'The Chek 🧾 Club' Documentary Tale in several chapters of the same block.

'The Chek 🧾 Club' Documentary Tale in several chapters of the same block.

the mAGaziNe 'ObVIoUSly increDIblE'

Today we stopped for a walk on The Isla del Coco, the largest uninhabited island in the Pacific Ocean. It is a territory of Costa Rica, is part of the province of Puntrenas, located 360 miles (600 km) from the west coast of the country. The nearest archipelago is the Galapagos Islands a few hundred miles to the southwest. 


5°31′08″ с. ш. 87°04′18″

There is no such amount in order to solve such a question 👇🖕

Our Editorial Club creates the conditions for informing, meeting and communicating its members. The club offers discounts on products and services on airbrushing to its members. The club is ready to act as an information partner of airbrushing activities.

Become a member of our club. 

The outbreak of coronavirus is a depopulation event. They move within their goals and plans quite successfully.

We will continue to observe the misunderstanding of some part of the world's population of the seriousness and global danger of fake 2019-nCoV, which convinces the media, telling, despite the connections to the problem of the military, the announcement of a planetary emergency and other, about the innocence of the new coronavirus, which according to these same media is not dangerous flu. 

In this regard, it is necessary to warn that in addition to the stated consequences of the New Baron of the "coronavirus" virus including hunian pneumonia, there are other serious consequences of infection, which so far in the hearing no one wants to talk 🗣.

In a rush to foil a conspiracy of silence regarding this as yet unconfirmed aspect of the effects of the fake coronavirus, and in the hope of persuading people to take their health more seriously and to follow personal hygiene rules with particular care, we present to you the findings of one recent study 2019-nCoV, which states that the virus can reduce/destroy male fertility, despite the cure, and despite the mild symptoms, and which we, for the convenience of the reader, will present as a selective quote from the report on the virus and its effects on the body: 

"... the expression of protein and ACE2 mRNA in the testicles is the highest in the entire body. Moreover, both cells, intestinal ducts, and Leydig cells showed high levels of ACE2 expression. These results indicate that testicular cells are potential targets for 2019 -nCoV... because of the potential pathogenicity of the virus for testicular tissues, clinicians (doctors) should pay attention to the risk of testicular damage in patients during hospitalization and subsequent clinical follow-up, especially when assessing and appropriate intervention in the fertility of young patients.

Of course, these facts may leave someone indifferent to the problem, but we have read this study, we have received superfluous evidence of the man-made outbreak of coronavirus 2019 -nCoV in Wahni and another confirmation that, most likely, the outbreak is nothing more than a deeply conspiratorial depopulation event. 




As many already know, both Madonna and Tom Hanks are due to the coronavirus COVID19 found in their body in quarantine. We have already written about not only our assumption that probably Tom, Madonna, Trudeau, who is also in quarantine, are arrested and imprisoned, and their online access is only intended to preserve for the time being the appearance that nothing has changed.


It seems that the typewriters are given to Madonna and Hanks, so that they can not self-destruary to avoid leaks about their arrest, and their typewritten texts are carefully checked before publication, scanned by some feinreader, and after that published on their Instagram to create the appearance that nothing is happening to successfully confirm the arrests of the deep state. Although maybe it's just our erotic hallucinations and some more creative personalities 

Why in this period of time quite long (15-20 days ), Louise went on the air from an unusual room with dark lighting and no video there are no modern gadgets (computer / phone 📱) as usual phone 📱 always hangs on the brow on Louise's neck? 

Now you understand why there are so many quarantine camps, the bulk of which are located on military bases, in terms of coronavirus distribution in America?



We were aware of the upcoming February outbreak of COVID-19 in Italy back in January 2020, long before its informational appearance and official statements of an Ethiopian official from WHO and the heads of state of the world (they call themselves politicians).

On February 29, 2020, one of our insiders shared with us information about the meaning of the coVID-19 special operation in Italy and what it really is. 

What is important to know is that we received this message on January 31, before the outbreak in Italy, and until now we have not dared to publish it. The time has come. Meanwhile, our source, who has high-ranking insiders, told about the outbreak in Italy back in January, and, moreover, explained that it will be artificial, and that her organization will be associated with as if with exercises to respond to the bio-threat:

I'm kind of glad I didn't say anything about this two days ago when I was tempted to send a message, but I knew about it beforehand. I decided not to post on Tuesday that WHO was about to declare a global emergency, but I still had mixed feelings and now I cannot be easily identified (de-anonymous), so I will let you know now that this is much worse than that. what you are told. I will preface this by saying that I work in finance and have friends and family in the medical industry and the field, including the US Department of Health and one close friend at WHO.

 For starters, Ro is actually about 6, not 3. Secondly, in its current form, it is somewhat more deadly, if you think you are being told, because China hides many deaths, passing them off as heart attacks, pneumonia, kidney failure, all kinds of official reasons to hide the real numbers. The US Department of Health and WHO are well aware of this. Currently, epidemiologists estimate that China has exceeded 120,000 infections, and that they reached 100,000 more than a week ago. All they know for sure is that China definitely had at least 120,000 cases by Tuesday.

 There are very high-level investors who silently leave [the market] ahead of time. Travel and tourism, hospitality and services are just the most immediate and obvious things that investors are leaving from. Manufacturing is also about to take a wild ride. The only "safe" industries to invest in right now are biomedical industries and plastics, oddly enough. Virtually every other industry will be hit by a massive blow, and everyone is trying to do it as quietly as possible before insider trading information is revealed, but it is even more important not to panic.

 This is why all this is hidden. From their point of view (WHO, US Department of Health, investors), no matter how serious the disease is, panic is always worse. This is also the reason why many economists downplay the problem or outright lie to you and will do so in the next year or two.

 In the coming months, the infection will appear all over the world, in every major metropolitan center on earth, by the end of May. The US Department of Health (CDC) and WHO predict 60,000 to 2 million deaths by early summer. Again, they play down this under their assumptions, as they believe they can stop the infection in every major urban area.

 And now the worst part. They expect this thing to mutate further. This is data from an Australian laboratory. The virus has a very high propensity to mutate into a highly lethal form, and the WHO predicts the likelihood that if it reaches certain bat populations in Brazil, the lethality could jump to 15%. This means that the minute you hear about the virus in Rio or elsewhere in Latin America, you need to immediately make sure that you have a monthly supply of food, drink, etc., because it will kill many millions of people. ... As for the people who constantly deal with such numbers, this is not the main thing, and they are more concerned about lying to you that things are not so bad, because their calculations are such that more people will die of hysteria about infection with this nCoV.

 They are also well aware of the fact that most countries, in particular the United States, do not have the potential for this level of pandemic overvoltage. This means that hespital have a certain threshold, that is, a sufficiently massive catastrophe can immediately render medical efforts useless. All of Hubei has already reached and surpassed the peak capacity of Chinese hospitals a week ago. Currently, most of the major Chinese cities are already overstretched in this regard.

 This is a highly virulent disease, the spread of which is currently assessed as insurmountable in a bad, but not worst scenario. Panic is already starting in the markets. Chinese markets have not yet opened, so this will be a major shock next week.

Some are already talking about how "problematic" it is to model the Chinese answer in Western countries, and the first person who wants to do so is Italy. The first country that wants to simulate the response to the outbreak is Italy. It will be a flash in one of the major Italian cities. They want to work through the Italian authorities and global health organizations to start blocking Italian cities in a vain attempt to slow the spread of the virus, at least until they can develop and distribute vaccines, which, incidentally, are where you need to start investing.

Not just a bad, but also a terrible scenario is that they can not contain it, and that it also mutates in South America. It will be much, much worse than the Spanish flu if it happens and it will completely destroy the world economy. I'm not saying we should panic. I just think it's a really crappy thing - don't share this information with the public because they arrogantly think we're all irrational and shouldn't be informed like them. 

But with that said, it is impossible to stop what is happening to the markets. Because if you're at a crowded concert and the fire starts, it makes more sense to quietly leave the building before anyone finds out what's going on and then shout "fire, save yourself". 

Just remember the main thing: Brazilian and other South American cities. If it spreads too much there, and they can't be contained, then we're all screwed. Even if that doesn't happen, tens of millions of people are likely to be infected, and possibly hundreds of millions over the next year or two.

Look, I don't care if you believe me or not, I'm not going to specifically name those of my close friends and family members who work for WHO and CDC and thus violate the media blocking. I'm also not going to publish the name or photos of the stationary broker I work with, in this case not because of this, but because I don't want to be fired for publishing. 

I've already received warnings about misuse of the company's time and resources, so I'm sending this message from home. I just feel a bit of guilt, not to mention it. 

WHO and others are now trying quietly, I think surgically, you would call it a slow news report, to put the Pandemic on the agenda. You will notice how long it took them to publicly declare a state of emergency.

Epidemiologists and people in the medical profession are now quietly going crazy. They are also most likely to become infected and then possibly infect their loved ones, so I don't blame them.

Don't expect official figures to be published by the world health authorities about the truth in China any time soon. Maybe even until what happens is over. What you're going to see is a huge number of human-to-person messages across the West over the next three weeks.

You have no idea how many of my assets I have already invested in euros. The U.S. will be particularly hard hit. People will start to pour into the streets because they are too afraid of bills from doctors, our capabilities are absolutely terrible, our government agencies are not coordinated enough, there is no possibility of quarantine, and deaths from nCoV will pale in comparison to civil unrest from attempts to impose martial law. 

When it comes to investments, I feel sorry for the hoteliers, restaurateurs and guys now investing in airlines. I told you, it's all about plastic and honey, putting in which now you'll be damn rich, using even a small contribution. 

We acted humanely then and did not offend our source with a clear definition: moron. We have been silent, because it is almost impossible to convince such self-confident unsouthers. 

Do you really believe that this is how epidemics begin? 

The Washington Post

"We unequivocally condemn any action by China to expel American journalists. The decision of the Chinese Government is particularly regrettable because it was taken at the height of an unprecedented global crisis, when clear and reliable information on the international response to COVID19 is needed. The severe restriction of the flow of this information, which China is now seeking, only makes the situation worse." Marty Baron, Editor-in-Chief.

Justia Patents Coronaviridae (e.g., Neonatal Calf Diarrhea Virus, Feline Infectious Peritonitis Virus, Canine Coronavirus, Etc.) US Patent for Coronavirus Patent (Patent # 10,130,701)

DISCLAIMER: Coronavirus is a broad name for a family of viruses. This patent is NOT for the new COVID-19 virus and The Pirbright Institute does not currently work with human coronaviruses. If you share this patent online, be aware you are in fact sharing a separate patent for avian infectious bronchitis virus and porcine delta-coronavirus. This is not a patent for the new COVID-19 virus.



The present invention provides a live, attenuated coronavirus comprising a variant replicase gene encoding polyproteins comprising a mutation in one or more of non-structural protein(s) (nsp)-10, nsp-14, nsp-15 or nsp-16. The coronavirus may be used as a vaccine for treating and/or preventing a disease, such as infectious bronchitis, in a subject.



Attenuated African swine fever virus vaccine

Stabilised FMDV capsids

Stabilised FMDV Capsids

Chicken cells for improved virus production

Skip to: Description · Claims · References Cited · Patent History · Patent History



Medical professionals behave like bots and refuse medical care to a three-year-old because his mother is medically exempt from wearing a mask.

 They ignore the mother of the child, as if they are not people, but ignorant and ill-mannered animals. It is not clear how Mama managed to maintain her composure and remain sane in such a situation. Sometimes I think that everything that's going on now is really some kind of show 👇


One Actor's Theatre

Life has turned into a theatre 🎭 

Interaction, live, direct communication thing fundamentally role-playing, and only in private, to itself speaking, the face gave way to presence.

In general, to keep even a small, but constant, serious, thoughtful, experienced audience of the reader and write so that you read, not only somehow reacted, is not easy.

Good, readers friends, thank you benevolence, do not exchange for gossip and trivia, resentment or quarrels, and it is really mega-value!

Jacques Attali's Open Conspiracy Is Being Implemented."A new form of totalitarian society is created by medicine"


An interesting article about the chimer virus, created in 2015 and certainly only for good purposes. 

The emergence of severe acute respiratory syndrome, coronavirus (SARS-CoV) and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) -CoV highlights the threat of interspecies vector-borne events leading to human outbreaks. Here we study the potential of SARS-like virus, SHC014-CoV, which is currently circulating in populations of Chinese horseshoe bats. 

Using the SARS-CoV reverse genetics system, the authors created a chimerous virus that expresses the peak of the bat coronavirus SHC014 in the mouse-adapted SARS-CoV. The results show that group 2b viruses encoding SHC014 spike in the wild type can effectively use several orthologists of the human angiotensin-transforming enzyme II receptor SARS (ACE2), effectively replicated in the primary cells of the human respiratory tract and reach the credits in vitro equivalent to the epidemic strains of SARS-CoV.

Who did not understand scientists because of the threat of epidemics due to coronavirus (SARS-CoV) and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) -CoV created the chimera virus to study it and cope with the possible threat of the spread of the above two viruses. 

Coronavirus MERS

"The results demonstrate the ability of the surface protein SHC014 to bind and infect human cells, confirming concerns that the virus - or other coronaviruses found in bat species - may be able to make the jump to humans without prior development in the intermediate host," the paper also states. 

"If the virus breaks out, no one can predict the trajectory," Simon Wayne-Hobson, a virologist at the Pasteur Institute in Paris, told Nature.


Meanwhile, in some cities of China on the streets appeared not that nurses in the special. suits and with guns, not that the military in the costumes of the paramedics 👇

And this is a reality 👇If those living behind high fences still do not understand anything, namely: the fence is an obstacle only for degenerates - hooligans, then we will not be able to help you. 











And this is a reality 🖕If those living behind high fences still do not understand anything, namely: the fence is an obstacle only for degenerates - hooligans, then we will not be able to help you. 

March 2020. 

Speaking at a rally at the Florida Fairgrounds in Tampa on Tuesday, U.S. President Donald Trump made the bizarre, to say the least, statement that shoppers must show photo ID to buy any groceries. Addressing thousands of his supporters, Trump insisted on tightening voting laws and said that photo ID is required to make purchases in markets.

"Only American citizens should vote in American elections, which is why it's time for voter ID, as for everything else, voter ID. If you go and want to buy groceries, you need a picture on the card, you need an ID card. You go and want to buy something, you need an ID card and your picture. In this country, you don't need it only when you vote for president, when you want to vote for a senator, when you want to vote for governor or congressman. It's just crazy," Trump said. 


📹 USA: Trump claims photo ID needed to 'buy groceries' 

During her show yesterday, Laura Ingraham showed a video in which President Trump admitted that he was advised to take his harshest measures in response to the outbreak of "two very smart people" who entered his office and urged him to lock the economy, otherwise 2.2 million Americans would die.

President Trump: The big prediction is that 2.2 million people will die if we don't do anything. It was another decision we made to close. It was a big decision we made. Two very smart people came into my office and said, look, these are your alternatives. And it was predicted that 1.5 to 2.2 million people would die if we didn't close. That's a lot of people.

If we speculate who these "two very smart people" were advising Trump to take action, it's obvious to us that these are the same "experts" who say we're all going to die from "climate change" and related panic tales, and that a man can be a woman. Given that Trump has listened to them, it's clear that "Two very smart people" that President Trump was talking about are Dr. Fauci and Dr. Deborah Brix, who at yesterday's briefing said that "you have to have symptoms to get tested," even though she said a few days ago that if people die who have symptoms of a coid, they should be considered to be dead from a coronavirus. even if they were never tested on COVID19. Apparently, according to Deborah, all the other viruses causing breathing problems have disappeared from the planet. 

The governor of Minnesota went further than Brix and Fauci, who advised Trapu to kill the economy, and said that the peak of coronavirus is "forecast" in June, but at the same time, he is also looking forward to the fall explosion. Apparently, the left wants there to be no end to it.

Hopefully, now you understand what the COVID-19 pre-programmed Dummies were for, connected to the ventilator on March 30 at the Emergency Department in New York City, while the ventilators were waiting and stated that they were missing from Dr. Collin Smith of Elmhurst, queens, who told The New York Times, "We don't have the tools we need."

In general, it remains unclear to us how the ventilator could be delivered five hours later than the photo was taken (see above), where the ventilator is already in place and already connected, however, not to people, but to mannequins.

All the participants of the scene are dead, the viewer sees a round window into the world of "pitecanthropes" who died in their lifetime. This is Bosch's verdict: stupidity is tantamount to the death of the human soul.


In general, it remains unclear to us how the ventilator could be delivered five hours later than the photo was taken (see above), where the ventilator is already in place and already connected, however, not to people, but to mannequins.

The inscription on the poster on the wall: "Don't eat not to drink next to mannequins."

We also hope that you understand and realize that the daily revisions of numbers on coronavirus and "models" of its distribution are similar to the game in the stock market, where all trades are independent of anything (if you do not have reliable insider information), and are based on rumors, emotions, influences, manipulations and other things. No one sets data points for the future, everyone is just predicting possible data points for the future, always racing for real data points and constantly reviewing their models to match constantly updated data. Until a real crystal ball is invented, Friends, ahead of at least for a day our reality, predictions on the covid will be speculative.

Finishing on with a coronavirus subpoena and moving into the military plane we have to cite the statement of the Hopkins Center, made by him under public pressure. The Centre stated that it had no involvement in the COVID19 Pandemic, which it had been teaching since a year ago.

"Statement on nCoV and our pandemic

In October 2019, the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security hosted a pandemic event called Event 201) with partners, the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

The Center for Medical Security recently received questions about whether these pandemic exercises predicted the current new coronavirus outbreak in China. To be clear, the Health Safety Center and partners did not make a prediction during our exercise. For this scenario, we simulated a fictional pandemic coronavirus, but we explicitly stated that this is not a prediction.

Instead, the exercises were aimed at identifying the preparedness and response problems that could arise in a very severe pandemic. We do not currently predict that the nCoV-2019 outbreak will kill 65 million people. Our exercise included a (fictional) fictitious new coronavirus." 

We move on to the main known to date defendants in the future criminal case. The plan of the epidemic they inscribed in October 2019, Friends!!

Our case is a medical dictatorship, and essentially medical fascism. It has been a year since the crime of the century, carried away by its novelty and creativity garden masses of public servants, police and medicine. A year of obscurantism has e tracked, but the questioning of the main suspects in the organization and implementation of the totalitarian coup is postponed until their capture, suggest an analytical dossier for the future tribunal.


In addition to the migrant crisis, Muammar Gaddafi predicted the covid19 coronavirus.

Bulgarian communist Todor Zhivkov visiting Muammar Gaddafi. Libya. 1984

In a speech delivered in his early years in office, Gaddafi argued that there are people who specialize in creating health problems just to make money, regardless of the danger they pose to human existence.

Kristalina Ivanova Georgieva-Kinova (Bulgarian: Kristalina Ivanova Georgieva-Kinova; born 13 August 1953) is a Bulgarian economist serving as chair and managing director of the International Monetary Fund since 2019. She was the Chief Executive of the World Bank Group from 2017 to 2019 and served as Acting President of the World Bank Group from 1 February 2019 to 8 April 2019 following the resignation of Jim Yong Kim. She previously served as Vice-President of the European Commission under Jean-Claude Juncker from 2014 to 2016. [2] [3] [4] [5]

Her mother was originally from the city of Lubitz, and her father was the grandson of a revolutionary and politician from the city Elena Ivan kyrszovsky (bolg.) Russian. She completed her high school education at the 7th High School of the Holy Students. She received a higher education in political economy and sociology at the Karl Marx Institute (now the University of National and World Economy in Sofia), graduating in 1976. 

Project No. The COVID-19 Strategic Training and Response Programme has been developed by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the Association for International Development. The program involves 25 projects at the 1st stage. This p…



According to Mauser: "They will create viruses and sell you antidotes. After that, they will pretend that they need time to find a solution when they already have it."

During his student years, he founded the secret organization "Free Officers of the Unionist Socialists" which, following the example of Gamal Abdel Nasser's "Free Officers" organization, aimed to seize power.

In 1969, Gaddafi was appointed adjutant of the Signal Corps (liaison troops) and led one of the plots that were brewing in the Libyan armed forces at the time. On 1 September 1969, a rebel group under The Command of Captain Gaddafi seized the royal palace, government offices, radio and television. The overthrow of King Idris' regime was announced, and Gaddafi declared Libya a republic.

He took the post of Chairman of the Revolutionary Command Council and Commander-in-Chief. Since then, Gaddafi has effectively governed the country, formally holding a number of posts: from 1970 to 1972, he served as Prime Minister and Minister of Defence of Libya, and in 1977-1979 as Secretary General of the Highest Legislative Body, the General People's Congress.

After the revolution, Gaddafi was promoted to colonel, and he retained the rank, despite being promoted to major general in January 1976.

In Libya, Gaddafi established a regime based on the people's committees and assemblies, and in March 1977 proclaimed a "people's republic".

The official name of the Libyan state was the Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya (SNLAD). As its president, Gaddafi banned all political organizations except his own Arab Socialist Union (ACS).

Someone is not allowed to sleep 🛌 the laurels of the general? 

Nice family of Satanists Clinton are going to hire an "army of contact trackers"

"In the next generation or so there will be a pharmacological method of making people fall in love with their slavery and produce a dictatorship without tears and sadness, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire communities, so that people will actually be deprived of their freedoms, but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel propaganda or brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods. And this, it seems, is the last revolution." English novelist and philosopher, author of the famous novel-anti-utopia "On the Brave New World" 

Aldous Huxley.

"In hundreds of cases, we need tracking agents... This is an army of trackers, mostly investigators... Consortium.., but it could be done on behalf of the federal government. On a much tougher, but more efficient basis. You know, I agree with you on this, about tracking contacts, tracking is very important, and maybe you need to include our entire country first. People are hired for this job.

It's time to create a real public health system. The real core of public health. And I have.., I've been thinking about it, how could we make it a part of our lives... whose friend you know well, Paul Farmer, is now leading the program for Massachusetts. 

We need a National Corps of healthy people who behave right," 

Clinton says, explaining that the trailers will be the first to give info about people when hiring, when they go to school/university, and so on,

"... it is essentially built on infrastructure that already exists in a place like Massachusetts (MIT), and it should be part of an entire system so that it includes ramping up testing, providing really decent isolation and treatment, so that everyone who is sick can be guaranteed that people can be quarantined and divided in a very supportive way. Massachusetts recently announced that they are going to try to build a tracking program across the state and they have health partners..."


Video content is definitely removed by the fascist administration of the city. 

Microchips implantation, mind control and cybernetics

In 1948, Norbert Weiner published the book Cybernetics, which was defined as the neurological theory of communication and management, which at that time was already used in small circles. Joneji Masuda, the Father of the Information Society, expressed his concern in 1980 that cyber technologies threatened our freedom by an Orwellian scenario that was completely unknown to most people. This technology connects the brains of humans through implanted microchips with satellites controlled by terrestrial supercomputers.

Brain implants were surgically inserted in 1974 in Ohio, USA and Stockholm, Sweden. Brain electrodes were inserted into the skulls of babies in 1946 without the knowledge of their parents. In the 1950s and 60s, electrical implants were inserted into the brains of animals and humans, especially in the United States, during research on behavior change and the functioning of the brain and body. Mind control techniques have been used in attempts to change human behavior. Influencing brain function has become an important goal of the military and intelligence services.

 Thirty years ago, one-centimeter-sized brain implants appeared. Subsequent implants were compressed, down to the size of a grain of rice. They were made from silicon, later from gallium arsenide. Today they are small enough to be inserted into the neck or back, and intravenously into various parts of the body during surgery, with or without the consent of the subject. They are now nearly impossible to detect or remove.

 Technically, it is now possible for every newborn to be injected with a microchip that could then identify the person for the rest of their lives. Such plans are secretly discussed in the United States without any public coverage of these issues, in strict confidentiality. In 1973, Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme gave permission to implant chips in prisoners, and former Data Inspection CEO Jan Fries reported that nursing home patients were "implanted" in the mid-1980s. The technology was revealed in a 1972 Swedish report (Statens Officiella Utradninger (SOU)).

 Thus, brain functions can be remotely monitored by supercomputers and even change as frequencies change. Instead of guinea pigs, secret experiments used prisoners, soldiers, the mentally ill, disabled children, deaf and blind people, homosexuals, single women, the elderly, schoolchildren, and any group of people considered "marginal" by the elite experimenters.

 Modern microchips work by using low-frequency radio waves that target them. With the help of satellites, an implanted person can be tracked anywhere in the world. According to Dr. Karl Sanders, who invented the Intelligent Interface (IMI) biotic that is injected into humans, the technique was tested during the Iraq War. (Earlier, during the Vietnam War, soldiers were injected with a Rambo chip designed to increase the flow of adrenaline into the blood.) Supercomputers at 20 billion bits per second. the US National Security Agency (NSA) was now able to “see and hear” through the Remote Monitoring System (RMS) what soldiers were experiencing on the battlefield.

 When a 5 micromillimeter microchip (a strand of hair is 50 micromillimeters in diameter) is placed in the optic nerve of the eye, it pulls neuropulses from the brain that embody the experiences, smells, looks, and voice of the implanted person. Once transmitted and stored in a computer, these neuropulses can be projected back into the human brain through a microchip for repeated experiments. Using RMS, a ground computer operator can send electromagnetic messages (encoded as signals) to the nervous system, affecting the target's performance. With RMS, healthy people can be made to see hallucinations and hear voices in their heads.

 Every thought, reaction, hearing, and visual observation triggers certain neurological potential, peaks and patterns in the brain and its electromagnetic fields, which can now be converted into thoughts, pictures and voices. Hence, electromagnetic stimulation can alter a person's brain waves and affect muscle activity, causing painful muscle spasms that are perceived as torture.

 The NSA's electronic surveillance system can simultaneously monitor and serve millions of people. We each have a unique frequency of bioelectrical resonance in the brain, just as we have unique fingerprints. With fully encoded electromagnetic frequency (EMF) brain stimulation, pulsating electromagnetic signals can be sent to the brain, causing the desired voice and visual effects. This is a form of electronic warfare. American astronauts were implanted before they were sent into space so that their thoughts could be tracked and all their emotions could be recorded 24 hours a day.

 In May 1995, the Washington Post reported that British Prince William had been implanted at the age of 12. Thus, if he is kidnapped, a radio wave of a certain frequency can be directed to his microchip. The chip's signal will be sent via satellite to the police department's computer screen, where the prince's movements can be monitored. In fact, it can be located anywhere in the world.

 The media do not report that the privacy of an implanted person disappears for the rest of their lives. She can be manipulated in many ways. Using different frequencies, the secret controller of this equipment can even change a person's emotional life. She can be aggressive or lethargic. Mental signals and subconscious thinking can be decoded, dreams altered and even triggered, all without the knowledge or consent of the implanted person.

 In this way, the ideal cyber soldier can be created. This secret technology has been used by military forces in some NATO countries since the 1980s, when civilians and academics had heard nothing about it. Thus, little information about such invasive mind control systems is available in professional and scientific journals.

 The NSA signal intelligence team can remotely monitor information from the human brain by decoding evoked potentials (3.50 Hz, 5 milliwatts) emitted from the brain. Inmate experimenters in Gothenburg, Sweden and Vienna, Austria were found to have clear brain lesions. Impaired circulation and lack of oxygen in the right frontal lobes cause brain implants to work normally. The Finnish experimenter experienced brain atrophy and intermittent bouts of loss of consciousness due to lack of oxygen.

 Mind control techniques can be used for political purposes. The challenge for mind controllers today is to induce targeted individuals or groups to act against their own beliefs and best interests. Zombie people can even be programmed to kill. Disturbing examples of this phenomenon can be found in the United States.

 This "silent war" is being waged against civilians and soldiers by the military and intelligence services. All international human rights treaties prohibit the manipulation of people without the consent of the people - even in prisons, let alone civilians.

 At the initiative of US Senator John Glenn in January 1997, discussions began on the dangers of radiation exposure to civilians. Targeting human brain functions with electromagnetic fields and beams (from helicopters and airplanes, satellites, from parked vans, neighboring houses, telephone poles, electrical appliances, mobile phones, televisions, radios, etc.) is part of the radiation problem that follows decide in democratically elected government bodies.

 In addition to electronic MC, chemical methods have also been developed. Mind-altering drugs and various smelly gases that negatively affect the brain, which can be injected into air ducts or water pipes. Bacteria and viruses have also been tested this way in several countries.

 Modern super technologies connecting our brains through microchips (or even without them) with computers via satellites in the United States or Israel pose a serious threat to humanity. The latest supercomputers are powerful enough to control the world's population. What happens when people are tempted by false messages to allow microchips into their bodies? One decoy: the chip will be an ID. In the United States, it was even secretly proposed to introduce mandatory legislation criminalizing the removal of an identification implant. 

Are we ready for the robotization of humanity and the complete elimination of private life, including freedom of thought? How many of us would like to give our whole life, including our innermost thoughts, to Big Brother? However, there is a technology for creating a totalitarian New World Order. There are hidden systems of neurological communication to counteract independent thinking and to control social and political activity in the interests of vested private and military interests.

 When our brain functions are already connected to supercomputers using radio implants and microchips, it will be too late to protest. This threat can only be defeated by educating the public, using the available biotelemetry literature and exchanging information at international congresses.

 Part of the reason this technology remains a state secret is the prestige of the American Psychiatric Association's (APA) Psychiatric Diagnostic Statistical Manual IV, published in 18 languages. Psychiatrists working for the American intelligence services were undoubtedly involved in the writing and revision of this manual. This psychiatric "bible" hides the secret development of MC technology, flagging some of its effects as symptoms of paranoid schizophrenia.

 Thus, victims of mind control experiments are routinely diagnosed as mentally ill by doctors who have studied the DSM's list of "symptoms" in medical school. Doctors have not been trained that patients can tell the truth when they report that they are being persecuted against their will or used as guinea pigs for electronic, chemical and bacteriological forms of psychological warfare.

 This article was written by Rauni Lina Luukanen Kilde, MD, former Minister of Health of Finland and was published in the 36th edition of the Finnish magazine SPEKULA (3rd quarter 1999) (circulation 6,500), for medical students and doctors in Northern Finland University of Oulu (Oulun Laaketieteellinen Kilta), which is sent to all medical students in Finland and to all doctors in Northern Finland. 

Google,Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, not only actively exposed and censored criticism of the fake pandemic, CDC and WHO, but also personally Dr. Evil Fauci .

Twitter also censors criticism of government policies aimed at combating the fake coronavirus crisis, a de facto military operation, a coup masquerading as a pandemic against national constitutions and citizens. Twitter's new algorithms have banned all tweets that challenge "expert guidance." They need a crisis and they need this biological blackmail of the population. So far, these experts have told us that their vaccines do not need animal safety testing. Twitter says it will rely on automation to censor our speech. So calm down: the robot will carefully check your conversations for mistakes and protect you from dangerous thoughts. 

What went wrong? 

Google has actively criticized and censored the CDC and WHO. Ha - ha ha. Remember, Against Loma No Prima, If There is No Other Loma. But you, in your trembling hands, did not even hold a real sledgehammer, not that would scrap. 

Check 🧾 (1946-2021)

Mathematical analysis of U.S. 🇺🇸 death statistics since 1950 shows no excess deaths in 2020. There are good reasons to believe that the statistics 📊 grossly falsified. 

The material is prepared and intended for study by special services, government officials and U.S. citizens 🇺🇸 



If someone misunderstands ears, eyes, or head does not enter .... We will now start and bring to each gyrus a specific Package of Comprehensive Documents, indicating a large-scale special operation COVID -19 documented as far as 2015. The COVID-19 special operation is carried out by an international criminal group consisting of high-ranking officials from around the world, intelligence services, police, medics and multinational corporations. Most likely, the professional affiliation of the list of persons involved is much greater, it will determine the investigative teams of international and national investigators. Our task is to present the facts in the form of documents. 

The bill 🧾 to be paid. 

ℰ𝒹𝓂ℴ𝓃𝒹 𝒟𝒶𝓃𝓉ℯ𝓈 .

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