Evening Photo Exhibition Corona 👑 

Evening Photo Exhibition Corona 👑 


Barack Hussein Obama II, pronounced "bəˈrɑːk huːˈseɪn oʊˈbɑːmə" Amer.: Listen to bəˈrɑːk huːˈseɪn ɵˈbɑːmə the ˈsɛkənd/qi qi born August 4, 1961 in Honolulu, Hawaii, USA) was the 44th President of the United States from January 20, 2009 to January 20, 2017. Winner of the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize. Prior to his election as president, he was a federal senator from Illinois. He was first elected in November 2008 and re-elected for a second term in 2012.

Flag 44th President of the United States


January 20, 2009 - January 20, 2017

vice president

Joseph Biden


George W. Bush


Donald Trump

Flag Senator from Illinois Flag

January 4, 2005 - November 16, 2008

A Rockefeller Foundation paper, would it surprise you to know, predicted and planned for the exact type of pandemic scenario in which we find ourselves right now with the COVID-19 coronavirus. Unlike Bill Gates' Event 201 which was 2 months before the official outbreak, this Rockefeller Foundation paper was published 10 years ago in 2010.


Atomic Bombshell: We Have Proof That Rothschilds Patented ...


Atomic Bombshell: We Have Proof That Rothschilds Patented Covid-19 Biometric Tests In 2015 And 2017 Luis T Bill Gates , Biometric Tests , Coronavirus , COVID-19 , deception , History , History is a lie , Know Your History , lock-down , Pandemic , Patent , Quarantine , Rothschilds , The Future , The WHO , The World We Live In , Timeline ...

Fact Check: The World Bank Did NOT Document Existence Of COVID-19 Test Kits Since 2017


Misdirection. Does a World Bank website prove COVID-19 test kits were sold worldwide as early as 2017? No, that's not true: On a web page, the World Bank put the "COVID-19" label on existing virus test kit components to help disease fighters find equipment to test for the latest coronavirus outbreak.

Literatus: 'Plandemic' fact check: U.S. patent on coronavirus


A coronavirus patent also exists under Patent No. US7279327B2, which was assigned on Dec. 17, 2018 to the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill for the National Institutes of Health, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, and the U.S. government. It covers the helper cell and the coronavirus particles.

We do not know whose child is in the hands of mom/grandmother or/or ...

Does Microsoft Own Patent ‘666’ About Implanting Microchips in People?

Satanist Bill Gates Patent #666 | WO2020060606 ...


Bill Gates has the patent for the technology from your body-to chip-to cloud to-cryptocurrency, and its name is WO 2020 0 6 0 6 0 6 - CRYPTOCURRENCY SYSTEM USING BODY ACTIVITY DATA. The bill H.R. 666 6 which will allow the government to enter your home, say you have covid-19 a fake diagnosis as the virus is a fake.

Obama's demonstrative reverence for Islamic values shows that he is a man of double loyalty...

On October 10 of this year, Jerome Corsi, a leading correspondent for the Internet news agency WorldnetNewsDaily (WND), posted an article on the Internet about the gold ring decorating the ring finger of President Obama's left hand. The article contains numerous photographs of this ring, which our president wears throughout his academic, scientific and political career.

The first photos date back to 1981, when Obama was a student at Occidental College. Other photos show the same ring he wore when he studied at Columbia University and Harvard Law School, during a trip to Africa in 1988, as well as being president of the United States. When he spoke in Cairo in the summer of 2009, the ring was also on the President's arm.

The gold ring on Obama's left hand was of constant interest to journalists. On this finger in Europe and America usually wear wedding rings. As seen in the photos, Obama wore it long before meeting Michelle. The intrusive curiosity was shown by Obama's harvard-student colleagues. This is understandable, given that his colleagues are future lawyers. Obama has always and everywhere walked away from explanations.

All photos of this ring Jerome Corsi sent for examination ph.D. Mark (Mustafa) Gabriel. Gabriel was born in Upper Egypt to a Muslim family. He grew up and was raised in a Muslim environment, studied and graduated from the prestigious Islamic University of Al-Azhar in Cairo. Gabriel is a recognized expert on Islam and Islamic culture. He lives and works in the United States.

In March 2004, he said that his mother was a Christian, and he

brought up in the Christian faith. 

"So I've always been

Christian," Obama argued. It later emerged that his mother,

adhering to extreme left-wing views, generally negatively related to religion.

February 2008: "I have never been a Muslim... Although I lived

for four years in a densely populated Muslim country"

(Indonesia - G.G.).

February 2009: "I didn't become a Christian until I moved

south of Chicago after graduating from college." At the same time, Obama said,

that his family was not religious.

September 2010: "I came to the Christian faith later."

It's unclear whether Obama was a Christian from early childhood or became one as an adult. How did he feel living in Indonesia and attending a Muslim school?

For at least eight years, Obama has steadfastly denied any connection to Islam. Mark Gabriel believes that this ring on his left hand is in no way consistent with Obama's statements about his Christian faith. "Christians never use Shahada," says Gabriel.

Religious identification is a personal matter for each person. The increased interest in Obama's religion was provoked by his own contradictory statements, behavior and his decisions as President of the United States.

In such confusing situations, the details we have collected in the form of a photo together can be very useful. Such

In addition, Greg Neubeck presented his work as an address to the president and posted in comments to Daniel Pipes' article "Obama: "I have never been a Muslim." 

Pipes is published in The Washington Times on September 7, 2018. Greg Neubeck's comments were posted on the Internet by the International Christian zionist Center. Here are some excerpts from Neubeck's appeals.

"That's what you said, speaking to ABC News: "My Muslim religion"

and said at one of the dinners you said at the White House at lunch

with representatives of the Muslim community of the United States: "I am one of you."

You gave $100 million to rebuild mosques in Muslim countries.

You wrote that in the event of a conflict, "I will be on the side of Muslims."

This is you who assured the Egyptian Foreign Minister under Mubarak:

"I'm a Muslim."

You bowed to the Saudi king as a sign of your subordination.

You're the one who freed the Muslims of America from a fine for failing to comply.

medical reform.

It's you who refused to visit the Christian National Tomorrow-Prayer,

but hurried to arrange a breakfast with Muslim prayer at the White House.

You're the one who asked Georgetown and Notterdam universities to remove

all mention of Jesus Christ before agreeing to

performances there.

You're the one who eliminated the military courts for Islamic terrorists.

It's you who refused to speak out against the horrific murders of women in

Muslim countries.

You're the one who ordered the country's postal service to issue a stamp in honor of the

Muslim holiday. I think that's enough."

Obama often referred to himself as "the man of Africa." His statement, as well as his defiant reverence for Islamic values, show that he is an example of a man of double loyalty. These are the people the founding fathers of America tried to prevent the presidency when they drafted the U.S. Constitution.

The son of a prostitute and a lawyer, according to the official version of former U.S. President Barack Hussein Obama would never become anyone if all this became public, and for that we should thank the criminal family of the Clintons, as well as the criminal family of the Bushes. 

The name that Barry Soetro chose for himself is not all right as much as his wife Michelle Obama's name, which has already been taken apart. 

Barry chose the name "Barack Obama" for his scholarship. And it's no accident. The phrase "Barack" in Hebrew means "light from the sky" or, if you like, a fallen angel, Satan.

The name of the former U.S. leader, Barack (ררק B'rq) - translates as "lightning", and the surname of ex-President Obama (O'BAM -מגן עדן) translates from Hebrew "from the sky."

Thus, we get a line from Luke 10: 18 in the name of the first black president of the United States: "I saw Satan falling from the sky (O'Bama) like lightning ("Barak")."

Whether you believe in the Apocalypse or not, it's not the point. The most important thing to understand is that elites who seek to subjugate the whole world believe in it, and who, if one concludes that strange messages are encoded in the names of some of their representatives, encourage him in every way: 

-Barack Obama - "lightning, "fallen" - AP. Luke (10:18)

-Michael LaVaughn Robinson - 666 - Revelation of John the Theologian

Strange, to say the least, coincidences. Can't you find it?

All photos of this ring Jerome Corsi sent for examination ph.D. Mark (Mustafa) Gabriel. Gabriel was born in Upper Egypt to a Muslim family. He grew up and was raised in a Muslim environment, studied and graduated from the prestigious Islamic University of Al-Azhar in Cairo. Gabriel is a recognized expert on Islam and Islamic culture. He lives and works in the United States.

Mark Gabriel told Corsi that the ring had an Arabic-engraved calligraphic inscription on both sides. On the right is written: "There is no God but Allah," and on the left is " and Muhammad is his prophet." The word "Allah" is written in part on the initial part of the word "except." Such writing is common in Islamic jewelry and Arabic calligraphy, when it is necessary to place the letters in a limited space. 

Gabriel goes on to explain that this saying is Shahada, the first of the five main provisions of Islam. It consists of two statements: 1. There is no god but Allah and 2. Muhammad is the prophet of Allah. Gabriel stressed the importance of Shahada in the Islamic faith. He said: "A Muslim pronounces Shahada when he wakes up in the morning and before he goes to bed in the evening. Shahada is repeated five times a day during the call to prayer in each mosque." Reading Shahada in Arabic is all that is required of a person to be considered to have converted to Islam.

Gabriel emphasized that the person wearing such a ring demonstrates the importance of Islam in his life. He wrote: "There is no doubt that whoever wears the ring with such an inscription has close ties to Islamic beliefs, Islamic religion and Islamic society. Wearing a ring with such religious content connects a person with Islam." Gabriel believes that the person wearing such a ring can't help but know what's on it.

Mark Gabriel's findings were confirmed in an anonymous interview with Glenn Beck by a Duke University professor.

Producer Joel Gilbert, an expert on the Middle East, said he had come to the conclusion that the ring Obama was wearing was made in Indonesia.

William Murray, head of the Coalition for Religious Freedoms in Washington, D.C., shared photos of the ring to his counterparts in Jordan. They said they had seen similar rings in their country.

1️-"A summary of Christian Kabbalah."

2️-Jewish amulet to protect against the plague (think it is suitable for a coven)

3️ funny that the symbol of the cookie and snack maker headquartered in East Hanover, New Jersey, Nabisco is similar to the alchemical symbol of Sulfur, which is used by Satanists as a symbol of the devil and as a means of transmitting signals to each other. 

The United States Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has numerous detention camps throughout the United States. Some of these camps have been recently built and/or renovated and fully staffed. 

American quarantine camps

The existing camps, coupled with the Presidential Executive Order, allow the President and the Department of Homeland Security (of which FEMA is a part) to exercise control over "core national functions" in the event of an "emergency" that would require the camps to be used to forcibly imprison American citizens for unconstitutional purposes.

2. United States Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)


BLOCKQUOTE_FACT FEMA was established on April 1, 1979, in accordance with President Jimmy Carter's 12127 Executive Order. It combined the Federal Insurance Administration, the National Fire Prevention and Control Program, the Public Weather Preparedness Program, the Federal Alert Agency, and the Federal Disaster Relief Administration, previously operated by the Department of Housing and Urban Construction. blockquote_fact It also incorporated the Civil Defense, formerly owned by the Ministry of Defence, which trained citizens with military attacks.

In 1993, Bill Clinton placed the FEMA administration in the Cabinet. In 2003, FEMA became part of the Department of Homeland Security's Board of Emergency Preparedness and Rapid Response

Declared goals

THE declared goals of FEMA are to "reduce human losses and property, and to protect the nation from dangers that include natural disasters, terrorist acts and other human-made disasters, to manage and maintain the nation through a comprehensive emergency management system that is prepared, protects, responds, recovers and reduces negative consequences."

It is the emblem of members of the secret society of Yale University, registered in 1856 by William Russell (it was founded earlier). Then it was called the Russell Trust Association. It is known that the most influential American politicians were members of this society. Both Bushes did not escape this fate.

The numbers under the skull can mean different things. According to one version, this is the date of death of Demosthenes (322 BC), who was the founder of his secret society, which became the prototype of "Skull and Bones." According to another version, this is the founding date of the club (1832), where the second deuce means that the society is secondary and is a branch of the German society of this type.

Both of these explanations seem to me to be far-fetched. Look at these American faces and imagine that they give the number 322 just such a meaning - the date of Demosthenes' death. It's crazy. I'd rather agree that they have no idea what those numbers mean. 

It just sounds beautiful. "Catch 22," "Slaughterhouse Number Five," "Skull and Bones - 322." And so on.

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