Murzilka 13. 

Murzilka 13. 

the mAGaziNe 'ObVIoUSly increDIblE'

... There are no punishments without guilt. He had just in time to deal with his women and do not throw the guns, where horrible, clear ... ?! ...

... in his passport it is not written that he is a bandit, but, on the contrary, it is written that he is a citizen, lives at some decent address ...

🇨🇳Electric money of the Central Bank of China, these signs may soon become the main global currency. If China, of course, bends American citizens and defeats the U.S. in the battle for south Korea through totalitarian vaccination and fake pandemics painted by the international bank until 2028 

The "SPARS PANDEMIC 2025-2028" simulation details the new coronavirus epidemic. 

What is the "PANDEMIC SPARS 2025-2028" simulator?

This is a new information attack on the world of 🗺 


SpaRS 2025-2028: a repeat of the 201 event?

"At the end of the day, the 4th industrial revolution will lead to the fusion of our physical, digital and biological identities." - Klaus Schwab, Founder and CEO of the World Economic Forum (WEF) Pandemic SPARS - 2025-2028 - Futuristic scenario for people reporting public health risks - Johns Hopkins Health Safety Center.

This 89-page document was supposedly written in 2017, two years before the infamous Event 201, which took place in New York city on October 18, 2019.

The 201 event was also sponsored by the Johns Hopkins Health Safety Center with the support of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) and the World Economic Forum (WEF). Among the participants were such well-known UN agencies as the World Health Organization (WHO), the World Bank, the IMF, UNICEF, the UN political body itself and many others.

The 201 event consisted mainly of a computer simulation of the SARS virus (severe acute respiratory syndrome), which struck China from 2002 to 2004, but was more dangerous in this simulation. The computer forecast, supposedly "killing" about 65 million people in 18 months, has destroyed the global economy and plunged all 193 UN member states into severe debt and social suffering. Hence the participation of the IMF, the World Bank, regional development banks, as well as representatives of the Fed, as "rescuers."

📹 Event 201 Pandemic Exercise: Highlights Reel .

Covid-19 was a well-planned epidemic, first declared by WHO as a public health emergency of international concern, or PHEIC (January 30, 2020), and by a pandemic on 11 March 2020, after the declaration of a pandemic, whether it is justified or not - the world or those who think they are betting on Mother Earth, have been given the green light to block and destroy the world - socially, economically and morally.

Now suddenly there is a new report, a new scenario: the SPARS pandemic. Why SPARS? - Because this fantastic story - purely hypothetical, as the article emphasizes - is based on an outbreak of the saric pneumonia virus in St. Paul, Minnesota. Thus - acute respiratory syndrome of St. Paul's spaRS. Of course, it doesn't stay in St. Paul, but by the way, it spreads everywhere - first heavily in the U.S., but then spreads boldly around the world - like the SARS-CoV-2, known as Covid-19.

Is this a new campaign of fear based on human health, the threat of death, our vulnerability - the inner attention of people - the game of self-centeredness - our personal well-being and will to live in all circumstances, to live in comfort and to constantly desire to maintain the status quo?

It is noteworthy that there are no references to SARS-CoV-2 or "Covid-19 - Great Reboot" in the document. This 89-page document was supposedly written about two years before the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. The benefit (that's what it is) comes again from the Johns Hopkins Health Safety Center and seeks to protect people from epidemics and disasters and build sustainable communities through innovative scholarships, collaborations, and research that strengthen organizations, systems, policies, and programs. necessary to prevent and respond to public health crises.

In their own words,

"The Johns Hopkins Health Safety Center (JHCHS) works to protect people from epidemics and natural disasters and build sustainable communities through innovative scholarships, collaborations, and research that strengthen the organizations, systems, policies, and programs needed to prevent and respond to public health. Crises. The center is part of the Bloomberg Johns Hopkins School of Public Health and is located in Baltimore, Maryland."

No mention of Bill Gates, the Rockefeller Foundation that actually created and funded both JHCHS and the Bloomberg School of Public Health.

No mention of the 2010 Rockefeller report, which details the various scenarios of health/disease/fear/fear and tyranny that humanity must face between 2020 and 2030, the most famous of which is the so-called "local step scenario" in which humanity around the world is so deeply and desperately entrenched and locked up today.

And, of course, no mention of the perfect match for the 2010 Rockefeller Report, the 2030 UN Agenda, and the "Covid-19 - The Great Reboot", written by Klaus Schwab, DIRECTOR General of the WEF. Their consistent concurrency is a coincidence?

According to Alex Jones, this is obviously an October 2017 Johns Hopkins document, SPARS, detailing Big Pharm's plans for global dominance. He says: "This document is the Holy Grail. The key to globalist victory." It uses different scenarios of warfare to make sure that they are "armed" for a variety of dynamic situations. 

🇺🇸 Tips for Negro #BLM: What to do if you are labeled by police officers with paint:

1) Wipe the paint in one direction with an alcohol strip until most of the color disappears.

2) Use a cotton round and simple green solution to clean the area profusely.

3) Change your clothes! You can wash this later, as there is nothing you can do on the go to remove the paint from your clothes. You need to change.

UV dye in pepper balls and water cannons is used to identify protesters for immediate arrest. It can be blue, orange. If you are covered with it from head to toe, consider finding a safe place to wash and dress up. 

🇺🇸Confidential document from 2015 detailing instructions given to rioters or organizers of their groups, including ways to physically attack police officers. Experts should know whose logo on the dowment, this thing "belongs" to Soros. 


Murzilka in 4 newscasts. 

🇺🇸🇨🇳Red statement by the FBI, which is made, as they say, is true and on the case: The Chinese government believes that it should lie and steal to surpass the U.S. in economic and technological leadership. His work, focused on American business, legislators, students, researchers and the public, requires the response of the whole society. 

⚠️ We've climbed well on the covid, for the first time in history reaching the price of his fortune of 200 billion dollars. 

While those who understand little about the world continue to worship new medical rules and blockages, poorer and less than the latest savings amid upcoming new lockouts, Jeff Bezos, the richest man in the world, has become richer than ever. Early on Wednesday, it crossed a mark previously unseen in nearly four decades that Forbes had tracked the net worth of assets: Given that Amazon shares were up 2 percent as of Wednesday afternoon, Bezos's net worth rose $4.9 billion, making the 56-year-old the world's first person to a stockpile of $200 billion.

As of 1:50 p.m. Eastern time on Wednesday, Amazon's founder and CEO was worth $204.6 billion, nearly $90 billion more than Bill Gates, the world's second richest man, who is currently worth $116.1 billion, whose medical advice, despite the fact that it has nothing to do with medicine, is for some reason listening to the world , and which also continues to get rich until you lose the last.

It should also be noted that the two men who made good money on what was called one of them the "Covid Pandemic" were very familiar with the paedophile, a fascist eugenic practitioner who had been saving his sperm and kept it in jars, paedophile Epstein - the contacts of both of them were in jeffrey's Black Book, who did not kill himself. 

🇺🇸Haos around the world and other nonsense was planned in the 70s of the last century. 

Perhaps, for those who do not understand what is happening now in the world, could at least clarify the exemplary words of a member of the tripartite commission, the commission on the formation of the New World Order, Richard Gardner, former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for International Organizations under Kennedy and Johnson, published in the April 1974 issue of the Council on Foreign Relations in an article titled "The Hard Road to World Order" :

"In short, the "house of the world order" will have to be built from the bottom up, not from top to bottom. It will look like a great "crashing, buzzing mess, using William James's famous reality description, but with the ultimate jog around national sovereignty destroying it piece by piece, it will achieve much more than an old-fashioned frontal attack."

We hope this will bring you closer to understanding what's going on.

Who can remember and know? 

Senator from Delaware

January 3, 1973 - January 15, 2009 , for example, it may well remember and know the details.

⚠️ In the time American cities burn while ALL economies sit on their knees with their impoverished population, Amazon, Google, Apple are consolidating their economic control over the world preparing to become Digital. Control will soon become total.

Now you know, Friends, that Pope Francis is showing the sign "Goat," Jesuit Mason and a member of the Rotary Club.

Weae one source makes the case for the fact that the covid is a global scam on a worldwide scale.

The online portal Piece of Mindful recently made a remarkable discovery that calls into question the entire procedure of testing on the covid. During research in the NCBI database for nucleotide sequences, the portal encountered information that shows that one of the WHO priming sequences in the PCR test for the SARS-Cov-2 virus is found in every human DNA. We are talking about an 18-digit sequence of primers "CTCCCTTGTGTGTGTGTGTGTGT."

The so-called priming sequences are amplyified by the PCR process to be detected and designated as a "positive test result," the portal explains. Purely by accident, of course, this 18-digit order turns out to be on Homo-Sapiens chromosome 8:

"As far as you can tell, this means that WHO test kits should get results in all people. Can anyone explain it in a different way?" 

Masks dropped

 Never before have the globaloids removed the mask so obviously. Now no one is hiding. Everything is open. A few selfish globalists gloat about the secret creation of a world government, and now the entire New World Order, the entire global system, is working in unison - the IMF, World Bank, UN, European Union, and the British royal family are talking about the "Great Reset / Reset" or "New normality. "

 The Great Reset / Reset (TGR) is an “initiative” that was put forward, presumably by the World Economic Forum. They argue that TGR is a response to the outbreak of "COVID-19", which with each passing day looks more and more like some kind of fantastical in its scale scam. In fact, Friends, those you called the foil-hat schizoboomers were right; the whole planet is deceived. Of course, the virus is real, but, of course, it is not what they describe it to you from every iron.

 Every government (except, perhaps, only Belarus) has done absolutely nothing to prevent the spread of covid, welcoming it with open arms or open borders, as the case may be. Now that the virus has spread all over the world and hit someone's countries with stupid blockages, the ultragloboids have infiltrated there with some strange New Word Order solutions.

 "Order out of chaos", the motto of the 33rd degree of Freemasonry.

 They are using the Chinese bat virus to move into a new phase of the New World Order. This entails everything they are currently promoting, racial chaos, LGBT people (with a special emphasis on trans), fake environmental nonsense with climate change, mass migration, human rights, etc., etc. . and many other

 One of the main differences today from previous times is that they are now talking about the "Fourth Industrial Revolution", which obviously indicates the large-scale introduction of artificial intelligence, 5G and the transition from capitalism to some kind of global communism, whereby all means of production will be centralized in the hands of a tiny technocratic elite. Covid interlocks contribute greatly to this by completely destroying the middle class as a species.

 You can of course argue that this is "not real communism" and that communism is the workers who own the means of production. And you will be “technically correct”. But that's not how communism works in reality. It has never been implemented in this way, and never will be. Communism is when a small gang of rootless cosmopolitans trick workers into killing the elites of their race or ethnic group and replacing them with rootless cosmopolitans belonging to a foreign ethnic group. It's just a sneaky way to demographically replace the elite of the population with themselves. This is why communism has always been supported by international finance.

 Basically, the global elite is striving for a way out of neoliberal capitalism, and they certainly come out of this stupid and cozy nonsense. This exit is on its way, and it helped to distract the plebs while the globulars were doing what they needed to do.

 They are moving to a global digital currency, which will undoubtedly be linked to some kind of "social credit" system, for example, in China. Remember: China has been under their control ever since their Skull and Bones puppet Mao made his revolution.

 Regarding transhumanism, they have not explicitly stated that it is on the agenda, but they are hinting at it. This is a long-standing and perennial goal of the New World Order team with its bizarre kabbalistic goals. Julian Huxley, brother of Aldous Huxley and the first Director of UNESCO, was the first to use the word "transhumanism" in his book New Bottles for New Wine. He was also a eugenicist who denied the existence of race and contributed to the writing of various UN Race Declarations that laid the foundation for modern racial denial on a global scale. Anyway, they've been in the business of merging "man with machine" for a long time, and it's 100% occult in nature. Their ultimate game is to "fix the world" ("Tikkun Olam") by bringing "paradise" as they call it to Earth. But from a Christian point of view, this is the challenge of the antichrist. Sorry, that was a pretty shitty explanation of what was going on, but everything you need to know is in the picture below.

 “For all practical social purposes, 'race' is not so much a biological phenomenon as a social myth ... The unity of mankind, both from a biological and a social point of view, is paramount. To recognize this and act accordingly is the first requirement of a modern person "- J. Huxley

 The last important aspect of the Great Reset (or New Normal) is the governance of the world, which they are now talking about openly. In fact, the world government already exists, it is simply disguised, only talking heads and their puppets are visible. They plan to step out from behind the scenes and move from covert world control to open world control. Remember: the New World Order was founded before the end of World War II

 🔹They are moving from capitalism to some strange global communism.

 🔹They are implementing a global digital currency that is likely to be pegged to some kind of social lending system like China's.

 🔹They are adopting transhumanism, which will also be tied to social credit, microchipping and global digital currency.

 On this topic:

 🔹 Agenda 21

 🔹Great Reset (World Economic Forum)

 🔹Great Reset Summit to be held in 2021 (i.e. Agenda 21)

 🔹 The Davos Manifesto, a plan to lead the Fourth Industrial Revolution

 🔹Globalization 4.0

 🔹World Economic Forum "Our Mission"

 🔹Some information about Julian Huxley

 👉Also, search Friends, Doctors Deepstate and Apollonian Germ on YouTube for a more accurate understanding of what's going on. Robert Seper's 1666 is also worth reading.

 As the COVID-19 “pandemic” continues, masks are now being touted as the “new normal” and they have become an expected part of social interaction and daily life. People gave up the illusion that this will pass quickly. Social distancing and masks have become a requirement for working, buying and selling, and being in most public places so that you don't get kicked out, fired, or at least rude. Anyone who knows that the coronavirus is mostly a hoax is forced to abide by these rules so as not to face the consequences. The symbolism of masks as a precursor to the mark of the beast or the reality of medical malpractice, false diagnoses and mortality rates will not matter to the employer, as fear of legal action or punishment from higher authorities replaces any conscious decision made in leadership positions.

 Masks are a public display of concern, and it means believing in the cult of progress and ultimately the value of transhumanism and submission to it. The human face is a means of interacting with the world; if this is removed, it deprives the person of his God-given identity and erases the distinction between personal and impersonal interaction. This robs us of the ability to truly recognize a person as a soul - and instead view them as a potential danger. In addition, the mask demoralizes the wearer, and the constant reminders of it either make the person fearful of the virus or, if he is more skeptical, become aware of the power of the deep state.

 The blocking will never "end". They will continue to grow as people voluntarily surrender their rights and dignity for the sake of comfort and safety. The purpose of these prohibitions is not protection, but the usurpation of power. The only solution proposed by the elite, who is imposing these rules, is to wait for the vaccine, and until then comply with the increasingly stringent rules designed to break us in preparation for our final submission to their system. Anything else is not allowed.

 The World Economic Forum has publicly announced its plans to use COVID-19 as an excuse for a "Great Reset" to unleash what they call "the fourth industrial revolution." Technology leaders and economic elites have worked to leverage the 5G network to implement mass surveillance, automate most jobs and introduce universal basic income, masking their intentions to bring global homogenization and communism into a façade of "progress" and "quality of life." With staged riots, government incentives to kill healthy patients in hospitals, and disenfranchisement and alienation amid national isolation, the technocratic elite is desperate to grab as much power as possible and establish themselves as global rulers.

 Bill Gates' ID2020 program is working on a digital identity system that works in tandem with his other project, Gavi, as well as Trust Stamp and Mastercard, to create a global system where your medical records are stored in a biometric database containing your identity. Along with that, this year Microsoft patented a buy and sell microchip implant with the number 060606 that uses biometrics to mine cryptocurrency while you work. How eerily similar to a concept written about 2000 years ago in the Apocalypse! To top it all off, the House of Representatives passed legislation, also insolently numbered “HR-6666,” and calls for a mass surveillance system to track all citizens and tag people who may have coronavirus by using people's mobile phones to track their movements.

 The next stage of globalism includes:

 - tax on climate change

 - AI / 5G / mass robotics

 - transhumanism

 - one world currency

 - "open control" of the World

 - "The Fourth Industrial Revolution"

 The NWO is a carefully planned and organized operation with a very clear eschatological end goal.

 That is why you see that different people come out with ridiculous nonsense, for example, claiming that Russia and China are anti-Zionist and so on.

 "New World Order" means a new world order, it does not mean a new order that applies only to America and the West.

 Elites use AI to "simulate an intelligent world," to test policies, measures, locks before they launch them, to make sure the population responds the way they want.

 The Synthetic Analysis and Simulation Framework, or SEAS, was developed to help Fortune 500 companies.

🇺🇸Baroness Filipe de Rothschild (November 22, 1933-August 23, 2014) oversees the assassination of John F. Kennedy

What can you say to all this 🖕show?

Listen, it will blow everyone up if you don't get the epidemics!

🇺🇸The notorious for his vaccine failures in Africa and India, from where he was expelled after his life, and where more than 450,000 children were maimed, Gates took up atomic energy.

Here's Bill Gates's next project, which, like his other projects, aims to address climate change and what he calls "saving the planet." In a report released on Thursday, Reuters first reported on a new campaign by Gates-controlled TerraPower LLC (Gates is chairman of the board of directors) to build commercial nuclear power plants called "Natrium" in the United States. The project will focus on the Pacific Northwest, where Gates has enlisted the support of three major utilities in the region, including PacifiCorp, owned by Berkshire Hathaway (Gates' best friend Warren Buffett is willing to help).

By mid-century, "we will see hundreds of these reactors around the world that will solve many different energy challenges," said Chris Levesque, President and CEO of TerraPower. "The 345 megawatt power plants will be cooled by sodium and will cost about $1 billion each, and sophisticated technologies will enable the introduction of nuclear energy in countries that do not have these resources." 

The Gates Foundation has already received affection from the press (because Gates owns the press) to experiment with its public health initiatives, which have only significantly and totally worsened, rather than improved the situation in poor countries. There is no doubt that his nuclear initiative will receive media approval. But when it comes to privatized nuclear plants, the mistakes that Gates has consistently made in the health field, sending his vaccines to the light and maiming an immeasurable number of people/children, will be much more significant and can destroy our Earth. One failure - and he will go to the tartare, taking with him the whole Planet. 

It's time to stop this guy before he deprives us of our Planet, Friends.

🇺🇸The emails were once leaked to John Podesta, a friend of the Clintons and her former adviser in her presidential campaign.

From Whom:

To: John. date: 03/09/2015:18:17

Subject: Dude, I miss you

-The next three months will be more difficult domestically than in Beijing. There's no fun between the 7th and 1600s. I hope you're okay. I'm dreaming of your hot dog kiosk in Hawaii.

⚠️ Did not have time to meet in the heads of plebs what plebs called "conspiracy theories", namely, mass scandals with the trafficking of children through the Internet, with the arrests of paedophiles in Germany, with the disclosure of Gates' involvement in the paedophile activities of Epstein and much more, as in Australia, one of the countries so "Five Eyes", again erupts paedophile scandal.

Nine News Perth reporter Kelly Hywood says a paedophile sex fraternity and more than 140 underage victims have been found in a major police operation in Western Australia. Eleven people were reportedly detained after a series of raids.

Whether the show's host, winner of 11 Emmy Awards, 58-year-old Ellen DeGeneres, has not been involved in paedophilia. 

🇺🇸What is pale...

The host of the show's own name, winner of 11 Emmy Awards for "The Ellen DeGeneres Show", host of two Academy Awards ceremonies, 58-year-old Ellen DeGeneres, who was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom, which was awarded by Barak Hussain, was asked an uncomfortable question on social media:

-Hey, Ellen... Why does your screensaver look like Epstein Island? #Epsteindidntkillhimself 

Again, this time mark is 666. 

Another interesting coincidence. If we take for granted the truth that four out of five letters in the name "COVID-19" are actually Roman numerals, and one of them is as code as ASCII (American standard code for information exchange), then we are again, Friends, as with the address of the laboratory at Wuhan WuXi AppTec at 666 Goaxin Road, funded by gates/Soros, as well as gates' patent with "666" number 060606, as in the case of the House of Representatives, are also brazenly numbered "HR-6666" (creating a mass surveillance system), we run into three sixes. 

The Roman number "C" is 100, V'5, I-1 and D 500. According to the ASCII codes, O is shown as 79. If you add up those numbers to 100, 79, 5, 1 and 500, we get 685. Taking into account the fact that the number 19 is negative in the name "COVID-19" we will subtract "-19" from the received 685. It turns out 666. Perhaps in this way even reality tells us the place of History, where we are now and what the trait of humanity is worth. 

US Patent for Coronavirus Patent (Patent # 10,130,701 issued November 20, 2018)

1986. This Dutch newspaper refers to a chicken and a vaccine that fights coronavirus but causes a new disease as a result of a mutation under the influence of the carpetvirus vaccine.

Surprising conclusion of the University of Utrecht : The vaccine against coronavirus causes new diseases.

"The vaccine really controls the disease,. but it's in the vaccine itself. The vaccine is also likely to cause a new virus that will appear within two to three years. We are talking about a live virus that is able to change its new vaccine genetic material and actually incorporate genetic material from there... In this way, it can form a whole new virus..."

There's a veil of silence about chipping, Gates, ID2020 and everything that's going to happen. 

The Italian MP was talking about chips, Gates, electronic education, juvenile. 

Have you ever wondered why Chelsea Clinton, who was married in a satanic temple, openly professed Satanism and wore an upside-down crucifix on her neck, was on the board of trustees for a contact tracing group funded by Bill Gates and George Soros? 

Have you ever wondered why the microsoft creator escaped responsibility for more than 50,000 deaths and 200,000 disabled Indian children made possible after his vaccination in India?

Have you ever wondered why the digital brand, which does not just assign AI to each person, changes its name to numbers, despite the fact that it was condemned by the Nuremberg Process, continues to exist in our world. 

Have you ever thought, Friends, that Gates is guilty of crimes against humanity and is essentially a crypto-virtual fascist? 

But one of the Italian deputies is seriously concerned about this issue and today he called on the President of Italy to unite against Bill Gates, that he would not be able to carry out his global coup, which is possible for the same reason, why it is possible to be a digital brand, despite his condemnation.

Hobbes said that absolute power does not come from imposing from above, but from the choice of individuals who feel more protected, giving up their own freedom and giving it to a third party. In doing so, you're going to anaesthetize your minds with tainted media, disinfectant and NLP words like "regime," "allow" and "ban" to the point where you can regulate our emotional connections and feelings.

Thus, Phase 2 is nothing more than the execution/continuation of Phase 1. You just changed the name, as you did with the European Stability Mechanism (ESM). We have already realized that people certainly do not die from this virus alone. Thus, people will be allowed to die and suffer for other reasons, thanks to you and your laws - because of suffering and poverty - and, as in the "best" regimes, the blame will be only on the citizens.

You take away our freedom and say that's what we asked for. Divide and govern. Our children, raped by the so-called "guarantor of their rights", will lose even more raped DOEs (juvenile-Italian coordination of services to combat child abuse).

Thus, the right to school will be granted only to those with a bracelet to get used to, to get used to slavery - forced conversion into slavery and virtual enslavement. All this in exchange for a scooter and a tablet. All to satisfy the appetites of the financial capitalist, the driving force of which is a conflict of interest, a conflict well represented by WHO, the main financier of which is a well-known "philanthropist and savior of the world": BILL BESETS.

Now we all know that.

Bill Gates in 2018 predicted a pandemic modeled in October 2019 at an event called "Event 201" in conjunction with Davos, Switzerland. For decades, Gates has worked on depopulation and dictatorial control plans, global politics, and efforts to gain superiority in agriculture, technology and energy. 

Gates said: If we work vaccines, health and reproduction, we can reduce the world's population by 10-15%, only genocide can save the world. 

With his vaccines Gates managed to sterilize millions of women in Africa, Gates has caused a polio epidemic that has paralyzed 500,000 children in India, and so far with the Gates vaccine causes more deaths than the disease itself, and does the same with his sterilizing GMOs developed by Monsanto and "generously donated to them."

All the while, he's already thinking about distributing "quantum tattoos" to recognize vaccines and mRNA vaccines as tools for reprogramming our immune system.

In addition, Gates also does business with several multinational corporations that own 5G facilities in the U.S., and is at the same table with all the deep state of the Italian spill:

SANFOI together with GLAXO (pharma) are friends of Ranieri, Guerra, Riccardi and a well-known virologist, and we pay 2,000 euros every 10 minutes for their presentations on Italian television.

SANFOI and GLAXO sign agreements with medical societies to introduce future physicians, ridiculing their independence of judgment and their oath.

High-tech multinationals such as Roman Mechanical Engineering, which is associated with the noble Mantoan, or bending spoons of Pisano (advertising campaigns for companies) are designed to monitor and manage our personal medical records under the European Agenda ID 2020, an electronic identification system that aims to use mass vaccination to create a digital ID platform. 

ID 2020 is a continuation of data transmission to IBM, which was started by Renzi, who in 2016 made a huge contribution to the global Gates Foundation (and Mellinda Gates), increasing its funding by 30 percent.

In the deep state (Italian bottling) there are aspen people, such as the Saxon Colao, who were paid 800 euros per hour for their reports - reports that had no scientific review and subsequently defined politics as the policy of "General Bilderberge" while holding away from the battlefield.

The list is long, very long.

The list also includes Arcuri's Mediatronic and many others.

The Italian contribution to the International Alliance Against Coronavirus will amount to 140 million euros, of which 120 million will be transferred to the GAVI Alliance, a "non-profit organization" established by the Gates Foundation. 

This is only part of the 7.4 billion the EU has received to "search for a vaccine" against coronavirus, a vaccine that Gates said would be used. 

Of course, there is no money for preventive treatment, which has a side effect, because it is very cheap (for example, preventive use of drugs such as ivermectin and chloroquine, which condition blood and prevent infection in the future with only one dose) - no money. There is no money for prevention, real prevention, which takes into account our culture, our food and our ability to move freely in the environment.

The real purpose of all this is total control. 

Absolute domination over all people who will be turned into guinea pigs and slaves who have no sovereignty and free will. All this is thanks to gimmicks and deceptions disguised as political compromises, while they break the Nuremberg Code with involuntary obligations, fines and deportation through facial recognition and intimidation, supported by dogmatic "scientism" that will be protected by our "multi-president" Republic, which represents the real cultural disease of this country.

We, the people, will turn the lights of resistance in such a way that it will be impossible to suppress all of us. I ask you, the leader (of parliament), to be our representative, who will give advice to President Conte: "Next time you receive a phone call from "philanthropist" Bill Gates, send him directly to the International Criminal Court for his crimes against humanity. If you don't do it for us, tell us who we should consider you, a "friendly lawyer" who takes orders from a criminal."

Thank you 🙏 

Is it to remember the famous question "Once you are a liar, who will believe you?", which everyone considers biblical, although in fact it is the 74th aphorism from the collection "The Fruits of Reflection" by Kozma Prutkov.

However, these rakes come throughout human history, which is proved by the saying of the ancient Romans "Mendax in uno, mendax in omnibus" - "Liar in one lies in everything."

ℰ𝒹𝓂ℴ𝓃𝒹 𝒟𝒶𝓃𝓉ℯ𝓈

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