The question is the void, the question in the concrete Berlin Wall 2021 . 

The question is the void, the question in the concrete Berlin Wall 2021 . 

the mAGaziNe 'ObVIoUSly increDIblE'

The patent for coronavirus belongs to the U.S. government. 

Co-founder-10T Holdings (2020), DTAP Capital (2004-), Gold Bullion Int. (2009-) AGCOA (2007) Dan Tapierro.

The Washington Post

"We unequivocally condemn any action by China to expel American journalists. The decision of the Chinese Government is particularly regrettable because it was taken at the height of an unprecedented global crisis, when clear and reliable information on the international response to COVID19 is needed. The severe restriction of the flow of this information, which China is now seeking, only makes the situation worse." Marty Baron, Editor-in-Chief. We have long stated that a physical leak of the virus through Wuhan's laboratory is impossible. That's. In Wuhan, the "Level 4 Biosecurity Laboratory (or BSL-4) is internationally classified." The highest level of biocontrol: its criteria include air filtration, waste management, which allowed experts to state that the control system on the "fourth level" guarantee 100% protection from leaks. 

"BSL-4 facilities are fantastically expensive to build and operate," which "ensures maximum safety of biomedical research," explains molecular biologist and biosecurity specialist Richard Ebrait of Rutgers University in Piscataway, New Jersey.

Virus leakage is possible only in the case of a deliberate operation of special services, which would be able to obtain access codes. One researcher or a group of scientists can't do it by accident or purpose, even if they want to.

The editorial is formulating the question of the White House administration! 

Why is the culprit of this tragedy sought outside the United States 🇺🇸? 

We have noticed behind the previous U.S. administration the futile search for the culprit in China. Not only noticed, but also said: - not there look! 

Here's 👇sor it's urgent to get 👇

On June 23, 2015, the U.S. Department of Justice filed a patent application for the invention of the Pirbrait Institute (Surrey), England, Surrey. 

№ 10.130.701

"a live attenuated coronavirus containing a variant of the res atlas gene encoding polyproteins containing a mutation in one or more non-structural proteins (s) (nsp)-10, nsp-14, nsp-15 or nsp-16." And on November 20, 2018, this patent was granted to the Pirbrait Institute for a ready-made "invention."

The beneficiary and sponsor of this project has been documented by Bill Gates, who is actively involved in vaccine development programs to reduce the world's population. Coronavirus is another fascination with maniac and a link in the actions of the supranational world elite. 

Molecular biologists have seen structural details similar to 2019-nCoV in the electron microscopic image of the "English invention." This pathogen may well be used and used as a biological weapon, which we have been shouting about for a long time. 

Two years before the Covid-19 entered the world stage, the European Union, the United States, China and other countries suddenly began exporting tens of millions of Covid-19 testing kits. In 2017, Dr. Seer Fauci guaranteed a sudden outbreak of infectious disease during the first term of the Trump administration. Right before the coronavirus outbreak, Bill Gates organized a global exercise on the coronavirus pandemic: Event201. In 2018, the Institute of Disease Modeling announced a global influenza virus pandemic in China's Wuhan region. In 2018, Bill and Melinda Gates announced that there will be a global pandemic of the artificial virus in the coming years. Dr. Carrie Madei has spent decades studying DNA and vaccines and says the plan is to use the Covid-19 vaccine to trigger the process of transhumanism: reprogram human DNA. 

CIA officer Dr. John Coleman has studied secret societies and says their goal is to depopulate the earth through organized pandemics of deadly fast-acting diseases. In Georgia, a huge monument with ten guidelines for humanity in eight languages was erected in 1980. The first of these Ten Commandments is that humanity must be reduced to half a billion people. 

Bill Gates said during a TED talk that new vaccines could reduce the world's population by 10-15%. "Health Ranger" Mike Adams many years ago predicted what we are seeing now: the release of modified biological weapons, followed by a mandate for a vaccine, massive public funding for the vaccine industry and a vaccine that is being developed in record time. He also predicted that this vaccine would kill countless people within a couple of years. In 2010, the Rockefeller Foundation published Scenario for the Future... in which it described an impending global pandemic that would lead to authoritarian control over people, which would then intensify after the pandemic. In 2020, they will issue a guide to creating this world of control with step-by-step guidance. They say that life cannot return to normal life until the world is "closed" under authoritarian governments. We see with our eyes, hear with our ears, feel the skin and other parts of the body a totalitarian revolution and capture control in unprecedented ways, using vaccine identifiers, microchips, which will be implanted to people, requiring the wearing of face masks, social distancing, forced blocking, extreme contact tracking. and so on.

Why did we choose you? 

 The question is the void, the question in the concrete Berlin Wall 2021 . 

Trump said Democratic spokesman Al Green said, "We can't beat him, so we have to impeach him."

 The facts First: Trump at least slightly exaggerated Green's comments. Green said the following in May: “I am concerned that if we do not impeach this president, he will be re-elected.” In September, when Trump previously claimed that Green said “We cannot” defeat Trump without impeachment, Green told CNN: "I never said that we cannot defeat the president."

 CNN channel

 The story of Van Jones

 Trump repeated the previous false story twice about CNN host Van Jones. He said that Jones asked him to help with criminal justice reform, but then, after Trump signed the criminal justice reform bill, Jones then gave an appeal, broadcast on MSNBC, in which Jones thanked Reverend Al Sharpton and others for the bill, but never thanked Trump. (In one of two new versions of the story, Trump said that Jones was "actually in tears" when he asked Trump for help with justice reform.)

 The Facts First: Besides Jones actually seeking Trump's help with criminal justice reform, Trump's story is fictional.

 Jones is a CNN presenter who does not make speeches on MSNBC. Jones used to give Trump credit for the justice reform bill, and he says he never gave an address in which he thanked Sharpton for it, not Trump. Jones also says he never cried when he spoke to Trump about criminal justice reform. ("100 percent fantasy," Jones said in a text message.)

 Jones says Trump may have confused him with entertainer John Legend, who did serve on MSNBC's mayor's office on justice reform. You can read the full fact check here.

 CNN cameras

 At two rallies, Trump called CNN "fake news" and then claimed that CNN turned off its camera at the rally immediately after it did.

 The Facts First: CNN photojournalists at Trump rallies don't turn off their cameras when Trump criticizes CNN. In addition, no CNN light suddenly went out as Trump criticized CNN on either of these occasions: CNN photojournalists at Trump rallies have "counting" lights on their cameras set permanently off. This false claim is a regular part of Trump's rally repertoire.

 Russian investigation

 Robert Mueller's 2017 meeting with Trump

 Trump argued: "Even Mueller's statement in Congress that he did not see me to become the FBI director (again) turned out to be false."

 The Facts First: It was not proven that Mueller was looking for a job as an FBI director when he met Trump in May 2017. Mueller's testimony to Congress - that he met Trump because he was asked for advice on the vacant FBI director position, not because he was looking for work again - was confirmed by Trump's former senior aide Steve Bannon. You can read a longer fact check here.

 James Comey

 Trump claimed to have "caught the dirty cop on top" of the FBI, former FBI Director James Comey.

 The Facts First: We give Trump broad freedom to voice opinions about public figures, but there is no evidence that Comey was “dirty.” The December report by Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz provided no evidence that Comey was corrupt Horowitz discovered significant errors in the FBI's work related to the Russian investigation and rejected Comey's claim for damages, but he did not draw any conclusions accusing Comey of willful malfeasance.

 The legality of the Mueller investigation

 On occasion, Trump has argued that "the entire Mueller investigation was unlawfully established" and that it was "unlawfully initiated."

 The facts First: Mueller's investigation was not illegal. Numerous federal courts have confirmed the legality of Mueller's appointment and approved his actions. Horowitz conducted an exhaustive review and determined in a report released in December that the FBI had a legal basis for opening a Russian investigation in July 2016, prior to Mueller's appointment in May 2017, although his report also criticized some FBI officials for the way they handled other aspects of the investigation.

 Trump's past position on the Iraq war

 Trump reiterated his statement that he opposed the invasion of Iraq.

 The facts First: Trump did not publicly oppose the invasion until it started. Trump tentatively supported the war when radio host Howard Stern asked him in September 2002, "Are you in favor of invading Iraq? He replied," Yes, I guess. Wish it was done right the first time. "You can read the full fact check here.


And now the question: Are you capable of not loving your President like that ? 

Excerpt from the novel 

'The Dog's Heart' 

"From a completely uninterested economic point of view, COVID-19 may even be moderately beneficial in the long run by disproportionately selecting older dependents," Telegraph journalist Jeremy Worner wrote in an article, also using the word "cull" in relation to the elderly.

Later, after the reaction of those who culled coronavirus which he thought was a boon, he had to give explanations.

Jeremy Warner Assistant Editor March 4, 2020 10:39 a.m.

On reflection, I decided that I shouldn't have used the word "cull." But I don't regret the economic point of view that I was trying to describe. Any thinning of those who are mostly of working age is a much greater shock than the same among older retirees. Obviously, for those who have suffered, it is a human tragedy regardless of age, but it is a text about the economy, not about the amount of human suffering 👇


The Trilateral Commission originated from Bilderbergers Bilderbergers when one of its main members, David Rockefeller of Esso or Standard Oil came into conflict with one of its fellows on whether to include Japan in the club. After reading the 1970 book "Between Two Ages," David Rockefeller lured the writer, Professor Brzezinski, to the Bilderberg Club. Thus, aside from Columbia University, he became Chairman and Co-founder of the Trilateral Commission in 1973. Brzezinski, who went on to inspire Jimmy Carter's new foreign and national security career, is still a recognized guru of politics, as all liberal media say today. Using the same principles of collectivist thinking, purpose and premise as in the creation of the Council on Foreign Relations, the Council on Foreign Relations or CFR, Rockefeller financed and created the New York-based Trilateral Commission, led by Brzezinski, as its intellectual architect, as Brzezinski described in his book.

The Editorial section is very easy to use. In the field you have proposed, it is enough to enter the right word, and we will fulfill your wish with any list of values. I would like to note that we provide the full range of culling in any way you wish. You can also get to know examples of the use of the word you have entered.

The word "666, for example." 


1. Combating defective parts

Procedure in OTC (our product quality control department) 

2. Recognition is unfit because of a flaw in something; 

The process of weeding out non-end products and disposing of waste. 

Well, if someone with a sandwich 🥪 is so interesting to know, it is a switching tester CT-1 for culling gas-light tubes on a special TU (technical recycling conditions). 

Discipline, cull, partial death - it was no less important than a reasonable selection of members of the pack.

After a year or two and an appropriate cull, these teams turned into blunt creatures that were unlikely to split.

For security reasons, this rule usually indicates the need to cull all packages that do not meet any of the other rules.

Most likely, they were stolen from a herd in Kerun or Telgar before the spring cull, - such an opinion expressed by Master Briaret, who arrived the next day to help the inquiry.

Maybe it is our work that will lead to the fact that the percentage of culls in sib-groups will be less.

Bulat spent years in the cull, determining which parts of it in combination give the desired.

Our training is very intense, they are designed to cull all but the best candidates.

But I think that cells are symbiosis of precellular structures, and I think that evolution is not just because of culls and stuff, but mainly because one symbiosis turns into another symbiosis.

Ten years ago, the Rockefeller edition published a set of predictions of the Western futurologist 🖕

Planned, large-scale special operation on biological blackmail of the planet and biological attack in the form of all repressive punitive measures of the fascist sense, with the theft of huge financial resources from budgets of all levels, from January 2020 to the present inclusive. Treason and the war crime of the 21st century. Did we say something wrong? Then we go on stage with all our criminal gang and begin to answer our professional questions, posed to specific top-level federal officials during the last three months. We all opened up and see the unmoothed eye of the crime, de facto it was clear to the editorial team back in the spring - summer of 2020, it was clear from the beginning. This is a continuation of the long-established testing of mankind: Ebola, avian influenza and other were previous steps. This time, humanity has bent much more than before. We can say that the previous stages did not give a deformation - the elasticity of civilization was at the proper level. Now the break-up has happened. I think it's not so much the coronavirus (Ebola, I think, more serious disease) but the imposition of other factors and the desire of many players to use the virus for their own purposes. What is the global financial crisis, which against the background of coronavirus remained almost invisible. If it wasn't for the virus, toilet paper would have been bought up much faster.

Author on stage ! We expect all the authors of the criminal coven to enter the stage. You have made a very strong step towards the sixth lady and gentlemen, hiding behind a neo-Marx shaved naked, named Klaus 🤶 with his mountain air and the fourth revolution there in Davos with a full sell-out of all the main figures. Sixth way of life is the figure, the abolition of money 💵, robots, confiscation of property through bankruptcy. It's very clear to us in your press release. All massively go to the distance: work and study. These are remote platforms, courses, robotic delivery, autopilots, etc. Now and so the whole world has taken over platforms - if you do not roll back the money for advertising either Google, or Facebook-Instagram, or Amazon, or "Ali-baba" or at the worst end of the Editorial, then you are not. There's no longer life outside the numbers. Now, under the fear of transmitting language mutations in the screen, the virus

cancel the cash. Again, payment systems benefit. Whatever anyone else does - all through platforms, personal contact will soon not be needed at all, and this state will be not only convenient, but also internally comfortable from the position of total control of everything and everything. We understand everything, maybe your children have inspired you to this? They, because of certain processes, clearly on shine to change you as before changed brothers, fathers and children, husband - wife, the attempt did not pass. Your concern is understandable to us. But your relatives do not stand in our plans for future thrones and the fate of the planet in our hands . Dudes, you rams messed up, it looks like! 

Given offered, came out on good and surrendered. Or should we shake you out of there? 

"But let me, how did he serve in the cleanup? 

He was just shown which button to press, there's only a button behind works . 

"Rock Eggs" and "The Dog's Heart" - a narrative - a warning ⚠️, the authors warn of the dangers of any scientific experiment associated with a violent attempt to change human nature, its biological appearance.

The postscript of the material is dedicated to Madonna Louise Ciccone . 





"My journey continues in quarantine in honor and respect of the mysterious virus hanging over the city and my house, confusing us all. What is the universe trying to tell us? We have largely lived in isolation, but thanks to technology we are in self-isolation....

Typewriter brand - Corona ... Letters make me feel alive," Louise said. Honey, why didn't you have a phone or a computer around your neck? And what strange darkness is characteristic of those Instagram posts? 

We have the impression that the typewriters were given to you, you and Hanks, so that you could not self-destruary to avoid a leak of arrest, and their typewritten texts were thoroughly checked before publication, scanned by some feinreader, and after that published on Instagram, in order to create the appearance that nothing is happening to successfully sweep under the show business and Hollywood. And Trump didn't pick you by accident, it's a fuck-up at the Women's March. He's vindictive, we know. Sorry, honey, we couldn't help you then. You're free, go out and say whatever you want. 

Although maybe it's just our favorite hallucinations and fantasies? 

❤️ ℰ𝒹𝓂ℴ𝓃𝒹 𝒟𝒶𝓃𝓉ℯ𝓈 .

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