissance.

At this stage my career in ELAS began. Vladimir Brunin took me to work, having seen me in the fourth year of the institute. So I took up software for the Earth remote sensing satellite.

Gennady Guskov trusted me and in 1987 appointed ELAS responsible for computer systems and satellite software. I think I was not younger than me in the Soviet defense industry at that time. At 32 years old!

"And the satellites are military?

Of course I do. A space system to monitor a strategic adversary. Because of this, back in the early 1980s, I studied the map of San Diego in detail.

"Why him?"

There's a U.S. Pacific Fleet base. Submarines are standing. We used to shoot them a lot. In all the details. When 12-13 years later I first got to this city, I was free to do without a navigator. I've never lost a fight!

Was it your first visit to the States?

No, I had flown there a few years earlier. In March 1991, the academician Sagdeev, who was known to be married to the granddaughter of President Eisenhower, organized a Soviet-American scientific and technical exhibition of space achievements. The USSR sent the best developments to the United States with an open soul. So, we dragged the station, others showed a mock-up of the nuclear engine, "Moonwalk" ...

They brought the exhibits to the States, and then they couldn't take them. Under U.S. law, you can only take anything out of the country with official permission from the authorities.

"Don't let everyone out, don't let anyone out?"

That's about it. Unlike in Russia, where the policy is based on the prohibition of both import and export. In the U.S., in this sense, a smarter system.

After much negotiations, the exhibits were returned to us, and then they were stored somewhere in the Soviet Embassy in Washington. The story ended well, but we got some experience, we realized that we need to behave more carefully...

Soon, in April 1991, at Guskov's urging, I was included in another trip to the United States. We at ELIAS were engaged in a "response" to the American "Star Wars" initiative. The Americans offered to organize a seminar in Washington on the fight against space debris and to give lectures at universities. The chief's name was, but he refused to fly, said: "Write down Sasha, he is young, he is interested." In addition, the management of Sun Microsystems in March invited me to visit their company in Silicon Valley.

With Appolo-9 astronaut Russell Sfaikart, his wife Nancy and John Gage at Sun Microsystems, California, 1993

ยฉ Personal Archives of Alexander Galitsky

I really wanted to get there, it was the dream of any engineer!

Then direct flights from Washington to San Francisco have not yet been introduced. The program of a visit to the U.S. capital ended, and then I flew alone with a transfer to Denver. We landed, and then there was an announcement: "Mr. Galitsky, you are waiting on the plane ramp." I remember thinking, "Here's the bastards! I'm sure the Washington tzoreuchniks don't let in. I won't see the valley!"

The normal reaction of the Soviet man, everywhere suspecting a catch. It turned out that I wanted to hand a fax from the organizers of the seminar with the wishes of a successful flight.

In San Francisco, I was met by astronaut Russell Schweikart, who flew to the moon on Apollo 9 and went into space. Then he had the idea to jointly make a low-orbit communication system, and this is my topic, I was engaged in it. We're still friends with Russell.

Visiting the valley and Sun Microsystems (in the 90s it was the brightest company!) made a strong impression on me. We drove through the laboratories, showed everything, did not hide anything, although they could be encrypted. There were many meetings, some of the interlocutors I already knew in absentia, read their works. Some of them became my friends - Scott McNealy, Eric Schmidt, John Gage and, of course, Jeff Baer, later my partner at Almaz Capital Partners.

Everything looked like a real fantasy at that time!

Did you get paid for a lecture in Washington?

"It wasn't meant to be. The organizers have already taken on all expenses. And Sun has exceeded any expectations. In the hotel I was placed in a super-duper room, which I never lived in. Even with the Hot tub! The Mexican, a hotel worker, wanted to explain how to use the unit, but I proudly rejected the help, they say, I will sort it out myself. I started to press the buttons, turned on some mode, water flowed from all sides, clogged with fountains, I did not know how to stop this action ...

As they say, and laughter and sin.

But of course that's not the main thing I saw in Silicon Valley. At that time I could not imagine that my life would change so radically. Then I started flying to the U.S. on average five to six times a year. But in 1991 everything was new. Then and then I met and talked to many interesting people - Bill Gates, John Chambers, James Gosling, Bruce Schneier, Whitfield Diffie ... You can't list all of them.

I remember meeting General Abrahamson in 1994, who had previously led the Star Wars program at the Pentagon. Since I was on our "anti-response" list, the Americans specifically invited me to talk. Apparently, Abrahamson wanted to talk to the man on the other side of the barricades. Showing his achievements... I must say, in some areas we were ahead of the United States very seriously

How were you released from the USSR, Alexander? You knew the secrets of your homeland and must have had serious restrictions when contacting foreigners.

That's right. I had the highest tolerance, the so-called "special importance." According to another classification - "first." "Top Secret" stands below.

But don't forget, this is the sunset of the Soviet Union, the system has loosened its grip. In the late 1980s, joint ventures were already established. I myself signed the documents for registration of several such joint ventures.

And my first trip abroad took place in 1990 in Finland. Through the Ministry of Electronic Industry of the USSR I was given a blue, service passport. I came to receive, but the document is not given. Literally! The deputy minister, who was in charge of international affairs, looked in my direction and said that he had been to Finland eight times and had not seen anything interesting there.

When I was young, I didn't get a word in my pocket and said, "You know, I've had enough of one trip to figure out whether I have to go there or not." Of course, the boss was very offended, put out of the office. I called the chief, described the situation. Guskov says, "Don't leave the waiting room, wait." Indeed, after a short time this deputy minister called some subordinates, then came out to me and threw his passport. He also hissed through his teeth: "Do you think you can solve everything with such a boss? I remember more of you!"

- Were they called to Lubyanka for a briefing?

"Not on this occasion. We had our so-called first department, where the special services worked. But I repeat, the empire was collapsing, the old rules ceased to apply.

I remember the history with the passport in 1998, when it was time to change the document to a new one. I returned from a business trip to the United States and was going to move to Europe, where my new company has already started. I flew to Moscow for my passport, thought I would quickly get it out and leave again, but it wasn't there. They refused to give him up!

What's the motivation?

"Due to previous secrecy clearances. We woke up almost ten years later...

As a result, for six months, while the issue with the papers was being solved, I ran the business remotely. You could say the first experience of remote. I couldn't leave the country, so investors and my employees came to see me, we met in Sheremetyevo.


On the sale of the homeland, putsch, polling with addiction, umbrella and Russian mentality

"If you wanted, you could have sold your homeland with giblets, right?

"For ten years?" Of course. A thousand times!

"Have you been offered?

No, I don't think so. Apparently, my behavior did not involve such appeals.

Before each trip to the States there was a strict briefing, but without these instructions I acted correctly, because I was not going to merge anything. And in America, no fools sat, watched who and how manifests itself from the first step. We made conclusions about whether to start a conversation about "collaboration" ...

"After returning to Moscow from abroad, did you write travel reports?

Yes, but not to Lubyanka. Returning from Silicon Valley, even prepared an analytical note in the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. We discussed this topic in the Old Square on August 12, 1991. My chief Guskov, the secretary of the Central Committee of the Baklanov, who was in charge of defense, the governors of the Kruchin Central Committee, took part...

I remember, they raised a glass of cognac and agreed that in September serious work on my plan would begin.

"A week later the SCCP came, Baklanov was among the putschists, Kruchina threw himself out of the window...

"Of course, no one could have foreseen this. All the agreements collapsed.

What was your offer, Alexander?

"Silicon Valley has shocked me with internationalism. Saw the offices of Siemens Nixdorf, Toshiba, Philips, Sony, Alcatel, Nokia, Hyundai, Samsung... Companies represented the whole world. And not a single Russian name! At that time, representatives of many foreign companies and private entrepreneurs came to the USSR, tried to establish mutually beneficial cooperation, but for some reason the partnership did not develop. The problem was perhaps people's mentality or re-evaluation of our technology.

So I proposed a simple scheme: Soviet companies start in California with domestic developments and specialists, get at the first stage some budget funds, and then begin to independently attract investments from foreigners. If the case is rocked, it will bring profit and it will be possible to return the money to the treasury. I had no doubt that the project should be successful.

But the SCCP mixed all the cards...

When the putsch took place, I was on a train from Novosibirsk to Biysk. A conference on signal processors was planned at Taurus Lake. Even news about the events in Moscow was difficult to recognize. The Internet was already there, but mobile communications and cell phones were not. To call the capital, I had to go somewhere to the post office. On TV, they were spinning "Swan Lake" ...

Fortunately, this mess did not last long, but the idea of a project in Silicon Valley stalled.

Even then I understood that the idea itself is not worth anything, its implementation is important. There may be many beautiful ideas, but someone has to bring them to life, otherwise they will die without being born. After a while I realized another truth: a joint venture is never successful


"Inevitably, the creators have a conflict of interest. Look around, see if you see many good examples of JV. Sony Ericsson wanted to create the best mobile phone. Where is he, where is the enterprise? It fell apart.

Auto concern merged - it's true, but still continued to function as separate structures competing within the holding.

When individual companies start to jointly produce something tangible, some software, they begin to compete for dominance. Usually it ends with either a collapse or a takeover of the weak by the stronger.

"However, you created an ELVIS company that partnered with American Sun Microsystems. By the way, what name is so strange you have chosen?

"It had an indirect relationship to the King of Rock and Roll Presley. I liked Elvis, of course, but it was more prosaic: it's an acronym, "Electronic Computing Information Systems."

As for cooperation with The Sun, this company at that time acted as a trendsetter in the field of information technology and the Internet. It is the world grateful for the introduction of Internet technologies in our lives and in business: Java language, Firewall, VPN, RISC architecture, Internet networks and so on. They challenged Microsoft and many others, were the founders of a culture that Eric Schmidt later successfully introduced to Google. Its founders were four people, in fact my age. We perceived the world in many ways similar, appreciating not so much material benefit as technological breakthroughs. As a person who grew up in the USSR, I did not understand anything in business, but I knew that in terms of solving systemic problems in the Soviet Union - for all its wrong planned economy - the development was carried out competently and qualitatively.

With Jeff Baer, Gennady Guskov, John Gage and Bill Joy during the Sun Microsystems and ELVIS picnic on the Volga, 1992

ยฉ Personal Archives of Alexander Galitsky

I have already said that since the mid-1980s I have been preparing our response to The Star Wars. We have developed different systems, including for the transmission and exchange of information between reconnaissance satellites.

It was a working model, and back in October 1990 we showed the Americans how IP packages, in other words, data blocks, go through space. Those fell into the fallout. Finally they were struck by a 22-layer polyamide board the size of a pack of cigarettes, which at one point I carelessly took out of my pocket. No one in the world has ever made such fees!

In that distant 1990, a team of Americans led by Sun co-founder Bill Joy asked for permission to come to our production. I remember I called Gennady Guskov, explained, they say, so and so. He said, "Let them watch." Without coordination with the competent authorities, we have hosted foreigners in a closed enterprise...

How was your English?

"In the questionnaires, this level was delicately called "read and translat with a dictionary." I could maintain a basic conversation, but not communicate professionally.

Of course, it was very disturbing. However, I started working with Sun. In October 1991, I was sent 20 high-performance stations with SPARC processors from America. Each cost more than $20,000. I couldn't register the computers with ELAS because I got them as if for personal use. And he had no right to sell either. A former colleague who had become a co-operator by that time said, "Don't suffer, Sasha! Start your own company."

This is how ELVIS, where Sun stations entered as the initial capital, appeared. Then we got an order to develop a prototype of modern Wi-Fi in the form of a card, which had to be inserted into the computer. It was made in 1993, and the name Wi-Fi appeared later.

With antennas and radio devices to work with protocol 802.11 (Wi-Fi), including implementation in the PCMCIA case, Moscow, 1993

ยฉ Personal Archives of Alexander Galitsky

Lies like he breathes.ย 

- What is the story of your interrogation in Ukrainian?

"After all, not with interrogation, but with closed hearings...

Of course, the American special services thoroughly studied me, checked me, collected the dossier. I've been working on very sensitive topics. When the collaboration with Sun Microsystems began, even the hawkish senators worried: "How? Funding for Russian projects?"

For Sun it was the first investment in their history, and immediately - in a Russian company. They were going to pay a million dollars for ten percent of ELVIS shares.

The decision was made in offices on Capitol Hill. Our opponents did all sorts of vile things. For example, they said that I was involved in the development of nuclear weapons delivery systems for unnamed countries in the Middle East. Iran, Syria...

Indeed, the Academy of Sciences of the USSR has been in contact with foreign colleagues, and ELAS has often hired leading academic institutions to perform work in our interests. We solved various problems together. For example, with the help of radar images made the first map of Venus. Both locators for surveillance and electronic systems were built, but this had nothing to do with arms supplies.

In short, I was called to Washington for an interview. Two Sun representatives, including a lawyer, came with me. The story is in its own way a rush, because at the entrance took away the passport and I was left without documents. A large commission with the participation of senators and representatives of special services was assembled. The questions were the most unexpected that they could come up with. So, immediately asked what I was doing in China? But I've never been there! They say, "And according to our information, there were. Who did you meet, what topics did we discuss?"

It ended up being signed with a paper that meant that I and the companies I had created would never work for the enemies of the United States of America. I have made a note that, as a citizen of the Russian Federation, I reserve the right to work in my homeland if our countries enter the stage of official enmity

Added to the printed text, entered by hand.

The document remained with the Americans, I am very sorry that the inexperience did not preserve the artifact.

"Is this paper not a good thing for you here?"

"You know, when you need an excuse, they'll find him. And this applies not only to Russia, but also to any country in the world. Do not doubt: if someone influential wants to spoil a person's life, will do it easily. unambiguously!

When I signed the agreement with the Americans, I asked, "How do you know who your enemies are?"

"Have you ever met with domestic criminality, Alexander?"

"I got "business" offers... Admittedly, he always avoided the spotlight in the Russian media, for fear of attracting the attention of inadequate personalities, who reasoned something like this: yes, he is successful, so it is possible to have something from him. But we didn't make money to easily share it...

One day a call came from a man who in the future grew into a famous oligarch. They said, "Ready to provide an umbrella for a quarter of your company." I answered, they say, the weather is great outside...

Then a representative of one of the special services took me to the forest. Ostensibly for a serious conversation. The two of us, devoured by mosquitoes, drank a liter of gin, and then went to my house, where we drained another bottle of vodka. I've never had that much in my life! Drunk guest carried some nonsense about joint business, threatened my daughter ...

I understood that it was necessary to take action, and through friends turned to an influential person. He explained that I was not being pressed on the case. That's when everything froze. Up until 1997, when we made the first VPN for Windows, having previously hacked NDIS drivers into Microsoft. Again there was a big wave in the American establishment, there were publications, they say, the Russians could steal secrets in Sun Microsystems.

In Russia, too, suddenly launched a story from our FAPSI, began to reprint stories about me from the U.S., write, they say, soon there will be a new billionaire. And the rich in our country at all times were treated about the same.

It came to the opening of the case ...


"We limited ourselves to verification, created a serious commission, in which high-ranking generals participated. I will not name names, they are now on the ear ... At that time I was blocked from getting a new passport. However, then the inspectors found that since the start of ELVIS I did not take a single state order, did not receive a single ruble from the budget, and, apparently, reasoned that "closing" me would not be quite right ...

"Did you want to get out?"

No, I don't think so. Although in America persistently offered to stay, gave a residence permit. But I did not draw up a green card, because for some reason I thought that I had to live my life with one passport. Especially after I was warned: before each departure from the U.S., I will have to come and tell where and why I go, and I will be given recommendations, whether it is possible to go there. I replied that I had not lived in one system for many, many years to fall into another system, which would also restrict my freedom. No thanks!

Although even then, when I returned with my family to Russia, the consul of the U.S. Embassy came to us in Green City, talked to my wife and lamented that our son Sasha probably misses the American playgrounds...

It was a funny story.

What's this all about?

About managing the costs of using corporate phones. At that time in Europe there was a problem with roaming, and people, leaving one EU country to another, spent huge money on mobile communication. Once a Dutch friend came to me and said: "My boss demands a report on where and why I call from the corporate number. And I'm dating his daughter, and I don't want the chief to know about it before time." I said, "You need to make software so you can mark your personal contacts and all the costs associated with them are automatically deducted."

We sat in the restaurant for a bottle of wine and reasoned. That's how this story was born. I said, "Let's run the company?" I didn't want to do it myself, I got used to larger projects.

I remember going to Nepal in 2003. To reflect on life. He wandered through the mountains, then went down to the plain and... started to shove his money into different startups.

How many did you have then?


No, no, no

"It's enough to put them somewhere on the principle of "ten percent to lose is not sorry."

Then I was called to make TechTour for foreign investors in Russia. It was a well-promoted event in Europe, but it never took place here. TechTour was a turning point for me. Arrived, saw Kaspersky Lab, Yandex, SWsoft, which was later renamed Parallels, Acronis, SJlabs... I thought, "What great companies!"

But none of the Westerners did not invest in them.


It's hard to say. Maybe they didn't. It seems to be 2005, Already Beslan happened...

In short, I looked at everything and thought: why not fit into this story? That's how my transformation began.

With Almaz Capital Partners on Nantucket Island, 2016

ยฉ Personal Archives of Alexander Galitsky

- Does cooperation, for example, with the sanctioned Vekselberg impose additional risks on you?

"Because of that, we didn't have any tension. The story is simple. There are clear rules that need to be followed. If the event has already come, the money taken earlier, remain in circulation, and new take can not. Let's say I started with a fund with ten people under sanctions. It is clear that such a miracle will not work in America or Europe, will die on the first day. If sanctions against the investor are imposed after the creation of the fund, we simply can not distribute the income earned by him. You need to fold them, and they will lie forever until they are allowed to take. But that's not our story.

"Okay, and the "Honest Sign" digital labeling system you're involved in with Alisher Usmanov and Rostec? This is, in fact, a state order, although you have always declared that you do not work for the state.

"There is not a rouble from the budget in the project. It is made with private money. The total cost is about two hundred billion - one hundred of ours and the same number of attracted. I discussed the project with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, with the International Monetary Fund, everyone likes it, because it can contribute to the growth of innovation in Russia. And socially the project is important not only for our state. Were it not for the sanctions problems and, as a result, the difficulties in cooperating with other countries, the experience could have been rolled out around the world, because it is in great demand.

It is beneficial for business, the state, and people.

For example, take the most acute problem related to drinking water. How to control the quality and identify an unscrupulous competitor, if one producer shakes from an artesian well, the second develops natural sources, and the third infuses chemistry into tap water? Taste qualities seem to be similar, and the effect is radically different.

Sick topic, you will agree.

And why do you think the idea of labeling was immediately supported by tobacconists? Russia receives a lot of counterfeiting, it is taken from the nearest geographical neighbors. The zR codes are a barrier to the "left-handed." Especially since they can be automatically printed on cigarette packs. While sticking excise stamps requires a 30 percent reduction in the speed of the pipeline.

The same problem applies to medicine, where both the social aspect and the issue of quality are equally important.

The categories where marking is introduced are defined by the state, making order in the cleanliness of the business. Nothing underground, everything should be taken into account in terms of tax payment, transparency of income.

Resistance is powerful. It is clear that not everyone likes the project, it threatens to destroy many illegal supply chains. The traceability of the goods will allow you to control the process from start to finish. And the middlemen, who are used to feeding, as they say, on the way, are out of business.

I mentioned the drugs. It is critical to be sure that the pharmacy sells you exactly the product, the name of which is indicated on the packaging.

Or take food. You can't write "Fresh Milk" if it's made from powder. These are different statuses in terms of price, quality, impact on the health of the buyer. The codes will allow you to label products and track any counterfeiting.

"Can't you fake your zR codes?" Gol on inventions is cunning, anything will smear ...

- Theoretically, everything in this life can be copied, the question is that the attacker in any case will be identified.

"Have you made a lot of enemies?"

I don't know, I don't know. At least I'm still unguarded. I've never seen the point.

Probably, the project of labeling goods we have crossed someone's path, we move away from the feeders, but it is necessary to restore order.

I believe that the production of medicines, baby food, soft drinks definitely needs a system of total tracking. As for resistance, I'm not used to it. We passed something similar when we launched the cash reform, which gave great benefit to the state. And then they put pressure on it, and today the country's statistics practically live on it. Even during a pandemic.

It was also an absolutely innovative story. The launch of the cash reform has given a start to many interesting projects. There was a kind of highly intelligent explosion, the birth of new verticals that can permeate the system from top to bottom.

"But where there is a state, there is often corruption.

Not on this topic. It is not possible on the markings. I used to think that business starts with interesting technology, then rethink and realized that the basis is a service, the need for a certain product. Then there are the technical tools and solutions that allow this to happen.

Product labeling is a chance to build startups. Let's say, why not create a "smart" first aid kit, where information will be collected about what kind of medicines a person has at home, how to take them correctly when the expiration date expires? All information is based on scanned codes. It's more convenient than reading a small-letter instruction

I repeat, innovation requires the right motivator. I am convinced that when the public-private partnership is launched, when a socially important task is solved, something new will appear.

It used to be budgetary funds invested in technology to solve state tasks - the same defense served as a driver of development. It's a different story now.

- Do you understand correctly that marking is one of your priority projects?

My trial balloon: will I be able to do something in Russia? I know I'm not allowed to do much today. I want to find what's allowed.

What's not for you here?

- I have already said that the charter of the Almaz Capital fund does not allow to invest in the Russian Federation.

Is Almaz Capital registered in the United States?

"No, our third fund, for example, is registered in Luxembourg. European investors asked to leave the Caymans. Typical story for multinational funds.

- Has the attitude towards the Russians changed much in recent years?

"Absolutely. After Crimea.

Landed in San Francisco, I was met by my son, we went to dinner with colleagues. We're coming, and they're already in the know. My partner, unfortunately, while I was flying, lifted everyone to their feet. It's a surprising coincidence that one of my friend's company board members is a former top lawyer for the U.S. National Security Agency. In 1997, it was the NSA that tried to deal with the VPN for the Windows environment that we developed and licensed, and then sold Sun Microsystems. A very visible, well-known personality. When he found out that the money transfer to the left account concerned me, he remembered the old story and tried to help. The transaction could be stopped only through unofficial channels, without a court report it is impossible to arrest the account.

The operation was blocked, then formal procedures were already made, the court...

Did you get the money back?

"Up to a penny. Less legal services.

With Almaz Capital in Italy, 2019

ยฉ Personal Archives of Alexander Galitsky


Sampling interviews without formalities in the design. We have work to do and we don't have time to draw.ย 

Eat beautifully. But we have no doubt that you, dear man, are a snitch.

RUCOMPROMAT Library encyclopedia of compromising evidence Toggle navigation To findย 

Galitsky Alexander 03/13/2020 Alisher Usmanov prepares the shoe industry for bankruptcy The flawed CRPT labeling system is starting to ruin small Russian companies. Chinese manufacturers will benefit. 23.08.2018 Alisher Usmanov, Sergey Chemezov and Alexander Galitsky will pick up the marking for the Russians The Center for the Development of Advanced Technologies controlled by them, which became the operator of the project without a competition, will spend 200 billion rubles in 15 years to always collect payments for each tagged product in Russia. 06/14/2018 Why does milk need a QR code In the near future, each package of dairy products may have its own QR code. It will allow consumers to track all movements of dairy raw materials from producer to supplier. 01/19/2018 The operator of the goods labeling system in Russia has a new minority shareholder RBC found a new partner with billionaire Alisher Usmanov and Rostec, who created the operator of the goods labeling system in Russia. This is Oksana Oreshina, who previously worked in the structures of Vladimir Shcherbakov, a cash reform lobbyist. 11/16/2017 The beneficiary of the product labeling reform could be a company associated with Usmanov and Rostec The government wants to give the goods control system to a private operator.


And this material for nudists lovers of marine underwater fishing ๐ŸŽฃ in the Suez Canal will be extremely interesting and useful ๐Ÿ‘‡


Pictured is China and also "EVERGREEN"-code name H.R. Clinton. The tractor with the container, as you know, could not have had another name.

Information on yachts and the Suez Canal will become even more interesting if you rewind the time a little and look at the previous geolocations of the Murdoch yacht Vertigo and its trail.

Evergreen Line, whose tanker recently successfully broke supply chains, helping the countries breaking their own anti-cancer blockades to organize the coming famine, and which is not written about by the company, distracting people from reality, is owned by the Swedish company Greencarrier, The CEO of which is Johan Jemdal, who worked in top management ericsson, the first company to launch commercial 5G networks on four continents (70 percent of the leading service providers evaluated in the global tests of public networks 4G, use radio communication and base bandwidth Ericsson, which are the key to 5G performance), as well as in the global telecommunications company and the flagship Investor AB, owned by the Venberg family.

And the owner of this yacht ๐Ÿ›ฅ Russian billionaire Igor Kesaev.ย 

๐Ÿ’‰๐ŸคกPski: "We will go door to door to Americans who have not been vaccinated."


Hopefully now you understand, Friends, why the container ship before getting stuck drew a dick.

Well, you can not trust anything that do not let all fail.ย 


Crocodile is not caught, does not grow coconut ๐Ÿฅฅย 

They cry, they pray to God, they do not feel any tears.ย 

They cry, they pray to God, they do not feel any tears.ย 

Crocodile is not caught, does not grow coconut ๐Ÿฅฅย 

It's not like slackers, and they could live,

They'd have Mondays, they'd take it and cancel ๐Ÿ˜ ,ย 

They'd have Mondays, take and cancel,ย 

It's not like slackers.

And could live ...

Part one or the beginning of the material, from the headline amount of claims does not change ๐Ÿ‘‡


For deeper and more sensually documentary insights into the subject, we invite our reader to immerse himself in the Editorial's Creative Collection on the theme of the Crown ๐Ÿ‘‘ of the Socialist Empire and familiarize ourselves with the material below โฌ‡๏ธย 





But do not live, constantly look for adventures on his ass. And the one who is always looking for it!ย 

With us laughs a little ๐Ÿค not falling from laughing at idiots - Yves Mayer, 1955.

Soyuz Ship Commander - Apolloย 

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