Essay 1.

Essay 1.

the mAGaziNe 'ObVIoUSly increDIblE'

Essays using the Editorial Archive, as well as other material, are also created through archives and data analysis.

🇺🇸 can't say how true the following is true, but we'll still give you an anonymous scenario, a U.S. citizen, under the nickname NoCap about the near future (user ID: 70591657. United States, voiced by him at one of the American forums.

-I'm going to tell you the truth behind the mask. In winter there will be a strong second wave of covides. The military will go door to door with the vaccine. You will have the choice to take the vaccine or not. The Bible calls it the mark of the beast. These vaccines will contain nanoparticles that can be activated by new 5G networks located across the country. These nanoparticles will have serial numbers attached to them. For example, 001 002 003, etc. Those who have a serial number can be activated by 5G towers, which will make everyone with this serial numbers very sick and perhaps some even. If you do NOT choose to take the vaccine, your photo and profile will be entered into the facial recognition database. 

Facial recognition cameras have been installed on poles, traffic lights, shops, etc. The unrest and chaos you see in the streets and the abolition of the police are the reason for the deployment of drones that will patrol every U.S. city. These drones will be with facial recognition cameras that will be able to identify everyone, day or night, with and without a mask. You have all been played and counted, and left and right, so that the program of the New World Order was implemented by them to the end. 

ApiJect received an HHS-DOD grant under Section 3 of the Defense Manufacturing Act (DPA) worth $138 million. The U.S. is in support of a joint federal agency to accelerate domestic capacity for a high-speed emergency drug injection program for the public in emergencies, the Jumpstart project is to supply 100 million pre-filled syringes to respond to COVID-19 by the end of 2020 - and deliver more than 500 million pre-filled syringes in 2021 in collaboration with its subsidiary RAPID USA. This company is developing technology for RFID syringes.

Statement attributed to Lt. Col. Mike Andrews, a Department of Defense spokesman:

"Today, the Department of Defense and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services announce a $138 million contract with ApiJect Systems America for Project Jumpstart and RAPID USA, which will combine to significantly expand U.S. production capacity for injectable medical devices for domestically, starting october 2020.

Led by the DOD Joint Procurement Task Force (JATF), in coordination with the U.S. Assistant Secretary of State's Office for Preparedness and Response, the contract will help Jumpstart create a high-speed supply chain for pre-filled syringes in the U.S., starting later this year using the well-established Aseptic Plastic Technology Blow-Fill-Seal (BFS) suitable for combating COVID-19.

By immediately upgrading enough existing domestic BFS facilities with filler line installations and technical improvements, Jumpstart will produce more than 100 million pre-filled syringes for distribution across the United States by the end of 2020.

The contract also allows ApiJect Systems America to accelerate the launch of RAPID USA, produced on new and permanent U.S. BFS installations, with the ultimate goal of producing more than 500 million pre-filled syringes (doses) in 2021. This work will initially be performed in Connecticut, Connecticut, South Carolina and Illinois, with possible expansion in the US. RAPID will provide enhanced life-saving capacity in the event of future health emergencies that require urgent vaccines to be administered to the public.

RAPID's continued production capabilities will significantly reduce U.S. dependence on offshore supply chains and their dependence on older technologies with much longer production times. These materials can be used if the successful SARS-COV-2 vaccine is oral or intranasal rather than injectable."

Mass demonstrations have been taking place almost continuously in many U.S. cities since May 25, ❗️ 2020, accompanied by clashes with police. Portland, Ore., July 24, 2020. Pogroms and protests in Minneapolis. 

On August 11- 12, Joe Biden named vice presidential candidate Kamala Harris, a California senator and former state attorney general.

⚠️🇺🇸Auded: Killing Floyd-Theo Operation Under the Fake Flag. 

On May 25 (Monday), police in Minneapolis, Minnesota, detained 46-year-old George Floyd on suspicion of using a "fake payment" to shop at the store. The rest you know. We decided to put together a small selection of inconsistencies in this narrative.

First, in the official Twitter account of the Obama Foundation, a photo of George Floyd appeared long before his death, and in general long before the World learned about the existence of this convicted, drug-addict-porn actor - May 17: 

"Did you tune in to start Barack Obama's message of starting the message last night? Here are some of our favorite hour-long parties. Answer this theme with your photos from last night and continue the celebration in "-- said in a statement of the foundation on May 17.

Not only that, there is an even older message from the Obama Foundation of this kind. On October 29, 2019, the Foundation also published an image of a poster with Floyd:

The Obama Foundation: Michelle Obama and her brother Craig Robinson take the stage at the Obama summit. Tune in now to👇

Attorney Timothy D. Jafett of Corpus Christi, Texas, also confirms that the victim, if anything, was not Floyd. 👇

The real George Floyd died three years ago. Now is the time to reach out to your leaders... I saw a black man I played football against in college, allegedly killed on camera 30 years later... But it's not the same guy... I was his lawyer. He died three years ago...

1. Why in one photo (rear view) shows a man on the road not handcuffed, and in the video in front - that he is handcuffed?

2. Why is the police car outside the Sorvelance restaurant different from the one behind floyd (different car numbers)?

3. Why did the police officers in the Sorvellans video footage who arrested him differ from the police officers in the actual incident?

4. Why does the video show the price of diesel at 99 cents instead of the usual price at around 12.49?

6. Why does Derek have a completely different police badge on top of the second police badge, and match his partner if they work in the same station?

6. Isn't it strange that both officers, Tou Tao and Derek, were previously investigated for excessive use of force and were not charged by State Agent Amy Klobuchar? In addition, Officer Derek Chauvin is under the command of his partner Sister Kell.

7. Is there any policeman so blunt to continue kneeling on someone's neck for 8 minutes surrounded by people while he is being videotaped?

8. Is it possible that the deceased does not have injuries/screams/tears during what is happening? 

9/10 Why does the chief cop keep one hand in his pocket most of the time while he kneels?

11. Don't you think it's strange that Floyd and the officer who stood around his neck and killed him worked together in the same shit at the El Nuevo Rodeo club and had known each other for 17 years (both were fired because of a kovid)?

12. Why did the officer's neighbours say that they did not know he was a policeman and had never seen him in uniform?

13. Why was the same lawyer hired as all the other previous black deaths that caused the protests?

14. Why the surveillance video stored in the store shows Floyd dutifully walking with the officer and not resisting arrest, while the officer gently sits on his neck. Why did the officer feel the need to put the opposing guy on the ground and put his knee on his neck?

15. Why did ambulance workers (dressed in police uniforms, including body armor) treat an unconscious person so rudely and even throw his body to the ground? (Trained ambulance staff never lift a person with a neck injury in this way.) Why didn't they try to diagnose and/or give them artificial breathing?

17 Why did the police chief stresse that the instigators and arsonists were not from Minnesota, why the News crew was not only detained, but also arrested? 👇

👆I look at these glitches (George's family). Although, maybe we are mistaken and, in this case, we would be grateful to debunk our theory about this special operation under a false flag. Recall, earlier we disassembled the inconsistency of the video, where at the hands of a policeman allegedly dies a 75-year-old man . 

🇺🇸I remember a video from Buffalo, New York, in which a police officer pushes a 75-year-old man to the ground, causing him to fall and die? So, it seems that the fall of this elderly man was also a hoax, as well as the rows of corpses of people who died from the coir, which was folded by a woman one left👇

Let's lower the force of the jolt, from which even the child would not fall and touch the most visual inconsistencies on the video. In a slow-motion replay of the moment, the video from 6 seconds. 16 seconds. You can see how the fallen continues to hold the phone in his hand, looking at the fact that he is already dead, and his hand is in a particularly tense state, otherwise it could not be after a fall on his stomach. 

Further, despite the fact that he has already "died", the man, apparently assessing the unnaturalness of his game, carefully lowers his hand with the expensive phone in a more appropriate position of his death (from the belly to the asphalt), after which the brush is gently pressed and the phone is also neatly put on the asphalt.👇

Moreover, the stop-frame clearly shows where the blood of the "victim" is coming from. Despite the fact that with such a blow, blood would have to go, if not from the cracked occipital part of the head, then from the place of dissection of the skin on the back of the head after the impact, at first glance the blood comes from the front of the ear. On a more detailed examination of the stop-frame, a tube sticking out from under the mask, from which, in fact, blood is coming, is clearly visible.

The indifference of the policeman who pushed the man, which led to his "death" and the abrupt suspension of his commander, when he was surprised by the fall from such a sluggish jolt, wanted to see what with him, only confirms our version that we witnessed the game of crisis actor, set shortly before the riots. 

Although.., maybe we all this just seemed because of the accumulated from the boiler-blocking fatigue ...

🇺🇸Authors of the film "Captain America" (2011) may have been involved in the predictive programming of the kovid and the situation with George Floyd.

In the scene of the film in Times Square in the background behind the Captain you can see a coronavirus, a bottle resembling a container with a Molotov cocktail and the inscription "I swear george we did it." 

Although, it's not accurate...

⚠️🇺🇸 incited by chanting crowds, Police Chief Michael Shaw joins the lying on the ground. The guy was doing it, without any doubt, the most important thing for 8 minutes, while everything around him kept burning, and there were shouts of "mom," "I can't breathe" and so on. 

In fact, Black Lives Matter on Saturday, June 6, 2020 won another victory, and the police in the person of his nearby chief admitted their surrender. Now you can just burn the city to the ground, while those who have to protect them will just lie like wordless animals. 

In "The Murder of George Floyd Is An Operation Under a Fake Flag," we detailed the inconsistencies in the riots in the United States that we managed to collect, and which say a lot. In particular the video above where a 75-man falls from the push of a police officer. Video and plot about it who just did not show.

We are glad that by telling about this case, we did not let the readers down, and our information that the man did not die at the hands of a policeman, and was an actor, was reliable. On Friday, it was confirmed by Buffalo Mayor Byron Brown. He admitted that Gugino, the man's name, was a professional "agitator" who tried to gather the crowd and that he had been asked to leave the area "many times." 👇

"The type of activity of Buch. Accounting location 94 Haverford, Amherst, Ny 14221-1994, United States; Four arrests; There are no convictions," Gaujino writes of himself.

According to sources, Gugino arrived at the protest about 10 minutes before the curfew was due to begin (8 p.m.).

Interestingly, despite the fact that the man was not that crisis actor, not that professional provocateur (rather, both together), despite the video, emphasizing what Gugino was doing, the Buffalo authorities suspended two officers. Two cops were arrested and charged with second-degree assault. However, when hundreds of colleagues gathered outside the city court in solidarity with the police, the court released them without bail. Aaron Torgalski and Robert McKayb were charged with second-degree assault at a court hearing on Saturday morning.

The officers were brought to justice at a virtual court hearing, where they both pleaded not guilty to the charges. Each of them faces up to seven years in prison. The next trial will be on July 20. 

Erie District Attorney John Flynn said the criminal charges stem from Gugino being over 65. He also said that Flynn launched this investigation with the support of Governor Cuomo and others... 

⚠️🇺🇸SUS. Atlanta: Heavy weapons and tanks are in the process

Marauders-rebels take in hands not only automatic weapons, but also take in their hands, or rather, put under the back of tanks. As the saying goes, "it's an Atlanta babe" 😂

🇺🇸Thice in 2015, the Washington Free Beacon published the raw tax forms of an antifa organization such as the Center for Public Change in 2015, which sheds light on its sponsors, who provide millions of dollars in financial. Help. This group seems to be heavily dependent on several large liberal foundations, organizations and unions.

The largest contribution is $3 million from the Kellogg Foundation, which was originally created by Will Kellogg, a food manufacturer and founder of Kellogg's. The Ford Foundation made a $2,350,000 donation. The Open Society Foundation, a foundation run by the megadonor-fascist billionaire liberal George Soros, has set aside $1750,000.

The California Foundation provided $524,500; The Carerita Casey Foundation has provided $515,000; Fidelity's Charitable Gift, an American financial services holding company, one of the largest asset management companies in the world, is worth $505,100; and the National Immigration Law Center allocated $316,000. United States.

Donors to the Social Security Division of the Center for Public Change in 2015 included Citizens ($1,750,000), a nonprofit organization set up by Hillary Clinton's allies to mobilize Hispanic and African-American voters; Open Society Policy Center ($1,475,000), another Soros group; The Sixteen Thirty Foundation ($610,000), a progressive advocacy group; Center for Public Change ($150,000); International Service Workers Union (SEIU) ($150,000); Atlantic Charity ($75,000); and the Tidal Foundation ($50,000), the largest network of liberal donors.

⚠️👆Adres WuXi AppTec : 666 Goaxin Road. China.

😳🇺🇸In January, all Minneapolis police will be replaced by a security monitor system controlled by the NGO Soros Local Progress.

The Minneapolis City Council just announced that it would completely disband the city police. The new, black-focused community monitoring model, managed and controlled and funded by Soros NGO Local Progress, will completely replace police in Minnesota by January. 

"Local Progress Progress applauds the Minneapolis community and the city council for a historic step in rethinking public safety. 

The transformation of this system will not happen overnight. This is only the beginning - but it will undoubtedly lead to long-term changes. 

MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. - Today, nine members of the Minneapolis City Council officially announced their intention to dismantle the Minneapolis Police Department and create a new transformational model for the development of public safety. In response, Local Progress issued the following statement:

"Across the country, communities are calling for fundamental change. Today, the leaders of Minneapolis are responding to this call to action. In a bold community-based solidarity, they commit themselves to fundamentally rethink what true public safety looks like. This is a bold step - and, most importantly, very important.

It was necessary.

It is now more clear than ever that our current system of "public safety" is not working. This is an excessive police oversight; mass criminalization and mass incarceration of black and dark communities; harassment, which is inextricably linked to police brutality and murder. Genuine public safety comes when communities have what they need: affordable housing, access to quality education, universal health care and decent living at the living wage." 🤦🏻 

⚠️🇺🇸Friends, can someone explain where the portak went from George Floyd's breathing aperture? 

⚠️🇺🇸 "Missing from all media footage" by George Floyd.

The video moments before the infamous moment, which became the starting point of what we call looting. As you can see, there's definitely something else going on here besides the media-imposed narrative. 

If we take into account that the deceased was a drug addict, as evidenced by the results of the autopsy of the corpse and unnaturally posing with his hand in his pocket, as if he were asked about it by those who he could not refuse, the policeman, all this, Friends, very similar to a common overdose, that is, death from opioids. 

⚠️🇺🇸No-uh is Floyd's very interesting teacher. 

Friends, we still see some doubts among our readers that the incident with George Floyd is not a tragic case, but an operation under a fake flag. This is despite the fact that on October 27, 2019, Obama "talked" about it, posting his picture in the off. his foundation's Twitter account; and despite the fact that attorney Timothy D. Jafett of Corpus Christi (Texas) also confirms that the victim, if at all, was not Floyd. Therefore, I follow the story "called the cargo ... "We have to continue to cover this agenda until those who have not yet woken up and understand how "They" have the whole world.

So, CNN, after being called "Floyd's murder," interviewed his teacher, who was second grade. Wayne Sexton, the teacher's name, showed a picture that George, who had already slanted after school, had drawn in the second grade.

Your attention is a segment of the video of an American truth-teller, who drew attention to what you could pay attention to, if you had a time and desire. The full video lasts more than an hour, so we cut out, in our opinion, the main and enough frames that could understand what's what.

The truth, as we called it earlier, gives an interesting story, or rather, a chronology with George Floyd's teacher Wayne Sexton. As it turned out, her fate is full of surprises and tragic events.

First, in addition to teaching Floyd's marauding banner, she was also a teacher at Sandy Hook, was at the Orlando Pulse Gay Club at famous events, in a New York synagogue at an equally famous event, in an Oklahoma church, and was even a defendant on 9/11.

Without a doubt, this woman has really lived a truly amazing and fulfilling life, but still, I wonder what the chances are that 

🔹 of all the billions of people on earth, Wayne Sexton," it was George Floyd's second-grade teacher, 

🔹 was also a teacher in Sandy Hook, Newtown, Connecticut, WHERE the massacre occurred on the morning of December 14, 2012;

🔹 visited the Orlando Pulse Gay Club in Orlando, Florida, USA, where the Massacre also took place on June 12, 2016; 

🔹was at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, when a mass shooting occurred there on October 27, 2018;

🔹 attended an Oklahoma church in November 2017 when there was a mass shooting;

🔹 and even was a defendant on 9/11?

It's just very interesting to know what Human's doorstep is. What's it like to be a clown? What's it like to watch people think that everything you tell them is real and true? What's it like living on an island with millions of people evacuated from common sense?

I wonder how long humanity will believe, indulge and not resist this farce?

It seems that even this will not convince anyone of anything. It's always hard to wake up. And the truth always hurts. But it is also difficult to stay awake in the world of "meat puppets". Therefore, most people do not want to wake up and will fight with us for the fact that we do not even try to wake them up.

And yes, besides, you believe that in second grade, George Floyd not only wrote this terrific essay without spelling errors and impeccable handwriting, but also that his teacher kept that particular assignment from her student, that she deprived his parents of the opportunity to read it, to shine with pride at the thought of the potential that the future prepared for her student.

"And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not befallen him." 

"I'm going to destroy the United States by funding black hate groups. We're going to put them in a mental trap and make them blame white people. The black community is the easiest to "manipulate" - George Soros (interview with the German edition of BILD-September 2014), "The destruction of America will be the culmination of the work of my life."

"The pandemic no longer works. Go ahead and start a race civil war," Soros probably could have said or already told someone who was performing ...

🇺🇸Confidential document from 2015 detailing instructions given to rioters or organizers of their groups, including ways to physically attack police officers. Experts should know whose logo on the dowment, this thing "belongs" to Soros. 

The AOEC stands for Executive Oversight. They say it fell to one of the protesters. 

Promotion -BWI041815.

Recommended clothing will be provided at your designated location by your designated a hagi trade.

Identification of enemies and allies through the media (emphasis on television media). The flight review will take place with AOEC representatives at actpoint GAMMA PRIME. Do not be demobilized until you receive instructions from the hagi trade or above through 328BG, as stipulated in previous parts of this document. APPROVED PRACTICE - YOU CAN NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES DEVIATE FROM THE PRACTICE LISTED IN THIS SECTION.

Contact: D.A. Donnelly - do not call this person in any connection or in person. Don't keep this document.

🔹S pinned fists can only be used from the bottom to the neck and above the waist.

🔹 Nothing you bring to the demonstration. 

🔹Yus can participate in the use of props

🔹Apen hands can be used anywhere. 

🔹As are not allowed, unless they are provoked, when other local demonstrators have already done so. Bottles, stones, sticks and other small blunt objects are not detailed weapons. 

🔹 Not team up with other opps or auxops in groups of more than two people.

🔹Sit do not make long-lasting eye contact or speak to more than two other operators or assistive devices. If you have to talk to other ops/auxops directly, please do so through 328bg comms.

🔹 When you're not in the crowd, keep your hands off yourself, outside your pockets and keep them in plain sight.

🔹 Avoid being caught in open spaces, stick to seats next to other locals participating in the demonstration.

Agitorgs will inform you before mobilizing about the signs and codes used to identify friendly officials. Allied troops were instructed not to fight, they were not ordered to help. 

Agitorgs will pass orders from the closest AOEC representatives when it is needed to escalate. Keep in mind that the timing and purpose of escalations are determined by conditions on the ground and intelligence from LEs sent through AOEC.

Don't waste too much time on your 328BG. Use it sparingly, we trust you. If you decide to act on your own in escalation, the specific instructions will change and be transmitted only to approved protected relays through 328BG. 


Get money for work...

... Professional Anarchist!

Get paid up to $200 / direct action!


Funded by George Soros.

🇺🇸O cash issue.

THE POINT OF COMMUNICATION. D.A. Donnelly - Don't call this man in any connection or in person. Don't keep the document. (This is a method from 2015. Riots or unrest in Baltimore - demonstrations and riots that began April 25, 2015, in Baltimore, Maryland.

The allocation of funds will take place in three stages: 

1. Initial distribution of funds before action. If you have not yet received this payment, please contact the contact. This will usually amount to 5% -10% of the agreed amount. Payment for one to two weeks before the start of the action

2. As soon as you take stock, AOEC representatives will guide you and explain where and when you can expect to see the next stage of funding allocation. As a rule, this will amount to 20-30% of the agreed amount. Payment within 24-48 hours after the action

3. The final allocation of funds will take place at some point in the future, the terms will be determined by the representatives of AOEC, your contract and further possible amendments from AOEC trades. This will be the remainder of the agreed amount. Payment within 4-6 months after taking action. 

Do not report this income to anyone, we have agreed with the relevant tax authorities and accounting firms to ensure that funding is distributed through the appropriate channels... failure to properly comply with the terms of the financing will result in your exclusion from future shares.

Various incentives are offered during the demonstrations. Leadership or courage can bring you bonuses based on your merits. 

Page 24 of 26. 

Updates will always be, stay tuned.

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