Ethnic criminal group 🎸 Mongols - Uzbeks , editorial name "Khan Baty" |.

Ethnic criminal group 🎸 Mongols - Uzbeks , editorial name "Khan Baty" |.

Ͳɦε Ɗαʝɭγ Ɠαʐεʈʈε'ʂ 'Βεɾϻμɗα Ͳɾʝαηɠɭε Ѕαγʂ'🎙

Former Slavic President Trump's son-in-law has ties to former Soviet Union, these are the Great Pages of Russian History 

Meet Jared Kushner; born January 10, 1981) is an American businessman who owns a development company and the New York Observer newspaper. In 2009, he married Ivanka Trump, a Slovak, and they have three children. 

In the summer of 2016, a journalist for his own newspaper called one of Trump's tweets "anti-Semitic." Kushner responded with a lengthy open letter, which began with a story about his Jewish ancestors who fled during the war from the ghetto in the city of Novogrudok in Soviet Belarus to the Belsky partisans. Kushner denied accusations of "racism" and "anti-Semitism" against Trump, calling him a "tolerant man" who warmly accepted his daughter's marriage to a Jew. By the way, she also converted to Judaism before marriage. Kushner noted that he knows his father-in-law better than journalists. According to Kushner, many media outlets persecute Trump, wrongly accusing him, portraying him in a caricatured light and clinging to his phrases.

Jared Kushner himself grew up in a family of Orthodox Jews of the Chabad Lubavitch community. He graduated from a private Jewish school in New Jersey. Graduated from Harvard University in 2003 and from New York University in 2007. As the eldest son of developer Charles Kushner, he continued and developed his father's business. While still a student at Harvard, he made real estate deals, making a profit of $ 20 million.

The story of the Kushner family is very interesting and instructive. His father, billionaire Charles Kushner, did not accidentally decide to bring his grandchildren to the Belarusian regional center of Novogrudok before coming of age to tell the story of the family. The son of Jared has already publicly told about this. He wrote about the Belarusian history of his ancestors this pre-election summer in an article published in his newspaper New York Observer.

Before the war, the Kushners lived in Novogrudok. The head of the Seidel family had his own workshop and shop, where he sold fur products, including hats, therefore, according to local historians, he received the nickname "hatter" in the town, writes Sputnik Belarus.

The Kushner family escaped the war thanks to the escape from the ghetto and the partisan detachment of the Bielski brothers. And it happened like this. With the arrival of the Germans, the Kushner family ended up in the Novogrudok ghetto. Of the 7,000 Jews who lived in the town before the war, only 250 remained in the ghetto by the time of their escape in September 1943. The prisoners decided to flee after another mass execution. For three months they dug a tunnel, and on September 26, 1943, everyone went underground.

Some of the fugitives were captured and killed by the Germans. The rest, thanks to one woman from a small farm, who fed them and gave them milk, were then taken to a partisan detachment. So, more than a hundred people ended up in the partisan detachment of the Belsky brothers. Among them were the Kushners: Seidel with two daughters, Raya and Leia, and his brother Chaim. Seidel's wife Hinda died in the ghetto, and his only son, Khony, escaped.

The Belsky partisan detachment was not a classic combat formation. Of the more than a thousand members of the detachment, only about 150 people participated in the hostilities - the so-called battle group. The rest lived in the forest in a family camp, worked in the workshops built here and helped the Soviet partisans - they sewed, repaired, treated, even made sausages for them.

Seidel Kushner and his brother, as follows from the detachment documents preserved in the archives, worked in partisan workshops, sewed hats. The names of Seidel Kushner and Chaim Leibovich (the second surname of Chaim Kushner) are also mentioned in the holiday order for May 1, 1944, in which the commander of the detachment Tuvia Belsky noted the best fighters, doctors and artisans. In addition, Chaim Kushner most likely headed the hat workshop. It should be noted that during the war the Belsky brothers went into the forest with their family in the hope of escape, but then they began to accept other Jews as well, purposefully lead them out of the ghetto. As a result, during the years of occupation, Belsky managed to gather more than 1200 Jews in the forest and save from death. After the war, both the Kushners and Belskys emigrated to the United States. Decades later, former guerrillas began to gather to thank their commander. The last meeting took place in the banquet hall of the Hilton Hotel six months before Tuvia's death. Hundreds of people greeted him with standing and applause.

Seidel Kushner's grandson Charles took up real estate, became rich and became a billionaire. Great-grandson Jared married Donald Trump's daughter Ivanka.

 In recent years, Charles Kushner repeatedly visited Novogrudok, came himself and brought his grandchildren. According to the local historian Vershitskaya, Kushner expressed his intention to show the history of the family to all his grandchildren on the eve of their majority. This means that Trump's grandchildren will certainly come to Belarusian Novogrudok.

A beautiful Slavic Ivana became a Jew and a member of the sect "Chabad."

Despite her Slavic name and mother-of-two (Trump's first wife Ivanna), Ivanka turned out to be Jewish. How did a Slavic mother and a father, an ethnic German, have a Jewish daughter? 

It turns out that Ivanka converted to Judaism, that is, passed the guere procedure, before marrying an orthodox Jew and one of the leaders of the Jewish community of New York, Jerad Kushner. 

In fact - the difference from the acceptance of Islam conversion to Judaism (its canonical or "orthodox" version) is a rather complex procedure, requiring the applicant to thoroughly study this religion. At the same time, the rabbi, to whom the applicant addresses, must dissuade him from doing so at least three times during the year. Accordingly, it can be concluded that if Ivanka Trump managed to pass this procedure, she is quite a convinced Jew. Trump himself, positioning himself as a defender of Christian America, did not hide it and was not ashamed. "Yes, one of my daughters is Jewish," he said. "It wasn't planned, it just happened. And I'm glad it happened. She has a wonderful Jewish family, and I have a wonderful son-in-law, a great guy Jerad Kushner," said Doni. 

Note that Ivanka and Jerad Kushner belong not only to Judaism, but to the militant zionist sect CHABAD, known for its mafia character and criminal activity around the world, including the trade in drugs, weapons, human organs. We will also remind the reader: after the election of Donald, he warmly welcomed the ultra-zionist government of Israel led by Netanyahu, who called him a "true friend of Israel" and also the regime of Russophobe Putin, and in the State Duma poured champagne all the floors of the idle victory of Don Pedro Corleone and the news of Trump's victory in the elections was greeted by aviation. 

Ivanka-Yael was born in 1981 from Donald Trump's first marriage to a Czech model and bodybuilder Ivana Selnichkova, who escaped on skis from the Italian Alps from the sports training camp of the ChSSR team to Austria, and later found herself in New York and accidentally met Doni on the street in line for a closed event. This is our style with Doni getting to know each other on the street and getting married. In 2004, Ivanka, who was also a model, graduated from the University of Pennsylvania School of Economics and, thanks to her father's connections and position, almost immediately joined the top echelon of managers of Forrest City Real Estate Company. From there, she soon moved to the marketing department of Dynamic Diamond Corp, a diamond company specializing in diamond sales.

In 2006, she took part in the reality show "The Candidate", Doni either as a father, or a husband, acted as a presenter and producer at the same time. Ivanka has been in six issues, so she was offered to participate in the next season of the show. On the wave of money 💵 and popularity Ivanka began to invite to various TV shows, and in some of them she tried herself as a presenter . And in 2009, the world bestseller is unique to the United States - "Trump card. 

How to play in a way that succeeds at work and in life," which for several months was even listed as a bestseller and business literature. Bravo 👏 

At that time, Ivanka was already bathed in a stormy romance of feelings with Jerad - the son of the multimillionaire described by our Editors above

 and one of the leaders of the New York Jewish community, Charles Kushnir. Jerad Kushnir, also a university graduate, acquired the New York Observer at age 25. Do you know something about this Great Newspaper? We are not.

The only obstacle to marriage was not the desire of the Kushner family to accept a non-Jewish daughter-in-law, and Ivanka said that she was ready to go giyur. 

"I've always had a lot of Jewish friends, I've always been interested in Judaism, so I can't even tell you what's the reason and what's the consequence: my interest in Judaism or the fact that Jerad turned out to be a Jew who kept religious commandments," she admitted in an interview. "At any rate, I always knew I wanted to marry a Jew."

 Her friend, 31-year-old Ivanka Trump, and husband Jared Kushner made the company of Dasha Shchukova. 

Ivanka Trump and Daria zhukova at the US Open (September, 2016). 

The wife of billionaire Roman Abramovich Daria Shchukova was caught in the arms of Donald Trump's relative Joshua Kushner. The young men dined together in the restaurant.

Foreign paparazzi increasingly began to notice that Shchukova comes out with anyone, but not with her spouse. Photographers have repeatedly filmed it with different men.

Daria's constant companion at the holidays and get-togethers is The New York journalist Derek Blasberg. Abramovich's wife recently got into the lenses of reporters during a dinner with gallerist and art dealer Vito Schnabel. The young man stroked the hair of Shchukov, and she lay on his shoulder and laughed light-heartedly.

Now the billionaire's wife went to an expensive restaurant with her husband Ivanka Trump's brother, 31-year-old Joshua Kushner. Socialite gossip says that he has been in a relationship with supermodel Karlie Kloss for five years.

Meanwhile, back from the yellow theme of our walk to Ivanka's Jewishness.

Ivanka, who was vice president at one of Doni's companies, takes her transition to Jewishness more than seriously: she went through a strict orthodox giyure and said she was strict about religious precepts. The wedding of Ivanka, who adopted the Jewish name Yael, and Jerada became a real Jewish religious wedding. However, standing under the hoop, Ivanka-Yael now and then trying to take her husband under her arm, and the rabbi had to remind the bride again and again that until all the right words are said, he and the groom have no right to touch each other. After the wedding for seven days, as the Jewish tradition dictates, every evening there were feasts with "sheva brahot" ("family of blessings"). About a thousand guests - almost all relatives of the large Kushnir family - took part in one of these feasts. 

The photo was taken as he left the synagogue.

One journalist had lunch or dinner with Ivanka Yael for an interview at the restaurant, and she immediately warned that she would only be able to eat vegetarian food there.

"We're keeping coughs," she explained.

"And what other commandments of Judaism do you follow?" For some reason, the journalist, who was shocked by these words, asked.

"Saturday, and everything else. Of course, we observe everything not as strictly and scrupulously as ultra-Orthodox, but at the same time in a much greater volume than other young Jewish families do, alas.

"Doesn't it burden you?" The journalist didn't let up.

"What are you doing?" Ivanka said. "The further I go, the more I realize that most of the commandments of Judaism are aimed at making a person have a truly happy family. For example, on Saturday you don't want to, and the couple are together and can find out all the relationships, resolve all conflicts and really get close to each other. My father, however, for a long time refused to understand why for 25 hours I can not pick up the phone, but it seems that now he is used to.

The Jewishness of Yael-Ivanka and Jerada Kushner is manifested, of course, not only in the fact that they regularly visit the synagogue, observe kosher, Saturday and the commandments about the purity of family life, but, as has been said, in their active participation in the Jewish community of New York and donate a lot of money to Jewish schools and various community activities. In addition, Ivanka and her husband do not hide that they are great patriots of Israel, although have not yet decided where to buy an apartment - in Jerusalem or Tel Aviv.

And in 2007, Ivanka donated money to Hillary Clinton's campaign. Apparently it was Hillary who persuaded Ivanka to do the procedure. 

Ethnic criminal group -Information for investigative teams. Part 1.

Ethnic international criminal grouping. Part 2.

Ethnic international criminal grouping. Part 3.

 The Chabad Jewish Community Center of Port Washington on Long Island in Manhasset Bay is housed in a squat brick building opposite a Shell gas station and shopping mall. This is an unremarkable house on an unremarkable street, if you do not take into account one peculiarity. The shortest paths connecting Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin run through it.

 20 years ago, when the Russian president began to consolidate his power in the country, he launched a project to eradicate the structures of the Jewish civil society that existed in the country and to replace them with a parallel structure loyal to him. And on the other side of the world, a cheeky Manhattan real estate developer was trying to grab some of the huge flow of capital that poured out of the former Soviet Union in search of stable Western assets (especially real estate) and partners in New York with access to the entire region.

 Such aspirations led these two people, as well as Trump's future son-in-law Jared Kushner, to form a close and overlapping relationship in a small world centered on the international Hasidic movement Chabad, completely unknown to most people.  In 1999, Putin enlisted the support of two of his confidants and the oligarchs Lev Leviev and Roman Abramovich, who later became the main patrons of Chabad around the world, and created the Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia under the leadership of Chabad Rabbi Berl Lazar, who is now called "Putin's rabbi."

 Several years later, Trump began searching for Russian projects and Russian capital, joining forces with Bayrock-Sapir, which was headed by Soviet emigrants Tevfik Arif, Felix Sater and Tamir Sapir, who maintained close ties with Chabad. The company's projects have been the subject of numerous fraudulent lawsuits, and a criminal investigation has been carried out into a Manhattan residential complex.

Hillary Rodham's father was an arbiter (godfather) to the Rothschild and Rockefeller clans. Hillary Clinton's daughter, Chelsea, became the wife of banker Mark Mezinski - so Rodham's family strengthened itself by confirming his status as a referee.

Statist Clinton, who advocates for abortion, called on people to get vaccinated and censored by anyone who questioned the BigPharma vaccine.

The number of votes in support of total suppression of votes and questions about BigPharma's activities is multiplied day by day. Interestingly, the bulk of those advocating censorship, when it comes to BigPharma, vaccines, vaccine deaths, foot-and-air and their multibillion-dollar profits, are people with a reputation not only in the conservative part of society; and this reputation, like that of the same friend of paedophile Epstein notorious Gates, who advocated the reduction of the population of the earth by "planning the campaign" and vaccination, which he now "rescues" the people he was going to cut, is not a plus. 



However, perhaps this is due to the fact that Ivanka-Yael is a friend of Chelsea Clinton - daughter of Bill and Hillary Clinton. Chelsea is also married to a Jew, but the Gueira did not pass. Friends in 2026 agreed, regardless of the outcome of the presidential elections, to arrange in November "between the two." Both, by the way, by that time were only after the birth. 

 FS monitors people on SORM. It's a system of wiretapping the Internet and phones. SORM for the FSB puts a private monopoly firm. It's called the Citadel. It belongs to Vladimir "Ivan" Streshinsky, husband of tatler diva "Auntie Mochi". Streshinsky hides, but he and the whole family - citizens of Israel. See for yourself.

Shareholder of the Citadel. Streshinsky Vladimir, 02.10.1969. The name on the Israeli passport סטרשינסקי. The name ולדימיר. Theeudat-zeut number 317902278.

son. Streshinsky Vasily, 06.06.1997. The last name סטרשינסקי. The name וסילי. Theudat-zeut 317902302.

father. Streshinsky Yakov Romanovich (Rumanovich), 31.01.1937. The last name סטרשינסקי. The name יעקב. Teudat-zeut 313678583.

mother. Streshinskaya Larissa, 29.03.1940. The last name סטרשינסקי. The previous name בלוצרקובסקי. The name לריסה. Teudat-zeut 313678575.

daughter. Streshinsky Anastasia, 03.07.1995. The last name סטרשינסקי. The name אנסטסיה. Theudat-zeut 317902294.

The children's mother. Streshinaya Varvara Yuryevna, 17.12.1967. The last name סטרשינסקי. The name ברברה. Teudat-zeut 317902286.

brother. Streshinsky Dmitry, 14.09.1962. surname. סטרשינצקי. The name דמיטרי. Teudat-zeut 303441760.

My brother's wife. Streshinsky Suzanne, 06.03.1966. The last name סטרשינצקי. The previous name קןסיצקינה. The name סוזנה. Teudat-zeut 303441778.

Niece, 10.02.2002. The country of birth is France. The last name סטרשינצקי. The name לילני גוי. Theudat-zeut 209949718.

These Israeli citizens were registered at two addresses. Tel Aviv Jaffa, הרב קוק 18-2. Kfar-Sava, פינס 6-2. The foreign citizens of Streshinsky in Europe have real estate and money, vulnerable to sanctions. The Israeli owner of the Russian SORM is the perfect recruiting facility. This should alert the deputy director of the FSB Sergei Korolev that he may soon become a director. But there is a problem. The citadel contains his son, businessman Boris Korolev. So it's a question for the general. Or continue the state with money from Israel. Or close the Citadel shop. And SORM to build without foreign citizens, "Sunshine" brother and other friends of Italian-Swiss resident Alisher Usmanov nicknamed "Uzbek".

Records 🗒 the on-board log of our yacht 🛥 

31 Oct 2020, (191 days ago) a little stormy 🌊 on this unsyable day 

October 23 was a kind of round date. 

It has been exactly eight months since Alisher Usmanov flew from Moscow on his Burhan jet and never returned to Russia. 

This means that at the end of 2020 Usmanov should be found among the tax residents of the canton of Vud Switzerland, where the oligarch spends most of his time. Except for the monthly trip on the yacht "Dilbar" for 600 million dollars, off the coast of Italy. And why should Usmanov appear in Russia, if the list of goods to be labeled, is constantly automatically replenished. And accordingly, his personal accounts are replenished as a beneficiary of this senseless project. Russians pay "Usmanov's snr" from every bottle of drinking water, with every package of medicines. At the same time, subordinates of the oligarch were not even able to establish work, the system of labeling hangs because of what disappeared from the shelves of pharmacies individual medicines, vital in the conditions of coronavirus. Usmanov is not worried about this, he enjoys life in Switzerland and defiantly donates 500,000 euros to fashionable Italian Sardinia with the wording: "In gratitude to the people of Sardinia for a warm welcome." It was in Sardinia that Usmanov bought the villa eight years ago for 35 million euros.  

Intelligence failures are inevitable when scouts are transparent. Electronic surveillance of people has been created in Russia. It is run by Alisher Usmanov with The Citadel, the FSB's main contractor. They buy equipment outside Russia. Bribes make someone else's iron "Russian." Anyone who controls the import servers of "Citadel" is able to open any GRUshnik. Bypassing the courts and the watchmen. You can't defend yourself. And flow from Alisher directly into the open Internet geolocation of secret people, surveillance records of them. Usmanov lives in the West. He himself personally being a giant hole for any Western secret service. The wiretap curve is beneficial to injections and profitable for contractors. The junior founder of "Citadel" Valery Bitaev bought two Bentleys, Rolls, Maybach (perhaps not one) and an antique "gully" from kickbacks of state terms. Luxury - in pictures. His son rides cayenne, rover, infinitive, Lamborghini, lexus. And a gel with an absolutely insane number U888UU8.

Alisher Usmanov bought a maybach with a snarling number R770RR77. Gulbahor Ismayilova is registered in the house "Golden Keys", neighbor of Dmitry Medvedev. Apartment number 100 with Gulbahor is shared by the younger Gulnoz Sunnurovna Kocharovna Kocharovna. 

And she also has a Maybach S 650. State numberer UV489A77 and E861EN799.

Alisher Usmanov's sister Gulbahor Ismayilova traveled with the number R770RR77. The same number was at the Mercedes-Benz V250d 4Matic Timur Khaldarov. He also drove the Maybachs of Ismailova. The three of them Gulbahor, Timur and Dmitry Medvedev live in the Golden Keys house. Gulbahor in apartment 100. Timur - 104. Who is Khaldarov? An employee of Usmanov and his partner in the "Sunshine" OPG Andrei Skoch. His job is important - to pay bribes. Here's the contract. According to him, Khaldarov gave Dmitry Peskov and Tatiana Navka their palace on Rublevka. It's worth $20 million. Usmanov's briber knows too much to live poorly. Pictured is another of his Maybach S 500 4Matic with the number A240MR77. Also Mercedes-Benz S A276MR77, AMG G 63 A026AA77, Smart ForTwo Coupe Brabus M042MR77, Land Range Rover Rover A119MR77 and several similar wheelbarrows. Yasmina Khaldarova, Timur's daughter, is only 22 years old. And she rides a white Mercedes-Benz GLE 450 number A227MR77. I guess I did.

Dmitry Peskov's family's auto budget is more than $1.5 million. Maybach at his mother-in-law's. Two Teslas. First Tesla Models S Sister Navka. The second Tesla Model X is Peskov's son. He also owns a Range Rover and a Mercedes-Benz CLA sports car. Three mercas by Tatiana Navka: ML63 AMG, CL 63 AMG and AMG GLE 63. Two Mercedes-Benz GLC 250 4Matic. One on Natalia Navka. Another is owned by Peskov himself, the number O030O199. And that's not all. So blunt storage of machines that even envy is hard.

US President Donald Trump's son-in-law and adviser Jared Kushner has concealed his ties to Russian Ambassador to the United States Sergey Kislyak and discussed with him the possibility of establishing a secret channel of communication between Moscow and Washington, media reported.

Reuters notes that Kushner and Kislyak were in contact during and after Trump's 2016 presidential campaign.

Reuters, citing seven former and current U.S. officials, reported that Kushner concealed at least three contacts with Kislyak, including two phone conversations he conducted between April and November 2016.

According to the Washington Post and the New York Times, Sergey Kislyak discussed with Trump's son-in-law the possibility of installing a secret and secure channel of communication between Moscow and Washington.

"Sunshine candidate" or how Trump is connected to Russian ops

Purely real sector

In early February 2013, a noisy VIP party was held in the Moscow hotel "Ukraine": Sergey Mikhailov, also known as Mihas, the leader of the legendary Solntsevskaya YPG, celebrated his 55th birthday. "For the guests - there were about 30 of them - a whole floor was reserved. As far as I know, this floor was constantly kept in reserve for Seva Mogilevich, - recalls in an interview one of the guests of the party Dietmar Clodo. "Someone came with wives, and someone with starlets and models. Emin Agalarov, son of Araz Agalarov, Michas's sidekick, sang for the guests."

According to Dietmar Claude, who is close to the criminal authority Semyon Mogilevich (more on Claudelo is here), during this party there were also business negotiations: "There were two Americans at the party, whose names I do not know. However, they discussed the construction of Trump Tower in Moscow and Kazakhstan. Micha and Avera <Victor Averin, the authority of the Solntsevsky YPG >, wanted to participate in the project.

It is no accident that Michya celebrated his birthday on the floor, which was filmed for Mogilevich. Back in 1996, the FBI put Mogilevich on the wanted list for money laundering. And as we now know, this laundering wasn't happening without the help of Donald Trump.

For example, back in 1984, an immigrant from Russia, David Bogatin bought five luxury condominiums in Trump Tower in New York for $6 million, becoming a neighbor of Sophia Loren and Steven Spielberg. On that occasion, Trump was personally present at the signing of the contract.

The origin of the huge funds was unclear. Just three years later, Bogatin was found guilty of money laundering and tax evasion, and the apartments were seized in order to pay the fine. Bogatin's activities were examined at a Senate hearing in the United States in 1996. It talked about his work for the organization of criminal authority Semyon Mogilevich. David Bogatin's connection with Mogilevich can also be verified by open sources. In a rare interview with the BBC in 1999, Semyon Mogilevich himself admitted that he had established YBM Magnex in the United States, but quickly passed it on to other shareholders. The official Pennsylvania register lists the new director, Jacob Bogatin, brother of David Bogatin.

Sunshine felt at Trump Tower literally at home. The famous thief-in-law Japonchik (Vyacheslav Ivankov), killed in 2009 in Moscow, in the 90s was active criminal activity in New York. The FBI hunted him for a long time until he was found in Trump Tower, where he appeared to have his own apartment. In a 2016 report by the Spanish Civil Guard on the Solntsevsky YPG, which was in the possession of the source, citing the FBI and other sources, "Ivankov maintained frequent, almost weekly telephone contact with Mikhailov (Mihas), and both discussed joint projects and events in the criminal world."

From the Civil Guard report on the investigation in the case 1178/2016 on the Solntsevsky YPG: "At present, MIKHAY continues to play an important role in the scene of Russian organized crime. Despite the fact that he no longer actively participates in conventional criminal operations, he is still responsible for the strategic direction of the Solntsev group. This YPG continues to be involved in illegal activities such as drug trafficking, money laundering and human trafficking."

In September 2017, 26 people were detained in Marbella, Spain, including Alexander Greenberg and Arnold Tamm (Spivakovsky). They were released on bail in January and February 2018. They are charged, among other things, with laundering dirty money through the Spanish company "Water of Mihas" ("Mihas" means not only "Sergei Mikhailov" but also the name of the mountain in Spain). A joint photo of Mogilevich, Michasov, Averin and Gafur Rakhimov was found in Spivakovsky's mobile phone. The file was created on August 10, 2017. Gafur Rakhimov, originally from Uzbekistan, is wanted in the United States for heroin trafficking; and in February 2014, the U.S. included in the list of sanctions treasury State Duma deputy (and relative of Ramzan Kadyrov) Adam Delimkhanov - as close to Ghafoor.

From 1984 to the present day, a total of 13 criminal authorities associated with the Solntsevsky YPG and its partner criminal organizations had real estate in Trump Tower in New York or other Trump buildings. The main buyers of real estate were clients from Azerbaijan, Russia and Kazakhstan. Most of the apartments are owned by offshore companies that do not disclose their owners.

Earlier in the investigations into Trump's ties to Russia, Mogilevich's name came up mostly in conjunction with Trump's campaign manager, Paul Manafort. In the indictment brought by prosecutor Robert Mueller on October 27, 2017, Manafort is named as a beneficiary of the Cypriot company Lucicle Consultants Limited, which received millions of dollars from the Ukrainian MP Ivan Fursin. Ivan Fursin, in turn, according to the dossier of the Austrian police No. 1 9771781/1-II/BK31030 BK (2005-2006), available to the source, is a man from the team of Ukrainian businessman Dmitry Firtash and is a member of the organization of Semyon Mogilevich.

The source compared the reports of the Italian and Austrian police, Swiss counterintelligence, the Spanish Civil Guard, the FBI investigations, as well as the testimony of a former Mossad employee and open source data, and found that Trump's ties to the Solntsev YPG and its close structures are much broader than previously thought.

Agalarov and his friends

It was never a secret that Trump is linked to Emin Agalarov, who is positioning himself as a singer, and his father, billionaire Araz Agalarov. According to the official version, Trump and Agalarov were introduced to Miss Universe 2012, when Emin filmed a music video with her (in the end, The video starred Trump himself). And it was the son of Mihas's "crony friend" Emin Agalarov who was the man who organized the notorious meeting of the Trump campaign with the lawyer Veselnitskaya, where she had to offer some dirt on Hillary Clinton .

Trump and Agalarov, 2013

Because of the investigation into the collusion, Agalarov is discussed more often in the context of their ties to the Kremlin, leaving unattended contacts with the underworld. Araz Agalarov, the owner of Crocus, was known to criminal circles before. Thus, in 2006, In a car registered to the co-founder of "Crocus" Rail Seinalov, Azerbaijani criminal authority Hikmet Mukhtarov was shot. Crocus's press office could not be reached for comment at the time. According to some reports, Vyacheslav Ivankov - Japonchik (the same one who was detained in Trump Tower) was present at the funeral of Hikmet's authority in Azerbaijan. In turn, when in 2009 the Japanese man himself was shot dead, Azerbaijani criminal authority Mammad Masallinsky was seen at his funeral.

Emin Akhmedbekov, a former Azerbaijani police officer who became a political refugee in France, said: "I worked for the police for 18 years. After I filed a complaint with the ECHR against President Aliyev, I was imprisoned on trumped-up charges. Two criminal authorities sat with me, who told me that in the early 90's the group hikmet, a thief in law, guarded Agalarov and his family. In the 90's it was impossible to work without the criminal world. Hikmet had 500 athletes. As far as I understand, Agalarov allocated a certain amount of money to the thief's dorm, and in return they provided security to him, his wife, son and so on. Then the thieves became businessmen."

The Miss Universe pageant in Moscow, which Agalarov organized with Trump, also turned out to be very peculiar. It is only necessary to list the main guests of this event.

One of them was Alimzhan Tokhtahunov (Taiwanchik), who was among the top ten persons wanted by the FBI. In 2011-2013, the FBI tapped the headquarters of the so-called Nahamad-Taiwanchik-Trincher Organization in Trump Tower, located three floors below Donald Trump's penthouse. The organization was suspected of money laundering by organizing illegal gambling. Helly Nahmad is the son of david Nahmad, a billionaire monegasque of Lebanese origin. He pleaded guilty. In the U.S., Helly Nahamad was sentenced to a large fine and a year in prison, an investigation into large-scale money laundering is underway in Switzerland. In 2013, Taiwanchik gave an interview to Radio Liberty in central Moscow in a luxury restaurant, where he had time to say hello to oligarchs and pop stars. He said he "called (Vadim Trinchier and Anatoly Golubchik- other suspects) and made bets," but "it's not forbidden in Russia." In 2014, Vadim Trincher was sentenced by a U.S. court to five years in prison for racketeering, extortion, organizing illegal gambling and money laundering. Another member of the same group, Anatoly Golubchik, 57, also a native of the USSR, was also sentenced to prison. According to investigators, the criminal group, which they were part of, managed to legalize about $100 million: in particular, the laundered funds were returned back to the U.S. through Ukraine. According to the FBI report, as well as the indictment of the prosecutor's office in Bologna, Italy of 2001 (one of the accused is Tokhtahunov himself), Taevanchik had close ties with the Solntsevskaya YPG.

Another guest of honor Agalarov was the head of the Presidential Administration Vladimir Kozhin. Much can be said about him, but it is enough to mention only that his signature is under the document on the construction of the "Putin's Palace" on the Cape Idokopas, despite the fact that formally this palace belonged to the company, whose head was strangely Jurg Visman, known as a lawyer of the Tambov opg. (And the leader of this YPG - Gennady Petrov - by a surprising coincidence was Kozhin's neighbor on an elite house on Stone Island in St. Petersburg).

It is also curious that Agalarov organized an honorary dinner after the Miss Universe pageant together with Herman Gref. On the wiretaps of conversations made by the Spanish investigation in the case of Gennady Petrov, Gref's name pops up repeatedly. For example, Petrov's son Anton asks his father to talk to (Vladislav) Reznik, because "Mihas creates <yvestry shops in this sphere> problems through Herman," reads the transcript of the wiretaps. Sergey Dozhev, one of those detained in the case of the Solntsev group in Spain in 2017, during interrogation, using the right to the last word, said that Spanish investigators do not understand who is the real mafia in Russia.

Some members of the Solntsevsky YPG consider Sechin and Gref to be a "real mafia"

Another guest of honor of the Miss Universe pageant, satirist Vladimir Vinokur, is also no stranger to the Solntsevskaya YPG. For example, in 1992 Vinokour, together with Averin, Mjas, Monia Elson, Japonchik and other members of the YPG, participated in a meeting in Budapest with Mogilevich. In any case, this is stated in the indictment of the Italian prosecutor's office in the case of Taiwanchik. (Read more about Vinokur and Kozhin in the article "Alexei Uchitel took out $1 million in a bag."

Agalarov's connection with people previously suspected of criminal activity can be traced in the United States itself.

Araz's wife Irina Agalarov still lives in the United States, and only comes to Moscow. On her Instagram, she most often posts photos from Palm Beach in Florida and New York. Officially, she had a beauty salon in the U.S., but now she does not do business. Agalarov's daughter Sheila also lives in the United States.

In 2005, in Florida, as the source found out, was registered enterprise "AO Crocus International, LLC", whose directors are named Irada and Michael Schwarzman (it existed until 2012). Irada Schwarzman (nee Mammadov) points out his birthplace in Baku on social media. Mikhail (Michael) Schwarzman has many friends from Baku, as well as Igor Ushakov, a Moscow employee of Crocus, so it seems that this enterprise is related to "Crocus" Araz Agalarov (the press service of Crocus City in Moscow did not respond to the relevant request). Today, Michael Schwarzman is registered with several dozen companies in Florida, including Konkretno LLC. At the same time, Michael Schwarzman's friends in social networks is a native of Odessa Semyon (Sam) Kislin. This man deserves a separate description.

Odessa gentlemen: how criminally-linked Jewish emigrants invested in Trump

Director of Trans Comodities Sam Kislin (born 1935 in Odessa) started with an electronics store in Manhattan. The store was a favorite place of Soviet diplomats, KGB agents and members of the Politburo. In 1976, Kislin and his partner, another Soviet immigrant, Tamir Sapir (Teymuraz Sepiashvili of a family of Georgian Jews), managed to sell 200 television sets to the Trump Commodore Hotel on credit for 30 days. Sam Kislin praised Trump for the money he paid in time. The TV was not limited to the case. Sapir teamed up with two other Jewish immigrants from the USSR, Felix Sater and Tevfik Arif, and invested in the Trump SoHo project, which includes a hotel and apartment complex in Manhattan. Trump soon entered into a partnership with the development company Bayrock-Sapir, which was headed by the same trio.

Tamir Sapir (centre)

All four Jewish emigrants from the USSR - Kislin, Sater, Sapir and Arif - were directly or indirectly associated with organized crime.

Tevfiq Arif was arrested in 2010 during a police search in Turkey and accused of running an international criminal network employing underage prostitutes. However, the case never came to court.

The FBI linked Sam Kislin to Ivankov (Japanese) and brothers Mikhail and Leo Cherny (Izmaylovskaya OPG). Trans Commodities Kislin together with Blonde Management Corp. (another New York company run by Kislin's nephew) co-sponsored the visa of Anton Malevsky, the leader of the Izmaylovsk OPG, and also served to pump money by Mikhail Cherny (Kislin did not deny the partnership with Cherny, and Malevsky allegedly heard nothing).

Felix Sater - he owned most of Bayrock-Sapir - the most charismatic of these figures. His father was Michael Schaeferovsky, the head of the New York-based criminal gang of racketeers and extortionists, part of the Mgilevich syndicate. Sater himself, apparently, was actively involved in the case of his father: in 1991 he was convicted of cutting the face of a businessman with a broken glass. In 1993, he was released from prison and engaged in securities fraud. And in 1999, Felix Sater moved to the floor above and began working directly for Trump - in the next 10 years he will be his personal assistant.

Could Trump not have known that Sater was directly involved with The Mogilevich gang and fraudulent schemes? Well, what he probably didn't know was that a year before Trump came to trump, Sater had already been arrested for $40 million in fraud, pleaded guilty, surrendered his accomplices, and became an FBI informant. And that in another year will be arrested and Schaeferovsky himself.

Significantly, when Sater's conviction became public in 2007, he did not lose his position as an adviser to Trump.

Felix Sater (right)

Mogilevich's associate, German citizen Dietmar Claudeau (and former RAF fighter; managed to serve 8.5 years in a Hungarian prison for making a bomb) confirmed: "Felix Sater of Bayrock counted Seva Mogilevich, Mihas and Japonchik to his friends. Sater was Seva's shames when he was in the U.S. <shames of the Jews - responsible for the administrative and economic activities of the synagogue >." It is curious that Claudeau himself does not speak Russian, but this did not prevent him from communicating with Mogilevich - they were talking in Yiddish. It is also absolutely certain that Dietmar Claude was a man from his circle. It is possible that he was back in the back of his sentence after serving time in prison."

It is possible that Sater helped organize the same meeting of Trump representatives with Movich and Mogilevich in the hotel "Ukraine" described above. Since 1987, Donald Trump has tried five times to build Trump Tower in the Soviet Union and Russia, but it was Felix Sater who was closest to the task. In 2008, when Sater was still working for Trump (at least until 2010, he presented himself as his adviser and handed out relevant business cards), he joined the board of The Mirax Group of Sergei Polonsky. Sater did not have time to negotiate with Mirax to build Trump Tower in Moscow City - Mirax collapsed in 2010 - but sather met one of Mirax Group's top managers, Andrei Pink, who soon set up his company Expert.

On October 28, 2015, Trump signed a declaration of intent with the Russian company I.C. Expert Investment Co., which planned that the Russian company would pay Trump for the use of his brand in the construction of Trump Tower in Moscow.

"Our boy (Trump) can become president of the United States, we can organize it, I'll sell this idea to the entire Putin team," Sater wrote to Donald Trump's lawyer Michael Cohen in November 2015. Sater also convinced Cohen that the Trump Tower project would help improve relations between the countries.

Shortly thereafter, Trump's lawyer Michael Cohen wrote a letter to the press secretary of the Russian president, Dmitry Peskov, asking for support for the project. Peskov later stated that he had received the letter, but allegedly did not respond to it. It is curious that Sater in his letters admitted that he received funding for Trump Tower from VTB Bank (later the head of VTB Kostin denied this), and was going to show his contacts in Moscow a video where Trump speaks well of Russia, and then somehow organize all so that Putin praises Trump's entrepreneurial talents. Sater was confident that this would help Trump win the election.

 In the meantime, Special Prosecutor Mueller finds out to what extent Sater really managed to realize his plans, the FBI became interested in another story about Russian interference in the elections - as well, as a source found out, connected with a crime boss with Odessa roots.

 Torshin and his friends

 In February, it became known that the FBI was investigating whether the funds of the National Rifle Association, of which the deputy chairman of the Bank of Russia Alexander Torshin is a member, was illegally used to finance Trump's election campaign. It is known that in 2016, at one of the organization's events, he spoke with the eldest son of the current President Trump.

 Spanish law enforcement agencies consider Torshin a member of the Taganskaya organized criminal group. In 2016, his representative, Alexander Romanov, who owned the Mar y Pins hotel in Mallorca, was sentenced to confiscation of property and two years in prison for money laundering. It was reported about the intentions of prosecutors to arrest Torshin himself - based on the data of Romanov's telephone wiretaps - but Torshin stopped visiting the island. According to a source in the investigation team in Mallorca, “in the summer of 2015, a meeting of thieves in law took place at the Romanov hotel, which was de facto controlled by Torshin. According to some reports, it was on the occasion of Yevgeny Dvoskin's birthday. " Dvoskin (née Slusker) is a banker who was arrested in Monaco at the request of the FBI in 2008. In the 1970s, he emigrated from Odessa with his parents to the United States. He was imprisoned several times for extortion, in prison he met Yaponchik. He was detained with a forged passport and expelled from the United States, settling again in Russia (he himself claimed that he "left the United States of his own free will"). Now he is engaged in banking activities in the Crimea.

Alexandra Torshin (centre) is considered by Spanish law enforcement agencies to be a Tagan YPG

It should be noted that the Jewish-Soviet emigration in the person of Kislin and the people of Mogilevich and Japonchik actively sought to participate in the political life of the United States for quite a long time. For example, Sam Kislin helped Giuliani run a fundraising in 1998 that brought in $2.1 million to run for the Senate. At the same time, in 1996 and 1997, Mogilevich's company YBM Magnex made donations to the National Republican Committee of Congress. The fact that their candidate could be their business partner Donald Trump, then, most likely, no one could have dreamed.

But back to TV salesman Tamir Sapir. His role in bringing Trump closer to Russian criminal circles is less well known, but no less significant.

Kushner and his friends

In 2007, Trump arranged for the wedding of his daughter Tamir Sapir and Rotem Rosen, CEO of the American subsidiary of Africa-Israel, owned by Lev Levayev. The wedding took place at Trump's Mar-a-Lago residence in Palm Beach. Just a few months after the ceremony, Levayev met with Trump to discuss potential deals in Moscow. The wedding was attended by Jared Kushner, Ivanka Trump's future husband and, like Levayev, an orthodox Jew (which may have helped them find common ground). Kushner later bought a house from Levayev for $300 million and married Ivanka Trump in 2009.

Lev Levayev (Leviev) is mentioned in the above dossier of the Austrian police as "the man of Mikhail Chernykh" (Izmaylovskaya YPG). At the same time, Levayev appears in the deal, which involved the company Nordex Grigory Luchansky (Luchansky - another famous Jewish immigrant, suspected of money laundering on a large scale in several countries). In turn, the Spanish Civil Guard believes that Solntsevskaya is cooperating with Mikhail Cherny, as stated in the report on Solntsevskaya (2016) as part of the case of Arnold Tamm. But what is particularly interesting is That Levayev is a business partner of Prevezon Holdings (the company of Denis Katsyv, who is being tried by Magnitsky as guilty of money laundering). It was this company that was represented by lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya at a meeting with Kushner and the Trump campaign staff, where she offered "compromise on Hillary Clinton" and asked to repeal the Magnitsky Act.In Israel, the name of Lev Levayev hit the press in 2011, when the bank Hapoalim demanded that he contribute 600 million shekels to the debt repayment. In the same bank opened accounts of offshore companies Denis and Petr Katsyva, and the Israeli police launched an investigation into money laundering, but the case ended in a peace agreement.

Vladimir Putin's shadow

Why did Mogilevich and the Solntsevskaya YPG become so closely associated with Trump? This is partly a natural link, as the new York real estate development market has always been closely associated with the mafia, and Trump has never tried to avoid such connections. But maybe that's not the only thing. Mogilevich has repeatedly been used by the Kremlin for special assignments in piquant foreign policy matters.

For example, the media has already written how Mogilevich's video comment on Hungarian leader Viktor Orban helped the Kremlin turn him from a fighter with Russia into a loyal ally of Putin (read more about this in the article "The suitcase from the Suns: Putin has a video commentary on the leader of Hungary?").

Another example is the registered company RosUkrEnergo, which in 2004 became an intermediary in gas trade from Russia to Ukraine. Neither the Government of Yanukovych nor Putin's government could give clear explanations of why gas trade requires an intermediary earning billions of dollars a year from nothing. On the Russian side, the shareholder of RUE was Gazprombank (at that time controlled by the same bank "Russia", that is, the closest entourage of Vladimir Putin), from the Ukrainian - the people of Mogilevich (Firtash and Fursin). After the Orange Revolution, the new head of the SBU, Alexander Turchynov, confirmed that, according to his information, it was Semyon Mogilevich who was behind the RUE. It is also significant that in the SBU there was a dossier on Mogilevich, which was destroyed under mysterious circumstances, and then partially restored. At the same time, it is important to understand that the agreement on gas supplies to Ukraine was intergovernmental, which means that the participation of one of the key figures of the Solntsevsky YPG could not but be agreed at the highest state level. According to some reports, Mogilevich personally attended the Russian-Ukrainian gas talks.

It is not only Mogilevich who has a direct connection with the Russian leadership. For example, Micha boasted of a reward watch from Vladimir Putin. Formally - for charity. However, many people in Russia are engaged in charity work, and the award clock from the president receives a few.

The questions about ties with the state, or rather, with the Russian/Soviet special services, arise about the "Odessy gentlemen" who settled in the United States. The report of the Swiss counterintelligence "Cooperation of the FSB and the YPG" from 2007 states that Jewish emigrants from the USSR cooperated not only with crime, but also with the KGB. Emigration began in the 1970s, and Mogilevich is just one known example quoted in the report. The special service assumes that it was a systemic practice of helping to withdraw funds from Russian crime and theft of state property to the West. Some of those leaving on the Jewish line were KGB officers, according to the report. The incredible success story of Kislin and Sapir, who not only opened a luxury store on Fifth Avenue in New York, but also managed to conduct barter transactions, exchanging electronics for contracts for oil and petrochemical products from the USSR, and then sold these contracts to American companies. Given that only the state traded oil in the USSR, such operations would not have been possible without good ties with the Soviet leadership. The same goes for Araz Agalarov. In 1989, Araz Agalarov founded the "Soviet-American" company Crocus International.

The identity of the American co-founder is mysterious. Based on the official version presented by Agalarov himself, his partner was his son-in-law Joseph Grill. Agalarov does not explain which of the two of them acted as the "American side". Most likely, it was Grill, who could leave the USSR on the so-called "Jewish visa". Joseph Grill is a Jewish activist and founder of the Jewish Encyclopedia.

Officially, the company was engaged in the sale of Soviet souvenirs in the United States. "The joint venture required a presence in the U.S., and "the family later decides to move permanently to America," according to Agalarov's official biography.

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