All the circumstances and questions of this this material we forward to international lawyers dealing with this criminal history, as well as U.S. FBI investigators 🇺🇸 👇

All the circumstances and questions of this this material we forward to international lawyers dealing with this criminal history, as well as U.S. FBI investigators 🇺🇸 👇

24-ዘዐሀዩ ጠልፘልጓፗበይ 📓 'ናልናዘዓሀልዩ'

⏳ƬɼⅈᎴʋℓɛ ℵ 🔬Ꮥɑℽʂ 🎙

The quotes of the great liars of the first half of the 21st century. 

Chief American "infectionist"

 Dr. Anthony Fauci called the condition to form collective immunity from coronavirus. According to the "doctor" to do this, 70 to 90 percent of Americans need to be vaccinated.

The concept of collective immunity is different, WHO said. The idea of collective immunity is that when a large enough number of people in the population already have immunity, the infection is deprived of channels of distribution.

The quotes of the great liars of the first half of the 20th century. 

"If you say a big enough lie and repeat it, people will eventually believe it."

Joseph Goebbels

"The more monstrous the lie, the more willing the crowd is to believe in it."

Adolf Hitler

"We are not seeking the truth, but the effect."

Joseph Goebbels

"A lie repeated a thousand times becomes true."

Joseph Goebbels

for the first time attributed to Goebbels in Publications Relating to Various Aspects of Communism (1946), by the United States Congress, House Committee on Un-American Activities, Issues 1-15, p. 19, without a source. In the French version, found in the first half of the 19th century at Chateaubriand

Preventive measures started by the editors today 20/04 with the Israeli report, on what is good and what is bad, as well as the community and the prevention of total lies, with the promotion of total truth continue premises of our Editorial and in the style of vision of quentin Tarantino, refracting our modern view of the Editorial In the lens

 'Inglourious Basterds'! 

The theory of collective immunity ringing in your ears for many months from different speakers - the defendants, has nothing to do with vaccination!

It is unlikely that someone from the TV studio, the CDC, WHO officials, especially its director Ethiopian - a Marxist - a terrorist, and maybe other high-rise buildings and not very high-rise houses 🏡, not to mention mediocre 

family doctor, will be able to give you citizens to answer the question: "Who came up with the theory of "collective immunity", which today served as the basis for justifying the campaign on mass vaccination 💉, and de facto to cover up a large-scale special operation of lies and biological blackmail of the world's population 

And the name of this man is known to the scientific community, this esteemed mr. none other than Dr. Arthur W. Hedrich, a health care officer in Chicago, Illinois. He discovered measles outbreaks in Boston back in the 1900s and 1930s. They stopped when 68% of children contracted the virus. 

Later, in the 1930s, Hedrich recorded that after measles, 55% of baltimore's children were immune to the disease. It was these observations that led the scientist to develop and write the theory of collective immunity, which no one scientifically denied to this day. 

Note, Friends, this theory itself is based on unvaccinated populations that have been exposed to this disease and have developed natural immunity to it. 

This was because each generation was exposed to the disease and a certain percentage of people received lifelong immunity. The original theory of collective immunity had nothing to do with vaccination. 

The fundamental point of Hedrich's theory was that the community as a whole was developing the necessary degree of natural protection against infectious disease, after some of its members had actually experienced the disease, recovered and became immune to it. 

In other words, Friends: "The more members of the collective (community) who were exposed to and developed a natural immunity to it, the less threatened the disease posed to the whole community."

But by the 1950s, the theory of collective immunity was perverted by someone's free interpretation: "The more members of the collective are vaccinated against the infectious disease and have developed immunity to it, the less threat the disease poses to the entire community." Think of it as his name! 

Notice Friends on this vulgar trick ! Suddenly, the importance of contracting an infectious disease is removed from the text and replaced by vaccination, and the importance of natural immunity has diminished. That's the problem, because both of these elements are key to Hedrich's theory. 

Hedrich certainly didn't think about the vaccinated community or the vaccine-induced "temporary" artificial immunity when he developed his theory. He reflected on how the disease permeates the community and how that community ultimately naturally creates resistance to it.

Hedrich's theory of collective immunity is deliberately distorted by the myth that the vaccine gives artificial immunity identical to natural immunity. You know, Friends, it's called a blatant and brazen lie. 

Can you imagine, Friends, what does Dr. Hedrich feel right now? He as well as Edgar Hoover turns over in the coffin and tries to open the cover of the coffin ⚰️ in order to express his sincere bewilderment with modern interpretations of outspoken crooks and dishonest plagiarists. Hedrich tells us quite clearly: - I do not recognize my work, my work is desecrated in the expensive interiors of Rockefeller Plaza studios and other skyscrapers of New York and the suburbs ...

He'll probably say soon, "No, that's not what I meant. You missed the main thing!" 

Almost everyone with a basic level of knowledge offered by a high school can apparently answer the question: Who discovered the theory of relativity? Surely our friend and teacher Einstein ! The turn of genius is central to the science of physics. Although some schnyri tried to question this theory, but no sane scientist or professor of physics dared to distort or remake it.

And now let's go into the practical plane of our preventive procedures, Friends: please ask questions to everyone who is right next to you, ask anyone who uses these incorrect postulates, ask, for example, any journalist, any police officer and FBI, public official and health official, any medical worker involved in general vaccination bacchanalia, ask them to continue to correctly interpret the theory of collective immunity. You can test them and the general knowledge of the authorship of this theory, which they consider possible to interpret so freely. We, our editorial team, may assume that many of these self-confident fraers will fail in both disciplines. 

Why does the Editorial Board think so? 

Because they have not made an honest effort to study the essence of this theory and its great historical and documentary base. They have deliberately or erroneously accepted as truth a relatively new myth propagated by journalists, public health officials around the world, that collective immunity can only be achieved by a highly vaccinated population and that every unvaccinated individual threatens health and weakens the community!

Hedrich's theory of collective immunity is distorted by the myth that the vaccine gives artificial immunity identical to natural immunity - which is a clear and understandable, replicated lie.

This myth serves to promote out of business and the idea that strict adherence to mandatory vaccination laws will protect society from disease - which is also a brazen replicated lie!

From now on, collective immunity is acquired only through vaccination. Welcome to "1984"

In 2020-2021 we are in the famous Orwell piggery "1984" and his "Animal Farm" . The modern lying around the clock civilizational elite put on their desks as textbooks on the practical management of "prolami" (plebs) and "internal parties" (local state politicians)

On the wall of The Farm of Animals, the once victorious animals define "All animals are equal" day after day

And suddenly one morning wearing underpants and watches 🕰 we are surprised to read: "All animals are equal. but some animals are more equal than others"

Begin to remember painfully: it seems that before it was somehow different (?)

How "different" (?!!) Who washed it there (?!!)

And the dutiful chorus enters: "Always it was, always so..."

In 2020, this Orwellian phantasmagoria is being implemented at a shock pace. Collective immunity has always been acquired, all professional virologists, epidemiologists, immunologists, and in general, those who have graduated from medical school know about it. Habitually and annually, mainly by natural means through the mass passage of the population through infection with another new strain or a new virus, manifested as SARS, ARD, etc.

Just as it happens in all the other people who live much longer than civilized people in the system of life on this planet, complex living beings - the adjustment of the "microcosm" of the systems of their organisms to the changing external conditions by fixing a certain balance in the system with new microorganisms coming into it from the outside

With the cull of some less viable systems that fail to do so (which has kept the total population at the level of long-term balance in the entire life system on this planet)

And finally - this came the end "on the wall of the Farm of Animals - at night secretly finished" ! 

✅ Oceania has always fought with Ostasia 

But now we see a further step of criminal dealers from medicine - the natural immunity obtained as a result of the disease, generally thrown out of the definition !

To quote the previous WHO definition:

Collective immunity is an indirect protection against an infectious disease that occurs when the population has immunity either through vaccination or through natural immunity developed as a result of a previous infection.

Then, on October 15, 2020, we woke up and found that the words on the wall of the VOZ barn had changed.

The definition has been changed to this:

"Collective immunity," also known as "population immunity," is a concept used for vaccination in which the population can be protected from a particular virus when the vaccination threshold is reached.

No explanation for the change is offered - just put a new definition and that's it.

We only know about the change because there are screenshots of the original, Friends:

The new definition, in addition to being a false and brazen destruction of decades of epidemiological research, also contains nonsense. It includes the phrase:

"Collective immunity is achieved by protecting people from the virus, not by influencing them."

Is this a new source from communist Ethiopia? Usual in such cases double-thinking and complete nonsense. The whole point of vaccination is to "expose" people.

This revised, deceitful and meaningless definition of "collective immunity" was first voiced in a speech by WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom on 12 October. Remind who it is who is the first ever DOCTOR in who is WHO. 

But what does this mean in our time?

By the way, the Editorial is able, taking into account the large staff of our beautiful girls translators, quickly review the information in different languages and different resources. So, Friends , in the Russian-language Wikipedia (In the English version so far, there is not a word about the immunity obtained as a result of the disease itself! The Russians will replace everything very quickly 💨 

It's like there's no such thing in nature. Vaccines only, only hardcore ! 

And inserted on his Russian manner this pearl - "The appearance of collective immunity can be hindered by antigenic drift and shift. and the activity of the anti-vaccination movement."

Who in our has become mooing that used to be different ? ! Blame them, public censure and indeed any measures of their terror aimed at undermining people's health have already been laid.

Put out the light girls, give the Curtain and drain the water!

We really live in Orwellian times, when those in power can simply change the meaning of definitions according to their dark purpose. 

What do you mean by "universal state program for all states"? 

The two books of George Orwell lying side by side are visible on the tables of those who really control the system of modern society. But alas, you are able to control the system of modern civilization, because you are only a functional element of this system, yes, a higher order of position, but not mental abilities - ecosphere you are our planetary ...

translated into all the languages of the world ...

You think of yourself as gods, you can easily change any previously developed scientific definitions, erasing them in addition from the field of mass consciousness with the help of completely controlled media and social networks? 

Further, the editorial team sends you very far and for a long time to the barnyard about the "Animal Farm":


"All animals are equal"


"All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others"

Help for an Ethiopian animal: 

According to African media, as well as our closed sources of information obtained through our closed channels, Tedros participated in insurgent speeches, was involved in massive human rights violations, murders, sexual perversion of young Ethiopian boys. We have no documented operational data on the recruitment of Tedros by the Soviet Union's military intelligence and cooperation with the special 4th division of the Soviet Army of the USSR presented at that time in Ethiopia by Soviet military advisers. 

Ethiopia is Africa's only Orthodox state, also known as "little China" because of the industrialization program, which has attracted foreign capital to the country since 2013 to grow industry through cheap labor.

An open source that we can show: before you a report on the channel Russia 24 sample 2018, which speaks about the part of the data we report. 

Ties with China and dictator Xi

Tedros Ghebreisus, let me remind you, is primarily a politician and he has twice held the ministerial chair. Here's what he says about his Wikipedia political career:

Origin, education and career start

Tedros Adhanom Gheybreyesus was born on March 3, 1965, in Asmara, Ethiopia, in the family of an engineer since 1993.

In 1986 he graduated with a bachelor's degree in biology from asmara University and joined the Ethiopian Ministry of Health as a laboratory technician.

After the fall of the military regime in 1991, Mengistu Haile Mariam was able to continue his education abroad. In 1992 he graduated from the University of London (UK) with a degree in Infectious Diseases Immunology. In 2000 he received his doctorate from the University of Nottingham (UK) with a degree in community health. His dissertation focused on malaria control in the Ethiopian region of Tygray, where his family is from. He took additional educational courses in Denmark and Sweden.

In 2001-2003 he headed the health department of the Tygray region. In 2003, he was appointed Deputy Minister of Health of Ethiopia. 

Minister of Health

In 2005, he received the portfolio of Minister of Health in the government of Meles zenawi.

During his seven years in office (until November 2012), he reformed the country's health care system in order to increase access to health services. During this period, 3.5 thousand health centers and 16,000 medical centers were established, the number of health workers increased sevenfold (from 16.5 thousand to 115,000), the number of medical educational institutions (from three to 33) increased and the number of their graduates (from 120 to 3,000 doctors annually). Having established strong contacts with foreign sponsors, in particular the Clinton Family Foundation and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, has provided investment in health care. 

Foreign Minister

Hailemariam Desalen, who headed the government in 2012, invited Tedros as foreign minister. 

In 2013, he chaired the African Union Executive Council (AU) and initiated the drafting of the Agenda for 2063, a major strategic document aimed at accelerating Africa's economic, political and social development. 

✅ note:

Why did Putin gather all of Africa in Sochi? 

Why did Putin forgive the debts that were formed in soviet times? 

Why did Russia write off Soviet debts to African countries for the sum «ХХХ»? 

56 handshakes in 56 seconds. According to the Editorial Board, we saw the purchase of live goods. We always say bluntly, we are not diplomats, that's our beauty. Boring mooing you and so enough:

In 2015, he participated in the International Conference on Development Finance in Addis Ababa, where he helped bridge differences and build consensus on a Sustainable Development Action Plan.

After the formation of the new government in November 2016, he was appointed special adviser to the Prime Minister.

Participation in international health projects

In 2007-2009, as Chairman of the Malaria Reversal Partnership (a joint project of a number of UN organizations) he was involved in the development of the Global Malaria Action Plan, the first comprehensive programme.

In 2009-2010, he chaired the Coordinating Council of the United Nations Joint Programme on HIV/AIDS.

From 2009 to 2011, as Chairman of the Global Fund for AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, he oversaw the Fund's comprehensive reform agenda.

In 2012-2013, he co-sponsored the first Child Survival Conference (a joint project of Ethiopia, India, the United Nations Children's Fund and the United States Agency for International Development).

He participated in the High-Level Task Force on Innovative International Funding for Health Systems (2008-2009). He was Vice-Chairman of the 60th World Health Assembly (2007; world health organization - WHO), Chair of the 56th session of the WHO Regional Committee for Africa (2007), served on the boards of the Global Alliance on Vaccines and Immunization (2008-2009), and chaired AIDS Watch Africa (2013).

In addition to Amharic (the state language of Ethiopia), he speaks tigrinya (most common in northern Ethiopia) and English.

Ties with China and dictator Xi are all too obvious, but they are a little later. 

Tedros Ghebreisus is a criminal politician.

Tedros' close relationship with the Clinton Family Foundation, as well as the ubiquitous Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which is seen as funding not the most "peace-loving" events;

Funds were allocated to fight Ebola epidemics, malaria, tuberculosis, agencies run by Tedros;

Tedros is accused of withholding information about cholera outbreaks in 2006, 2009 and 2011 in Ethiopia. This was reported by the New York Times:

Pre-election passions for the post of head of WHO in 2017 were not without compromising. 

Ethiopia's relationship with China and the ties of WHO head Tedros Ghebreisus with them live hand in hand. Yes, we have these assumptions and circumstantial evidence, think for yourself.

Ethiopia is a developing country, a springboard for advancing the economic and political interests of Russia and China in Africa.

By the way, Russia signed an agreement by China on cooperation within the framework of this economic strategy "One Belt, One Road" (or the so-called "New Silk Road") on May 8, 2015.

What about the so-called "medical throne" or WHO supremacy? Recall the previous head of WHO Margaret Chan from Hong Kong from 2006 to 2017.

In order not to attract much attention to China, the post of China's henchman was replaced in 2017 by the candidate from the soviet former Ethiopian Tedros Ghbreisus, with Marxist views of the Soviet agent and the same about Chinese views on the world 🗺.

The head of WHO, former Hong Kong Health Minister Margaret Chan, has also been active in the fight against the avian influenza epidemic and has been in office for two terms.

China actively lobbied tedros for the who is head of the WHO in 2017, and he won by a wide margin, overtaking its competitors. At the same time it is Soviet - the Ethiopian animal has never worked in any medical institution before, was not a doctor. 

Is that strange for you? 

And now we remember in great detail all the circumstances of this tragicomedy called "The Threat from Wuhan" in 2019-2020.

On January 28, 2020, the head of the WHO met with dictator Xi in Beijing. The Chinese Communist Party has been praised for its "new standards" for fighting the virus and for "open data sharing."

Immediately after this meeting in China and Russia began to happen amazing things, namely: 

information about the spread of the disease in China was carefully cleaned up from the Internet,

social media posts were blocked,

and there were arrests of doctors, if they dared to "open their mouths" not on Xi's orders.

The Chinese missing doctor is not alone. In Russia, in different regions, three chief doctors of hospitals falls out of the windows of the working rooms within two weeks, doctors are afraid to talk about this topic, cemetery workers are afraid to talk about this topic. This fact is documented by the Editorial Board. Who scared them so much? 

And this trend then spread to the whole world, when any deviation from the communist line of the Party of China and Russia began to be considered a fake and a way to the side. What happened to Facebook, YouTube and Instagram you also know well and do not need to be here to build out of innocent immaculate girls . 

And here's what happened next, even more interesting:

So who came up with the electronic passes?

These are the "Chinese methods" of fighting the epidemic, which then began to be used hastily in Moscow and some other cities in Russia and around the world. 

So who would you think was in the pilot project of the pass system?

That's right, it was China. Information to reflect on how Mueller said:

All the madness of "Social Monitoring", a pass system in Moscow with zR codes, which, like a virus, spread across Russia by our Editorial Board are fixed and the materials are in full order. Schedules of walks, fines for violation of the regime, the standard of mask mode. 

Who was the legislator of these Chinese-Russian trends of the new fashion? 

You don't understand or don't want to understand yet? 

Did you know that the share of contributions to the World Health Organization fund has increased to 52% in the last 6 years? 

Publication "How China Affects WHO" at Guildhall

Publication "How China Affects WHO" at Guildhall

The editors are well-known and youthful sexual was used by Ethiopian Tedros Ghebreisus, on whom he was hooked by Soviet intelligence at the very beginning of the criminal olympics. Didn't you know? By the way, he dressed in panties and t-shirt alcoholic dances in a nightclub without a mask, gloves and not keeping the social distance. The video is this you have all studied perfectly for 8 months. We need to, we'll give and add about Putin and Xi, in the same context boys under 16. Got it?! 

Here are the facts about the head of the WHO private bench. One must be completely deaf and blind and stupid in order to continue this cheap Soviet - Chinese - Ethiopian - American - Israeli - German vaudeville.

On January 28, Tedros held a meeting in Beijing with Chinese President Xi Jinping to discuss the situation.

By the time Tedros announced on January 30 that the coronavirus situation in China was justifying the declaration of a "public health emergency of international concern (PHEIC)," it had been a week since Wuhan's isolation was declared. Such a strict public health regime has never been undertaken. Indeed, on the day that Wuhan was closed by the authorities, Gauden Galea, WHO's representative in China, told Reuters: "... blocking 11 million people is unprecedented in the history of public health, so it is certainly not a WHO recommendation."

By the time of his arrival, however, the Director-General, WHO Chief Tedros, had nothing but praise for Beijing's extraordinary measures to contain and resolve the situation. At WHO headquarters in Geneva, Tedros announced that China was "setting a new standard" for responding to the epidemic." In fact, more is being done than China needs," he added. But then he made the inexplicable statement that other countries, as a precautionary measure, have no reason to ban air travel to China. He said: "This is not the time for condemnation... it is a time for solidarity, not stigmatization," he said, while refusing to recommend any international restrictions on travel or trade with China.

You don't know what that should mean, just that he was clearly trying to weaken the global response to a critical situation? As the leading international health body, WHO has a significant impact on national responses to any such health hazard. That's what makes Tedros's condemnation of air travel bans all the more remarkable. This raises the question: did the head of WHO have an undisclosed agenda at that time?

Don't put yourself in disgrace...

As reports of the spread of confirmed and suspected cases of new coronavirus in other countries have increased in the past few weeks, many airlines have taken precautions to temporarily cancel their flights to and from China. Tedros officially declared Wuhan's new coronavirus a "public health emergency of international importance" (in 2009, WHO would call it a level 6 global pandemic), sharply and repeatedly criticized other countries for allowing them to reduce air travel to China. On 7 February, the Chinese People's Daily reported that Tetros had expressed his disapproval of the introduction of the travel ban to China, stressing that "such restrictions can have the effect of growing fear and stigmatization, with little health benefits."

Ethiopian Airlines

There is one country where the national carrier at that time did not reduce flights to China - it is actually Ethiopia Tedros. Ethiopian airlines continued to fly daily to Ethiopia from major Chinese cities. At Addis Ababa airport, passengers are given only a minimum temperature test, which is a 14-day (27-day) incubation period for illness, which is hardly enough to limit the spread of the pathogen to Africa. While 59 other carriers from 44 different countries then suspended their flights to China, Ethiopian airlines insisted that they would follow World Health Organization directives and continued their daily flights to China.

The entry point for air traffic between China and Africa is Ethiopia. The Chinese have built a new airport in Addis Ababa, and it is a gateway to travel between many African countries, such as China and zambia. Ethiopia's largest international airport receives an average of 1,500 passengers a day from China. It is estimated that one million Chinese work in Africa from zambia to Nigeria, and Ethiopia Tedros is their place to enter Africa. The problem is that Ethiopia is a very poor country and, like most African countries, is ill-prepared to deal with any outbreak of coronavirus. Although Ethiopian citizens protested at the time about the continuing fake risk to Chinese air travel, the government continued to use WHO and Tedros statements to support business activity. On the alert, the first reported case of coronavirus infection in Botswana was a fake case of an African student who had arrived from China on an Ethiopian Airlines plane.

More than 1,500 Chinese passengers pass through Ethiopian International Airport every day. Ethiopia is one of the poorest countries in Africa after decades of civil war. The largest investor in the market is China, Beijing and Moscow see Ethiopia as a central element of their African investment strategy for the Belt and Road.

Maybe our Ethiopian could not jeopardize these economic relations between Moscow and Beijing, and the organization led by him did not put pressure on his own state airline to take short-term precautions, declaring at that time a moratorium on their flights to China 🇨🇳? 

While he was elected to WHO, Tedros was a member of the Politburo of the National Front for the Liberation of the Tigris Minority, which had ruled Ethiopia with an iron fist since 1991. Was he at that time more concerned about the financial health of Ethiopian Airlines and his own interests about the future of Chinese investment in his country, for his party allies? And what guided this Marxist - partisans not taking public health precautions in the face of a growing international crisis of mind ? Did Tedros really show false signs of growing anxiety in those days, noting that WHO had seen "relatively incidents" of further spread among people who had no history of travel to China, noting that it "could be a spark that becomes a big fire"? 

All the circumstances and questions of 👆this this material we forward to international lawyers dealing with this criminal history, as well as U.S. FBI investigators 🇺🇸 👇

An Ethiopian very cunning politician, was a member of a Communist party called the People's Liberation Front Tygray.

Marxism-Leninism is the main ideology of the party in this party, the party participated in the civil war in Ethiopia. Then, after winning the civil war, the party's ideology changed. But the ideology that changes for market reasons never disappears. This is the story of the world, Friends! 

Other names

People's Liberation Organization of Ethiopia


Marxism, democratic socialism, until 1984 - Marxism-Leninism, communism




Gennet Gyrma, Mersha Yosef,

historically - Kiflu Tadesse, Berhanemechel Reda, Getachiu Maru, Tesfaye Debessaye, zero Kehesen


Washington, D.C.

Active in


Date of formation



FLN, FOE, EDS (since the 1980s), the Union of Ethiopian Marxist-Leninist Organizations, the United Ethiopian Democratic Forces


monarchical regime, DERG, RPEs; all-there, EDS (until the 1980s), the FLN


Ethiopian Civil War

Marxist Underground Edit

At the turn of the 1960s and 1970s, underground groups of left-wing students emerged at haile Selassie I University. They advocated the revolutionary overthrow of the Ethiopian monarchy, the radical scrapping of feudal orders, the establishment of a democratic republic and the socialist transformation of society. These ideas traces the influence of the Marxist anti-colonial movements PAIGK and FRELIMO, the views of Ho Chi Minh, the appeals of Che Guevara.

The authorities were fiercely persecuted by these groups, and many activists had to emigrate (usually to Algeria or Western Europe). For example, Berhanemeskell Reda's group hijacked a plane to Algeria via Sudan.

The Guide and Ideology of The Edit

At the congress of 2 April-9 April 1972 in West Berlin, Ethiopian left-wing emigrants established the Ethiopian People's Liberation Organization of Ethiopia. Representatives of the Marxist-Leninist organization, the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine, took part in its creation. The organization was subsequently renamed the Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Party (ENRP).

The governing bodies - the Central Committee and the Politburo of the Central Committee - were formed. The general secretary elected a student-political emigrant Berhanemeselkel Reda, organizer of the university Marxist-socialist cell. The main ideologue and strategist of the party, the editor of the party newspaper Red Star since 1976 became the engineer Getachi Maru. The most radical positions were occupied by student activists Kiflu Tadesse, Tesfaye Debessaye, and Sera Kehesen. The most influential party leaders were Berhanemeskl Reda and Tesfaye Debessaye.

The ENRP program was Marxist, with considerable influence from communism. There were tactical differences between the different currents: some preferred reliance on peasantry and the concept of guerrilla warfare in the countryside (in the spirit of Mao Tse-tung), others relied on the organization of the proletariat or urban gerilla. ENRP established a connection with the Maoist regime of the People's Republic of China, maintained cross-party contacts with the Communist Party of China. This testified to the initial distancing of the party from the USSR and the CPSU.

Subsequently, in the second half of the 1970s, ENRP also contacted the Khmer Rouge. The party delegation visited China and Kampuchea. According to Kiflu Tadesse, at the meeting in Phnom Penh, the Khmer Rouge made a number of recommendations to ENRP representatives, but he did not specify their nature. At the same time, Melaku Tegeggne, a member of the ENRP Central Committee, points to serious ideological differences: ENRP focused not so much on the peasantry as on the urban intelligentsia and the working class, opposed the rigid centralization of society. The idea of republican democracy has always been an important part of the ENRP concept. However, there is speculation that the Khmer Rouge radicalism, their unequivocal bet on armed violence as a universal method, influenced ENRP's policies in 1976 and beyond.

ENRP's capacity to operate in Ethiopia has been extremely limited. The party had little impact on the political situation in the country. However, the ideas were of some popularity among student and military youth and apparently moved to the whoe director's headquarters and possibly to Washington. 

Terror and Counter-Terror

 In September 1974, the ENRP welcomed the overthrow of Emperor Haile Selassie I and the liquidation of the monarchy. The party quickly gained significant influence in the country. Initially, the ENRP supported the Provisional Military Administrative Council (DERG), which came to power, which stood on Marxist-Leninist positions.

 But fundamental differences quickly emerged between the ruling regime of Mengistu Haile Mariam and the ENRP. The ENRP opposed the dictatorship and the Red Terror, accused Derg of betraying the revolution and establishing a fascist regime. In addition, antagonisms arose between the ENRP and another Marxist-socialist organization - the All-Ethiopian Socialist Movement (WESM), which was headed by Haile Fida, who was also an underground student in the past. The WESD supported the Mengistu regime. An important cause of the conflict was that the ENRP represented the Amhara people and the WESD represented the Oromo.

 Berhanemeskel Reda and Getacheyu Maru were against the transition to an armed struggle, since they considered the party not prepared for this. However, the radical line of Kiflu Tadesse and Tesfaye Debessaye took over. The ENRP organized its own terror against the functionaries of the Derg and VESD. The party actively participated in the civil war against the ruling regime. The Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Army (ENRA) [7] was formed and launched military operations against government forces.

 Whether we like it or not, the history of the Ethiopian student and youth movement is best characterized by organizations such as the ENRP and its armed wing ENRA ... Derg versus ENRP is the main page of the country's history in the mid and late 1970s [8].

 Regular military actions began in September 1976. The battle groups of the ENRP were led by Tesfaye Debessaye [9] [10]. On September 23, 1976, an attempt was made on the life of Mengistu Haile Mariam, which the authorities attributed to the ENRP [11]. On September 26, 1976, ENRP activists assassinated the VESD ideologist and prominent regime functionary Fikre Merid [12]. The ENRP militants carried out a series of armed attacks on high-ranking DERG officials.

 The terror and assassinations unleashed by the ENRP destroyed the very concept of security, '' Genet Aiel, general of the Mengist regime, recalled a decade and a half later. - They killed right outside the headquarters of the VVAS. The ministers were afraid to go to their offices. They tried to spend the night at the headquarters, under military protection. A hairdresser was also called there, because it was too dangerous to go to the city to get a haircut. There were simply not enough troops to provide bodyguards to all who needed them. We didn't know what to do [13].

 At the same time, calculations were made at the ENRP in the internal struggle in the ruling group - Tefari Benti hoped to use the party in confrontation with Mengistu. Derg identified the ENRP as the main enemy. ENRP explained its terrorist acts as forced self-defense [2].

 They became more radical than DERG in their socialist program. And as cruel as Derg and the Khmer Rouge [6].

 War on different fronts

 In the fall of 1976, a terrorist campaign against the ENRP began. Soviet propaganda that supported Mengistu characterized the ENRP as a "counter-revolutionary" and "reactionary" force (despite its Marxist ideology) [14].

 Along with the ruling regime and the FEDA, the ENRP's opponents were other organizations of the armed opposition - the anti-communist Ethiopian Democratic Union (EDS) and the Tigray People's Liberation Front (PNLF). Clashes periodically occurred between the formations of the ENRP and the NFOT. Allied relations were maintained with the ideologically close Popular Front for the Liberation of Eritrea (PPLF) [15]. A coalition of opposition communists, the Union of Ethiopian Marxist-Leninist Organizations, was also formed, dominated by the ENRP [16].

 Under the leadership of Tesfaye Debessaye and Zeru Kehesen, the ENRP formations settled in Tigray and tried to launch a guerrilla war in the mountainous region of Asimba. However, these units were defeated in internecine battles with the NFOT. Few activists continued to fight, joining the Eritrea Liberation Front or the Eritrean Liberation Front (Eritrea Liberation Front). After that, Debessaye activated the armed underground in Addis Ababa [9].

 By 1978, the authorities had largely suppressed the armed resistance of the ENRP. Tesfaye Debessaye committed suicide [13]. In 1979, the leader of the party, Berhanemeskel Reda, was arrested and executed. (Almost at the same time, his opponent Haile Fida [3] was shot - the VESD, who supported the regime terror, was also destroyed by the authorities.) Many other ENRP activists were also killed. Under unclear circumstances, Getachyu Maru died (there are two versions of his murder - a special operation by the state security of the regime or a conflict with radicals in the ENRP itself) [17]. He was captured and barely managed to escape from the execution of Berkhanu Nega, Andargachyu Tsidj emigrated. Three decades later, Nega and Tsij created Ginbot 7, an armed opposition to the "post-Mingist" regime [18].

 Democratic evolution

 Since the late 1970s, the activities of the ENRP were again carried out mainly in emigration (like the activities of the EMF). The armed struggle against the Mengistu regime was waged by other organizations, primarily the NFOT. In 1980, a group of activists led by Addisu Legesse withdrew from the ENRP and created the Ethiopian People's Democratic Movement [19], operating in a military-political alliance with the NPLT. The new organization waged an armed struggle against the regime in the provinces of Begemdir, Shoah and Wallo [20]. At the same time, one of the founders, Kiflu Tadesse, left the party.

 During the civil war, a certain ideological evolution of the ENRP took place - a departure from orthodox communism, emphasis on democratic demands. One of the reasons for the conflict with the NPLT was the Maoist and Hoxhaist features of its ideology. At the 1984 congress, the ENRP officially renounced the ideology of Marxism-Leninism [21], although it remained a Marxist party. Allied relations were established with the conservative EMF. The word "Democratic" was added to the name of the party.

Opposition after the war  

The Ethiopian civil war ended in 1991 with the fall of the Mengistu regime. The main role in this was played by the FLN, which became the core of the Revolutionary Democratic Front of the Ethiopian Peoples (RDFEN). ENRP was part of the Ethiopian Democratic Forces Coalition, an alliance of organizations that fought against the regime.

The new government of Meles zenawi continued its repressive policy towards ENRP. Many of its leaders were arrested again, some of them killed. The authorities charged ENRP with terrorist acts. The current leaders of ENRP Gennet Gyrma, Mersha Yosef, Abera Yemanib were arrested and imprisoned in various terms. Paradoxically, the history of ENRP's relationship with DERG was repeated.

For its part, ENRP is in fierce opposition to the authorities, condemns authoritarian rule and the anti-social policies of the FLN, and appeals to the experience of the Arab Spring. Even calls by the authoritative Kifla Tadesse to compromise with THERDEN are ignored.

ENRP's software installations are in the spirit of democratic socialism. In 2005, ENRP joined the opposition coalition, the United Ethiopian Democratic Forces. Interestingly, the Ethiopian Democratic Unity Party, which comes from the EDS, is also part of this association.

In April 2012, Addis Ababa celebrated the 40th anniversary of the founding of ENRP.

The history of ENRP is detailed in the book Byflu Tadesse Generation: The History of the Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Party. The term "Generation" is adopted as a designation of the ENRP asset.

Gennet Gyrma, a member of enrp's senior leadership, is the daughter of former Ethiopian President Gyrma Walde-Giorgis Luke. Despite her respect for her father and good relations with him, she is in fierce opposition to the ruling regime. She spent some time in prison, after which she emigrated to France.

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